
Delivery Girl: Silver Swan Order #4

I don't own DC

...Though she wouldn't admit it openly there is one particular benefit of working for Orders and that is the discount on French fries... Deep-fried and crispy tuber slices perfectly salted and spiced in wedge form, with or without chili and cheese. She would without question happily serve Orders for those contracted ten years if that meant she'd get to eat fries for free every day. As far as she was concerned the potato was the Root of the Gods, and the French fry was its divine form.

But she wasn't happy and she wouldn't happily serve Orders because she still had to pay for the fries, so shut the hells up about her being content with her situation. She absently cleared the table, and some damned heathen hadn't bothered to finish his fries... SAVAGE. She dropped off the tray towards the kitchen for cleanup but took the fries as she headed into the lounge for her break, eating the fries casually as she sat down at the poker table.

"More fries huh?" asked Red Lantern lazily, shooting pool with Zatanna as Silver Swan scoffed.

"What? They're perfectly good fries and they would've been tossed away regardless." She said dismissively as the girls shrugged. Scrounging food was the least sketchy thing they did while working for Superbabes, hell Circe has made full meals of leftover food. Waste not want not... Orders only slightly tolerated it and usually it was after Circe pulled a few all-nighters...

But it wasn't night time, it was day, the afternoon to be specific... Silver Swan casually at her fries, trying not to show how much she was enjoying them... when Green Lantern (II) walked in from the floor, frowning.

"...Uh... hey. Silver Swan?" she said hesitantly. "...There's a guy at table 6 who specifically requested you." She jerked her thumb onto the floor but Silver Swan scoffed, She was eating fries... it could wait.

"I'm on my break."

"...He said his name was Bassaam?" Silver Swan froze, "It sounds Arabic. Kinda good looking..." Silver Swan scowled angrily, grabbing her basket of fries, standing up, and abruptly matching onto the floor.

The man at table six was a chiseled Adonis with a handsome face, completely smooth on top except for a lone ponytail sticking out the back of his head. He had a neatly cared-for goatee, and he accessorized. His powerful hands were covered in golden rings, and his ears were decorated with numerous earrings... his suit was a velvet red embroidered with golden threads that made it look like his suit was on fire. Much like his skin, it had a dark reddish hue to it like he spent a great deal of time out in the sun... or on it perhaps.

He SMILED upon seeing her, his slight dark-brown eyes glittered maliciously as his golden eyeteeth glistened in the light of the restaurant... they were slightly elongated like a vampire. But he wasn't a vampire.

"Feathers." He grinned pleasantly, with a deep booming voice, as she glared at him. Still eating her fries.

"Welcome to Superbabes handsome." She said in a tone that said she was NOT into the role whatsoever. "Do you know what you want, or would you like to look around some more?" she said sardonically as he laughed. She was STILL eating her fries. Giving no shits about how it looked... and he was the reason for that.

"Is that any way to say hello to... a very old friend?" he said charmingly, but somehow still nastily.

"Fuck off Bassaam, go away, I'm working." She said dropping all pleasantries and the empty basket of fries on his table. "If you're here to screw with me I assure you that is a VERY bad idea." She whispered she wasn't even threatening him... she was WARNING him. Not that he was paying attention.

"Oh... feisty. Just how I remember you." He said with a wink, but even then, his gaze subtly wandered to a passing Booty Vixen's booty... and Catwoman (II)'s thick ass. Both of them didn't really give him the time of day but he could still appreciate a fine woman. Or women... Son of a whore always did like a 'harem'.

"I remember kicking your ass when I caught you with my sister." Silver Swan declared, not taking any bullshit from him. "She says hi by the way. Now order or fuck off." Bassaam smiled, then pulled a cigar from his pocket, placing it into his mouth. "No smoking." Silver Swan said quickly as his dark brown eyes turned a fiery red... briefly, as he held both hands up to light the cigar. "House rule."

To be specific, he was covering one of his hands to hide the fact that he didn't have a lighter. But upon hearing the 'no smoking' rule. He just grinned around the cigar and stood up, heading to the front door. "...I'll see you later then, Feathers." She scoffed as he casually strutted to the front door in his alligator shoes, winking at Green Lantern as she returned from the lounge. He opened the front door and flicked his thumb across the handlebar of the door, like he was lighting a match, bringing it quickly up to his cigar, and puffing smoke as he laughed.

"...Son of an Arabian whore." She spat under her breath as Green Lantern blinked after him.

"...So who was he?" she asked curiously

"He was an... ex-boyfriend." She scowled, "...I need more fries." She said bitterly.

Later that night.

"You had an ex-boyfriend?" Orders asked lazily as Silver Swan scowled at her, informing her boss of this information in her office. Silver Swan was working a noon to midnight shift. It was now-

Time: 7:34 PM. Place: Gotham-

WHOA! HEY! Not fucking yet.

"I've had several ex-boyfriends... a few of them were even Mortal. Very few. This one is Bassaam." She said as if that meant something to Orders.

"Should that mean something to me?" she asked as Silver Swan scowled, Orders would of course be extremely infuriating when Silver Swan was actually trying to be helpful.

"...We had a fairly strong relationship during... I want to say the crusades." She said absently, "But then I caught him in a sexual predicament with my sister, so I promptly tossed his cheating Djinn ass to the curb... so to speak. I actually chucked it into the Aegean Sea."

"He's a genie?" Orders asked surprised but Silver Swan scoffed.

"He's an Ifrit." She said dismissively as Orders frowned.

"...Is there a difference?"

"Significantly trickier to deal with, and usually involves more FIRE." She replied, although to be fair SHE was the reason that Ifrits are trickier to deal with, She gave Bassaam a few ideas and he passed them on to his fellow Ifrits and other Genie-like people. Like the Shaitain or the Marid.

"So he still grants wishes?"

"NO. Bassaam specifically does not grant wishes... Not anymore, he was freed when Caesar burned down the Library of Alexandria." Orders stared at her. "...Technically he burned some boats and the fires spread, but he still took the credit. Fucking asshole." She spart irately as Orders frowned.

"...I'm never going to find a damn genie." She noted irately, "So are you telling me I should be concerned?"

"I wouldn't put it past Bassaam to burn down your restaurant for giggles." she noted bluntly. "...And last I checked most of your mortal employees aren't fireproof." Silver Swan replied sardonically. And whether or not she actually liked a few of them and genuinely cared for their safety, she wouldn't say and I'm not going to tell you... those fangs are sharp.

Orders sighed again, "...Did he say he was going to burn my restaurant down?"

"No." Silver Swan replied reluctantly, rolling her eyes.

"Did he threaten you in any way?" Orders asked as Silver Swan sighed again.

"No." she replied again obediently.

"Is he going to try and steal my money?"

"...Probably not, but you never know he has expensive tastes. Why are you even asking me this? You're clairvoyant!" she replied indignantly.

"I am indeed clairvoyant." Orders replied, "But it's nice of you to save me the headache." She added, her purple eyes flashing. "...Hmph."

"...Hmph? 'Hmph', what?" replied Silver Swan incredulously Orders sniffed, and absently opened her desk drawer where she kept all her unmentionable trinkets. Then closed the desk again, glancing at Silver Swan... then smiling whimsically.

"Don't worry about it. You still have five hours on your shift." Silver Swan narrowed her eyes at Orders. "...Why would he cheat on you with your sister?" Orders asked as Silver Swan scowled.

"He likes... red skin." Silver Swan scowled irately, "...Has a thing for darker skin tones." She noted, "And my 'natural looks' are a bit too 'bright' for his liking." She added sardonically.

"...What a fucking dumbass." Orders said bluntly, getting up. "...Seriously though five hours left."

"I assure you I am counting the seconds." Silver Swan scowled, heading out of Orders office with the woman herself who sat at her counter, clapping her hands.

"Back to work ladies!" she ordered briskly as the girls stepped up their effort. Silver Swan, content with her fair warning, went back to work... and her fries.


"You look lovely tonight Silver Swan." Grinned the rather goofy-looking young man as she approached him with his burger and fries.

"Hmph. I always look good." She declared confidently, putting it down in front of him. He was a pimply, freckled young man with, glasses, sandy hair, and greasy skin. He was thin and gangly. But oddly had straight white teeth... probably wore braces in his youth. "Eat your food, Barty." She said, hand on her hip and carefully placing his food down in front of him. A significant change from Bassaam's treatment earlier.

"It's... Billy." He said grinning at her reverently as she rolled her eyes. "...O-or William. Will? Or-"

"Eat your food Barry." Replied Silver Swan dismissively, "...Call me if you need anything." She added with a hand wave and letting her feathery wings brush his face as she turned away. The young man came in at least once a week, and always when she was working. Benefits of the website of course, you could see who was working that night. You might think this was a poor idea and encourages stalking...

But then you would be directed at Giganta, Big Barda, to a lesser extent Silver Banshee or the incredibly dangerous, but not really a bouncer, Platinum.

"That weird little boy is back." She declared bluntly as Zatanna, who just came back from a delivery and was on her break, looked out onto the floor stealthily, and watched Billy absently eat his burger and fries before turning her attention back to Silver Swan, smiling.

"Oh, come on he LIKES you... definitely likes a sassy girl." She joked, Silver Swan however rolled her eyes. "You got a regular be proud."

"Please." She snapped irately as Zatanna shrugged. "He's just a little puppy and thinks I'm an easy prey to sink his teeth into." She said dismissively, absently taking a fry from a forgotten basket that Red Lantern had been eating from earlier, tossing one into her mouth accurately and savoring the tasty, TASTY salt. "He'll lose interest once another skimpy-dressed girl walks by."

"Oh don't sell yourself short." Smiled Zatanna, stretching out on the couch. "...Besides he's a nerd, they're weird but usually they're respectful." She joked as Silver Swan rolled her eyes. "...Maybe a little perverted." Speaking from experience really.

"He's here he's definitely perverted." Silver Swan snarked but then frowned as she checked the counter. She just realized... "Where's that bi-Orders?" she asked catching herself as Zatanna casually glanced at the counter.

"Bathroom I think. Even she needs to use the bathroom." She declared as Silver Swan rolled her eyes exasperatedly.

"Of course, she'd use the bathroom when we weren't getting any calls." She noted under her breath, about to sit down... when the phone rang. The other girls in the lounge hesitated, unsure of whether to answer or not. "...Ugh that cursed chiming!" she mumbled, approaching the phone and yanking it off the hook.

Time: 9:01 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes, what do you want?"

"Ah... Feathers. Lovely to hear from you-"

"Suck on Belphegor's TAINT you toasty testicular son of a whore."

"It is to my understanding my dear that you have to give me a delivery if I pay for your services... and I will pay... we both know that you're OWNER will tell you to take my money, and we both know that you WANT to take my money... you greedy little slut..."

"...FINE. Let's get this cursed depravity over with! Give me your damn address you piece of-"


Silver Swan slammed the phone back onto the hook as Zatanna stared at her, trying to restrain her laughter.

"...What language was that cacophony of noise you just made?"

Several. But most of them were very, very dead. Silver Swan sighed, "Nothing I was just furious and speaking gibberish." She spat, "Hey. I need a-"She tried to order in the kitchen as a small box slid across the counter... it looked like a cake box... Orders, who returned to the lounge from the floor walked with the box simultaneously before pushing it toward Silver Swan. Who stared at it curiously.

"Here. Come back soon." Silver Swan took the cake box, frowning at it.

"...You're going to let me go?" Silver Swan replied as Orders glanced at her.

"...I don't care where the money comes from as long as it comes... what happens after that is up to you. See you in an hour." She replied as Zatanna curiously looked between Orders and Silver Swan, who scoffed and marched out the back door, taking to the air... She knew where she was going.

Gotham went through casinos like that crazy clown went through henchmen... one minute they're on top, the next they're busted, broken and falling apart, but there'll be plenty of others to take their place. Right now such a casino is called 'Salah-a-din's Palace'... she imagines the lawsuit from Vegas would arrive any day now. As she approached the gaudy Arabian Night wannabe casino she immediately stopped midair, gazing at the hotel section suspiciously, and rolled her eyes... she could SMELL the magic all over it, she knew he was there. He has basically set up a defensive 'Anti-flying-demon' airspace around the penthouse field... if she flew any closer she'd get a nasty shock...

She knew that HE knew that she'd hate that. He was so easy to read, he wanted her to WALK on the ground like a mortal PEASENT. He was childish like that... which was weird because he was far older than her. She braced herself and spiraled down to ground level, ignoring the awed looks and the Arabian-themed servants she walked right in.

"E-Excuse me? Miss?! Where do you think you're going?" a middle-easter man, the manager from the look of it quickly approached her.

"I have a delivery." She said tiredly as he stood in front of her. She COULD make him move... but Orders had feelings about that. Magical Contract and all that...

"Then I will take it miss." He said, she stared at him... then scoffed. She'd love nothing more than to give this foolish mortal the box of food and let him get set on fire by Bassaam for spoiling his fun... but she, unfortunately, had 'professional integrity'... though no desire of her own. Again, magical contract...

"...Listen... Kaseem?" she rolled her eyes after glancing at his name tag. "...Call the man in your penthouse suit and tell him you're not letting the women with wings come up to the room... I DARE you... we can put money on it." she said as Kaseem hesitated, then quickly led her through the casino to the hotel elevators, passing some attractive girls in bellydancer costumes... she didn't envy their waitressing costumes.

Kaseem took her to a private elevator, using his keycard to take her all the way to the top floor. The penthouse: there was only one door once the elevator opened and she confidently walked to it, looking significantly more annoyed as she approached. "Let me just-" Kaseem began but just as quickly she raised her fist and angrily knocked.


Time: 9:33 PM: Place The Salah-a-din's Palace (Penthouse suit.)

"Special delivery Service." She said, as the door magically opened... and she was immediately hit with a burst of HEAT. Kaseem was sweating, though it was probably more for nerves than anything...

Bassaam stood there in the doorway, cigar in one hand, a glass of fine wine in the other, and wearing only a loincloth, His body glistening in oil as if he just competed in some masculine wrestling contest. "Feathers... good of you to come."

"W-wait a minute what happened to-" Bassaam pulled his hand away from the wineglass and it floated in the air as he SNAPPED his fingers, and it echoed from the room. A glossy look crossed Kaseem's features, and he powered.

"Thank you, Sultan." He said, turning, and heading back into the elevator. Classic magical trance... She scoffed, not caring about Kaseem as she entered the room, it was probably Arabian-themed before but it felt and looked like she just stepped back into Saudi Arabia... she could practically smell the camels. It was like a palace, in fact, Bassaam had probably magicked up the apartment to his wishes...

...Fucking Genie powers.

There was a bed of silk cushions and pillows, the smell of incense, and a vast waist-deep bathtub as big as a backyard pool in the next room, glistened with rose petals and sweet smells of honey and milk. "Fuck off Bassaam." She said bluntly as he approached her, taking the box from her grip and letting it float away to land on an ornate table. He then grabbed her chin as she glared at him...

"...MMn... I was told you have to do whatever I say on these... deliveries..." he purred nastily, but still somehow capable of charming the average mortal girl into taking her clothes off.

"Unfortunately." She replied spitefully, "For the next hour in fact." She said, counting the seconds... before her eyes, Bassaam took a more familiar form, his eyes glowed fiery red, his ears stretched slightly upward, now slightly pointed, and his goatee suddenly had a distracting curl to it, his skin turning into a slightly brighter read as his handsome Ifrit form was barred.

"Come now we can be ourselves her." he cooed, reaching around and gripping her ass firmly as she flinched in disgust. "...Don't tell me you don't miss it?" he said slimily as she scowled.

"...Go fuck my sister if you're so horny, you've always liked her better." She spat, once in antiquity she would've jumped Bassaam's bones in a heartbeat with his smooth talking voice, and genie magic... and probably a few tinkling coins to cushion her head. But then she remembered that he was a cheating asshole... oh and her sister's a bitch. "Of course, she doesn't really talk to you anymore does she?" she replied as Bassaam's grinning face diminished slightly. "...I think you missed something, but it wasn't our time together." She replied confidently.

Bassaam scowled at her, "...Why can't you just be an obedient woman for once?"

"Why can't you be a man? EVER." she snapped in response before he slapped her across the face and threw her to the floor. "Ha-ha-ha!" she laughed maliciously, licking her lips smugly. "You're just jealous that everyone liked my tricks more than yours." He grabbed her head and jerked it up, pulling her to his loincloth and feeling his cock against her face... she didn't remember his cock being this big, someone used some enhancement magic.

"Open your mouth you whore." He ordered.

"My sister was the whore, who once had an orgy with SLOTH demons... Do you have any idea how disgusting they are? and you weren't even good enough for her!" she replied defiantly but bound by the magical contract, she opened her mouth and took his genie cock into her mouth. His body hot with rage and lust as he began thrusting against her face. "Mgmh! Mgn... mmgh..." and obediently she sucked, glaring up at him.

Bassaam was literally steaming, his glistening, oily body smoking with his restrain Ifrit powers. One hand on her head and the other on her right wing, pushing his hips against her face... he was a little rough with her, but honestly, this was tame compared to her other exes. She dated a Wrath demon once, and she was ALL about having rough sex.

Wrath demons are like that, even the females.

Bassaam buried her face into his crotch, which was hairless... the only hairs Ifrit got were on their heads, holding her head in place as he pulsated in her throat. Jerking her head and bucking against her hard practically bashing her throat with his magically enhanced cock. "I liked you better with you on your knees, why can't you just cooperate!? NNGH!!" he groaned, pushing into her throat. His burning semen flooded into her stomach as she groaned irately, warming her inside pleasantly... It actually wasn't a bad feeling... shame Bassaam was an asshole.

"HWAAAH!" she gasped as he yanked her from his crotch, hooking his fingers into her mouth to check that she swallowed before easily lifting her from the floor and hurling her into the nearby bath with a massive bath, it was FREEZE.

"Son of a whore!" she spat, shooting out of the water, her wings weighed down by thick water, "It's freezing!"

"It's always freezing." Sneered Bassaam with a smile as he stepped into the tub, and suddenly the water boiled and steamed with heat as he grabbed her and shoved her over. With a splash, she sneered at him as he spread her legs and dropped onto her, her head barely above water as he sheathed his cock into her body. "NNgh! Tight as I remember!" he snarled in her face as he furiously thrust into her body.

"Ngh! NGh! Just as useless as I remember!" she replied with a growl, only for him to grab her shoulders and shove her into the water. She didn't NEED to breathe oxygen necessarily... but the tub was also uncomfortably hot. Bassaam pinned her beneath the water and furiously pounded into her body.

"Ngh! MNN! Who's useless now Feathers? I'm the master now and you're the slave!" he spat, "You and your harlot of a sister are such tight little holes you'll make good members of my harem!" she howled under the water, her voice bubbling to the surface as her wings weighed her in the water Bassaam gripping her head tightly with his hands and pinning her arms down as he hate fucked her.

"Ugh! Ugh! UGGGH!" he growled, pushing hard and deep into her body as she shuddered beneath him. forced into orgasm as he filled her with his hot load again. "Ahh... yes..." he hissed, chuckling as he pulled out of her twitching body and yanked her out of the water.

"Hwaah..." she gasped again before spitting water in his face defiantly, he grabbed her head and easily hauled her out of the water before throwing her over the edge of the tub, her wings fluttering wetly as he grabbed her waist, and snapped his fingers, his cock hardening and pulsating before thrusting his cock into her ass. "ARGH! Son of a WHORE." She snarled as he grabbed her wings at their base and yanked her back, laughing as he roughly pounded away. "Argh. AH..." she growled, "Curse you're worthless hide."

"You're the one who likes being used!" he sneered harshly, "A foolish slut like your sister!" he spat, roughly ass fucking her body as he yanked back on her wings, briefly letting go to smack her round ass HARD. "Why are you even in that inferior form!? Turn back into your proper shape so I can fuck your property."

"Fuck! Off! Bassaam!" she snarled as he scoffed dismissively. "Damn you!" she hissed, feeling her body react to the rough fucking. "Damn it!"

"Ha-ha-ha!" Bassaam chuckled darkly, "You can't even help yourself." He sneered, pinning her down and furiously ass fucking her as she screamed in orgasm and fury... an awful lot like her Wrath demon ex-girlfriend. His cock plunged into her tight, quivering asshole as he pinned her down and filled her with another hot load.

"FUCK!" she snarled, shaking as he ripped out of her ass and clapped a hand on her ass cheek. He chuckled darkly again as she felt his hand burning on her ass and immediately kicked out, slamming into his gut before he could 'brand' her with a handprint... that was always a literal pain in the ass. She stood up as he flew through the air, poofing into sulfuric smoke before reforming behind her and getting her into a headlock from behind. "NGH!" pushing himself back into her pussy, pumping away as she growled like an angry animal. "Damn IT..." she snarled, his hips thrusting up into her body as her wings tried to flutter and flap away, sending water everywhere.

With one arm around her waist and his other hand on her neck he squeezed her tight, fucked her hard, and felt her breasts jumping up and bouncing on his muscular and somehow still oily arms. "Ugh! Ugh..." he growled, thrusting into her body before letting go of her. She fell forward slightly then screamed irately as he grabbed her hair, holding her upright as he lifted her leg, still thrusting into her as the tub heated up around them.

"Ah! Argh! FUCK!" howled Silver Swan as her body was jerked about, when suddenly hand, after hand, grabbed at her body. Bassaam laughed darkly, multiple arms stretching around her from his back like a spider, grabbing her wings, her legs, her arms, and pushing her waist to bend her back as she hung in the air, stretched out in more than one way as she howled, "Ah! Ah! AH! SON OF A WHORE." She growled, shaking and trembling in pleasure. "Argh!? BLURGH!!" suddenly she was engulfed in water again. Bassaam pinned her beneath the water and pounded into her body as she howled. Bubbles boiled around her mingling with her furious shrieks as Bassaam buried his cock into her body and growled... spilling his seed into her again.

"Aaah..." he laughed, holding her down as he bucked his hips before cracking his neck, as the arms vanished into black smoke. "Mmngh." He dragged her up from the water, throwing her onto the other side of the tub as she panted for a breath she didn't need as she came down from her rough fucking orgasm... Bassaam sneered as he snapped his fingers, and a mirror image of his cock extended from his crotch, grabbing her waist and furiously fucking both of her holes. "Ha-ha-ha! Whose useless now you piece of demon meat! If the rest of the circles could see you now!" he sneered degradingly, "But don't worry. We both know I'm a greedy man, he sneered, grabbing at her hair and yanking it roughly. "I'm not going to share you with ANYTHING else." She clenched her teeth. "Signing yourself to that foolish purple-eyed oracle was a mistake that you will live with for the rest of eternity... You might as well get used to me inside you once more!" he declared, furiously pounding away at her.

She howled in orgasm. "As long as you're a superwhore or whatever... you're practically my property..." he growled in her ear as she scowled... he smacked her ass again, pulling his cocks from her body and coating her back and wings with his heated seed.

"...You only get to use me for an hour..." snarled Silver Swan as Bassaam laughed.

"Please... time is meaningless to us." He said, spitefully, before snapping his fingers. "...There..." he said as she felt the time around them rewind. Limitless cosmic genie powers... fuck them. "Now then." He chuckled, leaving her by the pool, "I suppose some sustenance is in order..." he then glanced at the cake box. "Let's see what MY new toy brought me?" he grinned before approaching the box. Silver Swan furiously growled, irate that the stupid contract didn't allow her to use her full ability...

When Bassaam then opened the box... There was a loud, ominous pop like the sound of someone opening a wine bottle. "What?! No-no-no-no-no!!" he squealed like a little girl, and turned to run, to reach out to her, "Please! NO! DEMONA! PLEASE NO! NOT THE BOTTLE! ANYTHING BUT THE BOTTLE!!"

She couldn't recall the last time she had seen Bassaam so terrified. He fell to the floor, desperately clawing at the marble flooring as his legs turned to smoke, he clawed at it, slowly being dragged back towards the box. "PLEASE! DEMONA! I'M SORRY! DON'T PUT ME IN THE BOTTLE AGAIN!" She stared at him with scorn, before looking at the box...

It had been elaborately set up so that once the lid had been open it would uncork a familiar bottle inside. Orders' empty genie bottle that she once trapped her sister Numena inside... and 'forgot' to let her out for a week. What was a minor annoyance to Numena, was an absolute horrifying fate to a freed member of the Djinn. Her look then returned to a weeping Bassaam, legitimately crying as his body continued to get sucked into the bottle, turning into smoke inch by inch, it was up to his chest now, seconds away from reaching his shoulders.

"...I don't know a 'Demona'." She said coldly, "...I'm Silver Swan." She grinned EVILLY as Bassaam realized he wasn't getting out of this.

"PLEASE!" he begged, tears in his red eyes as his shoulders transformed into smoke... separating him from his arms gripping the floor. His smoky head was yanked away until it popped on the bottle like a cork. "NO!!!" then with a wet slurp his face was sucked into the bottle, his arms flopping helplessly about as they too were finally yanked away and slurped through the tiny neck like it was eating noodles... then magically the cork of the bottle, attached to the box, plopped into the bottle, and twisted shut... sealing the Ifrit inside.

And just like that, the room transformed from an Arabian palace to a standard but very expensive-looking room. She looked around, and sighed, standing in what was the sink... "Lazy fucking Ifrit." She scowled, stepping out of the sink, and moving to the bedroom and the bathroom to clean herself properly, spotting a small urn, like a vase in the closest. "Oh Bassaam you fool." She spat with a laugh, picking up the urn, about as big as a bowler hat, and hearing the tinkly of gemstones inside.

It was a 'jar of plenty'. Obviously, he'd need a solid source of money, even Djinn magic, semi-cosmic as it was, wouldn't last forever when used for earthly pleasures. Summoned food wasn't as filling, magicked-up jewels or gold would eventually vanish... things like that. Because Bassaam was freed, his non-wished for trinkets would vanish in a week or so.

The jar of plenty would produce gemstones from rocks once a month... it was quite useful... of course, the only way he would've GOTTEN one... well. She grinned evilly and went to go clean up. She took her time, with the jar in one hand, and the bottle with a screaming, weeping Bassaam inside in the other, she leaped from the roof and flew back off to Superbabes.

Time: 9:56 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"You're back early." Said Izzy surprised as Silver Swan walked into the room, looking at her curiously.

"What? Oh right." She glanced down at the bottle irately. "...Well... time flies." She joked, but furiously shook the bottle as Bassaam screamed. "...Boss. May I speak to you?" she asked as Orders held up the finger for a one-moment, speaking on the phone.

"Name and address please... thank you." She hung up the phone, ripping off the receipt. "Vixen you got one. Izzy. Man the phone I'll be right back." She said, heading into her office with Silver Swan.

"Uh... sure. That's not weird." Izzy mumbled nervously, getting closer to the phone as Silver Swan shut the door.

She put the bottle, and the urn on the desk. "...You planned this." Silver Swan declared bluntly as Orders rolled her purple eyes.

"Of course I did." She frowned, pressing her finger on the tip of the bottle and spinning around, "And the urn?" she said, tilting it over and spilling what was left of the glittering stones inside. All of them in the shape of river rocks. Orders then pushed some of them towards Silver Swan, "Payment for the Delivery Demona." She picked up the bottle, looking at it as if trying to see right through it at Bassaam... she was clairvoyant, so she probably could.

"Demona. D'Arc. Is under MY protection..." she said firmly and slowly "She is. MY. PROPERTY." She declared as Demona scowled. "DO. YOU. UNDER. STAND?" she added cooly, shaking the bottle with each word.

"YES! YES! PLEASE! RELEASE ME! AND I WILL GRANT YOUR WISH!" he declared pleadingly, but Orders scowled. Demona quickly noted.

"He's a freed Ifrit, he won't be bound to that wish... so he'll probably just do something terrible." She noted, somewhat surprised at herself for giving Orders that tidbit.

"I don't want anything he can give me." She said, "But we need a way to make sure he NEVER bothers us again." she then put the bottle in the urn, and pushed both of them to Demona. "...Deal with it." she said, and for once she and Demona were on the same page.

...There were only 8 urns of plenty in existence. And she knew the locations of all of them, all greed demons did. 2 were in the possession of the lords of Greed, (one was given, one was stolen) and they were something all greed demons aspired to possess. One was given to a human in antiquity as a reward for some task, but it ended up destroyed. The remaining 5 however were all held by one very specific person, to be GIVEN away at his wish... The Lord of all Djinn... technically 'Genie' but Lord of all Djinn sounded more impressive.

...If Basaaam had one of the jars. She highly doubts it was one of those given (stolen) by the lords of Greed... so someone was in a LOT of trouble.

"You don't want to keep the urn?" she noted

"I'd rather have the protection." Orders replied calmly as she stared at her surprised. "Besides I know you're RELISHING this." She said, as Demona suddenly licked her lips, was she drooling? She was certainly in a much better mood. "...Take the rest of the night off." she added as Demona raised an eyebrow at that. "...But make sure you take care of this." She said, before pointing. "I want that back." She said of the bottle as Demona rolled her eyes.

"Of course. I'll take care of it... boss." She sneered the last word but Orders didn't care. It was par for the course at this point.

"Demona... Demona we can come to an understanding..." Bassaam pleaded from the bottle as she changed out of her uniform. "...Please don't take me to the Lord of the Djinn! You can say you found the urn! I'll leave you alone! I swear on his blessed and majestic name!"

"....Fuck off Bassaam." She replied, returning the Urn of plenty would definitely be more lucrative to Orders than keeping it, having the Lord of Djinn owe her a favor would be EXCELLENT protection from other troublemaking Djinn. "Your word means SHIT." She declared coldly.

She dressed and walked outside as it began to rain, She rolled her eyes... she didn't feel like flying in the rain today so she oddly enough went to go catch a cab. She turned to the front of the parking lot and saw Billy trying to flag down a cab, only they were ignoring him as the rain picked up... she was wondering what he was still doing here, and then she remembered again that Bassaam rewound time briefly.

She walked up beside him, she was taller than he was and he jumped, smiling at her as she raised an eyebrow. "Bernie what are you doing?" she said coldly as he blinked and shrugged.

"I'm... I'm trying to catch a cab." he said, his glasses covered in flecks of rainwater as it seemed to pour over him, Demona was using her powers to mostly keep herself dry.

"Hmph..." she noted, as he blushed and tried to avoid her gaze. She then rolled her eyes, and with a WHOOSH, her wing hung over his head and he blinked, gazing up at her white feathers in awe, trying not to fanboy out as she rolled her eyes. "You'll catch a cold Billy," she noted, before waving down a cab... which was somewhat more inclined to stop for the attractive winged woman than the greasy wet nerd.

"You do know my name..." he whispered, completely enraptured with her and grinning stupidly as she looked at him, and rolled her eyes.

"...Shut up and get in the car Becky." She noted... just a little playfully.


Whoo, okay, I was trying forever to figure out who to have her bang and it came down to ex-boyfriend or fanboy... fanboy still made an appearance. Fun Fact, Bassaam means One Who Smiles, in Arabic.

Anyway, next up is supposed to be GL I but because I pretty much just did her we're going to move a bit down to Red Lantern... because I want to... I don't need a reason to want to do sexy thick-ass Korean girls.

Next chapter