
Daily Special: Vixen

I don't own DC

…A few weeks ago.

"She's getting that look again." mumbled Harley Quinn thoughtfully. Wonder Woman did not even bother to look up from her magazine to look at Orders. It was yet another one with 'Lucia Lopez' looking firmly fit in a bikini gracing the cover, and one she probably read before. She finished re-reading the paragraph before asking curiously.

"What look?"

"That 'I have an idea to make some money' look." Harley noted as Cheetah, her tail swishing behind her sitting on the poker chair, and reading over Wonder Woman's shoulder glanced with her catlike eyes over at a very contemplative-looking Orders.

"Ah." Wonder Woman closed her magazine, she's read it before. "That's the same look she had before she announced the 2 for 1's." she watched Orders' purple eyes twitching and flashing. Wonder Woman's face contorted with a small amount of sympathy. "…Oh, that looks like a big one." Orders' hands slapped down on her counter, and she rolled her head on her neck. The other girls could see her temples twitching and throbbing in pain. Popping a pain pill and swallowing it down, without water.

She got to her feet, took a deep breath and said two words. "Daily Special." Like it was some grandiose but conspiratorial announcement.

The girls in the employee lounge stared at her, "…I don't know whether to like the sound of that or not." Wonder Woman noted plainly as Orders shot into her office, apparently to work up the details without the peanut gallery. Cheetah purred softly, her tail swishing as she took the fitness magazine Wonder Woman was reading and opened it.

"I'm sure she'll let us know." she said, tail swishing curiously behind her, "And WHATEVER it is I'm sure Veronica will love it."

A few weeks later, so… Now-ish.

'The Daily Special' as Orders has established, is something of a punch card raffle with a grand prize. 'Daily Special' was more for a theme than anything. Superbabes 'members' would get a reward card, to be filled with stickers or stars, that sort of thing. So spend enough money, and eventually, a full card would result in an entrance to the raffle where you could claim your prize.

One whole day, 24 hours, with a selectable Superbabe of your choosing. The beauty of it is that they needed plenty of tickets to hold the raffle, so even then dozens of lucky participants are spending money for the opportunity…

Of course, the real problem was that not every Superbabe would be willing to spend 24 hours with a total stranger, one hour alone is one thing with Orders's guarantee of safety. 2 to 3 hours with other girls present is another thing: but acceptable. But one whole day? That was a sketchy risk.

Of course, Orders would use her abilities to see the whole day, (not to mention cheat a little when drawing the 'winner') and for a gigantic payday like this would be worth the literal headache… still, there were only a few takers. Even when Orders offered them a percentage of the participating filled up raffle tickets: meaning the more tickets during the raffle, the more money they'd get after the Daily Special. Every purchase that went into the reward had a small, almost miniscule fraction removed and put aside for the eventual girl selected.

Of all the delivery girls. Both Green Lanterns were open to the Daily Special, Starfire of course, Poison Ivy, Catwoman (II), Supergirl (II), Batgirl and (B) Vixen . They'd try it on a trial basis at first, and see if Orders wanted to deal with the headaches and convince other girls to join in…

The first ever Daily Special raffle was something of a hit, especially since the richest of the rich filled their tickets so quickly it was hard to stop them. The room was filled with excited, horny, people, some tried to hide it, some didn't… some were shy, disgusting, perverted there was even a rather elegantly dressed woman… Orders got a shiny Superbabes chicken bucket (stamped with a picture of a playfully sexy Harley Quinn) dumped in the participating tickets. Flanked by a pretty smiling Poison Ivy and Zatanna holding the bucket, she reached in and let her hand slither around in the tickets.

She gripped the 'winning' ticket, and yanked it out. Announcing the winner, "Jason' who jumped from his seat and cheered happily as the rest groaned in dismay. "Fetch him for me will you?" noted Orders to the Towering Giganta who went and retrieved him, leading him into the back as Orders then declared. "A round of drinks for consolidation." She said, "On the house."

There was a small cheer, but Orders followed into the back as Giganta sat him in Orders office. He was young, and average, dressed nicely with dark hair and light skin. "Let me explain how this works…" Orders noted, pulling out a recently made picture mat of all the 'daily special' girls and placed it in front of him. "Pick a girl from here…" she said, "Don't talk." She added as he blinked, then pointed to the ebony booty goddess that was Vixen.

Orders smiled, "12:00 tomorrow, noon, whether you are here or not that's when your day starts. My time, not yours." She tapped her own watch. "The day after tomorrow, noon, that's when you bring her back. "If not, my friend here…" she gestured to the intimidatingly standing Giganta, "Will find you at your house and do terrible things to you…" he blinked nervously, "And I'll have her bring friends. Who will also do terrible things to you…"

"…Got it." he replied.

Orders smiled disarmingly. "Now. Between Noon tomorrow and the day after? You can have as much fun as you like… she'll spend the WHOLE day with you. As long as you don't do anything 'freaky' or 'weird' it's fine. But if she says no… and it'll take a LOT for her to say no… you STOP. Understand?"

"…Got it."

"Good…" she smiled, gesturing past a dangerously smiling Giganta, "…Have a good time. She'll be waiting right up front…"

He shuffled by Giganta and practically ran out of the restaurant. She watched him hesitate to glance at the girls on break then out the door he went. "…Did you have to scare him so bad?" she smiled.

Orders leaned back in her seat, "Eh. Probably not he's just a dumb kid with time and money on his hands." She smiled at the massive redhead. "If he manages to do half the things he wants to do to Vixen then I'll pay what you bet Cheetah."

Giganta grunted softly, hands on her thick but still curvy hips. "…My money was SO on Lucy…"

The 24 Hours

Time: 12:00 PM. Place: Gotham (Just outside Superbabes)

Vixen stood outside Superbabes, absently playing her GSP VIE. She didn't look like Vixen at the moment, she looked like an average, but very sexy, lady. Wearing tight jean shorts that hugged her big black ass and shapely hips, a tight tank sop showing off her arms, shoulders and cleavage. She had a nice little canvas to go bag packed with essentials" extra games she wanted to play, snacks, clothes, a toothbrush and tooth paste, and her uniform which she expected to be wearing much later…

If he wanted a date, he'd get it. If he wanted to fuck, she'd do it as much as he want. If he wanted arm candy for a party, she'd do it. The rather expensive looking car slowly pulled up in front of her, she glanced up from her portable gaming system, smiled, then put it on standby. She shoved it into her bag before strutting forward on her heels, bending over into the passenger side window and smiling at him. "Hey Baby…"

Just like back in her street walker days… only she was paid in advance and she actually liked her pimp.

He grinned stupidly at her as she opened the door, tossed her bag into the backseat. Then she slid into the passenger's seat, her big beautiful ass tight in her shorts as she relaxed in the comfy and probably expensive leather of the car. "MMn…" she smiled seductively at him, "So. What do you have planned for us today?"

Of course the look on his youthful face implied the answer to that was 'Not much'. She sighed, in a 'oh you're cute' sort of way, she smiled and leaned over, her hand sliding between his leg to rub his bulge. Her tongue slid out of her mouth, sliding across her lips slowly as his wide eyes followed it. "Baby, what do you want me to do?" she cooed in a whisper, feeling his cock throb against her gently rubbing hand. "Suck your dick while you drive? Pull into an alleyway and pound me in the back seat? Or maybe you want me to ride you right here? I'm open to do what-EVER you want me to do…"

He took a deep breath, seemingly to correct himself as he pulled the car into traffic, heading off into the city. "How about a blowjob?"

"Oooh… that a boy…" she purred happily, unzipping his pants and leaning down over him. "Let me suck that DICK…" she pulled his slightly longer than average cock from his pants, stroking him with her hand, "I missed lunch…" she cooed, "Ahh…" her warm wet mouth salivated on the tip of his cock as she wrapped her lips around it. "Mmhn… mmngh… mmngh… mmngh…"

"Oh my god…" he sighed, taking a hand off the wheel to place it on the back of her head.

"MMmgh-hmn-hmn!" she chuckled, bobbing her head as his hand rested on her dark hair. 'MMmngh…" burying her face into his pants, inhaling his nervous sweat as she slurped noisily on the base. "Mmgn-SLURP…" she pulled to the tip and popped off, "Ah! Yeah… I love sucking dicks in moving cars…" she smiled, her tongue dancing absently on his shivering dick. "The thrill of doing something naughty out in the open…" she sighed, letting his cock vibrate on her lips. "The danger of getting you off with your feet on the gas…" she giggled, "Ahh…" she opened wide again as he groaned, sliding her soft skilled lips up and down rhythmically.

"MMmgn-mmngh-mmngh-mmng…" sensually bobbing her head up and down as he rubbed her dark hair, sliding his hand down her back, and feeling up her big soft ass cheeks, squeezing her right as she twitched her muscles, making it twerk subtly as he groaned.

"Uugh-its… cumming! I'm cumming!" he hissed warningly as she bobbed her head faster, twisting it left and right as it 'bounced' up and down on his lap. "Ahh…!" the engine revved slightly as she giggled, his hand pushing on her head as she gulped down his load.

"MMngh! Mmmn…" her hand cupped his balls through his clothes, keeping her head firmly planted on his cock even as she finished draining his balls. Her tongue spiraled slowly around his length as he panted, trying to catch his breath as the car rolled along… "Mmn… mmngh-hmmnSLURP… mmmn… Mnh?" she stopped as he stopped the car, she giggled, bobbing her head up and down as he lied back, hand on her head. "Mmng… mmgn-mmgh…"

"Don't stop, keep going…" he gasped, sighing contentedly as she giggled, bobbing faster and faster. "Oh my god you're amazing."

"MMmn…" she hummed sweetly, burying her face on his cock, tongue dancing out into his pants, tickling his balls before slipping back in. "MMna-waah…" she sighed, her head sliding to his tip, opening her mouth and letting her tongue thrash wildly around his tip. "Taste so GOOD baby…" she purred erotically, "Mmmn." Kissing his tip sloppily as he rubbed her thick ass again… "Hee-hee-hee…" she giggled, bouncing her ass cheeks, even in those tight shorts her mass of ass could not be contained.

"Ahh-aah!" he wrapped his arms around her head, and bucked his hips as she met his thrusts, "Ugh-hgunn-gguh!!"

"MMn! MMN! MMN!! MMN!! MMMMN…" she hummed, hooking her arms around him, pulling him deep into her mouth as she gulped her second load. "MMn… mmgn…" he clung to her head like a precious treasure as he filled her stomach. "Mmmn…" she wagged her wobbly ass, humming softly as she finally let his limp empty cock flop out of her lips. "Ahh…" she smiled up at him as he sighed happily.

She licked her lips, sitting up and realizing they were outside a rather rich looking two-story home. Upper east Gotham probably with its modern designed rich people houses. They had driven past a gate and driven up a driveway while she was busy with her cock sucking, and the house was surrounded by a combination towering hedge and chain link fence inside the hedge... "Mmn…" she licked her lips before leaning over and kissing his cheek, "That was tasty baby…" she purred. "Did you like my dick sucking?"

"YEAH…" he grinned, hand on her ass and squeezing as she fawned over him.

"This your house? It's nice…" she said as he nodded.

"Yeah. It was my uncle's but he left it to me when he moved to Canada."

"Oh? Is that a euphemism?"

"No he literally moved to Canada…" he said as she chuckled, "Now… how about you and I go in there and we… break in the beds?" Oh, how cute, he was trying to be confident. She grinned seductively and whispered in his ear.

"How about I take my shorts off right here, and I fuck you on this seat?" she grinned. He blinked at her surprised, before grabbing the seat adjuster and falling back with a click, lying down as she slipped off her shorts, no underwear, letting that beautiful black ass wobble free. "Yeah. Put that dick in me…" she whined, throwing a leg over him and lying down on top. "Touch me baby, grab my ass…" she wiggled as his hands HAPPILY obeyed, clutching to those big soft cheeks as she lifted them up, feeling his cock shoot upright as her wet pussy gripped his equally wet tip and took him right inside.

"Ahh! Yeah…" she smiled, before her ass BOUCNED like she was moving it to a beat. "Ah. Ah! FUCK!" she gasped softly, "Ooh yeah…" fap-fap-fap-fap, bouncing her clapping ass cheeks on his cock as her lower body jumped up and down. "Ahh yeah… want me to go faster baby?"

"Yeah…" he groaned happily.

"Tell me to go faster."

"Go faster…"

"Do it with your hands…" she purred sweetly, "OOooh-AH!" she gasped as he comprehended what she meant and smacked her ass cheek. Fapfapfapfap. "Spank me baby! Spank it!" she encouraged. Slap! "OH!" Smack! "AH! Yes! Like that baby!" she purred, as he squeezed her jumping ass cheeks, his hands occasionally pulling away to swing back with a hard swat, "Ooh!" her body trembled, her silky pussy squeezing his pulsating cock as she shuddered. "Gonna cum baby… watch me, watch me fucking cum!" she jumped up, pushing on the roof as she rapidly slapped that ass down, "Ahh-Ahh-UGHH!!" shaking erotically, her mouth opened as she howled, "Haaa-aaah!!"

"Ugh!!" he groaned, grabbing her shivering hips, thrusting wildly into her clenching body, "Haa! Aaagh!!"

"Aa-ugggh!!" she pushed down, feeling his load rushing into her body as she gazed blankly down at him. Her mouth hanging open as she wiggled slowly on his lap, "That was so fucking good baby…" she purred, feeling him empty his balls into her body. Her pussy twitching around his drooping cock as she licked her lips. "…We're going to fuck just like that as many times as you want…" she cooed seductively.

Or CAN as the case may be…

He slid his hands dreamily towards her ass cheeks, squeezing and cupping them as she smiled. "…You want to keep fucking me right here?" she purred, "…Or do you want something… softer?" she said serenely, as he squeezed her ass… his cock twitching inside her.

"…We should get out of the car…" he said, as she chuckled, reaching for her shorts as he snatched them from her hand.

"Hey…" she teased as he patted her left ass cheek and opened the door. "…Kinky." She smiled, strutting out of the car bottomless as he joined her. His cock dangling from his pants as he grabbed her bag and put it on the hood. Catching her waist from behind as she giggled before standing in front of the car, and was pushed forward. "Oh…" she gasped in 'surprise' as she wobbled her big black booty behind her, her upper body splayed out over the car as he grabbed her hips and slipped into her.

"AH! AH! AH! Ah!" open mouthed she chanted the 'panting bitch' gasping in pleasure as he surrendered to his desires to fuck the sexy black woman offered to him. His hips clapping against her ass cheeks as her eyes rolled dramatically, shaking as she pushed back agiasnt his thrusts. Clap-Clap-Clap-Clap-SMACK! "Ahh!" she gasped as he swatted her ass, "Smack it baby. Oh!" as he did, "As much as you want! That's what ASS is for…" she purred invitingly, "F-fuck! Uck! Uck!" she grunted, pushed forward as he raised a leg onto the hood, grunting as he pounded into her from behind. "Ugh! Guh!! Y-YEAH!"

"Feels so GOOD!" he praised in a growl, "Ooh my god!" he cried out, pumping and thrusting into her as her toes curled in her sneakers, her fingers clawing the hood as her ass rippled erotically with his smacking hips. "I can't believe I get to cum inside you all day!"

"That's right baby!" she moaned, "Ahhh… ahh yeah fuck that pussy! Fuck it!" she panted, slamming back, "Let! Out! That! NUT…" she moaned, eyes crossing, "Uuuuugh!" shaking in pleasure as he pushed deep into her twitching body, his cock pulsating his load into her, spraying and praying as his seed rushed into her body.

"HAA! Haa…" he sighed, shaking slightly as both hands clapped black ass, and black ass wiggled playfully in response. His cock flopped out of her body, cum oozing from her slit as she spread her ass cheeks, fingers sinking into her chocolate-colored ass meat as she let go, then let them clap together before twerking playfully.

"Hmm-hmm-hmm!" she giggled, cum and arousal dripping down her inner thigh. She stood upright, turned and pressed her body to him, licking his cheek sensually before whispering, "…And it's only just begun!"

Time: 1:31 PM. Remaining time: 22 hours 29 minutes.

He didn't let her have her shorts back so grabbing her bag she wobbled that big black ass towards his front door naked. It would NOT be the first time she walked around without bottoms… at least this time she wouldn't be outside for long. She waited by the door as he 'made himself decent' shoving his length back into his pants before opening the door for her.

He ran his hand over her ass and pushed her inside as she giggled, skipping into the house as dat ass wobbled majestically with each step. The living room of the house was very luxurious. With a rock fireplace, a plush expensive-looking couch and matching armchair and Arabian rug… it looked like the sort of place an old man would sit and read holding a pipe… Outside Modern, inside classic.

With the exception of the Gamestation 4 under the large TV of course. Her respect for him rose just a little… "Alright Baby…" she smiled, putting down her bag and opening it up, retrieving her uniform and her compact make-up kit. "You wait right here, and I'll make myself fresh. Where's your bathroom?" she smiled as he pointed just off to the right.

"There's a shower on the first floor, and a bath in the master bedroom."

"I'll be right back Baby…" she said, turning and strutting towards the first-floor shower. "Make yourself comfy…" she purred, swaying her ass the way ALL men liked. She entered the bathroom, shut the door, and laughed to herself… the bathroom was nicer than the whole apartment. She chuckled, taking off her tank top and tossing it on the sink with her kit and uniform. "Haah…" she sighed, rubbing her short dark hair as she stepped into the tub with a fond smile. "…It's going to be a LONG day…" she chuckled stepping into the glass stall and turning on the hot water.

She rinsed herself thoroughly, washing that big beautiful ass and her slightly gooey holes. Using a liberal amount of soap and smelling distinctly of man soap and shampoo, Celtic Spring… and promptly got out of the shower. She dried off her short pixie cut hair, she liked having short hair because A: easy to maintain. And B: Guys can't easily grab it and yank while pounding her from behind… Sure some girls liked it, but she was always sort of 'meh' on the matter… T Vixen was growing hers out, now it was more 'Bob' cut than Pixie cut, further differentiating the identity-sharing Superbabe Beauties.

But enough about that, she dried off, shimmied the towel over her ass, then put one foot into the suit followed by the other, pulling it tightly over her beautiful body. Once she got the snug glove that was her suit on, she promptly applied make-up. Eye shadow, red lipstick, winked at herself in the mirror, before she finally headed back to the door and walked out into the living room.

"Hey Baby." She purred smugly, as he watched her tight body strut towards him on the couch, he grinned eagerly at her as she tossed her things onto her bag. "I'm ready now." She winked at him, sliding her hands over her wide hips, skinny waist, firm breasts… the bronze vixen suit hugging her body snuggly. "Hee-hee-hee…" she chuckled, turning slowly around and facing away from him, bending forward slightly as she pushed her ass out to him, wiggling her ass playfully at it twerked majestically before his eyes.

"You like me shaking my ass for you?" she cooed softly. Her ass cheeks clapping slowly together as he bent forward and smacked her ass. "Oooh." She moved faster, and faster… bending over to rest her hands onto her knees as she bent down and worked it. Bouncing it left, right, then around in a circle, all the while her ass cheeks clapping away. He gazed at it, rubbing his crotch as it bounced.

"NNngh…" he groaned eagerly, restraining himself from jumping her.

"MMn…" she stood up, patting her big ass with both hands, lifting them up and letting them drop. "Take your clothes off baby, I'll take care of you…" she encouraged as he took of his shirt, and pushed his pants to his ankles. His cock rigid and eager once more as she turned, rubbing her crotch as she rubbed her thick thighs together. "I love taking care of dicks…" she bent over as he relaxed, her hand wrapped around it as she gazed into his eyes. She stroked him slowly, moaning as she bit her bottom lip. "…Want my mouth?" she licked her lips, "…Want more pussy?" she giggled, "Want my big, black, ASS?" she hissed as his cock pulsated eagerly, "Yeah you do!" she lightly slapped his cock, "Off the couch baby, switch with me…"

She smiled as his got to his feet, his cock rubbing her against her as she unzipped. "I got all dressed up for you…" she teased, "And now you want me to get naked so quickly…" She pushed the clothes to the floor, her big ass wobbling pleasantly as she stepped out of her suit. He squeezed her ass cheeks as she giggled, playfully pushing his hands away before she sat on the couch, then rolled back.

"MMN!!" her legs shot up and spread wide as she lied flat on the couch, her toes touching the back as she spread her cheeks, displaying her puckered hole and her wet pussy. She slapped her dripping snatch, before hooking her fingers on her ass cheeks and spreading them. "…Get it baby…" she whimpered, her tight little ass winking at him as he bent his knees, pushing his tip towards her backdoor. "NNgh-Ahh…" she panted, gazing up at him as her legs trembled. "Put it in, baby. Deep in my ass…" she hissed eagerly through her teeth. "Yeees!!"

"OOoooh…" he sighed, buried in her hole before pulling slowly out, "Ugh. Ugh… haaa yes!"

"Fuck it baby, fuck it… MMMN!" she fingered herself, clawing the back of the couch with her other hand as he moved in and out. "I love getting my ass FUCKED." She purred, shaking her hips enticingly as he glided in and out, "Haa-aah… ahh… ahh… have big fucking dicks shoved into me…" she whined, "Ahh-oooh! Ugh!!" churning her soaked pussy with her thrusting fingers, rubbing her clit as she opened wide, "Haa-aahhh… ahh god don't stop fucking my ass! Ugh! Ugh!"

"Haa-haa…" he clung to her tits, pushing hard up into her ass as she cooed.

"OOoh!" she writhed beneath him, smiling invitingly up at him licking her lips and silently encouraging him. Her manner, her body, her words… he was in heaven, pounding hard against her rippling ass cheeks as her toes curled in the soft back cushions of the couch, her legs spread flexibly wide as he bounced off her ass, bottoming out deep in her as his balls slapped against her. "Auuugh! I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum! Keep fucking my ass!" she whined, gazing up at him open-mouthed as the undulating moan of pleasure made his thrusting cock vibrate eagerly, her tight ass clenching around him as the orgasm hit her and she writhed erotically beneath him.

"Uggh!! Ahh-UUUGH!!!" she shuddered wildly, slapping the couch with her hands as she squirmed, riding her climax as her eyes rolled. "Fuck! FUUCK!!" she grinned with clenched teeth, "OOOOH!!" Fap-Fap-Fap-FAP!! "UUGH!!" she gazed up at him as he groaned, burying his length into her ass as his thick warm load rushed into her. "OOooh…" she cooed as he fell forward, thrusting his hips and breathing heavily as he rested forehead to forehead with her. "Hee-hee-hmm!" she chuckled, as his lips brushed weakly against her. "Mmn-mwah…" he fell on top of her ass she laughed, his cock twitching in her rectum as she wiggled her hips. Sighing softly as his breathing steadied.

"Oooh… tuckered himself out." She smiled. She adjusted herself, slipping his limp cock out of her ass as she rolled and they lied on the couch together, "Hooo…" she smiled, checking a clock and letting him doze on her chest. "…This is going to be easier than I thought…" she smiled, then with some skill she pulled her bag towards her with her foot, and retrieved her GSP Vie. Absently playing as he snoozed on his sexy Superbabe bed.

Time: 5:32 PM. Remaining Time: 19 hours, 28 minutes.

"NNg… mmn…" he stretched and blinked his eyes open and glanced down at Vixen as she played her portable gaming system.

"…Hey Baby…" she purred, "You had quite the nap…" she put her system on standby again and gave him a chaste kiss. "Mwah!" she purred as he got off her. She sat up, grabbing her bag as he stretched his arms.

"…How long was I out?"

"MMn… couple hours." She smiled lazily, grabbing her bag and retrieving her charging cord, plugging in her system.

"And I've just been sleeping on top of you?" he asked.

"MMm-hmm." She noted bent over, displaying her trademark mass of ass to him before carefully putting her charging system down and standing upright. "MMn…" she sensually stretched, like a lazy yoga instructor, stretching her arms out and bouncing in all the right places. "…Best sleep you ever had?" she purred playfully.

"Yeah…" he replied admittedly as she chuckled.

"That's because you FUCKED me until exhaustion baby…" she purred, "…Now. It's almost dinner…" she said. "What do you have in your kitchen?" she asked as he thought about it.

"…I got some frozen pizzas. Or we can order something…" he said getting to his feet.

"I highly doubt my boss would be happy if I ordered from another restaurant." Vixen chuckled playfully. "Let's get a pizza…" she bent over to get her suit but he kicked it away as she laughed. "Ha-ha! Ooh… baby…" she teased as he patted her big booty and guided her to the kitchen.

"It's Jason." He grinned, squeezing her modestly big breasts from behind as she gasped. "…And new rule for you. No more clothes until you leave…"

"Oooh, you're naughty baby…" she smiled, wobbling naked to the kitchen. "Where's your pizza?" she replied, sliding open the freezer half of the fridge. "Never mind…" she purred, wiggling her ass cheeks as she grabbed one and walked to the oven and stovetop combination. Turning it on as he fondled her ass cheeks. "MMMn… 375…" she purred, wiggling her ass on his hands as she opened the frozen pepperoni Pizza and let it rest on the counter. "Ahh…" sighing as he cupped her tits again, guiding her to the granite island counter and bending her over. "I suppose we-ah! Ah! Ah!! Have to… wait! Ahh!" she gasped as he immediately pierced into her pussy and began to thrust. "Have your fun baby! AH!" he spanked her big black ass, "Ahh, have your fun!" she encouraged as he bounced off her booty.

Fap-Fap-fap-fap he pounded away at her body, "Ahh… uugh…" she rolled her hips, her insides clinging expertly to him as she bit her bottom lip in pleasure, sensually writhing and gyrating as his cock plunged in and out of her, "AHhhh…" she gasped, shuddering erotically as a tiny orgasm rushed through her.

Unlike Veronica, and to some extent Lucy, who were professional sluts, (B) Vixen was a Slutty Professional… a word swap sure, but she did more often than not, legitimately get off when she had sex. She just preferred to get paid when she did…

"Spank me baby! Spank it!" she gasped as his hands rapped on her ass cheeks, "MMn! Make it SHAKE!" she moaned, bending her knees and twerking as he pounded into her. "Fuck it baby! Fuck it, I'm gonna cum all over that dick!" she moaned, half-encouragement, half desire. "Ahh… UUGH!!-"


The over declared its readiness as she shuddered, his cock burying to the hilt inside her as she bit her bottom lip again to contain her squeal of pleasure and MOANED. "MMMGH!!" still buried inside her he pulled her upright, sucking lovingly on her neck before groaning in her ear.

"Put it in…"

"That's my line baby…" she teased, he waddled her around to face the over, and she opened it. Hit with a burst of heat before she shoved the pizza in, feeling his cock throb inside her as she closed it. "Ah! Ahh! Fuck! B-Baby!" she shuddered, setting the time to the appropriate time, 30-ish minutes. He kept pounding her, her hands on the top of the over as he sped up, ramming into her relentlessly as she clenched her teeth, grinning proudly.

"YeahYeahYeahYeahYEAH Baby…" she hissed rapidly through her teeth, "Ooooh-ohh!" he just kept going, fucking her doggystyle as the timer continued to tick down on the over. He threw his head back, mindlessly thrusting into her bouncing black ass cheeks as he clenched his own.

"Ahh-Ahh-Aahh-aah! Ahh!!-"

BEEEEP!!! The timer squealed with Vixen as he pushed into her pussy and let it out.

"Haaa-aaah!!" she moaned erotically, shaking in climax her jiggly bits jiggling as she clung to the edge of the over, hanging lower as she shuddered. "OOoh. Haa… Haa…" she gasped as he thrust twice more, elicting erotic gasps as he sighed, fondling her ass cheeks firmly, his fingers sinking into her AMAZING ass flesh. Soft, spongy, but firm and supple…

BEEEEP!!! The timer screeched again as he fumbled over her to shut it off.

He slipped out of her squirming body, she wiggled and bounced her ass behind her as she stood up, dripping cum from her pussy sliding down her inner thigh with her arousal. She stepped aside as he grabbed a cookie sheet from a lower cabinet, then retrieved said pizza. "Whoo…" she smiled, sniffing the hot fresh cheese as he then grabbed a pizza cutter from a side drawer. "Baby if you're not careful you're going to tire me out…" she teased as he segmented it quickly.

By the time he finished and turned back around to look at her thoroughly, he frowned as she tossed on an plain apron hanging from a hook on the wall and began opening cabinets as he big ass wobbled. "I thought I said no clothes…" he teased as she giggled charmingly.

"Baby, you are not the first guy to tell me that…" she closed one cabinet and opened another. "…And hot pizza hurts." She added practically, "Besides… naked apron, baby…" she purred, standing in the traditional, some would say 'classic', porn garb and running a finger under his chin before checking more cabinets… while he checked out her ass some more. Fair trade. "Baby, where are the plates?" she asked as he opened a closer cabinet, grabbing one for her. "Thank you…" she then took several slices, and wobbled to the table.

Time: 6:15 PM. Remaining Time: 17 Hours 45 Minutes.

She licked her fingers clean and moaned delectably, sucking on her last finger SLOWLY, as she watched him gape openmouthed at her. "HMm-hmm…" she cooed, getting up and strutting back into the living room, tugging away at the apron strings (the apron had suffered some hot pizza sauce spillage so good call there.) letting it drift away to the floor as she stretched again, strutting into the living room and spying the Gamestation. "What do you got on there?" she asked curiously.

He blinked absently, "Uh… JLU vs LOD Extra Ultra Edition… True Blue Redemption 2, and First Fantasy 7 Replay. A few others…"

"Ooh… all over the place." She purred, "Want to go back to plowing me or maybe you want to see if you can beat me in JLU vs LOD? I am open to both…" she smiled as he grunted quietly, clearing his throat.

To be honest, he WAS tired… as much as he would LIKE to keep pounding Vixen… well, to quote an idiot 'The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised'. "I guess we can take a break…" he said, squeezing her rear as she claimed a remote control and sitting her ass down on the couch… He was completely oblivious to the fact that she gave him this out to have a breather.

For god's sake she's not Veronica, she can't marathon a football team. She'd have fun trying sure but she needed a bit of a break.

Time: 9:23 PM. Remaining Time: 14 hours and 37 minutes

"KYPRONITE PUNCH!" Digital Batman slammed his secret Extra Ultra Edition finisher into General Zod's face and knocked him out as Vixen dropped the controller on the couch and stood up.

"Boom! Baby!" she grinned, throwing her arms down in an 'X' over her crotch, worming and gyrating erotically as he groaned in defeat. "Ugh! Ugh!!" she danced, swirling her hips around in victory. "How'd you like that?!"

"No fair you sucker punched me!" he declared with a slight whine but more mocking dismay. "You used the one move devoted to beating kyptonian opponents!" he got up, and grabbed her swiveling hips as she giggled. "It's a killer joke move! If this was a tournament match, that wouldn't be allowed."

She grinned wiggling her ass on his twitching cock, "Well it wasn't a tournament match, it was me giving YOU a spanking…" she chuckled cheekily. "…all warmed up baby?" her ass cheeks subtly twitched around his cock in a playful twerk. "…It's getting late…" she turned around, swaying against him as his cock throbbed against her silky thighs and she licked her lips. "…If you want to get the most out of me we better get ready for BED…" she cooed.

"Yeah?" he asked, squeezing her ass cheeks. "What are we going to do there?" he grinned playfully as she chuckled, brushing her lips against his.

"MMn… all sorts of things…" she took his hand, "…let's go…"

He led her to the stairs, then walked up leading her towards a large master bedroom with an equally large fourposter bed. The room looked like it should be in one of the old manors in Gotham Heights "Ooh… Fancy." She purred, running her hands over the neatly made sheets. "MMm… that's going to feel good." She purred. "…How about we take a bath first baby?" she purred as he walked towards a side room.

The large tub was grafted to the wall, it had massage jets and looked like it was made for at least two people… how convenient…

"Lie down baby…" she smiled as he got into the tub, lying down on the far side of the faucet as she turned it on and slipped in. "Mmn…" she sat on her knees, then bent forward. The water from the faucet sprayed onto her big beautiful ass, it glistened under the wet sheen as she leaned down and opened her mouth. "MMmgh…"

The water flowed down her body, slowly rising as her head bobbed slowly up and down, his legs spread as he relaxed. "Ahh… ahh-yes…" he moaned, hand on the back of her head. "…You're real good at this."

"MMn-hmmn…" she moaned, the water reached his sack now as she wobbled her ass under the pouring water sending it EVERYWHERE as she jiggled. "Hmm-hmm-hmm!" she chuckled as she moved faster and faster, his cock throbbing in her mouth as the water continued to rise…

It was halfway up his length as she slowed down, reaching the water line with her face before stopping at his tip. The water almost completely engulfing it as she slurped and sucked, her tongue spirally talentedly around his tip. "MMMN-MMN-MWAH…" she pupped off his tip and gave it one last lick before it was engulfed in warm water. Her big black ass floated in the water briefly behind her before she sat upright, crawling forward.

"You haven't cum yet…" she pouted, straddling his lap as she pushed his twitching cock towards her wet pussy. "Let's get you off…" she teased, "Ahh…" she bounced on his lap as his hands gripped her waist, "Ooh yeah…" she whispered softly, her ass cheeks bouncing above the rising water as she raised herself on his lap and dropped down, clapping wetly together before dropping beneath the water.

The tub waters thrashed about around her big clapping ass as he smacked her cheeks wetly, she giggled, dropping down hard as the water continued to rise. "…Better cum before the tubs full… ahh-aah-aah…" she panted. "Cause I'm not! Stopping!" she clenched her teeth, "Until you cum!" her breasts bouncing before his eyes as her head rolled back, "Haa-aah-aaah!!"

He clung to her waist, leaning forward into her breasts as he slammed her down, "Aagh! Ahh!! Ugh!!" the water was inches from the top now, thrashing about and sloshing over the rim.

"Ugh!! Ugh yeah!!" he held her down on his lap and wrapped his lips around her nipple as she moaned. Shaking in pleasure. "Take my cum…" he groaned happily as he squeezed her quivering ass cheeks.

"Uuuh…" she cupped his cheeks, her head rolling forward and grinning. "Hee-hee… how many times have you blown your load in me?" she licked her lips sensually as his cock throbbed out his load. "And it's always so thick and virile…" she purred, "Such a manly dick…" she giggled wiggling on his lap as he squeezed her ass cheeks and-


"WHOOPS!" she turned around abruptly, turning off the water and giggling softly. "…Let's uh…" she unplugged the drain. "Drain this a bit…" letting the water level drop as he grabbed her and rolled her onto her back. "Ahh-Oooh!" her head just above the water, he ground and thrust deep into her body. "MMng! MMN!" she gazed up at him, his hands under her thick ass pulling her up to his hips. Slowly, so as not to splash anymore water out of the tub.

"You like it like this don't you?" he cooed, grinding his cock into her soaking warmth.

"Uh huh… yeah baby…" she purred, grinning up at him. "Ugh… just like that…" she writhed beneath him, worming her body against him as he pushed deep into her. "MMn…" he shoved his tongue into her mouth, pumping faster and faster, the water churning around them as she lifted her legs out of the tub. "MMgh! MMnh! MMMGH!!" her body writhed, her toes curling uselessly against the tub as she pushed his ass down, getting him deep into her body as he pumped her full of another load. "Fuck-FUCK…" she hissed, shaking as he pulled away. She smiled up at him as he sat up, his cock dripping cum into the water as a good amount oozed out of her. "MMn…"

Time: 10:23 PM. Remaining Time: 13 hours and 37 minutes.

Eventually they managed to get themselves clean and out of the tub, he fondled and caressed her sensual body, she moaned under his hands as still wet they wiggled and waddled out of the bathroom. "OOoh!" she fell onto her back on the bed. He lifted her towards the headboard as she spread her legs wide in a great 'V' licking her lips as he waisted no time.

"Hard as you can baby…" she purred encouragingly, "Pound it. Fuck it." she breathed seductively as he squatted over over, pushing his length against her wet slit as she hooked her legs over his. His hands once again getting two fistfuls of Grade S ass (the S is for SUPERbabe) "FUCK! Me! Ba! BY!" she purred as he began POUNDING her so hard into the bed it creaked dangerously, "Ahh-Ahh! AHH!! UGH!!" she clenched her teeth as her toes curled, smiling broadly as her eyes rolled up into her head. "Best! IDEA! EVER!" she gasped, "FUCK!!"

"I'm going to cum in you all night!"

"YeS!" she groaned in pleasure, writhing beneath him as he pumped harder and harder.

"All night! You sexy! SLUT!"

"Yes! Yes!! OOho!" she wiggled as his cock pulsated. "Fuck my tight little pussy!" she giggled, "Haa-aaahg…" her feet rubbing his thighs as he kept pumping, "Mmgh! MMgh!! MMGH!! UUGH-UGH!!" she came so hard her body vibrated, her breasts shaking and ass cheeks clenching. "NNGH!"

"Haa-haa-haaa-aaagh!! AGH!!" he slammed hard into her, her legs shooting out behind them, stiffing and shaking as her toes curled and flopped onto the bed.

"AAAHAAGH!!" she screamed as he pumped her full of another load. "MMMGh!!" she shuddered under his tense body as he buried his face into her tits. "MMN…" she took a deep shuddering breath, her body shaking in pleasure and soaked in sweat and a little drool. "…Fuck Baby…" she caressed his dark hair, "You're going to tear my pussy up…" she giggled… then blinked, "…So much for all night." She sighed charmingly, rubbing his hair as he dozed exhaustedly. She kissed his forehead, letting him roll off her body and lying on his side as she closed her shaking, numb legs. "Hoo… I'll give you another ride in the morning before I go back…" She declared more to herself then anything, stretching then curling up on the sheets. Quickly going to sleep herself…

Time: 3:44 AM. Remaining Time: 8 Hours and 16 minutes

Vixen's beautiful mocha colored body cooed softly, at some point rolling over to lie on her stomach, her arms wrapped around a pillow as she breathed softly. Jason groaned, sitting up and rubbing his sleepy eyes, shifting out of bed to do some night business in the bathroom. Leaving a cooing Vixen on the bed, happily asleep.

He took care of his night business… and flushed, walking back into the bedroom and spying a big, beautiful black booty lying on the bed… all out in the open. He stared at it, then crawled on the end of the bed, slowly over her body… resting his hands on her ass cheeks as she sighed softly, he stopped… staring at her as she snuggled her face into the pillow. Still asleep… he then gently spread her soft ass…


"NNgh-NNGMH-AAAH!!" she gasped, suddenly wide awake as he fell onto her, his cock balls deep back in her ass as he wrapped his arm around her worming waist, and her neck. "UGH! AAghg! Ahghh…" he slammed in and out, pulling all the way to the tip before burying deep into her ass as her cheeks wobbled. "Aah-UUGH!!" she trembled, as her toes clawed the sheets, "Ba-by…" she groaned, "Wake me up first!" she whined, "Aggh… fuck…" she gasped, shaking in pleasure. "Fuck… fuck! Fuck!" she snarled as she climaxed again, his cock pumping rapidly into her as she clenched tightly around him.

"You ass is just too good… I couldn't resist." He kissed her cheek. Then rapidly slapped his hips against her.

"Ah-ah-ah-fuck-ah fuck-ah! FUCK!!" her hands clawed her cuddle pillow as her eyes rolled, "Shit! Fuck! my ass!!"

"It's my ass! It's my ass until tomorrow!" he gasped, "Aah-AAGH!!"

"Yeah it is baby! Yeah it is! Get it! Get it! GET… IT!!" she snarled, grinning broadly as she shivered in climax… his weight on her body as he pushed into her. "MMmn…" she sighed, breathing heavily as she twitched. "…Ooh… you got it…" she sighed, her ass tight around him as she twerked her ass against him. He swatted her thigh, "Mmn…" kissing her cheek as she dropped her head back onto her pillow. "You done baby?" she cooed softly, "…Can I go back to sleep?" she teased as he slipped his tongue into her mouth from behind. "Mmn-mmnwah…"

"Yeah…" he moaned, lying on top of her, keeping his cock buried inside. "…You're nice and soft…"

It would not be the first time she fell asleep with someone's cock inside her ass...

Time: 9:12 AM. Remaining time 2 hours 48 minutes

She felt sore, and stuffed… but satisfied as she awoke late in the morning. Stretching out and groaning softly as she blinked then sighed, remembering there was not only a cock in her ass but said cocks owner had his arms wrapped tightly around her. Her gaze flicked around the room as she shifted on the bed, "Mmn…?" she glanced around for a clock, and groaned softly. She slapped his thigh, "Baby?..." he grunted, squeezing her tighter as she chuckled. "Baby… Jason?"


"You got about two more hours to use my black ass for your fun…" he squeezed her tighter, "Baby…" she groaned, smacking his thigh.

"Alright… I'm up…" he mumbled, slipping out of her ass with a limp squelch. He then squeezed her ass cheek, making it shake as she giggled and he kissed her. "…Breakfast?"

"If you want…" she smiled as they got out of bed.

They walked down the stairs, her ass bouncing up and down as he watched and she strutted to the kitchen. "There's some eggs in the fridge…" he noted as she retrieved the carton."

"Scrambled it is…" she said, getting a bowl. "How many do you want?"

"How many do you have?" he grinned playfully, rubbing her stomach as she laughed, rolling her eyes.

"YOU have six left…" she said, playfully slapping his hands away as she smiled.

"Two…" he pouted as she easily cracked four eggs one handed into the bowl and put a frying pan on the stove.

"Mix that up for me baby…" she purred, getting butter from the fridge as well as he got a fork and scrambled the eggs, she melted the butter in the pan, took the bowl and poured the eggs in so they sizzled, before turning around and handing him a spatula. "…Cook those for me baby…" she purred, then squatted down.

"Oh… yes…" he sighed as she took him into her mouth.

"Mmn-mmngh-mmngh…" she gazed up at him, his hand on her head as he absently fiddled with the cooking eggs. "MMn-mwah. "Focus baby, two hands…" she smiled as he pulled his hand away from her silky hair and grabbed the pan, cooking more thoroughly. "That a boy, baby…" she purred, "Now give me my morning treat…" she opened again, "Ahh-mmn…" burying her face into his crotch. "MMn-waah…" pulling off his length before wrapping her mouth around his 'eggs'. "Mmgh… mmnh…" salivating and drooling, stoking his cock with her hand, "MMgnh-mmgn! Ahh…" his cock throbbed eagerly, and she wrapped her mouth around his tip. "Mmn…"

It twitched wildly as he gasped, turning off the stove and putting his hand on her head. Spraying the insides of her mouth and throat, as she winked up at him. Gulping it down… "MMngh-SLURP!" she popped off his cock, licking her lips. "MMn… now for the other half of my breakfast…" she giggled.

Time: 10:01 AM. Remaining Time: 1 hour 59 minutes.

They put their eggs down on the table, ate… then he promptly put HER on the table.

"Ahh! Ugh! UGH!" she moaned, the table scrapped the tiles as she clenched her teeth, his hands hooked on her shoulders, yanking her back against him as her ass cheeks clapped against his waist. "Fuck me baby! Fuck me!"

"Yeah! Fuck yeah!" he gasped, it took him almost a whole day, but he finally broke out of his nervous shell and now he was fully committed. He smacked her ass, hard.


"Aagh!" her knees buckled, shaking in pleasure as his cock pounded into her. "Fuck yeah baby!" she twerked her ass hard behind her, her ass cheeks clapping together with his hips like she had so many times before in the last 20 something-ish hours. "Ah! Shit!" she hissed as he grabbed her hair, yanking it back, "Haa-haa… ah! Oh SHIT!" she laughed as he wrapped his other arm under her waist, lifting her off the floor and RAMMING into her, that big soft ass bouncing and clapping HARD as she gasped, "Fuck! Me! OH! FUCK!" her toes barely scrapping the floor as she was lifted off it. "Ugh! UGhh!! Ha-ha-ha!! Baby!!" she squealed, climaxing again as he pushed deep.

"FUUUCK!!" he gasped, breathing heavily as he lowered her to the floor, "Haa-haaa…" his cock throbbed, pumping her full of cum before he lifted her from the floor again.


She squatted on the table, cum leaking from her pussy. "Ahh?" on her knees she shot up, clapping her ass cheeks expertly she smiled prettily over her shoulders, "Ooh!" tossing her arms in the air as her left and right ass cheeks alternatingly wobbled up and down as she danced.

He stared at it for half a second as she continued to twerk, bouncing up and down on her legs before suddenly he gasped out. "THE BEST ASS IF GOTHAM!" apparently coming to a realization.

Her ass cheeks stopped moving as she smiled at him, then laughed, smacking her ass cheeks hard. "Damn right baby…" she declared. She knew he was referring to her dalliances into porn, but that was another life under one of her MANY names and she'd rather keep this as professional as possible… playing it off as more of a compliment then a confirmation.

"Don't stop!" he declared, swatting that big black ass himself, pushing her forward as she wiggled her ass left and right, bouncing up and down. "Shake your ass!"

"I'll shake my ass for you baby!" she giggled, bending over, ass in the air and swirling in a circle. "MMn!" he viewed her sexy little show with awe and arousal, smacking her ass cheeks like a drummer. "Oooh I'm a bad girl!" she teased, laughing as he crawled onto the table, looming over her stroking his cock.

"Yeah you are! Look how hard I am because of you!"

"Punish me baby!" she whispered huskily, "Punish me!" she spread her ass cheeks, swaying them left and right as he took another round up her ass. "Haaa-! Ah…" she gasped as he pounded down into her, "Ha-aah-aah-aahg…"

"Best! Ass! In! Gotham!" he hissed happily, "Your videos are so hot…"

"I don't have any VIDEOS… baby…" she grunted smiling up at him as he put a foot on her mid back, "NNGh! Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah…"

"That's a shame!" he grunted, smacking his hips away on her upraised rear. "…I had such a crush on her."

She giggled playfully as he whapped away on her rippling ass cheeks. "Just fuck my ass baby…" she purred, "I'm gonna cum ALL over it…" she whined, shaking erotically as his cock throbbed. "Then SMACK it so I know you've finished!" she sneered playfully as he pumped.

Once. Twice. Thrice-


"MMMMN…!" she shuddered, shaking as he deposited yet another load into her beautiful body. But suddenly, "Ooh…" cum sprayed across her ass cheeks as she made it shake, cum poured onto her mid-back and down her thigh as he dripped on her. "MMmn…SMACK! FUCK!" she gasped, shaking as she wagged her behind. "that one stung…" she purred, sitting up as he dropped off the table, his cock limp between his legs.

Her body moved like a serpent, one solid but fluid muscle as she writhed on the table, dripping between her legs as she slid off. "Oh…" she smiled at him, and playfully flicked his cock. "I'm going to take a shower baby… then I think we should head back…"

He nodded dreamily as he watched her ass wobble back into the living room, kicking up her long-discarded uniform and carrying it in with her. She leaned into the glass shower and turned it on and laughed as he carried her into the shower, pressing her flush to the wall. "Haa…" she giggled as he lifted her thick leg, and slipped right in.

"One more for the road?"

"Haa-haa-ha…" she giggled, "…Couldn't hurt. MMmn…" and he gave her another thick coating of cum across her beautiful ass. Watching as, keeping her leg lifted she 'twerked off' his cum, bouncing that ass wildly and laughing as she tried to rinse off… there was some failure as he refused to stop playing with her body as she tried to clean up.

She finally managed to get cleaned, dry off, get her suit on and as he happily fondled, tickled, squeezed. She giggled teasingly, playing along as she swatted his hands away and began to gather her thing, packing them into her bag. "Mmn…" he squeezed her from behind, before turning and smiling at him.

"How about a kiss?" he smiled, "…I still get to do what I want with you for-MMGH!"

Unlike the 'in the moment lip locks' they've had… this one made him weak kneed. "Mwah…" she purred, licking her lips and winking before letting go. He ALMOST hit the floor, "You're welcome baby…" she smiled, grabbing her things. "…Give me a lift?" she winked again.

Time: 11:59 AM. Remaining time: Less then 1 minute.

Jason pulled up outside Superbabes, immediately put the car in park and sighed. Stretching his legs out and groaning as Vixen moaned softly.

"MMMNGH-MWAH!" she licked off his twitching cock, sucking the cum from his tip and gulping it down. She slipped him back into his pants, kissed one side of his cheek and lightly patted the other. "Thank you baby… cum again…" she purred.

He grinned dreamily as her, giving her ass one final swat as she giggled and walked right in…

"Wooo." Tasha smiled at Jenny, who raised an eyebrow at her. "Hey girl." She sighed as Jenny smiled.

"Did you have fun?"

"Yeah." Winked Tasha fondly, "It was a laugh…" she added her ass wobbling as Jason scrambled in just as she entered the back room. It took him a minute to park

"Welcome to Superbabes." Smiled Jenny as he looked around, "Table for one?"

"Yeah. And uh, can I get another of those reward tickets?" he asked as Jenny produced a bonus card and handed it to him. "Nice." He grinned… it would take him a little while, but he couldn't WAIT to fill that ticket up again. Of course... he could just order her for the hour but, nobody tell him that.

Tasha entering the employee lounge glanced around curiously, as it was the lunch rush most of the girls were on the floor. She was however surprised to find a rather sleepy-looking Orders, nursing a cup of coffee (heavy on cream) at her counter. "Hey boss… I didn't think you'd still be here." she noted concernedly as Orders sighed with a lazily smirk, her purple eyes were oddly dim with sleepiness.

"Yeah well… I needed to wait for Veronica on this one. I might not think this daily special thing is as good as I first thought if I have to stay up for almost 24 hours… but at least I don't have to pay up to Ronnie-Bell and I just have to pay you." she slapped a STACK of bills on the counter as Tasha's eyes widened. "This right here is a cut of every single purchase that went into the participating reward raffle tickets." She noted dismissively as Tasha whistled.

"…I could use that stack as a doorstop!" she breathed, shoving it into her purse. "But why did you have to wait for Veronica?"

"Who do you think did all that hard math?" replied Orders, getting to her feet. "…Took her about an hour, and I think she was being distracted at the time." She then gathered her own things, "…Go home Tasha, take the day off." she added, "Phoebe's going to cover you today." the pretty 'Circe' smiled and waved at Tasha as she walked out of the locker room and onto the floor as Orders continued. "All these Daily Special incentives are going to give me a headache…"

"Eh..." smiled Tasha, flicking her finger through the fat stack and sighing happily, that Gamestation 5 order was SINGING to her now. "You just need to work out the kinks... now if you excuse me. The First Fantasy 7 remake is calling my name..." she said as if Orders had any concrete idea as to what that was...

But there was no doubt about it, after seeing that stack… there were a lot more girls open to participating in the idea.


The first of the 'Daily Specials' with on of my favorites, Vixen. This is also when we start the Cruise mini-series

Next chapter