
Superbabes Commissioned: Prime: White Rabbit and Power Girl

Brought to you by Prime.

I don't own DC

"EEEEE!!" Power Girl squealed like an ambulance siren as she entered the locker room. Barely containing herself as she began stripping down out of her uniform.

"Ow." White Rabbit mockingly replied, yanking off her mask. "My bunny ears." She added as Power Girl just smiled at White Rabbit, very naked as she carried her dirty costume to the laundry machines for cleaning. Not that she was going to wash them, she and White Rabbit had just finished their shift and neither of them was working on the night shift or specifically deliveries today.

"I'm just so excited!" Power Girl replied happily, as she jogged back to her locker, her all-natural body bouncing and jiggling with all the right movements as she grabbed her street clothes. "I've been waiting all week for this!"

"Really?" White Rabbit removed her corset and freed her own magnificently large breasts, combing out her hair with her fingers as she tossed her suit into her locker. It didn't really need a cleaning, they were only on the day shift. "Why?"

Power Girl frowned at her. "Come on…" she replied pouting, "We're double dating! I never get to double date with anyone!" she crossed her arms under her magnificent tits, lifting them huffily as White Rabbit began to dress in her street clothes.

White Rabbit shook her pretty white-haired head and smiled at Power Girl. "We're getting Pizza with our boyfriends. It's not exactly the most romantic thing ever…" Unless she was eating a pizza alone with Mike, but anything could be more romantic if they were alone together and someone threw in a candle or maybe a rose or two.

"You shut your pretty lips!" Power Girl replied, soon getting dressed herself as White Rabbit laughed. Power Girl stuffing her magnificent breasts into a tight confidence-boosting bra. "I'll take what I can get!" she added and yanked down her favorite Batman shirt… it was Tom's, and it hugged her sexy and famous upper body wonderfully. "Nobody wants to double date with me!" And not to brag but if anyone DID double date with Superbabes favorite, Power Girl, they'd get to look at those gigantic double d's…

Not that they were 'Ds' exactly, they were bigger… and to be fair that might be a negative in her favor.

"That's not true…" White Rabbit replied, pulling her pants up over her beautiful butt, and smiled warmly at Power Girl… She said it, but it wasn't really that true. Power Girl was the nicest, most supportive, and genuinely a wonderful woman to be around…

But she was absolutely SICKENING when it came to her beloved boyfriend Tom Kirby… The Superbabes KNOW they love each other, and they were happy for the couple. But it was so LOVEY DOVEY you could see the little hearts floating over Power Girl's head whenever she spoke of him, singing his praises at the top of his lungs… which granted, it's hilarious to watch when Tom's around because he's a rather introverted guy. So it clashes with Power Girl's forward and social personality…

"Oh don't patronize me." Power Girl pushed her now Batman symbol-covered tits up on her arms and glowered at White Rabbit. "You ONLY agreed because I guilt-tripped you!"

"…You did." White Rabbit admitted, "But it's not personal." She replied as they walked out of the locker rooms together and started out the back door to Power Girl's car. White Rabbit got a ride with her since they were going to meet their boyfriends at the pizzeria. "…Mike's not really comfortable with Superbabes who aren't already in his friend circle." Aka, the ones Izzy brought to their DnD games. Mike Conroy is MUCH more sociable with them. "And even then it took a while for him to get comfortable."

"But double dates are fun!" Power Girl replied as White Rabbit raised an eyebrow at that.

"…Are they? A date should be between two people comfortable with each other."

"VERY comfortable." Power Girl smiled, sliding into her car with White Rabbit.

"Sure. What's more comfortable than people who've had sex with each other." White Rabbit noted sarcastically but Power Girl raised a finger and her beautiful lips stretched into a charming smile.

"Actually, you never fucked my Tom." She noted as if that was something a sane person said every day.

"What?" White Rabbit replied bluntly, "…That doesn't sound right."

"NOPE! Remember that Cruise we all went on? You're the only one who never got a dicking from my Tom." She then seemed to count on her fingers, and mentally fact-check herself before adding. "Nope! You haven't had sex with him."

"…Well that seems unlikely." White Rabbit frowned, it felt so ODD that she hasn't had sex with Tom even before she met Mike. Hell, a fifth of Superbabes has had sex with Tom it's not that surprising.

"Yep. You haven't had the pleasure of making my boyfriend nut." Power Girl replied which admittedly the absurdity of that statement made White Rabbit laugh. "Maybe that'll change tonight?" Power Girl sultrily eyed White Rabbit, their blue eyes meeting for a moment but then White Rabbit added.

"I'm not partner-swapping with you." White Rabbit declared abruptly and Power Girl pouted.

"What? Why not! I'd take one for the team."

"Team? What team?"

"The Team of sleeping with my boyfriend! I'd give Mike a good time if it meant Tom would have a good one." White Rabbit stared incredulously at Power Girl.

"…Do you hear yourself talk?" Power Girl rolled her eyes as they pulled up to a notoriously long traffic light.

"…I'm ALWAYS worried." Power Girl declared, "That we're not a 'normal' couple." She whispered and White Rabbit raised an eyebrow. "Okay? You're probably the only one who understands. You were a professional! We have sex with other people for money. And I know Tom says it's okay, but I always have this inkling in the back of my mind that one day he's going to ask me to stop. And I'm going to have to think about the future…" She gripped the steering wheel tightly. "…That's why I'm always throwing the other girls at him… because if he's normalized to it maybe-"

"It'll be alright." White Rabbit said abruptly as Power Girl jumped, and White Rabbit pointed to the light. "Also it's green." Once the car started rolling again, White Rabbit added. "Mike doesn't like talking about what I do as a Superbabe, but he also understands that one of the reasons we're together is he's a FAN of Joy the Toy." White Rabbit smiled, "So we don't address it. What happens on the job stays on the job." She waved her hand dismissively, "…So don't worry about it. It's not like you go to Tom's apartment every night and say 'Hey guess how many guys have cocks bigger than you do."

Power Girl snorted with laughter, grinning steadily as they continued their drive to Mike's favorite place to dine in for Pizza. Luigi and Mario's Original Pizza… it wasn't his favorite takeout place that was Mario and Luigi's Original Pizza… oddly a big difference. Still, if anyone knew the best place to have Pizza in Gotham it would be Mike…

Evidently, the Platinum Pizza that Superbabes provides is 'mid' at best. Nobody tell Orders that.

Power Girl and White Rabbit parked just a few buildings down from Luigi/Mario's and Power Girl pulled out her phone. "Oh. Tom texted me. He's on his way." She said, "He says we should get a table."

"Alright." White Rabbit replied as together they entered, and quickly got a table for four. Sitting across from each other, they had barely just ordered the pizza when Power Girl suddenly perked up and waved at the front door, and everyday man Tom Kirby walked in and immediately spotted his gorgeous girlfriend and her extremely attractive friend.

Not that it was anything NEW of course Power Girl always seemed to have one or two attractive friends around her at all times. Tom was oddly no longer affected or surprised by it. "Hey!" he said, dressed up in his suit and tie, coming straight from his job at Wayne Tech, greeting his girlfriend with a playful kiss, and disappointing anyone in Luigi/Mario's who was hoping she was single. "Sorry, I'm late."

"You're not late we're early." White Rabbit replied, watching him for a moment before frowning at the empty chair beside her. "MIKE however is late. He should've been here before you." She frowned then pulled her phone from her pocket, and called him. Pulling it to her ear…

…However, he didn't pick up. She frowned and deduced that he must be either in the game cave, (his store's basement) or he was doing inventory again. So she called the comic shop proper, at the very least she can tell Kyle or whoever answered to tell Mike to answer his phone.

Time: 6:32 PM. Place: Luigi and Mario's Original Pizza (Table 4)


"Mike's Comics and Games how may I help you?"

"Mike? Why are you still at the shop, we're supposed to have dinner with Tom and-"

"Wha-Oh… SHIT is that tonight? Oh shit. I'm so sorry I totally didn't notice the time. Sorry. It's just me here right now and I can't leave. My idiots called in sick and this Battleax campaign competition is good business for me I can't just kick them all out."

"…Micheal, don't you leave me alone with these two."

"I'll try to get there as soon as I can… or maybe just eat really quickly."

"…Haaah… alright. Fine. We'll try again another time. Love you."

"Love you too, and I'm REALLY sorry."

Ooooooh someone's in trouble.

"Hah." She sighed, hanging up her phone and pouting tiredly. "He can't make it."

"Oh thank god." Tom replied as then both Power Girl and White Rabbit looked at him annoyed. "That came out wrong." He said apologetically, "I just thought that this was going to be another scheme to get me to sleep with another Superbabe." He replied as Power Girl pouted even more. "Like a partner swap or something…"

"I tried but Mike's not into that." Power Girl mumbled, Tom just sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"You're doing this on purpose aren't you?" he moaned but White Rabbit just rolled her pretty blue eyes and picked up a slice of pizza from the pan in front of her and began to eat.

"MMN! Mike's right this IS good…" she declared as Tom and Power Girl stopped adorably arguing to enjoy the pizza before them.

"Well now that I know this isn't a trap." Tom said, through his first slice. "Let's just make plans again. I don't mind. How about tomorrow I'm off tomorrow. We can do lunch. Or breakfast… or-"

"Like you're getting ANY sleep tonight." Declared Power Girl sultrily as he coughed his pizza, White Rabbit smirked herself and reluctantly condemned herself to Lovey-Dovey sights without anyone to Lovey-Dovey with. "But this is STILL shit." Power Girl pouted, "I wanted to double date and now all we're having is a threesome!" she spat as Tom sighed chuckling nervously.

"Must it always lead to sex?"

"YES." The two attractive off-duty Superbabes said together, but admittedly Power Girl was more passionate about it than White Rabbit, who only seemed to be egging Tom on. But Power Girl was also her ride, so she couldn't really go anywhere… might as well have some fun.

"Well. Like I said, we can just do it another time." Tom replied.

"Boo…" Power Girl scoffed, gazing at White Rabbit, then a particular twinkle glittered in her beautiful blue eyes. "Hmmn." White Rabbit could tell she was thinking up something devious, and highly likely it would be sexual.

Slice by slice the pizza vanished and then Tom paid for dinner, and they both left the pizzeria, walking to their cars. "I'll see you at your apartment." Grinned Power Girls as Tom, grinned sheepishly, realizing he was in for another fun evening with his girlfriend, he got in his car and drove off.

"Could you drop me off at Mike's?" White Rabbit replied casually both getting into Power Girl's car.

"Sure. In say… thirty minutes to an hour?" Power Girl replied playfully, as she followed after Tom's car. White Rabbit groaned loudly and shook her head.


"Whaaat?" Power Girl replied, "Just because Mike missed out doesn't mean we can't have a little fun!"

"Your solution for Mike not being able to come to your double date is for me to fuck your boyfriend?!" White Rabbit glowered at her. "Do you HEAR yourself?!"

"Okay. FINE. Be like that. How about instead you help me rile up Tom and I fuck him?" Power Girl replied lazily, "Then while I distract him with my pussy, and with you all riled up, you can borrow my car and head to Mike's. Come on, you're kinky. You know you want to… a little playtime then you can go and fuck Mike's brains out."

…Perhaps it was Power Girl's massive tits, but she makes a compelling argument. Insane as it is. Regardless White Rabbit couldn't do much until the car stopped, and Power Girl didn't stop the car until they arrived stealthily at Tom's apartment. Parking a building away so he wouldn't notice them…

A gorgeous blonde with massive tits wearing a Batman shirt, and an equally 'large' and beautiful Japanese woman with snow White hair… Yep: the PICTURE of subtlety. Still, Tom was barely in his apartment, already stripping off his monkey suit. Only managed to get the tie and jacket off, seconds before he heard someone knock. For a moment he was VAGUELY suspicious… but no 'Superbabes' came after the knock. So he was jumping at shadows as it were…

It must be one of his neighbors, he heard that one of the kids a couple of floors down was selling candy or magazines for their school. Maybe it was just his turn. So he went back to the door, opened it right up, and was greeted with-


Time: 7:01 PM. Place: Gotham (Tom's Apartment)

"Special Delivery Service!" cheered Power Girl and White Rabbit as they rushed inside, pushing Tom back and towards his couch.

"Unfair!" he shouted, he was shoved onto the couch as the pair of busty beauties stood between him and his living Room TV. Standing so close together the sides of their impressive busts touched and bulged invitingly. "You said no swapping!"

"And there won't be!" she said, "Since Mike's not here… but…" she sensually turned White Rabbit's face to hers, and seductively spread the beautiful Japanese girl's lips with her tongue and sloppily French kissed her. Sliding her hand down White Rabbit's pants, and playfully playing with her pussy as White Rabbit returned the favor and Tom 'reluctantly' watched his girlfriend make out with her coworker/friend. "Mmn! Mmm-hmmn." Moaning loudly together as Tom watched with a mixture of reluctance and eagerness boiling inside him… or that might be butterflies in his stomach-

No… no that was his balls and his erection.

White Rabbit and Power Girl continued to SLOPPILY suck face, their breasts bulging together as Tom increasingly started to wonder if White Rabbit was the better kisser. "Ah…" Power Girl pulled away from White Rabbit's lips, licking the sultrily as the pretty off-duty bunny girl began groping Power Girl's massive breasts with both hands… "Oh!" Power Girl moaned loudly, pushing her shorts down and kicking them away. White Rabbit moved Power Girl so that she was between Tom and the buxom blonde before crisply dropping and tossing aside her own pants.

Stretching both legs out either side of her she did the splits, dropping completely to the floor, wiggling slightly as she reached up and pulled Power Girl's slippery pussy to her lips. "Oooh!!" Power Girl howled as White Rabbit's tongue slid into her pussy, her hands dropping to White Rabbit's head and pushing her big breasts together as she shivered excitedly. "Oooh!"

White Rabbit munched down on Power Girl's pussy. She danced seductively trying to maintain her balance, "Haah! Ahh!!" aching her back, pushing her Batman-branded boobs out towards Tom, her fingers massaging White Rabbit's white-haired head as her tits wobbled in pleasure. Her hands soon pulled away and she abruptly yanked the T-shirt off, tossing it aside. "FUCK that feels so good…" she moaned longingly, reaching up to squeeze at her tits through her bra… white Rabbit's hands reached up, squeezing her breasts as Power Girl gasped sensually, pulling White Rabbit's fingers to her lips and suckling them seductively while looking at her boy-toy. "Mmgh…"

White Rabbit yanked her hands out of Power Girl's mouth and slipped them under her bra, squeezing those big firm breasts and making her moan even louder as she unclasped her top and let it fall away. "MMn! Mmn!"

"AH! Haah-AH!" Power Girl shuddered suddenly, leaning over White Rabbit's head as her eyes rolled, "Haaah!!" shrieking her orgasm at Tom before letting her knees buckle and dropped to the floor. "Haaah…" White Rabbit wiped her lips with the back of her hand… then spread Power Girl's legs apart… she adjusted herself, leaning over and licking Power Girl's pussy again, spreading her lower lips so Tom could CLEARLY see White Rabbit's tongue slipping into Power Girl… at least he WOULD if he wasn't staring at her proffered ass wagging cotton-tailless in the air.

"…Okay you convinced me." He mumbled, standing up and removing his shirt only for White Rabbit's leg to shoot up behind her, and almost kick him in the chest. But it landed gently against his body and THEN she pushed him back into the chair.

"AAH!!" Power Girl shrieked as White Rabbit continued to lick and taste blonde girl pussy, sliding her fingers skillfully into both of Power Girl's holes as she squirmed erotically, gripping White Rabbit's head. "Haa! AH! Ahhh!!!" her hips bucking up and down as White Rabbit kept pumping, thrusting, and licking, holding her down as she continued to eat her expertly out. "Sh-SHIT!!" White Rabbit felt Power Girl clenching around her tongue and fingers and yanked her head away, but it wasn't fast enough. "Mmgmgh!!"

Power Girl squirted all over White Rabbit's face. "Ah!" she squealed playfully as Power Girl got pussy juice everywhere… again. "…Messy bitch." White Rabbit replied as Power Girl cooed. The sexy bunny babe smacked Power Girl's quivering wet pussy, just a little slap, not enough to hurt but to send a sensitive jolt through Power Girl as she abruptly sat up, and grabbed White Rabbit's face.

"Oh yeah?!"

"EEP!!" Power Girl's hand then snapped to and accurately pinched White Rabbit's nipples. "Ah!" She squirmed slightly before Power Girl yanked her on top She dropped onto her with a crash, their tits cushioning each other. WHAP! "Hey!" snapped White Rabbit as Power Girl spread her ass cheeks, slipping her fingers into her ass. "Haah! mMgh!!" Power Girl's tongue slid into White Rabbit's mouth again, her fingers rimming her gently and stretching out her ass… Which was basically an invitation for Tom to fuck it…

In his experience, that's what it meant.

He stripped down, and with his erection, he loomed up behind White Rabbit and slipped his carrot right up her tail hole. "Ooooh!!" Went in pretty easy all things considered. "AH! AAAh!" moaning erotically as they lay on the floor in a mass of sexy bodies… and Tom.

…Power Girl thinks he's sexy, he's got that going for him.

"Ah! AH! HA!" Tom held tightly to her waist and slid in and out of her tight little ass. "Haa!! FUCK…" she hissed but Power Girl comforted her and pulled her back to her lips, making out with the sexy EX-JAV starlet as Tom had a taste of professional butt sex…

Joy the Toy did a LOT of double penetration after all.

"Mmgh! mMN! Mmn…" Their tongues swirled around each other's mouths as Power Girl clapped and slapped White Rabbit's butt again and again, matching with Tom's thrusts. "MMgh! MMn!?" White Rabbit grunted and groaned into Power Girl's lips as her ass was stretched on Tom's cock, clenching around him as he sped up, grinding the two buxom babes together as White Rabbit finally yanked her lips from Power Girl. "HAa! AH! Fuck! NNGH! She reached behind her and slapped his hip. "G-Get out of there!" she ordered, gasping as Tom, a sucker for following the orders of a beautiful woman, abruptly ripped out of White Rabbit's ass. "NNGH!!"

Sending a shiver through her she abruptly pushed him over onto his ass. "Whoa!" he flopped over, and White Rabbit moaned, sitting on the floor and shaking off her orgasm. Power Girl tried to sit up, but White Rabbit shoved her hands forward and pushed her back down by her tits.

"Hey!" she squealed, laughing as White Rabbit abruptly grabbed her ankles, and with agility and grace that neither of them expected… she FLIPPED over Power Girl, pulling her legs with her, and landing above her pixie-cut haired head. Holding her legs up and 'pinning' her to the floor. "...I didn't know you could do that." Power Girl replied, clearly impressed as White Rabbit wrapped her arms around Power Girl's legs and dropped onto her, pressing her tits onto Power Girl's face. "MMGh!!"

"Alright." White Rabbit glanced up at Tom, "NOW you can go wild." She said as Tom slapped his girlfriend's wet pussy with his length before sliding it into her.

"MMGH!!!" burying his cock to the base with one thrust, her toes curled in the air as White Rabbit continue to hold her in the elaborate wrestling hold she found herself in. "MMGn! MMGh!" muffled by tits. "MMGh!" Tom rested his hands on her smooth, supple thighs, thrusting wildly into her body to relieve himself of the bothersome erection his sexy girlfriend and her hot friend enforced upon him…

That lucky bastard.

"MMGh! Mmgh! Mmgh!" Power Girl grunted and twitched under them, White Rabbit leaning down to wrap her lips around Power Girl's bouncing nipples, running her tongue around them before pressing her face firmly down.

"MMgh! Mmn!" Power Girl tried to return the favor between the squeals of pleasure but White Rabbit shimmied her upper torso, slapping Power Girl's face with big breasts and keeping her sensitive nipples out of her mouth. "HAah! AH! HAa!" gasping as White Rabbit popped off her tit and let the blonde breathe, "AH! AH! AH!!"

Well… if she could stop screaming long enough. "Oh! Fuck! Oh fuck! OH! FUCK!! YES!!" she gasped as Tom dropped onto her, burying his face into her breasts and pounding the hell out of her. "AH! AH! HA! AH!! OH FUCK!!" she howled as Tom pushed down onto her body. His face smothered in heavy cleavage as his cock kissed her womb and pumped her full of his boiling hot cum.

"Mmmn…" he groaned, letting go of her thighs to grab her breasts… pushing them around his face as White Rabbit promptly let go of Power Girl's ankles and removed herself from the two lovebirds as Tom started up again. "Mmn-hmmn."

"AH! AH mmgh! W-wait OOooh! Ooh, Mmgh-hmmn-MMGH!!" shaking as Tom RAILED into Power Girl, grinding away on top of her and squeezing her huge breasts like stress balls, but the beautiful blonde seemed to enjoy it as much as he did, squealing in rapturous pleasure as Whtie Rabbit gathered her clothes and quickly found Tom's bathroom and Shower.

She groaned slightly, slipping into the glass stall and turning the water on trying to drown out Power Girl's squealing in the next room, soaping her big breasts, pinching her nipples lightly before frowning angrily. And focusing on rinsing herself clean, she was going to smell like guy soap for a little while but that's fine.

After she finished, she wrung out her white hair, dried off with a towel, and began putting her clothes on. She wasn't quite sure how long she was in the shower, ten or fifteen minutes maybe, but the grunting screams of Power Girl getting matting pressed into the floor had stopped so maybe they were finished.


Tom was slumped on the couch with the beautiful Power Girl between his legs, squeezing his cock with her large breasts as she buried her face into her cleavage to wrap her lips around the tip barely poking out between them. "Mmgh! Mmgh! Mmng-mmgn…" Power Girl moaned, her pussy dripping Tom cream down her inner thigh. "MMn-Hmmn!" White Rabbit then found Power Girl's pants, reached down, and picked them up. Grabbing the car keys from her pocket.

"Borrowing your car." White Rabbit declared, jangling the key as she walked crisply past the both of them.

"MMN! MWAH! AH…" Power Girl, still bouncing her tits up and down on Tom's cock smiled at White Rabbit as she left. "Kay. Pick me up in the morning?"

"Sure." White Rabbit replied dismissively as Power Girl cooed.

"Great! Come on big boy give it to me! Give it to me! YES!!" Power Girl getting BLASTED with a load of cum like a geyser, spraying all over her face as White Rabbit shut the door to the apartment and walked down the stairs, bouncing all the way back to Power Girl's car.

She slipped into the seat, started the engine… and was seconds away from pulling into traffic and heading home to her apartment. But she stopped and stared blankly into space for a very long time. Her fingers drummed on the wheel… then she came to a decision, pulling into traffic and speeding away.

Time: 9:09 PM. Place: Still Gotham (Mike's Comics and Game Shop)

Mike Conroy was exhausted and it was only 9:09. The Battleax campaign was steadily winding down, his inventory was steadily drained by the nerds heading home, and he could safely say that it was a GREAT DAY for his business… Not so great for his relationship with his way out of his league girlfriend…

He honestly couldn't believe he had forgotten about the double date. He missed out on Luigi and Mario's AND he disappointed his girlfriend. He wanted to blame his idiot employees for calling in sick, but that didn't make him feel that much better… and blaming "Kyle" made him feel better all the time.

He checked his phone again, to no result. No messages missed calls, or frowny faces. He wondered how upset she must be… when the door to his shop kicked open. He looked to say that it was a private event and it was winding down. "Sorry, we're-" and was somewhat awed to see White Rabbit there with a Pizza in one hand and Kyle 8 in the other, dragging him and his head cold-looking face in behind her. "Joy?"

"Hey." She smiled, then shoved Kyle behind the counter. "Watch the shop." She ordered as he sniffed through a clogged nose.

"NES AAM…" he mumbled.

"…You can't bring a sick Kyle into my shop." Mike replied as she smiled at him again, it was very unnerving. "…Uh…"

"He needs to watch the shop." She replied, before turning her attention to the remaining nerds checking out the hot white-haired anime chick with the massive tits. "FINISH UP." She snapped angrily, "I'm owed a date night."

There was a certain ominous tone in her voice and many of the nerds decided that they should piss her off at their own peril. "Joy you can't threaten my-" Mike began before he eyed the pizza box. "…Did you get Mario and Luigi's original pizza takeout?"


"…You're so awesome." He replied rather dreamily but quickly he brought himself back into focus. "Joy I know you're mad but-" but she grabbed his big husky shirt with her other hand and dragged him to the back of the shop, heading to the elevator that led to the attic/storage and his apartment. "O-kay…" he replied nervously as she slammed her fist on the button, the door opened up and she shoved him inside.

"Lock up Kyle." She replied, as the doors shut and Kyle moaned.

"I'll… just sleep here tonight."

"…So how much trouble am I in?" Mike asked nervously as the elevator rose to his apartment, the doors swung open and she grabbed his shirt again, dragging him easily into his apartment and throwing him onto his couch. "Whoa!" There was actually some effort into it. Joy was stronger than she looked. "Uuh?"

She tossed the pizza on his snack/coffee table, before tossing her white hair and sultrily gazing into his eyes as she crawled onto his lap, pressing her big breasts on his chest before grabbing his face and forcefully kissing him. "MMGH!?" he froze as she slurped his tongue into his mouth.

"MMgn… mmn!" she moaned seductively, grinding on his shorts and letting her breasts bulge noticeably on his husky guy shirt. "AH…" she pulled away and giggled softly.

"…How much trouble am I in?" he squeaked, now clearly concerned that this was some trick…

"Well. We're going to have breakfast or something with them tomorrow… it's going to be somewhere you probably don't like, and you're probably going to have to watch two of the most sickening sweethearts you've ever seen, like teen love comedy levels of sickening, fuss and coo over each other the whole time."

"…That doesn't sound so bad." He mumbled hesitantly as she chuckled.

"It's because you're not in trouble." She replied, brushing her lips on his again as his hands reached around and squeezed her body, hesitantly running up and down her curvaceous frame, before getting bolder and squeezing her ass. "…At least you WILL NOT be as long as you fuck me so hard tonight that one of my old JAV gangbangs pales in comparison." She whispered invitingly, right in his face, her blue eyes gazing deeply into his.

"…Huh…" he frowned, "…What happens if I can't?"

"You're going to." She declared with cool finality… his failure was not an option.

"…Right then." He then stood up, she squealed delightedly as he carried her away from his couch and towards his bedroom. "We're doing this right." He added, shutting his bedroom door with a kick as she squealed delightedly…

…After a moment however, the door popped open she rushed naked out of the bedroom, grabbed the pizza, and giggling happily, she rushed back into his bedroom. Kicking the door shut again…

…Hours later. Poor Kyle 8 crawled out of the elevator and onto Mike's couch. Trying not to listen as Joy squealed happily in Japanese from the bedroom.

"Hai! Hai! Yamenaide! Dārin! Totemo yoi!"

…It wouldn't be the first time he'd fallen asleep to pure pornography.


Hai! Hai! Yamenaide! Dārin! Totemo yoi! = YES! YES! DON'T STOP! DARLING! SO GOOD!

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