
Catered Party: Vixen, Hawkgirl, and Stargirl

I don't own DC

It's no secret that in life being considered attractive has advantages. Nobody knows this better than a Superbabe… being attractive is an incredible draw allowing success in certain circumstances that other 'less attractive' people sometimes have to go astronomically out of their way to achieve. And nobody knew how to market this better than the Boss of Gotham Superbabes, Orders.

Which leads to the current occupant of her office.

Currently, she was in her office with her guest. Sal Carrara: local gym owner, 'pervy old-man' and a regular of Superbabes' delivery service. They had something of an arrangement, a quote-unquote 'free' delivery every now and again, attractive girls work out at his gym regularly drawing in fresh clients, and her girls get free access to his gym equipment to keep their figures. It was a consistently win-win scenario…

"I got a… problem." Noted Sal hesitantly as Orders closed her purple eyes, rubbing her eyelids exasperatedly.

"Why can't anyone just come here and order food? Why are there always problems?" she asked nobody. Sal notedly did not answer her rhetorical question. "What is it?"

"…For a week or so can you send your girls to BossFit?" Sal groaned reluctantly as Orders raised an eyebrow at him.

"Excuse me?" her eyes flashed and she groaned again rubbing her forehead at the sharp pain but she kept it under control. Sal didn't exactly know about her particular 'talents'… so now she had to actually have this conversation…

"I was playing cards with some of the guys, and one of them brings his buddy the owner of BossFit around…" Sal grunted as Orders scowled at him. "What?"

"You lost at Poker." She declared coldly as he sighed. This was a very important fact that he had to admit too.

"Yeah, I know you don't like gambling." He said rather reluctantly, "But you're skipping ahead… Anyway. We get to talking and I might have mentioned that the pretty young ladies coming to my gym to work out have kinda been on my payroll…"

"They go there for free." Orders said firmly.

"I know that. He doesn't… I was bragging! I'm old…" he grumped before clearing his throat under her unnerving glare. "A-anyway… I lose a bunch of hands." Orders groaned quietly, "…And I'm a few hundred bucks in the hole…"

"Uh huh…" she said scowling.

"So… he uh… he says he'll let me off the hook if I send him the girls working out at my place, over to his for a bit on my dime."

"But they go. To your place. For FREE." Orders noted as he nodded.

"Well… he doesn't know that. He's got top-of-the-line equipment at his place I figured you wouldn't mind." Orders' angry gaze softened, "Thousands of dollars in weights, benches, shower stalls that you could fit an elephant in. A building you could fit a HERD of elephants in!" he said, "It's the same thing as what we have now except it's for a week?…" he flinched, "And girls kinda HAVE to go there… like tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?" Orders scowled at him again.

"He thinks they work for me full-time." Sal replied apologetically, "So he's going to need a regular shift off… oh." Orders glared ominously at him, the aura of purple anger radiating from her.

"So I have to send MY girls, who work for me. Regularly to this place for how long?"

"7 days as of tomorow." Sal flinched.

"I don't send girls to your gym every day Sal." She scowled, "We have a set schedule." She tapped her computer. "We both know that they work out in groups appropriately to maintain their figures not incessantly bulk up! Not to mention." She growled. "If I have to send a regular group of girls to work out at this place that's a logistics nightmare for the rest of my girls' schedules. Do you have any idea how BIG of a headache it is to cater to every single girl in my employment!?"

"I'll… make it up to you?" he replied as she scowled angrily at him.

"HOW Sal? I pay you in Redheads! (usually) It's not a membership. HENCE the reason I said 'For FREE'. Repeatedly!" She declared sternly.

"Uh… Right. Uh."

"Maybe I should approach the BossFit boss instead."

"No-no come on Orders…" he groaned, "I'll owe you one. A favor. Anything…"

"A semi-retired boxing coach owes me a favor?" She scowled as Sal cleared his throat.

"…Some of the boys in the pro-leagues owe me a few favors themselves. I can get them to sponsor your Superbabes under the table…" he said as Orders growled, glaring coldly at him for a moment before declaring firmly. "An announcement here a logo on some shorts or gloves there…" he let the words trail off.

"...Don't you EVER bet my girls again Sal." She said softly, "It's only because of our partnership, that I'm not having my seven-foot ex-wrestler break you in half." She added, "You only ever get one pass Sal, NEVER. AGAIN."

"Understood." He said, inwardly breathing a sigh of relief. There were mob bosses less terrifying than Orders. "I'll tell him they're coming."

"You'll tell them that it's not for the full day as they do have a day job." She said, "Or they threatened to quit." Her eyes flashed then she sniffed. "He'll be angry but tell him you'll guarantee his membership will jump even if they come for just a couple of hours or you'll pay him double."

"What?!" he mumbled as Orders glared at him with her purple eyes.

"…Just trust me, Sal." She replied, "Have I ever let YOU down?" she added sarcastically as he cleared his throat. Suddenly feeling significantly more apologetic… he'll send her some flowers… or at the very least some dollar bills wrapped up like flowers.


Orders had collected most of the girls working the day shift. She was about to head home for her usual moments of necessary sleep. She had explained the less than ideal situation to the girls, along with assigning Volcana to work out the schedule, she did not need the headache.

"BossFit? You mean that fancy Gym in upper-east?" Declared (B) Vixen, rather surprised at Orders' announcement. "That place is a total sausage fest."

"DIBS!" declared Starfire happily, raising her hand only for Raven to snatch it out of the air and grip it tightly.

"NO. We're going home… for sleep. Lots of it." she yawned after a hard night and a HARDER morning… very hard, and 'Raven-approved.'

"Aw… phooey." She mumbled as Raven led her out leaving Orders to finish appropriately.

"Anyway. Yes. We're going to be sending groups there daily to work out for a little while. You won't have to go to Sal's to do it…and it's good for business."

"Says you." Mumbled Yellow Lantern. "BossFit is intense. I heard the guys there are practically roided up and stuffed with hormones."

"An hour or two of looking pretty is LITERALLY what I pay you all for." Orders noted, yawning rather daintily. "Work it out. Three or four girls for an hour or two we'll call it fair." She said casually, "Volcana handle it…"

"Yes Orders." Replied Volcana unsurely. "…Am I sending girls out today?"

"Yeah. Fine." Orders replied, "Whoever goes doesn't have to work the rest of today or tomorrow… recovery time." She said lazily and made it out the back, practically throwing a grenade behind her as the girls were eager to take the proffered time off in exchange for a couple of hours working out and 'looking pretty'.

"Alright! ALRIGHT! STOP!!" Declared Volcana irately, after the squabbling hens had tried and failed to tempt her with all sorts of promises of taking her shifts, babysitting, or outright tip bribes. "Geeze. Alright already…"

She brushed her hair out of her face and sighed, "Look. We're not going to get anywhere with you all trying to bribe me we'll do it fairly." She then turned to look across the counter into the kitchen. "Can I get a bunch of straws." A dozen or so wrapped in a rubber band soon rolled across the counter. "Freya get a knife." She said, and after a minute or two a knife was proffered and Volcana sliced three straws shorter than the rest before bundling them in her hands.

"Okay. One at a time. Everyone take a straw."

One after the other the girls all took a straw until Volcana's hands were empty but one, she herself holding an unaltered straw. "Okay. Who has the short straws?" she asked as, after a moment of the girls comparing with each other, three raised their hands…

Vixen. Hawkgirl. Stargirl.

"Okay! Good! It's done. Everyone get to work we have to clean and organize everything before we open for lunch, let's go!" she ordered as the girls grumbled and groaned their losses. Leaving the three beautiful winners. "…Okay I guess you three are off to BossFit."

"What like this?" asked Vixen, gesturing to her costume playfully. "I think that's going to draw more than a few looks."

"Oui." Stargirl replied, "I don't think Orders would appreciate us getting our uniforms all sweaty." To be fair that was a risk the uniforms had to take. Sweat and other fluids... but they were still kinda annoying to clean.

"True. Let's stop by my place first. I have plenty of workout clothes for us to use!" Hawkgirl smiled, already removing her mask and revealing her beautiful Latina face. "Phew. I think that's fine right? We'll take my car!" she patted Stargirl's ex-stripper booty before shaking her own into the locker room to change. "Come on chicas let's go feel the burn!"

"Why do I think this might be a bad idea?" Stargirl asked Vixen who could only shrug and began rotating her arms to stretch them, wiggling her own impressive backside after Hawkgirl.

"Because it probably is. Come on. My Gamestation is already calling me and I don't want to keep it waiting longer than I have to." She said eagerly. No work today or tomorrow will give her plenty of time to play the recently released Dad of War game.

After a brief costume change into their secret identities. They drove through Gotham, getting to the home of the happy couple: Koji and Rosa Otto. They had all carpooled in Hawkgirl's car as she of course knew the best way to drive to her house. "To think I would finally get you girls to come over after so long trying!" she cheered happily. "Want to come in and have a drink or something?"

"No offense." Smiled Vixen, "But the faster we do this the more time I have on my Gamestation." She declared, "So get what you need. I'll help! What are we looking for?" she got out of the passenger's seat as Hawkgirl retrieved her keys from her pocket.

"I'm just going to grab some workout clothes for us." She said lazily as Stargirl opened the back door of the car to blink at her.

"…Do you have our sizes?" she said suspiciously.

"No chica I have spandex!" she replied happily. "Be right back." Then she 'la-la-cha-cha-cha'd' to the house and shimmied that latina booty inside. Vixen leaned against the car, her big beautiful ass pressed against the door of the car as she ran her tongue slowly across her perfect teeth in thought. Already highly suspicious of Hawkgirl's enthusiasm.

…She wasn't Lucy, Hawkgirl had some significant MILF heft on her. It was part of her appeal so she didn't have to work out as hard as the rest of the girls. It sounded unfair but it made sense in the long run… Orders usually had ways of balancing everything out. Whether it was more/less shifts, a bigger percentage of tips, or simply the choice to choose when you work: holidays or birthdays, weekends…

Hawkgirl was in fact a lot like Lucy, give or take a kink here or there… but unlike Lucy, Hawkgirl was a little more predictable. "You do know she's going to come out of there with clothes that scream 'fuck me' in a gym environment, right?" Vixen asked a rather curious Stargirl who was glancing around the neat and tidy neighborhood. Noticing a house across the street and the young man inside it hid behind his curtains as she locked eyes…

Nobody would ever guess that this street contained one of Superbabes's biggest nymphos and a world champion of cuckolding… or maybe a select few do know that second part. "Oui. I have accepted this." She replied rather forlornly.

After a minute of waiting Vixen turned around, resting her arms on the hood and pushing out her ass… which has caused car accidents but the street they were on was quiet. "So anything new with you?"

"Non…" replied Stargirl casually, but she quickly perked up. "Oh! But at the animal shelter, I volunteer at one of my favorite kitties had kittens! They are adorable." She said smiling prettily as Vixen smiled back.

"Oh yeah? Gonna take one home?"

"I Can't. My apartment doesn't allow pets." She said sadly... it sounded even sadder with the french accent.

"Want me to blow your super? That usually convinces them." Smirked Vixen but Stargirl sighed again.

"The owner is a woman." She replied sadly as Vixen chuckled.

"Yeah. But is your SUPER a guy? Because in my experience one quick blowjob… or more tends to get them to leave you alone on minor things." She said as Stargirl seemed to consider Vixen's words as the door to the house opened and Hawkgirl finally returned with a small gym bag over her right shoulder and her supple body wrapped up in form-fitting green gym shorts and a red sports bra. Both of which did nothing but accentuate her sensual curves.

"Hola!" she skipped towards them in running shoes before putting the gym bag on the hood. "I got your clothes and a couple of water bottles."

"Actual water?" Vixen asked teasingly as Hawkgirl gave her a sultry look, opening the bag and removing a generic spring water plastic bottle from the bag, wiggling it.

"Not vodka." She declared sarcastically before putting it back into the bag, and the bag itself in the backseat by handing it to Stargirl. "Now let's go! Those manly men need their eye candy."

"We're going there to work out." Vixen replied but even in her heart she knew that with Hawkgirl around there WILL be fucking and if there's going to be fucking she might as well get in on it.

They arrived at the BossFit gym, the location itself used to be a car dealership, but the building had been retrofitted for the Gym's use. Most of its insides had been gutted and rebuilt, but the entire street level of the south wall was tempered glass, allowing people to walk or drive by and look inside, a feature from the 'car dealership'. It showed off its collection of high-tech treadmills, weights, flex machines… they had double of everything Sal's gym had and more… plus it was shinier… it was also currently packed with a dozen men with rippling muscles and jacked veins: flexing, running, lifting and calisthenic…ing.

The girls parked in the nearby lot and following Hawkgirl with the gym bag over her shoulder they walked inside the front door and were met with an attractive woman wearing gym clothes. Her dark hair was tied back in a ponytail out of her pretty, youthful face but she had the body of Rebecca behind the counter, except harder and tighter like a professional bodybuilder. "Can I help you?" she said rather aggressively as Hawkgirl smiled at her.

"Hola. Can you tell your boss that Sal's friends are here?" she asked politely as the woman looked her, Vixen, and Stargirl up and down. Considering she had abs you could grate cheese on she seemed unimpressed and unaffected by the girls' obvious charms… that and Stargirl's big fake tits were less than appealing to her overall, her body was all natural she saw Stargirl's as an insult.

But the woman managed to control her scowl, working reception: she should. She pulled the phone from beneath the counter and she quickly dialed an office code number. "…Lance? Some girls are here they say they're friends of Sal or something?" after a moment of hesitation, she shrugged. "Okay." She then pointed to some cushioned seats by the door: framed by potted plants that looked like mini-palm trees. "Have a seat he'll be right out." She said casually.

The girls looked at each other, but they shrugged moving over to the seats as Stargirl sat her ex-stripper booty down. Vixen and Hawkgirl elected to stand as they waited. Occasionally some gym members would come and go, greeting or saying goodbye to the woman at the front desk but all of them gave the girls interested looks… Many gazes lingered on Hawkgirl and Vixen's asses, or Stargirl's obviously large fake breasts.

After what felt like forever a young man jogged out front from the back. He looked like a young stockbroker moonlighting as a fitness instructor but he at least had the body to back it up. His own dark hair in a ponytail he also had a pretty face but the body of a pro bodybuilder. "Ladies!" he greeted immediately with a broad smile. "Welcome to BossFit, I'm Lance and you've already met my Sister and co-owner Janine."

Janine, completely uninterested in whatever Lance was pushing waved dismissively from the desk as he gestured for the ladies to follow him as he led them into the back of the gym where the eyes of the other gym occupants were immediately drawn to the trio of sexy babes strutting through… with bouncing with bits that Janine simply didn't have in matching proportions…

Lance abruptly walked into the locker rooms, there was only one man in there and he was wearing a towel as he walked out of the shower. Chiseled and broad he looked like a Latino superman. "Joe." Smiled Lance affably as the girls eyed the muscular man with polite eye-candy interest. "Mind giving me the room?"

"Let me get some pants." He said, banging open one of the lockers and grabbing workout clothes from inside. Walking briefly out of sight behind more lockers as he tossed his towel over them and onto the benches between the locker eyes.

"Joe's one of my trainers." He said, "Mr. Blanche is already waiting on you."

"I saw him." Joe replied, walking out with loose boxing shorts and not much else, strutting by the girls as he subtly flexed, giving Stargirl a friendly wink as he walked out. "So…" he said, shutting the locker room door behind him. "How does this work?" he asked gesturing to the girls.

"We just work out." Replied Vixen smiling, "…Trust me that's all we usually have to do."

"A couple of hours and we head back to our day job." Added in Hawkgirl. "It'll work just fine if you don't do anything."

Lance eyed them all, letting his gaze linger on Hawkgirl's gym-ready body and nodded. "…Well alright then. Showers are back there…" he pointed over them to an alleyway leading out of sight. "If you want some privacy when you change they function as booths, help yourself… bathrooms are around the corner on your left." He jerked his thumb over his shoulders. "And I guess let me know if you girls need anything." He added, looking between them. "…OR you know, maybe a trainer to help you out."

"We'll be fine. We know what we're doing." Noted Vixen with a wink.

"Alright then. Let me know if you need anything and I'll check in on you in an hour." He said, checking on his watch before he nodded. "Alright." He added, before opening the door and walking out of the room as Hawkgirl put the bag down on one of the benches.

"Okay chicas come on over. Look what I got for you." She pulled out a black sports bra, and matching black bottoms, handing both to Vixen who eyed the bottoms suspiciously and rolled her eyes.

"This looks more like something I'd wear to the beach than something I'd wear to the gym." She said but was already removing her clothes, selecting a locker to put them in as he beautiful naked ass wobbled tantalizingly as she stuffed it into the spandex bikini bottoms. Already struggling to contain the mass of ass…

"One size fits all." Hawkgirl replied cheekily before reaching in and removing Stargirl's 'costume'.

"Oh Merde." She sighed as Hawkgirl held the tiny thing in her fingers. "That's barely a baby jumper!" she said, the shocking pink thing dangling in Hawkgirl's grip was clearly too small and looked more like a one-piece for a woman half her size.

"One size fits all!" she repeated happily, pushing the pink thing on Stargirl's tits as she frowned back at her suspiciously. "Go on."

Stargirl glared at her, but she too was soon naked and stuffing her legs into the tiny thing… but to her astonishment, it stretched and grew until it was a ridiculously tight one-piece on her body, stretched to capacity on her thick ex-stripper booty and her bulging fake breasts. She pouted, glancing over her body curiously at the sheer amount of skin it displayed, not to mention it's size… it wasn't even biting into her skin.

"And here let me-" began Hawkgirl, pulling Stargirl's hair into a scrunchy until her long blonde locks waved behind her in a ponytail. "And a sweatband for you." She handed the re-dressed Vixen a sweatband that the attractive big ass babe put on her hair. "Okay!" Vixen and Stargirl put their shoes back on. "Let's get out there and do Orders proud!" she pointed at Stargirl. "You start at the treadmill, and you do squats." She said as Vixen laughed…

She'll be displaying her ass and Stargirl will be jiggling all over the place, especially in that stretchy leotard. "And just what will you be doing?" Hawkgirl smiled and held her hands in an odd position beside her head, flexing her arms playfully.

"Curls." She then stuck out her tongue and jerked her hands rapidly back and forth as if giving a pair of handjobs waiting for the cumshot. "Aaaah. AH!" she laughed as Vixen slapped her ass and walked out with Stargirl fidgeting shyly behind her. "Okay! Maybe a climbing machine I think I saw one of those on the way in.

The treadmills and the climbing machines were in fact on the south side of the building facing out the glass walls… so… Stargirl and Hawkgirl were definitely going to be doing what Sal would like them to be doing… drawing in crowds. Vixen however made her way to the weights for squats… her ass already drawing gazing from those doing bench presses… endangering one as his spotter was spotting her ass.

"I feel silly in this!" Stargirl declared as more and more onlookers began to watch her outside the building. Stargirl casually and slowly walked on the treadmill as Hawkgirl changed her mind about the climber and joined Stargirl on the treadmill next to her. But going at a faster speed as she bounced and jiggled more…

"You're sexy! We're supposed to be looking good AND working out! Come on chica pick up the pace! Bounce those tetonas!" she whispered playfully as Stargirl sighed, but pushed the speed-up button on the treadmill and began… jogging.

…The results were to put it lightly… satisfactory. Boing! Boing! Boing!

Hawkgirl jogged beside the bouncy Blonde Superbabe as her large round fake breasts were aerodynamically designed for maximum jiggle, and her ex-stripper booty wobbled and swung wildly behind her for the rest of the view gym members. One barely missing his toes as he dropped a 25-pound weight staring in awe at the bouncy blonde. And while Stargirl was drawing significant gazes Hawkgirl was no slouch. No longer jogging she slowed the speed on the treadmill so her sexy strut could achieve maximum slut. Her hips swung majestically as, somehow, it seemed that she was… dancing. Winking at the still Jogging Stargirl as she raised her arms and pumped the air, swaying her hips as she walked some invisible line before her, swinging her rear behind her as she continued to 'La-la-cha-cha-cha' in her mind.

"Chica we got to do this for an hour or two don't want to wear yourself out already." Hawkgirl teased as she noticed the growing crowd outside. Stargirl slowed her pace to an intense disappointment outside.

…10 of them just became BossFit Members…

Meanwhile over in the corner, Vixen was warming herself up before she did some squat presses and the men around her were VERY thankful for it. That magnificent black ass was perfectly framed by her spandex bottoms. Tensing and flexing for them in subtle twerks as she squatted low, then went back up, repeating the motion as she worked up a mild sweat… about 20 later, her bottoms were riding up. Her fingers sank into the edges and tugged them out from between her massive ass cheeks to let them snap into place once again.

She strutted to the squat press, checking the weights on either end and making sure she could handle them before stepping beneath them… and repeating. Up and down, up and down. Her body groaned at her but she maintained her pace, keeping it all in as her fantastic ass benefited from her work. Vixen was a healthy girl, and stronger than she looked to be fair…

But let's be honest we're all going to look at her ass. She could probably crush cans with that thing… beneath it OR between her cheeks.

"Not bad." She finished her set, resting the weights back on as Joe eyed her interestedly as she winked at him.

"Thank you, Baby." But before he could say anymore she casually strutted away toward Hawkgirl and Stargirl, leaving a rather deflated Joe to return to his trainee before he realized he was gone. Vixen watched Hawkgirl and Stargirl jog for a moment, sighing softly before she too stepped onto the treadmill and started walking. "…This is a lot more fun when Ronnie-Bell is screaming at us."

"She doesn't scream at me." Noted Stargirl politely as Vixen rolled her eyes, then noticing the looks she was getting she winked at the gathering crowd.

"That's because you're a sweetheart," Vixen noted as Hawkgirl playfully swatted her backside. "MMGh!" she grunted at the clap echoed around the gym. "Whatever was that for?" she asked adjusting her bottoms again as her hips kept popping with each step.

"Encouraging you!" replied Hawkgirl. "Ronnie-Bell would want me to. We'll do some crunches after this." She declared as Vixen chuckled.

"Work out, look pretty, keep our figures." She began speeding up the treadmill and began jogging as her ass cheeks rippled appealingly. "The things I do for a day off."

40 minutes later, and on the other side of the gym.

"Do those girls have memberships?!" Janine asked her brother angrily as he continued to watch thick black ass cheeks wobble UP and DOWN.

"Nope." Lance replied frankly, his eyes moving rapidly to follow the bounce..

"Then what the HELL are they doing here?" she snapped irately as Joe, briefly distracted by the muscled woman's ass, was promptly distracted by French ex-stripper's ass instead.

"Did we get any new members today?" he whispered conspiratorially to her as she scowled.

"Yeah. Like 10 guys one after the other. What about it?" Lance tapped his nose and pointed at Hawkgirl still strutting on the treadmill as if dancing to an unheard rhythm.

"Old Man Sal has those girls and others like them show up at his gym all the time." He said knowingly. "Says they encourage people to show up, work out, sign up…" he said as Janine rolled her eyes, crossing her arms across her chest. "He pays them a few and they get a free workout…"

"That's fucking sick." She said, disgusted at the information. "Seriously? We're paying skanks to show up and shake their tight little asses to get people to work out?"

"I'm feeling pretty eager." Mumbled Joe, "…Hey Lance which one do you have your eye on?"

"You're both disgusting pigs." Janine declared waving them off and heading back to the front.

Once she was gone however Lance noted conversationally to Joe. "She's pissed but if those girls bring in more signees she won't have to work the front anymore, we can hire a secretary." Then added a little quieter. "…As to which one I like the most that black chick has more booty than the golden age of piracy."

"Wouldn't mind doing a few presses with that cute little blonde myself." Joe cooed, imagining Stargirl still in the pink leotard beneath him as he pounded her squealing body over and over. "Then again that hot little Mamacita has been giving me looks…" he said with a wink.

"She's been giving EVERYONE looks… that is a THIRSTY woman and I'm not talking water… although they've been on the treadmills for a while now I'll go get them to take a break."

"Oh come on boss watching them move is getting everyone in a good mood."

"We only have them for a couple of hours they have a day job." Declared Lance already making his way toward them. "And even then we only have them for the week don't get used to em." He made his way over to the girls, "Hey. Why don't you have a little break huh? You've been walking for a while."

Vixen abruptly stopped the treadmill her body thoroughly soaked with sweat, glistening her chocolate skin as she checked her watch. "Might as well girls." Hawkgirl and Stargirl both powered down the treadmills and there was a groan of disappointment outside… Lance eyed the crowd, smiled then turned on the opaque glass function. The glass misted up and blocked the view from outside.

"Oooh Merde." Moaned Stargirl, stretching her young body by throwing her arms straight up into the air and standing on her tiptoes, arching her back as Hawkgirl brushed her auburn hair from her face and rolled her hips again in a small hula motion. "I'm bushed."

"Ronnie-Bell would want us to do more." Noted Vixen as Stargirl leaned on the support bars of the treadmill, Hawkgirl brushing her hair out of her face with her fingers and casually making her way to the locker rooms.

"Ronnie-Bell is not here, and I am tired." Moaned Stargirl, yawning adorably. "I worked out that should be good enough."

"…I have to admit I'm pretty bushed." Noted Vixen tiredly, "We did what we came to do after all." she added as Lance seemed a little more concerned. He was hoping for at least another hour of eye candy… maybe if he gave them a bit of pampering.

"Come have a rest in the breakroom it's got AC." He said, gesturing to the back of the gym. "Have a seat, have a drink. Maybe you'll want to do more…"

"Hmph. Doubt it, baby. But I will-" she hopped off the treadmill, "Take up that offer to cool off…"

"Got a personal shower in there too." He noted as Stargirl followed briefly but decided to grab a bottle of water Hawkgirl brought from the locker rooms first-however. A few minutes earlier.

Joe watched Hawkgirl approach, she eyed him for a minute but kept her stride before licking her lips sensually. "Mmn…" she moaned, running her hand up her thigh and patting her Latina booty and continuing to the locker room.

"Not done already are you?" Joe grinned as Hawkgirl hesitated and glanced at him.

"MMn… no I was hoping to do some… rigorous stretches. Want to help me… papi?" she purred, curling her finger at him before walking into the locker room. Joe hesitated for a minute before coughing and following after her. The door swung shut as Hawkgirl greeted Joe on her knees, rubbing her crotch and licking her lips as she rested her other arm on the bench.

"Shit you freaky." He said but he approached her, his cock throbbing at the anticipating sight of Hawkgirl licking her lips.

"Oh Si, you gonna stretch me good?"

"Fuck yeah." He said, standing before her and tugging down his pants as his 9-inch erection shot free throbbing toward her face. "Got to warm up first though-fuck…" he gasped as Hawkgirl's mouth immediately wrapped around his cock. "Fuuuck." He hissed as her head started moving up and down rapidly, his hand resting on the back of her auburn hair as she twisted her along his shaft.

"Mmn! Mmn-hmmn!" her fingers furiously rubbed her crotch, sliding up her tight shorts only to slide inside and get direct access to her clit. Thrusting her fingers inside her as she bucked her hips forward, burying her face into Joe's crotch and moaning loudly, her tongue swirling around his throbbing girth as pre-cum oozed onto her tongue that she quickly swallowed down her throat as his hands tightened around her head and began yanking her back and forth, hard. Face-fucking the sexy latina as her other hand slid down the back of her pants and began stretching her tight ass… slightly sweaty, but in a good way.

"Oh shit. Oh shit you suck dick so good! What's your day job? Vacuum cleaner?!" he gasped, guiding her face rapidly up and down his shaft as she moaned louder and louder, her vibrating hums of pleasure echoing down his shaft as she buried her face in his crotch again and slipped her tongue onto his balls, licking the salty sweat off them. She spluttered, saliva and spittle shooting out of her mouth to drip down onto the floor as her lower body twitched on her probing fingers, making herself cum as she pulled her face up his shaft.

"Bwaah…" she slipped off his cock but kept him on her tongue, her mouth was open wide as she sucked in air, then coughed it out slightly, before taking him back into her mouth. "Mmhg! Mmhg! mmn!"

"Uugh! Ugh! Uuuuugh!!" Joe held the back of her head at the base of his cock as Hawkgirl shivered, feeling his hot load rush into the back of her throat as his head rolled back on his thick neck. "Fuuuck…" he thrust his hips against her sweaty, messy face. savoring the feeling of her mouth on his cock as she pulled her hands from her pants and slowly pushed his hips.

A satisfying squelching noise slurped from her throat as he slipped free. Hawkgirl spluttered softly but laughed wiping her mouth and slurping the pussy juice from her fingers. "Papi you stretched my throat but I have other things to stretch…" she cooed.

Then however the locker door opened as Joe swung around, his cock swinging like a limp bat as Stargirl walked in and froze gazing at his cock… "Oh Merde…" she groaned as Hawkgirl stood up, yanking off her top and pushing her lower body out of her shorts. "I knew this would happen…" she pouted as Hawkgirl strutted around a rather stunned Joe.

Hawkgirl stretched her messy tongue from her mouth, before running it along the curve of Stargirl's big fake tits, into her cleavage before up her clavicle as Stargirl moaned softly, half-disgust/half-sensual. Hawkgirl's hands getting two fistfuls of thick ex-stripper booty and licking her younger coworker/friend again and again… just as the locker room opened to reveal curious gym members… eager to watch Stargirl move even just a little…

Some were going to enter on the pretext of using the showers or the other functions of the locker… now, however…

"Hola…" cooed Hawkgirl to the over half dozen muscled men and attempted muscled men standing or peaking in the doorway, lovingly licking a submissively enticing Stargirl. "…Want to fuck?" The answer was OBVIOUSLY, yes.

Lance watched Vixen's thick black ass wobble into the neatly arranged employee lounge, a vending machine with health food and drinks, a couple of couches, a pullup bar in a doorway leading to a curtained-off shower stall and a private bathroom marked for men or women. AND A/C that was already cooling on her sweaty skin as she kept walking all the way to the curtained-off shower.

Sticking her head in and bending over, displaying her thick ass and her riding-up bottoms, she glanced around. It had a powerful showerhead/wand facing a bench built as part of the wall opposite the showerhead, beneath the showerhead was a small shelf for soaps and shampoos: fragrant even with their lids closed. Opposite the bench and on the wall facing her were a pair of handibars, just in case you were prone to tripping and cracking your head on the tiled edges of the bench… the stall overall was massive, big enough for two even Joe's size…

"I can only imagine the communal showers aren't as nice." She said teasingly as Lance admired da ass… his erection was far more apparent.

"Same design but probably cleaner." He admitted. "Why don't you have a rinse?" he said casually as Vixen stood up, and glanced over her shoulder at him… catching him staring as she smirked, and twerked her ass expertly… even after a hard workout those cheeks were tireless when commanded. Her hips swayed side to side as her ass cheeks kept clapping until those shorts were fully devoured.

"You want me wet, and covered in water." She said casually, still twerking dat ass before swinging it wildly side-to-side. "Or maybe, Baby, you'd like to join me?"

Lance's erection was obvious thanks to tight workout pants, but a huge grin stretched on his face as he watched those black ass cheeks wobble. "You're pretty forward…" he said as Vixen chuckled.

"Baby, my day job is to get dicks hard and wallets empty... and my night job? Well…" She trailed off and removed her top, keeping her tits from his view as she tossed it aside and added sultrily. "I empty other things. All of that requires a bit of effort we need to put into our bodies. Doing our workout sessions at Sal's is a lucrative pastime." She stepped into the shower, blocked now by the curtain before her bottoms were hurled out of the shower to land at Lance's feet… quite a toss all things considered.

"Now-" she turned the shower on and spoke louder. "My and my girlfriends are going to call it a day and head home… and if you don't complain about that… I'll start my night job a little early…" she stuck her head from behind the curtain, licking her lips seductively, "And I'll help you drain your balls baby."

"…And just how are you going to do that?" he asked, locking the door and approaching the shower, removing his clothes eagerly as she swung the curtain open and displayed her majestic body. She ran her hands over her supple curves, squeezing her tits and sliding them down over her wide hips.

"How do you THINK, Baby?"

Speaking of ball draining-

"DIOS! MIO!! Fóllame!" Squealed Hawkgirl as she lay on her back, lying lengthwise on one of the long benches between the lockers as Joe mounted her, slamming into her moist pussy over and over. He held her wrists tightly over her head, pinning them to the bench as he pressed his hips to her tight lower body. "Haah! AAH! SI!!" Hawkgirl opened her mouth, as another cock was promptly deposited in it. "Mmgh!" standing on both sides of her were more gym members, one was aroused enough to no longer wait his turn, and the rest were stroking themselves at the sight of the sexy MILF latina getting railed by the Big Joe.

"Hurry up man I don't want to shoot my load in her mouth… oooh no matter how good it is." He sighed happily, guiding Hawkgirl's head back and forth on his dick and she noisily slurped and squealed. Ravaged by Joe her tongue thrashed on the cock in her mouth, slurping pre-cum down her throat, her big breasts bouncing distractingly on her chest as Joe grunted, dripping with unwashed sweat as he satisfied himself rigorously with Hawkgirl's tight pussy…

He WANTED to have some fun with Stargirl… but she was busy.

The busty blonde bimbo knelt with her back to the lockers as a trio of cocks slapped against her face. "Ahh… aah…" she moaned, dick pushing on her thick plump lips and tongue, sliding against her skin or smacking on top of her big breasts… her tongue lapped lazily on any dick that got close to her mouth, but they were practically sword-fighting, struggling not to touch each other in their desire to get further access into the blonde. Smearing her with the scent of sweaty cock as saliva drooled out of her mouth onto her breasts.

"Haah-aah… ah-mmngh!" the one in front of her rushed forward burying his length into her mouth as her thick lips pressed against the base of his cock.

"AH-shit! Yes! Yes! Oh my god!" he praised, thrusting against the blonde bimbo as her head banged lightly against the locker.

"Don't knock her out!" ordered an eager gym member, kneeling down and putting his hand behind her head… mostly for cushioning but generally… "Suck him off quick you sexy thing…" he cheered, pushing her head forward to meet his thrusting dick as he got a good feel of her big fake tits. Dripping with saliva and spitting as his cock scrapped it out of her mouth with each backswing, dribbling onto her big breasts as more hands joined her generous cleavage, squeezing and fondling her as she moaned whorishly.

"Gonna cum! Oh damn! Fuck! Shit! Aaah!! Aah.."

"mMmngh!" Stargirl reflexively swallowed the load… not nearly as plentiful as expected. Pressing her head to the back of the locker with his thrusts he held her head tightly. "Mmmngh…"

Just as Hawkgirl took a load of her own.

"MMngh! MMN!-SI! SI! SI! SI!!! OOOooooh Papi!" she purred, yanking her lips off of the cock in her mouth to squeal her approving orgasm. She wiggled her hips, keeping her feet planted on the floor on either side of her as she felt Joe thrust his cum deep into her body. "OOooh like that? Cum just like that Papi, fill me…" she licked her lips sensually, turning her head back to the dick she had been sucking. "MMmn! Aaah…" she opened her mouth as she wrapped her lips back around him. "Mmn! Mmn!!"

Joe sighed contentedly, pulling out of her and moving aside, his cock limp as he was quickly replaced by another, Hawkgirl squealed delightedly as she was penetrated. Taking a bottle of water and having a sip as Hawkgirl was roughly pounded again…

"Mmngh! Mmn! MMn! MMn! AH! Ay! Papi! Papi!!" she stopped the cock inside her, "Hang on Papi." She pushed him up and lied him down. "Mmn… this isn't working out…" she then mounted him, sliding him back inside as she displayed her thick latina Milf ass. "Mmn!" she smacked her ass, spreading her cheeks for the man she had been sucking. "Come on now Papi fuck that culo…" she encouraged.

"Fuck yeah…" he hissed excitedly, standing behind her as the cock beneath her began to move, Hawkgirl moaned encouragingly, bouncing on his lap as her ass was promptly filled.

"DIOS MIO!!" she howled happily, "Trabájame! Fóllame!" his hand smacked her ass, "Ah! Ay! Azotarme más fuerte papi…" she whined, shaking her ass behind her as he kept smacking her ass cheeks, thrusting into her body with abandon, eagerly piercing into her as she gasped, and shuddered. "Entréname para tomar todas tus pollas! Ah! Ah! Oooh!"

The smacking of flesh on flesh echoed around the locker room, mingling with the sloppy slurps of Stargirl's lips on another cock, moaning whorishly as her big breasts were squeezed, and her throat was invaded by dick thrusting over and over into her like an onahole. "Mmmng!" she blonde trembled as another load rushed into her mouth… just as meager as the first. He slipped from her lips with a satisfied sigh… Actually using Stargirl was far better than jerking off to her later…

Stargirl panted softly, drooling arousingly as she was abruptly lifted from the floor, and leaned against the lockers. Most of the locker room participants were jacked and muscled, this one was no different. "Temping us with this body…" his huge hands gripped her big breasts as she moaned. It was adorable but cock hardeningly effective. "I always wanted a bimbo fuck-doll…" Stargirl cooed as the upper part of her leotard was yanked open exposing her big jiggly tits. He yanked it down further, undressing her like an actual doll as other meaty hands gripped and groped at her body.

He tossed the garment away before spreading her legs, lifting her from the floor and holding her up, using the lockers as he slammed his dick into her. "Haah! Aaah! AAH! MON DIEU!" she whined as he thrust so hard into her that the lockers rattled. "HA! Aah! AAH! AAH!!"

"Her pussy's as tight as Janine's body!" he began speeding up, slamming her against the lockers as she writhed before them, "Come on slut give it to me! Give it up! YEAH!!" he hissed, banging her against the lockers, louder and louder as she whined, her ass bouncing off the cold metal as he buried his cock inside her, pinning her to the lockers before reaching up and grabbing the top.

"Oh mon Dieu! Oh mon Dieu! je jouis!" she squealed loudly as they laughed.

"Is that French that's so hot! SHIT!" he buried his cock into her as she squealed, shaking visibly as she orgasmed, "Bimbo got me with the French shit…" he hissed happily, "FUUUCK…" He twitched slightly as his hot load rushed into her. her toes dancing slightly on the floor as he pulled away quickly. Stargirl in mid-orgasm flopped forward, only to be caught by eager hands.

"Keep talking you French slut…" she was pinned between two hunks of meat. Feeling their tips pierce her pussy lips, or shoved between her ass cheeks.

"Vous êtes tous des animaux. Baise moi comme ça!" she gasped as two hard dicks were stuffed into her, they manhandled her, she stood on her tip toes as they plunged into her over and over. "Ah! OUI!! Utilise-moi comme un jouet!"

"I don't know what she's saying but it makes my cock hard and her body tight!"

"Just fuck her harder! She's practically singing when we fuck her!"

"Oui! OUI! OUI!!" she whined, shaking in orgasm as she was railed brutally back and front, her voice rising in octaves as she squealed an orgasm with Hawkgirl. Who was pinned down between her two hunks of men and 'forced' to take two thick loads of cum up her ass and inside her.

Their muscles tightened as they squeezed her together, a heavy hand in her hair yanking it back as they all spasmed, Hawkgirl moaning loudly with her mouth hanging open, shaking like a leaf as her holes milked their dicks. Her ass made a loud wet pop as the cock was removed from it, it gaped briefly, oozing a load before it sealed shut and she wiggled her backside. She slowly moved off the dick beneath her, the own lying on his back and not moving as she pressed her upper body to the locker, grabbing her thick ass cheeks and spreading them. "Who wants to keep fucking?" she whispered raspily, licking her lips as another took her offer… grabbing her waist from behind and already beginning to bang hard into her.

"Fuck me Papi, fuck me! Ay… fuck! Me!" she threw her ass back against him as tiny orgasms rippled through her.

"OH FUCK!!" Lance trembled, his legs stretching out in the shower as he sat on the bench. Vixen kept her beautiful head moving up and down his shaft, slobbering and licking as she bent over in half, her ass pressed hard to the handibar behind her on the opposite wall and overwhelming it.

"MMn! Mmn! Mmn! Aahh…" she popped off his wet dick and sucked on his balls instead. "Mmn!" stroking his cock against her face as water soaked her chocolatey skin. "Mmm-MMMMN-AH!" pop. she popped off his sack, licking her lips as she kept stroking him. "You gonna be satisfied with me sucking dick the whole time? Or are you going fuck me with this big hard dick?" she firmly licked it, keeping eye contact with the BossFit owner. "I'll will suck it all day if you want though, it's a tasty dick." she hissed seductively, feeling it throb in her hand.

"Ugh…" groaned Lance, clenching his teeth so tightly together he was worried they'd crack. He distracted himself, briefly, by reaching over and smacking her thick ass cheeks as she moaned, continuing to lick and kiss his cock as he grabbed her face and pulled it away. She laughed melodiously as he stood up with her… chest to breasts he grabbed her thick ass, and she moaned against him playing with his hair as he pressed her to the opposite wall, lifting her onto the bar as he spread her thick legs.

"Nasty." She purred encouragingly, "Put that dick in me. MMN!" she moaned, gazing into his eyes as his cock plunged into her moist warm pussy. "Fuck it Baby, fuck it, fuck it…" she chanted as Lance railed hard into her body. "Ooooh fuck it… MMngh!" grabbing the Showerhead over her as she pressed herself to the wall, "Ha-haa-haaah…" her legs hooking around his, squeezing him below the waist. Gazing at him with inviting bedroom eyes as her breasts bounced up and down with each penetrating thrust.

"This is the best pussy I've ever had." He hissed into her ear as she laughed, licking her teeth slowly.

"That's right Baby…" she purred back, feeling it tremble excitedly inside her as it plunged in and out. "Keep fucking it." she whispered. "Fuck it baby." She moaned pleadingly, "Fuck it…" she bit her bottom lip, "MMn! Make me cum on that dick… Ugh! Uuuugh!" she shuddered wildly as Lance pushed deep into her, using her body as a cushion as a hot load rushed into her. "YES! Oooh I love being fucking FILLED…" she cooed, wiggling excitedly. She hissed through her teeth, sultrily gazing at a gasping Lance. "I ain't never had a man who didn't want to fuck me raw and as hard as he could…" she moaned as his hands began roaming her body. "Mmmn… I love dick…" she hissed encouragingly in his ear, feeling his dick wiggle as it pumped another rope into her.

"Haah…" Lance breathed heavily pulling slowly from her tight pussy as she kept sitting on the bar, displaying herself like a mounted trophy, letting his cum leak from her pussy. "You love dick huh?" he laughed as she wiggled her lower body.

"That's right baby."

"Come show me how much." He encouraged, stroking himself as she slipped off the bar to her knees.

"That's the spirit. Aah…" she gave his cock a long lick, before licking her lips. "Fuck my ass next." She said, taking him into her mouth and starting to suck him hard again.

"OUI!!" squealed Stargirl, shaking in the locker rooms as the two men inside her sent an orgasm through her ex-stripper body, filling her with hot cum as she dropped to her knees. Her tits and ass jiggled subtly as she rode her orgasm.

"FUCK!!" gasped the man who had been inside her pussy, shooting a remaining rope of semen over her right tit as the man behind her shot all over her back. Gasping happily as her holes leaked down onto the floor between her legs.

"Haah-aah-ah?!" she gasped as she felt a cold liquid spray onto her tits. "Haah!" reflexively, she squeezed her fake orbs together as amber-colored body oil poured onto her, oozing between her cleavage.

"I wanted to do this…" declared the gym member tossing the now empty bottle away with a clatter on the floor. "Since I first saw you step on that treadmill!" he declared, and made everyone jealous as he slapped the top of her heavy tits with his cock, and slipped it beneath her, shoving it up. "Fuuuck." He was barely big enough to pierce her cleavage…

But that didn't matter: heaven welcomes all sizes. Her big blue eyes gazed up at him and she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, "Ah. Ah… aah… oui…" she whispered, "oui. Oui… Utilisez mes seins."

His cock oozed pre-cum as he kept sliding between her big fake tits, perfectly designed for maximum pleasure in tit-fucking. With her big blue eyes gazed 'encouragingly' up at him, making him thrust harder and faster, banging hard against her slippery big tits as his hands held them tightly around his member.

"This store bought body was made for this!" he gasped happily. And while true, it was polite not to mention. "I'm cumming! I'm cumming! YES! OH YES!!" A thick rope of cum shot from her cleavage like a geyser… and only one rope. "Uuugh!" The rest oozed from his tip onto breasts.

"Oh I need to get in on that!" moaned another, and before Stargirl could argue.

"Aaah…" she moaned whorishly as a thick rope was shot onto her pretty face, the gym member furiously jacking off onto her beautiful skin and was soon joined by another. "Ahhh…" wided-eyed as more ropes of cum sprayed her face, ending with big Joe jerking off in front of her, shooting his wade directly into her mouth.

"What is it about blondes being covered in jizz that make everything better?" he praised giddily.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! AY…" Hawkgirl panted excitedly as the cock inside her sent a wad into her body, banging hard against her ass as he tensed to a stop and then ripped out of her. Smacking her ass in farewell as she rode her orgasm, dropping to her knees and shaking on the ground, twerking as she limped over and flopped onto her back before spreading her legs wide, hooking them on the lockers and the bench as she rubbed her messy pussy.

"Who wants my husband to raise their baby?" she purred as they all stared at her curiously. "Come on…" she encouraged, "Who wants to BREED me?" fingering her pussy faster and faster, masturbating degradingly before them. "Fuck me…" she whined, shaking in orgasm… before shivering to a stop as they all stared at her. "…Too much?"

"You're married?" mumbled Joe somewhat surprised, but still rubbing himself to try and get hard again for the slutty young Stargirl kneeling in the middle of a group of men covered in cum… not a lot of cum. But still covered…

Hawkgirl rolled over onto her hands and knees, crawling next to Stargirl, helpfully licking the cum from her blue eyes as Stargirl cooed. Hawkgirl didn't swallow the face painting seed, however, getting a good load and spitting it onto Stargirl's big tits. "mmm there's that pretty face, chica…" she rubbed Stargirl's pussy, "Help me get these boys hard again…" she encouraged… however-

"THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" roared Janine from the doorway, looking more furious than shocked.

Meanwhile back in the showers.

"FUCK…" hissed Vixen as her upper body was pinned down to the bench, Lance smacking her thick black ass HARD to watch it ripple. "FUCK…" she gasped again as his hand cracked onto her left cheek. "Nnhg"! she moaned pleasurably, wiggling her backside as Lance laughed excitedly.

"No pain no gain. MMn." His hand slapped her black ass cheeks again.

"You want to spank me, Baby, you spank me good. AH…" she gasped as he swung HARDER, those muscles weren't for show. "FUCK…"

"Fuck?" he teased as she hissed the word back at him.

"FUCK." She gasped as he spread her ass cheeks. "Fuck me baby." She hissed quickly, "Aawwooo!" she shuddered as his cock went right up her backdoor, sliding easily inside her and ramming rapidly against her right away as he held her slender waist. "Fuck-Fuck-Fuck…" she chanted as her eyes rolled up into her head and her lips stretched into a smile. "Ah-aah-FUCK my ass baby! Fuck my big black ass!"

The wet slaps of his hips on her ass echoed around the shower even over the hiss of the water. Pulling her body back against his heavy thrusts as she gasped louder, and louder, clawing the wall attached to the bench as he raised his hand and quickly clapped her ass cheeks again, and again.

"AH! Oh! Baby! You fuck my ass so gooood." She cooed encouragingly, looking over her shoulders as she saw her massive booty wiggle and ripple against his waist. "Keep fucking it. Fuck it. Ah make me cum with it!... Aaaah…" he slammed her into with heavy, deep thrusts, sacrificing speed for penetration and force. "ARH! Aah! AH! FUCK!! ME!!"

"I'm! GONNA! CUM!! FUCK! FUCK!!" he clenched up behind her, burying his cock deep into her dark hole and filling it with his thick wad. "FUCK!!" he clenched his teeth tightly as he experienced THE best orgasm he's ever had. "UGH!" grinding his hips against her spasming body as she squirmed arousingly beneath him. He breathed heavily in her ear, catching his breath like he just worked out for several hours. "…Haah… I've never done anal before." He breathed with a soft laugh as she chuckled, twerking her ass cheeks against his weight.

"And you won't have a better ass anywhere baby." She whispered, "MMmn… got any more in those balls or do I have to keep draining them?" she purred as he bucked his hips slowly, then pulled away. He gripped her ass cheeks and spread them open… gazing into her as if hypnotized before letting them go and watching them wobble together.

He then stood up fully erect. "I got a little more for you…" he said as she slowly turned around and dropped to her knees.

"Let me get that out for you Baby." She purred, slowly stroking him under the water. Leaning closer to his sack as she gazed up at him. "I'd hate to leave a job unfinished." She purred, opening her mouth, and sucking on his balls again.

"OUT! OUT!! Everyone fucking OUT!" ordered Janine angrily. They tried to collect themselves, and escape only for Janine to abruptly slam the door shut and glare at them. "WAIT…" she then took a deep, cleansing breath, collecting herself before she ordered about angrily. "Clean this shit up. ALL OF YOU." She ordered, "You whores!" she pointed at a rather amused Hawkgirl, and a rather apologetic-looking Stargirl. "Get your fucking asses to the showers! I'm never letting you CUNTS back here again!" she grabbed them by the arms and EASILY lifted them from the floor, dragging them to the back and shoving them both into the stall together, crossing her arms angrily as she glared.

"…Are you going to watch Chica?" cooed Hawkgirl curiously as Janine scowled at her.

"Watch. Stand guard. Make sure you whores don't fuck anything else up. Take your pick." She snapped angrily as Stargirl turned the hot water on.

"Well if you're going to watch chica…" cooed Hawkgirl, pressing Stargirl's back to the wall and kneeling before her. "Watch away…"

"Oh Merde…" moaned Stargirl as Hawkgirl opened her mouth, and rested her lips on her dripping pussy, slurping out cum and arousal as Stargirl moaned erotically. "Ahh… Oui…. NON!-Oui…" she moaned again, somewhat annoyed that her brain wasn't wired right at the moment.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Janine snarled as Hawkgirl pulled away from Stargirl's quivering hole, licking the thick string of fluids from her lips.

"Eating pussy… the younger the better." Hawkgirl cooed, "Well… in my opinion. My friend, Veronica, she says that pussy is like wine-"

"Shut the fuck up and bathe." Snapped Janine angrily.

"When was the last time you got laid?" asked Hawkgirl casually as Janine flinched, "Because you need it-

"Shut. The FUCK up… and BATHE." She repeated as Hawkgirl licked her lips burying her face back into Stargirl's crotch.

"Take your shorts off and let us eat you out." She retorted as Janine's teeth clenched angrily glaring at Hawkgirl like she was positively insane. "You'll feel better…"

"…Fucking tramp." Snapped Janine.

"FUCK YES!" roared Lance, shooting a hot load over Vixen's face as she knelt before him stroking him wildly as his load rained onto her face.

"Cum on MEEEE Baby…" she hummed happily, licking his ball sack and giggling as he finished on her. resting his tip on her forehead as it oozed onto her skin, over her eyes. "MMmn! Mwah." Kissing his shaft as she drained those balls, then sucked out the rest. "MMn-mmn…" she pulled away as his cock swung limply between his legs. She stood up and turned to the shower head, taking the water on her face.

Lance's hands roamed her body but judging by his limp cock on her thigh he was done. Even as he soaked her thick black ass, sliding his hand between her tight ass cheeks and squeezing at her tits he was still limp. Vixen's washed her face and after letting Lance enjoy the fruits of her loins she lightly pushed him away and onto the bench as he laughed tiredly. She winked at him and walked out, grabbing a nearby towel from a rack.

She wiped down her body, before slinging the towel behind her like a sash and polishing the work of natural art that was her ass. Lance turning off the water and walked out to enjoy the view as she redressed.

"So… see you tomorr-"


The door was kicked open making Vixen jump in surprise as the purple-eyed boss of Superbabes stood in the doorway. "Lance Monroe." She declared as he tried to make himself decent. "I am here on behalf of Mr. Sal Carrara… SHE is here…" she then gestured to the towering Ronnie-Bell as she ducked in the doorway following after Orders. "So that you listen to me…" she then glanced at Vixen. "…Get ready to go home."

"…Do I still get tomorrow off?"

"Yes. Hurry it up." she declared as Ronnie-Bell in her usual biker chick attire winked at Vixen as she walked past.

"Looking good, did you remember to do squats?" Vixen smiled and smacked her ass in answer. That was usually a 'yes'. But then Ronnie-Bell kicked the door shut.

Vixen made her way to the locker rooms, finding half-naked gym members cleaning up the obvious messes of Hawkgirl off the chain. And seeing no sign of either Hawkgirl or Stargirl but hearing a shower, she kept walking, her thick ass drawing the usual gazes until she found the stall.

"Eat you fucking sluts…" snarled Janine as Vixen glanced inside the shower. Her hands were tightly gripped onto Stargirl's head and burying her into her crotch as Hawkgirl squeezed her buns of steel, eating her ass out from behind. Both Superbabes on their knees and furiously eating out the muscled woman. Her shorts were removed but she still was wearing her top, soaked with water as she thrust her hips towards a squirming Stargirl's face. "Haa… aah get those tongues in there! MMn!!"

Stuffing their tongues into her, Hawkgirl lapped away at Janine's asshole, managing to wink at Vixen as her tongue wiggled in Janine's starfish. Janine pushing her hips back and forth, slamming their faces into her iron body as she grunted excitedly. Licking her lips as she gazed down at Stargirl, jerking her blonde ponytail to look her in the eyes before a thick flow of squirt flooded into her open, pussy licking mouth. "MMNgh!" holding Stargirl's face firmly into her crotch, fluids flowing down Stargirl's face onto her heavy round breasts.

She released Stargirl as she yanked away from her, gasping and panting as Janine grabbed Hawkgirl by the back of her head and practically wiped her ass with Hawkgirl's face… the latina milf happily still licking her hole out.

"Finish up the boss is here." Vixen declared as Hawkgirl and Stargirl seemed to snap out of it, and with her tongue still half-buried up Janine's ass.

"oohers his ear?" she mumbled into Janine's ass before yanking her face away only for Janine to slam her back into her ass.

"LICK cunt you haven't finished." She held Hawkgirl's head firmly in hand. "Eat that ass up I'm using you as my personal ass kisser!" Hawkgirl seemed to be somewhere between trying to stop and just finishing her off. Janine moved backward to the bench, bending Hawkgirl dangerously backward, her head on the bench and Janine sitting on it as the muscle girl masturbated. "Walking into my gym and causing shit! You owe me! Fuck!…" she stood bowlegged over Hawkgirl so she didn't break her neck over the edge of the bench… but a stream of golden liquid sprayed down from her pussy onto the bronzed body of Hawkgirl…

Hawkgirl moaned into Janine's muscled ass, spasming and peeing herself as she continued to happily eat out Janine. Stargirl had managed to extract herself, jiggling and bouncing out of the shower before it started to smell.

"HEY!" Vixen repeated as Janine continued to use Hawkgirl's face as a seat. "WE GOT TO GO." She jerked her thumb over her shoulder. "You KNOW if Orders is here this early in the day you know she's up to something!"

Janine snarled and got off Hawkgirl, but didn't let the redhead leave the shower. "After all the SHIT you bitches pulled today why the hell should I let her go so easily?" Hawkgirl trembled… in excitement. "This whore isn't done making it up to me!"

"…Can I take you home?!" purred Hawkgirl happily, her pussy leaking a heightened arousal… as well as urine.

"Shut up cunt." Snapped Janine as Vixen sighed, "Well? What's to stop me?"

The curtain swung open as Janine stared at the moderately large chest of Ronnie-Bell Nash, then her awed gaze rose up to her pretty southern belle face as she winked at her. "…Sorry sugar but she needs to go." She said warningly as Janine let go of a rather disappointed Hawkgirl's hair.

"Oh come on…" she pouted as Ronnie-Bell shrugged.

"You pushed your luck Hon." She said apologetically.

"Oh well…" she winked at the somewhat cowed Janine. "…Call me, my husband would LOVE you." She declared with a wink as Ronnie-Bell grabbed her and yanked her along, paused, then shoved her into a new stall.

"Sugar you smell like PISS." She said, turning on the hot water. "Fix that first."

After a minor delay, the girls all walked out of the locker rooms dressed in their regular clothes. "Oh… we don't have to work out this week right?" Moaned Stargirl as Ronnie-Bell shrugged. "I'm so sore."

"Let's wait on Orders say."

"Where is she?" asked Hawkgirl as speak of the Purple-eyed devil and she'll appear. The door to the employee's lounge opened and Orders shook Lance's proffered hand, though he seemed rather reluctant. She then walked out of the lounge and slammed the door behind her and walked toward the other girls.

"This is a surprise chica." Smiled Hawkgirl as Orders glared at her.

"…I wouldn't have to come if you didn't start ORGIES. IN. THE LOCKER ROOMS!" she snarled coldly.

"Ah-Ah! AY!!" Orders snatched Hawkgirl's ear and yanked it. "Ow-ow-ow!"

"STOP. BEING. AS BAD. AS VERONICA!!" she hissed before abruptly letting go. Then sighed, "…I've made a deal with Mr. Lancelot Monroe." She said as the girls looked at her funny. "He keeps his mouth shut, bans, fires, or denies anyone who can't, and we'll show up once a month." She said, already walking out with the girls following after. "And in return, Violet won't melt her brain trying to work out a daily schedule for a week."

"And we get the rest of the day and tomorrow off. Right?" Vixen noted as Orders sighed.

"…YES. FINE. today and tomorrow off."

"Gamestation here I come!" cheered Vixen excitedly.

"Yes yes." Mumbled Orders as they walked out of the gym.

"Well." Hawkgirl smiled, "All's well that ends well." She said as Orders glared at her. "…What?"

"…You're lucky that I'm too tired to do something unpleasant to you Rosa." She growled but then yawned, coming to a full stop. "…Ronnie-Bell take me home, I'm still tired and I have a long shift."

"I got you sugar." She declared casually actually lifting Orders from the pavement. Carrying her along around her waist under her arm like a suitcase to Ronnie-Bell's Motorcycle and sidecar. "See you girls later."

"Later big girl." Waved Vixen. "…Well let's get back to the car. I need to get my things from my locker and not worry about being gangbanged."

"Oui, that sounds nice." Replied Stargirl tiredly, following the other two back. "…Okay. I have to ask. Is nobody going to comment on the man's name being Lancelot?" she asked curiously as Rosa giggled.

"No. Brielle I'm not." Replied Tasha, "I'm not interested in Arthurian lore right now. I'm interested in Norse lore…" she said playfully, "…Though I have to admit I do see the future of the series going the way…"

Which Brielle, not being a gamer, could only retort. "…Quoi?"


What is a catered party but not quite a catered party? This!... apart from the addition of Rosa and Brielle the opening was mostly unchanged from my original plans for Vixen. See? It sets up a catered party WAY more then it does a sexy black girl with a lotta bouncy ass…

Anyhoo. According to my list now that I've kicked Vixen down it a little Catwoman Yaya is supposed to be next BUT we just did her in a 2 for 1 so we're going to jump down to Volcana. Volcana is next…

And now the Butchering of the French and Spanish language! Apologies in advance.

Trabájame! Fóllame! = Work me out! Fuck me!

Azotarme más fuerte papi = Spank me harder daddy.

Entréname para tomar todas tus pollas! = Train me to take all your cocks.

Oh mon Dieu! Oh mon Dieu! je jouis! = Oh god oh god I'm cumming!

Vous êtes tous des animaux. Baise moi comme ça! = You are all animals. Fuck me like it!

Utilise-moi comme un jouet ! = Use me like a toy!

Utilisez mes seins = Use my tits

Next chapter