
Delivery Girl: Yellow Lantern Order #5

I don't own DC

Yellow Lantern had a long night and a longer day. She had come home to her communal housing, parked her bike in the garage, and crashed on the couch that was in the garage. She's spent the majority of her time now in the garage only going into the house to get some food that wasn't takeout or a shower. But she has noticed there were more people showing up lately.

The house she lived in had five other people there, four of which she wasn't even close to and the 5th​ was the one who negotiated the arrangement. But he moved out once she moved in… in a matter of speaking. There were a few rules.

1. No Wandering pets. Basically: no cats or dogs.

2. All your personal possessions must be labeled.

3. Food not marked specifically as yours is fair game.

4. Keep your space clean.

5. Minimum violence

She used to have a room of her own but once it became apparent that her only TRUE possession was her Daisy Yellow Bike: Aka Sleipnir. She basically tossed a couch into the garage and slept there… Sure there was the matter that she was basically hogging the garage to herself, but the others didn't even have cars of their own and that opened up space in the house… allegedly.

There were people chattering outside, casual conversation that was little more than white nose. But it was a crowd of people and most of them went into the house…

Yellow Lantern dozed softly, smacking her lips as she lay on her back in little more than a white Tshirt and tight boxers, her racing suit/motorcycle outfit lay discarded on the floor after a night of racing AND winning… she mumbled to herself, rolling over and facing into the couch as the side door to the garage slowly opened… it didn't even creak, but the one who opened it took a few steps into the garage. They hesitated for a second, either making sure Yellow Lantern was asleep or checking out her ass… but then turned their attention to her Daisy Yellow sport bike…

They gripped the handles, swinging a leg over it and making soft little vroom vroom noises. Before laughing softly and getting off, before glancing around the garage then at Yellow Lantern again, before noticing the analog garage door, the kind you have to open yourself… then he eyed the yellow bike again, before noticing that the KEYS to that motorcycle were on the table by a dozing Yellow Lantern…

…Perhaps it was an INTENSE bout of stupidity or perhaps the Daisy Yellow Bike was just so cool looking despite the color, they couldn't resist… but they approached the key to the bike reaching out hesitantly and grabbing it ever so slightly, making no noise… but then the key scrapped the wooden table-


"AH!!" the guy shrieked and dropped the key as a 6-inch throwing know sunk into the table right next to the key. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" he shouted indignantly as Yellow Lantern glared at the guy she's never seen before… you might be asking where she got the knife? She kept it on the couch where she slept. He dropped the key back onto the table as she threw herself off the couch and grabbed his shirt. "WHOA WHOA WHOA! HEY!!" she dragged him to the door and HURLED him out into the grass of the barely cared-for lawn. "OOF!"

"THE FUCK do you think you're doing?!" she snarled viciously, "who the hell are you!?"

"He's one of the new house mates…" declared Ginger hesitantly. She was one of the girls that lived in the house. Nice: but they didn't know each other personally.

"He tried. To steal. My BIKE." Yellow Lantern replied coldly.

"I just wanted to try it out." He grumbled, "Haven't you ever heard about asking forgiveness before permission?" she stared at him aghast as Ginger tried to save his life.

"Yeah. Don't touch her bike… in fact, don't touch anything of anyone else's haven't you heard the rules?"

"Technically the rules say that your possessions are supposed to be labeled and that sweet bike isn't labeled-"

"Nobody. Touches. My bike. BUT ME." She warned with the wrath of gods behind her. "…Wait new house mates?" she asked suddenly looking at Ginger. "How many do we have now?

"Eight." Ginger sighed as Yellow Lantern scowled.

"Eight? Three more people?! There's a reason I live in the garage! Where are we going to put them all?"

"Oh… uh… with curtains, and screens and I think Leland said something about maybe converting the garage?" Leland, being the name of the guy who 'ran' the communal house.

"I live in the garage." She Yellow Lantern replied, "I LITERALLY live in the garage."

"Well… you're going to have to share I guess, there is plenty of space right?" Yellow Lantern stared at her for a minute, then stepped back inside the garage and shut the door in their face. Ginger turned to the new guy and slapped his chest lightly.

"You tried to steal her bike?"

"I didn't break any rules." He replied unapologetically as Ginger blinked at him in disbelief.

"You're lucky she didn't break any bones." She noted however to their slight astonishment, the garage door opened with a loud BANG. Yellow Lantern dressed in her driving outfit walked out Slepinir which inexplicably had a box tied to the back of it marked. 'My Stuff' and she swung her leg over the bike, throwing on her helmet. Turning to face them with a final word that echoed in her helmet.

"I'm not coming back." And then roared off into Gotham.

Much Later at Superbabes.

"I think you might have overreacted." Wonder Girl declared simply as Yellow Lantern lay on the couch, not in uniform, her box of 'my stuff' tucked away beside the couch. The buxom brunette sunk the 9-ball in the side pocket before leaning against the pool table.

"He tried to take MY BIKE on a joyride. I'm not living with someone who thinks that's a good idea. He probably would've crashed it. Not a lot of people can handle my baby."

"Still though." Declared (T) Vixen, lying down on her stomach and letting her legs bounce lazily off the arm of the other couch. "Where exactly are you going to go, love?"

"Can't be that hard to find an apartment." Yellow Lantern sighed, "And I now have a steady income, a good job, and I'm winning more races. Honestly moving out is probably a good idea."

"But where are you going to stay today?" asked Batwoman, practicing some ballerina poses at the counter and flexibly putting them all to shame. "…Hotel?"

"I Might have to. I'm not leaving my baby out in the open at some motel 5 in the outskirts. I need to find a place with a secured lot or garage."

"Orders used to let the girls stay upstairs in the loft for a bit." Vixen noted, "Jae-hwa, Maria and Zoey. You could probably crash there…"

"What of 'I'm not leaving my baby in the open' don't you get?"

"I think you highly overestimate how much people would want a daisy yellow bike." Wonder Girl said softly.

"Any of you got a couch?" Yellow Lantern mumbled.

"I live with two girls and sometimes a guy. And one of them is Jackie, Love." Said Vixen with an apologetic shrug. "And our parking lot isn't a bank vault level of security."

"I live on a boat at the docks, I have a couch but I don't have a parking spot."

"I live with Ronnie-Bell. Her couch just opened up after Orders lived there for a week." Batwoman supplied raising her right leg straight up with her amazing ballet dancer flexibility as she continued to stretch and practice. "Though you would be living with a 7-year-old." She added rather notedly.

"…Let's put a pin on that." mumbled Yellow Lantern. "I'll talk to Orders."

"She is on a bit of a logistical reassigning flow." Vixen noted poshly, "She got Ola shacking up with Lindsey. She's moved house herself, Bessie thinks she's trying to get Lucy to live with her…" she then ate a French fry from an unfinished Power Girl meal that Yellow Lantern was eating earlier. "Lucy's denying it. What's one more?"

Yellow Lantern sat up, and checked her watch. "…Might as well check in." she got off the couch, and headed toward the locker rooms already removing her suit.

"…Think Orders is actually going to help her?" Wonder Girl asked as Vixen shrugged.

"Oh, she loves doing stuff like this." Smirked Vixen cheekily.

A couple of hours later.

"Oh what the fuck." Grumbled Orders sitting at her counter, rubbing her eyes exasperatedly. "I know that 'communal house' you live in was sketchy but you couldn't just find a new place first yourself?"

"He tried to steal my bike." She said indignantly.

"You can keep saying that but it's not my responsibility to find you a place to live." Orders grumbled as the other girls snickered. Leaning against the counter Big Barda watched the back an forth before suggestion.

"There are plenty of places just look one up. She can crash on my couch for a couple of days until she does. Assuming Ashe doesn't get stoned drunk and falls asleep out my door again it's fine."

"Thanks Becca." Mumbled Yellow Lantern. "…How's parking?"

"Secure garage. You can share my bike's parking spot." Big Barda replied. "Couch smells like beer though, hope you don't mind."

"I've slept on worse." Noted Yellow Lantern. "I'll follow you home tonight."

"But first things first." Orders noted, before reaching for the phone.

Time: 8:34 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Superbabes, we deliver."

"The… Yellow Lantern. Meal." CLINK!

"One Milanese risotto with hard lemonade. Anything else?"

"…Fuck it why not. Delivered by Yellow Lantern."

"Very well, we expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and address please."


"Here." Orders ripped off the receipt and waved it at Yellow Lantern. "Go get to work." She added as Yellow Lantern eyed it curiously, taking it from her hand.

"Is this going to inexplicably get me a new place?" Yellow Lantern joked

"No, it's going to get you a few hundred bucks and a rough sexual pounding." Orders replied, "One step at a time." The food slid across the counter. "Out you go." She ordered, tilting her head to the back door as Yellow Lantern took the bag from the counter and headed out the back door to her bike. She stored the food in her seat, and swung her leg over the bike. Before revving it up and quickly shooting into the street and through Gotham.

Upper-East Gotham BossFit Gym. A lot of the Superbabes have gone here recently to work out thanks to an agreement with the sibling owners Lancelot, and Janine Monroe. She herself hadn't gone yet but it looks like the Monroes want a booty call. Judging by the tales of depravity Hawkgirl spoke about they were allegedly freaks…

She parked her bike in the lot. It was mostly empty, and BossFit looked closed. The large glass wall allowing people to look inside was curtained off with what looked like metal shutters… something of a necessity in Gotham if you're going to have a big glass wall. But someone was clearly using the building inside there was still a bit of light. She walked around to the front door, raised her fist, and knocked loudly. "Superbabes."

Time: 8:58 PM. Place: Upper-east Gotham (BossFit)

"Special delivery Service." She finished, the door rattling with her fist but nobody came to the door and there was nobody at the front desk. Then after a moment of waiting she grabbed the door handle and pulled the door open. It jangled, and she stepped inside… "Hello?" she asked but didn't get an answer so she walked passed the front desk and toward the back of the gym.

CLINK. CLINK. CLINK. CLINK. The rhythmic sound of pumping weights reached her ears as she entered the gym area. Most of the lights were off except for what looked to be the changing rooms/showers and for the weight benches, occupied by one lone lifter lying on his back and punching the air with hand weights. His powerful arms thrust up then slowly putting them down as he sat up.

A hulking man in boxers, his heavy body glistened with sweat as he rubbed a sweaty hand over his shaven head. Flicking more sweat to the mats as he stood up. He looked down at her as she strutted towards him in her tight yellow and black suit. She held out the bag as it swung with each sultry step like a pendulum.

"Did you order this?" she asked coyly as he eyed the bag and then her before smirking and nodded.

"Oh Yeah." He agreed as she approached him. He took the bag and reached around to grab her ass before taking her towards the bench, stained with sweat. "I heard about you Superbabes from some of the guys…" his hand squeezed her athletic rear. "And I figured since I'm gonna have a cheat day anyway… might as well make it official."

"Usually how it goes." She mumbled with an eyeroll, but she slowly unzipped. Sliding out of her suit as she heard his shorts hit the floor with a soft crumple. "Wasting no time are you?" she asked as she slipped almost sensually out of it. First her shoulders, then her arms as his hands helped her with the rest by peeling her out like a banana as she felt his raging erection against her exposed thigh.

…He looked roided out but he certainly wasn't. His veiny meat throbbed as if it had been lifting weights, her hand grabbed and stroked it before turning abruptly around and feeling his heavy hands on her shoulders pushing her down to the floor. On her knees with a cock in her face, prodding against her lips as she opened her mouth, "MMgnh!" stuffed with sweaty man-meat almost immediately. "Mmgh!" His hands wrapped around her head, and pulled her to the base of his cock almost immediately. "BLugnmh!" her eyes rolled as she slapped his thighs but her head was already jerked up and down. "Mmngh! MMgh! Mmgh…"

He roughly slammed his hips into her face with each pull, sliding in and out of her throat easily as she shuddered on her knees at the rough treatment. Her head swinging into his muscular hips, a tiny girl getting her face stuffed by a big muscular man. Her hands clawed his thighs as he buried her face into his crotch and groaned loudly, holding her roughly in place. Before letting her go.

"Hwaah!" she gasped, coughing slightly as her head was yanked off. "Haah…" she breathed, wiping her lips with the back of her hand as his cock throbbed before her face dripping with saliva and spittle as he grabbed her arms and yanked her off the floor. "AH?"

"Sorry bout that it's been a while." He said dismissively before hooking his powerful arms under her legs and lifting her from the floor. His hands grabbed her shoulders as he adjusted his footing, his cock rigidly standing upright towards her pussy before slamming abruptly into her.

"Agrh! Aah!! FUCK!!" she screamed as he easily and rapidly pounded away at her, lifting her up and down onto his cock easily, slamming up into her body as he buried himself inside her again and again.


"Ah! HAH! AH! AH! AH!! AH!!" her legs flopped helplessly over his arms, as her arms grabbed his shoulders clawing at them as he rapidly increased his pace desperate for release. Her insides tightened around him as her ass cheeks clenched up, "HAa! Ah! AH! Aaargh!!"

Yanking her down by her shoulders onto his cock it was as if she weighed nothing. "UGH!" she was slammed against the wall, feeling his hands move from her shoulders to her ass, but the pace for the rapid jackhammering pounding only increased, except this time she was between a cock and a hard place. "Ah! Ah! FUCK!! NGH!!" cumming on his cock she bit her bottom lip, shaking as he wiggled his hips against her body before railing into her again. "HA-aha-ha-ha-haaaah!!"


A thick torrent of cum rushed into her body, apparently, he'd been backed up. She gasped as his hot load filled her insides and he bucked his hips against her. Emptying his wad into her body before yanking slowly out of her, a thick glob of cum followed from her shivering body as she gasped with a shuddering breath. He pulled her from the wall, easily manhandling her to the bench and lying her down on her back.

"Ah fuck me." She whined before he did just that, "Ha! Aagh! FUCKing! AAH!!" her legs rose up in the air, around his waist as he jackrabbited on top of her, the bench sliding across the floor with his desperate and eager thrusts as the echoing sound of hips on hips filled the empty gym. "Aah! Ah! HARD! FUCKER! HARDER!" she squealed eagerly, shaking in orgasm as his heavy body rattled the bench, her hands clinging beneath it as she held on through his almost bullying pounding. His hands clinging to her short dark hair, yanking at it as he clenched his teeth and slammed her harder.

"You're so fricking tight!" he growled eagerly, "Here it cums! Here it's cum!" he slammed her hips hard, burying his cock greedily inside her before roaring triumphantly and splattering her insides with his cum again. Flopping down on top of her and groaning. Bucking his hips and grinding on top of her panting, gasping body, feeling his cock throbbing inside her as he emptied his balls again. "Oh Fuck… ME." He growled. Heavily breathing he stayed on top of her until the last drops were squeezed out, before sighing… then he started grinding again, sliding inside her slippery pussy stretched on his cock before he slowly pulled out… sighing as he stood bowlegged over her.

Her legs and hands went limp flopping onto the bench and she sighed tiredly. Before slowly sitting up and getting a faceful of dick as it rose up to brush her lips with his tip. "Ah damn it-mmgnh!" her head glided up and down his cock as he bucked his hips toward her face, sighing softly as he steadily increased his thrusts.

"MMn! MMgh! MMNGh!" she grunted, taking his whole dick into her throat with each stroke before he suddenly let go of her head and grabbed her waist. "MMMGNH!!?" he lifted her from the bench and did a full 180, and her lips spiraled around his cock as he carried her upside down toward the changing rooms. "MMngh! Mmn!" she grunted as his hips bucked toward her face with each step, shuffling down the stalls towards the showers.

They were fancy showers with a seat inside and some bars to help you stand up in the event you can't move from exercising too much. Picking the first and closest one he sat on the bench inside. "Mmngh! MMNh." Her head still bobbing on his cock as he held her by her ass, squeezing her fit ass cheeks as he savored her oral attention.

"This is a nice ass do you work out?" he groaned slightly as if her sudden increase of tongue work was a yes. But riding a motorcycle hard probably didn't count as working out. He then swatted her ass and leaned her forward, her legs flopped awkwardly over. Bending over backward she slipped her lips off his cock.

"BWAH!" awkwardly shuffling as he grabbed her hands and hauled her upright. "Whoa. AH! Ah…" she gasped as his heavy body shoved her against the opposite wall and the bar, pushing her hips back toward him as he yanked the shower on, hosing both of their bodies before grabbing her by the neck from behind, yanking her head back. "Ha!" thrusting into her from behind, his other hand grabbing her waist as she gripped the bar tightly. "AH! Aah!!"

Roughly pounded from behind her tits pressing against the wall as he squeezed her body. "F-Fuck! Aah! Ah-AH!" grunted against his thrusts, pushed onto her tiptoes as he pushed into her. "Aaah!" she shuddered, gasping in pleasure before he lifted her legs onto the bar, and made her do the splits…

Which was surprising because she wasn't sure she could do that… she was probably going to feel that later. "Hah! AH! Aah." Her toes curled against the wall as his girth slid in and out of her rubbing against the wall and up and down it on the wall bar. "AH. AAH!" she grunted as he rapidly slammed into her once, twice, three times… then buried himself into her and sighed as cum rushed into her… oozing over the bar. She gasped and sighed audibly, shuddering on the bar before flopping back against him and he pulled from the bar on shuddering wobbling legs.

She was lightly tossed onto the seat, shaking softly with her legs spread and oozing his load as he slapped his face under the water and rubbed himself. Groaning softly under the water, as he'd washed himself…

Yellow Lantern eyes rolled in her head as she twitched, but then focused on his muscular body before getting out an exasperated. "Fuck." She grabbed the bar and pulled herself upright, wobbling irately. Her knees bucked and she caught herself as… well, whoever the fuck he was scrubbed his junk. He sighed.

"Phew." He moaned and got out, letting her take the full blast of water on her body with the heat the water briefly scalding her. But she woke up from it, sighing as she washed herself off… rinsing every inch of her as she did the superbabe shower thing. Sliding her hands all over her body before applying soap.

Once thoroughly clenched and still walking funny she turned off the shower and walked out to find him drinking from a water bottle with a towel draped over his shoulders and nowhere else as Yellow Lantern grabbed a towel. "That was a hell of a workout… I'm going to be sore later."

"You're not the only one." she groaned, sliding the towel back and forth around her ass, polishing her body before throwing the towel over her head. "You got to pay up soon."

"Locker. Right over there." He said clearly pointing to one, "Help yourself." She walked over and opened it finding a silver Olympic medal holding down a small stack of bills. She ignored the medal and grabbed the money. She counted the proper amount and put it back under the medal, before brushing a hand through her hair as he finished his water.

He looked like he wanted her to ask about the medal… but she wasn't going to. She casually walked out of the lockers as he followed her. Both of them retrieved their clothes as she slipped into the suit. "So I heard you girls show up here all the time…"

"Not me specifically, but we do show up." She then zipped up her suit, slipping the money into it.

"So maybe I'll see you around."

"Maybe." She replied, "You a trainer or something?"

"Part trainer part mascot. Silver medalists aren't as famous as the gold winners." He said casually.

"Tell me about it." she replied understandingly. She waved at him, "Enjoy your workout." She strutted out of the BossFit gym and made it all the way to her bike before groaning. "FUCK me… my legs are KILLING me." She then, sorely, swung them over her bike. "Ow. Ow. OW OW Oooow!" she grumbled before the bike rumbled beneath her and made it better in more ways then one all the way back to Superbabes.

Time: 10:00 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

The Daisy Yellow Sleipnir parked by the backdoor of Superbabes. Yellow Lantern groaned and wobbled off the bike, before slipping into the back to find Orders mumbling quietly as she did some crosswords. "Ow." She said as Orders glanced up.

"That's only what you're feeling now you'll be fine." she replied lazily. Yellow Lantern rested the money on the counter. "…Rebecca's couch is comfortable Freya but I'll talk to the woman who helped me find my new house."

"Thanks boss." Moaned Freya.

"YEAH… about my couch?" Rebecca mumbled, walking in from the lockers. "Sorry. Ocupado." She shrugged apologetically. "Some dickheads set off a stink bomb at my brother Danny's dorm room and the whole place is fouled up. So, he's going to crash at my place. While they… fumigate."

"Seriously?" Freya replied indignantly.

"Sorry Freya. Bros before hoes. Family motto." Rebecca shrugged apologetically again.

"Is it?" asked Orders almost lazily as Freya grumbled.

"…Can I crash at-"

"No you can't crash at Superbabes." Orders interrupted quickly. She eyed Freya. "…You can stay in my guest room… I keep it for Darcy but she can sleep in a closet for a little bit she rather likes it." Freya however stared at her, unsure of how to answer. "It will only be a couple of days. We'll find you an apartment then."

"I'm still trying to decide if I want to actually sleep at your place…" Freya replied as Orders glared at her, purple eyes flashing. "I mean staying with a 7 year old in a crowded house doesn't sound so bad…"

"I don't think you should look a gift horse in the mouth Freya." Rebecca patted her shoulder.

"I can share the couch with Danny." Freya tried nervously but Rebecca laughed.

"Oh yeah, no you'd be sleeping on the floor because that's where Ashley will put you if she ever finds out." Rebecca noted. "Suck it up and crash at Orders' place, it's nice." She paused. "Ronnie-Bell tells me it's nice I haven't actually seen it."

"It's nice." Orders confirmed. "And the more you try to avoid it the more uncomfortable it's going to be while your staying with me." She added as Freya sighed and resigned herself to her fate.

"Yes boss." She replied, "…Where can I park my bike?"

"On the curb." Orders replied, "I'm clairvoyant I'll know if someone's stupid enough to try and steal it."

"…Fair point." Replied Freya.


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