
196 Shell Defense, Perfect Attack

Ye Chen feels significantly improved at this point in the match. Though the injury to his liver is painful, recovery is occurring at a relatively quick pace; in the grand scheme of things, it's not a devastating issue. Still, he has to remain vigilant against Ava's brutal liver punch, a strike known for its ferocity. Should he be struck again in the upcoming round, it's uncertain whether he could endure another blow. "We must adjust our strategy," Ye Chen mumbles under his breath.

Elite boxers possess a unique ability to evaluate the situation, recognizing both their weaknesses and the advantages of their opponents, enabling them to exploit these insights. To put it simply, this is the art of reading the game. Perfection is an illusion; no one ever wins every match. To avoid defeat, one must find a way to employ their technical skills effectively in each bout.

Meanwhile, Ava's coaching staff is in a state of agitation. The head coach, appearing rather aged, gives off an aura of being both bulky and affable. To an onlooker, he might seem like an unassuming figure rather than the mentor of a leading boxing champion. He calmly instructs, "Canelo, slow down your pace... You appear overly aggressive, as if you wish to slay him with every punch. Remember, this is a sport, not a battleground. There's no requirement to exert every ounce of effort all the time. Focus on regaining your rhythm; allow him to make the first move and look for openings in his attack."

At this moment, Ava recalls the punch that knocked him down, the chatter online, and the criticism he faced following his defeat. Yet, he is a top-tier boxer with a high fighting IQ and a realization dawns on him: he had been a bit flustered during the latter part of the first round. "Time to reset," he asserts, locking eyes with his head coach, who responds with an approving nod.

"This is the mindset of a legendary champion. You've yet to showcase many of your skills; it's time for boxing fans to witness your exceptional technique. Sometimes, excitement doesn't necessitate pursuing a knockout; technically dominating Ye Chen could yield the most satisfying outcome for both you and your supporters."

The head coach refrains from rushing into tactical adjustments, firmly believing that Ava's greatest rival lies within himself. Once he conquers his internal struggles, nothing could hold him back from greatness.

However, an intriguing situation unfolds. Numerous boxing enthusiasts begin to notice the elderly man accompanying Ye Chen, mistakenly assuming he is Ye Chen's coach. Curiosity abounds as many wonder about his identity. After all, a fighter of Ye Chen's stature and wealth surely wouldn't hire an unknown individual for guidance. Yet, this person remains a mystery to them.

As the bell rings, Ye Chen rises and strides into the arena with purpose. "Let's go!" his future father-in-law cheers enthusiastically from behind.

Upon entering the ring, Ye Chen instantly thrills the audience. "Philadelphia Shell Defense!" a chorus of cheers erupts. The Philadelphia shell defense, famed for its use by fighters like Mayweather, stands out in the boxing community for its defensive capabilities. While the technique can significantly improve one's odds, it's essential to remember that skill lies in the user. If the stance alone could best Ava, countless opponents would have achieved victory by now.

In essence, the Philadelphia stance boasts a rich lineage. It does not face an opponent head-on but instead maintains a sideways orientation to minimize coverage area for incoming punches. The front hand remains diagonally across the abdomen, effectively guarding against hits to the soft midsection. This approach proves especially beneficial against explosive punchers like Ava. Simultaneously, by keeping the front hand pointed toward the foe and elevating the shoulder, one can effectively block incoming attacks. The rear hand positioned beneath the chin further aids in deflecting punches and uppercuts.

Upon seeing Ye Chen adopt this stance, seasoned fans can't help but recall Mayweather's earlier victory over Ava. "Mayweather! Mayweather! Mayweather!" the crowd chants, directing jeers at the former champion, who is present in the audience. Cameras catch Mayweather clad in trendy attire, complete with a flashy gold chain and a sparkling baseball cap, projecting an image meant to be remembered.

As the footage airs and the audience reacts, Mayweather rises, raising his arms victoriously, a radiant smile gracing his face. He revels, thinking, "I remain the king here; people still remember me."

Ye Chen pays no mind to outside distractions because he knows the Philadelphia stance isn't exclusively his creation—it's been employed by others before him. If his opponent has utilized the stance, there's no reason he can't as well.

Ava, on the other hand, can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. "This sudden shift in stance indicates he's struggling to withstand my lethal body blow...," he thought to himself. Although he acknowledges that this stance can neutralize his famed liver shot, it demands the finesse of a fighter like Mayweather—as for Ye Chen? Ava is skeptical. He believes that switching to an untested and unfamiliar style would not only be futile but could very well backfire. This presents an opening for him.

However, Ava is unaware that Ye Chen has meticulously honed his Philadelphia stance through extensive practice in a virtual simulation. Having engaged in five grueling months of training against opponents like Golovkin and Bivol, Ye Chen is anything but inexperienced. The initial round's apparent struggles stemmed from the unexpected nature of Ava's liver punch, which left little room for adjustment.

With a quick jab, Ava leads off, launching sharp testing punches aimed at Ye Chen. Though they lack considerable weight, their speed is undeniable. Ye Chen, leaning back and raising his left shoulder, adeptly absorbs both punches upon impact. The result leaves Ava taken aback; his initial probing jabs intended to gauge Ye Chen's defensive technique unexpectedly falter.

Not to be deterred, Ava quickly switches tactics, throwing a wild swing toward Ye Chen's face. Sensing the danger, Ye Chen reacts—raising his guard swiftly. With a decisive strike, Ye Chen redirects Ava's punch, smacking away his hand with a sharp "pop." Seizing the opportunity presented by their proximity, Ye Chen's front hand swiftly connects with Ava's abdomen, delivering a thunderous blow. The roar of the crowd echoes fervently.

By the second round, Ye Chen exudes an energy reminiscent of an entirely different fighter. His speed and precision seem to exceed the pace he set in the opening round as he deftly navigates Ava's onslaught and responds with an effective counterattack. Observers are compelled to rethink their initial assessments of Ye Chen's abilities.

Yet, Ava's prowess cannot be dismissed so easily. After deflecting Ye Chen's punch, he retaliates with fierce determination, his left hand landing a formidable hook against Ye Chen's ribs. The resounding impact serves to highlight the power behind Ava's strikes.

"Bang!" The sound of the blow reverberates throughout the arena, soon overlapping with the thud of another hit. Just as Ava executes a powerful strike to the body, Ye Chen simultaneously delivers a straight punch toward Ava's head, landing near the temple. Yet, due to Ava's resilience and the protective stance he assumes, it's not enough to take him down. Over time, it becomes clear that defeating someone as unyielding as Ava requires extraordinary power.

As their combat intensifies, both fighters momentarily separate. Ava, with a sly twist of his neck, assumes a provocative stance, while the audience erupts in cheers. The action that unfolded in that brief exchange encapsulated thrilling excitement, lasting only a mere fraction of time yet brimming with adrenaline. Each fighter showcased their skills, leaving spectators on the edge of their seats.
