
Delivery Girl: Wonder Woman Order #6

I don't own DC

Superbabes was in full swing, it was hard for it not to be some of Superbabes's most well-known big earners were working tonight, Power Girl, Poison Ivy, Livewire, (B) Vixen… and of course…

"Here you go boys!" cooed Wonder Woman as her big all-natural soft-bodied wonders wobbled in the golden top of the star-spangled corset. Putting down a platter of various foods but none with a Wonder Woman meal, not that the men and boys at the table couldn't appreciate the gloriously beautiful Wonder Woman.

"And here you go…" said the oldest-looking one, holding out a five-dollar bill as she took it with a warm smile before feeling a hand on her shapely leg.

"Thank you." She winked then wiggled away after a good ten seconds of letting the guy cop a feel, stuffing the dollar into her cleavage and heading toward the kitchen to put down the serving tray just before Power Girl and her 'girls' bounced up next to her.

"Let me take that." she said, taking the tray. "Table five wants more wings." She rolled her eyes. "A Lot more wings."

"Well, Thanks." Wonder Woman replied, "I need to freshen up. I think I got something sticky on my legs." Before adding with a slight jest. "and I haven't even been on a delivery tonight."

"Tell me about it." Power girl replied, "Pretty sure someone got peanut butter on my leg and we don't even serve anything with peanuts." Wonder Woman chuckled in a manner that many would consider seductive, but she was a sexy gorgeous woman she could shriek with high-pitched villain laughter and somebody somewhere would thoroughly pay for it. The beautiful soft-bodied beauty strutted casually into the lounge, stripping her bodice of the various tips she's gathered, and there was quite a bit, putting it on the counter while Orders did crosswords today. Her Purple-eyed boss barely giving Wonder Woman her attention as she walked by to the locker room showers.

"Hey, Orders." Declared Green Lantern (II) just arriving for her shift and heading into the locker rooms but Orders eyes flicked and she scowled.

"Stop." Green Lantern, blushing, froze at the locker room door as Orders turned to her, gazing at her up and down sternly. "…Touch your ass." She said coolly. Green Lantern… didn't. And not just because that particular statement might need to be brought up with a non-existent HR.

"I don't see-" she began sheepishly

"He hit you too hard." Orders declared, "You have welts."

"Orders you can hardly notice them! You can only tell because-"

"Nope." Orders replied coolly, "Go back to your blind boyfriend and slap him instead, because no work until you heal."


"NOPE." Orders declared again coolly, putting a nail in that coffin as Daphne sighed apologetically, stepping away from the locker room and standing at the counter.

"He is VERY gentle with me." She said pouting stubbornly, as if somehow that made it better.

"And yet he still leaves marks on that ass." Orders noted casually, "He IS blind." She added as Daphne fidgeted.

"…He likes my voice."

"And everyone else likes your ass." Orders noted as Wonder Woman walked out of the locker rooms. "And they like looking at it when you're naked, and spanking it when it's nice and unblemished."

"…This is a weird conversation to walk into, but we're used to it." Smiled Wonder Woman blissfully, "Hey Daph. Orders sending you home?"

"YES." Daphne replied with an eye roll. "But I don't see the problem."

"I have a reputation to maintain, and a standard for our babes. Go home. Heal up. Wonder Woman will have to handle your order."

"What order-oh damn it." began Daphne, but she caught herself before she finished the obvious question. But Wonder Woman sighed with smiling an eye roll, hands on her shapely waist, and managing to get out a rather exasperated sigh.

"If you haven't learned by now, you just shouldn't ask." she cooed as Orders reached for the phone.

Time: 9:10 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes, We Deliver."

"Hello… Um."



"The answer to your question is yes."

"Oh… so she will-"

"Most certainly."

"How do you-"

"Don't ask."

"But what should I-"

"Wonder Woman meal, delivered by Wonder Woman."


"Very well, we expect her back within 60 minutes or less, you will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and Address please."


Orders ripped off the receipt as Daphne resigned herself for a night or two off, wagging it at Wonder Woman who eyed the receipt warily at first but took it. "…Should I be concerned?" she asked curiously as Orders shrugged.

"You're Wonder Woman… you should expect some BDSM." She replied cryptically as Wonder Woman laughed.

"Ha! Ha! Oh goodie, more rope play." She said with a smile as Daphne mumbled under her breath.

"Lucky." Just as the food slid across the counter in an appropriately stamped Wonder Woman bag.

"Well, maybe this will teach you not to let your boyfriend do whatever he wants with you." Noted Orders as Wonder Woman grabbed the bag and headed to the car.

"I'm the sub and he's the dom. Him doing whatever he wants with me is literally how it works." Noted Daphne irately as Wonder Woman strutted to the car, checked the receipt, and slid her perfectly soft body into the front seat, slowly pulling out into traffic and heading off to the suburbs…

There's just something so RIGHT about her heading to the suburbs to have sex with some young virgin who's apparently into bondage play. And if you were going to tie anyone up it might as well be Wonder Woman… whoever started that fetish never actually met the real Wonder Woman.

Which, coincidentally, Superbabes's Wonder Woman has actually met. It was quite a surreal experience. But our Wonder Woman driving the company car pulled up onto the curb and checked the receipt again, examining the standard two-story suburban home. She got out of the car, taking a glance at the empty driveway and the neatly mowed grass. She brushed her dark hair with her free hand and stood at the front door right on the welcome mat before raising her hand and wrapping her knuckles loudly on the door.


Time: 9:34 PM. Place: Gotham Suburbs (Non-district suburban home)

"Special Delivery Service." Then resting her hand on her waist she waited for the door to pop open. It slowly creaked open at first. And she saw a ginger mop peak out at her before it opened the rest of the way. Freckled, redheaded, thin, but surprisingly tall and wearing big nerd glasses… yep. She smiled at him seductively. "High Sweetie." She cooed, in that way that ALL her sweeties like. And he certainly appreciated it.

"Hey." He replied taking her rather forcefully by the hand and dragging her inside.

"Whoa!" she laughed as his surprising strength, but youth the desire for sex made one hormonally strong in her experience. "Someone's excited."

"Yeah." He said, and after staring at her star-spangled backside he slapped his hand on it.

"Oh!" she squeaked as he guided her towards the back of the house, practically throwing the bag of food onto the kitchen counter. "Well you're eager." She laughed as he walked her right into the obvious master bedroom with a big double bed, feeling his hand on her soft ass cheeks and squeezing away before giving her rump a hard smack. "Oh!"

"You're gorgeous." He said in some semblance of awe as he pulled his hand away.

"Thank you." She replied but he put a hand on her shoulder and pulled her down. She dropped almost immediately to her knees, since that was what he obviously wanted… then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a leather collar and a long pink leash. "…Oh." She said with a smile, "I see."

"I'm going to put this on you. And you're going to be my sex pet." He said, trying to be firm but she couldn't take him seriously. He was just another Sweetie who wanted to play with a sexy, soft-bodied slut. And they always hit the jackpot with her. She smiled and stretched her neck out, her hands behind her back as she patiently waited for him to unclasp the collar and wrapped it around her elegant neck, now enhanced by the leather collar as he gripped the pink leash and tugged it taught. "Mmn…"

He pulled the leash again, grinning excitedly as she dropped onto her knees and he swatted her rear again. "AH…" then began walking away, pulling the leash and leading her around the room as she wiggled her backside, cooing softly as she crawled across the floor, elaborately swaying her star-spangled rear as his hand swatted onto it again, rubbing it. "Oh. Sweetie… not so rough." She moaned as he gazed at her beautiful body and her big breasts in her corset. Swinging the end of the leash onto her rear before dropping his pants and letting his average-length cock twitch free towards her lips.


"Shush. No, wait. Shut up and suck." He put his hand on the back of her soft black hair and pulled her lips over his tip. "Ugh!.." he trembled excitedly, the corner of his lips twitching upward with each thrust into her mouth.

"Guck! Guck! Guck!" she grunted, her mouth opened as he bucked in and out of it, her eyes wide and watering just a little as he increasingly face fucked her. Her head swung back and forth with her breasts as he stood in front of her, one hand on the leash and the other on the back of her head, thrusting rapidly into her mouth. "Mmgn!" burying her face into his crotch, grinding against her face as she felt his pre-cum oozed from his tip into her throat.

"Wonder Woman is so hot!" he sighed, "I'd love to do this! To her! All the time!" he moaned, jackhammering against her face as her eyes rolled up into her head. "Haah! Aaah… Suck on! It!" he groaned as she slurped noisily, wriggling her head into his crotch as he buried his cock into her mouth and unleashed a hot load. Yanking on her leash as he held her down with his hand, "Take it all. Suck it all out…" he groaned, his cock twitching on her tongue as he shot ropes of cum into the back of her throat. Her tongue tentatively licked his shaft as he sighed loudly, shaking in her mouth as he squeezed the back of her head. Walking steadily back toward the bed, splaying his legs as he held her between his legs.

"Keep sucking and licking it. Don't stop… keep going… yeah." He began guiding her head up and down again, tugging her leash as she bobbed up and down his cock. Gazing down at her beautiful face in a lusty drunken haze as she gazed back, twisting and slurping her wet, warm mouth on his shuddering member as he moved her up and down faster.

"MMgh. Mmn. Mmn…" wiggling her beautiful soft ass like the bitch he wanted her to be as he bucked his hips up into her throat on his flaccid, quickly re-hardening cock. Burying her face into the bush of his ginger pubic hairs as he flopped on the bed, closed his eyes, and savored the sensual sucking power of the Soft-bodied Wonder Woman. Salivating over his cock as she felt his body tense and his fingers tighten around her hair. "MMn. MMn-Ah!" she gasped as he suddenly yanked her off his cock, rubbing her face against it as she cooed softly, letting her tongue wag on it as he tugged the leash.

"Lick it…" he sighed, looking at her again as her tongue slid up and down his shaft, her beautiful lips stretching into a warm smile.

"Like this Sweetie?" she whispered seductively, slithering her tongue snake-like around his rod.

"Just like that. Lick it because you love it." he groaned, his cock wobbling excitedly as she slid her tongue up his shaft, brushing him with her lips as he kept a tight grip on her leash and her hair. Swaying his hips and swinging his cock against her face. Groaning eagerly as she mouthed on it, trying to catch it back in her lips and giggling sweetly despite his treatment of her.

Just because he wanted to dom doesn't mean he wasn't a Sweetie.

He jerked the leash she cooed softly at her 'interruption' of playing with her toy as he clenched his teeth. "Put it in your mouth." She opened wide and obediently wrapped her lips around his tip, licking his glans as he subtly bobbed her up, and down on his tip… "I'm going to cum in your mouth. I'm going to use your mouth to cum." He said firmly, bucking his hips subtly, pre-cum oozing on her swirling tongue as she moaned encouragingly.

"Mmn-hmn! MMn!"

"You love it! You love sucking my dick!" he hissed, "Wonder Woman is awesome!" he bucked his hips harder, faster. "She's such a good whore! Oooh! YEAH!" looking into her eyes he spilled his seed into her mouth as she moaned, eyes rolling and tongue flicking wildly around and around his shaft.

"MMn! MMmngh-hmmn!" she fluttered her pretty eyelashes at him as his salty load splattered and clung onto her tongue rather then hosing the back of her throat to be immediately swallowed, he jerked and howled… having one HELL of fellatio orgasm as she chuckled. "mMn-hmm!" suckling on his shaft slowly as she slurped out every drop.

"Haah. Haah… aah yeah…" he groaned, cock slipping out of her purse lips as she opened her mouth and showed him his thick gooey cum, swirling it around and quickly swallowing.

"MMn!" her throat shaking slightly as she swallowed, licking her lips and she opened her mouth again. "Ahh… yummy Sweetie…" she cooed, licking her lips again as his cock twitched and he tugged gently on the leash.

"Stand. Stand up." He said and she rested her hands on the bed and pushed herself up off the floor, standing at the foot of the bed in all her costumed glory as the leash connected to her collar lay between her big breasts leading to his hand. Gazing upon her body, he lightly jerked the leash making her shift slightly, but not the warm smile on her face. "Take off your clothes. Slowly."

Wonder Woman smirked, then reaching her thumbs into the top of the corset she pushed it down, freeing her big soft breasts as she began pushing it further and further down her beautiful body. It crumpled around her now gyrating waist as she pushed it down, freeing her soft and apparently spankable backside as she pushed the star-spangled bloomers to the floor and stood back upright, bouncing and jiggling pleasantly as she rested her hands on her hips and superhero posed for him, letting him admire her frame appropriately by furiously jerking off.

He tugged her leash, pulling her forward and swinging her heavy breasts around his twitching girth, but he tugged her leash again, pulling her onto the bed as she laughed falling onto him… burying his face into her tits as he swatted her rear with his hand, squeezing her plump backside. And smacking it again. "Ooh Sweetie, so rough." She moaned as he then rolled her over. "Oh!"

Lying on her back he shuffled off the bed, standing at the end and spreading her legs with on hand would resolutely refusing to let go of the leash, yanking it as he slapped his pulsating member on her silky pussy lips. She spread her legs flexibly wide, submissively waiting for him to push into her as he yanked on the leash. "Oooh!" it bounced wildly between her jumping breasts as he pushed into her, wildly bucking his hips against her. "Oh! Oh! Yes! OH!" she howled, clawing the mattress as he pounded roughly against her body, the leash going taught as he yanked on it. "NNgh!"

His free hand grabbed at her bounce breasts, she gasped erotically, writhing beneath him as he drove his hips into her. Grunting, sweating and panting as he tried to pull her from the bed by the leash but at the same time kept her pinned down, furiously dominating her pussy, banging away at her body. "Oh! OH! Oooh…" Wriggling her lower body with his movements, bit her bottom lip as her body tensed and her back arched. "MMngh!"

He pushed into her body, pinning her down to the bed as he mounted on top of her, his body springing off hers as his instincts took over, pounding away at her wildly as he wrapped his mouth around her left nipple, sucking loudly as he squeezed the other tit with his hand. "Oooh!" she trembled erotically as he panted his hips and took a breath. He sighed around her breasts, keeping his hips planted to hers as he released inside her. Groaning into her cleavage, pulsating in her welcoming body as he inhaled her sweaty but sweet scent.

"Phew…" she sighed, then wiggled her upper body and bounced her breasts on his buried face. "There now… isn't that better?-gerp!" he yanked at the leash, "Oh…" she replied as he slipped out and off of her. "Well." she said haughtily as he led her by a tight leash, pulling her off the bed as she followed him out of the bedroom. He led her into a polished and clean bathroom, leading her towards the spacious glass shower. Opening the door and pulling her in a little roughly. "At least let me take off the boots sweetie-oh!" he swatted her rear with the leash before pulling her in front of the showerhead turning it on and spraying her with cold water. "Oh!" she wiggled under the cold hosing, jiggling and bouncing for his pleasure as he yanked back on the leash. Arching her back slightly and continuing to spray her body. Grabbing at her big breasts with his other hand as he ground against her soft rear, thrusting his cock between her ass cheeks, hotdogging her as the cool waters heated slowly. "Nngh!" her boots clattered on the watery tiles as he pulled her back and shoved her against the opposite wall.

"Ooh. OH…" she writhed as he pierced into her again, furiously thrusting into her pussy as she rubbed up against the wall. "Ugh. NNgh!" rolling her hips against his thrusts, her ass bouncing off the wall as she gyrated and danced on his cock, his hand squeezing or lightly slapping her bouncing breasts in alteration, wrapping his lips back around her nipples to suckle and bite. "Oooh!" Writhing under the hosing water.

"MMngh! Mmn!" sucking on her tit his face thrust towards her breasts burying his face into her cleavage as he sloppily fucked her, harder, deeper, eager to selfishly get off as she let him use her body for his desires… the leash tight around her collar as he yanked it, it flopped and thrashed about on her body like a writhing snake until he tugged it taught again, practically climbing up her body in an attempt to get his cock DEEP into it. Spraying inside her, as he shuddered against her soft body, her inner walls clenched tightly to him as she climaxed, her beautiful howl of orgasm echoing around the bathroom as he squeezed her tits firmly with both hands. His body tightened like one huge muscle while his hips spasmodically slapped against hers.

"MMn!... oooh…. Yeah sweetie…" she cooed, his hands groping and rubbing her body as he pulled away his cock slipping from her tight warm pussy, tugging out a thick string of cum with it, snapping in the air and dripping from her snatch as he tugged at the leash, pulling her to her knees and slapping her face with his messy dick. Shoving her face into his quivering balls, briefly, before cupping at her breasts and slapping his girth between them. "Mmmn…" she smiled warmly at him, wrapping her big soft breasts firmly around his shaft as he fumbled around for liquid soap, spraying it between her cleavage and efficiently lubricating her titty hug.

She panted seductively, gazing up at him through the hosing splattering water as her tits bounced up and down around his twitching shaft, practically rubbing him raw as he rested his hands on her shoulders and rapidly bucked against her soft breasts, sliding between her slipper soaped tits as she stuck out her tongue and moaned invitingly.

"Ahhh… Ah…." Moving her breasts faster and faster, water and soap splashing all over as he yanked almost reflexively on her leash, the collar pulling on her lovely neck as she opened her mouth.

"Ugh! UHGH!" he pushed firmly against her breasts and she squeezed him tightly, feeling his engorged tip spurt out feeble ropes of his cum onto her chin and oozing between her breasts. He sighed happily and pulled his soapy cock from her titty hug, smacking it against her cheeks as he tugged her leash again…

"Such a pretty whore." She smiled toothily at him before giving him a cooing.

"You're welcome Sweetie." She said almost defiantly at his dominating manner. He flushed as red as his hair as she slowly stood up, "Oooh…" removing her now soaked boots and tossing them out of the shower as his hands roamed her body, the leash flapping limply on her body like his cock between his legs. His hands squeezed her body and yanked on her leash, but she mostly ignored him and continued to shower as he fondled her body.

She cooed softly under his hands, scrubbing her breasts and rinsing her face, gracefully moving with the leash as she finished her sensual Superbabes shower wash, then began walking out of the shower… but not before detaching the collar around her neck and letting it swing off her body and onto the floor. She hummed, and grabbed her wet boots, drying herself off before heading back into the bedroom to grab her costume, tugging it back onto her beautiful body as he walked out looking satisfied, but a little dejected.

Wonder Woman smiled warmly at him as she combed her dark hair with her fingers. "Okay Sweetie." She held out her hand, "Time to pay up."

"…Right." He said, "Be right back." He walked out of the bedroom, realizing he was naked and she was not going to be anymore. Heading out of the bedroom and soon returning with a stack of cash. She kissed his forehead, ruffled his ginger hair and began walking out of the house.

"Order again." she replied sweetly, running her fingers through the money as he swatted her rear.

"Later slut-SLAP!" he spun around in place and abruptly fell to the floor as her hand cracked on his face and she still smiled warmly at him despite her sudden disciplining. She was a nanny once, and they could get tough.

"Sweetie… MANNERS." She said ominously, before winking and leaving him with a fresh, red hand tattoo on his face.

Time: 10:39 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Don't bleed in my restaurant." Noted Orders sourly as Yaya and Jessica led Pinchy Joe out of the restaurant with a napkin pressed to his bloody nose. "And stop pinching Ashley's ass. You're asking for it at this point-KNOCK IT OFF!" Orders ordered as Rebecca held Hot Ass Ashley in a half-nelson headlock, who angrily but obediently stopped struggling. "For FUCKS sake…" she grumbled, then added to Jessica. "Get him some ice at least."

Wonder Woman walked into the lounge, dodging big girl Becca's sexy muscled frame as she continued to restrain a slightly controlled Ashley and put the money down on the counter. "Pinchy Joe?"

"I stand by my statement of 'if he doesn't learn that's his problem.' Now…" she eyed Wonder Woman. "Any Problem's Grace."

"No he was a sweetie… he wasn't even that rough with me. He just likes girls on leashes, I don't even call that BDSM honestly."

"You slapped him." Orders noted as Grace just smiled warmly at Orders.

"Sometimes sweeties need a good slap." She replied with a shrug as Ashley smuggled add.

"YEAH! Or a fecking sock in the nose!"

"…I agree." Orders said sourly and cryptically at the hot-assed Irish woman, "Go right ahead." Orders added to Grace who, reading the room, walked right up to Ashley, and swung her hand back.


"AAAH FECK ME that fecking stings!"

"And to think Daphne gets paid to take that." grinned Becca with a laugh.

"I should start charging." Grace chuckled as Ashley was finally released and she adjusted her jaw, "If boys will pay for a night with Wonder Woman under them imagine what the ones who pay for her to be on them…"

Orders frowned at the statement "Why the hell didn't I think of that?"

As Grace went to shower properly and Rebecca laughed, going back to work with a grumbling and somewhat less irate than usual Ashley, mumbling "Bitch has an arm on her…"


Next chapter