
Delivery Girl: Supergirl Order #4

I don't own DC

Supergirl (I) slammed a small stack of papers with a big red A-minus on the top sheet. "Read it and weep girls! A-minus. BOOM."

The trio at the poker table currently being used for poker looked at it. Red Lantern, Circe, and Livewire. Circe took it, leaning back absently and reading the first few pages in curiosity as Red Lantern grumbled, "Alright fine… hang on." She got off the seat, her big beautiful backside wobbling with each sexy step as Livewire pulled out a five-dollar bill from her tall boot, a recently earned tip that she was going to use to get a snack at the vending machines next door. Supergirl claimed it happily as Red Lantern soon returned and also handed her a five.

"…Did you girls bet on her getting a high grade?" Giganta asked curiously stepping out of the locker rooms snapping on her costume as Red Lantern shrugged.

"She's literally slept with half the people she's psycho-analyzed." Red Lantern replied, dropping back into a very happy chair as she wiggled her gorgeous ass cheeks comfortably on it. "Felt like a safe bet."

Circe absently pulled a five from her 'golden' belt as Supergirl took that too, and she kept reading her report. "Well, most of this goes over my head." She replied as Supergirl scoffed. "I don't know if it's really good or not."

"I worked hard on that." she declared.

"Many hours of hard work I bet." Livewire grinned, "Hard to talk when you're screaming in orgasm."

"Ha-ha" she replied sarcastically, "laugh it up blueberry, you can't ruin my mood today!"

"If Orders found out you were gambling, that might be a pretty good way." Giganta noted taking her usual position, "You know how she feels about that."

"She doesn't like betting big on sports events…" Supergirl replied almost dismissively

"Or the horses, or going to Vegas, or the lottery…" Red Lantern replied to the disappointed sigh of Circe. That was always the first question girls had when told about Orders' abilities. Orders always firmly stated with solid finality that she NEVER uses her powers for gambling no matter how big of a payday it would be.

"Fifteen bucks isn't that big of a deal! Besides, it motivated me to show them up." She then smirked confidently at the trio, who seemed to be content in moving on after their loss. "Thanks to that I got an A-minus." She knelt down to slip her winnings into her boot, "And no I didn't sleep with my professor." She added, glancing over the table as Red Lantern just smiled.

"Well for your next assignment try not to sleep with your patients. I hear they frown upon that…" she said as Livewire chuckled.

"Yeah yeah." Supergirl replied, "Laugh it up."

"I thought her next assignment was going to be why Jenny loves black dicks so much." Livewire smiled as Supergirl went to go change into her costume.

"Hey! Fuck off Lori." Black Canary, who had just come in from the floor to drop off her tips declared. "I don't 'love black dick' black dick loves me." She replied with a hint of confident smugness and genuine annoyance, flipping off the blue beauty as Livewire winked playfully, and flipped her off back.

"Whatever you blonde bimbo." She added as Black Canary waved her middle finger irately to her and went back onto the floor.

"That's actually a porn thing." Supergirl declared as Orders finally arrived. "By pointing out racial differences, race is being made the main point of intrigue for the audience, which perpetuates the exotification of racial difference. In other words, by saying she has a thing for 'big black dick' you're just perpetuating a porn-induced stereotype… which is ironic because according to Laura most porn agents don't really want their white actress to work any interracial scenes regardless of how popular it is globally."

Then she added staring at the blue Superbabe thoughtfully as if noticing her for the first time. "Considering your own popularity, men apparently have an affinity for 'Big Blue Booty'. That might be a porn stereotype as well… can you give me an average on who orders you? Is it mostly Caucasians? Latinos? Asians?... This might be good for my next thesis."

The girls stared at her as Livewire shook her head, "You take the fun out of verbally screwing with Jenny." Then added, lazily picking up her poker hand. "…It's mostly white guys. I can't give you an exact number…

"It doesn't matter in the long run." interrupted Orders, as she set herself down at her counter and turned on the nightly deliveries on her computer before she waved her hands towards the floor. "Green is the only color I care about..." the girls chuckled at Orders greedy joke. "We don't judge anyway. This is an equal opportunity business. Now come on. Come on. Dinner rush, let's go." She ordered with a couple of handclaps as the girls stacked their forgotten cards back into the deck and got up, heading out in a line to work the tables.

"I'm pretty sure they're all just ass men anyway." Livewire winked at a somewhat grinning Supergirl as they all marched and strutted through the floor only for Orders to stop Supergirl with a-

"Not you." She added as Supergirl hesitated, and Orders reached for the phone.

Time: 7:09 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes. We deliver."

"Hey, there!… I think I want to change it up this time. How about the Supergirl Sandwich?"

"Is it really changing it up if you're technically ordering the same thing?"

"…Maybe I want the sandwich? I haven't had dinner yet."

"One club sandwich, anything else?"

"Delivered by Supergirl."

"We expect her back around 60 minutes or the police will be informed, you will as usual be charged on completion of delivery. Name and address, please.


Orders tore the receipt off and handed it to Supergirl who examined it. "Wow Old Town? I've never delivered there."

"First time for everything. It's not this guy's first time with a sexy blonde Superbabe though so…" the food slid out as she finished. "Enjoy." She added with something of a smug smile.

"…Is this related to my previous conversation with Lori?" Supergirl mumbled as Orders jerked her head towards the back door.

"Yes it is. Have fun with that coincidence..." Although coincidences happen a LOT at Superbabes just look at the well-timed phone calls.

Supergirl hefted the food from the counter and walked out the back door, her boots click-clacking noticeably as she reached the company car. "That's so cliché!" she mumbled softly before sliding into the driver's seat, putting the Superbabes brand bag on the passenger's seat and driving off into Old Town Gotham.

She arrived at a relatively nice building for Old Town with barely any obscene graffiti on the walls, but there was a drunk in a nearby alleyway relieving himself. She parked the car on the sidewalk before grabbing the food and heading inside. She bounced up the stairs, her skirt 'hopping' up and down with each agile step as she reached the top floor apartment… the only apartment, with an elaborately cared for and secure-looking door. Ignoring the security camera she double-checked the receipt, before stuffing it back into the bag and raising her fist to knock loudly.


Time: 7:30 PM. Place: Old Town (Richard Warner's apartment)

"Special Delivery Service." She declared and waited as the door clicked, clacked, then finally popped open to reveal the handsome dark-skinned adonis: Richard Warner. Local Gotham Football Player and Superbabes fan. Now sporting five o'clock shadow but still mostly the same.

Completely bald, tall, muscled, broad-shouldered, and sporting a perfectly straight set of pearly white teeth set in a friendly grin.

Oh and he was only wearing a large colorful beach towel around his waist, but she half-expected that. Anyone who's had a Superbabe over more than once expects it.

"Come on in." he grinned, his skin was slightly glistening he must have just come out of the shower. At least he smelled fresh and clean, she couldn't count the number of times she had deliveries where she was offered that courtesy.

She stepped into the apartment that looked significantly nicer than the building itself, he shut the door behind her then grabbed her behind. "Oh." She laughed nervously as he pushed her in.

She skipped into the living room, noticing the couch and the ottoman, a few trophies adorned a shelf on the wall and there was a TV as big as the wall opposite the couch. Richard Warner stomped loudly behind her, but since he was built like a football player, that's not surprising.

He took the bag carefully from her hand as he winked at her, "Have a look around I'll be right with you." He said as she laughed, shaking her head as she toured his apartment with little interest. She wasn't a big sports girl but she knew who he was, he said he was going to Superbabes on TV during a huge Gotham game and all it cost Orders was the low low price of Black Canary's ass and some food.

Allegedly… Black Canary is still a little sore about that.

Richard unwrapped the sandwich and with speed she wasn't sure was healthy devoured it in an absurdly small collection of big bites. He licked his large fingers almost as an afterthought and gave her a prize-winning smile. He didn't even have anything in his teeth. He approached her, reaching for the crumple 'knot' at his waist and yanking it as the towel fell away.

"Well you-Oh…" she flinched slightly at his twitch 10" cock as she nodded slowly, lips slightly agape. "…Well. Alright then at least you know what you-OH!" he lifted her from the floor easily onto his powerful shoulder and carried her deeper into the apartment, passing a bathroom and a room devoted to gym equipment.

She expected him to toss her onto the bed and ravage her… and a small part of her might have enjoyed it. But he set her down onto her feet and walked to the bed himself. Hook his arm around her waist as he went and took her with him as she laughed.

"Oh come on!" she giggled as he sat on the bed, he manhandled her gently, but he was much bigger than her so she felt like a doll in his hands. Squeezing her 'teen' body from behind he ran his hands over her breasts, then lower as she squirmed, rubbing her thighs open as she leaned back against his powerful body. "Haa… AH…" she shuddered, his fingers sliding over her skin, lifting her skirt teasingly to toy with the rest of her leotard.

Feeling his thick cock against her leg twitched as she squirmed.

"Why don't you take these off for me?" he crooned as she gasped, feeling his hands slide back up to her breasts and giving them a squeeze. Then he promptly pulled his hands away and gently gave her mid-back a push. She took a step forward, looking back over her shoulder as she wiggled her lower body, popping her skirt off her hips like a hula dancer before she slid her fingers into the hem, stretching it out as she swayed.

She shimmied sensually, slowly running her thumbs around the inside of her skirt before she slowly bent forward and pushed it down. It slid over her shapely ass cheeks leaving her in her leotard and boots as the skirt hit the floor, she wiggled her ass cheeks then promptly shot back up, tossing her long blonde hair out of her face and against her back as she kicked away said skirt and slowly turned around, running her hands over her body as she gyrated.

Slowly bending her knees, thrusting her hips forward sensually as she went up and down, sliding her hands on her legs, accentuating them and bringing his gaze to her crotch as his cock throbbed harder and harder… her gaze lingering on his big dick, briefly wondering if she could somehow work that into a thesis on penis envy… but then she remembered he was going to work THAT into her and she had to focus…

He gripped his cock and finished its rise by slowly stroking it. Watching her dance as he groaned softly, "…Now why don't you take that off?" he asked as her hands went up to her top, then stretched it.

Haa… ah…" she breathed erotically as she pulled it slowly down over her chest, exposing her breasts. She wiggled with a smile before bending over, pushing it further down her body as she kept eye contact, and kissed the tip of his throbbing erection before pushing her costume to the floor.

Richard's hand slid up and down his cock firmly, his other hand reached around to her ass and pulled her forward, pressing his cock to her flat stomach as he grinned. "Oooh look how deep that's going to get." He chuckled as she wiggled, he wrapped his lips around her right nipple and started to suck, his hands groping her ass cheeks playfully as she cooed, making her jump as she felt his thick fingers against her asshole.

"Ah! MMn…" she moaned, biting her lower lip as he teased her.

"MMn-mwaaa…" he sighed pulling away, "Alright beautiful come down here and get me ready for you." He pulled away, leaning back as her hands caressed his cock, then got on her knees.

She opened her mouth wide and stuck out her tongue, double fisting his cock as she stroked her hands up and down, running her tongue against his shaft. "Ahh… ha-ha-haa…" panting softly against it before switching sides, licking the other side of his cock before pressing it firmly to it. Sliding it slowly up to the tip and wrapping her lips around it. "Mmgh! Mmgn!"

Her lips stretching erotically as her tongue swirled around his head, bobbing her head before her jaw started to hurt and she popped off, spitting onto his shaft as she rubbed her saliva into his skin. "This dick is so big…" she whined softly, "It barely fits in my mouth!" she smacked it lightly against her cheek, before kissing it firmly, flicking her tongue out between her lips to flick against his skin.

He groaned softly, head rolling back as she salivated thoroughly on his shaft. His chest rose and fell rapidly as she moistened his cock. Then wrapped her lips around the tip again, going as deep as she could on his shaft. "MMmnnm! MN!! GUCK!" she coughed slightly midway down his girth, her eyes watering as she slid back off his shaft with a gasp. "Bwaah!"

"Don't hurt yourself now." He grinned giving her a rather ominous smile, probably something between joking and concern.

"Am I doing a good job sucking your cock?" she crooned licking his cock before he rested a hand on her head to stop her and stood up, his length wobbled against her face before he hefted her easily from the floor. "OH!-Shit!" she laughed thrown onto the bed. He grabbed her ankles and pulled her back towards him, pinning her legs open as he lowered to one knee, resting his face against he pussy and taking his surprising thick tongue, and shoving it into her. "Haaa-agah-oh!" she howled erotically, shaking as his tongue squirmed inside her quickly moistening pussy.

Her hands lashed to his shiny, smooth head but slipped all over it trying to reflexively stop him from eating her out. "Haa-AAGH! Fuuuuck!" she whimpered, shaking erotically as he made her come with excellent tongue work. "Aahaah!!" she squealed as his fingers joined his tongue, sliding into her pussy as she trembled in orgasm. Now that one of her legs was free she slapped it onto his broad shoulders in uncontrolled shaking. "Ee!mmgmn!" she bit her lower lip, writhing and squirming, clinging to the sheets as he pulled away, leaving her twitching in a trembling Orgasm before he grabbed her again.

He slid his hands under her legs now, opening them wide as he cupped her back.

"UUgh!!" she was easily lifted from the mattress, hanging on his powerful arms as his throbbing cock tapped against her pussy. "MMn-MMGH!!AAGH!!" she shuddered as he rolled his hips, sliding his meat into her pussy easily as she twitched, "Haaa-Fu-uuu-uu-uuuck!!" she groaned as he began bouncing her up and down.


His hips slapped up against her bouncing body, he pulled her firmly to his chest as she rested her chin on his shoulder, "Haa-aah-Hee!Aaah!"

"OOoh Ooh that's good baby!" he growled in her ear as he rearranged her insides. "Ha-come on!" he waddled slightly around the room, still bucking hard up into her body before her back finally met wall.

"FUCK! ME! SHIT!" she gasped as he pounded her against it. "Ha-aaah-aaah-god!" her legs hanging over his arms and flopping wildly in her supergirl red boots. "Oh god fuck me… fuck me… Fuck! ME!" she trembled, shaking in orgasm and rolling her hips against him. Her eyes sliding up into her head as she clawed his back, then slammed against the wall clawing that too. "MMGH! MMGH-hmnn! mMNGH!!

"Girl you cum faster then my brother when someone shouts free food!" he laughed as she whined erotically. "…here it comes Supergirl," he teased, "her it cums!" he growled, pushing his hips hard against her. "tell me you want that nut!"

"Give! It! to! Meeeeee!" she whined as he pushed into her guts, "Uuuugh I want that diiiiiiick." She whimpered arousing. "Haaaa!" she gasped, feeling his cock bulge inside her, steadily pumping his cum into her body as he pushed his whole weight on her. Pinning her to the wall as her muscles tried to curl her up into a ball but would have to settle for her arms and legs. "Haaaaa… oh my god there's so much…" she shuddered, feeling his thick warmth rush into her body.

"MMmn… that is really good." He sighed jovially, "Damn… you a tight little girl…"

"Not that little." She crooed. "…Holy shit I can't feel my legs." She wiggled nervously, "Uugh…" He breathed heavily against her, catching his breath as his cock finally stopped pulsating, she moaned reluctantly as it didn't exactly go down… but she should've expected that. "Ah… oh fuck…"

He hauled her grinning from the wall, "fuck fuck FUCK!" she cursed as he leapt into the air. "AH!" and body-slammed her back onto the bed, but amazingly he spread his arms and legs so he landed like a frog on top of her but didn't hit her. "Ah come on…" she whimpered. "OOH!" he dropped onto her, she shuddered erotically as he buried his cock back inside her then immediately before rapidly pound her body making the whole mattress wobble like it was a water bed.

"Ah-aha-ah-ah-ah-ah-aaahhfuck! ME…" she squealed, his hips pounding off her crotch as her teeth clenched tightly together. Her legs bounced off his powerful thighs as he kept pumping and grinding. "Oh my… fuck-ing! GOD!" she squealed as she came again, "HAaaagh-SHIT!" she clawed the mattress as he stopped, burying his length into her and enjoying the spasming of her pussy.

"MMMn way better than Black Canary she passed out a little first time I did this to her!" he chuckled happily as she hissed.

"Next time order her!" she moaned, before ruining it by whining in pleasure. "Haaa…"

"MMn got some more for you." He growled softly, beginning to buck again.

"Oh god…" she gasped, going limp, letting her legs shake in the air.

"You want it?"

"HAaa…" she gasped, "Fuck me…"

"You want it? I'll give it to you if you ask.

"Fuck I want it…" she whined, "Give it to meeee…"

"You want it?"

"I want it!"

"Hang on I'll give it to you-!"

"HAa-Ahh-AAH-AAAGH!" she squirmed, squealing as he slammed deep into her body once more, "Give! It! to! me! I! want! That! CUUUUUM!!!"

Her ears buzzed as he roared his climax, filling her insides again with his thick load as it overflowed, oozing out of her pussy around his cock as he rolled his hips slowly, letting his pulsating member spray every inch of her insides as he rubbed up against her spasming walls. "Got that pussy good." He growled.

And she was panting to heavily and suffering to many trembling orgasms to argue.

"Mwah." He kissed her cheek wetly before pushing off her body… her hips dangled off his cock briefly like a meat puppet before sliding off and flopping back to the mattress as he flexed his powerful Adonis-like body. "Wooo-wee." He sighed, "I needed that…"

She groaned, trying not to laugh as he leaned over her, grinning cheerily.

"Need some help to the shower?"

"…Yes please…" he easily lifted her from the bed, a girl could get used to this, and he carried her easily to his bathroom.

"Grab that handle for me girl." He teased as she feebly wrapped her fingers around it before he walked back, using her to pull it open and shuffled inside, leaning her against the wall as he turned the knobs, shutting the glass door as she slide down the wall.

Warm water sprayed directly onto her face, but she didn't care it was far too soothing. Although he could've taken her boots off first those were going to feel… weird.

He slapped his limp cock against her forehead, smiling as he poured sweet-smelling soap onto it like ketchup to a hot dog. "Mind helping me with this? It treated you so nicely…" he teased as she gazed up at him, wrapping her fingers around his cock and slowly stroking…

She turned on the floor, water still spraying onto her. She gazed up at him as her blonde hair was matted down, her sliding hand was soon joined by the other one, double fisting rapidly up and down his cock as she opened her mouth. "Haaaaaaa…" she moaned erotically, tongue lolling out as she continued to stroke him. Keeping eye contact: like a good girl.

"Cum…" she whined slowly as he rested a hand on the wall for balance, head rolling back as his length pulsated in her soft but firm grip. "Shoot your load all OVER my face…" she whimpered. "I want your cum… give it to me!" she moaned, breathing heavily as his cock was soon covered in soap suds except for his tip, oozing with pre-cum as he trembled.

He groaned softly, resting his hand on her head as she felt his cock vibrate in her grip ready to bursts. "Uugh!"

"Yes. Yes. Yes…" she hissed softly, "UUuuuh! Give me that-Load!" she gasped, quickly closing her eyes as jizz shot from his tip. "Ahhhh…" she sighed softly, feeling rope after rope shoot onto he face, shoulder, and tits as she shivered. "Mmmmn…" her hands slid to his balls, giving them a playful fondling squeeze, actually encouraging out a final rope. "Ah!"

She grinned playfully, before taking his cock at the base and swatting soap suds onto her cheek as she smacked her own face with it. Pat Pat. And let it drop between his legs, giving a final spurt towards the drain.

"UUgh!" she sighed finally, laughing slightly as she leaned against the wall. "Done yet?" she mumbled to herself as he hauled her from the floor, and began rubbing her body down in the water. "MMMn…" she contentedly let the water wash away her sweat and cum… and jumped as she felt his cock between her legs again.

She gasped softly, slowly rolling her hips back and forth, keeping her legs tight around his cock. "You like big dick do you?" he teased hungrily as she gasped.

"…It's… only natural, animal instinct… We all have a deep powerful urge to seek out… ah…" she gasped softly as it twitched, "…Powerful mates to produce powerful children… women have a deep… instinct to be submissive… oh fuck it." She finished reluctantly as she was pushed against the wall, her ass presented behind her as he grabbed her waist and finished up.

He didn't last long inside her, her screams of pleasure echoing off the walls of the bathroom as he bounced off her ass, lifting her off the floor as he rammed away. Her legs swinging in the air as her boot tips barely touched the watery tiles.

"AH! OH! SHIT!" she gasped as she was abruptly forced against the wall, pressed firmly to it as she shuddered and felt a final, diminished load of semen rushing into her. "…Haaa…" she shuddered as he quickly pulled out of her, cum dribbling down her inner thighs. "…Desire to procreate…" she mumbled, shaking on her feet. "Sexual dominance… ugh…"

Richard sighed, rinsing himself off as Supergirl continued to tremble in a lingering climax. Instead of succumbing to his 'primal instinct' to breed the blonde again he promptly stepped out of the shower and dried himself off before grabbing her a fresh towel. Eventually, when the feeling came back into her shapely legs she tossed her wet boots out of the shower and washed herself thoroughly.

A few minutes later she walked out, grabbing the towel and drying off only to grab her wet boots, emptying them of water in the shower before returning to the bedroom to get dressed. Richard held a clean stack of crisp bills in his hand, smiling with his pearly whites as she took them and standing on her tiptoes gave his cheek a kiss and a smile.

"Next time order Black Canary she'll appreciate it."

"Well… I thought I'd change it up…" he said with a shrug, watching her skirt as she strutted towards the front door of the apartment.

"You didn't change it up that much." She noted with a wink, "You still like blondes."

He laughed grinning as she stepped outside and immediately sighed exhaustedly. "Wooo…" leaning against the door she rolled her eyes, "Fuck me…" she mumbled, wobbling awkwardly to the stairs before slipping her wet boots back on…

Uncomfortable as they currently were, walking around barefoot in Old Town Gotham was just asking for trouble… she bounded down the stairs, holding onto the railing just in case, and made her way back to the car, and inevitably Superbabes.

Time: 8:52 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

…It technically wasn't sex… but if Orders caught her she'd still be in trouble.

"Get your fill. I only gave you three minutes." She noted as the old man moaned between her big soft blue ass cheeks. Burying his face into it as she leaned against the wall in a particularly dark part of the Superbabes parking lot. The guy was sixty, promised her fifty bucks for three minutes to motorboat her big blue ass cheeks… seemed like a win. "MMMn…" she smiled, "You like that?" she sneered, wiggling and twerking her ass cheeks around his face as he wrapped his arms around her cheeks, squeezing them together. "My culo is like an extra big pillow, si?"

"MMN-HMMN!" he laughed happily, continuing to caress and grope her ass cheeks as she grabbed a fist full of her leotard at her mid-back, yanking it up so it rode up between her cheeks and gave him a MUCH better view of her blue booty.

She let go and rubbed his balding head, "Get your money's worth quick, Papi, I need to get back inside…"

The parking lot lit up briefly illuminating Lori's blue body and the portly old man in a nice suit kneeling behind her, his face in her ass. Kathy parked and slipped out of the car, yawning slightly and pretty much writing off Lori getting caught…

Veronica got away with blowjobs all the time, Lori can do a bit of face sitting if she wanted… especially if she was getting money out of it, Veronica just gave them away! "Hey, Lori."

"Kathy…" smiled the blue beauty as the old man suddenly moaned extra loud between her ass cheeks.

"MATh-y?!" he pulled away as Kathy stared at him shocked. "Kathy Marten?!"

"Professor Clyde?!" she gasped as he quickly shot to his feet as Lori, feeling that they were done pushed off the wall and absently tugged her suit from between her tremendous ass cheeks.

"W-what are you… oh…" he squeaked nervously.

"I work here. Sir." She frowned as his face turned FURIOUSLY red… and not just because he was turned on. "…Does your wife know that you're here?" she warned as the professor blinked, nervously put his glasses back on his face before shiftily not answering… and responding to 'fight or flight'. Choosing flight. He ran off quickly, pausing slightly to breathe heavily, then running away again until he was out of sight.

Lori chuckled, watching him go. "Well, you saved me two minutes…" she declared, waving a fresh fifty. "The guy likes his ass…" she added with a shrug.

"He's the one who gave me the A-minus." Kathy frowned as they walked in together, "…Did you?" the question was apparent but Lori cut her quickly off.

"I just met him today. Look, I like you Kathy but I'm not fucking anyone for you to get an A, you earn that shit yourself." She replied frankly. "…I mean I fuck a LOT, but I don't fuck for freebies…" then added rather reluctantly as Kathy reached the counter and dropped off her delivery money. "…although I do end up doing so sometimes, but that's the alien thing."

"Speaking of freebies." Orders declared as Lori tried to walk away. "Lori." Lori sighed returned to the counter and handed Orders the fifty she was trying to hide. Orders slipped it under the counter and gave her twenty. "No sex on the premises."

"Ah come on there was no penetration!" Lori replied irately.

"Why do you think you're getting any money back." Orders replied frankly, separating Kathy's cut. "Hide it, and yourself better next time."

"You're clairvoyant!" Lori replied irately as Ronnie-Bell chuckled, "You'd see me no matter where I was!" then went to sit at the poker table as Kathy left her boots out to dry and joined her.

"You know, now that I think about it, I'd love to psychoanalyze you." Lori scoffed, "No seriously! A half-alien? How many psychiatrists have done that?"

"Whoever Superman talks to?" Lori snarked.

"I'd be earning my own A." smiled Supergirl smugly as Lori rolled her eyes.

"Using my own words against me, eh? Fine. Whatever, but it's mostly physical issues." She noted.

"And Daddy issues." Orders said frankly

"Yeah, I don't need a degree to diagnose that." Kathy replied teasingly as Lori just sighed and flipped her off.


Kathy Marten. There's no special reason for her name, I just decided I liked how it sounds. Richard Warner makes a return from WAY back in Canary #1. Still likes blondes... I was going to go with a nameless client but, eh, handsome football player ready and named.

Next chapter