
Delivery GIrl: Wonder Woman II Order #5

I don't own DC

Superbabes was in full swing, but to be more specific that 'swing' was hips and they weren't lying. Al-Jadid music, the most common and free version of it, blared from the jukebox as Catwoman (II) and Wonder Woman (II) danced on the floor…

It was a belly dance-off.

The beautiful dark-skinned Superbabes danced erotically for the viewing pleasure of the patrons, cheering and hooting as their hips swung, popped, and swiveled around skillfully, their arms waving enchantingly as their gorgeous smiles and playful winks drove them up further.

"Shake it girl! Whoo-hoo!"

"Look at those hips go!"

"She's got the moves! She knows she's sexy!"

And that was just the Superbabes catcalling on the floor, the patrons were far lewder. But regardless the sexy Superbabe belly dancers didn't really notice, both were mentally and physically focused on continuing the exotic display. Their magnificent hips and waspy waists swiveled enticingly, bouncing and popping skillfully as they gracefully moved across the floor as if gliding on ice. Wiggling and bouncing in all the right places as Silver Swan, reluctantly, walked around with a Superbabes bucket, casually collecting tips for the dancers.

But soon enough the 8-minute melody on the jukebox died down, and slowly the girls stopped dancing, mostly, Wonder Woman was still casually popping her hips towards some of the patrons. Catwoman laughed at Wonder Woman's energy but was more than happy to stop after constantly shaking her ass and tits in a tight black leather suit… Wonder Woman's outfit, while tight, is significantly breezier. Her generously full brown cleavage was wobbling, jiggling, and almost spilling out with her graceful and sexy movements.

"That's enough." Orders abruptly declared from the lounge, deciding that the impromptu belly dance-off had played its course and milked the cash cow a little extra today.

"But Master…" cooed the dancing Wonder Woman. "I have not finished yet." She said, still dancing a little as she, Catwoman, and Silver Swan walked into the lounge.

"I got to admit though you are very good." Catwoman said, heading to the locker room for a quiet touch-up. She was wearing leather and just strenuously danced for almost ten minutes non-stop.

"You as well!" cheered Wonder Woman, her hips still popping as if she couldn't stop her hips from swinging now that she got them going. "And that's saying something since I was taught by-"

"A very. Famous. Dancer." Orders declared coolly, her purple eyes glaring at Wonder Woman who only rolled her eyes. Being taught by perhaps the finest belly dancers ever in the City of Brass, Wonder Woman naturally knew what she was doing. In fact, she probably could teach some modern-day 'masters' a thing or two.

"Right. Very famous." Wonder Woman replied as Silver Swan tossed the bucket of cash towards Orders. It wobbled to a stop in front of the boss and she wordlessly turned around and went to sit on the couch.

"Floor." Orders replied, taking the bucket and sorting the cash as Silver Swan groaned exasperatedly before doing an about-face and walking back onto the floor.

"Greedy son-of-a-" mumbling all sorts of curses in made-up, also known as 'dead' languages. But Orders seemingly ignored it and continued sorting the bucket cash before glancing up at Wonder Woman who was about to go sit down herself.

"Not going to wash up?"

"It's fine!" Wonder Woman smiled abruptly dropping onto the couch and crossing her shapely legs. "I still feel fresh." She declared and Orders seemingly accepted this information.

"Hmmn…" she replied uncommittedly but still looking rather thoughtful. "…Fine." She said as her purple eyes flashed and before Wonder Woman could reply Orders was reaching for the phone.

Time: 9:34 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes. We deliver."

"Hey uh do you provide stripper cakes? Specifically the stripper part of the cake? We already have the cake."



"Are you going to order something or ask stupid and incriminating questions?"

"If I order something will the girl dance?"

"What girls do while out on delivery, within an hour, which may or may not involve jumping out of cakes, is entirely up to them. Are you ordering or not?"

"Uh...what do you recommend?"

"An absurd order of Wonder Woman Chicken and Waffles?"

"Does it come with Wonder Woman?"

"We expect her back within 60 minutes or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon the completion of the delivery. Name and address please."

"oh! Wait, what is an 'absurd?' order?"

"You'll see when you get the receipt."


Unsurprisingly Orders now had a headache, what was surprising however that it wasn't because of her clairvoyance. She hung up the phone and rubbed her purple eyes. "Wonder Woman…" she ripped off the receipt. "You have one."

"So it seems." Wonder Woman hopped back up to her feet just as Catwoman came out of the locker rooms, still drying her hair. "Pray tell what is a 'stripper cake?" she asked. Catwoman laughed.

"Basically? You jump out of a cake, dance, and take off your clothes." Sure turned to Orders. "Did they ask for her? Want me to go instead?" she asked but Orders shook her head.

"No. It'll be an experience." Orders replied as an 'absurd' amount of chicken and waffles slid slowly across the counter. Wonder Woman eyed the large Superbabes brand back for a moment, before picking up the heavy bag by scooping her arms under it. "Also. Take the car." She ordered as Wonder Woman finally frowned.

"FINE…" she mumbled, walking out the back door as Catwoman asked coyly.

"What was she supposed to do? Take the bus?"

With literally armfuls of chicken and waffles, Wonder Woman walked towards a company car and with a snap her fingers the passenger side door popped open, obviously by magic. She quickly the heavy and surprisingly sturdy bag of food onto the seat before walking back around the car to the driver's seat, and dropping her magnificent genie ass into the seat. Wiggled slightly then rested her hands on the wheel as the car abruptly roared to life… without the keys in the ignition. The car, eager to please, pulled carefully into the traffic and drove off into Gotham.

She enjoyed the ride, slower as it was, and arrived behind a towering apartment building in the Upper-East district. Coming to a stop on the curb. She blinked up at the building, frowning thoughtfully before turning her attention to the company car's wheel. "Are you sure?" she replied and in response the car abruptly turned off. "Hmn." She shrugged and got out of the car. Walked around the car and grabbed the very large bag of food, hauling it out of the car parked car.

Just in time for a trio of men approaching her, one speaking "Hey are you the-"

"DUDE. LOOK at her." Said another sarcastically, before helping her with the food. "Here let me get that." Pulling it from her arms so she could smile prettily at the three of them.

"Hello! Someone said something about a cake?"

"Stripper cake." The first one said, but it was the third who gestured for her to follow him, they all walked into a large garage-like area… a loading bay Ashley once called it, and sitting at the top of a long ramp was a VERY big cake with white frosting and blue trimmings, three layers!

"I have never seen so much cake!" she squealed delightedly before darting up the ram. "What flavor is it?! How do I get inside it? Will it be sticky?"

"Uh." The third one began hesitantly but the news was broken once she rested her finger on the cake and realized… it wasn't soft and delicious. It was hard, and a lie… This was not cake. The cake is a lie.

She frowned at them before declaring with disappointed anger. "This is not cake." She declared as the third man knocked on the second layer of the wooden cake.

"Well… all you got to do is jump out of it." He said as guy number two grabbed the top of the cake and lifted it off like a pot lid. "Dance around, take off your clothes… are you okay with that?" she stared at him, and a shiver went down his spine as he suddenly felt like an ant nipping at the feat of Gojira.

"I was told there would be CAKE." She said as if the very idea of there not being cake was offensive to her very being.

"I mean you have plenty of cake." Declared the first guy with a nervous grin

"Dude shut the fuck up." Snapped the third guy, suddenly a deep primordial fear slammed down into his stomach from looking into the eyes of this very sexy woman and unnervingly scary woman. "We have actual cake upstairs." He said and all of a sudden Wonder Woman was smiling.

"Good. One should not promise cake and not have cake…" she said 'sagely' before taking a look into the surprisingly spacious FAKE cake. "…Hmmn." She delicately danced up the steps of the cake and accurately hopped into the top. Boop…

Her breasts made getting into the cake a little snug, rubbing against the insides of the fake cake, but she raised her arms up, took a breath, and dropped right in. It was a little more spacious than expected… but it reminded her of being in the bottle.

"Okay. Once you hear the music just pop out." Said Dude, looking into the cake and getting a view of Wonder Woman and her cleavage. "You're going to be great." He said as the third guy sealed the lid on the cake. Then it began to roll…

She heard the dinging of the elevator, and it was unnervingly quiet as she was rolled in and felt the elevator rising up for several seconds before the elevator dinged again and they rolled the cake and cart out of it. She soon heard the chatter of people, echoing voices as she was rolled along, but she did hear a "Get Ready" from Dude through the cake and suddenly it went quiet again as they started singing that 'happy birthday song' that Superbabes sometimes sings a parody of…

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Prince-y, happy birthday to you!"

Because Orders refuses to buy the 'rights.' Wonder Woman was unaware that this was the 'original' song.

Still, she listened to the tone-deaf singing, pondering the fact that she was entertaining a 'Prince-y' and wondering if he was a Prince, then she heard clapping before someone said rather amazed. "That cake is huge!"

"It ain't over yet birthday boy!" cheered the second guy.

"You got one more present for your big 18th​!" added Dude, and then she heard the music, 'rock-and-roll' apparently. And that was her cue, but before she popped out of the cake… she knocked on the lid.


Time: 9:59 PM. Place: Upper-East Gotham Apartment (Not Cake)

"Special!" she pushed the lid off and SHOT out upright, "Delivery!" her arms in the air, spreading out in a 'tada' pose as her breasts caught on the inside of the cake. "Service!" she cheered with a beautiful smile as she stood in the cake. The top of her costume was loosened by her exit, rubbing off the inner walls of the cake and almost popping out of her star-spangled corset. It at least gave her a head start for taking off her clothes…

She glanced around the rather large living room, there were plenty of people, mostly men of various ages, standing around a young man sitting on a chair in front of the cake. Clearly the 'Prince-y' sung about in the birthday song. He was rather strapping for his youth, wearing a black tank-top showing off very impressive muscles for his age, with shortly cut blonde hair on his head and 'peachfuzz' on his chin and cheeks, as if he couldn't grow a proper beard.

"You got me a stripper?" he bemoaned with a nervous smile at the three men behind her as she bent forward, smiling at him as she pressed her hands onto the second layer of the fake cake… and it suddenly collapsed under her, and flattened on the trolley as she stepped off and towards him…

"…Did you build the cake to do that?" she heard the Second guy confusedly ask behind her but she ignored them… raised her arms above her head and moved to the music with a beautiful smile on her face. The steady rock-and-roll beats sent her body into an erotic gyration that held the attention and the catcalls of everyone in the room.

Wonder Woman raised her arms in the air, and slowly rolled her hips towards Prince-y, with each sensual pop of her hips she got closer, and closer, her thick, round, curvaceous ass drawing his gaze as she stood a foot away from him. Her arms still writhing like serpents above her head, twisting as she smiled mischievously down at him. Belly dancing, was an enchanting, arousing, and exotic display… and when done by a master like her? An ageless Genie that has been practicing for eons? She wouldn't even have to put all of her effort into it, she could decide to dance like an amateur and all in the room would be, and were, positively enthralled by her and her sultrily swaying hips.

Normally she would move to the music, but she didn't NEED to hear. Her movements were slow, and sensual, swaying side to side like the motion of the ocean. Soon rolling her hips around and around with round hula-hoop like swings until she was facing away from him. He was too busy focusing on her beautiful backside that he didn't notice her arms lowering to the corset, and pushing it down fully. It was already loosened from popping out of the cake her big breasts were freed from their bindings and her arms went up again flattening her hands together she swung her hips wildly side to side.

Boom-boom-boom-boom! The crowd Oh'd and ah'd, and maybe drooled a little watching her tantalizing display before outright cheering when she turned around and gave Prince-y a faceful of beautiful brown breasts bouncing and jiggling together, they didn't flop about on her chest like saggy orbs, they were firm and complimentary to her dancing form and her wonderful figure. Smiling prettily she lowered her arms, hooking her thumbs into the corset and pushing it lower and lower off her body until the cheers reached a cacophony of lustful joy as she kicked away her corset and continued to dance naked, speeding up now as the celebration seemed to kick off in full.

Her clothes were off after all that immediately meant a good time.

Slowly her exotic belly-dancing gyrations became more modern as she strutted around his chair, gently brushing his blushing face and rubbing her breasts and her backside upon him with teasing little brushes as she tossed her long luxurious black hair, lightly wiping him in the face as they all laughed and whistled, hooting at her movements… until the music suddenly abruptly stopped.

She paused, with her breasts at eye level with Prince-y's face as the crowd hooted, laughed, and clapped, cheering for her performance as she blinked around at them surprised. Wait… were they done? Is that all she had to do? Dance for nearly 10 minutes and then… that's it? She seemed to think about it as Prince-y continued to stare into her chest and the second guy picked up her corset to hand it to her.

But she didn't take it, and smiled at him charmingly. "Oh… I don't need that yet." She declared, reaching down and taking Prince-y by the hands. "Now it's time for a private show!" She pulled Prince-y to his feet and pulled him away from the crowd as they hooted and cheered, wishing him good luck as she dragged him deeper into the apartment, and into a large master bedroom.

Wherever they were it seemed to be some sort of presidential suite, perhaps rented out for a wild party. But she swirled him around and threw him onto the bed. "Whoa!"

"Happy Birthday Prince-y." she said, before sliding onto his lap.

"It's just prince-MMGH!?" he moaned as her heavy breasts bulged around his face. Their soft warmth and her sweet-smelling natural perfume overwhelmed his senses as his obvious erection rubbed against her crotch through his shorts.

"You're a Prince!? I've never entertained royalty-" in the human world "-before! Hmmn-hmmn!" she chuckled, wrapping her arms around his head and smothering him with her chest, feeling his rapid breathing matching with his throbbing erection.

"Bwah!" he gasped as she finally released him from marshmallow heaven and slid back off his lap before turning around and dropping her magnificent backside onto his lap and gyrating again seductively. Just like Tasha taught her."HMmn-hmmn-mmmn…" she hummed softly, grinding on his lap. He restrained a loud, quivering moan, which only encouraged her to grind harder. "Ooh…" she crowed, thrusting her rear back against his flat, muscular stomach. "I feel something HARD and throbbing…"

She then stood up shaking her backside side to side, making her rear bounce about as she chuckled, "Shall I take care of it? Is it not customary to give the 'birthday boy' a present?"

"I-" he began but then she pushed him over. "Whoa!" he flopped onto the bed as her hands then danced down his stomach and hooked into his waistline, peeling his clothes away and freeing his erection. It rubbed between her silky soft breasts as she continued going lower. Kneeling on the bed as she hooked his clothes around his ankles and grabbed his erection before stroking him. "Oh… Ugh…"

If he had any reservations… he was quickly convinced otherwise.

Wonder Woman's hand slid up and down as she excitedly watched his arousal rise further and further, pre-ejaculate oozing from his tip as she continued caressing his phallus, her other hand cupping around his testicles, massaging and caressing his genitals as Prince groaned appreciatively.

"MMn-YES…" she cooed, "I have this effect on many. Luckily I know the solution." She then opened her mouth and sealed her plump lips around his tip. "Mmgh!" pulling away suddenly with a wet pop. "Ah…" she swirled her tongue around his glans before finally applying her fellatio skills. "mmgh! Mmgh! Mmgh!" bobbing her head up and down, she easily took his girth into her throat.

…He wasn't particularly large, so it was easy enough. Her lips pressed against the base of his length as he groaned louder and louder. "MMn! Mmn! Mmn-hmmn!"

"Dude I think he's getting laid!" cheered someone from the closed door as Prince groaned loudly again as she engulfed the entirety of his length.

"Mmng?" she pulled off his shaft as the crowd outside apparently cheered him on as she stroked him.

"Go get her man!"

"Show her what you got!"

"Yes Prince, show me what you got." She said, still stroking him but stood up. "Give me everything… you are now…" she slid onto the bed, so weightlessly she might have been floating. She pressed his cock against her silky folds, then dropped onto him and moaned. "-a MAN." She moaned with a shuddering, cock-hardening sigh. Resting her hands on her chest and steadily rolling her hips up and down, grinding on his body as if once again dancing… and it was AMAZING, for him obviously.

"Ha! Ah! Ha!" she bounced up and down on him, the large bed creaking beneath them as her big breasts bounced distractingly up and down as he reached up and grabbed at her waist. But she then grabbed his wrists and yanked them up to her chest, that's where his interest was after all. His fingers sank into her beautiful and bouncy flash as she pushed them into his hands and threw her head back. Her long, luxurious black hair hung down like a curtain down her back as she bounced faster and faster on top of him. "Ha! Ah! Haa!" her insides clinging around his cock, driving herself closer to her on release as Prince groaned, shaking underneath her in pleasure trying to resist his inevitable release, now it was a race.

"HA! Ah! Ahhh!..." she leaned onto his hands as he held her up, her hips writhing and gyrating as she moaned, "Oooooh!" she won the 'race' shaking in orgasm as she slammed her hips onto him, but she'll win the battle. "MMMGH!! Ooh that was good…" she cooed shaking in pleasure as she lightly flicked his nose. "MMn? Are you done or would you like to-Ah?" she gasped as he suddenly sat up, hooking his hands on her rear he shifted off the bed, her legs wrapping instinctively around his waist as he turned around and leaped back onto the bed. "Ha! Ha!" she laughed as he buried his face into her breasts and began thrusting into her. "MMn! There you go! It's your birthday! Oooh!" writhing under him, bucking her hips up into his thrusts. "Oh! Oh! oOooh!" moaning properly as he squeezed her breasts around his head with his hands. Her hands were clinging to the sheets as she rode the wave.

"Oh! OOoooh!!" howling in pleasure as he slammed abruptly into her. "MMMn! Don't stop now!" she moaned as she felt him pumping his seed into her body, she pouted. "Oh… that's all? Are you done?" she cooed, "But I want more."

"Haah… Haaah…" Prince moaned contentedly, his body shivering as he finished… pushing off of her but keeping his hands on her breasts. Keeping his hips glued to her waist and his eyes rolling slowly in a daze, twitching and grunting…

He oddly reminded her of a bull seal. He pulled slowly out of her, shaking like a leaf and flopping onto his back beside her, with a big, happy, borderline silly look on his face. She rolled on her side and let her breasts 'stack' on his chest leaning on her arm. Pouting at him thoughtfully, he didn't say anything at first but his hands did return to her breasts, squeezing them playfully as she smirked reaching down and grabbing his sticky phallus.

"Is that all?" she crooned, feeling him hardening in her hand as he fondled her chest and then pulled her nipples into his mouth. "MMn…" she began stroking him faster as he moaned again, his erection soon returning as he slurped off her nipples and sat upright. "Ah-" he pulled her up and then pushed her over onto her hands and knees as she wiggled her rear instinctively behind her. "OOH! Ugh! UGhhh!" she moaned as he began thrusting into her body from behind.

He was rutting her like a bitch in heat, her howls of animalistic pleasure echoed around the large bedroom as his hips wildly bucked against her backside, her flesh rippling with each blow of his hips. His girth thrust into her body as she panted and moaned. His hands held her waist, yanking her back on his thrusts "HA! AH! AAAH!!" she suddenly screamed erotically as he let go of her waspy waist to grab her long dark hair, going from rutting her like a bitch to riding her like a steed. "AH! AH! Ah! Ah!" tugging her hair like reins, "Haah! Ahh!"

He speedily slapped away at her, like he had somewhere to be other than inside her, her body shivering and trembling as he rode her to another orgasm, which might have been more her than him but they were having fun regardless. "AH! AH!!" he gasped, shaking as he approached his release.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" she grunted, her upper body flopped to the bed, her lower body raising up behind her like a cat in heat, throwing it back on his rapidly and spastically bucking hips as she prostrated herself on the bed. "Yes! Yes! NNGH!!" her arms stretched and gripped the bed as she howled her orgasm and her insides clung tightly to his throbbing member as he bucked into her.

"Ha! AHhh…" following his instincts and slamming into her body, pulling out and doing it again as her shapely form shivered in orgasm as he let go of her hair and flopped onto her body, bucking his hips as she started to chuckle.

"Hmm-hmn!" she lifted her head from the mattress and shook it, tossing her head she pushed up as he pulled out. "MMn!" she wiggled her hips again, a lot of hip wiggling tonight as he flopped onto the bed looking immensely pleased with himself…

Well, he was with her after all. She pushed up onto her knees, stretching her arms above her head and glancing over her shoulder at him as she smiled. "Did you enjoy your birthday present?" she cooed as he took a breath and sighed contentedly.

"Yeah… but… uh…" he hesitated as she licked her lips.

"Do you want more birthday prince?" she cooed as he grabbed himself and began to stroke.

"Well…" he reached out and squeezed her breasts from behind. "I always wanted to try something…" he said standing up and groaning slightly pushing her to sit down on her legs before standing in front of her and cupping her breasts together. He played with them, bouncing them together before sliding his phallus between them.

"Oh!-ho-ho!" she laughed as he began bucking his hips against her generous flesh. "MMn!" she gazed up at him, holding her breasts firmly together as she extended her tongue and drooled into her cleavage, lubricating it further as he kept thrusting away.

"Always… wanted to do this!" he groaned, continuing to fornicate with her chest as she laughed, it kinda tickled, but she was told with her size it was a possibility that men, and some women with penises, would want to do this.

"MMmn…" she said, sliding her hands to her face, squeezing her breasts with her arms as she smiled up at him. "Ah… Ah…" moaning softly, encouragingly, as he began speeding up, the slapping of his hips on her chest rising as he groaned louder and louder.

"Ahh! Ahhh!" gasping as with little more warning than the throbbing on his phallus and the cries of ecstasy from his throat he slammed into her chest, and thick ropes of his semen shot out of her cleavage like a geyser before plopping messily on her beautiful brown skin.

"Oh! Haaah!" she opened her mouth and felt his salty seed splatter on her tongue, "Ha-ha-ha!"

Just like those videos that Yaya showed her… only that video started with Jackie getting a 'facial' and then burying her face in a bowl full of semen and drinking it all. She wasn't going to do that… yet. Though she's open to trying…

"Ugh! Ha…" he shivered and sighed loudly before popping out of her now sticky breasts and flopping down onto the bed.

"MMMn." She smiled down at her chest and then pulled her arms away, they mostly remained in place. "Was THAT your birthday present?"

"Yeah. I think I'm good."

"Great! Then we can now have cake! Oh! After I-" she glanced down again, "Clean up the frosting." She smiled at him jokingly, but he didn't seem to get it, he was actually to exhausted after the epic nut-busting he just did. "Hmmn. Perhaps I need to practice my quips more." She skipped off the bed and walked away from the bed towards what she assumed was a washroom, but there was nothing in there. It was a 'walk in closet'… "Hmmn. I'm sure she won't mind." They then pointed to her chest, and POOF in purple smoke she was clean, naked, but clean.

She then turned around and walked right now, completely nude. "Happy birthday." She said as he looked at her then the closet, then her again as she walked out.

"Wait how did you-" but she then shut the door, The crowd of people cheered as she strutted naked out of the room, clapping raucously before they realized that clearly she wasn't Prince, but they still enjoyed the site.

"Oh! There it is!" she said, suddenly bouncing up to Dude still holding her costume, and promptly retrieving a slice of cake. "MMn!" she moaned, taking a plastic fork and a bite. "DELICIOUS!" she sighed happily, practically having an orgasm again.

"I mean it's store-bought." Dude noted as she put her cake down, grabbed her suit, and promptly stuffed her body back into it with a loud and obvious snap. Her breasts jiggled as she smiled down at her corset, then went back to cake. "You must really like cake."

"I have heard good things about birthday cake!" she said happily, "Oh. I need the money for the delivery…" she gestured to the mostly empty superbabes bag of chicken and waffles. Evidently, the partygoers enjoyed the food.

"Uh yeah. Sure, hang on." He then walked away, talking to the other two members of the trio, before the third one approached her.

"Do you take credit?"

She raised an eyebrow at that, swallowed her cake, and then smiled. "I have been informed that when I hear that I am to say 'Cash Only'." They looked at each other then back at her. "I can wait, or as my mas-" she paused, "My Employer says. The authorities will be informed." She added to their nervous stares, eating more cake.

So a hat was passed around and two slices of cake later, the delivery fee had been paid and she casually stuffed the bills into her cleavage. "Thank you! Order again!" she smiled and the crowd continued to cheer and catcall at her all the way out of the apartment building and back to the car… then grabbing the wheel, the car drove her back to Superbabes.

Time: 10:46 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Orders leaned back in her chair, rubbing her eyes as Wonder Woman returned, extracting the money from her cleavage as Orders waved at her counter. "Just put it there. I have a killer headache… and take a bath Arwa." Orders replied as Arwa frowned.

"I used magic it's fine! And I am more than assured that they overpaid." She said confidently but Orders glared at her. "Oh very WELL master." She replied with a dismissive shrug, heading into the locker rooms to quickly wash as her master demanded. Soon returning fresh and clean, again, eyeing Orders as she finished sorting the cash. "Jumping out of a cake was fascinating." She said, and she SMILED at Orders who looked her dead in her pretty brown eyes and replied.


"But it was not PROPER cake. It was made of WOOD how terribly disappointing!" she continued smiling at Orders who drummed her fingers on the counter. "Did you know that I don't remember my birthday?" she asked as Orders sighed in exasperation. Knowing what the lustful genie wanted.

"If I do it, will you STOP badgering me tonight?" she snapped tiredly as Arwa rapidly clapped her hands, bouncing happily in place. "I wish you had a birthday cake. A small one." She declared and Arwa happily' produced a small purple birthday cake between them… plates and forks oddly sliding across the counter along with a large cake knife.

Orders sliced them both a piece and Arwa happily bounced while she ate the delicious cake, "MMgh! Fantastic!" she declared delightedly as Orders' purple eyes twinkled.

"I'm surprised it's not an ice cream cake." She replied as Arwa froze with the fork in her mouth, her eyes wide in awe as she swallowed

"…There's ice cream CAKE?" Orders stern lips twitched.


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