
Dreams and Nightmares: Orders: Dark Knightmare

I don't own DC

Orders… ORDERS!

Orders shot up, twitching nervously as she glanced at the Batman. "Uuuugh…" she rubbed her head. "Really? What? I'm tired… and I need sleep for tonight." she mumbled. Lying in bed as the Batman's eyes narrowed at her. "What?"

"Why do you need sleep for tonight?" he replied.

She glared at him, her purple eyes flashing. "…Because I'm working tonight?" she replied, "As I do almost every night?"

The Batman rested his hand on his utility belt. "…But Orders, you don't 'work'… you haven't worked a day in your life."

"What? Don't be stupid… what about Superbabes?" she mumbled, getting out of bed. "I'm the boss. I arrange deliveries I-" she glared at him.

"Orders." Batman said calmly. "…There is no Superbabes… you don't have a job…"

Orders eyes widened as her stomach fell out, she fainted, falling backward into the floor, screaming, writhing in agony as she fell…

Down. Down. Down. Never-endingly into the pit of… UNEMPLOYMENT!!

"AAAGH!!!" she shot up "UGH!!" she clutched her throbbing head. Feeling a bandage. "Wh-what?"

"You fell out of bed."

"AAGH!!" she jumped again as the Batman stood stoically at her bedside. "FUCKING DOOR!"

"I came in through the door." He replied bluntly, "I even knocked." He ran some device over her head, she slapped his hand away. "…You're not hemorrhaging, and your eyes are normal…" he checked her purple eyes as they flashed.

"I don't believe you."

"I assure you my diagnosis is sound, but If you like I can contact Dr. Thompson…"

"I meant about the door. I don't believe you knocked…" she rubbed her forehead. "…Why are you here?"

"You contacted me." He replied, calmly serious, "…Something about Scarecrow."

"Right… he's planning on pumping a combination of fear gas and sleeping gas into the air…" she rubbed her purple flashing eyes. "Tallest building in Gotham… he wants to make 'nightmares' where no-one can escape-and you're gone…" she sighed, the window open and the curtain waving as she lied down on the bed and sighed. "…This is why I don't believe you about knocking…"

…Mostly a Nightmare…


"Hey Dream." the perky goth approached the dour and grim man as he floated above the street, watching the Batman leap from rooftop to rooftop away from his most recent interest. "...Spying on girls again." she asked, standing in the air beside him as he looked blankly off into space.

"...No." he noted, "Simply answering some curiosity..."

"...Cool. Cool..." she watched the Batman leap off towards the Batmobile and sighed. "...That guy needs a nap. Have you ever you know... zapped him?"

"...I do not ZAP people..." he noted as they descended to the street, walking along casually.

"No, you lull them to sleep. Like a creeper... I saw you watching those girls, don't lie." she smiled cheekily, "One of them catch your eye? They're going to be around for a LONG time..." she jerked her thumb back at Orders apartment. "Especially with her around."

"...You're making this weird." she hugged him as they walked/glided invisibly along, explosions occurring in the distance.

"Pfft... lighten up Dream." she smiled happily. "Thanks to the weirdo in the costume I got time. Let's get a burger... Oh! We could go to that Superbabes place and you can check out all the girls you've been stalking. Their food is GREAT."

"...I DON'T stalk, sister." Dream mumbled Irately.

"No you just give them kinky dreams." she replied smiling. "...Just slip right in and be their 'dream man' already... or come with me and grab a bite."

"...I want the Catwoman meal."

"Sweet." she replied chipperly as they vanished in thin air.

Dream? and... what now?

It's not a mini-series if Orders doesn't talk to the Batman… that's really the only reason for this... see you all back in the Main Series Tomorrow

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