
Titty Catered Party: The Mighty Endowed, Supergirl II, Black Canary

I don't own DC

Happy 800 faves

"You know, I love her, but I'm a little annoyed I have to cover for Sierra tonight." Declared Supergirl (II) packing in those big double Ds into the iconic 'S' shield of her costume. "I have my Meshflix all warmed up and everything." She joked in her Texas drawl as Black Canary stuffed her own impressive set of breasts into her corset, and rolled up the fishnet stockings up her shapely legs. "Pretty sure it has something to do with Tommy-boy."

"Yep. I feel you." She noted tiredly, "Alice was supposed to work tonight but now I'm covering for her... something about recovering from a crazy party with Veronica."

Supergirl shut her locker, and said, completely serious. "Yeah, that makes sense."

"I'm not saying it doesn't make sense, I know it does, it's probably Veronica's fault. I'm saying it's annoying." Replied Black Canary, also shutting her locker.

"Annoying for you? Alice lives with her." replied Supergirl with a smile both of the beautiful blondes bouncing out of the locker rooms and right into the pillowy bosoms of The Mighty Endowed, just coming back from a delivery. An actual one where she just drops off the food. No sex.

Needless to say, it took a while for the guy to count the money he needed as he stared in awe at her chest. "Oh. Sorry." She said, narrowly avoiding the buxom babes as Black Canary waved it off.

"No harm done." She replied as Bessie put the money on the counter. They were about to just continue going about their evening when Orders rushed into the back, narrowly missing them herself.

"Silver Swan." She ordered, "in my office please. And you three." She pointed at them as they froze staring at her as she immediately began writing a receipt, ripping it off and slamming it onto the counter, pushing it towards them. "I have a party for you." She grabbed her own phone, "I have a call to make."

"You didn't even answer the phone first." Noted Mighty Endowed.

"I'll answer it when you're on your way." Benefits of clairvoyance. "DEMONA!" she shouted suddenly as the girls blinked. Oooooh she's using real names, that's not a good sign. "Office! NOW!"

"For fucks sake, keep your britches on you HARPY! I know harpies, and you are worse than them!" replied the winged woman as she stomped into the back, shaking out her tips. "Belphegor's sweaty ass..." she hissed angrily before heading into the office.

"Go be sexy. Make me money, etcetera etcetera." Food soon slid off the counter in a set of attractive babes stamped bags. Orders then quickly turned and entered her office, "Have fun." She added before shutting the door.

"...That was weird." Declared Black Canary suspiciously, but Supergirl and Mighty Endowed grabbed the bags, heading out the back door as Black Canary grabbed the catered party van keys. Spinning the ring on her fingers she unlocked the car, sliding into the driver's seat as Mighty Endowed took the passengers, and Supergirl took the middle seat after storing the food in the far back of the van. "What do you think she's up to?"

"Who? Orders?" asked Supergirl, leaning her beautiful face between the seat. "...Obviously Orders." She replied after a moment, shaking her head and smiling as she realized what a stupid question that was.

"Usually when she gets up to something sketchy she takes Ronnie-Bell, or Becca and Ash." Her eyes narrowed suspiciously at the backdoor. "But Dee?"

The other two just shrugged. "She might not be doing something Sketchy. Let's just get going before she has to tell us to, that'll really anger her." declared Mighty Endowed as Black Canary just sighed, and pulled the van slowly into traffic and sped off into Gotham.

They sped in record time to upper, Upper-East Gotham. Where the rich but not that rich like to live with their pools and their fantastic views of the ocean and the lack of Gotham-enriched smog... The van parked outside a modernly built home with a tall beige-colored brick fence surrounding it on all sides.

"This is the place..." Mighty Endowed declared, getting out of the van. Supergirl unbuckled, reaching into the back of the van by squeezing over the seats and wiggling her skirted backside, grabbing the bags and shuffling out of the van.

"Looks very old money for Upper East Gotham." Black Canary replied, walking right up to the smaller gate, there was a larger gate, clearly leading to a driveway... but they couldn't find an 'open' button. The gate however easily squeaked open to a well-cared-for front lawn, so well cared for the grass looked fake... of to either side of the house was another set of gates, apparently leading to the back yard.

The entire front of the house gave off an oddly looming presence... like classic 80s horror. But the girls all approached the front door, standing on the welcome mat. "Alright girls." Noted Supergirl, raising her fist to knock on the green door. "Ready?" and after getting a nod from Mighty Endowed and a sigh from Black Canary.

Knock Knock Knock


Time: 8:22 PM. Place: Upper-East Gotham (Fake Lawn house)

"Special Delivery Service." They finished, and... no answer.

"...Normally boys are chomping at the bit to meet us." Noted Supergirl as Black Canary just scoffed, knocking again, but not nearly as loudly as before.

"...Think if they don't answer us we can just go back? Maybe Orders jumped the gun-"However as she said it the door popped open revealing a surprisingly handsome blonde-haired man in only flower-patterned swim trunks... He had a strangely fit muscled figure, he must lift, and had a boyishly youthful face that made him oddly look younger than he must be... he also wasn't very tall, about as tall as Mighty Endowed's Mighty chest... which means he had a GREAT view.

"Wow. Now that is some service." He said impressed, holding a beer and staring at Mighty's chest... because you WOULD upon seeing them up close. "It feels like I just called like 10 minutes ago."

"Yeah, Imagine that." smiled Supergirl, giving him a dazzling smile before inviting herself into the rather majestic manor, it was far more inviting than the classic 80's horror that was the front of the house. All three girls entered and Black Canary's ass soon drew his gaze, however he grinned at them all.

"Wow... Gorgeous." He declared as the girls turned on the charm, giggling sweetly. "Can I get you girls a drink?" he asked as Supergirl and Mighty Endowed quickly covered an annoyed Black Canary's mouth before she could answer.

"We're not allowed to drink on the job." Mighty Endowed noted.

"Her especially." Replied Supergirl, "Don't you worry cowboy," she cooed endearingly, "We don't need to be liquored up to have some fun." He gave them a charming smile of his own, before gesturing to their suits.

"How waterproof are those?" he asked as the girls seemed confused at the question. "We got some swimsuits you can borrow if you don't mind changing into those."

"...Hold up, you ordered Costumed escorts to have them change into swimsuits?" Black Canary noted sassily, "Seriously?"

"Delivery girls." Mighty Endowed and Supergirl corrected but he shrugged, still smiling jovial.

"...Yeah. Now that you girls are here the pool party can really start."

"Alright fine... it's your money." Black Canary replied, already removing the jacket and showing off those majestic big titty blonde tits... even if her curvy waist and ass were also something to look at. But he still appreciated the sight, she tossed her coat onto the couch. "Where?"

"There's a storage closet right there." He pointed to a door under the stairs. Have a pick, then come out the back door." He pointed to a sliding door that led to a backyard pool, glowing in the dark Gotham night, already making his way out the back door. Black Canary, Supergirl, and Mighty Endowed approached the door under the stairs and opened it. Revealing an entire closet of swimsuits.

"He just has these?" laughed Supergirl, already finding her suit to change into, Black Canary found her own sultry number... it took Mighty Endowed a longer moment to find something... and when she did she wasn't happy once they changed.

"You have got to be kidding me." She frowned, wearing a tight sports bra-like top and matching T-Back bottoms... it was stretchy obviously so it was the only thing that fit a woman of her size... the problem was that it was black and white pattern like a Holstein cow...

...And she fucking HATED being reminded of her time a the Cattle Call, especially since the costume made her look so damn sexy.

"Sorry girl, but it's the only one that fits right?" Supergirl smiled as she tied off her top. "Got to give the boy what he wants." She herself had picked a stars and stripes-themed bikini, because of course she did, she's from Texas and has big Double D tits. Her body was made for Swimsuits like this. "...What's your excuse?" she asked, looking at Black Canary why might as well just walk out naked... it was surprising that she didn't.

Her swimsuit was pitch black, what little you could see of it, the thing was practically string, like the thing between her ass cheeks right now, and her top was barely containing her large breasts, the suit sinking into her flesh and just one shifty movement away from snapping the string. "What? It's not going to stay on there long." She said, gesturing to the suit. "He had me change out of my costume into a swimsuit, he just has a fetish." She declared and was already strutting to the backdoor, her thick shapely backside wobbling as it continued to devour the back half of her bikini bottoms.

"...Makes a solid point." Agreed Mighty Endowed as they both headed outside after Black Canary.

'Party' was a bit of an understatement. There were just three guests, and there was more than one pool or at least one pool connected to a sectioned-off smaller pool. Like someone built a pool around another pool and gave up partway. The three guests were in the smaller section, sitting on a little shelf just inside the rim and lounging happily as catchy music jingled from some mounted house speakers.

There were three men/boys. One was the handsome blonde, the second was a bigger and taller young man who looked like the blonde but built more like a pro-wrestler than a handsome boy toy. And the third was a stocky guy with skin the color of dark chocolate, he raised his arms happily. "The party is here-LOOK AT THEM THANGS!" he said happily, gazing in rapturous awe at the 'cowgirl' approaching them. Mighty Endowed rolled her eyes before she and the actual Cowgirl, Supergirl, slid into the heated pool, submerging in water as Black Canary strutted the edge, running her hand over the big blonde's shoulder invitingly.

"Hello, boys. Ready to party?" she said playfully as the big blonde grinned into her cleavage as she bent over to say 'hello'."

"This one is." Mighty Endowed replied as the dark-skinned guy buried his face almost immediately between her breasts... naturally.

"Guess that means I'm all yours huh, hon?" purred Supergirl straddling his lap. "...What's your name handsome." She cooed, pressing her star-spangled double Ds to his surprisingly muscled chest. "Hmmn?" she cooed invitingly.

"Teddy." He grinned back, finishing his beer before tossing the bottle into the grass and sliding his hands under the water and directly to her ass. "That's Elliot, and that's Raul." Gesturing with his head to the big blonde and the stocky guy respectively.

"Raul?" mumbled Mighty Endowed as Raul mumbled happily in response between her titties, she sat on the underwater seat as he pressed her to the side of the heated pool, still indulging in her tits.

"Mmmn?" he inhaled her scent and tried to smother himself in her tits as Teddy noted.

"He's named after his grandpa."

"Whatever." Black Canary replied, standing on the seat herself now, her ass eye level with Elliot's face as he grinned at her wobbling ass cheeks. "We don't really need to know your names, perverts."

They really don't but it's easier to keep track of them.

Raul seemed content to fondle and motorboat Mighty Endowed, which was fair. And Supergirl continued to grind her shapely body against Teddy, squeezing Tina's shapely behind under the water and burying his face into her big double D's licking and kissing them as she chuckled at his tickling lips... and the bulge growing in his trunks, rubbing against her crotch. "Ah... someone's ready to party." She teased with her sexy Texas drawl, only for Black Canary to suddenly belly flop into the middle of the smaller section of the pool, splashing everyone. She broached the surface as Supergirl and Mighty Endowed chuckled.

"He pushed me!" she declared, brushing her silky blonde locks out of her face only for Elliot to apologize sheepishly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean you. But better to fall into the pool than outside." He said calmly as Black Canary waded towards him poking his muscled chest, only for him to suddenly grab her and easily lift her out of the pool, laying her outside of it.

"Hey! Ah..." she gasped as he pulled her bottoms aside, exposing her pussy before pushing his tongue suddenly inside her. Damp pussy, mostly pool water but some of it was natural sluttery. "Ahh... aaangh..." she ground her hips against his face as he grabbed her hips and pinned them down, her bubble ass molding onto the edge of the pool as he ate her out. "Aah... aah..." moaning erotically as Teddy, and Raul, began stepping up and having their own fun.

Raul's hands sunk and squeezed into Mighty Endowed's majestic cow-covered breasts, slowly pushing up the swimsuit until her heavy breasts dropped down, with a mentally enhanced 'BOING!' they wobbled in front of his face as he practically squealed in delight at their wonderous size and pushed them together taking both nipples into his mouth and sucking loudly, flicking his tongue around them. Mighty Endowed, her sensitive titties sending shudders of pleasure through her body as she removed the restraining, tight cow bikini top and tossed it away.

Getting naked as quickly as possible might have something to do with the 'trauma' of constantly being compared to a 'cow' but Raul's amateurish and greedy titty fondling was quickly getting her mind off of it. "Oooh" she cooed, unfortunately coming out as a soft 'moo' like sound, Raul didn't seem to care.

Teddy however grabbed Supergirl's ass firmly as she began bouncing subtly on his lap, sloshing the water around them as she rubbed her breasts on his muscled chest. "Mmn-Hmmn... she teased, wiggling on his lap as his hands began to slide under her briefs, his hands molding and prodding at her rear. "Somebody's more than ready to play..." she teased, before sliding off his body, "Let this cowgirl go for a ride." She replied in her drawl... something about stars and stripes really brings out the accent in her.

She turned around, facing away from him and showing off her ass, she slipped her fingers into the sides of her bikini and bent forward, dipping her double Ds in the water as she pushed her bikini briefs down and into the pool, dropping her bare ass on his lap as he cupped her big double Ds, filling his hands as she wiggled on his lap. Leaning back against him, she rested her head on his shoulder so he could look down at her beautiful gyrating body as she continued her seductively grinding and rubbing. "MMn-hmmn!"

"MMMN-Haaah!" Black Canary howled as Elliot continued to eat his big titty blonde meal, slurping out her pussy as she slapped her hands on his head, her feet slapping on his muscled back, clawing her toes across his skin as she clawed at his blonde head. His hands slipped under her bubble backside and he hauled her up into their air. "Aaah!" she squealed as he easily carried her out of the pool and toward some sturdy strapped lounge chairs.

Elliot put her down on the chair, his face still in her wet pussy before he finally pulled away, tongue dripping with her arousal as he stood up and grabbed his black speedos "Ah god damn it." Whimpered Jenny as his huge and erect 10-inch cock wiggled free with his oddly hairless balls. "Why do I always get the big dick mother-" she groaned as he spread her legs apart, pushing them over on either side of the lounge chair before he rammed hairless balls-deep into her body. "FUCKERS!? AH! AH! Argh!" he grabbed at her breasts as they bounced up and down briefly on her chest. "Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!! You like that?! You big dicked bastard? Huh?! Fucking me like I'm a fucking sex doll? Huh! HGHH!!" he fell on top of her, grinning happily as he continued to make the lounge chair creek, getting balls deep in her sexy buxom blonde body as her moans of pleasure echoed out across the pool.

"Ooh you want some of that?" Purred Supergirl, "Hmm? Ooh." Teddy tugged down his pants, his girthy dick poking against her pussy underwater as she chuckled and glided her body down onto his cock, hissing seductively as he squeezed her big breasts. "Mmgh! Ugh-huh..." she moaned, planting her feet on the floor of the pool, bouncing up and down on him, riding him cowgirl...

Supergirl II was naturally particularly good at riding cowgirl.

"Ugh! Haah! Like that?" she cooed as he grabbed her waist and moaned, through clenched teeth.

"NNgh-uh..." he nodded, bucking his hips up into her, her hands on her knees she threw her short blonde-haired head back.

"Oh yeah, you do. MMn!" groaning as he slammed her down on his lap. "Ugh! Ugh! Come on hon, this cowgirl can take a good bucking!" Moaning erotically and mingling with Black Canary's cries of forced orgasmic pleasure.

As the sounds of sex continued behind him Raul continued to spoil himself with Mighty Endowed's tits, her hands pushing them together around his face as she herself listened to Supergirl and Black Canary getting some hard dicking and was not entirely sure if she was jealous or not... but Raul finally pulled his slightly chubby face from Mighty Endowed's cleavage, and pushed down his trunks pulling out his chubby dick... he wasn't as big as Elliot, or apparently Teddy judging by Supergirl's moans... but Mighty Endowed as a motion of the ocean kind of girl anyway.

Besides her tits could take just about any-sized cock and leave them satisfied. She gazed sensually up at his face as he began sliding that chubby dick between her tight titty hugs, thrusting in from the front as he bounced out her gigantic breasts, naturally 'boing-boing' echoing in his head as he titty fucked her. She bounced and jiggled them against his thrusts, moaning softly and invitingly, letting him play with the wonderous orbs of pleasure as he wanted. As long as he wasn't hurting her, inwardly her sensitive tits enjoyed the attention.

"God damn these feel so good!" he moaned happily, increasing his thrusts into her breasts as she smiled enigmatically up at him. Slightly proud of her tits nowadays... "They were made for titfucking!" he declared happily, slapping his wet hips to her wet tits, echoing and splashing the water sloshed around them. She pushed them even tighter around his cock, her titties vacuum sealed around his thrusting shaft as she opened her mouth and moaned as they bounced enticingly with his faster pumps, jiggling and wobbling distractingly as she let her tongue loll out.

"AH... aahhh... cum inside my tit pussy... put your hot cum all over them-"

"Ah!" he suddenly gasped and pumped against her chest, shaking as she felt his thick gooey load in her cleavage.

She expected she'd have to dirty talk a bit more, but she quickly changed course. "Oh yeah. That's so hot." She cooed arousingly as she squeezed out his cum, he flopped back into the water... leaving a streak of cum on the insides of her tits as she let go and let them settle on her chest, before slipping into the heated water, neck deep, rubbing them quickly off.

"Yeah! Yeah! Fuck me! Fuck me you big-dicked bastard use that fucking hole!" sneered Black Canary, trapped under the machine that was Elliot, ramming deep into her body rapidly as her toes clawed the ground on either side of the lounge chair. "Slam it in me! Fuck my Puss-EEEE!" she squealed in orgasm then gasped as a huge fucking load rushed into her body. "Oooh you mother fucker!" she snarled in his ear as he seemed to go limp on her body after getting off balls deep inside her. still squeezing her huge breasts. "Like that?! Huh!" her snarling hisses encouraged him inside her, she felt his huge cock twitching as it finished unloading. "Yeah Fucker..." she growled, moaning softly. "At least you didn't stuff that big fucking thing in my ass straight off..." she growled, but gasped as Elliot suddenly rolled, switching to her on top.

He clapped a hand on her bubble ass. "Hey, Theodore. This one says butt stuff is cool!"

"That is not what I said you big dick shit!" Black Canary declared, before going for another ride, only now riding cowgirl as the original cowgirl was finishing off Teddy.

"Ugh! UGhh!!" he bucked into her, standing up with her and holding her arms by the wrists, yanking them back and pumping into her as her tits swayed beneath her. Taking it from behind Raul came up from the water right between her double Ds.

"Oh these are nice too!" he said as she laughed, his face between them before going back to mighty Endowed, pulling her up out of the water... standing side by side he wrapped one arm around her waist, resting one of her tits on his head as he slipped his fingers into the front of her cow print bikini bottoms and started rubbing her slit making her moan out erotically. "Mmnn!"

"Ugh! Haah..." Supergirl moaned as Teddy pushed into her, shaking and groaning as he unloaded into her body. "Mmmn..." she stood up and slipped off his cock, the tip tickled the surface of the water briefly before Supergirl turned around, dropping down into the water and opening her mouth. Only her head was above the surface and instantly took Teddy between her lips. "mmn! Mmgh!" he rested his hand on her head as her top floated away... "Mmn-hmmn..." squeezing at her naked breasts beneath the water, sliding her face up to the base of Teddy's cock as he grit his teeth, moaning excitedly as he pulled out from between Supergirl's lips. "Ah..."

Fully erect he grinned handsomely down at her, only to shuffle to the edge of the pool and climb out, stroking himself as he walked over to the grunting, riding Black Canary.

"Oh fuck off!" she snarled, "Fuck you Alice." She hissed as Elliot pulled her big bouncing tits to his chest, wrapping his arms around her back as Teddy wordlessly spread her ass cheeks. "God damn Mother FUCKERS..." she hissed before getting double penetrated, gasping in slutty pleasure as the two pushed their cocks balls deep into her body and started using it. "Ugh! Ngh! Ah FUCK you're so... FUCKING big!" she growled through her teeth. "Fucking my ASSHOLE..." she sneered "God! Damn it! it feels so fucking good!" she howled, whorishly before they started RAMMING into her, harder, faster, pumping their hips against Black Canary as they attempted to turn her into a jellied mess of sexy tits and ass. "Haaah!!"

"Don't feel lonely." Raul grinned, walking beside Supergirl and letting his chubby erection rest briefly on her shoulder as she just smiled and stood up.

"Think you're man enough for the two of us?" she teased, suddenly smothering Raul between their chests, the marshmallow heaven of tits melting his brain but stiffening his erection against Supergirl's taught cowgirl body. Rubbing against her stomach as she and Mighty Endowed wiggled their torsos, and letting their tits bulge on his face. His hands soon pawing at Supergirl and Mighty Endowed's rears... admittedly Supergirl had the better ass so he gave it a smack. "Ooh... frisky boy... Mmn." His fingers slid between her ass cheeks and fingering her asshole. "MMn..."

The buxom babes mostly ignored Black Canary's shrieks of double-penetrated orgasms, squeezing and fondling Raul as he finally got some fresh air only to wrap her lips around her nipples. "Mmgn..." hooking his Mighty Endowed fondling hand under her majestic mammaries, squeezing them as he flexed his arms, pulling them against his face before finally freeing himself completely, taking Supergirl by the waist, turning her around and pushing her to the edge of the pool. "Oh yeah." She cooed, lying outside the pool and resting her knees on the shelf. He climbed onto it, grabbing her waist and stuffing her pussy almost immediately. "Hah... aah..."

His hands rubbed his back as Mighty Endowed climbed out of the pool, the water dripping off her body, she left Raul to pound the cowgirl, and she approached Black Canary on the lounge chair, squealing like a stuck pig between Elliiot and Teddy.

"Haah! Aah! Aah! Aahh!! FUUUCK!!" Black Canary shuddered as the two blondes slid balls deep into the big titty blonde. "NNghgh!!"

They groaned happily together, bucking their hips into her body as their balls quivered against her ass cheeks, pumping her full of another thick load. Teddy ripped out of her, smacking her ass lightly in farewell as she whimpered, convulsing in orgasm as Elliot lifted her off his lap.

"That felt so fucking good." Teddy sighed happily, squeezing Black Canary's ass cheeks as she moaned, Elliot, pushing her up by her breasts, hands squeezing them fondly as she wobbled upright, sitting on his cock as it twitched against her gooey pussy.

"Haah... ahaah..." she panted erotically as Mighty Endowed lounged on another chair, resting on her back and just... waiting... sending out a silent call that Elliot seemed eager to answer... pushing Black Canary onto Teddy, his hands cupping under her breasts from behind as Elliot rolled off the lounge chair and stood over her, she smirked knowingly up at him before pushing her tits together with her arms, waving at him with her hands as he surprisingly IGNORED her offer of a mind-blowing titjob and spread her legs

"Oh..." she gasped, he yanked aside the cow print bottoms before pushing his tip inside her. "Aaah!" her body arched erotically, her breasts bouncing up and down as she supported them with her arms. "Oh! Oooh! OOHH!" she howled, shaking in pleasure under Elliot as he lifted her waist off the lounged chair for deeper penetration, her legs shaking around him, her toes clawing the ground as Teddy pushed Black Canary tits down on the lounge chair, dropping back down on top of her as she moaned erotically, feeling his cock rush into her prone body.

"Ngh! Ah! Aah!!" grunting loudly as Teddy furiously fucked her pussy. "AH YEAH! FUCKING use me!" she snarled angrily, trying to be sarcastic but only encouraging him to fuck harder. "Ah! Ah! NGH!!" her hands stretched up to grab the straps of the lounge chair as her toes curled behind her. "FUCK!!"

"NNgh! Oh! Yeah! You like that don't you hon?" growled Supergirl over the howls of her friends, gasping as she continued to be railed from behind by Raul, "That's a nice and tight little pussy isn't it?" she purred, "Give it to me. Give it to me hard baby." She slammed her hips back against the stocky Raul, "Ha! Ah! Haah..." riding back against him, grinding her cowgirl ass on his stomach as he pushed her down, "OOoh..." and filled her up. "MMNn!!" she wiggled and jiggled, giving him a show as he trembled against her, "Wooh!" she cheered as he slipped out of her and pushed into the pool. She chuckled, and slapped her ass, "That a boy!" before getting out of the pool and approaching Mighty Endowed and her massively bouncing tits.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!!" gazing up at Elliot as he ravaged her pussy, her breasts swinging wildly up and down on her chest between her arms, Supergirl approaching and giving her a hand with holding them, squeezing them together before slurping loudly and obviously on her nipples. "MMMG!" Mighty Endowed moaned as her sensitive titties were teased.

"MMn... mMN-mwah!" Supergirl popped off of Mighty Endowed's bouncing tits, her nipples elastically snapping back into place upon them. "How are you doing Mighty?"

"Ah! Ahhhh!!" she gasped, shaking erotically in orgasm as Supergirl smiled.

"Thought so... here let me help you." She teased, before lovingly sliding her tongue into Mighty Endowed's lips, revving up Elliot as the sight of Double D girl on massive titty girl sent him into the rush to the finish line.

"MMGNh!!!" Mighty Endowed squealed into Supergirl's lips as Elliot emptied his balls again, deep inside into Mighty Endowed's pussy. Cum oozing from her quivering hole as he pulled out of her, Mighty Endowed sighed, rubbing her big tits as she let the orgasm ride.

"Ugh! HHGh!!" Black Canary quivered as Teddy finished balls deep in her, cum practically exploding from her pussy as he displaced Elliot's previous loads.

"Ughh... haah..." he gasped, gazing over at Supergirl massaging Mighty Endowed's tits, he slowly pulled out of Black Canary, leaving her twitching body face down on the lounge chair before standing up and walking around Supergirl.

"Hey there." She teased, feeling his cock moistened with pool water and pussy juice, his tip poking at her ass, "Aah!" shoving deep into her as he held her neck from behind, thrusting into her. "Ugh! Ugh! Aah that's a deep dicking.." He buried his cock deep into her ass, she shuddered as he spread her pussy and Elliot lumbered off Mighty Endowed and approached her on the front. "Oh you boys." She sighed, before shaking on her tiptoes, howling as her insides were stretched out. "Nnnggh!! Ah! Ah yeah. Fuck me like you want to breed me! FUCK!!" She howled giving them permission to fuck harder and deeper against her body, her breasts bouncing up and down as they stroked themselves with her body. "Ha! Aah!!"

Raul crawled out of the pool, waddling over to Mighty Endowed, and fondling her breasts as she moaned responsively to their squeezing, he licked his lips as he sunk his fingers into their soft tit-flesh, watching Supergirl taking two big cocks and howling erotically...

Black Canary slowly pushed off the lounge chairs, "Mother fuckers." She groaned, sitting her sore ass on the chair and watching Supergirl go, her tongue lolling from her mouth and imitating Black Canary just a good fucking ago.

"Ah! Ahh! Haah! FUCK!!" the two blondes filled yet another one, emptying their balls into her as she groaned tiredly. "Oooh such big fucking loads." She cooed as they pulled slowly out of her with sloppy wet squelches. Teddy swatted Supergirl's cowgirl ass, then Elliot. "Oh! OH! Hey now..." she pushed them away, wobbling steadily back to the pool.

"Man... that was great..." sighed Teddy, sitting on the outside of the pool, Elliot joining next to him as Raul slurped up Mighty's titties, sucking on her nipples again as she pushed him off and got off the chair, walking back into the pool as the boys watched her breasts bounce. Black Canary, groaned, getting in the water and sitting on the shelf, sighing at her sore holes soaking in the heated pool.

"Fuck me I needed that." she sighed, "Ah!" she was then shoved fully into the pool, coming back up with a splash as Raul sat down. "What the hell?!" she spat but he spread his legs and shook his cock at her. "Hah..." she sighed audibly.

"Let me have a feel of those babies around this." He said reaching out to grab her breasts pulling her forward as she brought up her hands between his arms and slapped them away before wrapping her tits around his shaft, glaring at him.

"You're a titfuck fiend Raul. But that's a great idea." Teddy admitted, already claiming the queen of titfucks for himself, jumping into the water after her. "Dibs!" Mighty Endowed squealed girlishly as she was tackled jiggling into the water, her huge breasts sending a tsunami or ripples across the pool as he brought her up from the water, but kept her tits at cock level, sliding his girth between them, poking out of his cleavage as he bucked his hips. "haah... OH these are... heavenly!" he praised, bucking against her breasts as she sighed, but smiled, gazing up at him.

"I guess I have to sharpen your pencil huh?" teased Supergirl, standing in the pool and taking her double D's around Elliot's cock, sliding her tongue up his shaft as she gave him a titty hug. Sliding her tits and her tongue up and down his cock, "Come on big boy let's squeeze out that load."

The girls moaning bouncing their breasts around the various cocks held tightly between them. Teddy rested his hands on Mighty Endowed's shoulders, thrusting into her bulging breasts as water jumped around them and between them. "Oh!" she moaned, softly, feeling him twitching between her breasts. "Cum on... use my breasts to cum." She encouraged, "Aaaaah..." opening her mouth and tongue lolling out, splashing her tits furiously around his cock.

"Hurry it up. Come on! Cum all over my fucking tits." Snapped Black Canary as Raul fell over, lying on his back. Arms out and staring at what few stars Gotham managed to get, bucking his hips into her big breasts. His bulging tip poked between her cleavage as she extended her tongue, swirling it around his tip as she glared at his stocky belly. "Hurry up! Cum! Cum all over them!"

Supergirl was not trying to encourage Elliot to cum like Black Canary and Mighty Endowed. She had her mouth full.

"MMh! Mmgh! Mmhgh!" sucking loudly on his tip as her tits slid up and down his shaft, his hand on the back of her head, groaning as he bucked his hips towards her face.

"Ahhh!" gasped Mighty Endowed as, naturally, the mammoth naturals made Raul popped his load like an uncooked wine bottle. "ah!" she laughed as he pulled his cock from her tits, roaring and stroking himself onto her breasts as she cupped them, floating on the water like two surfacing whales as thick ropes of semen sprayed onto them.

"MMngh!?" Supergirl moaned as a hot spurt of cum sprayed into her mouth and she quickly pulled away, "Ahh..." cum oozed from her mouth as Elliot moaned shooting onto her face and tits as she squeezed out the final ropes. "Mmn..." licking her lips seductively as Black Canary finished off Raul.

"Pump that fucking load over me!" she moaned, "YEAH! FUCKER! Yeah..." she squeezed, his cum spraying oozing out and spraying her chin and chest, "...MMn..." she pulled her tits away, smacking them. "Done." She glanced around at the other two. "How about you two?"

"I think we're all good here..." Supergirl replied, slapping Elliot's limp cock to an unresponsive groan of pleasure. Teddy drifted comfortably in the warm water, leaving a mess on Mighty Endowed's breasts.

"Yeah. Pretty sure we've emptied them out..." she grabbed onto Teddy's cock, giving it a few quick strokes. "Yeah... he's done." He said, pulling her hand away from his flaccid member.

"Pleasure working you boys." Cooed Supergirl.

"Says you." Grunted Black Canary, her ass was still sore.

"Now who's paying up?" Supergirl continued unconcerned.

Teddy suddenly sunk into the water, as if someone dragged him under and he jumped back up, "...We all are." He said, "I'll go get your cash."

"Point us in the direction of your shower." Black Canary ordered, "Because I'm not bathing in chlorine again. Turns my hair green and I am not dealing with that purple-eyed bitch giving me-" she began climbing out of the pool, only to lose her footing and fall back into the water. "AH?!"

"...I know Orders didn't have anything to do with that, but I want to FEEL like she did." Smiled Supergirl sweetly as Mighty Endowed giggled, before giving Teddy a slap on the ass making him squeak. "Git along there, cowboy, let's get going." Black Canary jumped out of the water.

"Damn it!" she snapped before following her and Mighty Endowed out of the pool, now however she was watching her footing... even though her tits inhibited the view of her feet. That's how you know they're GREAT tits. "Stupid slippery fucking..."

"Wow you are really cranky right now."

"I always get cranky when I'm taking a massive COCK up my ass! And it should be someone else!" she declared irately as Supergirl and Mighty Endowed started laughing uncontrollably, "Next time I have to cover for Alice I'm kicking someone in the balls."

"Oh don't be so bitchy, it's not the first time you took two guys, and it won't be the last." Declared Supergirl as Teddy seemed to be more interested in listening to the conversation than leading them to a bathroom... judging by his twitching dick. "Where's the shower?"

"Oh, right. It's over there." He led them to a compact bathroom, "I'll go get your money." He replied though it took him a second to go and do that... watching Black Canary getting in the Shower and doing the Superbabe shower thing."

"I got him." Smiled Supergirl, shoving him out. "I got to get our clothes anyway." Returning to the swimsuit room and grabbing their clothes in a big bundle, "Why do you have so many swimsuits?" she asked curiously, meeting Teddy in the living room with a towel around his waist now.

"Oh. This is our sisters' place they're some big OnlyStalkers only, modeling clothes, videos, safe for work and not. We're just house-sitting." He said, waving a wad of cash. "Got your money." He noted as she noted.

"Just put it down somewhere, we'll grab it on the way out." She replied smiling, walking into the bathroom.

"Can I keep watching you shower?" he asked as she smiled at him, and shut the door.

"I'm doing you a favor!" she teased. "I'm doing him a favor." She repeated, putting their clothes down, "Nobody wants a boner when we leave." She noted as Mighty Endowed stretched herself, hands on her mid-back and pushing.

"Ugh... at least they only focused on my tits most of the time."

"YEAH! YEAH!!" Black Canary said angrily, getting out of the shower significantly cleaner than when she went in. She pointed at Mighty Endowed and her big breasts as she walked in. "Why the hell didn't YOU have anal dicking?!"

"...Because some guys can't go for hours and hours of sex?" Mighty Endowed replied unsurely, but then Supergirl added.

"And to be fair if you only had an hour at least with those things, you're going to tittyfuck them... I had that same problem in Texas." Bouncing her own impressive set of titties. "But our Mighty Endowed is one of a kind." Technically speaking she's not wrong.

"I'll take cum on my breasts then a stick up my butt any day..." Mighty Endowed concurred, washing herself off as Black Canary started dressing up again. "I'm not really into Anal like you two."

"I am NOT into anal!" declared Black Canary, "I just end up taking it so fucking often!" she scowled, "Apparently Black Canary has a lot of butt fucking fans!"

"It is a great ass from what I have seen... yours is more... bubbly." Replied Supergirl, trying to find the words, bouncing her hands slightly to emphasize.

"...God damn it." she mumbled, rolling up the stockings. "I hate having a fuckable ass sometimes..."

The girls finished up, cleaned up, and got fully dressed before getting out of the bathroom and grabbing the cash left for them on the counter, heading out the front door before shouting "Order again." together... well Mighty Endowed and Supergirl did. Black Canary was being spiteful.

"When we get back to Superbabes I'm giving Orders a piece of my mind!" she grumbled as Supergirl beat her to the van, getting into the Driver's seat. "Hey!"

"Take it from the Texan, don't drive angry." She replied with a wink as Black Canary scoffed.

"Ugh! Let's just go." She grumbled getting in the back, and driving back to Superbabes.

Time: 9:45 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Orders! You are-... hang on." Black Canary stared at the empty counter. "...Where is Orders?" she asked indignantly, gesturing to the counter. Rebecca, who was on duty tonight, shrugged.

"No idea. She took Dee and went somewhere." She gestured to the counter, "Just toss it behind the counter I guess."

"She left prime delivery time to take Dee somewhere? That doesn't sound like her at all." Mighty Endowed noted.

"That purple-eyed greed-monger must be up to something sneaky, and disturbing. Probably planning to have my ass gangbanged by a football team or something." She snapped irately.

"Oh give it a rest Jen." Mumbled Supergirl, "You've have plenty of time to get over the fact you're still here." She replied, "Bessie, drink?" she asked, "I could use a drink."

"Nobody cares where Orders when to? At all? Nobody's asking questions!?" Jenny scowled, "Ugh that's just like her..."

A couple of soft drinks slid across the counter, Supergirl grabbed one and passed the other to Bessie, both of them drinking and taking their break as Jenny went ranting into the locker rooms. "...She's acting like she's never been anally penetrated before."

"I think she's just REALLY angry she had to cover for Alice... too bad we don't have another, specifically, big-breasted girl..."

"You say that like nobody else here is stacked." Joked Tina casually. "I guess when you have the biggest tits in Superbabes you can be all high and Mighty."

"I'm not being high and Mighty." Replied Mighty Endowed indignantly, "I'm just saying."

"Yeah I know." teased Tina. "We got ass girls, we got titties girls, we got leggy girls..." she slurped her drink, "...But it might be nice to have a girl to cover Jenny when she gets particularly bitchy..."

"But what are the chances of that?" replied Mighty Endowed, putting her drink on her generous chest, and slurping... Tina frowned at her.

"Now I know you're being high and Mighty..."


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