
Chapter 159

Seeing the lady coming closer all for the students started stepping back.

"Don't worry guys"

Marcus whispered to the group, straightening his Armani tie with trembling fingers.

His chest puffed up like a peacock. "My father owns one of the best media stations in this country. I'll handle this."

His voice carried the practiced confidence of someone used to throwing around his family name to get out of trouble.

The others huddled behind him like frightened children, using his bravado as a shield.

Sarah's perfectly manicured nails dug into Thomas's designer jacket. "Tell her your father name and also that your brother is a judge!"

she whispered urgently.

"And my uncle's on the city council,"

Jake added desperately, his face pale beneath his expensive skin.

Marcus pushed out his chest, adopting what he thought was an intimidating stance - shoulders back, chin up, the pose he'd practiced in mirrors since childhood.

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