
2 for 1 Combo: Power Girl and Stargirl

I don't own DC.

A day before Tom's birthday.

"Tom's getting bored with me…" whined Power Girl depressingly to the other girls at the poker table with a big pouty whimper.

"…I have clairvoyance and I don't need it to tell you that you're wrong." Orders said so causally dismissive that Big Barda couldn't help herself but snort with laughter. Even if she tried to glare disapprovingly at Orders with the rest of the girls. Orders just had a plethora of delivery orders… so she was suffering from a cranky headache or two and in no mood for Power Girl's (obviously unwarranted) boyfriend melodrama.

"But he hasn't even touched me in a week!" she declared as Stargirl tried to comfort her, placing a hand on her shoulder as the busty natural blonde rested her beautiful face in her hands.

"…Hold on… didn't you once tell him no sex for a week before Christmas or some shit like that?" Black Canary asked suspiciously from the couch. "How is that any different to him not touching you now?"

"That was when I told him no sex." Said Power Girl exasperatedly, "He's not touching me all on his own!" she added forlornly. "He's going to break up with me!"

"He's NOT." Orders replied coldly. "Oh, my gods…" she replied under her breath with a roll of her Purple-eyes before adding with confident certainty, "I swear to you he's not. And in the incredibly, IMPOSSIBLY unlikely event he does, I'll tell you my real name!" but most of the other girls didn't seem to notice Orders's impatient snark, seemingly more focused on Power Girl's distress. Not even Orders's anger could stop most of the Superbabes from helping one of their own in a state of emotional need…

Unlikely as the reason for the cause of it was…

"Orders!" Power Girl shouted determinedly, slamming her hands on the table and standing up. "Tom's birthday is Tomorrow! We should do something nice!"

"No. WE, specifically, shouldn't." Orders declared firmly.

"Something bold!" Power Girl continued ignoring Orders to the laughter of some of the other girls. "Something sexy! Something that will get him to fall in love with me all over again!" she declared proudly with stars in her eyes.

"NO." Orders declared firmly but jumped as Power Girl slammed her hands on the counter, glaring at her.

"WHY WILL YOU NOT HELP ME SAVE MY RELATIONSHIP!?" she declared angrily before grabbing Orders by the shoulders and shaking her wildly as everyone else stared in horrified awe.

"IT! DOESN'T! NEED! SAVING!" Orders replied nervously, her voice undulating as her purple-eyes rolled in her skull, as she was jerked back and forth until she slapped away Power Girl's hands, "Stop that!" she took a breath, "Seriously. All you have to do is go home, smile." She smiled herself, a slightly weird look on her, before going back to her usual frown. "And have dinner! Tom isn't breaking up with you, he's not cheating on you, he's not anything! He's tired!"

But Power Girl wasn't hearing her. Pacing furiously back and forth a complete bundle of nerves… almost even, on the verge of tears. Everyone in the lounge apart from the frantic Power Girl glared at Orders, and for the first time in a LONG time Orders felt guilty.

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa…" Orders released a heavy, excruciatingly annoyed sigh. She tapped the counter. "FINE." Power Girl immediately stopped pacing and sniffed, gazing hopefully at her boss as Orders turned her purple-eyes towards the other girls in the room. "…Brielle."

The busty blonde bimbo jumped at her real name, glancing around just in case there wasn't another, newer, Brielle that Orders was speaking to before gesturing to herself by poking at one of her big fake breasts. "…Moi?"

"Oui Mademoiselle." Orders replied with an excellent French pronunciation and accent. "Rentre chez toi avec Sierra demain."

Stargirl sighed resignedly, but she quickly put on her prettiest of pretty smiles. "Oui M'dame." And saluted half-heartedly.

"And YOU!" she poked at Power Girl's softer and in-reach parts. "Relax, have a drink, and tomorrow do what you do best." Replied Orders confidently, "…Stop worrying." She added a bit kindlier, as Sierra walked onto the floor with Stargirl as Orders added irately under her breath. "Tom wouldn't dump her in a million years and under pain of death. He wouldn't have the balls." she grunted irately.


Time: 12:00 AM. Place: The Trio's apartment (Same place it always is)

Exhaustedly Tom hauled his legs up the steps of his girlfriend's apartment, he hasn't spent a good deal of time with her lately, awake at any rate, plus it was officially his birthday and he could do with a bit of affection after a hard crunch week at Wayne Tech. Down half the usual team, overworked, and quite frankly Mr. Wayne was on the warpath with new designs from Lucious Fox himself and under threat from Mysterious Ninjas. (Happens more often than you think) It was hard to do anything but go home, sleep, go back to work, rinse and repeat.

It was looking like everything was calming down now at least. The company was still under Mysterious Ninja threat, but at least it wasn't Super-Villains. As he climbed the stairs he fiddled with his pants pocket, loosened his work tie and contemplated unbuttoning his shirt a little… then decided against it.

He didn't want to turn on his girlfriend by showing any skin, he worried about her inevitable disappointment if he was too tired to perform. By the perverted Gods he would try, but sometimes a man just really wanted to sleep.

In other words. Yes. Orders was, as always, right. Tom was just tired… you try working at Wayne Tech under crunch time and having constant unceasing sex with your super-hot Superbabe girlfriend that you can't say no to no matter how much you know you should…

He leaned against her door, sighing softly as he fumbled with his pocket… paused, then reached into his other pocket where he kept his keys. Here was his plan, he'd go in, let his super hot, Superbabe girlfriend who he loves with all his heart, wish him a happy birthday, THEN, go straight to her room and go to sleep before she has a chance to remove his pants…

If his brain was working at maximum efficiency, he'd realize how STUPID that sounds… but he was tired. He slipped his key to her apartment into the lock and opened the door. Walking inside to a dark apartment… he vaguely recalled his girlfriend mentioning that Britney and Jackie were working late, so he didn't have to worry about being ambushed-

"Bonjour!" something beautiful, busty, and blonde shot from the living room holding something in her hands

"Ah!" he squeaked in shock, holding his keys like a knife.

"Bonne fête!" Stargirl cheered with her prettiest smile. "Je suis ton gâteau." She added with a sexy French purr, it was then she turned the lights on. Revealing herself in her tight costume, and holding what appeared to be a store-bought cake from Mary's Groceries.

If there was one positive from this is that Tom's adrenaline forced him awake. He stared at her pretty masked face, trying very hard not to stare at her big fake breasts, and the cake, as his brain registered her name. "Brielle? Why are you here?... in costume?" Tom knew a few of the Superbabes' alter egos. Sierra was personal friends with most of them, but it's not like they hung out together, Brielle was one of the few names he remembered. She was quite memorable after all…

…It helps that she was a large-breasted blonde and Tom clearly has a type at this point. But back to the matter at hand…

"I was told to be here." She replied, still smiling sweetly.

"Who told you… to… be… here?" one could see the cogs turning in Tom's mind. "…Oh no." he sighed as the door slammed shut behind him, and he was hugged tightly from behind. A pair of familiar red lips pressing against his cheek as he felt large bulging breasts on his back. Despite his exhaustion, he couldn't help but smile at his girlfriend. "…Hey babe."

"Happy birthday, handsome!" she smiled. "Mwah!" kissing him again. "Look! Cake!"

"Yep." He sighed, "Cake…" as Stargirl turned around and walked back into the living room."

"Yeah! And she has baked goods." Power Girl cooed, swirling gracefully around her boyfriend, grabbing his tie and leading him into the living room.

"…Wait what?" he replied as she dragged him along.

"Baked goods." She repeated playfully. "And a pair of sexy blondes." She said, "I hope you like your presents…" she shoved him onto the couch as Stargirl sat the store-bought cake on the dining room table.

"…Babe… I'm really…" he began, but she frowned at him. His mouth opened, closed, and she pouted… he cringed… they seemingly had a very thoughtful and powerful conversation without the use of words. "You're… doing this on purpose aren't you…" he sighed.

"…You haven't touched me all week!" she suddenly burst as Stargirl jumped in surprise. "You're breaking up with me!"

"What?!" he looked so utterly horrified that even in Power Girl's own hysterical state she seemed taken aback. "NO! Are you breaking up with me!?"

"WHAT?! NO! You're breaking up with me?!" she replied confused.

"No, I'm not! Who told you I was!?" he looked completely aghast, "It was Jackie wasn't it?! I know she hated me!" he scowled, "It's because I won't let her give me head when you're not home! Ooooooh I knew it! Look I know you told HER it was okay but I WAS NOT COOL WITH IT!"

Stargirl's pretty blonde head flicked back and forth between them, and she couldn't help but smile. These two were ADORABLE.

"Jackie didn't say you were breaking up with me!" Power Girl replied angrily, "You haven't touched me all week!"

"YEAH… Because I'm tired!" he replied exasperated, "Babe. Sierra Grant." He took her hands, "Please listen to me when I say this. I love you… but I just CAN'T have sex with you while I'm working crunch time at Wayne tech… you WILL kill me..." he said completely serious.

Somehow, in some way… that admittance actually made EVERYTHING better. It was insane, it didn't really make sense… but soulmates, true lovers, somehow found a way to do just that… and they stared into each other's eyes and reached a mutual understanding… however…

"…Your last name is Grant?" Stargirl asked surprised.

The moment wasn't exactly ruined, but the course was corrected. Power Girl eyed the beautiful bimbo, quickly reminded that they had a guest for their passionate make-up sex. "…Baby?" she cooed, pressing her body to a still somewhat exhausted Tom, "…Would you like cake first? Or presents?" she purred, feeling her boyfriend's dick twitch slowly to life against her body as she gazed into his soul…

Tired as he was… Tom that lucky bastard would do his best.

"…Let's have presents first." He replied defeatedly, a faint exhausted smile on his face as she sultrily pushed him onto the couch.

"Stargirl?" Power Girl purred, turning around and sashaying to a small stereo beside the TV and curling a finger at the beautiful blonde. "…Time to dance." She grinned turning on the steady beats as Stargirl bobbed her pretty head, letting the music surge through her talented body as she danced across the floor towards a gyrating Power Girl as they moved their bodies before him.

Neither were amateurs when it came to erotic dancing, however one was clearly the expert. Tossing her long blonde hair, pushing out her big fake breasts and bouncing her ass like the ex-stripper she was, Stargirl seemed uninterested in the world around her and just danced… gyrating her popping ass up and down and pouting her plump lips as Power Girl tried to be as eye-catching as possible.

If Stargirl was a 'stripper' kind of dancer, Power Girl went for a 'go-go' sort of style, flailing, twisting, jerking and popping her body, trying to catch his eyes as much as possible as she smiled at him, running her hands over her curvaceous body.

Side-by-side there was no comparison, but everybody would win anyway if they were watching. Especially after Power Girl's top fell away, subtly unzipping her suit, her big voluminous breasts burst free, bouncing about on her top as she swayed side to side, hands on the back of her head as Stargirl took this opportunity to remove HER top.

Big, round and firm they bounced about as she expertly swirled her shirt overhead, smiling as she tossed it lazily away to practically float down onto Tom's head. She giggled sweetly, turning and facing away, gyrating her lower body before she rested her thumbs into her waistline and pushed it down. Displaying her big stripper booty as she wiggled her ass cheeks and deftly removed her bottoms seconds before Power Girl's hand slapped across her cheeks. "Oh! Ooooo." She scowled playfully at Power Girl as she smiled and danced out of her reach, pushing her costume down the rest of the way until both busty blondes were blissfully buck naked…

Well… sort of, Stargirl was still wearing her mask.

They both strutted around the coffee table on both sides, surrounding Tom who honestly didn't know where he wanted to look, Power Girl strutting erotically, Stargirl skipping subtly so she jiggled with each step… then both pushing the coffee table away with almost synchronized skill and pressing their big breasts together as they embraced… and sloppily kissed: Tom's erection trying to escape his work pants.

Stargirl groped at Power Girl's very real and very big tits as Power Girl hooked her hand behind Stargirl's head, dominating their kiss as her other hand slid to Stargirl's crotch, her fingers silkily running through her platinum blonde pubic hairs before Stargirl squeaked into her mouth, feeling her fingers hook into her dampening pussy.

"MMngh-MMN! MWaaahh-ah…" Power Girl gasped as she pulled away, her bottom lip stretching briefly before snapping free from Stargirl's sensually love bite. "MMGh!" she moaned lustily as Stargirl licked her lips. "My very handsome and very endowed boyfriend…" she cooed, sensually kissing a mewling Stargirl between kisses. "Hasn't emptied his load in a week… there's enough backed-up cum in those balls to quench Jackie's thirst." She lightly swatted Stargirl's ex-stripper booty. "Warm him up."

"Oh Oui…" cooed Stargirl, turning around, her big ex-stripper ass at eye level as she ran her hands over her thighs, spread her cheeks and dropped her rear onto his lap. Feeling his erection through his work-pants as she immediately began to gyrate and grind on him, rolling her hips as her ass rubbed his legs and crotch, her hands resting on his knees for support as she smiled over her shoulder at him. "You can touch…"

Yet oddly a cringing Tom was more focused on not shooting his load in his pants, clinging to the couch as Power Girl crawled next to him, her mouth opening as she panted hungrily, kissing him as she deftly unbuttoned his shirt with one hand, caressing his hair with the other… yeah she wasn't helping matters.

"Mmn… mgh…mmn… aahh…" she grinned, pulling away as she absently swatted Stargirl's ex-stripper booty to increasing moans of the long-haired blonde.

"Haa! Ooh!" Power Girl's hands cracking gently on her rear to get her shaking and shimmying faster on Tom's lap. Doing wide circular motions with her hips as she rode on Tom's lap, tossing her long blonde hair in almost a windmill motion, slapping away Power Girl's hand playfully. "Oooh."

"You want her baby?" Power Girl moaned, looking deep into sleepy Tom's eyes as he groaned. "I want her…" she cooed, "I want you to. I want to FUCK…" she breathed, Tom's cock responding appropriately even if he wasn't.

But what broke him was Stargirl throwing herself forward, planting her hands flat on the study coffee table as she bent her knees and popped her rear invitingly up and down. Exhaustion or not… Tom was hard, and now on autopilot… mostly.

He stood up, and promptly yanked off his shirt, and pants, letting his cock twitch against Stargirl's jiggling cheeks as she smiled over her shoulder, gazing at him expectantly as Power Girl smiled evilly, like a triumphant super genius about to see her plans to fruition…

Then they were somewhat ruined when he turned and swatted her face with his cock. "Oh!" she laughed as it pulsated against her cheek. Stargirl briefly stopped shaking her ass as she fully expected him to plow away at her young taught body.

"Oooooh Oui…" she moaned suddenly as Tom's fingers spread her pussy apart, churning inside her as she wiggled her hips excitedly. Head rolling back as she moaned. Tom's other hand however was wrapping around the back of his pixie-cut girlfriend's head.

Power Girl did not disappoint or hesitate. "Aah! Mmngh!" immediately taking her lover's length between her lips as she slipped off the couch onto her knees as he continued to finger her friend, coworker, and willing volunteer. "MMgh! MMngh! MMN…" she twisted her head up and down his shaft, moving faster and faster as she cupped her big tits with her hands, squeezing them prominently as she serviced his twitching length, her tongue sliding from her bottom lips to slither along his shaft. Slurping noisily as drool dribbled off the tip of her tongue and his cock.

"Ooh! Oh! OOOH! OUI!!" Stargirl, spasmed wildly, bucking and jerking her hips forward as she climaxed on Tom's fingers, he immediately yanked them from her hole, dazedly watching her orgasm before grabbing Power Girl's head and speeding up. "Haa-haaa!"

"Mmgh! Mgnh! mMNGh! MMGNh!!" whether he was being to rough with her or not she didn't show it, nor would she. Moaning encouraging as she tasted his pre-cum, oozing into the back of her throat as she gulped it impatiently. "Mgh! mGH! MGh!" she let go of her breasts, grabbed his ass and pulled him abruptly into her mouth. "MMMNGh!!" He could see the hearts in her eyes…

But admittedly that might have just been delirium.

But she swallowed, and looking at her you'd think his seed was the tastiest thing she'd ever had. "Mmn… MMN!" she smiled up at him, sliding her mouth slowly up and down his length, slurping and gulping every drop, not an ounce of his precious back-up, first load escaped. "Mmn…" she slipped off his length as it flopped down her chin, she got up from the floor and bent over the coffee table, taking Stargirl's chin delicately in her hand before turning her head and furiously kissing her again.

Side by side their shapely ass cheeks bounced lightly together as they moaned, tongues writhing openly around each other as he turned, letting his cock hang between their bumping rears. "Mmngh-mn-mwah…" she pulled away, giving Stargirl's kissable, plump lips set in a pretty smirk a lick before she turned around, sitting beside her, and swinging her arm under Stargirl's stomach, hooking it onto her ass as she pulled it towards her face. "Mmn…" kissing her left ex-stripper ass cheek.

"Come on baby, she came all the way from France to give you a present."

"Vous êtes comme une allumeuse." Laughed Stargirl, sensually breathless.

"Here that?... she wants you…" she ran her tongue against Stargirl's smooth skin.

"Eh bien, je suis excitée, alors je vais jouer le rôle... baise-moi s'il te plaît." She rested her and on her ass cheek, jiggling it as she spread hers. "Mets ta grosse bite dans ma petite chatte…"

"Put your cream in the cake and I'll eat it all up…" purred Power Girl as Tom's cock rigidly jumped up, bopping against her nose as she guided it towards Stargirl's wet slit. Giving it her blessing by kissing it before pulling Tom inside.

"Aaah! AH! Ah… Ooh-OUI! OH!" her blue eyes rolled in her head as her already warmed-up body boiled over. Je suis une petite cochonne qui aime ça dur! Ooooh!" she pushed back against his thrusts, the echoing smacks of her wobbling ass clapping against his hips making him throb as she tightened around him. "Vous avez aimé ma danse de salope? Aimez-vous marteler mes trous? Fais-moi trembler!" she moaned out with a piercing whine

Maybe it was his delirium, maybe it was her youthful vigor, it was most likely her French. But Tom's cock went rock hard and his grip on her waspy waist bit into her. "M-mgh! MErde!" she gasped, as he planted his feet and made her SHAKE. "AH!AH!AH!AH!AH!"

If a part of her could, jiggle, wiggle, or bounce it did so as he rapidly slapped against her ass cheeks, "AH! Aahh! Oh mon DIEU!"

Power Girl panted erotically, furiously fingering herself and drooling blankly as Tom railed into the pretty young thing to her increasing cries of pleasure. Tom's head jerking further and further back on his neck with each pump as he flung his hips forward.

"OOOOHO!!" Stargirl tightened like a vice as she felt his hot seed rush into her body. "Haaaaaaah…" she trembled as he held her waist tightly, her arms bending slightly from loss of strength as her orgasm rushed through her. Tom back was so bent he was almost in half, standing like a half-moon as he kept his cock DEEP into the French Superbabe. His cock pulsating rope after rope into the blonde as he fell backward onto the couch, his cock slipping free as Power Girl, smoothly, slid behind Stargirl.

Her mouth open and her tongue extended she caught Stargirl's dripping load, oozing from her quivering pussy before she got closer and closer, slurping out the rest as she cooed. "Mmn… MMN!" Tom watched Power Girl eat a french creampie, gazing at his girlfriend's beautiful voluptuous ass…

He got up from the couch, kneeling down behind her and getting a good firm grip of her cheeks as she cooed, wiggling on his grip as he opened his mouth, and fell against her. "mmmgnh…"

"Mn? Tom?" she pulled away from a slightly dazed Stargirl. "…Tom? Tommy?" she cooed, as he snored on her back… slid off her back, and flopped onto the floor. "…Oh…" she smiled sheepishly, "…He… really was tired."

"Oui…" Stargirl replied standing upright, but a little wobbly kneed. "Oooh."

"Help me get him into the shower, Please."

Stargirl grabbed his right arm as Power Girl grabbed his left and together they hauled him to Power Girl's room and inevitably her bathroom tub and shower. Power Girl flopped her lover awkwardly against the wall as Stargirl stretched her sexy plastic body. "MGh! Well… I'm glad I could help."

"We're not done yet." Power Girl replied, "We haven't done half the things I want to do!"

"But that's not why I'm here!" Stargirl pouted but her pout was nothing to Power Girls. "…Fine. What do you want?"

"Just go lie down on my bed while I wake him up." Power Girl declared turning on the hot water and lying her boytoy in the tub. Then she entered as well, standing over his lap as she yanked the curtain's shut and activated the showerhead.


"Bluugh!" Tom groaned and jumped awake as he was splashed. "Wha-Ooooh!" he groaned as his girlfriend dropped down and mounted his cock. "Oh come on Sierra…" he sighed, reaching up to caress her tits as she writhed on his lap, rolling her lower body slowly as she pushed her chest into his hands, his cock twitching harder and harder inside her. "How long was I out?"

"MMgnh! 4 minutes. 5 tops…" she declared, "Ah… haa… aahh…" sliding slowly up and down as the water rose higher and higher. "…Don't you worry sexy…" she rested her hands on his chest, rubbing them soothingly, "…I'll do everything."

"Ha-aah-aah-aoooh…" he groaned, eyes rolling as she bounced on his lap.

"AH! AH! YES! Oh! YES! I! LOVE! You! AH! AH!" smiling broadly, posing under the every raining water as her body glistened with a sensual sheen, reaching out and grabbing liquid soap before she placed it between her big breasts and SQUEEZED

A stream of liquid soap shot into the air as she gasped exotically! "AH! SHIT!" she squeaked suddenly as he woke up. She rubbed her eye, "Mistake! That was a mistake!" he sat up. "Oh!" gently dipping her beneath the water as she rinsed her face, and swung herself back up, smiling sheepishly. "…Thanks baby."

"How's you eyes?" he asked concernedly.


"You sure?"

"Mmn-hmmn… eye-safe soap… stings a little-ah-ah-ah! MMGH!" she smiled, as he began to grind up into her. "Get it baby. Get it!" she hissed softly, "Ahh-uughh!" she shuddered, shaking excitedly as he made her cum. "MMGH!!" grinning as she pressed her big, somewhat soapy, tits to his chest, a slow lather building between them as they made sure their chests were VERY clean!

"Aah! Ah! UGH! NNGH!!!" slamming into her as her body shuddered and shook with the force of his thrusts, the water sloshing dangerously about them like they were a cat 5 storm at sea.

"Make! Me! Take!....IT! AAAH!!! AAAAH YES!!"

The water was cold, his cum was boiling hot, warming her insides as she gasped, pressing herself against him as he sighed exhaustedly into her shoulder and fell backwards. "Blllluuuuuuuughbble…" her blurbbed beneath the highly risen water as she shot from their embrace and shut the water off. "Blaaah…" he lifted his head above the surface as she pressed her lips to his… and pushed him right back down together.

…It took them another ten minutes to get out of the tub, mostly washing themselves properly as they stepped out of the shower. He took a towel, wrapped it around her wet body and rubbed her scrubbed her ass she laughed, his hands roaming her body covered in towel as he treated her like an expensive car and he was the carwash.

"Ha-ha-ha! Ah…" then she treated him the same, grinning as she scrubbed him and particularly his dick clean before discarding their towels and pushing him back into her room. Stargirl was lying, as instructed on Power Girl's bed lying on her side as she almost dozed, but Power Girl crawled on her bed as Tom hesitated, contemplating his escape to at least the couch.

Power Girl rolled Stargirl onto her back, as the French blonde blinked surprised before Power Girl swung a leg over Stargirl's face, lying forward in a sixty-nine before hooking her hands under Stargirl's ass cheeks and lifting her off the bed. Sitting on her face and holding her clap-tastic ass cheeks in the air as her legs split apart flexible. "Ahhh…"

Looking her significant lover dead in the eyes, both hands on thick ex-stripper ass cheeks, she lovingly tongue a quivering Stargirl's pussy as the sensual French girl licked away at a far more composed Power Girl. "Ahh… mmn! Mmmn!" she slurped loudly, wiggling her own ass on Stargirl's face for more, "She taste so good baby…" cooed Power Girl, "…She's still got your cum in her, put in some more… mmgh!

"Sierra…" he began but sighed, noting his last will and testament to himself he stepped on the bed, waddling on the mattress towards the upraised ass of a young French bimbo.

"Put it in baby, put it in! I want to see you FUUUUUCK her…" she growled as slowly, to the increasing moans of Stargirl, he slid he cock back into her pussy, resting his hands on Power Girl's shoulder. "God it's so hot…" she moaned, "That's what it looks like baby… that's what it looks like when you FUCK me…" she breathed, gazing in awe as his cock slid in and out of a moaning Stargirl. "Ahhh!" drooling hungrily she ran her tongue from Stargirl's clit, and up his cock as it slid in and out.

"Ooh… ugh! Ahh!" pumping steadily in and out of Stargirl, struggling to keep himself on task, awake, and just thrusting in the same direction… for half a moment he thought he had pulled out and plowed into Sierra's mouth… he honestly had no idea which at the moment.

"MMHG! mMNGh! MMN!! MGN!!" Stargirl's spread legs trembled as Tom fucked down into her body, her tongue constantly and steadily working inside Power Girl's own dripping pussy, her hands sliding up to squeeze Power Girl's magnificent breasts.

"Aah! Aah!!" Tom grit his teeth, rapidly bucking down into Stargirl as her ass cheeks clenched, "Haa-aah-aaah! AAGH! AAH!" he buried himself into Stargirl as Power Girl kissed hup his stomach and chest, licking him as Stargirl writhed beneath them, shaking in orgasm as Tom ripped out of Stargirl abruptly.

"Ah!" Power Girl wrapped her lips around him, slurping up remnants as Tom made a final triumphant sigh and fell backward. Popping loudly out of Power Girl's mouth. "Wha? TOM!"


Tom bounced on the bed and flopped onto the floor as Power Girl dropped a still quivering Stargirl and crawled to the edge of the bed gazing down in concern. "Tom?" Tom didn't answer, but he was breathing steadily. His cock was upright and sticky as he lay on his back. "Tom, baby? Are you okay?" she cooed soothingly, crawling from his bed as Stargirl rolled over and dragged herself to the edge of the mattress to look.

She checked his head, caressing his face as Tom groaned. "…Sierra let me sleeeeeeep." He groaned desperately but his cock, twitched. She soothingly stroked his head, before turning her attention to Stargirl, and curling a finger.

Stargirl sighed and shimmied off the bed as Power Girl crawled towards Tom's cock and cupped her breasts notedly, squeezing them together as Stargirl nodded. Together they pressed their tits nipple to nipple, before lowering them over Tom's member, sliding them up and down steadily in a double tit-fuck. Flicking their nipples together as they rolled their breasts over his member again and again, moaning exotically as they gazed into each other's eyes.

Determined to get the job done properly even if Tom wasn't awake enough to know it.

"Ngh! Aaaahhh…" Tom squeaked and jerked, pumping his hips as his body reacted to their titty-play… Stargirl and Power Girl gasped abruptly as a final, FEEBLE load burst from his tip, and splatted onto their faces and breasts, Power Girl leaning forward to lick him reasonably clean as Stargirl steadily got to her feet, wordlessly walking to the bathroom to clean up. Mask and all.

Power Girl, her face covered with her boyfriend's load absently played with his hair, watching his sleeping face, smiled and got to her feet. She grabbed her nearby phone and walked into the bathroom before raising it, smiling, and taking a picture of her lover's work all over her tits and face, glancing at the semen-stained Stargirl mask soaking in the sink.

"Oh, Oh, Oh… Ma douce enfant… Oh, Oh, Oh… Mon doux amour." Sang Brielle in the shower as Power Girl put on her phone and joined her, "Oh! Geeze Sierra!"

"Sorry. I've already had one bath today, so we should share." She declared teasingly, soaping Brielle's cum covered fake tits.

"Well at least we are done, no?" she asked as Sierra nodded.

"…Yes. He's still asleep." She said softly, rubbing Brielle's breasts as the younger Superbabe moaned softly at her caress. "…Thanks for helping Brielle."

"It was no problem! Mmgh…" she ground her rear against Sierra. "I will need to get going soon…"

"…Not really… you can spend the night." Sierra replied, breathing in the beautiful French girl's ear. "…Besides, there's cake, and I need to get Tom into bed."

"Ugh… it is always a thing with you…" pouted Brielle as Sierra giggled.

Time: 6:00 in the morning. Place: Sierra's, Jackie's and Britney's apartment. (Sierra's room)

Beep! Beep!


A clock flew from the bedside table.

"C'est trop tôt pour ça…" groaned the French woman who's hand knocked it away, comfortably curling up next to a warm body. Stuffing her face into a part of warm, soft… big pillows… "Mmgh?..." they were actually Sierra's tits.

Sierra herself lay on her back, Tom on her other side as he gripped her hand, she smiled… breathing steadily as Brielle cooed into her cleavage… poke-poke… her heavy eyelids flickered as she felt… something on her leg…

Poke… "mmgh…"

"Mmhg-Tom? Tom! OOOH!!"

"Merde!" abruptly awoken by somewhat heavy man musk, Tom crawled over his girlfriend, spread her legs and slammed into her as Brielle stared in awe as Sierra squealed delightedly, clawing at the pillows above her head as Tom railed into her body with energy he certainly didn't have five hours again.

"Ah! AH! AHhh! YES! Back! TO! NORMAL!" she cried out happily, as Tom fell onto her, grinding HARD into her body as her legs spasmed in pleasure, "I! LOVE! You! BABY! HAPPY! BIRTHDAY!!! AAAAGH!!! AAH! Haaaaaaa…" she sighed, shaking in orgasm as she stared up at the ceiling, Tom bucking against her as he dropped and early, and quick load… only to squirm, rolling his head on his neck and begin again, "Ah! AHH! OOOOH!!!"

Brielle yanked a pillow from the bed, leaving the two lovebirds to their morning make-up sex, Sierra singing his praises as she yawned and buck naked walked into the living room where Britney was tugging on her jogging pants and matching sports bra ready for a quick after shift run. She gazed at a naked Brielle almost dismissively as she heard the rapturous screams from Sierra's room… making a mental not to visit her pirate later.

"Good Morning." the British accented Superbabe greeted

"Bonjour…" Brielle as she tossed her pillow onto the couch and flopped abruptly on it, ex-stripper booty jiggling as Sierra's cries of orgasmic bliss reached a crescendo.


Jackie, having none of this, burst from her room in a loose T-shirt and panties before moving to Sierra's door and shutting it abruptly, muffling the sounds of hard fucking successfully before going back to her bed without even a 'how ya do'.

"…Rough night?" Britney continued.

"Mmgh." Brielle mumbled into the pillow.

"Did you at least have fun?" asked Britney, setting her jogging music on her phone as she stuck in an earbud.

"…mmmn-hmmn." Brielle moaned affirmatively after a minute, but sleepily.

Britney nodded understandingly before she remembered what Orders told her before she left her shift with Jackie "…Oh. Orders said to take t'day off…" she said, "…But you can't leave…" she added hesitantly. "…They might still need you."

"….mmmmngh…" Brielle moaned a sound neither good nor bad, just showed off her sexy, voluptuous body as Britney plugged in her other earbud, and headed out for her jog. Considering just not coming back until Tom and Sierra were GOOD and done…

Then again, they did have cake… the baked good not Brielle's ass, and who doesn't like birthday cake?

Speaking of Brielle's ass, it wobbled slightly as she shifted herself on the couch, yawned broadly and dreamed of cheesy romantic encounters, mostly of Tom's and Sierra's… they were still VERY loud… at least they were cute together.


Sierra Grant is her last name. and honestly out of ALL the Superbabes's last names hers was the hardest. It was almost a pun: Sierra Nevada. It was almost a joke: Sierra S. Hughes 'Sierra's Huge'. And it was almost a west African pun: Sierra Leone. But in the end, Sierra Grant sounds nice… besides, it's only temporary, one day, somewhere BEYOND, it'll be Sierra Kirby 

Cake is slang for ass if you didn't know. Apparently, that's a thing and I thought it was funny.

Now for Ze Butchering

Rentre chez toi avec Sierra demain. = Go home with Sierra tomorrow

Bonne fête = Happy Birthday!

Je suis ton gâteau = I am your cake.

Vous êtes comme une allumeuse = you're such a tease

Eh bien, je suis excitée, alors je vais jouer le rôle... baise-moi s'il te plaît. = Well I am horny, so I'll play the role... please fuck me.

Mets ta grosse bite dans ma petite chatte = Put your big dick in my tiny pussy

Je suis une petite cochonne qui aime ça dur ! = I'm a nasty little slut who likes it rough!

Vous avez aimé ma danse de salope ? Aimez-vous marteler mes trous? Fais-moi trembler ! = Did you like my slutty dance? Do you like pounding my holes? Make me shake!

C'est trop tôt pour ça = it is too early for that

Brielle also briefly sings the chorus of 'sweet child o mine' in french. Also, thanks to everyone who actually went and checked out the fan stories I have linked up in the roster, having fanfiction of my own work is the dream so I feel compelled to give a boost when I can.

Next chapter