
Superbabes Commissioned: Skymouse - Raven and Bumblebee

Brought to you by Skymouse

I don't own DC

"Mother fuck that dick." grunted Red Lantern, just off an earlier big dick delivery she lay herself stomach down on the couch as Raven leaned against a pool stick like a stripper pole. Said stick almost between her patented big goth girl titties.

"That bad huh?" she asked lazily as Red Lantern scowled at her. "It's not your first big one, what are you complaining about?"

"Some of us aren't used to being the dick sleeve of a monster cock, thank you." She said frankly as Raven rolled her eyes. "That Martin guy surprised me. That's all."

"Is it really a surprise if Orders warns you first?" grinned Bumblebee making and failing a shot at the pool table as the phone rang at Orders' counter, she picked it up.

"Superbabes we deliver." And went into it as Giganta, leaning against the counter listened in but the girls continued 'comparing sizes'.

"Personally big dicks are fine but I don't really notice a difference. I'm a motion of the ocean kind of girl. I'm going to enjoy the ride. Unlike our resident goth who salivates over anything 10 inches or bigger." Bumblebee cooed seductively as Raven sighed audibly through her nose.

"Veronica Junior's opinions are noted and I politely invite her to shut the fuck up." Bumblebee just grinned evilly at being compared to her 'role model'.

"You can keep denying it all you want, but at the end of the day, you're a bigger size queen than any three girls here put together! And one of them is 7 feet tall and probably can't feel anything over 11."

"You keep me out of this," Giganta noted playfully but returned to Orders and her phone call as she began finishing up the usual delivery.

"Very well. We expect them back in a reasonable timeframe… how much?... if you're paying that in advance I'll say an hour and a half at most...very well. No, I have his address, thank you." She then hung up. "Raven! Bumblebee!" she ripped off the receipt. "2 for 1 for you." The Big titty Goth and the Wannabe-a-Slut in the middle of a semi-unimportant argument didn't hear her at first. But then Orders whistled sharply. "HEY!" they stopped and Orders glared at them with flashing purple eyes. "Work now. Bitch later… if you can or want to." she mumbled under her breath, going back to her crosswords as she put the receipt on the counter.

Giganta glanced at the receipt and a look of contemplation crossed her face before recognition grew just as the two girls approached the counter. "Oh hey. I remember that address… Did he order again?" she asked Orders curiously as Orders didn't bother to look up.

"No. His friends are ordering to celebrate his promotion to foreman."

"Really? Good for him… he's a teddy bear…" she then paused. "…Sort of, more like a teddy dinosaur. But you'll be fine, just be yourselves. Despite how he looks he's a sweetheart." The girls stared at her. "What?"

"Why are you talking to us like he should be ordering Grace?" Raven asked sardonically as Giganta rolled her big blue eyes.

"I'm just saying. Don't panic and be yourselves. Why spoil the surprise?"

"She's clairvoyant." Bumblebee said, pointing to Orders as food soon slid across the counter.

"That's half the fun for me." Orders noted, pushing the food. "Get going. See you in an hour or so. The money is on the door?"

"What?" Bumblebee asked, but didn't stop long enough to hear an answer as Raven dragged her along and both headed to the company car. "Well, it's not important. Sounds like we're going to have a hell of a time."

"And here I thought with V off tonight I wouldn't have to work with a super slut." Bumblebee however ignored Raven's crack and both of them slipped into the company car. "Where are we going?" Raven asked as Bumblebee, adjusting the driver's seat checked the address.

"…Wanye Construction Corporation… Wait is that an apartment complex?"

"Not that I'm aware. It's that big tower just past Gotham Hospital." Raven noted. "…I didn't think anyone lived there."

"Maybe it's a party." Said Bumblebee excitedly, but Raven was scratching her chin in thought, it sounded familiar and Giganta said she knew the client… Raven had a good memory but not like it was photographic…

She thought about it all the way to Wanye Construction Corporation, entering the tower complex.

Raven and Bumblebee entered the building, but checking the receipt, Bumblebee made a sharp turn, turning away from the rest of the main building instructions to find an oddly out-of-place large door made with metal outlining it. not even hesitating they walked through it and found nothing of note but a hallway that lead to they found an equally large elevator. They approached and Raven pressed the button only for the doors to open immediately to reveal a huge interior elevator. the button panel only had access to two floors, the current one and their destination, along with the emergency stop button.

"Am I the only one getting a sketchy vibe from this?" Raven snarked but Bumblebee was unimpeded, pushing the upper floor, the doors shut and they smoothly and quickly rose to the top. The doors opened to show nothing but another empty dimly lit hallway, only this one was massive leading to a single large door at the end of It. But even from this distance, they could make out an envelope duct taped to the door of it marked clearly, 'Superbabes-Payment.' "And now I feel like a Mouse in a giant's castle." Raven frowned, looking at the sheer size of the hallway. "…You could fit four Ronnie-Bells in here shoulder to shoulder.

"That's a lot of sexy giant redheads." Bumblebee replied, "Must be some party."

"If it was a party Orders would say it was a party." Raven replied accurately as they approached the door, Raven then snatched the envelope full of money. "And we're paying BEFORE we 'deliver?' That seems sketchy…"

"Oh don't be such a chicken. Just imagine that he has a big fat, monster cock for you on the other side of this door."

Something in the back of Raven's mind suddenly made connections. And she vaguely recalled Giganta mentioning a 'unique' individual, who lived as a semi-recluse in Gotham because of certain physical traits. Including but not limited to impressive 'sizes' involved. "Oh-"

But Bumblebee was already knocking and saying the phrase, as is tradition. "Superbabes."

Time: 9:01 PM. Place: Wanye Construction Company Building (Suspiciously Large Hallway Apartment)

"Special Delivery Service." Finished Bumblebee as a slightly stiffened Raven finished her own-

"Fuck." Under her breath, her body already reacting to the potential size beyond the door and they were NOT disappointed as it cracked open to reveal a pair of eyes about 8-ft in the air looking down at them

"Superbabes?" he asked surprised "I didn't order anything…" but his gaze lingered on the beautiful smiling black girl and the big titty Goth's titties, before moving to a more 'neutral' position as Bumblebee checked the receipt.

"It says here that we were ordered by a… Martin?" she asked as he blinked, and groaned.

"…Those guys." He sighed, "I told them I was okay with just a few beers to celebrate!"

"And yet now you have us! We're already here you want to open the door for us Honey?" Cooed Bumblebee as he blinked down at her, then seemed to come to a decision.

"…Hang on a second." He sighed, then shut the door before they heard the sound of a chain… a BIG one, being unlatched from the door. Then let it swing open wide to reveal himself in full.

"…Whoa you're a BIG boy, Honey!" Bumblebee replied as she and Raven stared wide-eyed at him, quickly getting over the initial shock. He wasn't the STRANGEST thing they've seen in this job and he probably won't be the last. But it was still briefly surprising… Orders guarantee of safety was better at relieving anxiety than any prescribed medication.

Still seeing some sort of reptilian man was a bit surprising.

He looked like somebody mutated a T-rex or some other sort of dinosaur. He looked to be about eight feet tall, and a good few inches more and just as broad in his muscular chest. With leathery brownish-red skin, and thick legs that were arched and ended with huge black-clawed feet like a classic raptor or some sort of bird of prey. He had a long thick tail protruding from his sweat pants, thick at his tailbone but thin at the end on the floor. His face was more on the normal human side: standard two ears, a nose, and a mouth, and hair on the top of his head that was a thick lion's mane of salt and pepper hair. His eyes were bright green with reptilian or perhaps cat-like slitted pupils, increasing the whole 'dinosaur-like' look he had…

"…You're not scared of me?" he asked somewhat surprised at their nonchalance.

"Look buddy-" Began Raven.


But she just continued, "We work with two green girls, a literal cat lady, a half-alien, and a 7-foot steroid-enhanced ex-wrestler-"

"Oh. Yeah, Giganta." He replied as the two girls just walked in.

"Not to mention." Once again he was ignored as Raven just continued, "Believe it or not. They're not the WEIRDEST girl we have on staff, there's also Starfire. You're new for us, but not surprising.

"Oh. My. God… you know what this is?! This is a Veronica story!" declared Bumblebee excitedly, "I've always wanted one of those!" she then grinned lecherously at the meta-dinosaur-man before her as she ran her hands against his chest, feeling his somewhat scaly muscles underneath the shirt as he froze in surprise. "MMmn… I always wanted to fuck an alien…"

"Oh god damn it why did I agree to be on the 2 for 1 with you?!" snarled Raven, suddenly realizing that working with Veronica's 'protégé' was akin to working with the redhead herself and that's always something between tedious and fun, added with exhausting and insane…

And only Veronica could work out that math: something like (T x F) + (E x I) = FUCK OFF.

"I'm not an alien, I'm-" he then paused, "Look. I know my guys meant well but really, we-"

"They already paid." Said Raven, putting down the food on a nearby table as Bumblebee grabbed Noah and dragged him with some effort to his large couch, which was really more like a bed to the two girls. Bumblebee 'pushed' him onto the couch, which he basically let her do, and sat on his right knee, wiggling her shapely black ass on it before carefully rubbing his crotch and hesitating briefly.

"Oooh Honey, what's THIS?!" she said excitedly as the obvious bulge grew between his legs and she grabbed the hem of his sweatpants and tugged… a thick, veiny cock as thick as an arm sprung from his pants as Raven froze at the sight of the leathery thing, and even that was scaled… ribbed for pleasure, apparently. "Oh FUCK…" Bumblebee bit her bottom lip, wrapping her hands around it and stroking. "…Oh Honey you are having one HELL of a celebration tonight…" she said, eyeing Raven seductively before letting go of Noah's literal monster cock and standing up, and yanking his pants off before she began stripping immediately.

Noah gazed at her nubile, young ebony body, fit and tight from years of gymnastics and athletic training. Tossing aside her clothes and standing naked and proud before him as Raven's body mechanically moved closer and knelt between his legs, gazing at his monster cock in rapturous awe as she opened her mouth to pant excitedly at it. Little hearts were in her eyes as her switch was THOROUGHLY flipped. Her tongue lolling from her mouth as Bumblebee's face beat her to the veiny but leathery cock, throbbing against her soft cock-sucking lips as her tongue stretched out and gave it a long lick as he clenched his slightly pointed teeth and watched his meaty rod wobble against Bumblebee's face as her hand slapped lightly on Raven's ass, their tiny bodies between his legs as they both eagerly worshiped his girth…

"Get those puppies out let's give him a treat." Moaned Bumblebee longingly against his cock, looking only at Noah's cat-like eyes as she tugged at Raven's leotard… the big titty Goth girl moving mechanically, gazing at the pussy stretching cock as she tugged her leotard down and displayed her big pale-skinned tits…

Even Noah's enlarged hands would have difficulty holding those sweater puppies. Round, full, and perfectly sized to tit-fuck just about any dick and now she was about to put that theory to the test, cupping her famous assets with both hands and wrapping them around the base of his cock, just BARELY engulfing his size as she hissed through teeth, spraying his girth with spittle from between them as Bumblebee's smooth face ran up against his shaft and her tongue followed behind it leaving a trail of lick saliva dripping down into Raven's cleavage as she began to slide her big goth titties up, and down the monstrous cock before her before applying her own black painted lips to his girth and running them up and down, letting her tongue scrap gently against his cock as she tasted his mighty meat.

Her soft breasts squeezed tightly around him, sliding up and down as Bumblebee opened her mouth and wrapped it around his bulging tip. Her lips stretched around his cock as she slid down, faintly, then pulled off quickly again. "Ah… wow this thing is massive." She chuckled, spitting on his shaft. "You got to try this…" she said as Raven continued stroking him.

"I'm a bit busy." Raven breathed, her breath cooling against Bumblebee's saliva dripping down his girth. Then ran her tongue against his shaft as Bumblebee's tongue joined her, their slippery tongues touching briefly, lips connecting in a slutty but somehow chaste kiss before, Bumblebee spat on his length again, dripping down his length and into Raven's mouth. "Aah…" still stroking his shaft with her tits as their fluids mixed between her cleavage, lubricating them further around his gith as Bumblebee pulled away, watching as Raven's tongue slid up his shaft and let go of her tits. Gripping his cock, and opening her mouth.

Raven's lips wrapped around his tip, and she went ALL the way down to the base before quickly shooting back up with red eyes and a panting mouth. "FUCK…" she hissed, spluttering slightly as Bumblebee laughed.

"That was fucking hot…" she said, rubbing herself excitedly as Raven coughed again and her eyes watering.

"I think I loosened my tonsils." Moaned Raven, stroking his cock again with her hand, slowly. "Fuck this thing is huge."

"Should I go first or should our resident size queen have her fun?"

"Size queen?" Noah blinked in surprise, in awe that such tiny girls could even get their mouths around the tip of his cock, let alone going further or getting ALL of it in her throat. "He was somewhat 'unfamiliar' with the word. Not everyone is in the know when it comes to sexual references and considering the state of his mutation it probably hasn't come up before.

"It means she likes monster dicks." Grinned Bumblebee as Raven broke her worshipful awe of the current monster cock to glare at Bumblebee. "Too late!" Bumblebee purred, already getting up off the floor and clambering over Noah's lap, rubbing her silky wet pussy on his twitching, ribbed-for-pleasure cock and cooing excitedly as she pushed her not nearly as big, but still very impressive black breasts into his face and his mouth. "MMn! Let's get this thing… in there!" she groaned, "Haah. AAAH!" stretching her tightened pussy around his shaft as his hands lashed to her waist. "SHIT. SHIT YES!!!"

Sliding slowly up and down his cock, getting about halfway down before 'leaping' up again and repeating, her legs standing bowlegged over him as Raven watched his monster dick steadily disappear into Bumblebee's comparatively tiny young body. "Oh… OOOH!" she howled, reaching behind her, grabbing Raven's head with flailing hands, resting on her head, and pulling the big titty goth girl into Noah's heavy ball sack.

Raven's nose buried into Noah's leathery testicles, filled with his animal musk as her mouth tongued and gummed on his balls, Bumblebee reached for his shoulders, grabbing them and sliding up and down again, feeling his cock sliding further into her body as she began, 'hopping' on his lap. Clenching her teeth in an insane grin, hissing curses under her breath in English and mandarin as Raven's mouth opened and slurped on his balls… feeling them churn in her mouth as his genitals pulsated warningly.

"Ugh. Aaah!" his powerful grip tightened on Bumblebee's dropping and gyrating waist as he held her tight.

"Oh, honey! Are you gonna cum? Are you gonna cum inside me?"

"Ngh-Hah. AH!" Noah groaned eagerly, feeling Raven's tongue spiraling around his nuts, encouraging out every drop ready to burst into Bumblebee as she flexible, and apparently very elastic black girl growled quietly.

"Cum on baby fill that tight little womb!" she hissed, "What's if for if not for filling with cum?!" she clutched his reptilian head by his mane of thick hair. "Cum in me Honey fill me up! Breed the fuck out of me!" she growled excitedly, "Give me those lizard babies!" slamming down on him steadily, "KNOCK! ME! Uuuup!" she whined as Noah roared like a T-Rex. "Haah!!"

Like a geyser a torrent of thick white cream rushed deep into her body, oozing down his shaft as Bumblebee twitched, cum flowing like a molasses river down onto his balls and into Raven's mouth as the salty flavor of cum slid to the back of her throat. She pulled away from his sack, a dollop resting on her upper lip as Bumblebee leaned forward against a twitching Noah. Pulling off the tip of his cock and wiggling her tight black ass in the air over it as her pussy dribbled cum out onto his shaft like frosting. "Oooh-ooh. SHIT honey… you got so fucking DEEP in there…" she bucked her hips up and down, as if unable to control them.

"Hah. Haah… that's… shit." Sighed Noah his slitted eyes rolling slightly as Bumblebee rolled over to sit beside him, rubbing her crotch as she scooped out dollops of his cream and licked them from her fingers before sliding down next to Raven and licking off the rest before they both began sliding their tongues into each other's mouths. Bumblebee squeezed Raven's big goth girl titties and got Noah's monster cock up for a second round as Raven absently rubbed his shaft but Bumblebee played with the tip of his lizard tail… flicking her thumb over the tip and chuckling as Noah groaned excitedly.

Bumblebee's other hand reached around to rub between Raven's ass cheeks, fingering the size-queen slut and pulling away, licking her lips and making Raven look at the thick leathery cock. "…Get it." she said excitedly as Raven bit her bottom lip, her gaze locked on the shaft, and focused more on that than the owner who seemed concerned at such focus. "…Fuck her hard Honey she'll LOVE that thing inside her."

"Fuck you." Raven said but continued to reverently stare at it.

Noah wiggled on the couch but stood up as the girls gazed submissively up at him. His cock twitched over their faces before he lifted Raven easily from the floor, then put her on the couch, lifting her legs up and folding them over easily, framing her big goth girl titties with her own knees before opening his mouth and running his surprisingly long tongue SLOWLY over he dripping pussy and then piercing between her lower lips as she clenched her teeth and groaned.

"NNgh! Aaaah…" her body quivered as he licked her like a dog, gripping her ankles tightly in an upright position he then stood up and let his cock slap onto her body, twitching slightly as it almost touched beneath her breasts with his sack against her crotch. "…Fuck." She whimpered and braced herself as he slid the shaft down her stomach until his tip pressed against her pussy.

Meanwhile, behind him, Bumblebee continued playing with his tail, it was thinner at the tip but still thick and firm. She absently played with it as Noah seemed focused on the big titty, about to be BRED goth girl. Bumblebee, getting a curious idea on how to FURTHER her 'veronica story' decided to add 'fucked a lizard tail' to it.

She rolled around, raising her ass in the air and her upper body on the floor, gripping Noah's tail with both hands and pressing the tip of it to her slippery pussy, sliding herself on it lightly just as Noah plowed into Raven.

"Fuck! FUCK! FUUCK!!" Raven squealed delightedly as the whole weight of an 8-foot-tall dinosaur man promptly re-arranged her organs. "FUCK! FUCK! THAT COCK!!! FUCK!!!" Noah's hips rocked and bucked, sliding his monster cock into Raven as his tail slid in and out of Bumblebee, shaking her ass behind him, throwing it back on his tail as she clenched her teeth happily. Raven shrieked incoherently, mostly.

"Oh GOD! YES! FUCK me! FUCK ME With that big FUCKING DICK! I LOVE that big FUCKING COCK!!" she whined as her big goth girl titties bounced up and down, faster and faster, jiggling enticingly as Noah watched them go… unable to resist the urge to bend over, wrapping his mouth around one of them completely. "Haah!" his tongue writhing on her hardened nipples as his hips kept bucking.

Bumblebee clenched up, shuddering on his tail as she orgasmed. Clawing at the floor as Noah's hips rocked back and forth. Plunging into both girls as they squealed and howled together. Bumblebee jerked off his lizard tail, shaking and wobbling her tight black ass in the air. And if Noah didn't have a mouthful of Goth girl titties and was entirely focused on plowing Raven he might have enjoyed the sight.

"FUCK I'm cumming!! I'M CUMMING ON THIS BIG FUCKING DIIIIICK!!" Raven howled, mouth hanging open and eyes gazing up at the ceiling as Noah continued to 'devour' her tits, slobbering and licking all over them before he buried his cock into her guts and promptly filled her up. Growling around a mouthful of chesty meat as his balls pulsated against her body. "Haah-aaha-ccoooooooock…" Raven writhed beneath his weight. The big dick mating press sent her brain somewhere into the atmosphere as her stomach bulged noticeably… though they didn't actually notice.

It wobbled slightly as Noah kept cum, his seed spraying inside her and oozing out of her crotch, dribbling onto the floor despite how tight she was around his thick girth, staining the couch and pooling between his feet as Bumblebee cooed, crawled around on the floor like a Komodo dragon before wrapping her lips around his sack and slurping loudly. "MMn." Licking the cum from his balls and Raven's crotch as Noah finally removed his mouth from Raven's tits.

"Hah hah hah hah…" Raven panted like a horny bitch as Noah steadily extracted his cock from her inside, leaving her well-trained pussy with a wet squelch as she shuddered, and gazed blankly at the ceiling with an insane smile on her face. He let go of her ankles and her legs flopped onto the floor, her body still shaking and twitching as Noah stood awkwardly, Bumblebee's mouth still around his sack from behind. His tail draped over her right shoulder and down her back like a scarf.

"…You know I thought changing into this was the strangest thing I'd ever experience but you girls take the cake…" he said amazed, his monstrous meat resting on Raven's body, a small dollop of cum oozing from his tip onto her as Bumblebee reached around to stroke it. "At least uh… Giganta was big enough to reliable handle-" his cock steadily rose. "…It." he finished hesitantly as Bumblebee popped off his balls and crawled around next to Raven, wagging her ass enticingly at him.

"…Come on Honey don't quit now…" she reached around, grabbing her ass cheeks and spreading. "Get it in there. Fuck your lizard babies into me."

"I don't think that's how it works…" he mumbled, but he grabbed her waist as she trembled. Then howled as he easily slipped back into her body, steadily thrusting against her black ass as her tongue hung from her mouth.

"HAah! Aah! Ah! Ah! YES! FUCK! ME!!" she chanted, feeling her organs argue with their sudden relocation but tightening around Noah's cock regardless as he held her down with his powerful hands. "Ugh! UGH! YEAH! HONEY! Fill that fucking hole up! Knock me up! Bred me. Use me." She hissed, eyes rolling up into her head, grunting eagerly as Raven's eyes focused back into reality. "Fuck. FUCK! ME!" whined Bumblebee, shuddering as her hand reached around to finger Raven's sore size-queen pussy as the big titty goth girl moaned and clawed the couch.

They moaned and shuddered together, Noah speeding up his pumping hips against Bumblebee's ass as she shuddered, squealing erotically as she went limp, no longer fingering Raven as Noah speared into her womb once again, depositing a heavy load but quickly ripping out of Bumblebee, and mounting Raven again ripping Bumblebee's hand out of a quivering Raven

"FUCK!" she howled at the sudden piercing, and equally sudden warmth as he unloaded the REST of his load into her body, "UGH! UGH!! AH!" he bucked his hips against her, spraying her womb before ripping out of her and slapping his cock onto her body. Squeezing her breasts around the tip. "AH. Ah. Ah…" she opened her mouth as he slid his shaft back and forth, 'punching' her face with his cock, pressing into her mouth onto her tongue as he wildly tit fucked her. Bumblebee crawled beside her, sticking out her tongue and letting him slide his shaft on it as it twitched… throbbed…

And promptly showered them in a torrent of cum worthy of famous male bukkake pornstar Gusher.

"Glurp!" Raven took a drowning faceful of cum, her entire face taking a literal facial as he used her tits… then promptly yanked his cock from them before aiming at an excited Bumblebee who opened her mouth, stuck out her tongue, and was promptly painted with cream.

"Ah!! GUCK!" she spluttered but held firm as they dripped and dribble thick monster cock semen onto each other. His cock twitched and he dropped down onto the floor with an almost catastrophic THUMP.

"…Wow." He groaned as the two girls collapsed onto each other. Sticking to each other as Bumblebee and Raven kissed through their facials. He stretched his legs out. Then crawling upright again as the girls groaned contentedly. Gaping, twitching, and finally.

"SNORT." Raven blew cum from her nose against Bumblebee's cheek, and slowly sat up, fell, then did it again. Sitting upright and shoving Bumblebee off her big goth girl titties. "…Off." she groaned. "Shit-shit-shit-shit-shit…" she grumbled under her breath as she wiggled and jiggled. Taking her hands and wiping her eyes of cum so she could open them. "…Do you have a bathroom?" she asked.

Noah blinked at her. "…I mean yeah. Right down there." He said, pointing as she looked. Stood up and hobbled awkwardly towards the gestured location, if necessary she'll guess. Bumblebee sat on her knees, cooing softly before slipping off the couch herself and following after Raven with the same awkward hobble, only dripping far more cum down her shapely inner thighs. Her hands rested on her tight black ass as she wiggled her hips after Raven.

They found his appropriately sized shower, which was about as big as an apartment bedroom, and slipped into it. Raven fondled the gigantic shower knobs before getting hosed with a high-pressure spray. "BLURK!" she grumbled, taken off guard before standing upright with Bumblebee behind her. Both of them sprayed off the water as Noah stomped quietly inside to watch, and eventually take his own turn under the hot spray.

The two did the standard Superbabes showering. Twisting, turning, posing as they fondled themselves and each other until every last drop of plentiful mutated man cream flowed down the massive drain. Bumblebee's hand rubbed all over Raven's big goth girl titties. Lifting them and dropping them as Raven groaned, then slapped her hands away. "Stop it. Stop." She mumbled, shaking slightly as Bumblebee lifted them again and bounced them on her hands. "Ugh."

"You were so cooperative before maybe you just need him to pound you again."

"I'd say I hate you the most but you're not V, stop it!" she replied as Bumblebee continued to bounce her big breasts.

Noah, completely unsure of how to react couldn't help but watch the two nubile and beautiful Superbabes molest each other. His hanging organ shot up slowly as Raven's tits bounced water away. But finally, the big titty Goth had enough of Bumblebee's shit, slapping her hands hard and then cracking a blow onto her round black ass.

"AH! Shit…" she grumbled, rubbing her backside as Raven stepped out of the shower, hesitated at the sight of Noah's erect cock, then resisted the urge to get back on her knees and suck it. "So cranky." Raven brushed him aside, grabbing a towel and drying herself off, trying not to look at that cock and surrender to her instincts.

Bumblebee soon got out of the shower as well, running her fingers over his shaft as she grabbed a towel as well. Noah's length twitched and he sighed, slipping into the shower to hose his own body off. The girls left him to it, returning to the main room to redress. "Fuck that thing was big." Bumblebee cooed, pulling her pants up over her bubble ass and her half-shirt down.

"…Yep." Raven replied, shuddering as she stuffed her leotard with her goth girl titties.

"…You want to go back in there and take it again don't you?"

"Shut the fuck up." She groaned, her body already reacting as Bumblebee licked her lips.

"I'm sure Orders won't mind."

"The fuck she won't." Replied Raven, checking the clock nearby digital clock. "…definitely not." She said, returning to the table to grab the envelope of money as Bumblebee briefly returned to the bathroom.

"We're going to head out honey. But order again big boy! Raven said she'd give you and that monster dick a discount!" she lied.

…But Raven, making her way out the door and to the elevator, didn't argue.

Time: 10:23 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Jae-Hwa walked in from the floor just as Raven and Bumblebee returned, slapping the envelope onto the counter as Orders greedily took it, sorted its contents, then passed them back their cuts. "Mind if I sight down Orders?" Jae-Hwa grumbled putting her tips on the counter. "Pinchy Joe isn't helping me right now."

"Go ahead." Orders replied dismissively. "Alice and Ola are back they won't mind."

"After a shower." Alice grumbled, but Ola seemed more than eager.

"She must still need one after taking that monster cock." cooed Ola. "Don't worry Jae-Hwa you'll find one that fits you." she added as Alice glared at her but said nothing, heading into the showers as Jae-Hwa blinked and said, rather frankly.

"…The fuck are they talking about?"

Orders just shrugged, shook her head, and went back to her crosswords. "Not everyone can be one-size fits all."


Next chapter