
49 Goldfinger Accidentally Upgraded

**What an Incredible Moment!**

In a packed arena buzzing with excitement, even the seasoned pro players watching from the sidelines looked utterly bewildered. The crowd gasped as the on-screen replay captured the stunning finale of the match. Among the spectators, Gage—a renowned lightweight finisher—sat with his mouth agape, lost in disbelief. As the footage rolled, he found himself rising to his feet, clapping absentmindedly while shouting to those around him, "No way! That was pure madness! It felt like he was actually trying to knock him out for good! Absolutely terrifying!"

For context, Gage isn't just any fighter; he's the lightweight champion known for his bone-crushing punches, a reputation that even has seasoned fighters trembling in their boots. He's the one who ended Night Demon's incredible streak of twelve consecutive victories, leaving him battered and bloody. Yet, here he was, dumbfounded by Ye Chen's recent knockout of Chandler.

Reflecting on their past showdown, Gage remembered how Chandler absorbed a barrage of Gage's own punches without breaking a sweat. The sheer force and precision of Ye Chen's strike left everyone in the arena speechless, including Gage.

As the replay concluded, DC, another commentator, shook his head in disbelief. "Every single match featuring Ye Chen could easily be a highlight reel. This one even rivals Ma Da's infamous flying knee finish—except Ma Da did it in five seconds! Here, Ye Chen not only took down Chandler but managed to do it after three minutes and fifty-eight seconds, shattering Chandler's tradition of first-round victories. And remember, he's on a quest to snatch the belt from Khabib's team Makhachev! I can't wait to see what he does next!"

Within the confines of the ring, Ye Chen was reveling in his victory. Despite having access to a simulation space, he practices relentlessly every single day, striving to catch up with fighters who've trained for years. In that moment, he felt all his hard work pay off, proving once and for all that his dedication was worth it.

Suddenly, a voice cut through his celebration: **[Mike Chandler technical system copy, please select.]**

Ye Chen stopped mid-cheer, staring at the prompt in confusion. "Wait, aren't these copies automatic?" It seemed things had taken an unexpected turn. Upgraded? Excited, he dove into the simulation space.

As he scanned the interface, he found a selection screen laid out in front of him:

**Mike Chandler Copy Options:**

1. Standing technique

2. Wrestling skills

3. Explosive power

**This is a game-changer!** Ye Chen's heart raced at the thought of having the autonomy to choose. He had always imagined the copying process to be random, but suddenly, the idea of choosing his upgrade felt exhilarating.

However, amid this thrill, he realized Chandler's techniques didn't all appeal to him. The standing technique felt rough, and his wrestling wasn't particularly noteworthy in recent competitions. But explosive power—now that was intriguing. Ye Chen made his choice, fully aware that explosive power would take time to develop, requiring a solid groundwork of strength and muscle training.

Then it happened. Instead of just replicating explosive strength, he was stunned to discover a complete training plan laid out before him, designed to enhance his overall strength, build muscle, and boost explosive power.

After a moment of shock, Ye Chen nearly burst into laughter. This was gold! These types of training plans were crafted through rigorous research by elite teams, and here he was, unexpectedly handed a roadmap for success.

For years, he had played the role of sparring partner in China and had seen firsthand how far behind domestic fighters lagged compared to their peers in other major fighting nations. In global sports, the gap often lay in training systems rather than sheer talent. Just think of football—world-class teams don't just excel at kicking a ball; their training regimens are leagues ahead.

With his ambition set on bulking up, gaining muscle was now a key part of his journey. This training plan was a blessing!

Amidst the roaring cheers of the crowd, the referee lifted Ye Chen's hand in victory. The scoring judges had it easy tonight—every match-ending moment of his was already a clear knockout without the need for deliberation.

Then there was DC, beaming like a kid in a candy store as he bounded into the ring. "What a phenomenal win! Incredible knockout! Ye Chen, you did it—you achieved everything you set out to! How are you feeling right now?"

"Happy. Beyond happy," Ye Chen replied, still riding the high of his victory. This win was a pivotal moment in his career, paving the way for even greater opportunities. And on top of that, acquiring Chandler's comprehensive training plan? His grin widened. "Thank you to the UFC, Dana, and all my previous opponents. Without you, I wouldn't be standing here, headlining this main event in under a year. I've reached the pinnacle of the most competitive weight class in the UFC!"

He meant every word; it wasn't a jab at his rivals, but rather a humble acknowledgment of luck and hard work. He clearly understood how fortune plays a role in the fight game. If he had stumbled, even once, the course of his career could have shifted dramatically.

As the post-fight interviews rolled on, Ye Chen effortlessly handled the barrage of questions, fully rehearsed for this moment. The cheers of the crowd surged around him, adding to the electrifying atmosphere. Yet, in the front row, a bald man and Gage exchanged hushed whispers while stealing glances at Ye Chen. The bald man was none other than Ali, one of the most illustrious UFC managers in the game.

The anticipation hung thick in the air, and the journey was just beginning.

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