
Delivery Girl: Miss Martian Order #4

I don't own DC

It's her day off. So Miss Martian was somewhat surprised when a second after she woke up there was a loud knock on her apartment door. Making herself slightly more decent by tossing on an old bathrobe she walked out of her bedroom, and approached the front door, opening it curiously to meet her surprise guest.

It was her upstairs neighbor and fellow Superbabe: Circe. The purple-haired, teal-eyed Superbabe yawned tiredly in front of her dressed in loose boxer shorts, a tight tank top and running shoes. She had tied her long purple hair back with a hairband and gazed sleepily at Miss Martian. "Morning." she yawned, shaking her head to throw off the sleepiness. "Ready to go?"

"Go?" Miss Martian asked surprised, "Go where?"

Circe looked at her funny and yawned again, before rubbing her eyes. "For our workout? I texted you last night."

"Oh…" Miss Martian blinked surprised before turning around, "Come in." she said as Circe walked right in and slumped onto Miss Martian's couch… which probably smelled like Teenage mutant turtle and pizza. Not that Circe noticed… "I didn't read my phone messages." Miss Martian replied, going back into her bedroom to find her phone plugged into the wall on a charger. Orders bought it for her… and sure enough, there were Circe's messages sent at 9:00.

Phoebe - 'Mandatory workout tomorrow, bright and early no sleeping in'.

She was a bit busy last night having a Ninja pizza party with the guys, so she must have missed it. What's a Ninja Pizza Party? A party that's very quiet with lots of pizza… The boys were very insistent that Mikey keep his mouth shut, not Mikey the Super of the apartment. Michelangelo… the turtle not the artist…

Anyway, back to the matter at hand… Miss Martian read the text, again and again, unsure of what 'Mandatory Workout' was as she herself didn't NEED to workout thanks to her abilities. Well, maybe it'll be fun? She walked out of her bedroom only to find Phoebe on the couch. Sleeping. Dozing loudly as Miss Martian stared at her for a moment… then decided to call Miss Orders to clarify what exactly a mandatory workout was…

She jumped as her phone started buzzing, and she quickly answered it. "He-Hello?"

"You don't have to do it." Orders replied, "Violet scheduled you for it but it seems rather moot for you to work out when you can maintain your shape indefinitely."

"What is it?" asked Miss Martian curiously.

"Usually? It's to keep the girls in job-acceptable shape, those of us who don't have shapeshifting powers. Physical activity, and exercises, usually with Ronnie-Bell or Lucia. But again you don't have too…"

"What about Phoebe?" she asked softly, letting phoebe snore on her couch.

"Let her sleep. She needs it after 24 hours of studying and working. She'll probably be out for a little while, enjoy your morning see you later tonight, I'll have a special job for you."

"What?" Miss Martian blinked as Orders hung up the phone. She stared at it before shrugging… and decided to take a morning shower and wash away the pizza smell. She stripped down, hopped into the shower, and promptly spoiled herself with hot water and scented soap. After a long sensual time under water, she walked back out, toweling herself off, then check the mirror for any flaws in her form… then, spying some food in her teeth she picked up her toothbrush and started brushing…

Then she stretched her mouth and teeth apart to really give them a cleaning… then sucked them right back up together. She tried flossing, not really a fan… she sniffed, spit, rinsed out her mouth and smiled in the mirror making sure her radiant smile wasn't out of sorts before turning walk out of the bathroom and back into her bedroom to change clothes. Freezing as she saw a wide-eyed Circe standing in her room staying right at her.

"…How… did you do that with your FACE?" she hissed in awe as Miss Martian froze.

"Uhh… I…" she panicked, her brain shut down.

"You… did things… with your FACE!" Circe replied trying to stretch her own mouth in a mad imitation, "your teeth moved apart and you-"

"Yes. I know. Don't flip out." Miss Martian whimpered nervously as Circe poked her face. "Wha-What are you doing?"

"What are YOU doing?! How did you do that? That was amazing! It was freaky, and it will probably give me nightmares, but amazing!"

Miss Martian hesitated, before sighing reluctantly. Annoyed with herself, "I thought you were asleep."

"Please I've power napped between classes before I'm awake and ready to go!" she said, though she did sit down on Miss Martian's bed. "Now you! Explain."

"…I'm a shapeshifter." Miss Martian replied as Circe slapped her knee.

"Ha! I knew it! I KNEW You were a mutant!" she declared as Miss Martian blinked.

"Actually I'm not sure-"

"Shush. Mutant. I win the pool." Circe declared, "Wait until I tell the others!"

"Wait no! you can't tell the others!" Miss Martian squeaked adorably, "No-no-no you shouldn't have even found out!"

Circe blinked at her surprised. "Why not? It's not a big deal. We have a half-alien, a mutate, a bang baby, a steroid-enhanced human, a GYNOID, why not a mutant shapeshifter, seems like right up our alley."

"But is anyone being chased by a shady organization?" Miss Martian replied. Circe paused, then frowned. "Please keep it between us, if anyone else found out it would spread everywhere!"

"…Good point. Ashley, Jenny… they do have pretty big mouths alone."

"Just between us?" Miss Martian asked as Circe groaned.

"Fiiiine… I'm going to up the ante, on you being a mutant." She grinned almost evilly as Miss Martian sighed.

"I don't know what I am." She replied, returning to the bathroom and giving herself a look over before changing into her clothes. "…Ms. Orders just tells me to call myself a science experiment."

"…I'm still going to say mutant." Circe replied, "How does Orders know?" she paused thoughtfully, "Stupid question…" she waited, then stood up walking to the bathroom. "So. What's your limit? The Nurse in me is curious. Can you change into anyone and anything?"

"I can't really change into anything super small or super big." Miss Martian noted, pulling on a shirt, "But in this form, I can do a lot of things-" she said as her breasts suddenly grew several sizes larger. Circe laughed as Miss Martian smiled, then expanded her butt and blew up her lips, waddling comically out of the bathroom as a cartoonish bimbo before shrinking back to her 'normal' sizes. "…I suppose I could change into large animals, big dogs or big cats, I never really tried." she frowned thoughtfully, truthfully she couldn't remember. "It helps if I have a visual to go by…"

"Oooh! Change into Katie!" declared Circe as Miss Martian frowned at her. "What? It's for science." She said.

"…I did turn into her once. I ran away as a decoy when all those 'catfoot' seekers were outside." Miss Martian noted as Circe punched her fist with her hand, looking elated.

"Ah! I remember that…"

"I then transformed back into me, uh... Miss Martian and ran right back." She clarified. Circe's face fell and groaned.

"Ah. Running. Forgot. We need to get going to our workout." She noted, checking Circe's nearby custom-made alarm clock that Donny built for her. "We're already late."

"Oh. Orders said we didn't have to go, and you could pile up Z's." Miss Martian noted then seeing the look on Circe's face she tried again, "Nod off." Circe beamed at her. "…Though it was a little strange."

"Oh we're probably going to have to do something later." She stretched and returned to the couch. "That's fine."

"She did say she had a special job for me." Miss Martian noted as Circe rolled her teal eyes.

"Then maybe you should get some sleep too. You're going to need your energy for whatever weird delivery you're going on. You're working tonight, right?"

Miss Martian blinked at her, then nodded acceptingly. "Right-o."

"Oh don't worry about it. It's nothing you can't handle. Anyway. Tell me more about this shapeshifting! And can you turn into me? I have a test I need to take but I also need to sleep through." She smiled as Miss Martian smiled, and chatted with Circe until she fell back asleep.

Later that Night.

Having a girl to chat with about her powers was rather cathartic. Talking with Orders wasn't really… helpful, and talking with the boys or their father wasn't the same. Now that Circe was in on her not-so-deep, dark secret was mentally relaxing. So when she went into work leaving Circe on her couch she was ready and eager to work with whatever task Orders was going to have her do-

"I need you to grow a dick." she said to her less than two minutes after she change, and Orders called Miss Martian into her office, and shut the door… Not QUITE what she was expecting.

"What?" she replied surprised, shapeshifter or not she was distinctly and mentally female. Suddenly growing a dick was an unexpected request.

"I got a special request." Orders replied, moving to her desk and retrieving a large manilla envelope from a drawer. She opened it and dumped the contents on the desk, two thick stacks of cash, at least 3,000 dollars. Which was somewhat absurd. "So. That requires you to have a dick." she said straight-faced as Miss Martian fidgeted.

"…W-well… I could do it I think…" she mumbled, "What exactly… how big?" she asked as Orders cringed.

"I don't know." she shrugged, "They just wanted a specific girl. One with a dick." she added, then scowled. "I already got the order, and I am loathed to return any cash. So? Can you do it?"

Miss Martian fidgeted. She licked her lips, and she did… wiggling slightly at the new appendage growing in her skirt, "Nngh. Y-Yes." She then blinked at her unperturbed boss. "Wait wouldn't you know if I could?"

"Yes, but it's a matter of being polite." Orders replied dismissively, before handing her a receipt. "Here. Go and do our business."

Oh! Shit we've already-uh. Time right now?: 9-ish something-Place: DON'T RUSH ME!-MEANWHILE!

Miss Martian checked the receipt as Orders took one of the stacks of cash and pushed it back into her desk. The other was obviously for Miss Martian… But she walked out of Orders' office, walking a little funny as she adjusted, then picked up the food from the counter. Walking out the back door and towards the company car, sliding into the driver's seat and flinching, she adjusted herself… then drove off into Gotham… and very, very north of it.

The concrete jungle gave way to actual green trees and cabins in the woods. The headlights of the car lighting the dark path as the trees covered the starry sky and the crescent moon. Soon the ground was less paved and more off-roading trail, but eventually… she saw a cabin.

She fidgeted, gazing at the cozy little getaway with lights shining from the windows with cracked curtains. She slipped out of the car, carrying the superbabes branded bag of food as she walked up the stone path from the road. She stepped up the stairs to the patio, before approaching the front door of Cabin #4, raising her hand to knock loudly. 'Adjusting' herself again.


Time: 9:36 PM. Place: Northern Gotham (Getaway Cabin #4)

"Special Delivery Service…" she frowned as her skirt felt a little tight, she contemplated 'shrinking' herself, but she imagined she'd be out of her clothes in a moment. The door abruptly opened, to reveal a woman in leather straps that did nothing to actually hide her body…

Leather straps made an 'X' across her body between her modest bust, and she wore a leather collar with a short and thin chain leash dangling from it to her belly button. She had a leather belt around her waist and nothing else… except for a metal ring through her clitoris. She had short red hair, freckled cheeks, and brown eyes. And her hand suddenly reached forward and rubbed Miss Martian's crotch. Miss Martian squeaked as her brand new dick was rudely groped.

"Fuck yeah." Grinned the woman lecherously. "In." her words were sharp but her manners were more gentle, grabbing Miss Martian by the hand and leading her inside the contrasting cabin. It looked warm and inviting, a regular getaway retreat, yet the woman in leather looked like she just finished a biker rally. She took the food from Miss Martian's hand tossing it aside onto the kitchen counter before leading her further into the back of the cabin to the main bedroom.

The door was open and they walked right in, finding a large man, man-spreading on the bed only in cowboy boots and cowboy hat. His thick cock was rigid and glistening slightly, then again so was the rest of him. His tanned muscled body was oiled, and his bleached blonde hair was shaved short. The Strapped chick, smiled lustfully before turning around and taking Miss Martian's face in her hands, shoving her tongue abruptly into her mouth. "Mmnh-gmmn…"

Her hands roamed Miss Martian's body, sliding down to her shapely rear and squeezing her ass cheeks before they slid up to her bulging chest, fondling her through her shirt as she returned the gesture, quickly going to work, squeezing the woman's unavoidably flat ass. They writhed erotically together, tongues wrestling for sensual dominance as her tongue grew and slid into the Strapped Chick's mouth as she swallowed her spit.

"Ah…" she shoved Miss Martian away, squeezing at her breasts. "Strip." She ordered before turning around and dropping to her knees before the Oiled Cowboy. Resting her hands on his legs as he stroked himself, she opened her mouth and abruptly took him into her throat, audibly gagging as he growled eagerly, watching Miss Martian slowly strip to the harmonious moans of the Strapped Chick's cocksucking. She unclicked the cape, then began lifting the shirt up over her head, exposing her breasts as the Strapped Chick's slurps echoed audibly around them.

"Mmn-Slurp-mnn. GuckGuckGuckGuckGuck!" Miss Martian removed her shirt to find the woman's head in the Cowboy's hands as he rapidly jerked her face on his cock, her head a blur as he jammed his cock into her throat until she pushed out of his lap. "HWaah!" gasping and drooling mucus from her lips as she spat on his cock. Then grinned up at him with watery eyes…

Miss Martian, slowly wiggled her hips, pushing her skirt down her legs… and standing back up with modestly big green dick growing above her pussy… The man's cock spurted pre-cum on the woman's face at the sight of it. The woman turned around, gazing at the green dick in awe, crawling on the floor towards Miss Martian, the chain scraping across the carpet. The woman knelt before Miss Martian, roughly grabbing the green girl's hips and thrusting her towards her mouth.

"Haah…" she opened her mouth again, wrapping it around Miss Martian's lower lips. Both women moaned as her tongue slid up Miss Martian's pussy, the green dick twitching on her messy face as the Cowboy stayed sitting on the bed, stroking himself slowly to the sight of the woman devouring Miss Martian's honey. The Strapped Chick squeezed Miss Martian's ass with her left hand but her right rested on the curved green cock rubbing against her face. "Mmn-mmnh…" she moaned hungrily, eating Miss Martian out and rubbing her cock with her fingers and face, stroking it like a pet as Miss Martian moaned.

She shuddered, shaking like a virgin as her new penis experienced a feminine touch other than her own. Pre-cum oozed from the tip onto the Strapped Chick's forehead, as she whimpered, bucking her hips towards the woman's face as her cock throbbed against her fingers firmly rubbing up and down the green curve.

"Haah…" the woman moaned, pulling from Miss Martian's green snatch and running her tongue up beneath her cock, wrapping her soft lips abruptly around the tip and diving down to the base of it. Miss Martian cried out in pleasure, holding the woman's face as she bucked against it, pulling in and out of her throat and regretting that she didn't make her cock bigger to enjoy the full sensation of the woman's gullet.

And she was enthusiastic about it. Burying her face into Miss Martian's crotch, clawing at her shapely green as and fingering her own wet pussy, slobbering and moaning messily as drool oozed down the corner of her lips, what she lacked in technique she more than made up for in wild fervor. Miss Martian might have been concerned for her safety. She seemed to be determined to choke herself on green dick, coughing and spluttering around it, sending a flood of fluid down Miss Martian's inner thighs as she yanked her face out of her crotch. "Haah…" she scooped up the sloppy fluids that dribbled from her mouth and smeared them onto Miss Martian's erection before standing up.

She gripped Miss Martian's cock, guiding her towards the bed… she shoved the big Cowboy on the shoulder, but he didn't move at first, getting up on his own accord as she turned around, and sat on the bed, flopping onto her back and spreading her legs, rubbing herself as she gazed fiercely at Miss Martian. It didn't take Miss Martian long to realize what she wanted, but it was so weird being on the other side of it.

The Cowboy briefly returned to the woman, kneeling by her face and shoving the tip of his cock into her mouth, she sloppily sucked on it, noticeably drooling as Miss Martian approached her, resting her hands on her inner thighs and prodding her entrance with her virgin dick… before piercing into her. The Strapped Chick moaned whorishly around the Cowboy as he shoved his cock into her mouth, right to the base before roughly ripping it back out with a messy wet pop. lightly slapping the woman as she rolled her hips up towards Miss Martian.

"Haa-ha-haaah…" moaning as Miss Martian, getting into the flow, slid her hands up the woman's body squeezing her breasts firmly while wildly thrusting into her. "Haa-aah! Ah SHIT…" she hissed through clenched teeth, her eyes rolled up into her head and she bit her bottom lip, silencing herself in soft grunting moans as the Cowboy shifted off the bed. Listening to the sounds of Strapped Chick's moans and the wet slapping of green hips against her. He stroked himself and walked around the bed.

Miss Martian, enjoying the benefits of having a dick inside someone, didn't notice until it was too late what was happening, not that she would've stopped.

"Haaah!" she was shoved forward onto Strapped chick as Oiled Cowboy loomed behind her smelling like Shea butter. He put a solid hand on Miss Martian's back, holding her in place as he pushed his on raging erection against her tight little asshole which she quickly enlarged but not fast enough. "HAAA!! AAH! AAAH!! UCK!" his other hand wrapped around her face and hooked a thick middle finger into her gaping mouth as he promptly rammed heavily into her green ass. "GAah-aah! Aah! Aah!!"

She squealed like a pig, Oiled Cowboy rammed balls deep into her ass and yanked back out only to do it again. The momentum of his merciless thrusting sent Miss Martian deep into Strapped Chick, only to bounce out of her as Oiled Cowboy pulled back and did it again, repeating the process over and over as he fucked Miss Martian and she in turn fucked strapped chick.

Strapped chick screamed as if she was the one taking Oiled Cowboy directly instead of being proxy fucked by Miss Martian's green member slamming harder and harder into her damped pussy, the metal ring through her clitoris rubbing against the green girl as her garbbled roars from the finger in her mouth drooled messily down onto the woman's face who opened her mouth, trying to catch it like life-giving rain.

Miss Martian however was having her first ejaculation inside a woman while being ravaged anally by an Oiled up fetishistic cowboy. It's been a very full 20 minutes. "Aaah!!" she spasmed, flopping and shaking like jello onto the woman as the Oiled Cowboy did the same. Pinning Miss Martian between them, as Strapped Chick screamed her own orgasm taking Miss Martian's first load as the Cowboy continued to ram into Miss Martian…

"UGH!" he grunted, snarling like a proper beast as he shoved his big cock up Miss Martian's trembling hole and unleashed a wad into her. "NNGH…" his heavy balls pulsating against Miss Martian's ass cheeks, her body shaking like jello, as he let out every drop… to lost in his own pleasure that Miss Martian was jiggling a little too much, her body trying to maintain itself as her brain slowly returned.

The Oiled Cowboy grunted, shoving himself upright and ripping his girth out of Miss Martian, watching her ass spasm briefly before the Strapped Chick shoved Miss Martian out of her. Her legs, still trying to decide how stable they were in more ways than one flopped to the floor. She sucked in air, closing her eyes to focus herself as her new erection twitched. She opened them again to view the gooey mess oozing out of the woman as she began to masturbate again, shoving her sticky fingers into her greedy hole as the Cowboy suddenly blocked Miss Martian's view, shoving his cock into her mouth. "MMgh!" she groaned as he sighed, a hand on her head now as he guided her back and forth on his cock.

Soon she was noisily slurping on it, her cock twitching pre-cum as he held the back of her head firmly, taking a step back onto toward the bed, sitting on the edge of it with Miss Martian's face still buried in his crotch. Strapped chick, screamed, shaking as arousal and Miss Martian's fluid oozed out of her before sitting up and slipping off the bed. "Haaha…" she gasped, then flopped to the floor, crawling over Miss Martian's lap and beginning to suck her cock again. "Mphh-mmngh…"

The Cowboy's foot gently pressed on the back of Strapped Chick's head, pushing her gently down, letting her up again, then back down as he guided an equally moaning Miss Martian up and down his cock. "Mmggh! MPGH! MMGH!!" her eyes rolling and bulging as the Strapped Chick buried her face into her thighs, slurping noisily as she did the same for Oiled Cowboy.

Writhing and squirming together in a mass of depravity and flesh.

Miss Martian struggled as her body was confused as to what it was SUPPOSED to do, oozing cum into Strapped Chick's mouth as Oiled Cowboy crammed his member into her slippery throat, grunting and growling as his pre-cum oozed onto Miss Martian's tongue and down the back of her throat. "MGh! MGh! MGh-ah!" Miss Martian gasped as Oiled Cowboy pulled out of her mouth, he then shoved her backward as she flopped to the floor.

Strapped Chick's tongue and chain leash slid up Miss Martian's body, then she mounted her, sliding Miss Martian up her tight ass, hissing softly as she started to ride her, gasping and moaning while the Oiled Cowboy furiously stroked himself, dripping pre-cum everywhere as he lifted a leg over Miss Martian…

He then sat on her. smothering her face with his taint and moaning as Strapped Chick fell forward, still riding Miss Martian's cock and taking Oiled Cowboy's tip into her mouth. "Mmgh-MGH! mMGNh!" Oiled Cowbow shoved his sack into Miss Martian's drooling mouth as she screamed pleasurably around them. Slurping and suckling his balls as they pulsated a hot load into Strapped Chick who just kept sucking. She didn't swallow it, cum oozed out of her mouth onto Miss Martian's chest as he popped out of her squealing mouth.

Strapped Chick and Miss Martian writhed in lustful madness, it was hard to tell who was fucking who as Strapped Check gazed vacantly into the far wall, engulfing Miss Martian's cock with a slippery, well used pussy as she drooled cum and saliva onto Miss Martian's green tits. Oiled Cowboy stood to the bouncing Strapped Chick's left, slapping her face with his cock as she turned her head and slurped on it… but just as quickly he popped from her lips, moving around behind her and shoving her forward. "Ugh…"

groaning as she and Miss Martian smeared the mess between their bodies upon each other before Oiled Cowboy mounted Strapped Chick from behind, slamming up her ass. "Haaargh!! AAH! AH FUCK! AAH!!" she drooled onto Miss Martian's face as Oiled Cowboy pumped hard into her from behind, sliding her up and down Miss Martian's cock.

Miss Martian writhed beneath Strapped Chick, her hands clawing at the woman's body until Strapped Chick grabbed her by the wrist, pinning them down at her side as rubbing her hardened nipples against Miss Martian's, their chest slippery and sticky with cum and mucus as Oiled Cowboy grabbed Strapped Chick's short red hair, dominating her ass and making her tongue loll against Miss Martian's face. Wheezing and gasping on top of her with each penetrating thrust of Oiled Cowboy…

Miss Martian trembled uncontrollably as her load burst into Strapped Chick once again, bucking spasming hips up into Strapped Chick as Oiled Cowboy satisfied himself with her rear. Roaring his release soon after, slamming up into Strapped Chick before ripping his cock out of her and spraying her back with cum. Strapped Chick wiggled on top of a gasping Miss Martian.

They all breathed in the sweaty musky air, tiredly gasping for breath as Strapped Chick shakily slipped off of Miss Martian. She sat on Miss Martian's stomach, feeling the green cock smear a small trail of pre-cum on her flat ass. Strapped Chick took Miss Martian's hands in hers, and lifted her up and onto her knees, Strapped Chick sat on her lap the green cock poking between her thighs and rubbing against her silky messy hole. "Mmn…" face to face they whorishly made out, tongue's swirling openly around each other, drooling and sucking on each in-turn until Oiled Cowboy stood beside them, resting his hands on their heads and thrusting his erection over their tongues and against their lips. Strapped Chick's hands rubbing Miss Martian's erection as they salivated over his member.

He held them firmly together, their lips kissing around his cock with every thrust, occasionally his tip would slam between their lips, pounding against the inside of their cheeks as Strapped Chick slithered her hands around Miss Martian's quivering member.

"Haah! AHH!" he suddenly jammed his cock into Strapped Chick's mouth, furiously thrusting his hips against her face, twice a second at least as she squeezed out another wad from Miss Martian, shooting her cum with an orgasm cry up Strapped Chick's strapped body.

"GUCKGUCKGUCKGUCK!!" she slowly fell backward until she hit the floor, she gasped but she didn't get much air as Oiled Cowboy smothered her face and kept fucking it even as her legs thrashed about, her hands clawing at his legs and ass as he kept fucking her face… until his body went balls deep and still on her. Her legs thrashed about like she was having a death spasm, twitching and shaking as her pussy squirted across the floor and she went limp.

Miss Martian, watching the show, came again. Shooting a rope of cum from her cock and shaking, biting her bottom lip as Oiled Cowboy tried to suffocate Strapped Chick with dick. Messily he slowly pulled his cock from her gooey mouth, scratching his belly as he sat on the bed with a limp dick… Strapped Chick spluttered, cum and spittle erupting from her mouth only to splatter onto her face.

Nobody moved, nobody spoke… they seemed to be, politely ignoring her now. Oiled Cowboy flopped onto the bed and closed his eyes as if trying to sleep but did not notice the naked green redhead with a dick watching them both curiously…

She gave them another minute of silence before slowly getting to her feet, letting that green dick hang low as she grabbed her clothes, they didn't stop her, or couldn't stop her potentially. The thing flopped annoyingly about as she found the tiny bathroom shower… and shutting the door she finally got rid of it… Fun as it might be, it felt weird on her.

Walking a little easier she adjourned to the shower, rinsing away the depraved shame she sort of felt. Using the less than appealing unscented soap, the savages, she washed herself clean in hot water before slipping out of the shower and wiping her hand across the mirror. She examined herself as she always did, one might think she had a problem with vanity the amount of times she checked herself in the mirror, but finding no flaws in her form she quickly dried herself off and reapplied her clothes.

She opened the door and saw that Strapped Chick and Oiled Cowboy were in the same spots she left them in. So, considering Orders was paid in advance and there wasn't much else for her to do she quietly slipped out of the bedroom. Stepping like a ninja slowly towards the front door, opening it to a light Gotham drizzle. "Keen." She mumbled, but she covered her head with her cape and ran to the car, heading back to Superbabes.

Time: 10:53 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Orders casually counted the stack of cash she had been giving for Miss Martian's time and sighed once she had returned walking into Superbabes and adjusting her blue skirt. "Welcome back." Orders replied, then taking a significant chunk of the stack, she handed it to Miss Martian.

"That was… weird."

"Yes well. I find that asking questions I don't want to know the answer to only gives me more headaches because I know them in the first place." Orders said casually, "Good work Jane, take a break."

"Right-o." replied Candy Jane, deciding to put whatever that was out of her head and just get through her shift. She sat down on the couch, absently picking up a magazine with Lucia 'Lucy' Lopez gracing the cover in a swimsuit and opening it up and randomly reading… "I'm… not going to… you know, grow it again?... Because it was an odd trip to weirdsville."

"…Let's wait and see how much I get paid next time." Orders replied with a very Orders like answer to that question.

"I'm not even entirely sure how it worked." Jane mumbled thoughtfully, "…I mean I really don't know."

"What did I say about questions? Read the magazine." Orders replied flatly as Jane obeyed. The Purple-eyed boss took a deep sigh, mumbling to herself "…I wonder if Veronica knows anyone at Star Labs who I can blackmail to keep their mouths shut…" she tapped her sudoku puzzle. "Questions for later."


I've been trying to get this chapter done for three days. Very annoyed with myself I've just been freaking lazy. Anyway, Catwoman II now, then a collection of big booty bitches... I may toss a boob between those for flavor.

Next chapter