
84: Yangshi’s Strong Promotion, The Competition Begins

Ye Chen followed suit, but after the crowd greeted Dana, the prince known as "Ha Mudan" approached him directly. With a handshake gesture and a smile, he said, "Hello, Ye Chen."

Ye Chen was momentarily taken aback. Instead of greeting Dana first, he had chosen to extend his hand to him. After all, he was already quite a notable figure. "Hello, Prince Ha Mudan," Ye Chen replied courteously.

Dana was not surprised by this encounter. Prince Hamudan had sponsored the competition in Abe Zabi not just for business reasons; he had a genuine passion for combat sports. It was no wonder that any fan of the fights would be intrigued by a talented contender like Ye Chen, who boasted impressive skills and an appealing fighting style.

The prince looked mildly astonished to discover that Ye Chen was familiar with his name. However, after taking a moment, he realized that with a savvy boss like Dana beside him, it wasn't surprising that Ye Chen had managed to learn about him. "Hey, I've been following your matches since your fight with Salugian," he said enthusiastically. "I even watched videos of your earlier competitions. Your technique has evolved tremendously, and you seem considerably stronger than I expected."

Ye Chen was pleasantly surprised to learn that the prince was a fan. Nevertheless, he maintained a level of composure, responding, "Thank you for your attention. Islam and I will put on a great match in the coming days in Abe Zabi."

Prince Hamudan smiled broadly. "I've been eagerly looking forward to that bout! By the way, this is your first visit to Abe Zabi, isn't it? We're having a banquet this evening. If you're not busy training, I would be delighted if you could join us."

Ye Chen nodded in agreement. In the past, he felt somewhat like a non-entity who didn't belong in such social settings. Of course, during those times, no one ever invited him to participate in these gatherings. But now, things had changed; he had a promising opportunity in Abe Zabi ahead.

"Let's go, I'll take you back to your hotel for a rest," he said, and soon others were approaching to introduce themselves to Ye Chen. Following a series of brief introductions, Ye Chen realized that he hardly remembered any names. Being from Daxia, it was overwhelming to try to commit so many unfamiliar names to memory in one go.

"Would you like to give it a try?" Prince Hamudan pointed at a stunning golden custom Lamborghini that sparkled in the sunlight.

What man doesn't appreciate beautiful cars alongside beautiful women? The prince exuded warmth, showing no pretense of politeness. "Okay," Ye Chen said, "but I'm not accustomed to the roads here."

"Don't worry! I'll sit in the passenger seat, and just follow the other cars," the prince assured him. Soon, they were buckled in. With a roar of the engine, Ye Chen couldn't resist hitting the gas a couple of times. It was his first experience driving a car like this, and it felt worlds apart from driving a family sedan. The other cars sped off while Prince Hamudan patiently gave him driving tips.

Once they hit the road, the two enjoyed a lively conversation that even touched on how Ye Chen began his journey in fighting.

"Islam is a great person. After your match, perhaps the two of you will become friends. Although I am a big fan of yours, I still hope Islam performs well," Prince Ha Mudan said, his tone refreshingly direct.

Ye Chen appreciated this candor. It was far better than the deceitful conversations he was used to—where people would speak kindly to his face while having ulterior motives. His admiration for Islam was understandable, given their shared beliefs and the latter's popularity in the region.

"He is also the toughest opponent I've met. It wouldn't be a bad thing to be friends after the fight," Ye Chen acknowledged. While he didn't object to making friends, he didn't feel overly enthusiastic either; it was simply an adjustment for him to forge friendships with opponents.

Arriving back at the hotel, the fleet of luxury vehicles drew the attention of numerous onlookers. Given the extensive coverage surrounding the match, Ye Chen and the prince's arrival caused quite a stir. The prince had arranged everything for Ye Chen, even giving special instructions to hotel staff, insistently making sure he would attend the evening's banquet and sending someone to fetch him.

Ye Chen agreed, albeit reluctantly. To be honest, his perception of oil tycoons had shifted drastically with this encounter. Previously, he had only seen superficial portrayals of their lavish lifestyles (luxury cars, yachts, mansions) in Chinese media. Meeting Prince Ha Mudan firsthand revealed a more nuanced side—one that blended sophistication with warmth and wisdom beneath his extravagant exterior.

While the public was often quick to spotlight the negative aspects of wealthy elites, it was clear that individuals like this prince were well-educated and had significant depth, negotiating effectively with foreign business giants rather than being mere narcissists.

As night fell, both Ye Chen and Dana received invitations. True to his word, someone came to pick them up. Although Ye Chen felt disinterested initially, his curiosity piqued when Dana mentioned that Khabib and Makhachev would also be attending.

His mind began turning at the thought of the potential for simulation success—the likelihood of achieving this greatly increased once a competition was on the horizon. Any minor interaction, from a mere passing glance to a casual greeting across the room, could translate into successful simulations. The earlier this happened, the better the opportunity for practice.

Dana informed him that it was a private dinner with only a select few in attendance, free from any media presence. Thus, it wouldn't be unusual for two fighters who often sparred verbally online to meet face to face at a party just before battling it out in the ring.

Upon arriving at the venue, Ye Chen adhered to local customs and donned traditional ethnic attire, which streamlined the process as he opted out of wearing a turban. As he moved upstairs, he unexpectedly confronted a group of six or seven bearded men. Momentarily pausing, both parties hesitated at their sudden encounter.

The opposing group consisted of Khabib, Makhachev, and a pair of Khabib's cousins from his team.

[Simulation of Islam initiated successfully.]

A voice rang in Ye Chen's head, signaling a promising start. There was so much potential in this chance meeting that he had to savor it.

"Hello," Khabib was the first to break the stilted atmosphere, strolling toward Ye Chen. "Those all are simply pre-match antics—you understand that, right?"

Ye Chen nodded, "Of course," he replied. They had crossed paths before, Osalia backstage during a previous match and their initial greeting hadn't culminated in a successful simulation.

Khabib had transitioned into a shrewd businessman, approaching the environment with deftness. At the prince's private gathering, it was wise to recognize every opportunity for dialogue.

Khabib's greeting opened the door as several others chimed in to follow.

[Simulation of Khabib initiated successfully.]

This revelation sparked surprise within Ye Chen as it had been a while since he had successfully simulated someone he hadn't faced in combat yet had engaged with socially. Did the simulation space selectively pick whose characteristics could be replicated?

As the two groups shared nothing more than pleasantries, they organically dispersed to continue their evening.

Upstairs, Khabib remarked, "Ye Chen's condition seems solid; I observed that his eyes didn't waver when I faced him. This will certainly be an intense fight."

There was no denying Khabib's competitive spirit; even the briefest handshake and exchange managed to fuel tensions that had been previously sparked at last night's gathering. Despite the absence of insults or personal attacks, the atmosphere around the match had become electrified, with fans on both sides fiercely debating online.

Media outlets were frantically conducting interviews with both Ye Chen and Makhachev. Dana was flourishing, and PPV sales had soared past a million units—a remarkable figure with weeks still left before the event. With their previous records in mind, it seemed all but certain that this could shatter previous numbers, potentially reaching 1.5 million.

The frenzy escalated when news broke online that Prince Ha Mudan would be awarding an additional supercar valued at over a million dollars to the match winner. It was apparent the prince was not merely splurging; his intentions included inviting both Ye Chen and Islam for various local promotional campaigns.

Ye Chen was thoroughly compensated for that participation, leading to a publicity effort that rivaled his time with Conor McGregor. Yet, the domestic attention was decidedly more robust because Yangshi chose to give him a formal promotion, proactively arranging interviews.

This marked Ye Chen's position as the first fighter from Daxia to ascend to such prominence within the MMA championship. Just as Zhang Weili had sparked a media frenzy upon winning the women's championship belt, Ye Chen was experiencing a similar rise to fame.

In a remote village in northwest Daxia, Ye Chen's family was abuzz with excitement, each member impacted by the myriad of funny, engaging short videos that floated about. They heard chatter of Ye Chen's upcoming interviews via Yangshi Sports Channel, seemingly unaware that he was about to become a household name.

Despite the family's traditionally low-key demeanor, the air was thick with pride as villagers congregated to view the forthcoming broadcast. "It's almost time. I've said all along this kid Xiaochen has a bright future. Look at him now, he's attracting attention!"

"Wow, Xiaochen! Why didn't you tell us about this sooner? If we hadn't stumbled upon that Douyin video, we might never have known."

"Where's the event taking place?" another asked. "I bet it's going down in Kyoto, right?"

"Kyoto? No, it's overseas—some place called Asha..."

"It's starting now, it's starting!"

While Ye Chen's parents typically enjoyed a low-profile existence, the pride in their son's accomplishments beamed brightly. They savored the praise being heaped upon him by friends and relatives.

"Host: 'Hello, viewers! Today's program connects us with Ye Chen, who is currently situated in Abe Zabi. Those unfamiliar with him might not recognize that this young man hails from a rural area in the northwest mountains. Through hard work as a sparring partner in a local boxing gym, he has achieved remarkable success, boasting eight consecutive victories in the UFC, the world's apex of mixed martial arts. Soon, he is set to challenge for the lightweight championship belt, marking the first time a male contender from our country will compete for such a title. Please join me in congratulating Ye Chen on this incredible milestone. Now, let's connect with Ye Chen...'"

Ye Chen's family watched in muted awe.

"The first? Even if he doesn't secure the title, he's made a name for himself!"

"Bringing honor to our family, huh? You must have raised him well, Lao Ye."

"Lao Ye, when did Xiaochen start training in boxing? Didn't he head straight to work in a factory after junior high school?"

Ye Chen's mother sighed, reflecting, "He was doing so well in the factory; we genuinely thought he had been laboring that whole time. He only informed us right before his first match."

Their thoughts mingled; while they cherished their son's growing fame, they also wished for him to have a simpler life back at home. Ye Jianguo, Ye Chen's father, trembled slightly as he gripped his teacup, excitement coursing through him. The sudden rise of his son instilled tremendous pride.

Yet, he maintained composure. "Let's not inflate Xiaochen's ego. We have no idea what the outcome might be. I've heard the champion is formidable—he hasn't lost in seven years and has taken down all the top players globally."

Before he could even finish his thought, the host's screen illuminated, displaying Ye Chen's video window.

"Hello Ye Chen, I'm the host Ma Lu."

The connection had its slight delay, and the host patiently waited for Ye Chen to settle onscreen.

"Hello, Ye Chen! I'm Ma Lu, delighted to virtually connect with you. It should be noon in your time zone, correct?"

"Indeed, it is noon. I appreciate the domestic sports channel giving me the opportunity for this connection," Ye Chen replied earnestly.

"No问题: Could you share how you're feeling at this moment?"

While training hard in a room prepared for him by Prince Hamudan, sweat glistened on his brow. He wiped his forehead before responding, "I'm incredibly excited; UFC is filled with the world's best fighters. Anything can happen inside the ring..."

Back in the living room, Ye Chen's family remained glued to the screen, astonished by his eloquence.

"Xiaochen's come a long way; listen to how great his Mandarin is now. He appears so vibrant too. I've seen countless comments online calling him handsome..."

"Indeed, I noticed many fans are infatuated with him, referring to him as if he's their husband. I don't even know who they are!"

"I hadn't really noticed before, but he's quite the looker, comparable to some of those TV stars," someone remarked, the tone of admiration from the village audience palpable.

"Lao Ye, does Xiaochen have a girlfriend yet? I have a niece over in Hecun, working as a nurse at the county hospital. What do you think?"

"No, no, no! I've worried about that. Who is this niece of yours? Have you got her phone number? Do you have any photos?" Ye Chen's mother pressed excitedly, already envisioning a match.

Ye Jianguo placed a calming hand on his wife's arm. Although not very educated, he understood the delicate nature of Ye Chen's burgeoning career and the potential partners awaiting him.

"Let's not bombard Xiaochen with this right now; he has a match in a few days. We wouldn't want anything to distract him before the big event. We should wait until after the competition," he advised.

As luck would have it, no one in the local village possessed a photograph of the proposed niece. Hence, the matter was soon dropped.

Time waltzed on, and the online interview persisted for nearly ten minutes before the host concluded, "Thank you, Ye Chen! On behalf of everyone here, we extend our congratulations as you aim to bring home that first gold belt and the first world championship title for our nation. We won't interrupt your preparations any longer."

Then came weigh-in day, a standard routine prior to the match.

As the night approached, it bore noting that just a few days earlier, Ye Chen's mother had secretly contacted him while his father was out visiting.

"Recently, numerous suitors from neighboring villages have come seeking a match for you. It's been a whirlwind of interest—if you're open to it, I could start agreeing to arrangements," she hesitated, unsure of how he'd respond.

In response, Ye Chen felt resigned, chuckling inwardly while shaking his head at the overwhelming attentiveness. "Please, just await the outcome of the match before we entertain such matters."
