
Catered Party: The Neopolitan Trio

I don't own DC

It was a calm Gotham early afternoon, and today we find ourselves once again at the home of the Superbabes Trio: Power Girl, Batgirl and (T) Vixen… but miraculously, all of them were home today. Usually, one, two or all three of them are working at the same time, but for the first time in a LONG time, Orders actually gave all three of them the day off. The stars must have aligned or something, usually they have to call in sick or take a vacation… and even then, Orders might have them cancel and come in anyway it was always a risk…

But today the girls were going to just have a calm, quiet day together, or not. Maybe Vixen will go out for a run later, and eventually head over to the home of her pirate, Judge Edward 'Blackbeard' Teach, and help him relax after a long day of whatever it is judges do in Gotham… probably attempt to keep or put criminals behind bars. Maybe Jackie would get a craving for something more than a vanilla shake, there are certainly plenty of those in their general area who would HAPPILY help her satisfy her addiction. And perhaps Power Girl will do something that didn't involve her loving boy toy Tom Kirby… a fat chance on that one but it was always a possibility…

But for now, the girls were going to just hang out and watch TV… popular TV quiz show Uncertainty in fact.

"What are Lawyers." Declared Batgirl lying her red-haired head comfortably on Vixen's pillowy lap, her feet hanging over the opposite arm of the couch as she slurped her nearly empty shake. Vixen didn't seem to be concerned that Batgirl was using her thighs as a headrest, taking it basically in stride. But she did seem to be a mixture of annoyed and amused that Batgirl thought the question to 'These Mythical Creatures are known to suck blood.' was 'lawyers'.

"Love, seriously? Are you doing this on purpose? It's bloody vampires."

"It's got to be in the form of a question." Noted Batgirl in response as Vixen scoffed ignoring a polite knock at the apartment front door.

"What are vampires?" Vixen replied sarcastically as Batgirl, without missing a beat replied.

"They're mythological bloodsuckers… allegedly." Vixen tried to glare at Batgirl, but she was also trying not to laugh. "To be fair, I'm pretty sure Batman has fought Dracula." Batgirl added suspiciously, one of the many rumors or theories about Batman that permeate the apartment when Power Girl is in one of her fangirl moods.

Their apartment front door unlocked and opened carefully as they continued watching Uncertainty. "Hello? Anyone home?" declared Tom Kirby, casually walking into the apartment, pulling the key his girlfriend gave him from the lock and shutting the door. "I knocked but nobody answered." He said unsurely, before spotting Batgirl and Vixen in the living room. "Hey girls." He said politely.

"Ello Tommy/Hey." They replied almost dismissively. Tom glanced absently towards his girlfriend's room and politely decided to sit at the dining room table.

"Hey let him sit on the couch." Vixen tapped Batgirl's stomach as the redhead groaned reluctantly, sitting up on the far-left end of the couch, and Vixen, sitting on the right, patting the middle of it. "Have a set, love." She replied as Tom cleared his throat, got up and sat between them. "So what's the plan today?" she asked conversationally as Batgirl slurped her milkshake.

"Oh uh. Shopping I think." Replied Tom casually, "She wants me to help her buy new shelves."

"What do you know about shelves?" Batgirl asked as Tom just shrugged.

"I think she just wants to spend time with me." Tom noted with a sheepish smile, and considering it is Power Girl that's probably more then true.

"Or… maybe she's thinking about what she could move into your apartment." Teased Vixen coyly, as Tom froze. "…Take that next step?" she was just screwing with him though, Power Girl hadn't said anything at all about moving out… if anything she toyed with the idea of Tom moving in with THEM. It worked out fine the last few times when his apartment was destroyed for various reasons.

"You think?" he whispered nervously as Vixen laughed, but didn't answer him with words, crossing her sexy legs and waiting to watch him squirm as he mumbled, "I suppose I could rearrange my room a little, but it would be pretty tight."

"Oh you're no fun." Vixen noted abruptly.

"What?" he replied suddenly brought back into reality as Batgirl added for clarity.

"She's messing with you." Then slurped her drink again… sighed, and got off the couch to go make another shake.

"Oh." Tom sighed, going leaning back on the couch as Batgirl's big pawg backside wobbled into the kitchen. "I suppose she would've just told me if that was true."

"She usually is." Vixen replied, leaning on the couch's arm. "She's always been like that."

"…Have you known her a long time?" Tom asked curiously, Jackie and Sierra have been friends for a long time he knew. But Vixen was something of a minor mystery. Vixen seemed to think about the question before answering.

"I remember meeting her once when she was still working retail, and I was a lingerie model, we had lunch, but we didn't really start living together until we did my first catered party for Superbabes and Orders had us all go together."

"It was her first party." Noted Batgirl, returning with a new shake. "…Not ours though."

"Oh… uh okay." Tom replied casually, unsure if he wanted this conversation to continue. "I don't think I want to know anymore-"

"Oh but it was a hoot!" Declared his loving girlfriend coming out half-dressed in his batman shirt and silky black panties as she jiggled and bounced onto his lap, squirming as she crowded the couch and nuzzled on him as she raised her hand dramatically in the air, slowly moving it from right to left as if to will a movie title or something there, her beautiful blue eyes sparkling mischievously as she wiggled her rear on his junk. "Let me set up the scene! We were all at Superbabes, and Orders got a call."

"I-I really don't think I need to hear this."

"But it's such a fun story!" Power Girl replied as Vixen chuckled.

"Love, all we did was get shagged by-"

"I'm telling the story!" Power Girl replied sternly.

Batgirl slurped her drink before adding "I had fun." casually as if that was in question.

"You're doing this on purpose aren't you." Tom sighed sadly but he had his arms wrapped around Power Girl's waist so it was hard to hate the situation… an armful of a gorgeous busty babe is often a soothing and alluring opportunity after all.

"There we were a normal day at Superbabes. Orders just turned on deliveries and I think it was around-"

Time: 9:34 PM. Place: Flashback Gotham (Flashback Superbabes)

"They'll be right there." Orders waved the receipt, "…Batgirl. Power Girl… and-" she hesitated, her purple eyes flashing as she flinched irately at the pain. "…Vixen. You have a party."

"A party?" (T) Vixen who had just arrived herself, asked hesitantly, she hadn't been on a party before "So…we keep shagging until they're tired right?"

"That's the idea." Orders noted, "Longer time more money. But don't let it carry on for too long. Don't worry though Power Girl is in charge. She'll keep her on a leash" Vixen frowned at that as the busty blonde babe jiggled into the lounge with Batgirl just behind, yanking tips from their various extremities.

"Man we've been raking in the tips, lately." she declared before eyeing Vixen. "I never thought getting Orders dropping the no touching rule would work out." Then greeted Vixen with a casual, "Hey Bri-"

"No real names until the job is done." Orders said casually, the phone ringing as food slid across the counter. She handed Power Girl the receipt, "Here. You got to go." Power Girl took the receipt and Batgirl grabbed some of the food, Vixen getting the rest, and together they walked out the back door.

"To the party van." Cheered Power Girl as Batgirl opened the door, and getting inside. "So how's Gotham treating you? We haven't had a chance to talk since you got hired." She said conversationally as Vixen sighed, and shrugged.

"I've been alright. Honestly…" she slid the side door of the van shut before strutting and jiggling into the passenger's seat. "But I think I need a new apartment."

"Oh yeah?" asked Power Girl, getting into the driver's seat. "Why? What's wrong with your place?"

"Oh little touch ups that the owner won't bloody take care of." Vixen replied tiredly, pulling the seatbelt over her big tits. "Not to mention I don't like the neighborhood. I go jogging every morning and some of the guys I get looking at me look like they want and will do more than just look."

"Well yeah, have you seen these things?" Power Girl teased, pointing at Vixen's big black breasts, with a good-natured smile.

"You're one to talk love." Vixen replied sassily, pointing to Power Girl's own hefty bosoms as she giggled and chuckled, pulling out of the tiny Superbabes parking lot and driving off into Gotham. "You suddenly turn left you're going to knock someone over."

"Ha-ha!" Power Girl laughed, before noting thoughtfully. "You know… we have an apartment with an extra room. We were actually going to look for a roommate, Are you interested? The neighborhood is nice, for Gotham, and rent would be split three ways, we can carpool to work."

"…You know what love? Maybe." Vixen replied thoughtfully.

"Okay! Story over I think we can-"

"Shush we're getting to the good part!"

"Oh, she's definitely doing this on purpose, love.'

The party van skidded into the lot of the Gotham University Stadium in Midtown. Power Girl and Vixen got out of the van into the empty lot before. Opening the sliding van door Batgirl handed Vixen some of the food before getting out herself.

"This is where we're supposed to go for a party? Looks abandoned" Vixen mumbled suspiciously, "Are we sure we aren't about to get bloody murdered or anything?"

"I'm pretty sure Orders would warn us." Noted Power Girl confidently, "If it hasn't happened yet I think our options are good." She smiled and looking at the receipt she gestured for them to follow her towards the stadium. "So are you lactose intolerant?"

"No? Why?"

"Because our freeze is basically all ice cream I was wondering if that would be a problem." Power Girl grinned as Batgirl silently followed behind.

"It's mine. If you eat any of it, you're replacing it."

"Oh obviously love I know roommate etiquette." Vixen replied casually.

"Just making sure." Batgirl replied as they all stood at the entrance to the stadium, its dark hallway ominously waiting for them as Power Girl raised her fist before hesitating.

"Okay girls we have to say it together."

"I don't see anyone though." Vixen noted frowning.

"We still got to say it. Orders will know." Power Girl replied before adding. "Ready?" then knocked.


Time: 9:54 PM. Place: Flashback Midtown (Flashback Gotham University Stadium)

"Special Delivery Service." They said together, standing side by side like the sexy trio of Neapolitan ice cream that they were. Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry.

"…I don't know about you two but I'm freezing my bloody tits off." mumbled Vixen under her breath as Batgirl snorted. "I'm in a bikini at least you have a suit."

"Yeah but it is skin tight." Power Girl replied cheerily, winking at Vixen before reaching for the handle of the front door. "Oh look at that. It's open." She said pushing it inward, walking into the stadium hallway and letting out a soft "Hello?" Her voice echoed slightly.

"…This is how we die." Declared Vixen with a scoff before following Power Girl, Batgirl just behind her.

"Oh don't be so dramatic." Declared Power Girl, "Hello?! Anyone here order food?"

"Among other things!" added in Vixen as their voices carried. "Were we pranked?"

"…I don't think Orders can get pranked." Batgirl replied honestly.

"True." Vixen agreed after a moment of thought before Power Girl waved a hand.

"Wait… hear that? Music." Said Power Girl as the distinct sound of steady bass began to echo. "This way." She said, waving at the girls to follow her past a sign that said 'locker rooms'.

"Ah." Began Power Girl as the music got louder and louder, then the doors swung open revealing a collage age man, suddenly cheering.

"Guys! The strippers are here!" he declared as an echo of raucous cheers hit them harder than the smell of the alcohol permeating from the room. "And they brought food!"

"YEAH!!" the cheers came out again as the girls entered the spacious locker room to wolf whistles and excited grunting.

"Strippers?" laughed Vixen.

"Well, we are taking off our clothes." Power Girl noted. "Okay boys! Let's party!" she declared as somebody turned up the music and someone else got handsy with Vixen's tits. Groping handfuls of dark chocolatey tits, jiggling and bouncing them up and down in his hands as Power Girl was also swarmed, gyrating in a crowd of horny college boys as Vixen's tits were abruptly freed of her bikini top and swirled overhead like a flag before it was tossed into the locker rooms.

"Bloody hell." She laughed as he continued to squeeze and pinch her nipples from behind, and seeing their teammate groping away at Vixen others decided to have a go, grabbing at her curvy waist and ass cheeks through her bottoms, groping at her chest as she hissed through her teeth, writhing under their hands as they continued to strip her.

Power Girl was equally groped, being pinned between a pair of gyrating and grinding dancers as she bounced and jiggled in her boob window unitard, twirling and stripping out of her uniform and freeing up her big bouncy breasts as they swarmed on her. "NNgh!" stripping her completely of her clothes and squirming like a snake as they began rubbing her heavy tits eagerly.

"A bit of help J-Batgirl." Mumbled Vixen but she was obviously out of luck, sitting on her knees with her thick pawg ass sticking out between her booted feet Batgirl's head was buried into a man's crotch, his pants around his ankles and holding onto her pointy-eared mask as she bobbed eagerly up and down the full length of his cock, her tongue swirling as she slurped his shaft like a straw.

"MMn! Mmgn!"

"Haah…" sighed Vixen as her girls took a really wobbling then she was guided toward Batgirl, now surrounded on all sides by guys eager to get straight for the good stuff. "Alright, you wankers who's first? She grinned up at them, sitting ass to ass with Batgirl as she was surrounded too. Reaching out to touch a couple of someones, wrapping her hands on eager cocks popping free from zippers and waistbands, one rubbing up against her cheek as she opened her mouth. "Mmngh-hmn." Wrapping her lips around the tip and giving his knob a good polishing as her ass cheeks pressed firmly to Batgirl's pawg booty. The red-headed semen vacuum popped off her first cock to abruptly inhale another, deepthroating the shit out of the guy lucky enough to be in her right hand.

While Batgirl and Vixen were ass to ass and sucking dicks by the half dozen Power Girl was getting fingered like they were trying to play piano with her pussy. Power Girl hung her arms over the shoulders of a pair of them, their fingers knuckle deep inside her as another from behind fondled her huge tits.

"Hey who's bigger? this black chick or the blonde?" asked somebody in the crowd.

"Oh definitely this one." declared whoever was groping Power Girl's tits, clapping them together as another asked.

"Oh I don't know. This one's pretty fucking STACKED, look at these mountains!" praised another as Vixen deep-throated the cock in her right hand, one of the left squeezing her tits. "Ooh man come here it's my turn!" he declared, taking Vixen by the hair and tugging her lightly from her current oral occupant, turning her to slide between her lips and straight to the base, rolling his hips against her stroking mouth as she felt Batgirl twerking her pawg booty against her.

"Ugh! Uh SHIT!" the one currently in Batgirl's mouth furiously pumped his hips towards her face, shaking as he howled his orgasm. Batgirl's face was in his crotch as he struggled to extract his cock from her lips. "Fuck me she's a vacuum!" he praised happily as he popped out of her lips, she slurped his urethra and promptly ignored him, opening her empty mouth wide giving another one the opportunity to slide his cock between her lips and easily into her throat.

"Holy shit she's got NO gag reflex! Look at this!" he declared, holding her head and jackhammering away at her face, groaning as Batgirl lovingly hummed around his girth, sliding rapidly in and out of her throat as her tongue swirled beneath his pulsating shaft, rapidly stroking at least two more cocks in preparation for another semen deposit. "Suck my dick baby I want to cum balls deep in this throat!" he declared with pride. "It's so fucking hot when pornstars take throatpies!" he hissed as one of them noted curiously.

"Have you seen that up and coming one? Celestia D'Whorse?" asked someone conversationally, apparently just enjoying the show.

"That's a stupid fucking name." declared the one in Vixen's mouth, "Ugh! Oh shit!" extracting his cock out of her mouth, letting her hold his tip between her lips as she gazed up at him. His cock pulsated visibly before his eyes as she let him cum in her mouth before he slipped free. "Aah… fuck that was so good."

"Ahh…" Vixen moaned, her mouth open wide as she heard whoever was face fucking Batgirl achieve his porn fantasy of a throat pie, spraying directly into the hungry cum-slut's stomach as Vixen sloshed the load she got in her mouth with her tongue, steadying herself to swallow it. When suddenly her head was tilted back and Batgirl loomed over her, shoving her tongue into Vixen's mouth and gladly slurping out the load, moaning into Vixen's lips as the crowd cheered enjoying the sight. Their cries of approval at hot cum swapping girl on girl action drowned out the orgasmic shriek of pleasure from Power Girl as she danced between her support pillars.

"Haaah! Aaaah!!" her head flying back and almost headbutting the one behind her, shaking and shuddering in orgasm on their fingers as her big tits danced and wobbled enticingly on her chest, "NMn!" their hands lightly swatted her bouncing boobs, making them bounce and jiggle before she was dragged back from the group and lied on a long wooden bench, her legs spread apart on either side and held open by fresh and eager faces. She groped her big soft breasts as one loomed between her legs with a rock-hard cock, stroking himself as he aimed towards her pussy, but her view was abruptly blocked by a wide ass. Swinging his leg over her face he squeezed her tits together and poured a half-empty bottle of beer onto them seconds before his cock slipped between them and she was penetrated. "Haah!" yowling arousingly as her pussy was pounded away at, he grunted and groaned eagerly, thrusting his hips with lustful determination as her tits were groped, squeezed and pressed firmly together seconds before her head was tilted to the side and promptly had a NEW cock stuffed between her lips.

Power Girl, lying on her back was rigorously fucked by a trio of men desperate to relieve themselves with her gorgeous body, using her like an overpriced sex doll, cramming her orifices eagerly and without care. Her tits, her pussy, her lips, cocks plunging in and out of her as they howled and hooted, their hands caressing her hair and squeezing her softer parts, fingers sinking possessively into her flesh while the increasingly sped up in their consistent bumping and grinding.

While Power Girl was getting gangbanged Batgirl finished sucking the cum from Vixen's lips, throwing her masked red-haired head back as she gasped seductively for air, squeezing at Vixen's big tits as the rest of Batgirl's clothes were eagerly removed and she was dragged away by a pair of men eager to split her ass like lumberjacks to a log. Her pawg booty clapped hard and loud by them as one sat on the chair, stroking his cock upright as she groaned eagerly, sliding over his body and straddling him, taking his cock deep inside her as gravity did its work pulling her down partway then his hands did the rest. Grabbing her waist and planting his log into her…

"Aaah!" Batgirl howled erotically, her hair suddenly yanked back as the second cock pierced between her thick ass cheeks, a hand-clapping it hard before stuffing her holes full of DICK. "Ahah! Aah! Aah!!" Batgirl howled and squeezed at her breasts, jerking between the two before bouncing up and down and pounding roughly from behind. Grunting like primal animals as saliva and spittle flicked wildly from Batgirl's flopping tongue.

With a hand on the back of Vixen's head, wildly thrusting into her mouth another pressed his cock between her big black titties, pumping between them and savoring the feeling of her soft mounds tightly wrapped around them. Stroking another cock, and fondling the balls of the one she was blowing, moaning encouragingly as pre-cum oozed onto her tongue, and between her cleavage.

"Uurk! Haaha Shit…" she gazed up as he shuddered on her fingers and let the explosion of cum into her mouth, it oozed out of her lips and dribbled onto the floor as he pulled slowly from her lips, she ran her tongue over them and stroked his limp cock.

"Like that you wanker?" she purred only to feel a burst of cum spray onto her neck, "Oh bloody-" more cum shot from between her chocolatey orbs as her tit-fucker unloaded onto her skin. She pushed her tits together and gazed up at him. He pushed his hips to her chest, his tip bulging from between them as it oozed more cum onto her cleavage. "Hell." She finished, "Fucking knob-head you got me all dirty and we just started."

"Lick it up." He said pulling out of her tits as she raised them up and ran her tongue over them.

"Haah… aah." She was pushed forward onto her hands and knees from behind, another lumbering behind her and grabbing her waist before pushing his cock into her wet pussy. "Haah. OOoh!" Vixen threw her head back as she was taken from behind, pulled into his thrusting hips as he buried his cock wildly into her body. "Ugh! Ugh! Yeah you fucking knob come on! Fuck me like you mean it." she growled encouragingly as her big sticky tits swung back and forth beneath her. "Ha. Ah. Aah… FUCK…" she hissed while another cock appeared before her, swatting her pretty face as her doggy fucker grabbed at her hair for more purchase, pulling her harder into his thrusts as she took a mouth full of cock again with the command of-

"Suck my cock. Yeah…" burying his cock into her throat as she rocked back and forth, sliding down onto it as they spit roasted her.

"I'm gonna cum! CUMMING! AH SHIT! She liked that!" Power Girl Squirmed beneath her own tit-fucker as the one inside her buried his cock into her tightened pussy and unleased his load. "Aah fuck…" pulling out of her just as the cock in her mouth also dropped his wad, it oozed from her lips as a warm stream of seed sprayed across her stomach, fired from between her tits as her tit-fucker finished. Sighing contentedly, he got off her body and swatted her big tits with pride as she lay on the bench, wriggling and oozing with man cream. Power Girl shuddered on her back as the men holding her legs open let go, grabbing her arms they pulled her upright, then off the bench. Spreading her legs she was groped from behind.

"MMn…" she moaned, rubbing his thighs as another approached from the front. "Fuck me. Fuck my slutty little holes, yeah!" she whined enticingly as she felt their cocks rubbing against her, front and back. Before sliding abruptly and easily into her snug ass and pussy, slamming their hips into her as she howled in pleasure. "Ah! Ah! Fuck! ME!" she squealed. "Yeah you like that shit!? FUCK IT! mMN! MMN!" Power Girl grinding and writhed between them as they sped up, pounding at her voluptuous body, squeezing her heavy breasts as she howled in a rapturous orgasm.

"Haah! Aah! Aah!!"

"I'm cumming bitch, I'm filling this fat ass!" Batgirl's big wobbling pawg booty was clapped hard by a swinging hand, smacking her right cheek loudly before grabbing her waist and burying his cock into it.

"HAaah!" Batgirl moaned, feeling his load spray into her as he smacked her ass again, watching it jiggle before ripping out of her. The cock still buried in her pussy jackhammered up into her, holding her firmly in place before slamming into her body and unleashing his torrent directly toward her womb. "MMnhg!" she sat on his lap, squeezing her breasts and writhing on top of him as he sunk his fingers into her pawg booty. Swatting it twice as she slowly slipped off of him, strutting naked about looking for her next cock, cum and arousal dripping down her thighs as she watched Vixen take it from behind.

"UUGH!" he buried his cock into the beautiful, tight black woman then pulled out spraying it all over her meaty black ass, swatting it lightly as he finished and stood up. Leaving her cheeks covered in cream as her face was stuffed with more dick, holding her head he thrust into her throat, groaning contentedly as Batgirl crawled behind Vixen and ran her tongue over her ass, licking up the cum like the addict she was. Sliding it along Vixen's moaning body as another cock knelt behind her, sliding it into Batgirl's lips and thrusting rapidly. Batgirl salivated over his member, slithering her tongue liberally over his tip before he popped free, and popped into Vixen's ass.

Power Girl writhed as she climaxed, shrieking her orgasm as they double penetrated her, "Haaah! YEAH…" she gasped feeling them dump their wads into her holes.

"Fuck yeah…" he pulled out of her pussy, it trembled as he swatted her tits lightly. "That's a good cum-dump." She squeezed her breasts, gazing lustfully into his eyes as her ass was suddenly empty, pulling out of her with a soft squelch before he slapped her ass.

"Get over there let's play with your friends."

"MMGH!" moaned Vixen as more cum was sprayed between her lips and just as quickly pulled out. "Ah-Aah! Fuck my ass!" she hissed as she was pulled upright, her big black breasts bouncing wildly up and down before they were pinned in place by Power Girl. Pushing firmly up against her and their faces mashed together for a slutty kiss as Power Girl was soon taken from behind, rubbing their heavy black and white breasts together for the viewing pleasure of the masses. Batgirl soon added to the grinding, writhing mass of lust all of them pressed together tit to tit now as they were fucked wildly from behind…

Vixen howled as he buried his cock into her ass and then pulled out abruptly, just like before coating her shapely ass cheeks with sperm as she shared a tongue kiss with Batgirl and Power Girl. Surrounded on all sides by cocks, jerking and twitching around them before ropes of cum sprayed onto their pressed tits and faces. Batgirl's mouth hanging open to catch the fountain of cum spraying at them from all angles, getting into their hair, on their faces but mainly on their busty chests.

"Cover me with your spunk." Sneered Vixen teasingly, getting a positive response.

"Cum all over me." Moaned Power Girl, and not many could resist that.

"I want your cuuum." Whined Batgirl desperately, getting at least three bonus loads on that alone.

Howling, growling and cheering, the crowd ejaculated onto them without care, the very last cock pulling out of a shaking, sticky Power Girl before directly depositing his cum into Batgirl's mouth as the spunk-covered redhead suckled out his load. Before they were pulled up onto their feet to clapping and cheers, guided towards the communal showers of the spacious locker room…

Getting under the water the girls showered, seductively, doing the currently unknown superbabes shower thing. Twisting, groping and rubbing at their bodies as the crowd viewed the shower… then pushed all three of them against the wall and took their turns pounding away at their wet bodies. One after the other, rubbing up and down on the tiles as they released in or on them one at a time, sometimes going back for more. Eventually, the girls lost feeling in their legs, sliding down into the showers but that didn't stop it they just switched from pussy to mouth, bucking their hips against the girls' faces as a team. Spraying into their mouths or more likely coating Vixen and Power Girl's big soft tits with cum as they squeezed and held them together to receive their loads obediently like good little sluts.

Soaked in cum and water the final participates slammed into Batgirl's face, draining his balls into her throat before pulling free of her gasping mouth, trembling in pleasure as he slapped his cock on her face as she hungrily tried to suck in his flaccid member as he turned and walked out of the showers leaving the girls somehow sweaty under the water. Before they all got up and thoroughly cleaned up.

The final cumshot tally was Power Girl: 25. Vixen: 24. Batgirl: 32.

"But let's be honest we were all winners that day." Teased Power Girl smiling chipperly at the end of the flashback, "We paid the rent for a month AND we got a new roommate… the END." She said, nuzzling Tom like it was the final note in a bedtime story.

"Sierra why did you tell me that?" Tom asked bluntly as Sierra ran her finger playfully on his chest.

"You asked why Britney moved in."

"But… what did ANY of that have to do with Britney moving in?!" he asked exasperatedly, "That was just a story about the three of you having an orgy! Which I didn't want to hear!"

"Oh Tom that was WAY before I met you." Sierra replied. "…Does it give you ideas?" she teased as Tom frowned at her.

"No! Now I'm just way more confused than I was before. Do you really mean to tell me that Britney just decided to move in after having an orgy? And again! WHY DID YOU TELL ME ABOUT THE ORGY?"

"Oh will you just tell him, love? He's going to have a conniption." Chuckled Britney, heading into the kitchen to make a snack. She was hungry, all this talk of cum swallowing was giving her a craving for a sandwich.

Sierra pouted. "FINE… she didn't decide to move in until we got back to Superbabes and found out her apartment exploded." Sierra noted, leaning against Tom now and sighing as she enjoyed her 'seat'. "So that kinda sealed the deal and she's been here ever since."

"It's worked out." Noted Britney casually, returning with a basic ham and cheese. "I can't help but think though that because of how well we mesh together, Orders thinks that all Superbabes should just live together for practicality purposes."

"You know that does sound like her." noted Sierra thoughtfully. "Well do worry about it baby. I'm glad I could answer your questions." She said lovingly as Tom groaned.

"You really didn't." he mumbled sadly. "I'm pretty sure you didn't do much of anything except tell a raunchy story."

"I'm kinda thirsty now." Jackie noted casually, slurping her shake as Tom fidgeted and stood up. Carrying Sierra in his arms as he quickly made his way to the front door.

"WELP! We better get going!" he said nervously, "We have shelves to buy." Quickly getting out of there before Jackie removed his pants again, or ambushed him in the bathroom, or whatever it took to get her favorite drink straight from the tap. Sierra cheered and giggled as he rushed out of the apartment. Jackie and Britney gazing at his last visible location. Before Jackie turned her head toward Britney, and curiously asked.

"…Think he'll realize she's not wearing pants?"

"He'll figure it out." Britney noted teasingly, "He's a pretty clever fella." And half a second later, he returned, Sierra leaping from his arms and giggling as she winked at the girls.

"Almost got out the front door." She said conversationally as she then grabbed her boyfriend by the shirt invitingly and dragged him to her bedroom… shutting the door.

"…I'm still thirsty." Mumbled Jackie as Britney ate her sandwich.

"Can't help you there love." She replied casually as Jackie pouted, and slurped her shake.

If she can't get into Sierra's room in the next few minutes. She'll go across the hall later, plenty of dick there.


Next chapter