
Delivery Girl: Miss Martian Order #3

I don't own DC.

"Shit she's coming!" declared Bumblebee nervously, glancing out the back door to keep an eye out for their boss.

"What do we do?" asked Star Sapphire nervously. "We have to tell her right?" she glanced curiously but blankly between the two Superbabes currently in the lounge. Bumblebee of course, and Wonder Girl. Miss Martian, after thoroughly checking herself in the locker room mirrors, briefly made an appearance, watching the trio curiously before making her way onto the floor.

"YES. We have to tell her." noted Wonder Girl.

"But she's gonna find out anyway when she realizes there's no food cooking." Replied Star Sapphire innocently as Bumblebee groaned patiently at Star Sapphire's... issues.

"Yeah. Honey, we know. But then she's going to get pissed because we didn't tell her!"

"She's Orders." Declared Black Canary dropping off her tips from her tits, "She already KNOWS." She said elaborately with a mocking roll of her blue eyes before jiggling back onto the floor.

"…I'm still not telling her." Bumblebee declared bluntly just as Orders walked in.

"Tell me what?" Orders noted stoically as Bumblebee and Star Sapphire in a moment of unity… shoved Wonder Girl forward.

The buxom former Marine was no stranger to danger… but Orders was a bomb she didn't want to defuse as she wasn't even in the bomb disposal squad. "Orders…" Wonder Girl began hesitantly as the other girls took a step back as Orders abruptly and briskly walked in through the back door. "Um…"

"Out with it." Orders noted dismissively as she walked around her counter, putting down her purse in her office

"…The day shift cooks went home, but the night shift ones haven't shown up yet. And I know that… well…" glancing out onto the floor noticing the smorgasbord of T and A, and its many appreciative fans… there were some of them that also came for wings and thighs. "Some guys are here for us, but some of them want food. You know?"

"And we can't let Lindsey near any knives." Noted Bumblebee as Star Sapphire nodded her empty but pretty masked head.

"It's true. I have a doctor's note from the last time I had to go see the doctor."

"Oh, it's a good thing you're pretty." Bumblebee and Orders mumbled, but Orders seemed… rather calm all things consider.

"I am aware… the chefs have a slight cause of Pneumonia."

"…All of them?" asked Wonder Girl surprised as Orders sniffed patiently, but still glared at the girls.

"There is a reason I don't allow sex on the premises." She said, "Because if Veronica gets SICK, she's usually patient Zero."

"….Ooooooh." Bumblebee and Wonder Girl mumbled together, realizing how the cooks got Pneumonia as Star Sapphire just looked even more confused.

"Veronica's a patient? Which hospital?"

"Please. Lindsey. Shush." Orders said calmly, using Star Sapphire's real name so the pretty girl didn't get confused. "Regardless, luckily I have an excellent substitution for a few days. Until the ship leaves port anyway.

"Ship? What ship?" asked Wonder Girl, who was as confused as Star Sapphire now, as a large, towering man entered the back door.

He was big, almost or as big as Giganta with a farmer's tan and bulging muscles, an eyepatch over his scared but handsome face, and wearing a greasy cook's apron. Wonder Girl's eyes widened at the sight of him… she RECOGNIZED him.

"Ladies, I do believe most of you working tonight haven't met Luke Ryback. Head chef of the Superbabes branch of the Martha's Heart Cruise ship." Orders introduced the imposing man before them.

A lecherous Bumblebee gazed admiringly at the towering, muscular and rugged Luke Ryback, wondering just what she could do to him in the brief amount of time he will be in the kitchen while Star Sapphire waved sweetly at him with a pretty smile. Wonder Girl continued to stare at him like he was some sort of 5-star celebrity chef… even though he looked like a greasy 2-star fry cook.

Luke, however, greeted the girls politely. "Hmph." ...Polite for him at any rate.

"He will be taking over cooking duties for a couple of days until he ships back out and I find a suitable temp staff." Orders added, "…Jordan Ramsley owes me a few favors." She said ominously but cleared her throat. "Anyway. Luke, I believe you know where the kitchen is, if not. Bumblebee, Star Sapphire, escort him."

Mostly she told them to do it JUST to get rid of Star Sapphire, she didn't need to deal with that right now.

"With pleasure." Noted Bumblebee, wrapping her arms around one of Luke's powerful muscled ones, openly squeezing him with her breasts as she took him through the lounge and onto the restaurant floor.

Orders sighed, sat down, and turned on the computer. "Get it out of your system." She said casually.

"Luke RYBACK? THE Luke RYBACK?! Luke 'Rock-a-Bye' Ryback!?" she asked in awe as the pretty green 'Teen' Miss Martian walked back into the lounge, laden with a few tips and curiously watching Bumblebee try her luck with Luke.

"Rock-a-billy?" Miss Martian asked, mishearing Wonder Girl.

"Rock-a-BYE." Wonder Girl noted, "As in he'll put you to SLEEP. Permanently."

"Yes, I do believe that's what he was called in the military when I found him." Orders noted dismissively. "To me, he's just Luke."

"That big scary man you sent into the kitchen?" asked Miss Martian curiously. "He seemed pretty neato." She said casually as Wonder Girl seemed to be… fangirling, not that Miss Martian quite knew what fangirling was.

"Luke Ryback is a LEGEND in the marines! He's the guy you send in when you need to send in a guy after sending in other guys!" she declared happily, "He's like an action movie hero! In fact, they made an action movie about him taking out terrorists on a ship!"

"…Sounds like Luke. Yes." Orders said, smiling amusedly at the sight of Wonder Girl freaking out of the 'legend' of Luke Ryback, the purple-eyed boss knew all this of course, but again to Orders, he was just Luke. Another person under her employ, extraordinary as he may be.

"Can I get his autograph?" Wonder Girl asked with a pretty model smile, Orders stared at her for a minute and sighed.

"I don't care." she said, gesturing for Wonder Girl to do whatever she wanted as she squealed delightedly and charged after Bumblebee, Star Sapphire and Luke. Miss Martian blinked after her for a minute as Orders sighed again. "To be young again." she mumbled as Miss Maritan stared at her curiously.

"…Orders how old are you?" she asked surprised, thinking about it Orders looked to be in her early thirties if she was young for her age, but she spoke with a wisdom that belied her years but was often as childish as the rest of them… at least when it came to money.

"Shush." Orders replied bluntly, setting up everything at her desk, picking out a crossword book for the night, and turning to the computer to turn deliveries on for the Superbabes Website. "Younger than you…" she added as Miss Martian smiled, not noticing Orders' eyes flash as she managed to get in.

"Well, I'm older than everybody." She replied quietly but honestly, as simultaneously Orders said.

"And the guys ordering you." Reaching for the phone.

Miss Martian blinked realizing they talked over each other. "What did you say?"

Time: 7:30 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes, we deliver."

"Evening. I'd like the Miss Martian meal, three of them, delivered to-"

"3 orders of Miss Martian Mizithra Macaroni"

"Yeah… delivered to-"

"Anything else?"

"…Are you going to keep interrupting me?"

"We have a streamlined process, it's faster to just get through it, anything else?"

"Delivered by Miss Martian… please."

"VERY WELL. We expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and address please."


Orders tore off the receipt, handing it over to Miss Martian as the eyed it curiously, reading the address as soon enough a paper superbabes brand bag of food slid across the counter, Miss Martian eyed it curiously, it was still steaming.

"…Didn't Mr. Ryback just get here?" she asked surprised as Orders casually went to her crosswords.

"Call him Luke, and don't worry about that. Get your bombax moving it's going to start picking up when you get back."

"What's a bombax?" Miss Martian asked, far too confused by the word and Luke's cooking skills.

Orders sighed, ran a hand over her head, and laughed lightly, "Right, you weren't here for that and I keep forgetting you're not an alien despite your looks." She gestured to the back door, "Please just go?"

"Right-o." Miss Martian mumbled, picking up and bag and walking out the back door towards the company car. She got in, started the engine and pulled out awkwardly into the street and headed off to upper east Gotham.

It took her a little longer than necessary to find the right building. When she did she had to circle back around, parking under the building in a basement garage. She felt right at home… the lot was nearly empty, everyone must have gone home for the night. She shut the car door and carried the food towards the underground elevators.

She had to wait for a minute, before the elevator dinged, and slid open as she stepped inside. She checked the receipt again as the doors closed, and the elevator started moving again but she quickly pushed the 11th​ floor as it rose higher, and higher… then it dinged again.

It smelled weird to her, the high-rise buildings always do. It was probably something in the carpet. Then again any carpets she found in the sewer had a much worse smell. "Um…" she checked the address, twisting and turning her head as her red hair flopped about until she found the right direction, and soon the right door. It had an old plaque on the front with a bunch of names on it.

Most of them were old but there were freshly applied letters. Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, and Smith. The words 'and Smith' were newer looking than the others. She tilted her head curiously, 4 names, 3 meals… she then shrugged, raising her fist. And rapping loudly on the door.


Time: 8:02 PM. Place: Upper-East Gotham (Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, and Smith attorney's office)

"Special Delivery Service."

Miss Martian glanced around the empty hallway, as the door took another few moments to open with a click. She gazed at the blonde man in his suit and tie and was immediately hit with a powerful stench of alcohol. He was about 30, a little over or under, and was average looking. He was (currently) taller than her, and he smiled charmingly with a red face.

"Come on in!" he declared as she walked inside and immediately felt his hand swat on her backside, her blue skirt rippled as her ass cheeks jiggled from the blow, like jello. She was immediately led into a sort of 'waiting room' with several chairs lining the wall and a large front desk separating the chairs from the hallway behind it. His hand returned to her rear and she was guided right by the desk down the hallway.

The hallway lead off to multiple offices with desks, some clearly more occupied than others, along with a collection of machines she had no idea what they were for. She wasn't exactly used to the contents of a lawyer's office apart from 'lawyers'. He eventually led her to the last door which said 'counsel room'.

He didn't wait or said anything he just opened the door and pushed her right in. There were another pair of men in their, one blonde and about ten years older than the first man but they were similar looking, brothers or related somehow. But the third man was drastically different and the youngest, maybe 25 or older. He had dark skin but not dark like the Vixens: Britney and Tasha, more like Catwoman: Divya.

"Ooh what is this?" he grinned with a mug of strong alcohol in hand and a few empty bottles on the table, empty pizza boxes, and half a dozen other ordered meals from other places… more than the three of them could possibly eat without throwing up.

"Party's not over New Partner, Mr. Smith. " Grinned the Younger Blonde, probably one of the Johnsons.

"Everyone's gone home." said Mr. Smith, taking a drink from his mug as the Older Blonde chuckled, eyeing Miss Martian lecherously, as Mr. Smith took a turn eying her up. "…Have I had too many or is that girl green?"

"I'm green." She confirmed simply as the men chuckled.

"All over?" asked the Older Blonde as she seemed to think about it, then answer with a flick of her hand through her red hair before putting the food on the empty boxes covered table.

"My hair's red." She said, as the men were far too drunk to resist laughing again.

"Anyway Smith." Laughed the younger blonde, "This is the real party, welcoming you to the practice in full…" he swatted Miss Martian's rear again pushing her towards Mr. Smith.

"I thought the party was that sexy secretary you hired because she's good at taking… dictation." Declared Mr. Smith as the older blonde laughed again.

"She is also the party but that's MY party. This one is everybody's."

"Is she good at dictation?" Mr. Smith declared as Miss Martian glanced at his legs, and deciding to just get to it, bent over him sitting in his swivel chair as her breasts wobbled in the Miss Martian red-x shirt, she pressed her hand between his legs, rubbing at his bulge before getting on her knees as he spread his legs wider leaning back in the chair.

"I've had no complaints, daddy-o." she said faintly, before unzipping his slacks.

"Oh shit… ooooh…" he groaned softly, resting his free hand on the back of Miss Martian's red hair as her hands reached into his pants and removed his cock from it, it had hardly felt the chilled air of the A/C as she quickly opened her mouth.

Once her hands performed the task of removing his cock from his pants they slid down his thighs, then his legs, grabbing his ankles as she began moving her head, slowly at first, back and forth along his length. Burying her face into his pants and taking him into her throat.

"My god it's like she's vibrating around me!" he breathed in disbelief, shaking as her throat did just that, a combination of warbling and humming and the benefit of benign shapeshifting. Her lips sealed around him, drooling liberally down his shaft as she pulled her head back up. She could hear Mr. Smith's teeth grinding above her as she buried her face back down, up, and down, up and down. Over and over…

The Older and Younger Blondes stood together now, watching her head bob in and out of Mr. Smith's crotch as she firmly gripped his ankles with her hands, kneeling on the floor and sitting on her legs as her feet pressed into her big green backside that may or may not have grown just a little to enhance the view.

"Mmn… mnm." Her tongue coiled against his shaft in her mouth as it glided in and out of her throat, Mr. Smith might not have been very big but he could still get it in there… Her tongue, extending subtly slid out from between her vacuum lips to glide down his shaft and into his pants, tickling his sack through his underwear before darting back into her mouth, then out again like a serpent as it rolled around the entirety of his meat.

"Oh my god!" he gasped, and it was a good thing he was drunk and not really paying attention to her, or he might have noticed that she salivated about his cock with a weirdly long slickened tongue as her head rested on his tip. She gazed up at him as her lips seemed to move on their own, just on the tip of his cock as her tongue lashed against his glans, he couldn't see it but he could certainly feel it. "Gugh!" he quivered slightly his head rolling back as he put his mug down on the table, before gripping her head with both hands.

"Mmph!" he pulled her to the base of his cock, his teeth gnashing together as he pulled her back to his tip before slamming her to the base once again, faster, and faster. More and more streaks of drool and mucus glistened his cock with each disappearance into her warm mouth as she slurped and sucked noisily, sloppier and sloppier. "MMnh MMGn-mn?" she moaned as he stood up, plunging deep into her mouth and holding her steady with one hand now clawed on the back of her red-headed green head as he rested his hand on the table for balance. His loosened pants fell down his thighs with each deep thrust into her throat as his gasps of panting breath increased.

"I definitely want a turn now." Mumbled the Older blonde, watching Miss Martian's head get slammed into Mr. Smith's crotch. "Look at her go."

"Ugh…" Mr. Smith held her head to the base of his cock, as she easily breathed through her nose planted right against his tighty-whitey underwear. "Ugh I'm… gonna cum…" he groaned as his cock bulged in her throat, he let go of her head. "Finish me off!" he hissed desperately as she began moving it on her own, it rolled back and forth as she slurped on his twitching member. Saliva dripped off his cock as she moaned whorishly around his length. "Ugh!!"

With little warning but plenty of experience she buried her face into his crotch again and felt his cum spray down her throat as it opened to retrieve him for easy access. She gazed up at him as he bucked his hips against her face, not that he was looking down at her. But she knew eye contact was important when giving head. Jackie taught her that. "Ugh!... ugh…" he sighed, shaking visibly on his feet as he finished ejaculating between her lips…

He pulled from them with a wet pop and a sensual moan as he flopped tiredly back into the chair, she opened her mouth to show him it was empty. He leaned forward, hooking his thumb into the right corner of her mouth and tugging it aside like she was a fish, she stuck out her tongue, letting it fleck against it as he chuckled drunkenly.

"Did you like the taste?"

She didn't really taste anything, but normally such answers for a Superbabe was a seductive- "Yes…"

"Take a break Smith I got some dictation for her…" said Older Blonde, and before she knew it her head was being snapped to the left and a thick cock was shoved into it. "Nnngh…" He didn't waste time, getting plenty of dictation into her throat as she was a blur back and forth on his shaft. "Ugh! Oooh…"

"MN! MMn!!" she moaned whorishly as soon his cock was also glistening with her spit and mucus, her eyes gazing up at his face as he delved his surprisingly thick member into her throat. His hips bucked forward to meet her downward strokes, planting her face to the base of his cock as he breathed heavily, his cock was big, but he was a little overweight, steadily face fucking her drunk was taking a lot out of him and she was sucking out the rest…

Metaphorically and literally.

"Ugh! Uuugh…" he groaned, his heavy thrusts started to deteriorate, and his attention focused on her never blinking eyes as she twisted her head up and down now, his grip loosening as he rested a hand on the table for balance, the other hand caressing her silky hair as he moaned, "I like those eyes." They 'sparkled' a little at the compliment, which was really just her changing her eye color quickly… again, too drunk to notice.

"You're a pretty little cock-sucker aren't you?" he moaned blearily, "Just like the real one…" he sighed, "Ugh… UUGH." He pulled her face down his bulging shaft, "Oooh that… UGH…" grunting he bucked against her face, practically throwing his load down her throat as she moaned, her lips slurping softly.

"Mmn-hmmn…" she cooed softly, her 'innocent' eyes never blinking up at him as her tongue scraped out the last drops of his load by rubbing beneath his shaft stilled buried and pulsating between her lips. "Mmmn…" her tongue stretched from beneath his shaft to say hello to his quivering balls before he finally pulled his limp dick from her mouth.

She sat submissively on her knees, pushing her big green breasts, still snug in her shirt, together with her upper arms as she let her warm mouth hang open, and her tongue lolling out as if expecting another cock immediately but to her own surprise none came.

"Don't want a feel of that? She's better at dictation than your secretary. Prettier too." Older Blonde said as the younger one laughed good-naturedly.

"That's a little harsh this is 'Miss Martian'!" he teased as the other two laughed drunkenly, "Hard to compare the two." he said caressing Miss Martian's red-haired head as she remained on her knees, tongue still hanging out as he grabbed her arm, giving her a little jerk as she slowly got to her feet. "But seriously you two. We can get head from Ms. Jefferson anytime… what we CAN'T get…" he swatted Miss Martian's jiggling green rear again as it wobbled. She jumped slightly at the blow. "Is get a young thing like her in here looking like she belongs in hardcore pornography."

"Ms. Jerfferson does look like she belongs in hardcore pornography." Grinned Older Blonde, "In fact wasn't she a starlet of that porn studio that-"

"Ah-ah-ah! We can't talk about the case!" teased Younger blonde as he began squeezing Miss Martian's softer parts to her enticing moans. "We're on the clock gentlemen and we're charged by the hour." Miss Martian moaned softly as Younger blonde's hands groped at her big green breasts. Squeezing them slowly as Mr. Smith and Older Blonde watched eagerly, Older Blonde stroking himself slowly as Miss Martian's blue skirt wiggled in place as her hips shimmied. "Get out of these tight clothes would you?" he said smarmily as he let her go.

She immediately unzipped the blue skirt and it fell quickly to the floor before she unlatched the little cape, and grabbed the hem of her X shirt, removing it quickly as her big breasts jiggled free Standing in her gloves and boots as she gasped, they swarmed on her, squeezing and rubbing her soft, bare flesh as she writhed between them nervously. "Ease up…" she whimpered, gasping as her breasts were squeezed, her ass was clapped, and fingers prodded her silky green pussy, she gasped erotically, whining under their hands as they revved her like a hotrod.

Her boots shuffled on the floor as she squirmed nervously, they laughed excitedly as their hands roamed her green skin apparently trying to rub off any 'paint' on her body but finding that she wasn't losing color excited them more.

"Now, new partner Mr. Smith." Declared Young Blonde Proudly as he brushed the older Blonde away and turned her around. She was facing the table as Young Blonde clapped his hands hard on her jello-like green ass, her fingers sinking into the pliable and literally moldable flesh before stretching them apart, displaying her tight welcoming holes ready for piercing. "Care to go first?"

Mr. Smith licked his lips as she cooed under their gazes. Her lower body twitched and wiggled as if more excited than nervous as he let his pants fully drop to the floor, leaving him in his shirt and tie as he came up behind her, his erection resting between her spread cheeks as Younger Blonde let go. The big green ass wobbled around his girth now free of Younger Blonde's grip.

Mr. Smith moaned happily at the smooth warm feeling of her ass cheeks around his girth as he began to grind up behind her, feeling her cheeks clench and tighten around him as his hands cupped her chest from behind.

"MMn! Aahh…" she whimpered erotically as her ass cheeks clapped softly against his thrusting hips, bouncing off her thick green rump as it bounced distractingly. Again, if they weren't DRUNK someone might have noticed how snug a fit it was around his cock.

"I told you we're on the clock Smith! She's getting charged by the hour not us!" laughed Younger blonde with Older joining in as suddenly Miss Martian was shoved forward.

"Ah-?!" she gasped cutely, swinging forward and catching her hands on the edge of the table. Bent far forward her head hung beneath the table as she stood at a perfect 90 degrees, her ass wobbled as Mr. Smith spread her ass cheeks. "Oooh! Oh!" she moaned as he shoved his cock straight into her, "Oooh…" she moaned erotically as her insides snapped tightly around him into a perfect fit.

One size fits all.

"Haaah." He gasped, enjoying her moist insides as he swung his hand playfully on her right green ass cheek making it wobble before grabbing her waist with both hands and making ALL of her shake.

"Haa-haah! Aah!" her hands gripped tightly on the table as she bounced back and forth, all of their eyes on her ass cheeks as they jiggled and wobbled with his rapid thrusting, smacking his hips loudly against her from behind as she moaned with her head dangling between her arms, mouth open and tongue hanging out as all of her good spots were hit…

She could design herself to be the perfect hole for any cock, she could ALSO turn any part of her into an erogenous zone. Win-win. "Oooh!" she howled excitedly as he reached up to grab at her red hair tugging at it to yank her head back above the edge of the table, "Haah! Aah! AH!"

"How is she Smith?" groaned Older Blonde, not laughing and just watching her body writhe erotically as she was fucked. She wasn't even sure he heard Mr. Smith's reply.

"This is the best woman I've ever had…" he gasped breathlessly, furiously ramming into her wobbly body as he lifted her up and onto the table of empty food packaging. Her body smashed most of it away with a crash as he fell onto her back, sloppily thrusting into her body as she shivered in orgasm, releasing a howl in erotic pleasure as her body jiggled arousingly. "You like that?"

"Yes." She moaned, grunting as he continued to pump rigorously into her.

"You're so tight and warm you must like that! Ahh baby…" he swatted her big green rear as she whimpered. "Ooh, you're so snug. You want my cum?"

"I want your cum." She moaned, her head jerking as he held her hair.

"You pretty green toy…!" he pounded hard into her ass, the sound of her clapping cheeks like drums in the room. "Here it cums! Beg for it!"

"Give it to me! Give me your cum daddy-o-oooooH!"

"Uugh!" he roared with her as she howled her pleasure, pounding hard into her body until the last drops oozed from his shuddering length. "Oh god, oh god YES…" he hissed softly, nuzzling her warm back as she panted softly for breath. "I need this woman's number…"

"She's not a pro in the official sense!" laughed Younger Blonde as Older Blonde sat in Mr. Smith's swivel chair as she swayed her backside slowly behind her but remained on the table. Mr. Smith pulled out of her, drunkenly wobbling back to slump against the wall as Older Blonde stroked his cock.

"Come here you green whore…" he hissed grinning, "You nasty thing come here…" he encouraged as she moaned, pushing herself off the mess of a table and strutted slowly towards him. "Yes… let's have a taste of that body…" he slumped slightly so his back was on the chair but his legs were out like pillars of a bridge to keep his cock pointing erectly in the air as she lifted one leg, then the other over his, standing with his tip tickling her pussy lips.

"Remember that skanky intern who sucked dad off for a job?" asked Older Blonde, now confirming he was in fact the Younger Blonde's brother. "Remember what we did to her?" he grabbed Miss Martian's slender waist pulling her down onto his cock as she groaned loudly, now sitting on him as the swivel chair creaked with their weight even though she was standing on the tip toes of her high-heeled blue boots.

"God I loved that slut." Laughed the Younger blonde, as he finally removed his pants and let his girthy 9-inch cock flop out. "I lost count of the number of times we made her SQUEAL…" he pushed Miss Martian forward as she whimpered excitedly, feeling his cock press against her ass.

"Haa-aah! AAAH!!" she moaned erotically as her insides tightened around both brothers, "Haah! AAH!!" Younger brother slammed into her ass, HARD, yanking on the back of her head as she clenched her teeth tightly together as Older Brother pushed UP into her body, her breasts, and ass bouncing and jiggling on her slender green frame.

"Come! On! Baby!" grunted Younger brother with a groan, he expected good but not AMAZING from the green girl.

"She likes being stuffed with COCK just like that intern! God Damn it!" he roared, jackhammering up into her body as she squealed on top of him jiggling like she was charged with a thousand volts only to be pinned down by Younger Brother, railing inside her ass wildly as she was pounded front and back, her eyes rolling and bulging almost literally bug eyes as her sensitive body blasted orgasms straight through her brain.

Hard drunken fucking as their cocks rubbed through the inner walls of her ass and pussy, she may or may not have instinctively designed her insides like that. "HAAH! AAH! AAAAH!" They were rough, they were deep, they were drunk, but her body could take it. She made it so…

And it was GREAT.

"I'm cumming! I'm cumming!! I'm CUMMING!!" she squealed like the horny bitch they made her into as they buried themselves into her body, then hit the floor in a heap of lustful flesh as her entire body shuddered, her lower body jerking up and down on their cocks as she spasmed wildly, feeling Older Brother unleash a heave load up into her, his lower body raised in the air as he tried to get balls deep into her.

Younger brother was still going, railing into her ass and pounding her down onto Older Brother's spasming cock and grunting like a wild animal as her big green ass cheeks jiggle and wobbled with each hard pound of his hips on her.

"Aah! Aah! AAAH! AAAH!" Her tongue lolled from her mouth, and hung about half an inch over her chin like a slimy dead snake as they all slumped in a heap, Younger Brother pumping his hips and cum into her ass. Her holes spasmed and her flesh wobbled seductively…

Mr. Smith flopped against the wall glanced at her lying between the two, and blinked at the THING between them. He slapped his hands over his eyes, furiously rubbing them as he looked again to find Miss Martian rolling Younger Brother off her and crawling away, shaking enticingly with each tug or push of her limbs as she moaned whorishly, flopping onto the floor and twitching… as she got herself 'under control'.

Luckily, Mr. Smith just associated the creature he just saw with heavy drinking and exhaustion, and not Miss Martian briefly losing control of her shape-shifting body. They all lay on the floor, their breathing heavy as Miss Martian's holes leaked globs of semen, she quite literally tightened up, her lower body re-clenching as she took a breath.

"Ha-ha… hahaha…" laughed Younger Blonde as she crawled upright twitching and jiggling erotically as she brushed her sweaty hair out of her face. "Now was THAT a good time or what?" Mr. Smith, too drunk and having quite a shock just gave him a thumbs-up as Younger Blonde stood up and viewed Miss Martian and her green backside as he lightly swatted it, making it jiggle and her knees buckle.

"Oh! Geeze daddy-o." she moaned as he swatted it again just to watch it shake while she reached a hand around to stop him from getting another swing in, he didn't hit her rear again getting a good fist full of her ass. "Mmn…" he finally stopped toying with her body as she wobbled over to collect her clothes, grabbing some napkins from the table and cleaning herself as best she could before re-dressing.

Mr. Smith and Older Blonde began to grab their own pants as she finished buckling on her cape. She glanced at the two of them noticing that the Younger Blonde was missing, she frowned. "Where did the other one go? I have to leave soon."

"Don't go you just got here…" moaned Mr. Smith, mumbling with his pants. "At least apply to be a paralegal."

A confused look crossed her face. "I don't know what that is." She replied simply as Younger Blonde returned through the door, counting a fistful of dollars as Older Blonde glared at him.

"That better not be from the petty cash."

"I'll give more later." He replied lazily, "Annnd here you go." He handed Miss Martian a smaller stack as she folded it up, and raising her leg she placed it in her boot before waving to them.

"Bye. Order again." she said, more for what Orders told her to say rather than a particular fondness, before noticing a scale patch on the back of her hand that she quickly smoothed over as she walked out the door, letting herself out as they trio started laughing and drinking again. She took a breath, making her way to the shiny elevators and checking herself in them before pushing the button and heading down to the lot to head back to Superbabes.

Time: 9:23 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"That man is an Adonis. Can I take him home?" asked Ola asked seriously as Orders rubbed her face.

"I thought his name was Luke?" Lindsey asked as Orders glared at her, she had a sneaking suspicion that Ola was only having this conversation with Lindsey nearby so Orders would say 'yes' just to make the natural bimbo go away.

"Lindsey. Please." Orders groaned, "No you can't take him home." she replied sternly as Helen strutted quickly in sporting plenty of tips, with Luke on the grills, stove… whatever he was using to cook he was serving food up faster than the girls could flirt.

"Hey if anyone's taking him home it's ME! We have a lot in common, that guy is my idol." She jerked her thumb over her shoulder as Orders growled quietly like a dangerous animal.

"STOP." She demanded as 'Candy' Jane returned hopping on one foot as she pulled the money from her boot and put it on the counter. "Annoying me." She said, snatching the money and sorting Jane's cut.

"Seriously boss-" Ola began only for Orders to put her metaphorical foot down.

"NO! You can't take him home. I need him HERE, as is the point of me bringing him here IN THE FIRST PLACE."

"…Does he have a brother?" Ola asked as Orders glared at her.

"I am going to ask you, very nicely, to go back to work." Orders said, "Go back to work. NOW." She demanded coldly, her purple eyes flashing as Lindsey pouted, Ola scoffed.

"That wasn't very nice." She said as Ola guided Lindsey back onto the floor, those big bimbo breasts weren't going to tip themselves.

"Fine be a bitch." Ola grumbled as Orders rubbed her face tiredly, glaring at Helen through her fingers.

"…He's got a kid almost half as old as you." Orders added as Helen pouted, "I know older guys are your type, but think about that for a second…"

"...He wouldn't be my first daddy." Helen replied sheepishly.

"WORK. NOW." Orders pointed as Luke sent out the equivalent of a full course meal and the girls divided it out towards those that ordered it. Orders glared at Jane. "Are you going to fawn all over him too?"

"The scary man in the kitchen?"

"Luke Ryback. Yes." Orders replied as Jane seemed to think.

"…No, I don't think he's my type." She replied as Orders sighed in relief.

"Good. Go take a bath." She said as Jane complied heading into the locker rooms, she liked taking hot baths. Stripping down and checking herself over before getting a good look at her face in the mirror as her eyes shifted into a sickly yellowish hue with lizard-like slits before reverting back into Miss Martian… she smiled at herself, checking herself over once again… inwardly declaring herself 'pretty' and walking into the showers.

Luke might not be her type, but she could be EVERYBODY'S, and that made her far more desirable than she realized.


Luke Ryback the dangerous "Hmph"ing chef of The Martha's Heart cruise ship might stick around for a while, we'll see.

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