
Premium Content II The Fan Requests: Prologue

I don't own DC

Hey everybody welcome back to Pip the Porn Director's home. So… it's been a while. How's life going for our overworked porn director? He's all caught up on his shoots, he's recently finished filming and semi-participating in an orgy, and his blood pressure is down. Hey, what do you know he's doing perfectly fine. He's not terribly exhausted, he's not being nagged by his producers or the more diva centric actors and actresses, and he's not trying desperately to find replacements for those divas. In fact, what he PLANNED to do was plop down in his chair, have a beer, and maybe fall asleep watching a movie.

He opened the door to his apartment and blinked around at the almost pitch-black lighting of it. He didn't remember closing his curtains. But he just yawned and shut his front door, cutting off the lights of his apartment building's hallway before taking a few steps into his home and towards the kitchen for that beer.

"Hello Pip." Declared a voice suddenly.

"AAAH!!" Startled, he shirked like a girl and leaped into the air in shock as someone else flicked on a light switch from the kitchen. An incredibly attractive white-haired biker chick stood in his kitchen and drinking his beer as the owner of the voice sat in his chair… the ever familiar and somehow incredibly terrifying purple-eyed boss of Superbabes, Orders.

It was after the shock wore off that Pip realized he wasn't touching the ground, and looked up to find a significantly muscular black-haired woman holding him in her arms. She smiled at him. "Hey." She greeted cheerfully, giving him a wink while cradling him like a newlywed. "You got quite a jump on you." She noted as Pip slipped hesitantly out of her arms, quickly skittering away as Orders sat in his chair looking pensive.

The big woman was also dressed like a biker chick, but mostly because she wore a zipped-up leather jacket and jeans and less like a wild punk, unlike the white-haired beauty in the kitchen clearly drinking his beer. "Wha-what's going on…. Is this about the orgy? Because the check's in the mail." He declared quickly. Orders was somehow worse than a criminal gang shakedown when it came to what she was owed for the work ethic of her girls.

"Pip Pip Pip…" Orders replied patiently, "Pippen Ignatius Pepper…" she repeated using his full name as he fidgeted. "You should know why I'm here." She noted cryptically as Pip's gaze lingered on the biker chick, whom he now recognized as a skull make-up-less Silver Banshee, and a much more modestly dressed Big Barda before turning his attention back to Orders sitting in his chair like a throne.

"…I make a mean beer batter chicken tenders." He stated nervously as Silver Banshee chuckled, tossing the now empty beer bottle into a recycle bin to shatter loudly against other bottles.

"Well tough shite, you're out of beer."

"…I just bought a six-pack." He mumbled sadly as Silver Banshee shrugged.

"Next time don't buy the watered-down shite." She replied with a yawn as Big Barda rolled her pretty eyes.

"Not remotely the point, Ash." Ashley just blew a raspberry in response, then loudly burped. but Orders prominently sighed and ignored the attractive Irish girl.

"She'll buy you more beer." She declared bluntly, pulling herself out of her chair. "Now. As you've might have heard, I find myself in need of an influx of cash and a new apartment." to be fair she's always WANTS an influx of cash so the news might not be surprising. "So… come along. We have things to do."

"But… but…" moaned Pip, sighing sadly, "Oh come on…" he bleated followed closely by "Whhhhhy?" he whined in dismay.

"I need a professional's opinion." Orders declared bluntly.

"But… I mean…" he hesitated as Big Barda loomed ominously, and sexily, behind him. "I… I don't know if I can get the guys to show up. Not after that orgy trick with Veronica." He noted, shuddering, "…Some of them still won't talk to me."

Orders seemed to think about it, then shrugged. "Don't worry. We'll supply the bodies… and the locations. Probably some props." She then waved a hand to Big Barda. "Let's go. Grab him." then went to the front door as Big Barda grabbed Pip and hefted him up onto her powerful shoulders, Ashley grinning evilly as she followed behind.

"But-But…" Pip mumbled, "WHY are you carrying me?"

"I heard you have a thing for it." Big Barda replied cheekily as Pip nervously laughed.

"Ha-Ha! N-No! I don't… have a thing about being carried. My girlfriend can't carry me." he said as if that was proof.

"You have a fecking girlfriend? I don't believe that shite." Ashley did not believe this 'proof'.

"If you have a girlfriend, why do you keep trying to climb Ronnie-Bell?" Big Barda asked curiously as Pip blushed behind his shades. To be fair who WOULDN'T want to 'climb' Ronnie-Bell?

"This is a conversation for the road ladies." Orders tapped her watch impatiently, "Let's go before the meter maids ticket the van."

Big Barda carried Pip out of his own apartment and together they all headed outside to the catered party van. Ashley opened the back of it and Big Barda tossed Pip inside. He landed on some cushions as he sat up, gazing at the three lovely ladies at the back of the van, Ashley and Big Barda framing the comparatively diminutive and mild-mannered Orders.

"You added cushions." He noted sheepishly around the van as Orders shrugged.

"Live and learn." Big Barda and Ashley shut the doors, "Alright let's go grab some 'volunteers'." She noted, "We got a lot of kidnap-…" "she paused, "…Negotiating to do."

"Well, I was hardly needed for that. Why the feck am I even here?" Ashley asked abruptly as Orders mostly ignored her.

"Because I invited Rebecca to carry Pip and you just followed along anyway." She replied bluntly, "And you are buying Pip more beer. It's the least you can do."

"Pfft." Mumbled the Irish girl, turning around to swing her leg over her bike seat as Rebecca and Orders went to drive the van. "At least he'll drink something good…" and with a roar of her bike, the superbabe vehicles drove off into Gotham for a series of Shenanigans.


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