
Superbabes Cruise: Epilogue

I don't own DC, or anything.

"Alibaba had them forty thieves, Scheherazade had a thousand tales!" sang Zatanna on the jutebox/karaoke machine as Orders hummed the song along. "But master you're in luck cause up these sleeves you got a brand of magic never fails!"

It was a slow night and the morning shift was just about to start so Orders was heading home for her nap. Heading into her office and-"Fuck!" she snapped as, obviously, Batman stood in a corner of the room. "HOW do you keep getting in here?!" she hissed, glancing out the door as Big Barda shouted.

"You okay boss?"

"Stubbed my toe." She said, "I'm fine." She then shut the door, "What the hell?" she said as the music continued, the girls singing along with the chorus, including Big Barda.

"Roxy Rocket." Batman said sternly.

"Halfway to metropolis riiiiight." She paused, "Now. With your help she'll be caught by Superman within the hour…" she said, "…Why even go through Metropolis? that's like trying to fight you in hand to hand with brittle bones." She added indignantly, "…Is that it?"

"There's a Superbabes on The Martha's Heart. They're fine by the way."

"I know that…" she frowned. "Both of that…SO?"

"…How did you manage to get a restaurant on a Wayne Enterprise cruise?" he asked, he… would be privy to that sort of information, which he quickly and accurately deduced, meant-

"I know a guy who likes one of my girls…" Orders replied with a smug smile as Batman, stoic as he was, kept the award-winning poker face (JLU Poker Champion 5 years running) intact and promptly decided to VET whoever was partaking in Superbabes night 'services'. No point in trying to ask Orders who that was she'd never willingly give up a high-ranking connection…

He honestly did not care that his people were 'ordering' from her. He cared that his company might be giving out 'favors' to the Superbabes boss, and ally or not, he can't have that. For professional reasons and moral ones. He wouldn't accept the scandal and he wouldn't approve of the back dealing, he kept his company as straight as a razor edge as humanly possible. "Hmph…" he mumbled quickly as Orders raised an eyebrow.

"Oh not you too, I have enough trouble with that from my head chef on the cruise: Luke. At least you actually use words…"

Batman inwardly sighed. Not only was he going to have to give Clark a call, but now he needed to spy on his own company… again. At least he knew where to start. She stared at him as he stared back, "…Is THAT all?" she asked, "…Because I need to get home and get some sleep."

"…Yes. That's all." he noted… but she kept staring as he remained unmoving.

She finally and frankly spoke after about a minute of uncomfortable silence. "I'm not looking away until I see you leave." She said sternly as he gave her one of her Batman smiles.

"…I'll go out the front door if you like." He said, she frowned, raising an eyebrow.

On the one hand, that might be good for business… on the other hand, people might start thinking that the Batman likes to show up here… and there are people in Gotham who REALLY hate the Batman, dangerously explosive people who might at minimum wreck her place of buisness… and that's just inconvenient all around. Not to mention (but equally important) life-threatening. She sighed, closed her eyes. "FINE. You win this round…"

"Now, Orders… it's not a competition." Batman declared as the door opened, "Besides… you-

"Never had a friend like me~!" sang Zatanna and others.

Opening her purple eyes, Orders blinked at the empty office room and the open door, no Batman, and he somehow got past Jenny and Tasha without them knowing. She frowned. "…He's got a nice voice." She complimented on his singing voice. Choosing to ignore the fact that Batman knows and sang a Dosney song…


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