
Superbabes Commissioned: Niman - Raven and Starfire

Brought to you by Niman

I don't own DC

We find ourselves in Gotham, don't we always? And we also find ourselves with Superbabes. But currently, this one was off duty... It was her day off. And Raven of Superbabes was going to enjoy her day off by sleeping in. As is her prerogative.

Laying on her back Superbabes' resident big titty Goth girl slumbered on. She didn't have pajamas, so she was only wearing black underwear and a tank top with a skull printed on it. Thought to be fair on her body the tank top looked more like a sports bra. Her big heavy breasts rose and fell steadily on her chest as she slept on.

"Mmn... mmn." She mumbled quietly, she tried to roll over... but she couldn't move. "Mmn?" she tried moving again... but then growled like an animal. "God. DAMN IT! V!" she immediately slapped between her tits... because apparently a 'third tit' had grown between her own.

"Morning..." mumbled Starfire, her face stuffed underneath Raven's shirt, and as usual, molesting her best friend. The beautiful nymphomanic Starfire buried her face deeper into Raven's chest, only for the big titty Goth girl to slap angrily on the back of her head.

"V! Get out of there!" she grumbled as Starfire tried to bury herself into the supple and comfortable flesh of her bestest best friend... and sometimes object of pure lust.

"Noooo..." she moaned sleepily. "I'm comfy."

"Ugh! Get off!" Raven shifted her legs under Starfire, somehow, then bodily kicked the nympho off of her... unfortunately that meant that her tank top was torn open like a Christmas present... and the gift was her big goth girl titties. "Damn it! I liked that shirt!" she declared angrily, "I swear. One of these days V, I'm going to press charges!"

Naked and gorgeous Starfire stretched her arms sleepily, at least she wasn't covered in the leftovers of a potential escapade. An all too common result of finding Starfire in her bed. "No, you won't, you haven't yet..."

"Grrr." Raven scowled, tossing on a shirt, and pulling up some shorts as Starfire jiggled out of her bed.

"Want breakfast? Since we have the day off today, we're going to have to actually cook something..." Getting a discount on food at their work was sort of secondary, it was still just good food.

"Yeah. Fine..." Mumbled Raven. "But I WAS hoping to sleep in. We got a whole day off! I was going to use it. I figured YOU would be annoyed. No Math club. No work... why are you even here?" she asked surprised. "Normally you'd be ordering some sort of delivery and fucking whoever brought it in your room..." she jerked her thumb in the general direction of Starfire's room, always radiating with the smell of cum and lady juices...

It was a miracle nobody was fucking in there right now.

"MMn... I wasn't really feeling it last night... or this morning." she replied, "So I just thought I'd try to get a good rest with my favorite pillows!" Suddenly she glomped into Raven's chest again, the big titty goth girl scowled angrily as Starfire did a combination hug/molesting/motorboating.

"...I fucking hate you." Grumbled Raven. But she stared at her naked best friend for a moment, "...Are you okay? You 'not really feeling it' isn't normal." She noted as Starfire just side.

"I'm just... kind of bored. You know? At least if we were working I could be surprised. Do you think Orders will let me work today if I ask really nicely?"

"Don't know. You pissed her off last week so she might be more inclined to punish you with... not fucking around." She noted, before finally slapping her best friend away and going to the kitchen. "Scrambled Eggs?"

"Yeaaah..." Starfire replied, gazing at her bestie's big soft goth girl booty as she grabbed the carton of eggs from the fridge, a bowl, and finally a pan.

"Got some sausages too, want a couple of those?"

"You could do with some really big sausages-" Starfire began but Raven brandished the frying pan.

"I got a non-stick cast iron pan in my hand, if you finish that sentence I will THROW it at you."

'No, I think I got my point across... still. I wish we had something to do... someone to do." Raven put the pan on the stove.

"The fact that we don't is FINE..." she began cracking eggs. "Go put on clothes already."

"But what if a random dick crosses my path?" she asked, "It is Samhain after all." she teased as Raven sighed.

"We're not going to any Halloween party. Why would we? We dress up ALL the time.

"But it would be FUN!" Starfire whined. "Let's go out and look for one."

"NO..." Raven said, "We're not going to go out and 'look for a party'. Halloween is already fucking weird for Gotham, and who the hell says Samhain?"

"Well, I do." Came a new voice, Raven jumped in horror as she immediately recognized the woman who had just 'appeared' in their apartment. The problem though is that she wasn't the same woman she was when they first met.

"Oh! It's my friend!" Starfire squealed delightedly as she and the unspeakably beautiful woman embraced happily. Bouncing happily around each other, as they did a ring-a-round the rosie. "What are you doing here!?" she happily asked.

The 'woman' was in actuality, Aphrodite: the Greek goddess of love, lust, and fertility in some circles... The ACTUAL Goddess herself... and Raven didn't recognize her right away because she usually changed forms with every other blink. To one unbelievably beautiful woman after another. However, right now she was a silvery-haired model, wearing what Raven could only describe as a 'Slave-kini' showing off plenty of skin, her huge cleavage, and thighs thanks to the purple loincloth dangling down her front and back, surprisingly managing to maintain her modesty compared to the utterly naked Starfire...

"Oh my ME!" smiled Aphrodite jokingly, "My absolute favorite Superbabe! Right now." She added quickly, before hugging Starfire again. "Oooh! It's so good to see you! I'm in Gotham for the holiday and I thought... Now is the BEST time to party with my girl!" she smacked Starfire playfully on the butt, and Starfire returned the favor. Aphrodite laughed.

She then turned toward Raven, who held out the pan like a defensive shield. "Back! Back! Do NOT touch me!" The last time she met Aphrodite she tapped her forehead and sent her into an Orgasm so strong it took her HOURS to even walk again after it stopped... or control her bladder, squirting uncontrollably all over that tub.

"Sweetheart." Cooed Aphrodite, "Put the pan down, if I wanted to blow your mind I'd do it..." she smiled, "Last time was a bit of a rush job, this time there's no horrible monster to subdue. I'm here for a good time." She turned back to Starfire, smiling. "I couldn't help but notice you said you had no plans tonight?"

"No... Orders gave us the day off, and our building doesn't get trick-or-treaters." She pouted.

"Thank fucking gods for that-"

"You're welcome." Aphrodite joked, but Raven ignored her.

"I can only imagine the LAWSUITS we'd get if kids came to this apartment."

"Hey, I LIKE kids!" Starfire pouted but Raven snapped back.

"I KNOW, it's their parents I'd be concerned about one way or another!"

Aphrodite, however, suddenly clapped jangling her ornamental bracelets, and got their attention, as it seemed to echo across space and time. "Ahem. How would you two like to attend the most happening Samhain party of the YEAR?" she asked giddily as Raven scowled.

"FUCK no." but as soon as she said it, Aphrodite turned on her and she cowed.

"...You do understand who I am... right?" she said, ominously.

"...Yes." she mumbled nervously

"Good!" Aphrodite was suddenly once again sunshine and rainbows. "Then I'll pick you up at 8!" she said smiling, "Dress up in something SEXY ladies! We're going to have some fun!"

"Please no." Raven begged, Aphrodite looked at her. And hesitated, before replying almost kindly.

"I promise you. Alice Amsel." Declared Aphrodite, suddenly looking more Godlike than ever before. "You will not do anything you do not wish to DO!!" the voice echoed out into the vastness of otherworldly dimensions, the building rattling as she declared the promise... then suddenly she was back to normal. "Kay?" she smiled sweetly.

"O-Oh... kay?" replied Raven unsurely as Aphrodite grinned.

"We are going to have SO MUCH FUN!" she declared, before snapping her fingers and vanishing into little popping hearts.

Raven and Starfire stared at where she was, but Starfire was mostly unaffected by godly magic, Raven however had a different reaction. "Oh what the Fu-"

Time: 7:55 PM. Place: Gotham (Raven and Starfire's apartment.)

"-ck!!" Raven cursed for what must have been the 80th time today under her breath. Dressed up as, of course, 'Raven'... for Halloween. Starfire was dressed up too, giddily skipping to and fro in their apartment. Also in costume. She had run to Superbabes, (literally and clothed) to get their costumes. "I can't believe this..." mumbled Raven looking outside her window. "We're going to party with a Goddess!"

"Technically we're doing it again. I'm pretty sure that party we went to in Greece had gods and-"

"Shut up V."

"Or come on! You heard her right? She promised you wouldn't do anything you don't want to do!"

"That's fucking vague and you know it!" declared Raven irately, "Stop skipping!" Starfire smiled at her best friend who glared at her. "...What's a Greek goddess doing in Gotham anyway?"

"I don't know. What's one doing in Washington DC?" replied Starfire sweetly. "At least she's nice."

"She put me into an orgasm coma!" Raven replied angrily as Starfire shrugged.

"...I mean... so?" she replied with a smile.

"I fucking hate you."

"No, you don't."

"AH!!" Raven screamed in shock as Aphrodite appeared behind her. "What the HELL?! Why didn't you knock on the door?"

"Because we're friends!" Aphrodite replied before giving Starfire a kiss on the cheek in greeting. "Ready to go ladies?"

"We are not friends." Raven noted but Aphrodite wrapped her beautiful arms over Raven's shoulder anyway, grinning at her.

"Let's see how you feel after tonight. The greatest Samhain party in the world ladies! Here we go!" she then raised her hands, holding them so close she pushed her godly breasts together, and snapped her fingers.

"BWAH-HAAAAH!!" Raven gasped as suddenly, they were moving so fast it felt like her eyes were left behind but then she quickly caught up. "Hwaah!" gasping, her eyes caught up with her... and now it looked like they were... "Are we at Stonehenge?!"

"Whaaat? Noooo." Cooed Aphrodite. "...Yeah we are." She admitted with a grin, "Kinda. I borrowed a Layline and got us a ride. Don't worry! I'll get you back home after we have our fun!"

"Oh! Oh! Look over there! And over there! It's those pretty girls who thought I was their sister! Hi sisters!" she said as the river nymphs, noticing her, smiled and waved. "Oh! And there are some Centaurs... and there are some weird tree people! An-OH!!" Aphrodite smiled as Starfire giggled happily in place, "I know that guy!" she said as a towering minotaur marched through a crowed, bare-chested and a lovely shade of white fur his loincloth covering his modesty. "Asterion! Hello again!"

"What?" the Minotaur looked confused as the attractive Starfire suddenly leaped at him, grabbing his horns, and kissing his cow cheek. "Whoa! Hey! Lady-uh... do I know you?" he mumbled unsurely, but he held her up regardless as she squeezed his chest.

"What? You don't remember me? We had sex." A common statement from her.

"Uh. What..." mumbled the minotaur man as Raven was dragged towards them by Aphrodite. "Lady... I don't remember us doing that."

"Sweetie. That's not the same guy." Aphrodite whispered to Starfire as the Minotaur man looked them over, his loincloth twitched as he was surrounded by the gorgeous ladies... one of them was grinding on him. "Look." She then wiped a hand on his fur, turns out it was just a dry dye.

"Oh... so he's not Asterion? Now I can't introduce him or his cock to Alice!"

"Oh fuck OFF V." Raven snapped but she did notice not Asterion's cock

"W-well I am dressed as Asterion..." replied the Minotaur. "My name's Roger."

"Roger the minotaur?" Raven asked sourly as he shrugged.

"My parents are progressive." He mumbled shyly.

"Well Roger..." smiled Aphrodite. "Have you seen the host?"

"Who? Cernunnos? Uh... yeah he's over there." The minotaur pointed towards a series of Stonehenge-themed tables... meaning they were all of various sizes in the design of Stonehedge... there were large, ugly giants on one table, and short little gnomes at another... A blue demon looking women with a long tail, and black feathered wings trying to avoid eye contact with them... and there were definitely centaurs over there. Along with a towering goat-footed man with large dear antlers.

"Great! Let's go!" smiled Aphrodite, taking Raven and dragging her along.

"Sorry, I mistook you for Asterion cutie." Cooed Starfire apologetically. "...Do you want to hang out anyway?"

"Uh..." Roger blinked for a second. "Sure." She was just as hot as any nymph around here so might as well hang out. Carrying her after the goddess of love.

"Aphrodite!" declared the horned man, wearing a coat of leaves, barrel-chested and with a thick leaf-filled beard... and furry pants. No... wait... that was him. "And here I thought Zeus was too old-fashioned to let you socialize." She kissed the bearded man on the cheek. "I bet that old horse that you wouldn't show!"

"And what did you bet him?" grinned Aphrodite.

"I bet him first dibs!" he clapped his arms around Aphrodite before giving her ass a squeeze that made her squeal playfully. "Isn't that right you old horse?"

"Chiron. Lord Cernunnos." Declared quite possibly the one person at this party behaving himself. "My name is Chiron." The white-coated centaur, wearing some old-school Greek armor as a 'costume' clopped politely towards them. "I also bet him no such thing. You invited me so I knew you were coming..." He declared before spotting Raven and Starfire, still 'riding' Roger's arm. "...Oh dear." He smiled politely at Raven who 'vaguely' recalled what she did with the old horse back in Greece. "...It seems we meet again."

"...Hey." Raven replied, waving at Chiron awkwardly. "...Let's not think too much about it... okay?"


"Hi, Mr. Chiron!" Starfire smiled and waved at him as he sighed. "...Do you want to have sex with my best friend again?" Chiron spluttered his drink before he cleared his throat as Starfire conspiratorially added to Roger. "She likes big cocks."

"I SWEAR to the GODS V! Stop saying that!" though she did notice Roger's loin cloth rising noticeably.

"It has been some time since we've had some fine human females at this party!" Cernunnos declared, "Why don't we get to the GOOD parts?" he chuckled as Aphrodite grinned.

"Leave it to a fertility god to want to go straight into the orgy!"

"I fucking knew it!" Raven shouted angrily as Starfire squealed happily, bouncing on Roger's arm.

"Orgy! YAY!!" she slid off the minotaur and then under his loincloth. "Oh! ALICE you would LOVE this thing!"

"Holy Kamadhenu!" groaned the bull as Starfire, easily, took his thick bull phallus into her mouth. "Uugh!!" his hands grabbed her head and the loincloth as she loudly sucked him off.

"That's my girl!" cheered Aphrodite as Cernunnos, who had been caressing her intimately, paused to watch Starfire salivate and orally worship Roger's cock.

"She is very spirited." Cernunnos declared as Raven growled.

"Gods damn it! Just once! JUST! ONCE! I'd like to go somewhere without an orgy starting!"

"Nobody's forcing you." Aphrodite noted sensually, "Though I'd stay away from the Nymphs they tend to draw volunteers in. She then focused her attention on the cock sucking SLURPS echoing out from Roger's crotch. "Whoops!" she suddenly declared and the loincloth was gone, showing off Starfire's depravity and blowjob skills in all her glory as Asterion leaned on a flow table.

...Unfortunately for Raven, despite her desire to not participate in an orgy... her natural size queen instincts one out... her pussy aching as she watched Starfire thoroughly enjoy herself on Roger's massive cock, drooling slightly as Chiron, sensed a good exit point... tried to tactfully excuse himself. Only for Aphrodite to snap her fingers again and he was suddenly dragged back to the gathering crowd, his flank bouncing against Raven and forcing her over onto a gnome table.

"Oh! So sorry." Chiron mumbled, "I did not mean to... APHRODITE!" he snarled irately, as he found himself very aroused, his horse cock dangling inches from her face as she sat on the gnome table... which was a good seat for her... but she immediately dropped to her knees, making the old centaur hiss in surprise as she grabbed it, and began running her tongue over it. "N-Not again!" he gasped but didn't move as Raven's tongue salivated on his thick horse cock.

"Shut up. At least this time I'm sucking this cock of my own free will!" ...Whatever was going to help her sleep at night. But Aphrodite kept her promise, Raven wouldn't be forced to do anything she didn't already want to do. And her Size Queen switch has been flipped... double fisting Chiron's thick horse cock she ran her tongue slowly along it. Already extracting pre-cum from the old Centaur as he turned his attention to the Greek Goddess of Love as she smiled at his contorting face.

"...You planned this." He scowled as Aphrodite shrugged.

"I thought it would liven up the party! Isn't that right Cernunnos?"

"Looks lively to me." He said, before groping Aphrodite's plump breasts, "How about we join in the fun?"

"MMn... I think you should try playing with my pretty friend first..." she gestured to Starfire's head still bobbing on Roger's bull dick. "I want a comparison." She replied before SMACKING Cernunnos on his Goat fur ass. "Oh STARFIRE! Step it up!" she cheered encouragingly as Starfire turned slightly to look at Aphrodite, slurping loudly on Roger's cock before giving the Goddess of Love a thumbs up and a pretty cock filled smile. She popped off Roger's positively lubricated member before skipping over to the gnome table by Raven and Chiron and lying down on it.

Legs up and spread as Roger the minotaur went WILD, stomping over her as he pushed his bull dick against Starfire's little pussy before promptly trying to make little minotaurs. "Oh! OH! OOH! BIG BOY!" Starfire squealed as he began mating pressing the FUCK out of Starfire, utterly smothering her body and slamming his bull balls against her tight ass on the solid stone table as she grabbed onto his horns. "And you're so CUTE!"

"She's got a thing for cows." Mumbled Raven irately, holding Chiron's horse dick between her massive goth girl titties while she worshipped it. "I'm starting to have a thing for horse daddies." Chiron groaned before glaring at Aphrodite. No longer being groped by the Celtic God, as he had found an interest in Starfire and her ability to apparently swallow bull dicks. Looming on the other side of the table and smacking his cock against the pretty redhead's lips, before prying them apart and pushing balls deep into her throat

"Mmgh!" she moaned as Roger kept jackhammering her womb, trying to meet Cernunnos in her middle at this point.

"Aphrodite that's enough." Groaned Chiron as the beautiful goddess glared at him.

"Lighten up horse daddy. Boop!" she then poked his nose.

"Whoa!" Raven gasped suddenly as Chiron went stiff. His powerful horse muscles and arms tensed as hard as his cock.

"So... SORRY!" he hissed uncontrollably, before reaching down, grabbing Raven, and throwing her onto the table.

"Ah!" her big heavy breasts bulged on the table as her face rested on Starfire's stomach. Feeling Roger's minotaur cock plunging in and out of her with her cheek as Chiron soon mounted the table behind her, his thick Horse dick wobbling between Raven's meaty goth girl ass cheeks before plunging into her warm pussy.

"OH FUCKING SHIT!!" Squealed Raven, shuddering in orgasm as Chiron bucked into her like she was a breeding Mare. "OH FUCK! YEAH!" shaking uncontrollably as the centaur stretched her pussy open. "UUgh! Aaagh!!" drooling on Starfire's stomach as she slurped on Cernunnos and shuddered on Roger's pulsating bull dick as he roared and rammed balls deep into the Avatar of Aphrodite. (Unofficial)

Thick bull cream exploded out of her pussy and onto the grass behind him as Roger ripped out of her body. "Mmn! MMmnn..." she moaned as Cernunnos ground in and out of her throat, then popped from her lips. Before smacking her in the face with it. "Ahh..." extending her tongue as she suddenly sat up... as if her organs weren't just rearranged by fucking a minotaur. She rolled off the Stone table, letting Raven's face hit the table but she didn't care, she was too busy screaming on Chiron's horse dick.

"Aarhg! Ah! AH! Fuck me Horse DADDY!!!" her howls echoed out as Starfire grabbed Cernunnos girth and stroked her saliva into his skin, before shoving him onto the table.

"Oh! Ho... he chuckled, as she mounted him, spreading herself to drop her sensuous body fully onto his cock, resting her hands on his barrel chest as she rode him like Raven SHOULD ride Chiron... but everyone was getting Ridden today. "UUgh!" he groaned as Raven squealed in orgasm, her eyes rolling up into her head as Starfire sped up.

"Mmn! MMn! Aaah..." gasped Starfire as she stared at Roger and curled her finger invitingly at him, looking him dead in the eyes before smacking her ass. "Come here cutie I got another hole for you."

Chiron groaned, managing to rip himself out of the prone Raven, still shaking in orgasm before Roger the Minotaur rammed his cock abruptly up Starfire's ass, pinning her between his powerful Minotaur body and the Celtic god form of Cernunnos. "Eee-yaaaaa!!" cheered Starifire, getting furiously DP by cocks that probably should've been tearing her insides apart. But no... her hips rolling up and down on the bucking animal men rampaging inside her.

"Now THERE is an idea!" Aphrodite smiled, floating beside Chiron before raising her hand and smacking his flank. "Whoops!" she cheered.

"UUuaargh!" Chiron shuddered, his cock rigidly twitching against Raven's ass cheeks... and then he was between them.

"FUCK A DUCK!!" squealed Raven as her ass was violated by a huge horse dick, her tongue lolling from her mouth and squealing with her best friend, their orgasmic shrieks of pleasure echoing out across the party as the crowd of mythical creatures cheered at the orgy... there were plenty of Nymphs to go around after all. "AH! AH! AH! AH!!" Raven grunted as Chiron uncontrollably ass fucked her. To her satisfaction.

"AH! Oh! Oooh!!" Starfire's body shuddered and shook, rocking back and forth on her DP'ing magical creatures. Her ass gaping on the monstrous Minotaur cock, and the godly girth throbbing inside her. Cernunnos came fist, holding her firmly by the waist before slamming up into her body. And roaring with a dramatic reverberating voice.

"ARrggh!!" flooding her with a thick gooey stream of Celtic god goo. Holding her down as Roger the minotaur unloaded a hefty load himself, thrusting cum into her bowls as Starfire squealed happily, flopping onto Cernunnos and twitching in orgasm as Chiron soon buried his cock DEEP into Raven's ass.

"Aaagh GODS!" she howled, shaking and going limp... her spine might have just broken... Chiron's thick centaur seed rushed up into her body and filled her with a thick warmth, slowly, steadily he pulled his hefty cock from her ass with a wet pop, leaving her holes gaping open and drooling. Raven, had a massive insane smile on her face. Twitching and jerking on the stone slab soon joined by her best friend Starfire, tossed onto the table like they were some sort of Sacrifice to the Samhain gods of cock...

Cernunnos howled in satisfaction, wobbling on his hairy legs as the girls cooed eagerly in post-stretched open bliss. "I haven't had a mortal woman like that since Boudicca! And look at her go!" he laughed as Starfire ran her tongue slowly over Raven's face, and into her mouth. "Did you make her out of clay?" he grinned at Aphrodite who seemed to be... stretching. Like a contortionist... displaying unbelievable flexibility.

"Nope! I had nothing to do with her." She bent backward, her hands now on the grass and pushing her flat stomach upward. "MMn!" she then shot upright. "Alright boys! My turn!"

"Oh no." moaned Chiron as Aphrodite grabbed his cock. "Ngh!" dragging him towards another unoccupied table. Having Chiron standing on one side, she shoved his cock into her mouth, throwing her legs up and under him, exposing her godly ass and pussy to Cernunnos and Roger. The Celtic god, not turning down an invitation with the Goddess of Lust herself, immediately mounted her in a mating press, pounding her like a horny dog rather than a noble stag.

"Yeah! You're invited every year!" he laughed, thrusting into her womb as she noisily slurped on Chiron's cock, her lips magically stretching to easily throat the old Centaur as Roger, feeling his bull balls a little, loomed up behind Cernunnos, and pushed his cock easily into the eldritch deity of Aphrodite. Her insides stretched and squeezed around them all perfectly. Her holes shifted to satisfy all of them as they bucked and slammed into her.

"Mmgn! Mmn-hmmn! MMn!!" Aphrodite moaned and slurped on all of them, easily taking them as Raven, and Starfire slowly managed to recover themselves. Sitting up on the low tables... well, sort of, Raven was a little... sore.

"Fuck me." Groaned Raven as Starfire giggled, squeezing Raven's big goth girl titties.

"You want some more already?"

"No, I want to be able to sit the fuck down." Watching Aphrodite in horror. "...Fuck me." She mumbled under her breath as her goddess holes were stretched, if she was a mortal woman or Starfire, she would be dead.

"I can learn so much from her." smiled Starfire, watching as Aphrodite drained Chiron, getting a load of horseman cream into her mouth and on her face as she milked it. Still taking Cernunnos and Roger easily in her lower holes, moaning erotically as Starfire and Raven subconsciously began touching themselves watching the gorgeous currently platinum-haired goddess taking dick... and soon exploding in pleasure.

Cernunnos buried his length into her, and unloaded another godly load into her body before falling off of her, "Yeah! Yeah! YEAH!!" she grinned at Roger the minotaur as he grabbed her waist and shot a massive bull load into her. "Oooh!!" Roger howled, sweating and bleating before popping out of her ass and flopping onto the grass. Aphrodite writhed on the stone table... rolling steadily over to gaze at the two girls. Coyly bouncing her feet off her thick ass.

"So, Ladies... was that fun or what?"

"It was so fun! Oooh..." Starfire replied happily, making herself cum before immediately rushing over to an exhausted Roger. "Dibs on round two!" she declared happily, mounting the 'poor' minotaur already as he groaned.

"V. Come on let the guy rest..." Raven moaned as Aphrodite approached her, and leaned uncomfortably close, Raven could smell the cum on the goddess's breath.

"Why? This party goes ALL NIGHT." She cooed, before making Raven taste the centaur on her lips.



Time: 7:00 AM (London Time) 3:00 AM (Gotham Time) Place: Stonehenge

"Ugh... FUUUCK..." groaned Alice, pulling her face away from a massive but limp minotaur cock... it smelled like steak tartar... "FUUUCK!" she repeated, pushing off the ground and slapping away the hands gripping her ass cheeks... a pair of nymphs covered in cum cooed beside her as she wobbled upright. "V?... Veronica?" she mumbled before hearing a muffled Yawn.

Beneath a centaur, Veronica's pretty red head could be seen, "...Alice? It's too early..." she mumbled.

"Early-V... we've been fucking for 8 hours!" she mumbled as Veronica blinked at her.

"...Huh. Um..." she shimmied out from beneath the centaur. "Whoo" she brushed herself down.

"Where's our ride?" Alice grumbled, looking around for her clothes. "...Fuck where are our costumes!? Orders will KILL us!" she mumbled.

Veronica stroked her chin, "...Um... Alice?"

"What V?" grumbled Alice angrily.

"...How are we going to get home?" Alice groaned loudly.

"Fuuuuuuuck!" she roared as someone mumbled.

"Hey, we're trying to sleep here."

"Fuck off! Where's Aphrodite!?"

"Aphrodite?" mumbled the weird elvish-looking man. "She left hours ago with some ugly dude with a hammer."

"FUCK!" Alice roared again. "Anyone got a cellphone? And pants?"

"I do." Declared Chiron, producing a phone as he clopped towards them. "Here." He said, unlocking it for her as she took it.

"Thanks..." she mumbled as Veronica smiled at the old centaur.

"I had fun." She said as Chiron sighed.

"I'd had wagered you would... Aphrodite likes you."

"Orders? Yeah... FUCKING Veronica." Alice declared angrily. Then after a second, she shouted to the crowd. "Which one of you is flying a plane to Gotham?!" she barked, as a sleepy nymph raised her hand. "Good! Sober up we need you to get us home."

Chiron chuckled, before eyeing Veronica. "...I suppose I should help you find some clothes."

"I find it's easier to get what I want if I'm naked though." Veronica joked as Chiron sighed.

"...You must be part Nymph." He noted as Veronica shrugged.

"I'm Scottish."

"If it's not apparent my dear." Chiron noted, "...Our culture gets around."


Next chapter