
Delivery Girl: Wonder Girl Order #2

I don't own DC

"Please… stop looking at me like that. I feel like you're going to attack me and I'd hate to hurt you." Wonder Girl said, eyeing her poker hand suspiciously as Starfire stared almost lovingly at the young woman's glamorous model-like face and pornstar-like body...

Although admittedly there are a lot of pornstar body types out there. Perhaps 'pornstar' isn't an accurate description, curvaceous? Voluptuous? Rounded?... she's got big tits and a soft round ass, and Starfire liked what she saw. She liked everything she saw…

"If you're not careful she will." The Mighty Endowed declared, actually shifting her chair away from Starfire just in case there was a bit of backlash.

"…It's a THING she does." Batwoman mumbled, eyeing Starfire suspiciously.

"You get used to it." Red Lantern added, jumping slightly as Starfire's hand miraculously made its way to her big right ass cheek. "Damn it." she grumbled, smacking the nymphomaniac's hand away. "Stop it."

"You don't want to get used to it." Raven who had just come back from a delivery walked out of the locker rooms freshly washed. "You tolerate it." Raven glared at Starfire and rolled her eyes before heading to the couch for her 'after a delivery break'. "V. Stop bothering the new girl…"

"But she looks so YUMMY…" Starfire cooed lovingly as Orders groaned from the counter. "She's so pretty!"

"Stop bothering the new girl." She repeated for Raven, followed quickly by. "New girl, don't wreck my top slut."

"…Yes ma'am." Wonder Girl replied obediently as Starfire giggled.

"I'm the top slut?!"

"In this room… at this moment… and judging by my current but ever-changing mood. Yes." Orders answered rather tiredly, hating herself internally for referring to Starfire as such, but it might temporarily shut her up.

Obviously, it won't. Starfire merely giggled at her (temporary) title before she seemingly was distracted again by Wonder Girl, resting her chin in her hand and gazing at her forlornly. "Sooooo… whats your kink?"

The girls groaned at Starfire's questioning as Wonder Girl sighed, not answering for a moment as Starfire stared at her with big, sparkly, anime girl eyes. "I don't have a kink." She said flatly as Starfire pouted.

"Everyone has a kink!" she smiled sweetly. "Grace likes them young and inexperienced, Daphne likes leashes, Brielle likes big guys. Alice likes dicks as big as a horse's…"

Raven's normally pale complexion turned slightly red as she glared at Starfire. "V. So help me, I will smack you if you just keep telling people that."

Starfire ignored her bestie and her rumored obsession with horse-sized phalluses and continued unconcerned. "And I like anything with a pulse! What's your thing? Oh! I bet I can guess!"

"Starfire." Orders interrupted sourly.

"Water sex!"

"Starfire." Orders tried again to no effect, apparently.

"Double Penetration?"

"Stop." Orders growled warningly.

"Older men!"

"SHUT. UP." Orders hurled a plush toy with deadly accuracy, letting it crack on the side of Starfire's pretty (arguably empty) head as it ricocheted off onto the poker table right onto a pile of monopoly money they used as poker chips. Starfire rubbed the side of her head. "Floor. NOW." Orders pointed commandingly as Starfire got to her feet and walked onto the floor.

"…There's something wrong with that girl…" Wonder Girl mumbled as Raven scoffed, shaking her head.

"That's my line. Don't mind her she asks everyone that question…" she sighed softly, lying back down on the couch and closing her eyes. The big titty goth girl stretching her shapely legs letting her toes curl as she almost dozed off.

"She asks everyone that, huh…" mumbled Wonder Girl as the other poker plays shrugged, nodded, or grunted in affirmation to the fact as she briefly contemplated if she had a kink of not… she wasn't sure. As of right now she just liked sex, there was no need to get psychological about it.

"Yeah. She asks everyone… plus she has no concept of personal space. She buried her face into my ass the first chance she got." Red Lantern mumbled. "…And she used tongue." Wonder Girl stared at Red Lantern skeptically, as she stuck out her own tongue and wagged it and the metal rod pierced through it for effect, before just as quickly slipping it back between her pierced lips. "…I'm absolutely serious."

"I believe you." Wonder Girl replied. Rumors and tales of Starfire's promiscuity were something of legendary status in the restaurant... potentially Gotham and the immediate area around it as a whole.

Orders however rubbed her forehead, her purple eyes flashing as she softly groaned. "…Girls. We got a convention in town. Plenty of company…" she gestured to the floor. "All hands-on deck…" she said casually as the girls on break got to their feet. However, they all watched her expectantly her eyes narrowed at them. "What?"

"Every time you say things like that you always say something like 'not you' or 'hold on' and then one of us gets a delivery." Declared Raven as the only one who didn't immediately get up. Since she just had gotten back from a delivery she was entitled to a few more moments of rest. "…I think they want to deny you the opportunity." She added with a thoughtful smile.

"…I don't always say that." Orders said childishly before reaching for the phone as half the girls declared confidently.

"Knew it!"

Time: 10:22 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes. We Deliver."

"Hello, I'd like to order the… what's the Wonder Girl Meal? There's nothing there on the site."

"Double fried Fish and chips, and a drink of your choosing."

"What do fish and chips have anything to do with Wonder Girl?

"We're workshopping it."

"…Okay… Whatever. One Wonder Girl meal I guess."

"Very well, anything else?"

"Delivered by Wonder Girl."

"Very well, we expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and address please."


Orders ripped off the receipt as the bag of food, plus drink, slid across the counter and she slipped it into the bag. "Wonder Girl, I have one for you." The rest of the girls walked onto the floor as it became significantly busier, Wonder Girl eyed the receipt and the food in the bag.

"…Why is the meal fish and chips?"

"I'm working on it." Orders replied firmly, "…Luke got me a good deal on fish." She added as Wonder Girl blinked.


"Not important." Orders pushed the bag towards her, "Go on, make me proud."

"…That is such a weird thing to say, Ma'am considering the circumstances." Wonder Girl replied, picking up the bag of food as Orders glared at her.

"You haven't worked here nearly long enough to snark at me." She stated sternly.

Wonder Girl fidgeted and promptly marched out. "…But I wasn't snarking." She said to herself, making her way to the company car and sliding into the passenger's seat. She double-checked the address, nodded to herself as she slipped it back into the back, and drove carefully off into Gotham.

She's lived in Gotham long enough to know that the Suburbs of Gotham was just as sketchy as the rest of Gotham itself but there was a far less chance of being shot there, or mugged, or attacked by a Supervillain… arguably it was a safer place than Gotham Heights. Quite possibly the safest place to live in all of Gotham. Most big league and middle league criminals aren't going to go 'Hey let's rob the suburb this time'. Low League Criminals are dumb or desperate, like early days Sid the Squid.

Of course, not that she had to worry about that. She might look like a glamour pin-up model, but she IS a trained marine, she could take care of herself. She parked on the curb of the nicely cared for two-story house. The sort of place that definitely had a team of people coming every week to take care of the place for the owner… One car parked outside of the garage, and a path neatly cared for leading towards the front door of the house…

She checked her hair in the mirror: yep, still glamourous… check her makeup: still sexy, then she grabbed the bag of food from the passenger's seat and got out. Wonder Girl's red suit hugged her body tightly as she strutted confidently to the front door of the two-story house.

Standing on the WELCOME mat, She raised her free hand, and knocked loudly on the polished door. Declaring clearly. "Superbabes."

Time: 10:43 PM. Place: Suburbs (Neatly cared for house)

"Special Delivery Service." She waited a moment, but only a moment as the clicking of a deadbolt popped out of the food and it opened.

He wasn't handsome, but he wasn't ugly. She was told that 'average' is the keyword for most of their deliveries. He was older than her, much older. Late 30's early 40's: Caucasian. His hair was receding a little but it was still a little thick where it counted. He was about her size, broader in the shoulder, and he was wearing a nice dark black bathrobe.

"Come in." he said, tilting his head inside his house as she walked in. It was immaculately neat: pristine white carpet, matching couch and recliner, a few pictures on the wall, pieces of art. But it was a bachelor's house... what one man needed with two floors and half a dozen rooms she wasn't going to question. She wasn't here to question.

She was ordered here, so she'll follow orders…

He walked around his couch, heading towards a room closer to what seemed to be the kitchen as she followed him into a dining room with a long table with only two chairs at either end. There were curtains over the windows and all of them were closed.

He looked her up and down, staring at her, studying her. "…You're a lot prettier than your picture." She didn't expect the compliment and apparently, it showed on her face because he laughed, taking the bag from her hand and approaching one of the chairs at the table, pulling it out and sitting down…

He laid out the food from the bag and spread his legs. She was quickly made aware that he wasn't wearing anything under his robe. His member, briefly, and flaccidly hung out before it throbbed upright twitching erectly beneath the table. He took the food out of his bag as she stood at the entrance to his dining room… then he subtly gestured down to it.

She brushed her luxurious locks out of her face with both hands before she dropped to the floor, crawling slowly beneath the table and towards his lap, her face between his legs as the tip of his cock tapped against her lips. Her tongue slipped out slightly as she gazed up at him, swirling around the tip of his glans as if to lubricate them before their slipped between her lips. "Mmn..."

"Ahh…" he sighed contentedly, elbows on the table as he shook slightly. His cock wobbled between her lips as she pushed her head down into his robe, "…Haa…" he sighed again, as she slid her head back to his tip, then down once more… "Nngh… Mnm…" Up and down her head went, as she soon heard the soft subtle sound of crunching above…

He was eating, while she was sucking him off… and she was unsure if she should be offended. Though oddly enough some words from her former commanding officer came back to haunt her. 'If I can concentrate on my work while you're doing this… you're doing it wrong.'

She was also giving him head under a table at the time. So… on her hands and knees, hands firmly planted on the floor, she made him lose concentration.

"MMgnh! Aaah…" he groaned as she twisted her head up and down his length, going balls deep, licking said balls as her tongue darted from her bottom lip, then up again. Her tongue protruded beneath his shaft as she slid it up and down, curling it against him as he squirmed happily in his seat. "Haa-haaah." Shaking as she noisily slurped over his attempts to chew.

"MMmngh… mmmn… mmmn-mnmnm…" she hummed up and down his length as she felt his hand on the back of her head, bumping softly against the table as he pushed into her throat.

"That's good…" he praised as she hummed softly in response. "You must like the taste." He said coolly.

"MMn-hmn…" she whimpered, as he pulled her to the base of his cock. "MMGNh!"

"Ahhh…" his cock twitched between her lips as the salty taste of his cum stuffed her cheeks. Ropes quickly turned into puddles as it hit the back of her throat collecting in her mouth. "Look up at me…" her blues eyes flicked upward, gazing up at his face as another salty rope of cum splashed on the roof of her mouth. Her lips slid to his tip as he groaned, shaking slightly. "Proper head needs eye contact…" he breathed as she was… actually, inclined to agree.

Inwardly, although she never admitted it out loud or even to herself overall, deeply enjoyed the looks on their faces when she sucked them off to completion. The taste was hit or miss, but her shapely ass was wagging behind her as a tingling feeling shuddered through her. His cock slipped from her lips, flopping onto the chair as her cheeks bulged, and she gulped his load down. "Ahhhh…" she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, it wiggled slowly side to side like a curious snake before it shot back between her lips.

"Did you like that?" he asked as she puckered her lips.

"Yes." She whispered breathlessly, as he pushed his chair away from the table, giving her room.

"Come out… and take your clothes off." he added as she crawled out from the table, standing on her knees she pulled the hoop on the back of her neck over her head, tossing out her hair before she let it drop. Freeing her big breasts as she rested her hands on his knees and pushed herself up. His hands tugged the suit down further over her waist, sliding it down her thighs as she stood up completely, naked in one fluid movement.

She gasped as his hands slid along her stomach, lifting and groping her big pliable breasts and pinching her nipples as she clenched her teeth, "Nggh!" he tugged on her tits, "Haah!" and let them go as they snapped back onto her chest, wobbling delectably before he pulled her close with his hand on her ass, wrapping his mouth around her right nipple as his other hands rubbed against her moistening pussy lips. "MMngh!"

"MMn-HMMN…" he swirled his tongue around her nipple, noisily slurping on her tit as his hand squeezed her ass cheek before quickly pulling away and smacking it.

"HA…" she gasped, shaking as his fingers pushed into her pussy. "Hah-aaahh…" her hands slapped onto his shoulder, squeezing them briefly as she trembled on her legs, "Haa-h-aahh…" wrapping her arms around his head, "Haah-aahhh-ha-ha-ahaa…" her lower body trembled wildly as her clenched, "NNGh!" her pussy tightened around his fingers as she gasped, "Haaah!!"

Her arousal slid down her thigh as she came on his fingers, he quickly pulled them away from her, a string of her fluids went with him, snapping away as he pulled his face from her breasts, he stood up and put his hand dead center between her tits and shoved her with a crash onto the table, and knocking the superbabes brand packages aside.

Her ass hit the edge and she stumbled awkwardly backward, almost falling completely onto the table as she raised one leg, but by grace of balance she managed to catch herself, but he was on her. His hand grabbed her raised ankle, raising it further until her foot was parallel with the ceiling, forcing her onto her back.

"Haah-AAAH…" he let go of her leg as it flopped against his shoulder, his robe was open now revealing a hairy body as he pushed his tip against her spread pussy. "Ah!" shoving it into her as he wrapped his hands firmly around her big tits as best he could, already thrusting her hips as the table legs wobbled on the floor. "AH-Agh-Aaagh!!" He pushed hard into her body, going deep and heavy with no time for her to adjust… she already came. "Haaah!"

Her eyes rolled and her tongue lolled from her mouth as she squirmed on the table, her body jerking and her back arching like she was possessed by a demon. He squeezed her tits as her hands shot up to slap at his chest hair only for him to release her breasts and grab her wrists. He slammed her hands above her head as he mounted the table with one leg and rammed into her body with abandon. "Haah! Ahh! Ahh!"

"Ughh! Haagh!" he pounded into her body, looming over her dominatingly as he watched her big breasts bounce up and down on her chest, slapping together, jiggling. "NMMN!!" he rammed into her pussy as her breasts wobbled to a stop, she trembled beneath him as she felt a surge of orgasm rush quickly through her body. "Did you like that?" he asked breathlessly as she gasped.

"Yeess…" she moaned softly, as he raised her other leg onto his shoulder, completely mounting her on the table as she gasped excitedly.

"Then say, 'Yes Daddy, I want more'." She blinked up at him curiously, it surprised her a little as he let go of her other wrist. He rested his forearms on her stretched-out limbs, pinning her arms down as he gripped her face tightly. "Say 'Yes daddy, I want more'." He repeated firmly, his cock twitching deep inside her as she wiggled her upraised hips.

"Yes Daddy I want more…" she whined erotically as he throbbed inside her, "Ha-Ha! Harder daddy!" she whined as he rammed into her body, "Ah-Ah-Ahh!" her tongue lolled out as he spat into her open mouth, "Ah! AAH! AAGH!! NNGH!!"

"Give it to daddy!" he growled, gazing into her eyes as she screamed her climax. "Give that pussy up!"

"Oh Daddy YES! Aaah! Aaah! I'm a bad girl daddy! UGH! UGggh!!"

"Haah-AAAH!" his eyes rolled up into his head, as he grinned awkwardly, "Aggh! This is daddy's pussy now…!" he went rigid, slamming against her body as her insides clenched around his pulsating member. "Ugh!"

He let go of her face and placed his hands on the table beside her head, and quickly pulled out of her tight body as she squirted a spurt of arousal out after his cock, he slapped his rigid member on her silky pubic hairs, and ropes of cum shot across her tits and face.

"Ah!... ugh…" she moaned softly as she pushed her big breasts together as another thick rope shot across her. "…oooh…" she whimpered as he gasped for breath, quickly getting off the table and grunting slightly as her legs swung down over the edge, swinging feeling beneath her as she held her position. Tits and face covered with cum as she blew a bubble of semen from her lips. "Mmngh… bleegh…" she mumbled softly, as he viewed her body…

"Haah… haah…" he breathed heavily as she slowly ran her hands over her big tits, his cock twitching as he completely removed his robe. "You're all dirty now…" he declared with a smirk as she squirmed on the table.

"…Yes Daddy." She said meekly, cooing as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her off the table to her feet. "Ah…" he lightly swatted her toned ass cheek, squeezing it as she moaned, his hand sliding on her waist.

"Apologize to daddy for being a messy girl." He whispered eagerly, his cock twitching as her hands went from squeezing her breasts to running her fingers on his girth.

"I'm sorry I'm a messy girl Daddy…" she cooed as his cock twitched harder in her hands.

"Let's go clean you up." He said, turning her around, she briefly felt his throbbing cock tip poking her ass before she was pushed forward.

"Ah…" she was guided through the room, walking naked towards a set of stairs. She started walking up them as he ran his fingers up her inner thigh, apparently admiring her model-like toned figure. However, she was still a little sensitive… "NGNh!" her knees buckled, and she fell forward, spreading her feet apart to stop herself from taking a mouthful of stairs as her hands slammed onto them. An inch from the step corner…

"You're a clumsy girl." He declared and before she could retort he mounted her from behind.

"Ahh! AH! AH! AH! Ahhh!!" her knees buckled, dropping onto the steps as she clenched her teeth, "NNGh!" he rapidly bucked away at her ass cheeks, her breasts swinging and slapping against another step as he gave her a quick fuck from behind. Gripping her hair and yanking her head back as her eyes rolled and she moaned whorishly in pleasure… until she came.

but he didn't cum, her body shuddered as he quickly pulled away, slapping her ass cheek as arousal dribbled down her thigh and onto the stairs.

"Stop leaving a mess, hurry up…" he licked his lips as she crawled up the rest of the stairs onto a second floor hallway as he grabbed her arm and hauled her up carefully, and shoved her into a spacious bathroom with elaborately designed shower.

It was a tight fit with a little seat facing the showerhead, tiled like three of the walls that made up the shower and a sliding glass door. He opened the door gazing at her cum covered body before gesturing inside. "Get in." she strutted towards the shower, hesitating only a moment to give him a submissive.

"Yes Daddy." He swatted her ass cheek lightly, before stroking himself as he shut the glass door.

She glanced at the shower knob, but it was more of a lever, deep blue on one end and bright red on the other with the lever aimed down. She gripped it and turned it, the long end of the lever rising over the blue section of it and up towards the red as water cold water sprayed over her face, and quickly warmed up as she cupped her hands below her chin and let the shower head power was what cum remained on her face.

Wiping her eyes, she spotted liquid soap and she liberally used it… in fact one might say two much… her hands overflowed with the blue liquid and she smeared it all over her chest and went from their until the blue streaks were replaced with suds even on her face, pressing her breasts against the glass and rubbing them up and down ever so slightly as that wet squeaking sound was heard. Pushing back off the glass she washed herself of suds…

Her feet were surrounded with white foam as she tossed her head, her wet hair smacking against her face as she took both hands and brushed it out of her blue eyes, opening them just in time to find him entering the shower.

She almost said nothing as she glanced at his raging hardon, his hand sliding up and down on it as she returned her sensuous gaze back to his determined face. And the words left her mouth before she realized what she was doing. It was pure instinct.

"Daddy, I'm not done…" his cock oozed pre-cum, as his other hand grabbed the back of her head and he pulled her towards him, stepping aside and pressing her against the glass. "Ah. Daddy…" she whined, gazing at him through his fingers, her cheek and tits pressed against the glass door as water hosed his body, his cock rigidly pressing against her pussy as he rammed it into her. "AH! AH! Daddy!" she moaned, gazing at him with her mouth open and tongue licking the glass. Her eyes quivering and rolling up into her head as he furiously fucked her from behind. "ugh! AH! Ah! Haaah!"

His other hand wrapped around her waist, lifting her off the floor slightly and yanking her against his thrusts as he slapped wetly against her ass. Grunting eagerly as her tits bounced on the glass, it wobbled and quivered as much as the flesh battering ram slamming against it.

"HAagh! Aah! SHIT! DADDY…" she hissed through her orgasm, shaking as arousal flowed down her inner thigh unnoticed because of the shower water. "Haagggh!" her tongue sliding on the glass as she grinned lustfully. The hand on her head hooked it's thumb into her mouth, yanking it like a fish on a hook. "Aaagh…" she slobbered her tongue on his thumb as she suckled it, but he didn't stop viciously thrusting into her clenching body.

"NNGH!" he slammed his hips against her ass, grinding her up against the glass wall as she gasped erotically for breath, he yanked his thumb from her lips, and gripped her wet hair, yanking it hard as he rapidly clapped her ass cheeks with his hips.

"Haa-haaa-haa-hah-aah-haarder DADDY!!"

"Aagh! Aah! UUNGH!!" he rammed so hard into her the glass door was knocked off it's rail. He yanked abruptly out of her as she hissed another orgasm through clenched teeth and felt his thick ropes of cum spray onto her quivering ass cheeks. "Ugh! UGHH!!" he stroked it furiously, spraying across her ass as she 'twerked' from spasming alone, her knees buckling under her as he finally stopped cum to raise his hand and clap her thigh. "Haah…"

He flopped onto the shower seat as she moaned softly, he stroked his limp dick, grabbing at her leg, "Come here. Suck on daddy some more." He said as she flopped to her knees, banging them on the tiles but not caring as she crawled to his lap, "Ahh-fuck.." he gasped as she immediately took him into her mouth, wrapping his hand on the back of her head. "Suck it. Suck Daddy…"

"MMGH! MNGH! MMN! MMN!!" she moaned loudly over the showerhead, arms resting on his legs as she rubbed his stomach as she sucked and licked his cock clean.

She wasn't sure how long she sucked his cock for… long enough for the steam of the shower to fog the glass and the mirrors. He was mostly unmoving as he sat on the shower seat, holding her head as it glided in and out of his crotch… his breathing began to quicken, his balls began to contract, and his cock oozed pre-cum onto her tongue as it readied to fire.

He let go of her head, relaxing on the seat as he opened his mouth and released a deep moan. She buried his face into his crotch, it pulsated once, and she shot off the tip. Opening her mouth wide before a thick diminishing load sprayed her face, tongue, and finally a feeble shot onto her cleavage as she cupped her breasts… she licked her lips, leaned forward, and kissed the tip of his quickly limping cock as it flopped down as if in exhaustion.

"Thank you Daddy." She cooed seductively, gazing up at him as he laughed. His cock twitching… but he stood up, smeared her face with his limp dick and rinsed himself quickly before wordlessly getting out of the shower. Leaving her there to do what she wished… which was clean up. She crawled up the seat slowly and carefully, her legs shaking as she trembled in pleasure, and finally turned around to wash away his final load.

She eventually jerked the lever off, and got out of the shower. Toweling off, hanging up the towel and strutting naked through the house… she didn't see him anywhere. But she walked down the steps and back into the dining room to retrieve her suit.

She just got the loop over the back of her neck as she felt a hand on her ass. She turned to face him as he held out a neat roll of bills. She reached for it but he jerked it away. "Say thank you Daddy."

"Thank you Daddy." She replied arousingly as he sensually shoved his tongue into her mouth. "Mmngh-mmn…" but this was taking to long and she had to get back…

"MMGNh!?" he squirmed as her hand cupped his dick and balls and Squeezed… "NGh!"

While he was stunned, she yanked the money from his quivering hand as she licked her lips, repeating, "Thank you daddy." Before she let go… he was getting hard in her hand. "Call again."

"When I have the house to myself I just might." He said trying to sound suave but he's voice was just a hint of an octave or two higher. Not as much of an effect. She just waved and walked out the front door, tossing the roll up and down and catching it as she made her way back to the car. Opening the Driver's side door and slipping it to sit on the chair. And freezing once her ass hit the leather.

"…Mmmn… AAHG…" she took a deep breath, let the orgasm finished. And turned the car back on… seconds before she remember to shut the car door.

Time: 11:15 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Double Penetration. That's easy…"


"Fantasy Cosplay."

"Huh, no kidding?... Jackie."

"Cum! Lots and lots of Cum! Come on you're not even trying!" Veronica giddily smiled at Tasha who recently arrived for her shift as Jae-Hwa came out of the locker rooms to head home for the night. But unfortunately, was distracted by Veronica's extensive knowledge of everyone's sexual tastes, so she was delayed by her brain melting in confusion.

Tasha however just smiled seductively, licking her lips. "Don't worry Girl I was just warming you up… alright. What's MY kink?" she asked with a knowing, sensuous air.

"White guys." Veronica replied quickly, completely straight-faced, and firmly confident.

"Veronica shut up." Orders grumbled irately, glaring at Tasha as her big black ass molded against the corner of the counter where Giganta/Big Barda/sometimes Silver Banshee would lean. "Why right here?" she asked sourly about the proximity of this conversation as Tasha ignored her at her own risk and corrected Veronica.

"Girl, that's not my kink." She said patiently as Helen returned and made her way to the counter.

"But you have sex with so many of them!" Veronica replied frankly, looking both confused and hurt. Like she was slapped across the face.

"Yeah. Because I'm THEIR kink." Tasha chuckled knowingly, turning her head to give a seductive wink to a few patrons suffering HEAVILY from 'jungle fever'. "Be right with you, Baby." She whispered before turning her attention to Helen. "Hey, girl." She said casually as Veronica pouted.

"Then what IS your kink!?" she asked like it was the most important question in the world.

"Hmm?" Tasha raised an eyebrow at her, smiled, and turned to sashay that big black booty onto the floor leaving Veronica looking HEAVILY insulted.

"Ah! Tasha! Don't do this to meeeeee." She whined, skittering after the beautiful Vixen as Orders took a breath, and retrieved a ping-pong paddle from beneath the counter. the dreaded 'Veronica paddle.'

"…What is her kink?" Helen asked conspiratorially to Orders as she began to sort her cut. Helen's eyes on Tasha completely ignoring an annoying but still very sexy Veronica as she tended to a group.

"Tasha doesn't have a kink." Orders replied flatly, "…Like yours it changes." She added as Helen stared at her somewhat confused. "It's why she's good at her job." She frowned irately as Veronica began shouting sexual plays.

"Exhibition! Leashes!? Spanking!? Deepthroat? Dolphins! Tasha…" she whined, "Tell meeeeee. Or I won't let go!" she declared, wrapping her arms around Tasha's waist, getting on her knees and burying her face into that mass of beautiful black ass as Tasha laughed.

"Oh, not again…" she said, but clearly she was enjoying torturing Veronica.

"Glad that's not me. I'm off!" Jae-Hwa waved goodbye, her own Veronica magnet wobbling delectably in her torn jeans. "Later."

"Hmn-mmn…" Orders replied, glaring at Veronica as Helen seemed to contemplate her 'changing kinks'. "Helena."

"Hmmn? Yes Ma'am?" she asked, standing a little straighter as if about to receive orders… which she technically was.

"See this paddle?" Orders asked, gesturing to the padded ping-pong paddle.

"…Yes Ma'am?" she repeated.

"Take it." she handed Helen the paddle. "And swing it as hard as you can on Veronica's ass." She ordered as Helen saluted with the paddle to her forehead.

"Yes Ma'am." She replied and marched onto the floor.


That felt REALLY good… maybe she likes dominating more than being dominated?... then again… she still felt that tingle running through her body. Maybe she swung both ways?

Coincidentally she had to swing both ways on Veronica's ass… the nympho didn't let go after the first swing.


Next chapter