
2 for 1 Combo: Star Sapphire and Stargirl

I don't own DC

Ola, Superbabes' Bumblebee, yawned walking out of her bedroom. It's been some time since she moved into Star Sapphire's apartment and at first, she was certain that living with Star Sapphire would be an endless nightmare of dealing with the prettiest bimbo princess in Gotham. Turns out there were worse things than living rent-free in an expensive Gotham apartment with legitimately the nicest yet most naïve woman in the world.

That's right. Star Sapphire didn't pay rent on this apartment, with three bedrooms, two baths a view of the Diamond District, and with all utilities supplied. This was the sort of place a rich family would have difficulty paying for. So why was Star Sapphire living here alone for free?... well, Ola had her justifiable suspicions…

"Ola!" Star Sapphire completely naked walked out of her bedroom, "I'm going to take a shower, could you let me know when my ride gets here?"

"Uh huh…" Ola replied, taking in Star Sapphire and her exceptional beauty and boundless nudity in all its glory. "No problem.

"Yep!" she then went toward her bathroom, her shapely bubbly backside jiggling as Ola watched her go.

Once a week Star Sapphire would just walk around naked for a couple of hours. Usually Saturday… it was apparently one of the building rules to live in the apartment… Yep. Ola sighed but rolled her eyes as she went to go sit down but someone was knocking at the door already.

"So much for sitting on the couch." She walked to the door, opening it up.

"Bonjour." Cooed buxom blonde bimbo Stargirl, in a tight cleavage revealing V-neck T-shirt and long tight jeans. So tight she might as well have been naked. A lot of that going around.

"Hey. You're giving our princess a ride?"

"Oui." Noted Stargirl. "Orders is having us on the 2 for 1 tonight." She said as Ola chuckled.

"Oh that's a good one." she said, "A couple of heavenly bodies huh?" Stargirl's pretty blonde head shook.

"Oui Oui, get it out of your system." She replied, "Orders set it up." She walked further into the apartment, sitting down on the couch. "Are you settling in?"

"Are you kidding me? Look at this place." Ola flopped onto the couch, "It's fantastic. Fully furnished, free utilities. Not only that but it's FREE. She doesn't pay rent!"

"What?! She-She's not paying rent?" Stargirl frowned. "You don't think that's weird?" she whispered nervously as Ola smiled, chuckling happily.

"Oh it is super fucking weird." Ola replied with a laugh, "Apparently? This building has a 'rule'-" Ola leaned toward Stargirl who leaned forward as well, whispering quietly. "That you need to walk around naked for 2 hours at least once a week…" Ola straightened up, "Pretty sure there are cameras all over the apartment and somebody's making a fortune being a little voyeur." Stargirl stared at her somewhat horrified before reflexively looking around the apartment as if expecting to see an obvious camera. "Pretty sure that's the only reason why she stays here rent-free. She just thinks the Superintendent is really nice."

"Ola you need to tell her."

"No, I don't. One: I don't have proof, and Two: even if I did. What's the harm?" Ola replied frankly, "…We've done a lot worse for less than an apartment." She noted accurately as Stargirl frowned.

"But it's so creepy." She said nervously, as Ola chuckled again looking at her skeptically.

"We have done worse, for less." She said slowly, repeating her very accurate point again. "Want a drink?"

"Please." Mumbled Stargirl as she followed Ola into the immaculate kitchen.

"Only real problem I see is we're not getting a cut of the profits off that ass." She replied with a laugh as Stargirl rolled her beautiful blue eyes taking the glass of ice water proffered by Ola and taking a sip with a quizzical look on her face.

"…Do I need to remind you of our clairvoyant employer?" Stargirl whispered as Ola scoffed, having a drink herself.

"No, she reminds me enough, herself. I just don't want to rock the boat any further." She noted patiently. "I can't go and start accusing the building owner or super of recording us without proof, they'll probably kick us out. I'm pretty sure we can't afford this place without her life-cheating looks. I think Bruce Wayne stayed here once."

"But why don't-" the pretty blonde stopped talking as Star Sapphire walked naked out of the bathroom.

"Oh! Ola! You didn't tell me she was here!"

"…Hey. She's here." Ola said with a mischievous smile as Star Sapphire's look of cute anger melted away.

"Oh. Thanks for telling me, Ola!" she said before jiggling into her bedroom, Ola then raised a silent, questioning eyebrow at Stargirl who quietly finished her water. "Naked time is almost over then I'll get dressed."

Stargirl blinked after Star Sapphire, before turning back to Ola and said conspiratorially. "…I'm telling Orders." She said with just a hint of a tattletale-like tone.

"You're no fun." Ola replied sourly.

At Superbabes, Orders sighed audibly as Stargirl, now in sexy patriotic colors, finished telling Orders of Ola's suspicions and her lack of action. Orders rubbed her purple eyes as Star Sapphire exited the locker rooms in uniform. Curiously glancing between Orders and Stargirl. "…Fine. I'll have a look." Orders replied tiredly.

"Oh good. I was hoping if it was true you would put a stop to it." Stargirl replied, significantly relieved that her friends would be assured whether or not they were being spied on.

"Stop it? I'm going to get them a cut." Replied Orders crisply. "…Allegedly. If it's true." She turned to Star Sapphire. "You don't care if you're being spied on right?" Orders asked as Star Sapphire gasped.

"You're being spied on Orders!? Is the government after you?" Orders and Stargirl stared at her, Orders tapped her face thoughtfully before taking a deep breath, and saying with a pleasant smile.

"It's a good thing you're pretty." She then clapped her hands, gesturing to the floor. "Off you go, time to work." Big Barda helpfully pushed the natural bimbo onto the floor as Stargirl frowned at Orders.

"You don't think you should stop it?" Stargirl asked indignantly.

"They're literally getting paid to do worse for less. Getting a free apartment in prime Gotham real estate for walking around naked once a week? I can think of far worse deals. But I won't have my girls not getting paid for their efforts. I have standards."

Stargirl frowned and just decided to cut her losses and head onto the floor. Big Barda, coming back stepped aside to let the fake titty blonde by before asking. "…Am I beating somebody up tonight?"

"Aren't you always?" Orders replied casually but added quickly. "Probably, we'll see." Big Barda opened her mouth. "YES, I will see, I'm clairvoyant. I felt that it didn't need to be said." Reaching for the phone as Big Barda pouted cutely.

"Take the fun out of it."

Time: 7:37 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Superbabes. We Deliver."

"The Hawkgirl and Volcana 2 for 1."

"It changes regularly. They're not on the 2 for 1."

"Oh, well-"

"One 2 for 1."

"But I-"

"I'm just saving time. You're going to order them anyway."

"Wait, how-"

"Boy this is a business. You're going to look, that's going to take a few minutes and then you're going to order them anyway."


"We expect them back in a reasonable timeframe, you will be charged for every extra hour but I don't think it'll come to that. You will be charged upon completion of the delivery, name and address please."


Orders hung up abruptly, as Big Barda raised a skeptical eyebrow. "Does… that still count? You kind of forced that upon… whoever that was." She laughed lightly, as now that she thought about it. "Though I guess nobody's going to really complain with those two shoved onto them."

"Hmn. Stargirl! Star Sapphire! Got one for you." The pair of jiggling bimbos wiggled back into the lounge and began tugging out the various tips. Putting them onto the counter. Orders handed the receipt to Stargirl. "Here you're in charge."

…Because she OBVIOUSLY would be.

"Oui, madam." Stargirl checked the receipt as the food slid across the counter. Star Sapphire picking up the bag and following Stargirl out the back door to the company car. Star Sapphire opened the back to put the food down on the backseat, before getting into the passenger's seat. Then the car with the beautiful bimbo bodied babes slipped into traffic and out into Upper East Gotham.

The Golden Gotham Apartments. Distinctly lacking in gold, a fact that Star Sapphire pointed out once they got out of the car. "There's not a lot of Gold here." She frowned adorably at the building sign, also not in Gold.

"That is true." Replied Stargirl with a- 'huh, weird'. Sort of vibe as Star Sapphire opened the back door of the company car and bent over to get the food. Her big beautiful backside presented to traffic. BANG! BONK!

"Ow!" Star Sapphire rubbed her head, surprised at the sudden car crash behind her. "Dang it I hate it when that happens." She pouted as Stargirl looked at her curiously, the taxi driver getting out of his car to yell at the idiot who crashed into him. Stargirl then blinked at the car accident before back at Star Sapphire who kept rubbing her 'empty' head.

"Yes. That is very inconvenient." Stargirl noted, trying to figure out of the beautiful brunette was talking about the car accident or bonking herself on the head.

"People need to learn how to drive in Gotham." Star Sapphire added while the pair of head turners walked into the Golden Gotham apartments and right into the elevators.

"Why call this place the Golden Gotham if there is no gold?" Star Sapphire added as Stargirl shrugged.

"I do not know."

"Neither do I!" replied Star Sapphire as the elevator ride ended and they walked out. "It seems very confusing. Also, they are liars." She added as Stargirl chuckled, both of them walking towards the apartment: #503. "I don't like liars." She replied.

"Oui." Stargirl replied, "Here we are." She then raised her fist, and knocked loudly as together they declared.


Time: 7:56 PM. The Golden Gotham (Apartment #503)

"Special Delivery Service." They waited for a few moments as Star Sapphire knocked politely again. Stargirl fidgeted slightly, absently adjusting her tight shorts over her majestic stripper booty.

"…Maybe they're not home?" Star Sapphire said after a minute as Stargirl frowned.

"But then why would we get ordered?" of course it was then that the door opened. A young man, mousey with dark hair, stared at them both of the young buxom beauties. His mouth slacked open as his shorts suddenly bulged in arousal.

"…Better. This is much better." He said almost in awe of the sight.

"Bonjour." Stargirl smiled prettily as he stepped aside, letting the girls walk into the big, immaculately clean apartment. Three bedrooms, not including a master bedroom, living room, kitchen, and office, and a large glass wall leading to a balcony that gave them a view of the Gotham city skyline.

"WOW… this place is almost as nice as my apartment!" Star Sapphire cooed excitedly, pushing the food into the young man's chest to bounce and wobble to the wall and pressing her amazing body against the glass to look out at Gotham. Stargirl however let her gaze wander in the opposite direction as the young man tried to keep his gaze on both of them at the same time, they were making it difficult as Stargirl viewed the wall with numerous pictures of beautiful women… clearly mother and daughter, and highly 'enhanced' like her. With waspy waists, big asses, and big tits, round, firm and fake.

…She was suddenly getting an idea as to how this evening would go. Well, she KNEW how it was going to go but she was getting a feeling that somebody was going to have more attention than another. And she was right, as he quickly decided who he wanted to start with. He had put down the food, and taking the opportunity with her distracted cupped her big fake breasts from behind, felling his hands with tit-flesh as she felt his rock-hard 9-inch cock through his pants. "Oh! Oui?" she cooed playfully, her full lips pouting and moaning as he furiously squeezed her bimbo breasts, enjoying the firm feel as he buried his face into her long blonde hair. Her hands reached around to his waist as he ground his cock between her firm, and real, ass cheeks. "Oh…" she bit her plump lower lips as he squeezed particularly hard… but let go, turning her around, pressing her back to the wall, knocking a few pictures askew, before he buried his face into her chest.

The smell of her body and uniform rushed into his nose as he rubbed his face on her cleavage. Feeling his cock against her crotch, more than eager to play at this point as the phone started ringing. "Your phone's ringing!" cheered Star Sapphire, finally realizing that Stargirl was already starting. "Hey we're supposed to do that together!" she said adorably, offended that she was being left out of her job, and jiggling back toward them. Pushing her very real breasts to the back of his head as he was smothered in bimbo bodies and the phone kept ringing. "…Are you going to get that?" she asked, though considering she was trapping him it was hard to tell if he would have at all.

"Moo" he mumbled excitedly between Stargirl's tits.

"Moe?" asked Star Sapphire mishearing his mumbled 'no'.

"He said no." Stargirl informed her friend as the answering machine beeped and took a message.

BEEP! "Liam, sugar." Cooed a sultry southern bell-accented woman on the machine "Yer sister and I are a bit held up at the modeling agency, so you might not want to wait for dinner. But If you still want us to bring something home just give Mama a call alright Sugar?" she cooed sweetly, "Love you!" BEEP

"…Who's Liam?" asked Star Sapphire as Stargirl looked at her pouting. "Should we tell him he might want some dinner?"

"He's Liam." She said frankly as Liam pried his face out from between Stargirl's tits, gasping for breath in between a sea of titty flesh.

"I'm Liam." He concurred squirming between the supple bimbo beauties, trying to escape their unintentional trapping, titty-heaven embrace. He then slipped his fingers into the waistband of his shorts, and pried his pants from his hips. "Haah…" he sighed as his rock-hard, throbbing cock wobbled free between them. Then, he wrapped his arms around their waists and clapped his hands on their thick beautiful backsides.

"Oh…" cooed Stargirl, as Liam buried his face into Star Sapphire's chest and she giggled sweetly.

"That tickles!" she laughed as he held them both together and began rubbing his face across both their busts, pressing them together and motorboating happily… they weren't that comparable to the women in the photos… but who cares? His fingers squeezed their meaty ass cheeks before he finally came up for air again, giving them both a firm spank and grip again. "MMngh!"

His cock was throbbing so hard it almost looked painful, twitching and throbbing against their thick thighs as he then began walking awkwardly to the master bedroom… the big bed inside was pink and frilly. Like they walked into a Darcy Doll bedroom. Liam's seemed to be in a daze or hypnotized, immediately turning his attention onto Stargirl, fondling her ass and burying his face back into her big, firm fake breasts, and tugging on her pants. Peeling them from her body was like opening a present in anticipation of something he REALLY wanted.

Thick blonde ex-stripper booty… he wasn't disappointed. "Oh!" Stargirl was pulled to the bed. Turning her around and pushing her over as she fell onto the very spongey bed with a bounce and wobble, moaning as Liam grabbed her thick backside with both hands, bouncing her PAWG ex-stripper booty before burying his face between them and giving her pussy a lick. "Nngh! Merde." She trembled as he began toying with her slit.

Star Sapphire hummed as she casually removed her clothes, standing completely naked except for her masks and boots as she walked towards Liam, watching him apply cunnilingus to Stargirl. He pulled his face slowly from Stargirl's dripping hole gazing at it before turning his attention up at Star Sapphire. Distracted by her beautiful all-natural body he stood up, his cock wobbling toward her as he took her by the arms and pulled her down. "…Eat this pussy." He said as she dropped to her knees blinking up at him surprised.

"But-Mmmngh!" his hand on her head he shoved her face into Stargirl so hard the beautiful blonde's supple flesh wobbled from the blow.


"Mmn! Mmmnn…" Star Sapphire then rested her hands on the Bimbo-bodied blonde's ass, continuing to eat her out as she moaned her aroused approval. Liam, cock twitching as he viewed the sight of Star Sapphire eating out Stargirl crawled onto the bed sitting in the middle at Stargirl's blonde head, spreading his legs he shuffled forward as she raised her mouth up and pressed her firm lips to his tip. "Mwah, then wrapped her bimbo lips around his cock and began slurping noisily, bobbing her head up and down, moaning as she deep-throated him, feeling Star Sapphire's tongue mindlessly wriggle inside her.

"Ah.. aah. Laaa." Star Sapphire pulled her tongue out of Stargirl, the slurps echoing from her lips as she deepthroated Liam's cock. His body flopped onto the bed, groaning quietly as his girth pulsated in Stargirl's talented, beautiful mouth. Star Sapphire ran her tongue up Stargirl's wet slit, wriggling against the outside before diving back in again. French kissing the French girl's pussy as Liam rested his hand on Stargirl's head, bucking his hip into her face as she kissed the base of his cock, over and over, rubbing his legs as her firm titties sunk into the mattress.

"Haah. Aha. AAAAAH…!" Liam grabbed her head and rapidly bucked toward her face.

"Mmn! Mmn! Mmn! Mmngh!" Stargirl's lips stretched up and down his shaft, his hands tightly gripping her beautiful blonde locks, as he USED her face, bucking his hips on instinct as her bimbo lips cushioned the blow.

"Becky you airheaded TEASE!!" he groaned as he planted her face on the base of his cock.

"She's not Becky she's Stargirl." Cooed Star Sapphire prying her face from Stargirl's quivering pussy, the bimbo blonde squirming slightly as her throat was filled with Liam's cock and cutting off her air. "Wait… whose Becky?" she asked as Stargirl twitched. Liam quivered and went limp, sighing as let go of her head and she extracted his cock slowly from her throat with a wet, sloppy sound that echoed around the master bedroom.

"I don't think we should pry." She coughed slightly, "We're not here to pry." She ran her tongue against Liam's length tentatively, as Star Sapphire blinked at her ex-stripper booty.

"…Stepsister." Liam groaned quietly, his cock twitching against Stargirl's lips as Star Sapphire crawled up Stargirl's body, then draped herself across her friend, pressing her big natural tits to Stargirl's back before leaning curiously close, licking his shaft with Stargirl as his semi-flaccid length quickly jumped up back up against their tongues their faces pressed together like some sort of sexy two-headed beast. "Model…" he breathed, his cock oozing just a little pre-cum. He shuffled upright. "…Sorry. She's just… always walking around in her underwear."

"Hey just like me!" Replied Star Sapphire, "Does this building have a naked time rule too? Mmnhg!" Stargirl put her hand on Star Sapphire's head and pushed her back to Liam's dick before he managed to get out more than a confused-

"What-oooh…" he groaned, holding their heads together, feeling their lips and tongue sliding up and down. His girth twitched on their wet talented tongues, sending it shivering between their faces as he gently pulled them apart. "Could you two just… stand side by side for a second? Right there?" he asked pointing to a spot just off the bed as they obeyed immediately. First Star Sapphire, of course, slipped off the bed followed by Stargirl, standing side by side as if under inspection. "…Could you." Liam said slowly, "Jump up and down? Just hop?"

Stargirl giggled suddenly, but it was a beautiful melodious giggle that didn't really embarrass Liam for the question… it did make him harder. "Oh, tu es un mignon petit pervers."

"Hang on was that French?" but the question died after that as Stargirl began bouncing. Her beautiful body hopping up and down, her big breasts springing up and down with complementary 'Boing-Boing' sounds graciously given in his brain as Star Sapphire smiled and began cheerfully bouncing up and down with her friend as they wiggled and jiggled in place, almost matching Liam's awed look and wobbling girth. Springing up and down as the bouncy beauties complied with his request by simply hopping in place before they got a little more elaborate with their teasing.

Stargirl began putting those ex-stripper moves to work, swaying and swinging her hips side to side popping her ex-stripper with perfection even though she knew he wanted to see those tits bounce as Star Sapphire was obviously satisfying.

Stargirl might have the comparable looks to his Stepfamily, judging from the pictures, but it was clearly Star Sapphire who gave off the, ironically, mental comparison and appeal. She didn't have Stargirl's dancing grace, but when Star Sapphire started moving people naturally started paying attention. Dancing like nobody was looking Star Sapphire had the grace of a drunken wedding crasher, but naked and with her big natural breasts bouncing about and an award-winning pretty smile nobody was going to care.

Complaining about her dancing when she looked like she did, would be like complaining about tiny, unnoticeable scratch in a diamond. It would normally not make a diamond any less expensive. The girls giggled and laughed at the slight absurdity of it, but they were still having fun watching the look on Liam's face as he stroked himself to their wiggling bodies.

The poor kid probably had to look but never touch the bimbos that lived in the apartment. Now he had an all-access pass to these two to vent all that sexual frustration, at least for the foreseeable future.

Liam stood up from the bed and grabbed Star Sapphire by the waist, Stargirl stopped dancing as the pretty natural bimbo was thrown onto the bed again. "Oh! oOOH!" Liam spread her legs, pushing himself into in pussy before HE made her breasts bounce with a rapid, deep thrusting fueled by a repressed sexual urge to FUCK.

Star Sapphire's eyes rattled in her empty head as her big breasts flopped up and down on her chest with Liam grabbing onto her waist and rapidly slamming away. Lifting her low body from the bed. "Ugh! Ugh!" he grunted, slamming into Star Sapphire so hard it was starting to look like it hurt. " UUugggh!!" Star Sapphire's eyes rolled up into her empty head, her back arching as her lower body was lifted from the pink mattress. Standing on her head as Liam rapidly slammed away on her body and released some… issues.

"Stop! Walking! Around! Naked! When! I'm! HOME! Porsche! You! Southern! Belle! BIMBO!"

"…Oh. Merde." Stargirl fidgeted nervously and in surprise as Liam vented his repressed sexual anger and Star Sapphire vented the air from her lungs as she screamed an orgasm.

"AHAAAH…" she shuddered wildly, Liam slamming into her body and spraying her insides with his load.

"You big-titted MILF! Tramp!" he groaned almost insanely, coating Star Sapphire's insides before ripping out of her body and letting her flop back to the bed. Letting his length hang over her twitching, panting body as it dribbled cum from the tip standing at half-mast. "Damn cock teasing…" he then turned on Stargirl who wiggled at the attention before he grabbed her and threw her onto Star Sapphire. The girls grunted as their breasts pressed firmly together. "Slutty prancing bimbos." He grabbed Stargirl's thick ex-stripper ass cheeks before spreading them apart and spitting at her ass.

"OH MERDE." Stargirl squeaked as, sure enough. "OOoh!!" yep. Right up the star-spangled starfish. "OH! OH! OOOHH!!" her breasts bulging against Star Sapphire's as Liam rammed away at her thick ex-stripper booty. The echoing claps rippling around the room… much like her ass cheeks. Moins mignon! Moins mignon! Merde!" howling in pleasure as Liam hooked his fingers into her mouth and tugged on the corners of her lips like a fish as her tongue flopped out.

"This'll teach you to walk around with your big fat ass hanging out Becky you anal slut!" Riding Stargirl, or mentally 'becky', hard in her warm tight ass. "Practically begging me! Every! Day! To pound it!" Stargirl howled, shaking in orgasm as her ex-stripper booty was abused relentlessly, sending tremors of pleasure up her spine.

"Ooh! Ooh! Oooh!!" Stargirl howled, feeling Liam's cock vibrating in her ass, throbbing closer and closer to release with every stroke. "Merde! Merde! Merde!"

"Wait I thought you're supposed to be Stargirl? MMgnh!" Stargirl and Star Sapphire were forcibly kissing now, Liam pushing Stargirl into their thick bimbo lips. Sloppily kissing and drooling together as Liam mashed their faces together firmly but not painfully.

"A pair of kinky. Bimbo. Skanks!" Liam groaned, railing hard into Stargirl, falling onto her back, and jackhammering awkwardly into her body. "Fuck-doll! Designer! Bodies!" Stargirl howled erotically into Star Sapphire's lips as they swapped spit. "You want me to cum so bad! TAKE IT!" Liam rammed into Stargirl's thick ass and sprayed her insides. "Ugh! Uh-huh!" groaning as he sighed contentedly. They all breathed heavily together… but Liam wasn't done. Sliding off and out of Stargirl, hooking his hands under her arms and dragging her off the bed.

She dropped onto her knees, her breasts wobbling with the movement as Liam stood between her and Star Sapphire, "Push those things together." He slapped the top of her firm breasts with his cock as she did. Cooing softly as he slipped his cock between them. Pressing her tits together she bounced them up and down his shaft as he groaned happily, titfucking the blonde bimbo as Star Sapphire sat up.

"Hey I-" he grabbed Star Sapphire, pulling her off the bed and behind him. She got a face full of his ass, her lips pressing firmly to it and leaving a red imprint before he ordered her to-"

"Suck on my balls. YES." Star Sapphire's tongue wrapped around his sack as he bucked his hips back and forth, the girls moaning encouragingly as Stargirl stuck out her tongue, gazing invitingly up at him with her bright blue eyes. "Haah! Ah!"

"Cum. Cum…" cooed Stargirl encouragingly in soft sensitive whispers.

"I'm gonna! I'm going to cum all over those big bolt-on tits Becky!"

"She's supposed to be Stargirl-MMGNh!" and Star Sapphire was promptly shoved back into Liam's ass… tongue his rear instead of his sack but he didn't seem to care much more then his erection. Delusional rage against his sexy stepfamily blinded him to the fact that these girls weren't them. And he was treating them as substitute objects.

Awful as that thought was they were both somewhat used to it. Stargirl was an ex-stripper and Star Sapphire didn't have the cognitive thought to care about that.

"UUGH!" Liam pushed against Stargirl's tits as she moaned, feeling his hot load across her chest, chin, face, and cleavage as he shotgun blasted her body. "Ugh! Ugh… covering them in cum would feel SO good…" he sighed, coming down from his lust high as he moaned out an apologetic… "sorry about that."

"It is… what we are here for. Non?" she replied unintentionally seductive. Sometimes a Superbabe just couldn't turn it off, especially covered in hard-earned cum. His cock twitched between her cleavage flicking out of her sticky chest as she licked her plump lips… only to jump as the phone began ringing again.

"Are you going to get that?" asked Star Sapphire prying her face from between his skinny ass cheeks. With the air of a woman who wasn't just eating someone's ass out.

Liam seemed a lot meeker now that he vented his pent-up lust, and loads, onto the substitute bimbos. "Noooo… let's let it go to the answering machine." He said as the girls stood up, unsure of what to do as his hands began exploring them again… however.

"Hey nerd-bro!" the answering machine cooed with a valley girl voice but with a slight southern tinge to it. "Mama and I are comin hoooome. Get your pants on!" she teased playfully. "He's probably asleep Mama. I guess he don't get no goodnight kisses!" she teased again.

"Oh Shit oh shit!" he cursed softly, "You CANNOT be here when they get home! Quick clean up!" he said, pushing their naked bodies to the bathroom, however, once they passed the door Stargirl turned around and pushed him back.

"GO get our clothes and our things!" she said quickly, taken in by the sudden urgency.

"Don't forget the money! Use some of the gold that this building should have!" she said, before adding suspiciously as if the building offended her. "They have to be hiding it somewhere…"

"In the stall, Princesse…" mumbled Stargirl, shutting the door and walking her cum covered tits into the shower. Yanking off the mask. "Merde it is so sticky!" she mumbled, more annoyed with the cum on her mask then on her tits.

Again. She was used to it.

"You're not supposed to take off your mask what if he sees? Orders would get mad."

"I know. But I cant just wash this on my face." Stargirl replied, "All the cum would bother me on the way back." The girls got into the shower, Stargirl washing the mask first and putting it back on just in time as Liam rushed in carrying their clothes and a fistful of bills.

"I just checked their phones they're ten minutes away! You got to rush this!" of course then he watched them bathing and hesitated. Their naked soapy bodies were under the showerhead as he mumbled nervously. "…Whatever you girls are getting paid you probably deserve more. You'd make a fortune on a JustStalkers account…"

"Huh." Mumbled Stargirl thoughtfully, but she got out first and started drying off her beautiful body, taking her pants and shirt before pulling them on and Star Sapphire doing the same. Stargirl took the proffered money from the naked young man, smiling prettily at him. "Order again." she cooed as he blushed, jiggling out the door as Star Sapphire followed her.

"Next time just order Bessie. If you're going to keep saying her name all the time." She noted as Stargirl replied.

"He was saying Becky. Not Bessie." She noted. Stargirl frowned.

"We don't have a Becky." She said as Stargirl just smiled at her friend and they walked out together. Heading to the elevator.

"I know that. But… it's complicated." She said as they waited for the elevators to arrive and then… DING

A pair of bleached blonde, big fake titty, phat round assed beautiful blonde bimbos walked out of the elevator. The slightly shorter one stopped and looked Star Sapphire up and down before speaking in a valley girl accent with a slight southern tinge. "I love your costume!" she said cheerfully.

"Oh thank you!" cooed Star Sapphire happily. "It's my work uniform."

"No kiddin?" she asked curiously as the older woman smiled at her daughter. "Well, you look great in it anyway."

"Becky come on sugar, you're holdin up the elevator!"

"Comin Mama." She replied casually, texting on her phone as Star Sapphire entered the elevator with Stargirl before, noting, unapologetically.

"…He should just order her. Her name is Becky." Replied Star Sapphire as Stargirl, snorted adorably with laughter.

Time: 9:44 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Stargirl and Star Sapphire strutted majestically back into Superbabes as Orders looked up from her crosswords. "Ladies." She said as Stargirl put the money on the counter. "How was Liam?"

"He is fine?" asked Star Sapphire. "He's he a friend?"

"No." Orders replied casually, "Also… Lindsey… Where does your superintendent live?" she asked casually as Lindsey blinked curiously.

"Oh he lives a floor above me. He's really nice."

"Hmmn. I bet." She then glanced at Rebecca who just smiled, "…Mind?"

"On it!" she cheered, getting her phone hidden behind her powerful body and waiting a second, "Hey Ash, what are you doing?" she walked away. "We got a job." She added, having a conversation as Orders nodded.

"Anyway. Shower, take your break. Off you go." She waved her hands, showing them off but Stargirl stayed as Lindsey skipped away. "Yes, Brielle?"

"So… is he… spying on her?"

"I'll let you know tomorrow." Orders replied, "…At the very least I'll find the locations of the cameras." Brielle opened her mouth. "Don't ask. I'll handle it." she noted plainly as Brielle knew better than to do so doing to join her friend at the table, happily chatting about the very friendly Becky.


...And now. A Hot Ashe Ashley and Royal Rampart Rebecca moment

The next day.

"Alright you just do… whatever it is you fecking do!" cheered Ashley to a naked Lindsey and Ola, just lounging around the room like Nudists. "We'll be right back." She replied as big girl Rebecca shut the door. "…That airhead cannot be this dumb."

"Come on Ash." Mumbled Rebecca as they casually walked away from Lindsey and Ola's apartment. "Be nice, Lindsey's a sweetheart."

"Seriously someone needs to check out more than her tits and ass…" she replied, jerking her thumb over her shoulder at the apartment as the two biker clothes-clad girls walked to the elevator. "There's something not right with her head… it's like every screw is loose and her tiny fecking brain is wobbling around against the inside of her skull." She then rolled her head around and grinned almost insanely at Rebecca. "Coocoo!"

Rebecca shoved her roughly, sending her into the wall with a grunt. "Quit being a bitch, Ash."

"I'm just saying!" they entered the elevator. Riding up a floor. "She's lucky she's pretty."

"Yes that's what I always say." Orders said coolly as the doors opened and Ashley recoiled in surprise at the sudden appearance of her boss.

"FECK me! What the shite!?" she snapped as Orders rolled her purple eyes and walked away, Rebecca laughing her sexy muscled ass off as she followed. "If you were going to be here, tell a bitch! You fecking ninja..."

"I told Rebecca." Orders noted coolly. As Rebecca kept laughing.

"Ha! Ha! The look on your FACE!" she pointed mockingly with a pretty grin as Ashley fumed at her.

"Yeah? Well guess what, I said tell a bitch so that makes YOU the BITCH!" but that didn't decrease Rebecca's laughter as Orders rolled her eyes and stood in front of the door.

"Shut up. Business Girls." Orders noted professionally before raising her hand to knock politely. Tap-Tap-Tap.

"Hang on…" came a voice as multiple locks clicked and opened up, revealing an older clean-cut gentleman. "Yeah? Wait who-"

"Rebecca." Orders noted firmly as Rebecca's fist lashed out inches from Orders head from behind and SLAMMED into the man's nose sending him sprawling back into his apartment "…I was just going to ask you to open the door." She noted, walking in as the man whimpered on the floor. "…But this works too." She then looked down at the building super and said, coolly. "Mr. Crosper… Hello. There is a small manner of BUISNESS we need to discuss, about you secretly recording and profiting off my girls?" Ashley grinned evilly, cracking her knuckles as Rebecca smiled dangerously down at him as he whimpered back through a bloody nose. "Are you going to be cooperative or are we going to do this Gotham style?"

"Who the hell are you?!" he whimpered through teary eyes. "I'm calling the cops!"

"…Gotham Style it is. Ladies? Who would like to go first?" she asked casually.

"Ooooh. Becca, you punched him first. It's my turn!" she said as Becca grabbed him and hauled him easily from the floor, restraining him as Orders went toward his secret recording room. "I needed a new punching bag anyway… I broke my old one." she winked at him, and sealed his eye shut for a week with a left hook.

…Nobody makes money off of Orders' girls but her... not without cutting them in at any rate. No point in getting them kicked out of their apartment.

...Welcome to Gotham.


Okay. I have a list and I'm pretty sure that every girl got at least one vote so yeah. But it should be no surprise to me that Raven is the winner so Raven is next.

I brought poor repressed Liam back for another round last seen with sexy milf Rosa and Violet. It was about time he REALLY fucked a bimbo or two... Also Porshe (Por-shuh) and Becky are the names of his stepfamily... they just sound like very bimbo-y names... don't know if they'll ever show up again but I do love bimbos... who knows. Maybe Becky will be a Superbabe one day.

Now for the butchering of frenchness

Oh, tu es un mignon petit pervers = Oh, you're a cute little pervert

Moins mignon ! Moins mignon ! Merde! = Less cute! Less cute! SHIT!

Next chapter