
Delivery Girl: Yellow Lantern Order #6

I don't own DC

"This place is a dump." Declared Yellow Lantern looking at the house before her. She and Helena stared at the rundown house in the Gotham suburbs. It was a two-story four bedroom two bath, and a double-car garage attached. "What exactly are we doing here?

"It's my new property." Orders replied, "For girls like you. Who need a place to live while they work for me."

"I'm already living in your houseboat." Said Helena conversationally, and Orders conceded the point.

"Yes, but I can rent that out to tourists instead. You don't actually want to STAY on the Good Fortune do you?" Orders asked curious as Helena weighed her options. Admittedly the commute would be easier and she'd get less leering fishermen.

"And You." Orders turned to Yellow Lantern who flinched nervously. "Do you want to continue couch surfing?"

"I mean I could." Replied Yellow Lantern sheepishly as Orders added.

"Let me try again. Do you WANT to sleep in an actual bed for once?"

"…I've kinda gotten used to sleeping on couches actually." She said as Orders rubbed her purple eyes. "They are surprisingly comfy." Orders covering her eyes with her hand as she tried to rub down the non-clairvoyant headache she was feeling, groaned out irately.

"Hit her."

"What?" WHAP! "OH!" Yellow Lantern hopped forward as big sexy biker chick Ronnie-Bell swatted her rear and made her jump forward a good foot up the driveway. "What the hell?!"

"That's my question." Orders grumbled but Ronnie-Bell just gave her a smile.

"Sugar I'm not going to hit her because she doesn't want a bed."

"…FINE…" Orders groaned, surprisingly childish, but she continued with her usual air. "Regardless my idea is still sound." She continued, gesturing to the house. "I got it cheap, all it needs is a few touch-ups. You two are going to help." She ordered frankly. "I'm going to rope in more helpers don't worry, and I got my construction guy Piotr and his crew on it."

"I know something about bikes, but construction?" Yellow Lantern replied, rubbing her backside and glaring at Ronnie-Bell, who shrugged off Yellow Lantern's indignantion with a charming southern bell smile.

"A paint job here, some flooring there." She patted the garage door. "It'll be fine. You two will do a good job, and once I get some of the other girls helping out it'll be done in no time." She added. "Then boom, a perfectly good place to park your carcasses."

"A halfway house for Superbabes." Yellow Lantern grumbled but Orders walked past her, getting into Ronnie-Bell's side car, applying the helmet.

"Something like that. I'll see you at work." She said, as Ronnie-Bell got on the bike and drove off, leaving Yellow Lantern and Helen looking at the house with some concern.

"…I don't know whether to be grateful or annoyed." Helen noted as Yellow Lantern swung her own leg over her precious bike Daisy yellow bike Sleipnir.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to sleep on a couch that wasn't Izzy's for a while." She added, "Need a lift?"

"Yeah, sure." She said, getting behind Yellow Lantern and holding on, driving away from the future Superbabe house.

Later that night.

"I'm telling you it's a conspiracy. Orders want us all in one spot so she can keep us on a tight leash." Declared Supergirl (II) after being informed of Orders' home makeover plans.

"I can't deny it." Yellow Lantern said, hand on one hip as she sat on the couch, taking her break.

"Well, it sounds like a good opportunity to me." Bumblebee noted, walking out of the locker rooms and adjusting her tight pants over her tight black booty. "…Though I highly doubt she'd let me leave Lindsey alone."

"Not after I secured your apartment agreement." Grinned Big Barda proudly, "…Well me and Ash."

"I still have to walk around naked once a week." Noted Bumblebee, but Big Barda correctly replied.

"YEAH. But now you get a cut of the profits."

"So does Orders." Noted Bumblebee slyly but Big Barda scoffed.

"Yeah, but trying to cut Orders out of a deal is like trying to take on the Batman in a fistfight, whoever tries is going to get seriously hurt." The girls chuckled at the joke but Yellow Lantern brought them back to reality.

"She's still having us work construction." She said but Supergirl just sighed and said it with a rather thoughtful tone.

"My daddy used to tell me that it always feels better when you do it yourself." She said, "Maybe fixing up your own place will give you a sense of fulfillment."

"Sounds to me like your daddy was lazy." Yellow Lantern replied as Supergirl scowled at her.

"My Daddy has been a cattleman and a horse trainer for over 50 years. He's a harder worker than anyone I know."

"I'm just going to call it bias then." Yellow Lantern noted as Supergirl was about to argue but then.

"I'm going to call it 'Get back to work'." Orders declared while she walked into the lounge and put down her things in her office. "But I am also biased." She turned on deliveries and clapped her hands. "And I also sign your checks. Let's go ladies." The girls scrambled to get to work and Orders picked out a crossword to fill.

"You're really going through with the whole house thing huh?" Big Barda asked as Orders shrugged.

"Seemed like a good investment." Orders noted, "With the number of girls losing their homes, leaving their homes, living off my houseboat which could be a VERY lucrative rental…" She filled out a word immediately before adding, "Plus this is Gotham, having a spare house might come in handy if Solomon Grundy goes flying through a wall."

"…That sounds specific." Yellow Lantern noted unsurely.

"Well, it's happened before. Talk to Tom about that." she replied dismissively. "Still we can't all fit in the houseboat and I'm very happy only sharing my home with a gynoid who likes to sleep in the closet sometimes."

"…Is this because I slept on your couch for a few days?" Yellow Lantern asked but Orders shook her head.

"No. But this is."

"What-HOW do I keep falling for that?!" and Orders reached for the phone.

Time:7:21 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes, We deliver."

"Hey. If we order food we get a girl right?"

"…One will show up. Yes."

"…Someone that is… frisky? Maybe one that doesn't mind some cameras?"

"…If you order a girl will show up. That's how 'deliveries' work."

"I see…One yellow Lantern Meal then."

"One Milanese risotto with a hard lemonade. Anything else?"

"Were looking for a girl that doesn't mind being a little… hardcore. Is that such a girl?"

"Our usual girl that handles deliveries of this nature is not working tonight, but the girl requested to deliver is very sturdy. If that's all we expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery, name and address please."


"Here." Orders handed Yellow Lantern the receipt as she looked at it uncertainly.

"Should I be concerned?"

"No. They're just going to treat you like a whore and Daphne is at The Lash and Leash, she would've gotten a kick out of this."

"Just ripped the band-aid off why don't you?" mumbled Yellow Lantern sarcastically but the food slid out across the counter.

"You'll be fine it's nothing you can't handle… or won't secretly enjoy." Orders noted, the food already sliding across the counter as Yellow Lantern sighed reluctantly, yanking the food off the counter and heading out the back door toward her daisy yellow Sleipnir. She stored the food and swung her shapely leg over the seat and after double checking the receipt, she revved her powerful racing bike off into Gotham at breakneck speeds… which would normally be concerning but… it is Gotham.

Gotham does have film studios, most cities do, sure, but it's sometimes difficult to remember just how many films and series get filmed in Gotham. The old and new Grey Ghost films for example… Yellow Lantern pulled up to a building that said 'Black Star Films' but she's never heard of the studio… she parked her bike in the mostly empty lot, easily passing by the inattentive security guard who just let her through.

She got off her bike, looking around for where to go. There was a large studio warehouse, probably where they filmed, and there was a collection of offices off to the side but there were no lights on. They looked empty… so… she went to the studio… knocking on the smaller door. "…Superbabes?"

Time: 7:44 PM. Place: Upper East Gotham (Black Star Studios)

"Special Delivery Service?" she finished, hesitating slightly with her knocking hand now on her curvy hip. She waited… and waited, and was half a moment away from going over to knock on the office doors. When finally the door opened… it was a woman. She had almond-colored skin and dark chocolate hair and a pretty face but… well… it might just be because Yellow Lantern worked at Superbabes but she had no figure… she was flat as a board, front and back and thin as a beanpole.

Yellow Lantern was so used to being around gorgeous curvaceous women that it was a legitimate surprise to find one so… plain.

"Good. Come in." she said, waving her inside as Yellow Lantern followed. "So you're the slut?"

"…Not in so many… words." She then noticed the many detailed sets in the warehouse… most of them looked like basic bedrooms, one was an entire house missing a 4th​ wall… but she was led to a small 'room' with only a couch inside it. Shag carpeting, and a door and a window that led nowhere. She feels she's seen this room before…

"Sign this." The woman said, handing her a document before strapping a small camera to her forehead.

Yellow Lantern frowned at her, then examined the document… reading the first few lines, most of it went over her head… but she quickly realized this was a contract to allow them to sell a video-OH she was filming a porno… it all makes sense. She knew she recognized the set… she didn't watch porn but Yaya watched a LOT of it… still she wasn't sure she should sign.

"…You got a phone?" she asked as the woman looked at her irately, but pulled one from her pocket and unlocked, handing yellow lantern the phone already set to the 'call' function. And she quickly dialed the most recent number. Superbabes. Putting it to her ear… it barely rang before it was picked up.

"Sign it. I'll handle it. Bring me copies." over in a moment. Orders: Crisp and to the point… she took the pen attached to the clipboard, and signed the document. Handing it back to the lady who checked it over, and gestured to the couch. "Have a seat." She said gesturing to the couch. "A guy we know. Pip." She said, still reading the contract. "Says you girls are good when you're in a pinch."

"That explains so much with so little." Yellow Lantern replied as the woman suppressed a chuckle.

"Yeah… anyone. Our girl who was supposed to do this ended up busting her leg skiing and neglected to tell us until we called her tonight, and we need a scene. So…" she put the contract down. "You can call me Jeanna. You're just about to meet my brother, Mr. Fine."

"…Mr. Fine?"

"Don't read into it, just look pretty." She said casually, "We're going to get a little rough with you." Yellow Lantern twitched, "Not anything super tough. But if it's too much for you the safe word is Canada." She paused and then plucked something else from her pocket, a domino mask. "Want this?"

Yellow Lantern stared at the mask for a minute, then sighed. "Yeah probably, she then took it and stuck it to her face. "…You just have this?"

"We got a fake superhero series two sets over." She replied casually. "You ready?"

"…Sure… want me to take my clothes off?"

"Not yet." she noted, "I'm going to give you a few questions then I'm going to treat you like shit. Then my brother's going to bang the shit out of you. Fair?"

"I'm used to it." Yellow Lantern noted as Jeanna seemed to take that as permission.

"Alright. Great." Then with a tap of her phone she completely changed in demeanor. "What's your name sweetie?" she said, jarring Yellow Lantern at the sudden tone shift.

"F-Yellow Lantern." She said quickly as Jeanna kept her gaze and her camera on Yellow Lantern, before walking backward with practiced ease towards the 'door' of the set, unlocking it.

"You ready to get destroyed?" she asked calmly, before returning to Yellow Lantern, "Is this your first porno?"

"Yeah? Wait-" suddenly Jeanna grabbed her face, and spat on it slapping her hand on her now wet cheek.

"Shut up whore. I don't care." she said coldly, "You're just another hole to be filled." She grabbed her fingers suddenly into Yellow Lantern's mouth, pinching her tongue between her middle and index finger. "You're a pretty whore, sure, but just a whore…" she yanked her hand away and slapped her again. "Fine! Get your fat ass in here!" she then grabbed Yellow Lantern and forced her to look at the door as it slowly creaked open…

Jeanne had no curves because her brother got most of them. He was HUGE all over, tree trunk legs and arms a massive gut and along with being 6 foot tall and a 10-inch long dick. He was also wearing a ski mask… covering his whole head. Upon seeing Yellow Lantern that 10-inch dick became an erect 11.

"AH Fuck…" grumbled Yellow Lantern as the tip of his cock reached her before he did.

"That's the idea whore." Jeanna replied, "Fuck this bitch Mr. Fine." Jeanna grabbed Yellow Lantern's face, pressing her thumbs to her cheek and prying her mouth open, "Ahh… say 'ah' bitch." Jeanna ordered before Mr. Fine crammed his massive cock into Yellow Lantern's throat.

"MMNGH! UGH!" she groaned as the 11-inch dick stretched her throat and she was planted to the base of it… feeling him tickle her stomach as she was shoved again and again into his wobbling gut, but at least he was completely smooth so she wasn't tickled by pubic hairs. "Mmguh! Mmgh!"

"Suck that dick bitch. It's what you're good for come on." Jeanna replied pulling her hand away as Mr. Fine grabbed Yellow Lantern's head and promptly tried to dislocate her jaw with the constant steady thrusting into her throat. "Gawk gawk that's what girls say." Jeanna laughed harshly as Mr. Fine continued thrusting at Yellow Lantern's face. Pushing her back onto the couch, looming over her and pounding on her face as her hands clawed at his fat ass.

He grunted like an animal, ramming into her throat and almost yanking out her esophagus with his backswing as his hairless balls slapped at her chin. "GUCK. GUCK!" Yellow Lantern groaned around his cock as he pressed her head to the couch but her body thrashed about. Only to be pushed down by Jeanna, Mr. Fine continued to face pound Yellow Lantern, planting his hips on her face and trapping him under his considerable girth and weight. Before he suddenly ripped out of her throat. "Bewaaah!" she gasped, throwing her head forward and shaking, almost throwing up as he slapped his cock across her face.

"Get that bitch naked." Jeanna noted as he dragged Yellow Lantern up, fumbling on the floor slightly as her brain had just stopped rattling on the inside of her skull. And his huge hands began to fondle her body and gripping at her suit.

"Wait. WAIT!" she said, slapping his hands away. Mr. Fine recoiled but Jeanna scoffed.

"Bitch there is no waiting only fucking."

"The SUIT is custom." She said, undressing quickly, but without tearing it off, which Mr. Fine was most likely to do. "If you rip it, it comes out of my paycheck." She said, as Jeanna scowled.

"Get now I have to edit that out. Let him peel it off you." She said as Mr. Fine hesitated, before removing Yellow Lantern's costume the rest of the way. "NOW fuck the bitch.

"Oh Fuck!" Yellow Lantern was hurled naked back onto the couch, before he dropped onto her, pushing his thick cock into her body. "MMngh!! SH-SHIIT!! You big dicked fucking asshole!" she sneered, shaking as he spread her wide and he pounded down into her. Spreading her legs far about his cock slammed against her, putting his whole weight onto her body as Jeanna squatted down to watch him stretch her. "Ugh! UGH! UGH! FUCK!!"

"Damn fuck this hoe. Boy. I want her squealing." Mr. Fine grabbed Yellow Lantern's hair and pounded her so hard her body was forming a bruise shaped like him.

"Ahggh! Aah! Aaaah!!" Mr. Fine continuously pounded down into her, before stopping, resting on top of her as Jeanna blinked and looked up. Listening to Yellow Lantern panting for breath.

"Why did you stop?"

"If I keep going I'm going to bust." He replied, making Yellow Lantern jump because it was so high pitched she almost mistook the voice for female.

"Oh god damn it." she stood up, "Well… cool off then finger her or something."

"Oh SHIT!" hissed Yellow Lantern as MR. Fine abruptly ripped out of her. Then dropped back down, lying across her stomach he took his hands, and his THICK fingers and began pushing them inside her, stretching her open as he finger banged her holes rapidly. "Fuck! Aggh! Aah!" It felt like his digits had minds of their own, stretching her out and open. "Fuuuck!" she hissed, her lower body thrashing about but Mr. Fine had at least a hundred and fifty pounds on her.

"FUCK!" she sneered, shaking in orgasm as he held her down by weight alone. Shuddering and shaking as Jeanna laughed.

"Bitch already came. What a slut." She laughed, "Bitch if you're going to cum you might as well return the favor, suck his dick again." Mr. Fine sat on the couch before easily dragging Yellow Lantern across his lap and resting her lips on his tip and sliding her lips down.

"GUCK!" Yellow Lantern cringed, Mr. Fine, slamming her face up and down his shaft, feeling her saliva dribble down his cock and over his balls before he ripped her free from his girth again before burying her face into his sack, her tongue slurping on his balls as he groaned quietly. Looking right into the camera as she licked his sack. Jeanna watched Yellow Lantern lick Mr. Fine's sack for long enough.

"Make her dance."

"Bwah!?" she gasped. Mr. Fine easily dragged her across his lap. Holding her down on the arm of the couch, his arm on the back of her neck as he pierced up into her pussy, awkwardly bouncing her up and down on his lap. "Ugh! Ugh! Ahah…" she bit onto the couch arm as he groaned continuously

"Look at that pretty pink cunt stretched all over that big fucking dick!" hissed Jeanna, "That's it." watching Yellow Lantern hop up and down as Mr. Fine rammed deep into her.

"Gonna cum!" he groaned, and Jeanna scowled.

"God damn it." she mumbled, "Fine. Hold it." she said, "Pin her down first." He said as Mr. Fine ripped out of Yellow Lantern's body before rolling her over flat, watching her twitch as he then flopped onto her.

"UGH!!" she moaned, muffled into the couch before being brutally pounding by the 300-something pound man ramming into her body. "GUgh! Gugh! GUGH!" pinned down and pounded, Mr. Fine breathing and wheezing in her ear. His hips pounding off her ass before.

"Oh SHIT…" he groaned he pushed into her body before ripping out, grabbing her head and pulling her back up onto her knees, standing over her and holding her in place as his cock twitched… "Ugh!" Grabbing his cock over her face and just… depositing his gunk like soft serve ice cream all over her face.

"YEAAAH that's it! Fucking unload that SHIT." Jeanna chuckled as Yellow Lantern groaned, twitching slightly. "That's a good whore…" she said, before Mr. Fine pressed his cock to Yellow Lantern's lips. Giving one finally spurt over them. "Damn good stuff." Mr. Fine's cock dropped limply from Yellow Lantern's lips as he finished, stepping off the couch. "Dumb fucking cunt." Jeanna said, getting a close-up of Yellow Lantern's pretty face covered with the plaster of cum she just drained out of Mr. Fine.

"…Alright we're good." Said Jeanna suddenly pulling away as Yellow Lantern blinked about.

"Wait that's it? He only busted once!"

"Yeah. We got the money shot." Said Jeanna bluntly, taking the camera off her head and gazing at Yellow Lantern. "…What?"

"…He busted once… usually by now I would've gotten him off two or three more times." Yellow Lantern declared.

"…Well I almost did." Replied Mr. Fine sheepishly in that high-pitched voice.

"My fat ass brother is a trained professional." Declared Jeanna smacking Mr. Fine's chest and he flinched as if it hurt. "…Meaning he's not going to have another in the chamber for a few hours."

"Oh come ON!" Yellow Lantern groaned, getting off the couch and dropping down to the floor. "FU-FUUUCK my legs… Oooh I can't feel my legs." She mumbled surprise.

"Yeah, he has that effect on women. "Fat ass, take her to the showers huh? I'll go get her cash."

"You don't have to be so mean Jeanna." Mumbled Mr. Fine, before hauling Yellow Lantern easily from the floor.

"Shut it Fat ass." She said lazily as Mr. Fine carried Yellow Lantern, "We need this video to sell or we're living out of your van for a month." Mr. Fine lumbered through the sets before arriving at one that looked like a prison shower… if it functioned it functioned. Turning on the water.

"You got to forgive her, we've had some bad luck with casting lately… and the new people we signed on couldn't start until next week." He held her up right as the water hosed them both down. Yellow Lantern standing on her own and grabbing his limp noodle dick as he squirmed.

"HEY… you still got time…" she said, stroking him, "…So how about you use it?" she said as she felt him twitching, "…Pin me against this fucking wall and pound me." She snarled as he stared at her in his ski mask. Fidgeting.

"I don't know I'm kinda tired."

"God, seriously?..." she mumbled, letting his cock go, "Forget fat ass more like pussy." She mumbled, turning around and taking water in the face before Mr. Fine wrapped his arm around her neck again and pressed her to the wall, "NGH!" feeling his rod against her pussy, sliding inside her. "Aah-ck…" she gasped her eyes rolling up as he pumped away into her body, slamming her again and again against the wall of the fake shower, thumping rapidly against her, her toes curling and her eyes rolling up into her head as he choked her out and pounded away at her body…

His fat bulky body almost crushed her as he sheathed himself into her pussy again and again, forcing her slowly into a state of unconsciousness but sending her body higher and higher as he fucked away at it, she twitched and squirmed against him, trapped between the wall and his heft feeling his cock pulsating eagerly to unleash another load as he legs turned to jello and her bones might have been a close second. His body slammed into her like a truck.

"NNgggh!!" she twitched, shaking in orgasm as he buried himself into her. She was pounded up the wall, her legs dangling and twitching in the air, her toes curling as she climaxed, restrained firmly. In his huge arms…

"Fine. What the fuck?" Jeanna watched her brother pounding away at Yellow Lantern, and she immediately dropped the stack of cash. "HEY! I'm not paying for your overtime!" she said as Fine buried himself in Yellow Lantern before ripping out of her.

"GUuck!" she flopped to the floor. She twitched once, feeling his cum spurt out, coating her hips with his soft serve jizz.

"If you had another one in the chamber fat ass we should've gotten it on camera! The perverts love that multi-shot shit."

"Sorry, Jeanna…"

"And you got the girl twitching! Damn it this is porn gold!... no wonder people keep saying the Gotham porn industry is dying we're doing all our best fucking off camera."

"Oh yeah we are…" Groaned Yellow Lantern, twitching on the floor of the shower.

"Well? Pick her up fat ass." Mr. Fine reached down, grabbed Yellow Lantern, and picked her up as Jeanna grabbed a towel from a cart of them. "Here dry her off."

Mr. Fine wiped Yellow Lantern down, and she gained her footing. Jeanna reached down and picked up the cash. "Here. Thank you for helping us out. You got an address so we can give you a royalties check?"

"What? Oh… right. Yellow Lantern wobbled back to the set, and grabbed her suit. "My boss will talk to you about that."

"Your boss?"

"Yeah. My boss. She…" Yellow Lantern rolled her eyes, "She handles everything related to the girls." She then gestured to Jeanna's camera, resting on a nearby table. "She's going to want a copy of that video. And the contract." Mr. Fine was now wearing a pair of tight boxers, waddling towards her now, looking between her and his sister. "That's just how she works… am I walking funny?"

"A little bit." Jeanna noted as Yellow Lantern made her way to the door. "Hold on. What if I said no?"

"Well, then she'd probably send someone big and tough to have a conversation with you."

"Bigger than him?" Jeanna asked curiously, gesturing to Mr. Fine."

Yellow Lantern looked him up and down. "…Yeah. And she can lift a pick-up truck." An empty one, sure, with effort… but it's still a truck. "Can you lift a truck?"

"…I can't." he replied as Jeanna sighed.

"…I'll wait for that copy." Yellow Lantern replied as Jeanna gave Mr. Fine the camera.

"…Go make a copy of that." she said as Mr. Fine and Jeanna both walked away, heading out of the studio towards the offices.

…And a few minutes later and with regained control of her legs, she walked back to Sleipnir, with the copies of various things, and sped out of the Black Star Studio lot, and off back into Gotham.

Time: 8:47 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"What do you MEAN I have to help?" Demona sneered angrily, looking at the images of the fixer-upper that Orders had purchased.

"I'm sorry… what does this contract say again?" asked Orders conversationally, not even holding up a contract as the winged and gorgeous Silver Swan growled, Yellow Lantern returning to the lounge.

"I don't have ANY experience with construction!" she replied angrily.

"Neither do I but I got roped into it too." Yellow Lantern declared. "Here. Video, contract, cash."

"Mmn. Good work Freya." Orders replied, sorting the money.

"I'm glad someone agrees with me though." Noted Freya.

"But she also wants me to LIVE there! And pay her rent!"

"I'll keep it…" Orders cringed, looking very uncomfortable for a minute as she forced out the word that she physically struggled to say. "…CHEAAAAAP." She shivered, "…FUCK that hurt." She sighed.

"Cheaper than where I live now?!" replied Demona replied, "Because I'm pretty sure it's 'free'…"

"…I do like that word… I don't like your arrangement." Orders replied, "…Or do I have to review the contract?"

"…Oooh! You're insufferable!" snapped Demona marching away, Freya however looked at Orders, her purple eyes glancing back.

"It'll be good for the both of you to have a place where you can put your head." She said, "…Couch surfing and backroom deals can only do so much…"

"…Can I trick out the garage with a top-of-the-line security system for my baby?" Orders scowled at her.

"I'll have my tech guy look into it when Darcy gets back from Japan." She noted, "He doesn't owe me any more favors but he's easily bribed…" he then eyed the video card she go, "This'll do nicely… though he prefers blondes."

"...Wait you mean that kid that fixed out ice cream machine? Don't you think it's a little amoral to bribe him with porn- Look who I am talking too?" she answered herself, raising her hands in defeat, and walked into the locker room for a quick rinse… there was just no arguing with Orders when she had an idea.

"If it keeps him from spying on my many MANY blondes, then I'm perfectly fine with bribing him with hardcore pornography." Freya came back out.

"...Is he?" she said concernedly.

"No. But you never know when he might get bold." she replied with a scowl. "I have a reputation to protect after all. Construction starts next week Monday by the way I gave you the day off to help."

...Freya just sighed and went to go shower.


Next up is Poison Ivy.

Next chapter