
Delivery Girl: Starfire Order #6

I don't own DC

"7 and 3 balls corner pocket. 5 ball side pocket." Declared Killer Frost confidently as she bent over the table, her sexy ass in the air, her back arching and-

PACK! Packity-PACK!

The pool balls clattered and bounced off each other, and she sank the 7 and 3 balls, and the 5 ball in the side pocket. The rest of the balls rattled around the pool table as the girl she was playing against moaned exasperatedly.

She was playing against THREE girls today, letting them all have a turn before she goes. Red Lantern, White Rabbit, and Divine watched as Killer Frost easily sunk half of her remaining pool balls after as easily as breathing.

"How is she still beating us?!" Divine asked in furious amazement as Red Lantern and White Rabbit groaned in dismay. "It's three on one!"

"I used to do this for a living you know." replied Killer Frost bluntly. Missing her next shot on purpose... because the looks on the girls playing against her when she won with another come from behind victory was HILARIOUS.

"And now she's a delivery girl." Red Lantern growled, leaning on the pool table, pushing her majestically massive ass out behind her as she glared at her friend and hated pool opponent.

"Step up in my opinion... at least now I don't have guys chasing me down because I hustled them." Killer Frost noted as they all took their turns... and then Killer Frost won, obviously. "But because I'm smoking hot."

"That was amazing... but highly frustrating..." Divine scowled, "Let that be the weirdest thing I see today."

"What? How is me winning a pool game weird?"

"It was the way you did it." replied Divine as Red Lantern and White Rabbit just put their pool ques on the holders. "It was more like playing pinball than pool." It was then that Raven and Starfire arrived for work...

...And that was it... no 'Hello Orders' or 'I'm going to fuck fratboys tonight!' no cheery greeting, or Starfire burying her beautiful face into Red Lantern's ass... a common greeting for the redhead, no sticking her face into Raven's tits, or anyone's tits for that matter. But somebody's big tits...

Raven and her big goth girl titties set her face to 'grim and concerned' watching Starfire walk into the locker rooms as White Rabbit declared uncertainly. "...That was weird right?" Divine looked confused as Red Lantern and Killer Frost both agreed nodding.

"Yeah." Killer Frost mumbled, sounding concerned as Red Lantern scowled out.

"I never thought I'd miss her face in my ass but there you go." Raven came out of the locker rooms, dressed and ready for tips in her tits. "Hey. Raven. What's up with Starfire?" asked Red Lantern getting right to it.

"...Is there something wrong with her?" Divine asked as Raven sighed.

"Yes. But she's not exactly NORMAL right now... for her." Raven confided. "...You remember way back when her favorite pornstar retired?"

"...What?" Asked Divine confused as the other girls nodded.

"Well... she felt it was time to 'move on' and find a new one." Raven replied. Making it sound more like Starfire was getting back into the dating pool after a long, broken relationship... but Starfire doesn't date, everyone knows that... she finds a cock/pussy/ass/tongue... and then just has fun with it.

The other girls nodded again. clearly they understood the situation or pretended they did. Divine however hasn't been working at Superbabes long enough to become numb to the Shenanigans and lecherous nature of Gotham Superbabes' Starfire, so she naively asked.

"Is that hard?" Raven glanced at her, putting her hands on her sexy goth girl hips.

"...That's what I asked about a week ago... but now she has broken two phones and a computer at her 'math club'... she is no longer allowed to use my laptop."

"What? Why? How?" asked the other girls as a rather... subdued Starfire walked out of the locker rooms, finally, and headed out onto the floor without another word as Raven, making sure her best friend wasn't listening in, and continue her tale of the search for Starfire's new favorite pornstar... though admittedly she was speaking a little quieter.

"She got pissed and threw them... turns out there are not a lot of active pornstars who suit her lusts... so she went onto..." she groaned and sighed audibly. "...OnlyStalkers."

"What's wrong with that?" asked White Rabbit, "I couple of my old JAV friends make good money now." Raven sighed, leaning her head back on her neck before letting it swing back forward to look at her.

"...Yeah but are they having hardcore sex?" White Rabbit was taken aback but answered hesitantly.

"Not... really? At least not as much as when they were active." She hesitated and added jokingly. "I mean. They're not ME you know..." Considering she was STILL having hardcore sex despite no longer officially being in the 'business', was rather obvious.

"Well..." Raven said slowly, "...Every time V has found one she likes on OnlyStalkers... she quickly gets bored with them." Raven noted, "...And recently she's gotten PISSED with their content. Like..." Raven paused, "...It's completely out of character for her, kind of angry."

"...Why?" asked White Rabbit curiously.

"Because they're BORING..." Raven replied, "...She says that with bodies like that they should be doing more than wearing cute clothes and bouncing around. They don't DO anything to earn the money they're asking for." she sighed, "...She's acting like a fratboy who gets pissed the girl they're dating won't put out... it's kinda annoying."

"Not to mention mentally unhealthy about her opinion of other women. Kathy should have a talk with her." noted Killer Frost.

"There isn't a psychiatrist in the world that can fix that." Raven replied jerking her thumb over her shoulder in Starfire's general direction on the floor. "...Anyway it's gotten to the point where she's tempted to start her own account to, and I quote, 'show them how it's done'. Unquote. But she's still fairly pissed off."

"...What does it say about her that she's pissed she can't find a new favorite pornstar?..." Red Lantern mumbled, "Look I won't like it but do you want me to offer her my ass?"

"Not particularly." Raven replied.

"Don't encourage it." declared Orders, entering and starting her night. "It'll all work itself out."

"I hope so it's been a week." Raven mumbled, "It's been great but it's weird to see her so... pouty."

"Disappointment makes everyone pouty." Orders noted before sighing audibly.

"THEY'RE SO LAZY!!" shouted Starfire from the floor eliciting a 'Holy Shit' from some of the girls. "LAZY! LAZY! LAZY PRETTY GIRLS!!"

"GRAB HER!" Harley Quinn shouted suddenly from the floor.

"I only said I thought Valley Virago was pretty!" a customer squealed as Divine and Killer Frost rushed onto the floor. Giganta wasn't here yet so SOMEBODY had to restrain the redhead.

"Hold her down!" shouted Red Lantern as the two girls half-carried, half-dragged a struggling irritable Starfire to the couch. They tossed her onto the couch and held her down...

"Red Lantern sit on her." Orders ordered. "Raven you too." And yes, she said that completely straight-faced... speaking of Faces.

"MMGH!" Starfire squealed into Red Lantern's ass... because she sat on her face. "Mmmn..."

"...Not what I meant but it works." Declared Orders as Raven sat on Starfire's crotch. Both of them held her down as Starfire seemed to calm down. Red Lanterns' colossal thick ass on faces has that effect... and not just because of the potential suffocation by fantastic ass.

"Hey-HEY! No tongue!" Red Lantern shouted as Orders sighed, getting up from her counter. "She's getting frisky!"

"Off." Orders shouted as Red Lantern leaped off Starfire. Her tongue lolling from her mouth and she looked disappointed as Orders grabbed a couch pillow and began smacking her in the face with it. "Stop! Being! A Crazy! BITCH!"

"...Why didn't I think to do this?" Raven asked sardonically as Orders kept hitting her.

"Stop it! STOP! IT!" Orders then threw the pillow away, Killer Frost catching it and trying not to laugh as Starfire pouted up at Orders.

"Orders! Fix it!" she demanded as Orders sighed.

"And how exactly am I supposed to fix your hatred for OnlyStalkers?" Orders asked before quickly interrupting Starfire's retort. "Don't answer! I hate your answer." Starfire's mouth closed. "You STAY there. And WAIT." She ordered waving the other girls off. "Work. Now." She ordered as the girls scattered, leaving Starfire on the couch trying to sit up. "DO NOT MOVE! And somebody go give that guy she tried to strangle some extra attention!" Orders snapped spitefully as she went back to her counter.

She stared at Starfire unmoving, not even playing sudoku, or her crosswords. And about 10 minutes later the phone rang and she reached for it, still not looking away.

Time: 7:56 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes we deliver, shut the hell up. I'm sending her.

"Hang on a-"

"Starfire. Food. Money. Name and address!"


Orders SLAMMED the phone on the hook, still glaring at Starfire and finishing the receipt, slamming it on the counter as the food slid across the counter. "FIXED." She declared coldly as Starfire pouted, "Get over here. Take the receipt, and get going."

Starfire flipped off the couch to her feet, approaching the counter to grab the receipt from Orders' hands. "I'm doing this for ME." She said, pouting childishly before grabbing the food and huffily stomping out...

But still in a very sexy manner.

She got to the company car, opened the driver's side door and slammed it shut behind her. Before speeding off into traffic and almost causing and accident. Never drive angry folks...

Rushing off into Gotham on autopilot she reached out outskirts and the classic no-tell-motel she was used to. Speeding into the parking lot with a loud shriek of skidding tires, spinning into a perfect parking job between the lines before getting out. She was so angry she didn't notice a familiar vehicle parked in the lot. Marching ahead and up to the second floor of the motel and straight to door #5.

She didn't knock, she kicked the door childishly. "Ngh! Ngh! Ngh!" three kicks followed by "Superbabes!"

Time: 8:19 PM. Place: Gotham Outskirts (No-tell-Motel Room #5)

"Special Delivery Service!"

The door took a second but it soon opened... Tall, muscular, pink-haired, and with a sexy sneer on her face. Chloe the Big Dick Girl Trucker gazed at the redhead fondly.

"Hey MEAT. Get that sexy ass in here! I've been trying to tap that for ages." Starfire then walked inside, only to find that Chloe wasn't alone. There was another woman in the room with chestnut hair in long dreadlocks and skin the color of coffee...

...Oh and she was also Seven feet tall from the look of it. Not as muscular as Giganta or Chloe herself, but more along the lines of a basketball player. Her hazel eyes lingered on Starfire before she smiled at her with slightly stained teeth, evidently, she was a smoker.

"Oh... She is a pretty one." she spoke with a south African accent, or Afrikaans, to be honest, Starfire wasn't sure. She was a Math Savant, not a language polymath like her mother. "I bet she's tasty."

Starfire frowned thoughtfully as she felt Chloe's hand on her ass tossing the food aside and grabbing Starfire's face, licking her cheek ALMOST affectionately. "Oh, she's tasty. We're lucky! I've been trying to get my dick in this hole for months... feels like years."

"High praise from you." The massive woman stood up, towering over Starfire. She had large breasts... in the sense that she was seven feet tall, they would obviously be large. But even in her tight tube top Starfire could tell they had some sag. Not from age, more than likely from location.

"Sweet Ass. This is my friend Poppy." Cooed Chloe, "Poppy drives all over Europe. And since she was over here I offered to help her sample the best pussy this continent has to offer."

"She says you're it." cooed Poppy, before grabbing the side of her skirt, and zipping it down.


A massive, THICK piece of Kielbasa swung upward towards Starfire's lips. 10-inches of solid black lady dick... maybe. She also had a heavy-hanging sack of balls so...

Starfire blinked at Poppy's tip, inches from her lips. "...Huh." she mumbled as Chloe began stripping down. "...Well okay then." Suddenly Starfire's anger melted away, and Poppy melted in her mouth as she opened her mouth and took Poppy's tip between her lips. She gazed up at Poppy with her pretty green eyes before grabbing onto Poppy's heavy ball sack.

"MMn... she can work her tongue."

"That's not even the best part!" grinned Chloe, already undressing Starfire and smacking her ass hard with her woman-handling hands. She put her other hand on the back of Starfire's pretty redhead and pushed her down Poppy's ridiculously long cock, and straight to the base. Swallowing her sausage with one quick gulp. Resting her own Lady-Boner between Starfire's ass cheeks. "Look at this!"

"MMGH! MMNGH! MMGNh!!" Starfire moaned with a throat full of cock, her tongue dancing on Poppy's cock...

Oh hey! That's funny!

Starfire giggled at the absurdity of the naming coincidence before squealing on Poppy's length as Chloe rammed up into her ass without warning. "Mmhg! MMgh!"

"She's a fucking sex doll! You can do whatever you want to her and she won't! COMPLAIN!" furiously bucking against her from behind, spit-roasting her between them as Chloe grabbed Starfire by the hips and began to push her down onto Poppy, who grabbed onto Starfire's head and they tried to meet in the middle.

"GUCK! GUCK! GUCK!!" Starfire was already happily shaking between them as her ass was ravaged by the big dick punk trucker girl and her very tall African friend. Starfire's hands went from Poppy's swinging, pendulous balls to her hips. "GUCK! GUCK!!" Starfire's toes curled and her fingers streaked across Poppy's dark coffee skin. Chloe grabbed onto Starfire's hair with both hands, rapidly slamming away into the super slut of Superbabes.

Chloe rode Starfire from behind, yanking on her locks like horse reigns. Poppy thrust into Starfire's throat, drool and saliva scraped out from between her lips before Poppy suddenly yanked out of Starfire as Chloe continued her assault up Starfire's ass. Poppy sat on the edge of one of the beds, stroking her massive cock with a broad grin on her face while Starfire swing back and forth.

Chloe suddenly ripped out of a squealing Starfire and she flopped face first to the floor, her asshole twitching as she moaned on the motel carpet, before she was up in the air again. Chloe hooking her arms under her legs, lifting her and hooking her hands behind Starfire's head. Full-Nelson anal, her powerful, muscular hips slamming back up into Starfire's body as the beautiful redhead flopped and bounced up and down before Poppy, womanhandled by Chloe. Her hands wrapped around her pretzeled legs to finger herself.

Starfire moaned loudly as Chloe continued to rail up into her, Poppy soon recovering from her 'break' and standing back up. Standing in front of Starfire and lazily rubbing her bouncing pussy with the tip of her cock.

"Well, you help me out already?!" Chloe snarled as Poppy rammed her cock into Starfire, her heavy pendulous balls slapping onto the redhead's ass. The two big dick trucker girls rapidly slammed away into Starfire, using her as little more than a sleeve for their dicks. A pretty toy to play with. Poppy grabbed onto Starfire's bouncing breasts, Chloe's hands holding firmly to the back of her head. "This bitch is as tight as I remember! Fuck her harder!"

"Last time we did that we ruined a few girls in Botswana.."

"TRUST ME!" Chloe growled, "FUCK HER HARDER!!"

"YES!!" squealed Starfire, shaking in orgasm. As Chloe and Poppy started speeding up, smacking wetly and loudly against Starfire's body as she howled and shrieked erotically between them. Grinding against her, pumping deep inside her. Chloe and Poppy howled in pleasure as their girths throbbed inside her. They buried themselves into her body and suddenly filled her with a hot warmth that could only be a thick load of cum.

"FUCK!" Chloe declared, ripping out of Starfire's ass and suddenly shoving her fully onto Poppy who flopped back onto the bed with Starfire straddling her lap. "Don't stop! Keep her going."

"Oh! OOOH!!" Starfire howled as Poppy's hands clasped onto her ass, lifting her up and down on her lap, and cock, making Starfire ride her dick as Chloe clambered onto the bed alongside Starfire, turning her head to the left and stuffing her ass-flavored dick between Starfire's lips.

No rest. CONSTANT. UNCEASESING. BRUTAL. FUCKING... so Starfire was having fun.

"Oooh-oh! OH!!!" she moaned only to have Chloe's dick stuffed back into her mouth as Poppy kept her body moving on her cock.

"Keep sucking on my cock!" Chloe snarled, thrusting her hips against Starfire's face. Burying Starfire's nose into her crotch as she continued the relentless throat fucking. Scraping out Starfire's saliva from her throat to pour down her chin and drizzle onto Poppy. Who was too focused on Starfire's tight insides to complain about throat swabbing...

"GLUCK! GLUCK! GLUCK!" Starfire drooled all over Chloe's cock as she ripped it from her lips. She panted, feeling the Big Dick Trucker Girl slapping her face with her wet meat as Poppy began to speed up, stuffing her pussy with big black girl dick and sending a rippling orgasm spreading through her body as the big woman roared her own oncoming orgasm.

Starfire's pussy oozed cum around Poppy's cock, the big woman pulled her down onto her throbbing girth as she stuffed her insides with a heavy load from her swinging balls. "NNgh!!!" her hands sinking into Starfire's ass before she was ripped easily from her cock and tossed onto her back. Starfire lay like a dog showing it's belly, arms, and legs up as she spread herself, panting and gasping as Chloe hobbled over to the edge of the bed.

"Don't let her catch her breath!" she yelled, before folding Starfire's legs up and began furiously pounding into her. Starfire's stuffed pussy, oozed cum and squelched wetly as Chloe crammed her lady dick back into her. "You got! To keep! FUCKING THIS BITCH!!" Chloe laughed, madly, pinning down Starfire's legs as she squealed delightedly at her treatment. Poppy moved across the bed on her knees, before dropping her wet cock across Starfire's face. She grabbed the girthy dick and began licking and moaning on it, sliding her lips and tongue along the side like she was eating corn on the cob...

Only she obviously wasn't biting Poppy's cock. Chloe railing away into her moaning, tight body. "Yeah! You fucking missed me, didn't you?! I'm going to make you my bitch this time! Get knocked up!" Chloe grabbed a squealing Starfire's breasts, "NGH! NAH! AARGH!!" slamming hard against Starfire's hips.

Starfire's mouth opened and she howled in orgasm before taking Poppy's cock forcefully into her throat. "HAAAH! GUCK!!" Poppy's huge hand grabbed her neck and pumped hard against her face, feeling her own cock stretching Starfire's esophagus. "Mmgh! mMngh! MMMN!!" moaning as Poppy's balls rested on her forehead as she got balls deep into that mouth.

Chloe ripped out of Starfire's quivering pussy, her body shaking as Poppy grabbed onto Starfire's raised ankles, pressing them down and jackhammering her face. Starfire's pussy oozed cream and arousal as her mouth was violated roughly by the big lady. "Mmgh! Mmgh!!"

"She's got a tight mouth." Poppy declared with a chuckle.

"She's got a tight everything. Fuck that ass and find out." Declared Chloe, stroking herself as Poppy buried her cock back into Starfire's throat, making her jiggle pleasantly before ripping out of her mouth.

"Bwaaah!" dripping with strings of saliva onto Starfire's face, Poppy's cock wobbled erectly before she reached down and easily hauled Starfire up from the bed. "Ah!" Poppy dropped onto the bed with Starfire on top of her. The thick black lady's dick slapped up between her ass cheeks as Poppy hooked her huge hands behind Starfire's pretty red haired head. Starfire clenched her teeth with a nervous, but possibly more insane smile as Poppy lifted her ass up in a full-nelson and with some hip movements, she stuffed Starfire's ass with a huge black dick. "Eeeaaahyeaaaah!!" howled Starfire greedily as Chloe then crawled onto the bed, watching Poppy buck up into Starfire's ass.

"Here I cum again bitch!" Chloe laughed, slapping Starfire's bouncing tits before double penetrating Starfire once again, stuffing her cock into her pussy and pounding her down onto Poppy. "Oh YEAH, that's it! That's the fucking hole I like!"

"Ah! Aaah!!" Starfire howled as the two big dick trucker girls jackhammered relentlessly into her body. Grinding and bucking, pounding their hips against her sensuous flesh for what felt like hours. "AH!! Ahh! YES!! YES! Fuck me!!" she screamed as the two obliged regardless of her opinion.

"Harder! Harder! We got to turn this bitch into JELLY!!"

"I'm going to give her plenty of it!" Poppy laughed, fucking Starfire so hard it almost hurt. Plunging deep into her holes as she shrieked and howled in pleasure. "Ugh! HGH!!" Poppy groaning as she buried her massive cock into her ass. Her balls pulsated as she gave Starfire a semen enema. Chloe still churning Starfire's insides like butter before filling her with another load of cream.

"UGH! YEAH! FUCK! YEAH!!" snarling Chloe emptied another heavy load into Starfire's pussy. Slamming hard against her before both dick girls ripped out of Starfire. Chloe grabbed Starfire by the hair as Poppy released her, she then dragged Starfire off the bed onto the floor. Kneeling before Chloe she shoved her cock back into her mouth, before popping out and taking in Poppy's. The big woman slid her cock SLOWLY into Starfire's throat, feeling her lips on the base of her cock, massaging the shaft with her tongue and throat before Poppy pulled out of her and stuffed her heavy sack into Starfire's mouth.

Chloe laughed as she stroked herself again only for Starfire to grab at them both feebly stroking them before stuffing her mouth with both cocks, flicking her tongue over their tips as she crammed as much of their cocks between her lips as she could before she popped off and furiously stroked them. "Ah... AH! AHH!!" moaned Starfire before taking a veritable torrent of cream from the both of them. Roaring and thrusting their hips towards her face as she took rope after rope of thick dick girl seed onto her skin.

"Haah... aaahh..." Starfire on her knees, mouth open, eyes closed, and covered in enough cum to have come out of a frat party. She huffed out her nose, blasting cum from her nostrils before flopping over onto the motel carpet... and to be fair. It's probably had a lot of cum covered women collapse on it.

"Haah! Ha-ha-ha!" laughed Chloe, gripping her lady meat and flicking the rest of her cum out onto Starfire as Poppy let her massive cock hang between her slender and sexy legs. She then went over to the food Starfire brought, taking out the utensils. "I FINALLY fucked you good!" declared Chloe, "I've pounded sluts in every major city in America and left them wanting more!"

"And Botswana." Poppy replied, "And you needed me to help you."

"Shut up you bitch." Chloe snapped, "You fucking loved it." she replied as Poppy began eating.

"I did. Also this is great."

Like the Gravedigger after a powerbomb. Starfire suddenly sat upright. And stretched, "MMGH!" the two dick girls stared at her as she suddenly shot to her feet as Chloe gaped at her. "I really needed that! Thanks!" she replied as Chloe raised her hands as if to strangle Starfire who turned and walked into the motel bathroom, humming sweetly as Chloe cursed.

"SON. OF. A. BITCH!!" she hissed as Starfire turned on the bathroom. "How are you still standing?! We retried whores in Botswana after 10 minutes with us!" Starfire blinked at her.

"...I mean... that's nice, but I've done some stuff to you know..." replied Starfire, "...Some of which I'm legally obligated not to mention." She then frowned. "...You didn't retire any pornstars did you?"

"What? Of fucking course not! Pornstars are expensive."

"Oh good." She smiled again, washing the cum off her body. "I'm having enough trouble finding a good one." she said as Chloe stared at her, looking very confused.

Starfire washed away the sticky goo and her sweat, feeling refreshed and 'satisfied' she stepped out of the tub and dried off walking out of the bathroom and seeing Chloe screaming in frustration into the pillow. "Bye Chloe order again!" Starfire replied sweetly, grabbing a stack of bills by the TV. "Bye Poppy it was nice meeting you..." she waved to the amused black dick girl. And walked right out the motel door, humming to herself all the way back to the car...

She could still hear Chloe's frustrated screams... or Maybe Poppy was anally penetrating her. Tough Call...

Time: 9:55 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"This one?"

"Just sits there topless and looking confused while she touches herself."

"This one?"

"Bounces her breasts around and not even very well.."

"This one?"

"She dances but... she doesn't have the ass for it."

Jae-Hwa scowled and just put her phone down. "Oh my god. I actually get it." she declared angrily as Alice nodded, reading a magazine on the couch. "All they are doing is sitting around and looking pretty! We don't do that!"

"Nope. We actually work for our prostitution."

"Delivery." Orders replied, "Knock it off." she added as Starfire returned and put the money on the counter for her to grab it and sort it. "And you also have a day job you should get back to."

"It's nighttime," Jae-Hwa replied, but conceded the point, getting up and heading back onto the floor as Alice put the magazine back done.

"So. V... I see you're smiling again."

"Oh yeah. I had sex with Chloe and her friend who also had a massive cock." Starfire replied as Orders groaned.

"Keep it down."

"Feeling better then?" Alice replied as Veronica stretched.

"Yep. Feeling great..." she sighed, "...I think I've calmed down now. I don't think I'm going to find a new favorite pornstar on OnlyStalkers."

"I don't know why you're even looking." Orders replied, "There are plenty of girls here who have worked in porn." She noted, "...You included." She added as Veronica suddenly stared off into space... her eyes slowly widening.

Alice stared at her best friend concernedly as Veronica froze... seemingly JUST NOW realizing that Orders' truthful statement made a LOT more sense than intended. "...Did you break V?"

"No..." Orders noted, a little concerned herself "...But I may have opened Pandora's box."

Suddenly Veronica rushed onto the floor and a SHRIEK of surprise echoed out from Jae-Hwa as she suddenly buried her face in between her ass cheeks. "Damn it! We talked about this!"

"...Glad she's back." Alice replied sarcastically as she and Xue tried to extract a suddenly VERY cheerful Veronica from Jae-Hwa's ass. Orders however growled under her breath.

"...I haven't put Jae-Hwa in porn." She grumbled, ignoring the hoots and cheers from the floor.


I have nothing against Onlyfans/camgirling, or whatever similar things there are. I just think that's would be Professional Super Slut Veronica's opinion on them... none of us can understand her way of thinking anyway.

Anyway next up is everyone's favorite fake titty bimbo Stargirl.

Next chapter