
Delivery Girl: Yellow Lantern Order #3

I don't own DC

It was a quiet Saturday evening, but Superbabes was still packed. Silver Banshee dozed softly from the couch, White Rabbit was nearby reading a magazine, Orders was intently focused on a particularly hard crossword puzzle and Big Barda yawned broadly leaning against the counter in the bouncer position, a little sleepy after handling a rowdy jerk who had a little to much to drink and got a little too handsy with Livewire's big blue booty.


The girls in the lounge paused at the sudden burst of unique laughter. "…The feck was that?" Silver Banshee mumbled from the couch as White Rabbit sitting on the other couch instinctively sat up straighter. So straight that her masked ears seemed to stretch up in response.

"No idea." Big Barda declared as Yaya rushed into the back of the lounge. She was off tonight so she was dressed distinctly in civies, tight hip-hugging jeans, T-shirt and a warm jacket, she rushed to the counter almost throwing herself over it. Despite this, Orders dismissively glanced up from her Crosswords.

"Help me out! I'm sorry! I'm not a Superbabe!" she hissed quickly as Orders tapped the paper with her pen. "Protocol parent!" she finished.

"Protocol Parent. Got it." Orders replied sitting up a little straighter as a familiar face and a not-so-familiar face walked in through the back door.

The familiar one was Edward 'Eddie' Zhang: Yaya's very banned younger brother, he was cautiously guiding a diminutive woman barely four feet tall. She had big bushy eyebrows and long silvery grey hair tied up in an elegant bun with what looked to be a pair of twin jade hairpins keeping it in place. Her face was so wrinkly one might have thought she was tossed into and left in the dryer for far too long, however judging from her tan perhaps it was just the sun, and she clashed with her very colorful floral pattered cheongsam she wore. In her hand was an elegantly carved mahogany cane that she used to walk: It was thick and well-polished to a shine and topped with yet more jade carved into the shape of a lucky cat.

She smiled in a grandmotherly way to everyone in the room. "Hello." She said with a chipperly wheezy voice as Yaya smiled unnervingly placating at her. If it wasn't for the seriousness of the situation someone might have coughed 'suck-up!'.

"Nana. This is my boss Orrrrrr-" she paused, blinking at Orders and drawing a blank as Orders blinked slowly at her. She didn't know her boss's name… NOBODY knew her boss's name, not even Ronnie-Bell… and Ronnie-Bell actually hung out with Orders off hours!

"I'm Orders. Mrs. Zhang. It is a pleasure to meet you." Orders said politely as Yaya cringed; accurately understanding and seeing in advance that Yaya would freeze awkwardly.

"Hello!" Nana replied happily completely unaffected by Orders's moniker. "Has my granddaughter been doing a good job as manager?" Orders gave Yaya such a smug LOOK, it was almost as if she was enjoying the uncomfortable mental torture Yaya was now being put through… but that would be silly.

"Oh most certainly Mrs. Zhang." Orders replied patiently.

"Please call me Nana Zhang. I was worried about her for a while, with her dreams of owning her own restaurant, and her photo hobbies." She replied lazily, approaching the counter to stare at Orders more closely under her bushy eyebrows.

"She actually takes all of the photos of the girls." Yaya flinched as Orders turned the computer screen to show the website. "Lovely aren't they?" she added as Nana Zhang nodded.

"Oh! So pretty!" Nana Zhang grinned, "Such good work." She then turned to Yaya and lightly tapped her leg with her cane. "See Jiaozi?! If all your photos looked like that you wouldn't be asking me to bail out Eddie when he's in trouble!"

Eddie groaned in embarrassment, "Nana…"

"…Nana Zhang?" White Rabbit got off the couch as Nana Zhang turned her attention to her.

"Oooh! I know that voice!" she declared happily, approaching her. "My Japanese Granddaughter!" White Rabbit blushed shyly under her pink mask. "You're so pretty! Why hide your face?! And why don't I have Japanese grandbabies yet?!" Silver Banshee snorted with disdainful laughter as Nana Zhang turned her undivided attention onto her.

White Rabbit smiled nervously, keeping Nana in view she walked backward to stand next to Yaya before leaning closer and whispering. "She knows I'm not actually her granddaughter, right?"

"Smile and nod Joy. Smile and NOD." Yaya replied nervously as they nodded and smiled together.

"…Sup old bat?" Silver Banshee greeted impolitely as Nana Zhang approached and eyed her over. Smiling sweetly.

"Uh Ash-" began Yaya-


"OW!" Silver Banshee shot up from the couch as Nana Zhang hit her with the cane. "You! You ain't MY Nana you fecking!-"

"Ash?" Yaya tried to warn again before-


"FECKING! OW!" Silver Banshee hit the floor, rubbing and clutching her leg, waist and head in turn as Nana Zhang wielded her cane like a rapier.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!" Big Barda burst out laughing and pointing as Silver Banshee rolled on the floor of the lounge

"So disrespectful." Nana Zhang replied casually, hobbling away, back towards her granddaughters, both real and seemingly unofficially adopted.

"You got fucked up!" Big Barda laughed at her best frienemy's misfortune.

"Don't swear." Scolded Nana Zhang warningly, "You are better than that." she said as Big Barda fidgeted "And sit up straight!" and she stood up from the counter, seemingly straighter.

"…Yes Ma'am." Mumbled Big Barda sheepishly.

"…Nana Zhang?" Orders said patiently, "Deserving of that very entertaining canning she might have been, please don't bruise my girls… Joy?" White Rabbit blinked at Orders, real names right now? "Why don't you show Nana Zhang the locker rooms while I discuss Yaya's managerial shifts for the week?"

"…Sure boss." Joy replied, gesturing to the locker rooms. "…Nana Zhang?" guiding the old woman inside as she smiled at Joy.

"…You are so skinny now! You need to eat more to fill that costume!"

"Nana Zhang I'm the same weight I was when you last saw me. And trust me it's not easy." She replied patiently, but exasperated as Eddie stood nervously next to Orders's counter, her glare leveling coldly on him.

"Didn't I ban you?" she asked, knowing full well that YES, she certainly did: She doesn't forget a ban.

"Yeah but-"

"Shut up Eddie." Yaya interrupted before speaking quickly and quietly. "She wanted to see where I worked! I panicked."

"Is it really panicking if you still bring her to your place of work?" asked Big Barda.

"Shut up Becca!" Yaya hissed. "Please. Just tolerate her a little longer? She'll lose interest and we'll take her to Wei Yan's.

"Oh. Not Wei Yan's." Eddie cringed, "I'm supposed to avoid places with gambling, backroom or otherwise…" he showed a tiny silver keychain from his pocket marked GA: Gamblers Anonymous

"Oh, good for you buddy." Big Barda noted. She didn't know Eddie personally but recovering addicts need encouragement in her experience.

"Becca SHUSH! Go help Ashley regain her dignity." Yaya pointed to the curse mumbling irish-woman as Big Barda chuckled before nodding and going to help a groaning Silver Banshee up from the floor.

"Gonna need more than a pick me up…"

"Shut up Big Bitch." Mumbled a slightly pained Silver Banshee.

"I just need you to keep doing Protocol Parent for a FEW more minutes! And we'll be off to… not Wei Yan's." she glared at her brother who shrugged sheepishly.

Orders eyed him. "…Then you're not banned. But take one of those chairs from the poker table and sit down." She said commandingly

"…What is with the women in my life?" he sighed resignedly, taking a chair from the poker table and quietly sitting away from it by the massage table. As the hum of a motorcycle quieted down outside… It was at this moment that a sexy biker chick walked into the lounge hanging her helmet on the hooks.

"Who owns the 2001 Road Lord out there?" Yellow Lantern not quite dressed up as Yellow Lantern yet, asked as she gestured outside. "That thing is worth thousands of dollars… that's like one of my top 10 bikes!"

"Oh… that's Nana's." Yaya sighed.

Yellow Lantern glanced around, eyeing the handsome Asian man sitting on a chair like he was in time-out and waving to her sheepishly. "…what did I miss?" she replied, waving politely back as an afterthought.

"Is somebody eyeing my Harley?" Nana Zhang asked exiting the locker rooms with Joy just behind her as Yellow Lantern went to go change. Big Barda snorted again, trying not to laugh… Luckily Harley Quinn wasn't here tonight or there would be SO many jokes…

"I… was? Whooo are you?" Yellow Lantern asked.

"This is my Nana." Yaya replied, "…Please go change." She added hopefully as Nana Zhang eyed Yellow Lantern's Daisy Yellow sport bike, chuckling darkly.

"Oooh… that's a fine bike you have there, deary."

"Nana…" Yaya begged, "…The Judge says you're not allowed to bike race anymore!"

"On Oahu!" replied Nana almost indignantly, gripping her cane with both hands as Orders turned on Yellow Lantern for deliveries. "He didn't say anything about Gotham."

"Hang on a 2001 Road Lord? Where'd she rent that?" Silver Banshee, still rubbing her shin, asked as both Yaya and Eddie… they promptly sighed together.

"…She didn't rent it she BOUGHT it. Straight up." Yaya added as the two other resident bikers blinked at her.

"She bought a 2001 Road Lord?" Big Barda asked tossing Silver Banshee dismissively onto the couch, "That's like… 7000 dollars…"

"Eh… I talked them down." Nana Zhang replied proudly, "Anyway. I'm hungry, let's eat something BAD for us!" she added as a noticeable change occurred in the old woman, like she became 20 years younger and distinctly less Chinese. "I need a burger in my mouth!"

Orders took a breath, smiled, and gestured to the floor her eyes flashing. "…As it turns out we have that on the menu."

"Good! We shall eat here my Jiaozhis!"

"Wha-Nana!?" Eddie and Yaya followed her out onto the floor as she claimed a table and waved down Livewire.

"…Joy. Have the girls tone down the flirting, and serve them." She said, under her breath as White Rabbit nodded, adjusted her mask, and walked onto the floor. "Even EDDIE…" she added spitefully as Yellow Lantern zipped up, watching them curiously.

"…You said that rather hatefully." Yellow Lantern mumbled.

"Eddie got banned for making Orders gamble." Whispered Big Barda under her breath. "…It makes sense in context."

"Oh… kay?" replied Yellow Lantern, aware of Orders's opinion of using her powers for gambling but not quite understanding just how FURIOUS actually doing it made her. "…Do you think Yaya's grandma would let me ride that Road Lord?" she giggled excitedly. "I mean… I'd never cheat on my baby but. MMGH!" she looked pretty… satisfied.

"…You'll be busy."

"I'll be busy?-" she managed to get out before Orders reached for the phone.

Time: 7:44 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Ring Ring click

"Superbabes, We deliver."

"Mmngh-mmngn… mrrghmmm-o-mgnghern mnngn?"

"One Yellow Lantern meal. Milanese Risotto. Anything else?

"Mmgn mgnnrg O MGNURN?"

'Very well. We expect her back within 60 minutes or less, or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon competition of delivery, and I also suggest you unzip when she gets there. Name and address please.


Orders hung up the phone. "…Rich people are crazy." She said cryptically just as Nana Zhang began chugging a ketchup bottle like it was cheap beer. "Yellow Lantern." Orders declared as Yellow Lantern watched the… very odd sight from the door. "You got one." the food carton slid across the counter as Yellow Lantern tore herself away from the sight of a tiny Chinese woman triumphantly raising both hands in classic rock and roll gestures.

"…Orders, whoever she is… it might have been a mistake letting her in here."

"She has more money under her mattress back in Hawaii than you all make from tips in a WEEK. Together." Orders replied, slipping the receipt into the bag before going back to her sudoku. "As long as she is paying for the meal, she can chug whatever she wants…" Orders's eyes flashed as Yellow Lantern took the bag and headed out the back. "Except that. NO TEQUILA!" she shouted abruptly as Yellow Lantern got to her bike, checking the receipt, and swinging her leg over the back before quickly popping a wheelie out of the parking lot.

The stories she's heard about Gotham Heights might unnerve normal girls. Pervert Twins, geriatric bounty hunter decedents, angry wives, creepy stepfathers… furries… just to name a few. It was to her understanding that every Superbabe has cum up here at least once. Now was just her turn… and turn… and turn…

This road is winding… PERFECT for a motorcyclist.

As always her bike came to an abrupt halt, stopping on a dime as she swung her leg off it and gazed up at the mansion before her. She whistled softly to herself, amazed at the sight as she took the bag and headed towards the front door. It looked like a typical gotham manor… covered in ivy vines, brick and mortar, gargoyles and stone statues…

She walked up the steps, glancing at the non-descript door with the exception of a bull's head. The nose ring acting as an overlarge knocker. Well she can't waste an opportunity like that… she reached for the ring, raised it up, and boom-boom-boom.


Time: 8:04 PM. Place: Gotham Heights (Bull Head manor)

"Special Delivery Service." She finished, waiting a few moments before she heard the sound of a bolt being yanked back, and the door creaked slowly open. "…Oh." She mumbled.

He was six feet tall and built like a pro bodybuilder, oiled up like one too… He was wearing a leather harness, bow-tie, and speedos barely containing a large cock. Not to mention a full leather face mask right out of Green Lantern (II)'s closet with a tight zipper over the mouth.

"MMgh mn…" his muffled mouth said before gesturing inside, as she stared.

"Hold on… wait." She said firmly, holding up her hand. "On a scale of 1." She held up a finger. "To 10" she held up all her fingers, "…How weird is the next hour going to be?"

He stared at her blankly for a minute, and seemed to think. His body language, literally oily as it is, was very descriptive. And he held up a hand and five fingers."

"…It's going to be one of those places…" she mumbled under her breath, following him in. The leather muscle gimp was incredibly out of place compared to the rest of the manor which was as normal as an expensive manor could get… maybe a few more marble statues than necessary, most were naked…

The man led her up the nearby set of stairs, she watched his feet trying not to step where he stepped. Call her superstitious the guy was covered in oil and she'd like to avoid a tumble down the stairs. They got to the second floor as the nearly naked, oiled up and sculpted man gestured to a large double door of polished wood… she opened it and walked in.

Oh good… more naked oiled-up muscled men… There were two more. One with a dark ebony complexion and one a distinct tan, both wearing their leather but the tanned one knelt by a shapely woman also dressed in leather. Her face was hidden by a full leather mask, her lips pushed out prominently in a purse 'dick-sucking' manner… she had long black hair but it stuck out the back of a tub in the mask giving her a large ponytail…

"Finally. Strip." She commanded firmly as she gazed at Yellow Lantern, her tongue sliding hungrily across her lips as she raised a riding crop and cracked in across the tanned muscle-man's back. He groaned longingly, dropping to his hands before the woman as she raised up her legs and rested her stiletto-heel boots on his back like a footrest.

'Five' her sexy ass. This was definitely a seven.

"Take the food." The woman ordered as the dark-skinned man took the food from Yellow Lantern's hand and carefully rested it on a nearby dresser as she felt all masked eyes on her as her fingers pinched the zipper of her suit, sliding it down to her stomach as the woman watched eagerly. The men, even the one functioning as an ottoman, were all erect in their leather speedos, that seemed to be having difficulty containing them…

The woman, despite her apparent arousal of Yellow Lantern's slow strip, suddenly growled and swatted Footstool's ass with the riding crop. "DREGS. She is too slow. Assist her." she demanded.

The Guide and the Servant, far too excited to be careful practically tore the bodysuit from her body as she gasped, feeling their calloused hands slide over her naked skin, squeezing her breasts and hips as they oiled her by proxy. She moaned instinctively as The Servant slid his hand between her legs, spreading them as his fingers slipped into her body. "Hah-aaah…" her head was pulled back as she gazed at the ceiling, feeling fingers sliding in and out of her mouth along her tongue as her moans were muffled, her hands easily slipping on The Guide's thighs… he was well lubricated.

She squirmed between them as they rubbed their marbled bodies against her from the front and back, their bulges grinding against her as she moaned on their fingers. The woman watched them toy with her body, but she suddenly cracked her riding crop on The Footstool.

"Are you going to tease her or fuck her!?" she shouted impatiently, "Get her on her knees! I want to see some cock sucking!" as crass as her words were she sounded somewhat dignified in her statement, but Yellow Lantern didn't get much time to dwell on it… her body slightly greased now she was suddenly pushed to her knees… Two thick bulges of leather pressed against her face, briefly, before they pulled away and two thick cocks almost equally sized slapped against her cheeks. The Servant getting lucky first by ramming his 9-inch meat steadily into her throat.

"GUCK! GUK!!" he steadily pushed into her throat as she twitched, her hand flailing out to the guide's cock as she struggled to keep him out of her mouth, quickly stroking his greased dick as The Servant asserted his suppressed dominance apparently, "UCK! GUCk! GAK!" thrusting steadily at her face as her eyes rolled dizzyingly in her skull. The Guide's hands on her shoulder, holding her in face as her head flopped awkwardly back and forth on The Servant's thrusts.

"YES." Hissed the woman as Yellow Lantern's throat was fucked, she squirmed excitedly on the chair and licked her lips as the Servent's hips slapped against Yellow Lantern's face. "Make those pretty eyes water."

"MMNGH!!" Yellow Lantern was forcefully buried into the Servant's crotch as he trembled, his cock pulsating in her throat before she was abruptly yanked off with a gasp. "HAAAGH! MNG?!-GUUCK!" with fluid movement her head was turned, and the Guide took his turn, ramming against her face as her brain rattled in her skull. "MGH! mMGNH! GUCK!!"

Spitting and spluttering mucus was scraped out of her throat with each thrust of his cock, drooling down her chin as she was audibly throat fucked into submission. "MGh! MNGh! GUCK… MNGH!!" she was once again buried into a man's crotch, squirming as she was easily held down by the bodybuilders, her eyes rolling as everything started to go dark…



Delicious air rushed into her lungs as she doubled over, with the sound of the horsewhip she was pulled away from the Guide's girth, gasping as strings of spittle hung from her mouth like broken webbing. "Haah… Hah…"

"YES." Hissed the woman as Yellow Lantern recovered, raising her head and smacking against two rigid erections as they wobbled on her cheeks… she then realized that they haven't cum yet… she didn't know whether to be impressed or annoyed. "Fuck her."

"Oh." Moaned Yellow Lantern as she was suddenly yanked to her feet, "Ah… AHH…" gasped as The Servant claimed her pussy abruptly, grabbing her waist and hurling himself onto the bed with a leap. "Ah! Ahh! Ahh…" she rolled her hips on his lap as he lay on the bed, his feet planted on the floor as she clenched her teeth, his hands gripping her waist and easily hefting her up and down. "Ah! AH… Ah?!" she was shoved forward abruptly, the Guide gripping his meat. "Shit." She whimpered before her ass was claimed. "Ahh!"

The Guide abruptly gripped her head, and both men began pounding into her body as her tongue flapped from her mouth, "Ahh-aah! Ah! Fuuck." She whined, shaking as they pumped and bucked against her, grinding their cocks inside her as her toes curled…

The woman sat on her Footstool now as he crawled like a depressed Mare towards the steady, relentless fucking. Yellow Lantern gasped and groaned, going limp between the two bulky oiled men. She watched the show before her as the men seemed limitless in their stamina.

"How does that FEEL." The woman purr, "Do you like being FUCKED in both holes?"


"What's that? LOUDER!" she demanded as Yellow Lantern moaned loudly, "Fuck her harder dregs!"

"OH SHIT!!" she squealed, "Ahh! Ahh!! AAHH!! I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum on these fucking dicks!!" The Servant and the Guide slamming so hard into her they might have broken a few bones, her muscles tightening as her holes clenched like a vacuum seal around them.

"Fuck her. Keep fucking her." snarled the woman as Yellow Lantern screamed her pleasure to the room. "Don't you DARE cum!" which seemed to compel the men on will alone to obey.

Yellow Lantern on the other hand had no such restrictions, two-three orgasms later the woman had grown bored, swatting the Guide's ass as he buried his cock into Yellow Lantern's ass… "Get out." She ordered as the Guide ripped his cock from Yellow Lantern's hole, leaving it gaping and gasping as the woman licked her lips. "…Breed her." she demanded, smacking Yellow Lantern's ass cheek as The Servant rolled her over onto her back, and mounted her.

"AH! AH! AH! SHIT!!" she gasped as he bounced off her body in an almost painful mating press, the bed adding an extra bit of springiness to his pounding. "Aaahh!! AAH!!!"

"HARDER! BREAK HER! pierce her womb with your worthless seed!"

"AHH!! AAHH!!" he slammed into Yellow Lantern's body, his cock seemingly expanding another size as she clawed his oily back, "Aaaahh…" gasping as he released a hot plentiful load of cum by the bucketful, there was so much it oozed out of her hole dripping down her ass as he quickly pulled from her trembling body.

"More. Hurry up!" demanded the woman as Yellow Lantern whimpered and the Guide took his turn.

"Oooh-OOOH!!" Yellow Lantern cooed as he mounted her in a similar fashion, rapidly bouncing off of her as her voice undulated. "Ooohooohhoooohhh!!" The woman hungrily licked her lips as she stood to the side, watching as she was viciously mating pressed, rubbing her pussy through the leather as she licked her lips.

"I tire of her voice silence her." she demanded ominously. If Yellow Lantern wasn't too busy to care she might have been concerned, but The Servant crawled over her head and stuffed his limp cock into her mouth, burying it deep into her throat as The Guide continued his unceasing pounding. "Yes. Yes YES… I want her ruined inseminate that whore…" she shuddered, her fingers firmly pressing against her crotch, "Haaah!" she raised the riding crop and furiously smacked the Footstool as he happily moaned. "Ahh! Ahh!!"

"MMNHG!!!" Yellow Lantern squirmed as she came again, her mind melting and going blank as The Guide grounded so hard on top of her she was certain she became part of the bed. A thick warmth flooded into her body as the Guide twitched inside her, emptying his load into her body before he slowly pulled himself from her…

Her legs flopped onto the floor as cum oozed from her trembling womanhood, slipping down her inner thigh, her leg, and her ankle to drip on the floor as the woman flicked the tip of the riding crop on her skin, grinding her crotch on Yellow Lantern's right knew as she gasped excitedly.

"There is nothing more satisfactory than watching a whore get bred… filthy creatures…" she declared excitedly, shaking as she came again and Yellow Lantern felt a wet spot grow on her knee. "…I'm done." The woman declared abruptly, "Pay her and throw her out…" she said with a posh dismissal that only the asshole rich could use. She sat on the Footstool again and swatted his ass with her hand, "Out." She ordered as he crawled out of the room with her on his back…

Yellow Lantern panted on the bed, arm over her eyes as she tried to catch her breath and crawl to her feet. Using one hand to climb a bedpost as what must have been months of saved-up-cum poured out of her onto the floor. The guide and the Servant watched her creepily as she bit her lips, moaning softly.

"I need payment… and a bath… where's the bathroom?" she asked softly as they didn't answer her. The Guide walked over to the dresser, retrieving a neat stack of bills from the top drawer, then returned, handing her the money. And her suit, before pointing to the door. "Seriously?" she grumbled skeptically…

The Servant stared at her, before returning to the dresser, and retrieving ANOTHER stack of freshly withdrawn bills, then handing them to her before ALSO pointing to the door. She stared at what was essentially double payment for a single 'normal' delivery. "…You guys really want me to… leave." She blinked as they retrieve another stack, took half of it, and handed her the other half. "…Okay." She said nervously, before awkwardly dressing, and walking to the door… feeling VERY gross.

"MNGH…" moaned the Servant, waving goodbye to her as she zipped up, squirming awkwardly as she got out the front door and to her bike.

"Ugh… GROSS." She grumbled, sliding her helmet onto her slightly greased head. "…FUCK." She mumbled, revving her bike and getting away from the manor as fast as she could. NEVER. AGAIN.

Time: 9:01 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"You got nothing on me!!" Declared Nana Zhang arm wrestling with a biker, "I was fighting off Nazis before you were a twinkle in your grandaddy's eye!" she declared as he struggled valiantly, the girls cheering for Nana Zhang as his fellow riders did the same for him.

Freya wobbled into the lounge as the cheers rose from the floor, and slammed the money on the counter to a rather dismissive Orders. "NEVER. AGAIN." she declared, "Seriously! It was SUPER creepy!" she replied, "I don't know why you… let me…" Orders gave her HALF of the money she brought back. "Goooo-oh…" she mumbled.

"…What can I say? The rich are… very generous… go wash up." Orders noted as Freya grumbled, squeaking into the locker rooms as Joy and Yaya scrambled from the floor to the cheers of the girls and a triumphantly singing Nana Zhang

"Orders…" Yaya sighed, "I am so… sorry?" she was interrupted by Nana Zhang, however.

"Who's next!? I got thirty on the man with the I heart mom tattoo!" Nana Zhang declared, "Come on! You sissies! I'm betting that fine bike I rode here on! Surely one of you can beat an old lady!"

Freya scampered out of the bathroom in barely a towel wrapped around her. "I'll do it!" running onto the floor to whistles, "I'll arm wrestle you for the bike!"

"That a girl! I bet your towel!" Nana Zhang replied to the approving cheers of the room.

Orders's fingers slowly tapped together as she stared at a concerned Yaya and Joy, "…How are you doing Eddie?" she asked abruptly.

Eddie, who basically hadn't moved from the chair Orders sat him on, pulled his fingers from his ears trying not to listen to his eccentric grandmother gambled away her money. "What?"

"Cover your eyes." She said confusing him, before turning her attention back to Joy and Yaya. "Get another towel."

"OH-HO-HO-HO-HO!!" Nana Zhang, holding the towel like a banner scampered from the floor out the back of the lounge to Freya's horrified shrieks and the cheers from the patrons, covering herself as best she could as she charged behind Nana Zhang but turning sharply back into the locker rooms.

"...How much trouble am I in?" Yaya asked as Rebecca and Ashley restrained the patrons from following Freya as Nana Zhang returned, wearing Freya's towel like a cape.

"…I haven't decided yet." She replied, the picture of calm as Eddie, who didn't cover his eyes in time stared at the locker rooms for perhaps another glance at a naked Freya jiggling back into the showers.

"Orders!" Nana Zhang cheered, "I love it here! I will come every time I come back to Gotham and rent the place out! All my parties will be here from now on! Even family gatherings!" she said proudly as Eddie, Yaya, and even Joy seemed… less than enthused at the idea.

Orders took the good: Nana Zhang's nearly limitless piggy bank, with the bad: Her irritation at the Zhang siblings. Finally she decided that just like Freya she could deal with a bit of eccentricity for the payday. "Not as much trouble…" she declared finally to Yaya, before adding under her breath. "…But I will be renting you out to Pip the next time he needs someone to gangbang…"

Yaya cringed… but she could accept that, she went back to the floor to try and reign in Nana Zhang. "Eddie stop staring!" she added like a real manager as Eddie jumped and stopped trying to sneak a peek into the locker rooms. Then he cleared his throat.

"…Am I still banned?" he asked hesitantly as Orders sighed.

"No." she finally decided as he opened his mouth, "But you are suspended from deliveries for another month. So don't even think about it…" Eddie sighed, and stuck his fingers in his ears as Nana Zhang declared another round, betting dinner with her granddaughter that she couldn't out chug the closest frat boy…

If Eddie was still a betting man he would've bet HARD on his Nana Zhang: no one's beaten her yet.


The 'Insanely' rich Nana Zhang makes an appearance and Eddie Zhang finally makes a return and what do you know Orders has a heart and has unbanned him... or maybe she just likes the idea that he'd be giving her his money instead of gambling it away elsewhere. As for Nana Zhang I described her once as Miss Frizzle from the Magic School bus, and Grandma from Hey Arnold but Chinese... she's also about the size of Yoda so take what you will from her... if you can.

Next chapter