
Chapter 86: Succabus (+18 Sex scene)


The footsteps of walking down the long corridor echoed in the elegant palace. Behind him walked dozens of advisors and Lord Jülgen. 

Jülgen is a very handsome man with purple hair falling down his back, tall and hazel eyes. A cape flowed down his back and 3 golden chains held the cape to Jülgen's shoulders.

Lord Jülgen's bored look continued as his advisors continued to insist on telling him something. The lord calmly stopped and sighed.

"I wanted to vacation in my harem today! Now fuck off!" 

Seeing Jülgen's angry expression, the advisors ran away like a mouse seeing a cat, while Jülgen sighed and patted his head. "I can't understand how these idiots are considered the intellectual class! Useless bastards."

Jülgen's eyes sparkled with mockery as he relaxed. A grin tugged at his lips. "These mortals' troubles never end. How boring! I don't understand how they don't hate this job."

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