
2 for 1 Combo: Cheetah and Catwoman

I don't own DC

Tonight Superbabes was busy. Like REALLY busy. So busy that there had to be some sort of external reason for it. City wide aphrodisiacs? Someone discovered the cure for world hunger, and Orders decided on a discount on the food? Veronica and Ola going to a nude beach? Who knows, but Orders was swamped…

"You'll be charged upon completion of delivery name and address, please. Thank you." She quickly hung up, "Here." Handing the receipt to Star Sapphire who opened her mouth but was immediately interrupted by Orders, "No time, it's a good thing you're pretty, out you go." Giganta casually, but gently pushed Star Sapphire out the back door. "Next. Green Lantern (II)." Orders ordered, already reaching for the phone. "Superbabes, we deliver."

Catwoman (I) had just come in from working a crowded floor, she had only been sitting down for 2 minutes but her replacement, Star Sapphire just walked out the back so she had to be replaced with a rather exhausted Red Lantern who had just come back herself from a delivery… a gangbang from the way her legs were wobbling.

"Wow, tonight we're swamped." Mumbled (B) Vixen from the pool table, Cheetah purring half-asleep at the poker table and taking a cat nap. She just spent the last 2 hours on her kitty feet severing not one but TWO separate group parties on the floor. "I can't remember the last time we were so busy."

"Neither can I, the closest I can remember is Rosa got her hands on some tequila and spent 10 minutes drumming your twerking butt like a drum to draw in customers." Catwoman noted as (B) Vixen blinked at her surprised.

"…What does it say about me when that's happened so often I can't remember a specific time?" she grinned playfully.

"VIXEN!" Orders ordered as out the back Black Canary went, Vixen sighed and smiled, wobbling that majestic booty towards the counter. Orders was still holding the phone but she snapped it onto the hook, waited for a second and picked it up again a millisecond after it started ringing. "Superbabes, we deliver."

Catwoman sighed, then stood up, she decided to go back on the floor and give the girls a hand. Optional break or not at the rate deliveries were going out they were going to be working on a skeleton crew. Cheetah's tail twitched and she opened her Blue cat eyes, she stretched flexibly before standing up. Shuddering slightly before she too began to walk back onto the floor.

"You'll be charged upon completion of Delivery, name and address please. Thank you-" Orders hung up the phone. "Out you go." She said handing the receipt to Vixen while the food slid across the counter. "You two. Stop." She ordered the cats as they paused surprised.

"Us too huh?" mumbled Catwoman.

"I need a 2 for 1 and they're already out." Orders replied, "Vixen and Star Sapphire were on it this week. So you two are the best option I have left."

"…I don't know if that's an insult." Catwoman grinned as Cheetah yawned and leaned adorably on Catwoman, going catlike-limp on her shoulder as Catwoman gave her a gentle nudge to wake her up.

"It's not an insult." Orders replied, "It's maximum profit and efficiency." She added holding her hand over the phone as if ready to quick draw it at high-noon… which was accurate because it was almost midnight-…now.

Time: 12:00 AM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Superbabes, we deliver."

"Yes. Good evening. I would like a delivery. But I need them to be as discrete as possible."

"They'll be as quiet as cats on the prowl… what would you like?"

"The 2 for 1 deal is very appealing to me. I would like that."

"The girls that are supposed to deliver on the 2 for 1 are currently unavailable would you accept a substitution or would you like to wait?"


"Would like them now, excellent. Your delivery will arrive within the hour, we expect them back within a reasonable timeframe or you will be charged extra for every hour you occupy our delivery girls' time to a maximum of five. Do you understand?"

"Yes. But as I said I will need them to be discrete-"

"I assure you they are very discrete."


Orders hung up and ripped the receipt for the two Fine Feline-themed superbabes. "Here, sneak around to the back door. Try not to stare or ask questions you'll be there forever. Out you two go. Giganta! Table four. Camera."

"Got it." Giganta noted as Cheetah and Catwoman quickly walked outside to Catwoman's car. The company cars were in use after all. She got into the driver's seat and tossed the receipt into the cup holder for future reference as the passenger's side door opened.

"You're going to shed all over my seat." Smiled Catwoman playfully as Cheetah slid into the passenger's side, yawning again lazily.

"Can't help it." she mumbled before retrieving the receipt and reading the address herself. "Gotham heights huh…" she noted, putting the receipt back in the cup holder.

"Looks like it. So at least they're rich." She said, slowly driving off into Gotham traffic, and off towards Gotham Heights.

"You ever think Gotham Heights is some sort of eldritch location?" Cheetah asked suddenly as Catwoman started up the road towards one of the more exclusive districts in the city.

"A what now?" Catwoman laughed as she glanced at the receipt.

"An eldritch location." Cheetah replied casually as Catwoman rolled her eyes. "It's a P.H. Hatecraft thing."

"Oh. Right, I know what you are talking about, but why do you think it's an eldritch location?" She turned up the winding road, the darkness illuminated faintly by the lights of various manors and mansions."

"It always seems like no matter how many times we come here there always seem to be more mansions filled with weird rich guys." Cheetah mumbled softly as one seemed to just pop out of nowhere in the distance, Catwoman driving toward it. "…Well, I don't come here enough to really notice I suppose but you know, Leslie's a regular up this way and she likes spouting those 'fun facts' of hers…"

"True. 1 in 5,000 north Atlantic lobsters are born bright blue…" They pulled up to the mansion gate. "I ONLY know that thanks to Leslie… HOW does she know that?" she asked rhetorically before glancing at the gate. It was wide open, kind of like a creepy horror movie invitation. "…This is the place."

"It's just wide open." Cheetah said, but that didn't deter either of them, both getting out of the car and glancing curiously at it. However, as they approached it, upon closer inspection the inner area was littered with parked cars… and there was a sign just past the gate. If you were driving by you wouldn't have noticed it, but it was clear as day once the girls walked in.

"Cum right in." Catwoman said, reading it out loud. "…That's encouraging." She noted as they both walked through the pathway of cars. Cheetah noticed the music first, her ears twitching obviously.

"…R&B Soul Funk Disco." She declared absently swaying to the sound.

"Someone's playing Barry Green lovemaking music? That's a good sign." Grinned Catwoman sarcastically as they approached the front door. "…Wait." They stopped, "We're supposed to sneak around the back right?"

"Those were Orders' instructions what does it say on the receipt?" Cheetah asked as Catwoman checked.

"…Go around the back." She repeated, they looked at each other, shrugged and began walking around the house. The upper floors of the mansion was dark, the first floor however was full of bright lights and dancing shadows… flickering over the windows, writhing and gyrating in erotic poses… Cheetah's kitty curiosity got the better of her, and she crept closer to one of the lower windows.

"What are you doing?" Catwoman asked, halfway around the house before returning.

"I'm curious." Replied Cheetah, easily climbing the wall with her claws to look inside, then froze. "…Huuuuuuh…" she said slowly, dropping down quickly to the grass, her blue cat eyes wide in a thousand-yard stare. She then jerked a clawed thumb up toward the window. "…Chance a glance?" she asked as Catwoman sighed.

"Curiosity killed the cat, blah-blah now I HAVE to look!" she hissed before Cheetah gave her a boost up. "What did you look into the face of mad-"

She stared into the room… everyone was naked, and by 'EVERYONE" I mean about 20 people in the room alone having a full-blown sexually depraved orgy. A wrinkled old man was railing hard into a young girl who could've been his great-granddaughter. Who was giving head to two different aged men getting their asses eaten out by opposing aged women, one heavily overweight but that didn't stop another man half her age from trying to thrust up into her ginormous ass. And that was one of many groupings coupling around a room.

An older woman was getting railed on the couch by a much younger man, who could've been her son, according to catwoman's imagination. A handsome 'daddy' was getting his dick licked by a pair of beautiful young black girls, an older Latina woman, (not Rosa) was surrounded on all sizes by large black dicks as they railed into her screaming muffled moans of dirty talking Spanish. The final straw was a maid, or at least a woman in a maid apron, wearing a maid cap, and carrying a serving tray of wine bottles walked in. She was ALSO naked, and many of the people in the room stopped fucking each other long enough to empty the tray of its wine. And the moment it did a large fat man wrapped his arms around the maid and was wordlessly thrown to the floor, her screams of pleasure already filling the room of depravity as more naked people joined in, whole families of people dancing and gyrating, some left to find new partners.

"…WOW." Catwoman mumbled blankly, finally letting go of the windowsill and dropping to the grass as it suddenly rattled big fat lady breasts suddenly pressed against it as she was taken from behind. "WHY are we even here?"

"Are we supposed to go in the orgy?" Cheetah asked hesitantly, "…Because that's some Veronica level of depravity right there that I might not be comfortable with right now."

"If we were, the boss wouldn't have told us to sneak around?" Catwoman replied, hesitantly, also not comfortable with an orgy… at least not one of that size. Plus this was clearly some sort of eccentric rich people thing and she didn't want to be thinking of Nana Zhang before getting to work.

"Fair point." Cheetah whispered quietly as somebody had a squealing orgasm inside. "Let's keep going."

Now that they knew what was happening inside the mansion. All of a sudden they seemed to be hearing MORE of what happened inside the mansion, there must be almost 70 people in there. Maybe more judging from the cars.

But towards the back of the mansion, things were getting quieter. The music, the moaning, the animalistic grunts and primal passionate screams… it was as if they were all having sex at the front of the mansion for maximum access. Cum right in, drop your pants, and reliably get your dick sucked… or pussy licked.

They reached the back door, Catwoman and Cheetah hesitantly standing at the back. "Should we knock?" asked Catwoman curiously as Cheetah sighed.

"…I suppose so. Just a little one for posterity." They then reached forward and lightly tapped the door. Hissing a soft-


Time: 9:45 PM. Place: Gotham Heights (Orgy Mansion)

"Special Delivery Service." They finished together as Catwoman sighed.

"Don't know why we did that." She mumbled, "When we're supposed to be sneaking." She then reached for the doorknob and twisted it. "It's open." She said, walking right in…

"Yeah but now what?" Cheetah asked hesitantly as they quietly prowled in like the criminals they dressed as. "Where do we go? Who are we here for? One of them?" she asked as a man tried to escape a room only to be dragged laughing back into it by a pair of attractive tattooed women.

"…Yeah no."

"Up here." They jumped slightly, at the sudden whisper above them. They glanced up to find the most dressed person in the house wearing a green hoodie over his face in the dark. "If you're Superbabes you're here for me. Hurry before they see you." He said moving away from the railing as the girls quietly climbed the nearby stairs to the second floor.

"Following a shady guy in an orgy house." Catwoman mumbled softly, glancing at Cheetah, "Just another day for us huh?"

"You say that like you didn't sign up for it. I'm a living real-life furry, my job opportunities are limited."

"…Fair." Catwoman smiled sheepishly as they reached the top Floor. The hoodie-wearing man, barely more than a boy, waved to them to follow him into a room before slipping in himself. "…You have claws right?" she asked as Cheetah nodded and they both followed him.

"I'm reasonably confident I can scratch a few eyes out." However, once they followed the mysterious hoodie man-boy into the room… they were pleasantly surprised to find that it was a standard normal guy's room. Orgy Mansion or not.

It had a collection of bookshelves full of comic books, a high-end gaming computer, a truly impressive big-screen TV and so many multiple Gaming Systems attached to it that Tasha would devote her body and soul to him, worshiping his cock for the rest of her natural life… or until she stole them in the divorce.

"Okay…" Catwoman noted putting the bag of food down on the mahogany table nearby. "The orgy was a surprise but this is oddly comforting."

"Speaking of orgies, why are we here when you could just-" the hooded guy removed his hood by taking off his whole shirt and displaying his upper body, he was completely hairless from the neck down, he was thin but not unhealthily so and smooth baby soft skin… and a lovely shade of light blue. He ruffled a hand through his short white-ish hair as he frowned at them with slightly pinked eyes.

"…I got grounded." He mumbled irately as the girls stared at him. "So I wasn't allowed to attend my sister's birthday party." He added as if an orgy for his sister was completely normal."

"You're blue." Declared Catwoman bluntly, surprised at his oddly familiar shade of blue skin. He glanced down angrily.

"…Yes. So?" he replied as the girls glanced at each other, Catwoman and Cheetah were already forming some theories. "Apologies." He declared his rather thin chest heaving as he grabbed his pants, "…But my family doesn't quite understand what these little gatherings do to me." He groaned as he threw his pants to the floor, the rest of him was hairless too but his girthy 8-inch cock was erect and ready. "I'm going to have to be a little aggressive."

"Oh!" Catwoman cooed as he immediately buried his face into her displayed cleavage, "…Alright then." She smiled, ruffling his white hair as he noisily inhaled her scent. "MMn…" Cheetah watched curiously for a moment as Blue-Boy squeezed at Catwoman's impressive chest… slowly removing the Cheetah-colored swimsuit from her furry body as she approached him from behind.

She wrapped her arms under his and pulled him away, his erection throbbing noticeably towards Catwoman who began to slowly strip out of the suit, pulling it apart and exposing her big breasts completely as Cheetah purred noisily in his ear, rubbing her silky furred body against his bare hairless back. His cock practically vibrated with her purring as her clawed hands lightly slid across his blue skin. Picking him like acupuncture needles but not drawing blood as she nibbled his ear.

Catwoman's skin-tight black body suit hung at her waist as she pushed it down, wiggling it over her shapely waist and ass before pushing it to the floor and strutting mostly naked towards him. Except for the kitty hat she wore on her short-cut black hair, her beautiful Asian features stretched into a playful smile before they all fell onto his large bed. Catwoman buried his face back into her breasts as she pushed them around his face. "Oooh… here you go blue boy have your fill-Oh…" his cock slid between her legs, throbbing like a rod of iron up against her as her thighs tightened around him.

His hands grabbed at her ass as Cheetah's soft furry legs rubbed against his, they writhed together on the bed as he began to thrust up between Catwoman's legs. He groaned pitifully into her chest as he grinned, he barely looked over eighteen… blue, but barely over eighteen. Though she imagined if he lived in a house that had Orgies there was little chance he was a virgin… he didn't act like it either.

He stopped entertaining himself with her breasts, opening his mouth and sucking noisily on her nipples as Catwoman cooed excitedly on his surprisingly good tongue, his hands pawing at her ass cheeks, squeezing and pushing them together as she wiggled on top of him, letting his cock squirm between her thighs as Cheetah extracted herself from beneath him, crawling over Blue and Catwoman and licking at Blue's bulging head protruding up between Catwoman's legs.

Sweet-scented pre-cum oozed from his tip, like a sugary syrup that she licked up. So hot it seemed to steam in the A/C. "Haah…" it practical sparked on her tongue like pop-rocks as she wrapped her muzzle around it, her slightly sharp teeth working like her claws as she slid them gently up and down his shaft, pressing her nose against Catwoman's legs before sliding up again.

"Mmmnn!" he moaned happily around Catwoman's nipples still squeezing her ass as she rubbed his erection with her legs, holding it in place for Cheetah's kitty blowjob, her tongue slurping out his pre-cum as his groans of pleasure increased, muffled by Catwoman's tits.

"Mmn! Mmmn…" Cheetah moaned around his cock as his hand slipped from Catwoman's ass down Cheetah's silkily furred body to her moistened kitty, his fingers briefly sliding into her as she meowed loudly with a mouth full of blue dick… he removed his hand from her pussy, rubbing it over her furry ass as her tail swished excitedly in the air with his petting, his fingers soon returning to her kitty as she purred loudly again. "Mmng-mmeowr…"

He breathed heavily, into Catwoman's cleavage, rubbing the front of his teeth on her nipples as he clenched them tightly, but still slurped his lips on them, and he loudly moaned his release. "MMgn!"

"Mmawroor…" Cheetah's body stiffened, her tail shuddering all the way up from the base to the tip as his load rushed into her mouth. Some of it oozed from her muzzle but she drank it like cream, gulping it down quickly before sliding off his length. She sat on her knees as Catwoman rolled off him. She sat beside him, grinning down at his body as he gasped for breath, his cock at half mast despite pumping Cheetah's mouth full.

Cheetah licked her muzzle, purring noticeably as his cock went from half-mast to full. Throbbing upright as he sat up. He stroked himself, glancing at a purring Cheetah then Catwoman, who shimmied on the bed, jiggling her body enticingly as his dick twitched at the sight…

"Whoop!" she laughed as he grabbed her shoulders, and pushed her onto her back, her legs swinging up into the air as he caught them, spreading them apart and pushing her knees to her chest, upraising her own kitty as his blue dick loomed towards it as he stood bowlegged over her. "Right to the mating press huh? Ooooh!" she groaned as he immediately pieced into her. "Ugh! Ugh! UGH! UGH!!" Catwoman's eyes rolled as Blue began railing down into her, bouncing off her body as her toes curled, clutching her calves as her fingers sunk into them tightly. "NGh! Naah-aah!! Oh! My! FUCK!" she groaned, her mouth opening in a wide 'O' as she continued moaning incoherently to his thrusts.

Cheetah purred, rolling onto her back and spreading her own flexible furry legs, sliding her fingers inside her pussy, churning and fingering her body as she purred sensually to Catwoman's hard mating press right next to her. Matching the strokes of his cock to the piecing penetration of her fingers into her kitty. Her padded toes curled in the air as she squeezed her furry tits with her other hand, masturbating like a horny cat drove them wild and Blue was no exception even if he was more focused on the sexy Asian Catwoman.

"Ugh! Ah-ooh! You! Are! FUCKING! WILD…" she whined as his cock scratched all the good spots, reaching deep into her and rubbing perfectly against her inner walls sending messages of pure orgasmic bliss to her brain. "Fuck! Me! Fuck! Me! Oh-oh-oh-oh-ohh!!" she grunted wildly, clenching her teeth as he dropped lower onto her. He buried his cock into her body and rolled his hips, letting his blue cock thrash around in her body before rapidly smacking against her. Barely leaving her insides but pounding her with so much sexual force he didn't need to go far anyway.

"Ah-ah-ah-aaah-aah!" She writhed beneath him, pinned beneath his arguably tinier, thinner body. It was deceptive, she has mistaken his wiry body for apartment youth… he was probably still young though. He grabbed her wrists and pinned her down mouth open and dripped with saliva as he drooled like an overheated dog on a hot day. "Uh-uh-ah-uhh-ooooh!" she squirmed, as he slammed fully onto her. His wiry body tightened as he pushed his hips down hard, his cock seemed to bulge half his size again inside her before promptly delivering an explosion of thick hot cum directly into her body. Her squeezed her with his arms and legs, his muscles tightening like her quivering pussy around his pulsating dick-meat… her body shaking in orgasm as her eyes rolled and her mouth stretched into a nervous smile.

"F-fuck me that was a good ride." Blue kept subtly bucking his hips, while his face was buried into the sheets beside her head, Cheetah still rubbing her kitty, her legs in the air and spread wide apart as her wet hole squelched noticeably in the quiet room now that the smacking of blue hips on a sexy Asian was finished for now.

Blue pushed off and out of Catwoman rolling over between her and Cheetah, although onto Cheetah's spread leg. It might have been awkward if she didn't immediately roll on top of him, she purred loudly sending a vibration through her body as she lay her silky fur onto his skin. He moaned excitedly, his cock already throbbing against her wet kitten as his hands clutched to her furry ass. Her hips gyrated on him, sliding his length against her slit as her silky fur slid up and down his skinny chest. Her purring echoed loudly, vibrating on top of him as his hand gently gripped and stroked her tail like it was a floppy dick.

His other hand squeezed her furry ass cheek, and half-guided, half-lifted her higher on his lap so his cock prodded her kitty. "Mewooor." She purred, as he pulled her down his shaft. She purred, her back arching as she wiggled her hips, feeling his cock thrash about inside her as he sat up with her on his lap. "Ha-haammowrl…" she growled erotically as he squeezed her furry ass, lifting her up and down on his lap as best he could. He was a skinny guy, it wasn't like he could throw her around the room. "Ah-haah! Meow…" she squeezed her furry legs around his waist, gyrating up and down his body, slamming her hips down on him as he buried her face into her furry chest. Listening to the vibrating purrs of pleasure echoing through her.

Catwoman sat up, blowing a loose strand of her hair out of her eyes, then pushed it up under the kitty cap. Grinning as Cheetah rode Blue's lap, her tail flopping on his blue legs as Catwoman crawled behind him, pressing her impressive breasts to his back, grabbing at Cheetah's furry ass and helping him lift her.

"Hah-aaah! So GOOD." He growled into her soft fur as Cheetah's ears twitched, her body tensing as she came, yowling loudly as she rode him only for Catwoman to wrap her hands abruptly around her muzzle.


"Hey HEY! Don't let the orgy hear you or we'll have more than this horny blueberry boy to take care of." Cheetah trembled as Blue suddenly slammed her on his lap, the Cat lady purred loudly as her orgasm rippled through her furry frame. Blue pulling his face from her chest, licking her nipples briefly before grabbing her waist tightly, rocking her on his lap, his cock throbbing eagerly inside her, with each wet thrust.

"SHUSH." He growled before sucking loudly on her nipples, moaning as his cock bulged, pumping her full of Blue boy cum as he held her tightly. "MMMGN! mMn-aah…" he breathed heavily against her furry body, slightly damp with his sweat as Catwoman's hands rubbed his thin chest.

"Don't make these kitties yowl too much or you're going to have to share…" Catwoman teased as Blue rolled Cheetah onto her side, his cock swinging out of her with a satisfyingly wet pop. Cheetah purred as her toes curled and her limbs stretched. Blue slid off the bed, his cock swinging between his slender legs only to suddenly jump back up erectly. He stroked it, turning to face the girls.

He panted heavily, just masturbating for a minute as Cheetah recovered, fulling, sitting up and posing purr-fectly beside Catwoman, who crossed her legs and waited for Blue to say something… smiling whimsically. But Blue didn't say much, just gazing at their naked bodies as sliding his hand up and down his rigid dick.

Catwoman, seeing as they wouldn't get much of anywhere without some encouragement, leaned next to Cheetah, stroking the silky-furred woman as Cheetah purred, seductively nuzzling Catwoman's neck. Their hands slid over each other, Cheetah's furry paw squeezing Catwoman's tits before sliding down her body and spreading her legs, sliding up inside her as Catwoman moaned softly, letting her head roll back with an open mouth as her hips bucked towards Cheetah's fingers, sliding her own hand down Cheetah's side. Over her ass, and fingering her tail hole gently as Cheetah fidgeted.

Blue breathed heavily through his nose, shaking slightly before he quickly re-approached the kittens, his cock throbbing towards Catwoman's mouth as his hands caressed Cheetah's furry ass and Catwoman's chest as both girls threw themselves onto his blue dick, licking and kissing it with lips and muzzle as he gasped with a mixture of happiness and arousal. Guiding Catwoman's lips to his tips she noisily began sucking, "Mnm-mn-mm! Slurp…"

Cheetah opened her muzzle, and normally a cheetah opening their mouth at you is a reason to be concerned, but her talented tongue was too good to really care, not to mention sexy Superbabes bodies and Catwoman's slurping lips. "Mmn-mMn-mmn-MNGH!?" Catwoman's eyes widened as pre-cum shot onto her tongue, she gasped, slipping off his throbbing member as Cheetah's head pulled away from his balls. "Ahh…" Catwoman gasped in surprise.

"Why does your cum taste so sweet? It's like candy!"

Blue blinked at her then slowly shrugged, "I… don't know? I've never tasted my own ejaculate." He then turned his attention to Cheetah, before shifting over. Lying on her side, he pushed her down further and thrust his erection into her slit. "Mnm…" burying his cock into her body as she purred. "You're very soft." He praised, sliding his hands up her furry body. Squeezing at her breasts as he began to moving his hips back and forth, plunging in and out of her.

"Haah.. Aah… Meorwl…" Cheetah yowled, softly as her pumped inside her, lying on her body, rubbing his head against her furry shoulder as Catwoman absently rubbed his back. Blue valiantly pounded into Cheetah, her legs hung off the bed, squeezed firmly together and her toes curling as she opened her muzzle to yowl erotically again. His hands caressed her furry body greedily, pulling her to his harder and harder thrusts.

"I need more. MORE" he groaned, rapidly bucking his hips against her. "Haa-haa-haaah!"

"Fuck that kitty cat." Catwoman teased as Blue climbed onto the bed, almost fell backward, then steadied himself rapidly jackhammering Cheetah as her yowls rose higher and higher.

"Aaroool meeoow!" she howled, Blue fucking her harder to erotic shrieks as her body shuddered excitedly in orgasmic pleasure. "Haaa-aahh!"

"Cumming! Cumming! CUMMING." Blue clenched his teeth, "YES!!" he trembled visibly, Cheetah gasped as hot, surprisingly sweet, semen rushed into her body as her kitty clamped tightly down around it, feeling it bulge against her inner walls as she loudly purred. His hands caressed her body as he lay on her, his hips instinctively thrusting against her before he slowly slipped out.

He pushed Catwoman onto her back, spreading her legs so far apart she was doing the splits. Blue panted hotly over her, gazing at her quivering pussy as his cock throbbed over it like an ominous cloud. He clenched his teeth, holding her thighs firmly before slipping his dick down her wet slit against her tight ass.

"Aah Damn-IT…" she gasped, shaking as his meat rushed up into her rear. "Oh-FUCK… Me… ah… SHIT!" Slowly he pushed in, and out, steadily gliding up her asshole as if trying to adjust her to his size. Her stomach clenched and her chest heaved for breath as he slowly wound her up, burying his cock into her ass as her pussy quivered. Blue wrapped his arms over her legs now, pulling her onto his girth with each deep thrust into her. "How's that feel? Ha-huh?" she panted enticingly, "Shoving your dick up my ass?" Cheetah loomed over her face, shoving her tongue into her mouth. "Mmmgn!"

Blue's cock throbbed as Cheetah purred, sliding her tongue out of a panting Catwoman and down her body between her big breasts, over her clenching stomach, and to her exposed pussy, resting on her arms and knees as she began licking Catwoman out. "Oooh…" she moaned loudly before she was muzzled by Cheetah's kitty. "Mmngh!" sliding her own tongue into Cheetah as her tail swished happily in the air, wiggling her furry ass as Blue's sweetened cum flowed into her mouth. Blue began thrusting harder, and harder, railing into Catwoman's ass as she moaned into Cheetah's kitty. Cheetah purred loudly as her tongue lapped at Catwoman's wet pussy.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ha-ha-haah! I want to cum. I want to cum! I want to cum!" ramming harder and harder into Catwoman's spasming asshole, the slapping of hips echoing around them, Catwoman screamed an orgasm into Cheetah's body, and Cheetah yowled her own. "I'm cumming!" he buried his cock into as Squirming Catwoman and yanked it out abruptly, sweet semen shot onto her gaping ass before he aimed it at Cheetah's muzzle and Catwoman's crotch, shooting thick ropes of sweetened semen onto them.

The hot seed rushed onto Cheetah's furry face as she opened her muzzle and extended her tongue, taking some into her mouth and savoring the taste as he stroked out the rest eagerly. "Haa-hh-aah…"

BANG BANG BANG! "Herman. open up!" shouted someone from the door as 'Herman' shuddered in surprise. The two Superbabes jerked up. He stared for a minute at the door, clenching his teeth and pointing to the obvious bathroom.

"Bathroom. Quick." He said as Cheetah crawled off the bed, and Catwoman sat up and slipped off. They grabbed their costumes off the floor and rushed quickly to the bathroom, or as rushed as a wobbling Catwoman could go after a hard-ass fucking. Blue himself groaned, then walked to the door. Opening it up. "What Cherise." He grumbled.

An attractive young blonde woman with a nice big ass glared at him, both ignoring the fact that they were completely naked. "Mom says you can have cake. You want cake?" she asked as 'Herman' frowned.

"No thank you." He said as she sniffed.

"Ugh. You smell like you've been jerking off again. You know if you weren't such a little freak LaShawna could be sucking you off right now." She said lazily as Herman sniffed, she then grinned evilly, "And you could've blown that sweet jizz all over her face the way you like…" she sneered, as his cock rose up but she ignored it. "Guess you'll just have to keep jerking off like the pervert you are."

Catwoman and Cheetah could say they've witnessed weirder things in this job… but that would be a lie.

"…Whatever." He said before shutting the door in her face. He inhaled deeply, "…I'm going to regret that later." He mumbled, before moving to the bathroom. He immediately pushed his face between Catwoman's cleavage, pressing her against the wall as he stroked his cock, rubbing it firmly against her stomach. "…I would like to ejaculate on you now." He groaned between her chest as Catwoman sighed.

"Figured…" she grabbed his cock, dropping to her knees as Cheetah pressed her furry sticky body to him. "But it looks like your orgy is mellowing out so this is the last time then we have to go…" she said, stroking him slowly, letting his cock hang over her face as she sat on her knees. "So, what I want you to do-" She moaned seductively, "-is shoot this hot sweet load all over my pretty face, okay? You think my face is pretty right?" she purred, though not nearly as well as Cheetah.

"Yes…" he moaned, caressing Cheetah's body, licking at her nipples petting her cat-butt as she wiggled playfully against him.

"Yeah, you like cumming on girls don't you? You look like the kind of guy that sprays his load all over a girl once she gets on her knees." She double-fisted his cock, pre-cum oozing from his tip and dripping down onto her forehead as his girth throbbed in her hands, he thrust his hips towards her as they slid up and down, twisting pleasurably around him as Cheetah slid purring around his back, rubbing at his chest and sliding her soft hands down to his sack, cupping them as Catwoman opened her mouth.

"Well lucky you I like it when guys cum all over me." She hissed erotically, "Feeling their hot cum spray my face because I'm a dirty slut. What's the point of being a nasty, cum loving whore if she doesn't take hot jizz on her face? Yeah? You like that idea don't you?!" she stroked him faster and faster, her hands gliding up and down his length as he clenched his teeth… then roared happily.

"Ooooh! I want to cum all over you!"

"Let it out all over her, empty your balls on her." hissed Cheetah purrfectly in his ear. "it feels so good doesn't it? You just let it out."

"I want it. I want it. I want your hot fucking cum all over my faaace." Moaned Catwoman, sticking out her tongue. "Aah!"

"Aah!" gasped Herman as ropes of cum exploded from his tip.

"Ahh…" Catwoman sighed, tightening her hands on his cum throwing cock, hosing her beautiful face with freshly squeezed sweet jizz. Soon the ropes became just thick blobs of semen, she held his cock over her head as it oozed out the tip and dropped onto her. As if she was being anointed with holy water… Holy water that tasted like candy and came out of a blue young man's balls…

Herman breathed tiredly but stroked his cock while it rested on Catwoman's sticky face. Cheetah licked his ear and purred before approaching the elaborately large shower, turning it one and stepping right in. She twirled under the shower water, washing herself as only a Superbabe and nude models/strippers seemed to. Herman as if in a horny daze followed her in, closely by a sticky half-blind Catwoman as he stroked himself behind Cheetah staring at her furry ass cheeks.

Catwoman joined Cheetah directly under the shower as the furry Superbabe embraced her sensually, licking the sweet cum from her face and moaning together for Herman's entertainment… "ROwwl!" Cheetah suddenly roared as Herman could not reset one more romp with a rump. "Mmmroowl!" she instinctively clawed at Catwoman who hissed uncomfortably

"Ow-ow-ow!" quickly throwing Cheetah off her and rinsing under the water on her own as Cheetah was pressed against the wall, using her wet furry arms as a buffer while Herman pumped rapidly into her tail hole from before.

"Ah-ah-ahaahh." He groaned, rubbing against her wet furry back, sliding his hands through her furry, releasing contained water from them as he railed into her furry cheeks.

"I was washing… that…" Cheetah moaned as his hand wet plopped on her rear, "Mmgh!"

"I needed this." He declared unironically. Wrapping his arms around her waist, "I wanted to do yours too!"


"Cum! Cum! Cumming!…" he pushed into Cheetah's taught body as she clawed the tiled wall. "Cumming in your bombax!"

"Our what now?" mumbled Catwoman, spluttering water from her mouth as she glanced at Blue… Herman, but he was dazedly gasping against Cheetah. His balls quivered as he pumped her furry ass with jizz. "Did you say bombax…"

"…My mother says it's another word for buttocks…" he grumbled, pulling out of Cheetah. "She says she picked it up from a weird guru guy she met in Columbia before I was born."

Cheetah and Catwoman blinked at blue Herman, who didn't seem to think anything was WEIRD about that. But, okay… sure…..... They totally just fucked Lori's Half-brother. They'll keep this between themselves and Orders… Thinking about it that explains so much but so little about this weird ass house.

"Alright then." Smiled Catwoman, wrapping her hands around Blue Herman's shoulders, and gently shoving him out of the shower. "Out you go! We need to clean up and you need to make sure our path is clear out of here."

"…I should secure payment." He noted blankly, watching them wash for a moment longer and stepping out of the bathroom as Catwoman groaned, briefly removing her cap to wash it more thoroughly along with her hair.

"…Can we leave this weird place now?"

Cheetah sighed, already getting out after rinsing her rear and tail. "It's not the WEIRDEST thing we've done…" before admitting sheepishly, "but this IS why I don't go to yiffing conventions."

Cheetah dried as Catwoman rinsed, then Catwoman dried while Cheetah redressed, when they both left the bathroom, Blue Herman sat at his table absently eating the grilled cheese, naked and with an erection. But there was a crumpled stack of cash waiting for them as she approached him.

Cheetah took the money, and they both gave his blue forehead a kiss. "Is it all clear?" asked Catwoman curiously as Herman nodded.

"Yes. You should have a clear path to the back door, the second round has started… they will be no cake leftovers." He said rather ominously as Catwoman and Cheetah just looked at him funnily for a minute. "What?"

"…Nothing." Cheetah noted, stuffing the bills into Catwoman's suit. "…Good night." She said, unable to think of something to say and leaving the half-alien boy alone in his room. "…We're never Telling Lori right?"

"I'm not, she has enough daddy issues." She said as the moaning in the house increased, "I… don't think she needs THIS…" she added.

Time: 11:32 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Upon their return the found that Orders was slumped in her chair, her purple-eyes closed and ice pack on her forehead. Catwoman removed the money from her suit, opening her mouth only for Orders to interrupt her. "I don't care where the money comes from-"

"As long as it comes." Cheetah and Catwoman finished together.

"…We still, totally, had sex with Lori's half-brother." Noted Catwoman hesitantly. "…Are you-?"

"Nope." Orders replied abruptly. "Not today, not tomorrow and certainly not until this headache lets up. Now I'm going to count this money." She said, clawing the stack towards her like a witchy hag and sorting it. "She doesn't want to know, he's just another sibling her bombax-hole father squeezed out… besides he seems content enough. Right at home in fact." Orders sat up. "Besides. Sleeping with relatives isn't exactly off the table around here as long as they pay. It's only a matter of time before Yaya's brother Eddie tries his luck now that he's not banned and no longing in crippling gambling debt…"

"I… don't need to know that." Yaya replied, raising her hands and walking away to the lockers for a more thorough shower.

"It's not like he's going to order you." Orders replied dismissively. "…He's an ass man anyway." She added disdainfully. Katie rolled her eyes and strutted into the locker room for a more thorough cleaning in the showers as well, leaving Orders to return the ice pack to her forehead and relax, the deliveries seemed to cool down as much as the ice pack. Then reached for the phone as it rang, not even bothering to open her eyes.

"Superbabes, we deliver. Due to excessive demand tonight there will be delays… wait a moment." she absently tapped the 'hold' button before asking loudly, "Either of you up for another delivery?" her eyes flickered and she sighed, "Never mind." Then brought the caller back. "Yes. Definitely delays…"


.....Let's be honest. When you have a serial impregnator from a species of alien sex fiends, one Kid is unlikely... two of them in Gotham however is a convenience only seen in comic books. Speaking of sexy blue aliens Livewire is next. Will she end up Meeting her obvious half-brother?... I mean, technically speaking let's hope not. We shouldn't have incest in this story.

Basically, Lori's dad banged her mom, stuck around, had Lori, then banged a vacationing, phat-ass, sex-fiend woman and probably her husband... maybe even at the same time, knocked her up, then something-something later he eventually got caught by the Lanterns. I was also going to call 'Blue' Herman O. Schwartz... because Herman-O (Brother) and Schwartz because of Space Balls dick jokes... but we'll see in the future.

And finally, I don't know what sort of depravity I'll have Livewire go through, but I'm sure it'll be aggressive and involve many MANY dicks... maybe. I don't know. But it won't be incest...

Next chapter