
Dreams and Nightmares: The Mighty Endowed: Milked

I don't own DC

"MMngh… nnngh?" she slowly lifted her head as the dull tinkle of a cowbell echoed in her ears. "Mmmgnh?" she opened her mouth. But couldn't… "Mmngh?" there was some sort of… gag over her mouth, it was attached to her head like a muzzle. "Mmmngh…" she glanced down…

When did her breasts get so fucking big?! They were always big but now there were massive! And they hurt! "MMMGH!!" she whimpered, trying to stand up straight… but she couldn't move.

She was bent over at a ninety-degree angle. Her legs held apart by a long metal rod bound to a pair of anklets on both of her ankles, keeping her steady. Her arms were stretched out, draped on the top of a fence and her wrists were held in a pair of metal straps bolted to the fence.

Her huge breasts wobbled and bulged as she shifted and struggled but she couldn't move. She couldn't go anywhere… and what was she wearing?

She wore a distinct cow print bikini… like her old Cattle Call uniform except that her nipples were cut out, and her crotch was open… and the bikini was grafted to her skin. "MMMpgh?!" she struggled, finally noticing that her feet… were actually hooves. "MMGH!! MMMGH!!!" they clip-clopped as she struggled, the cowbell around her neck tonking loudly as her breasts bounced up and down with her movements. "MMmgh-hmmn-hmmgnh!!" she whined as suddenly…

"Moooo…" she lifted her head. "Mooo-moo-mmoooooo!"

Wherever she was… was suddenly filled with mooing. "MOOO!! MOO! MOOO!!!"

"I hear you girls!" came a rather chipper reply. "I know! We're coming!"

"MMhg!! MMhg!" she moaned as dozens of men in jumpsuits began clattering around in front of her, she tried to see their faces but they were fuzzy and weird. Like they were censored. "MMhg!!" she moaned at them.

"I know girl." Cooed on as he leaped over her fence. "I know!" he cheered affirmingly before putting a bucket under her heavy breasts. "How's my favorite Mighty Milker today?" he grinned at her as she trembled. "Ooooh… do your udders hurt? I bet they do." He cooed, before kicking a small stool in front of her and sitting down. "Don't you worry. We're going to fix that aren't we?"

"MOOO!!" cried out more cows, "Moo~!" but they sounded. Aroused.

"MMmngh?! MMMNnn!!!" she shuddered as he took both hands, gently pressed them around her right breasts, and pushed.


"MMMMGH!!" she moaned as a torrent of milk sprayed into the bucket under her right breasts. Her nipples leaked fresh, warm milk as she whimpered. Shaking in pleasure. "MMMNGH!!"

"Yeah… that's a good girl! Look at all that milk!... Hmmn?" he squeezed her again, Psfft… "…Hmmn." He smiled again, reached for a new bucket, setting it beside him as he took her breasts in hand and, Psfft. Psfft. Psfft… "Hmmmn…" he cupped her milked tit, lifting it up before wrapping his lips around it.

"MMMNgh!" she moaned as he sucked, and slurped.

"MMn… mmmn…" milk leaked from his lips as he lovingly suckled. "Ah…" then gently let her breasts hang again. A tiny drop of milk oozed from her nipple to plop into the nearly full bucket. He lifted the bucket and put it aside, before taking the empty bucket and putting it under her left breasts.


"Mmmmgh! MMNGH~!..." she shuddered in pleasure as she was milked. "MMmmngh…" her eyes hazing over as her pussy oozed arousal down her cow-print leg. He continued to milk her, until her torrent of warm white liquid lessened once again.

Psfft. Psfft. Psfft.

"Haaaa…" he sighed just as she did, shaking in pleasure as her fists tightened the echoing moo of the other 'cows' still filling the room. Barn. Wherever. Same as before he lifted her left tit to his lips as he suckled on it.

"Mmmnh…" she whimpered around her gag as he let it go, it wobbled beneath her.

"Tapping the keg again?" asked another jumpsuit-dressed man as he leaned on the fence. "…Two buckets? Our Mighty Milker only filled two buckets with those milk makers?"

"Yep!" grinned her milker. Putting the buckets aside. "It must be that time of the year again."

"What me to line up a bull?" asked the other Milker.

"…Not yet." He replied simply clearing his throat. "…Why don't we uh. Warm her up first?"

"Mmmng?" she whimpered as the new Milker grinned, her old one walking behind her. SMACK! "MMMNGH!!"

"It's our favorite time of year Mighty Milker." He praised, squeezing and spreading her ass cheeks as her pussy drooled more arousal down her cow print leg. Her big breasts wobbling as she trembled. "Time to refill those udders!"

"Mmngh? MMNGH!!" she shuddered as she felt his thick lengthy girth slid into her soaked hole.

"OOoh Yeah…" he sighed, squeezing her ass cheeks as she whimpered. Squeezing his cock as it slid easily deep into her hole. Slowly pulling back out, the gliding back in.

"MMmng… MMmn!" she shuddered as he slowly bounced off her ass, gently sliding back and forth as her breasts swayed pendulously beneath her.

"Uuugh I love this part of the year!" he praised happily as the other Milker opened his jumpsuit, stroking himself as she was slowly pumped into.

"She likes it too…" he grinned, slapping his cock against her swaying breasts. "God damn the size of these TITS…" he praised rubbing them with his other hand as her First Milker began to speed up.

"MMMngh! MMmngh!! MMMMn!!" she moaned into her gag as the echoing slaps of his hips behind her drowned out the moos of the other cows. "Mmgn! MMn!" her hooves clopping faintly as his thrusts became deeper, more forceful.

"Don't you worry girl!" praised her Milker as he thrust into her silky wet hole, "Ugh… ugh… we'll… get you-NNGh! Good and warmed up!" he wrapped his arms around her waist, wildly bucking behind her as she whimpered. Her tits leaking leftover milk as he slapped rapidly on her. "Take my cum girl! Take my cum and fill those udders back up!" he bucked hard against her, "NNGh!! Ugh…" he sighed, pushing into her.

"MMMNGH!!" she moaned into her gag, shaking as her eyes rolled up into her head.

"Uuugh out of all the cows we get to breed, Mighty feels the best!" he declared, swatting a hand lightly on her but as he patted it. "Make a nice healthy calf girl." He cooed, rubbing her ass as the Second Milker thrust his cock into her soft breasts, pushing out milk from her nipple as he grunted.

"Ahh yeah… she's definitely the best fuck." He stroked her hair gently, "It's cause she likes it so much."

"Mmmhg…" she whimpered, shaking in pleasure as her First Milker removed his length. Cum dripping down her leg as her pussy oozed. "Mmn…"

"Yeah that's a good girl…" Second Milk fiddled with something on the back of her head, her metal gag falling away to clatter off the stool.

"Haaa…" she gasped as First Milk ran his hands over her body as he stroked her head. "Aah-haaa…" she panted, drooling dazedly as she felt Second Milker slap his cock against her ass cheeks.

"I like my cows better when I can hear them squeal like pigs!"

"Aammoooooo!!" she cried out as he slammed his cock abruptly into her pussy. "MM-moooooo!!"

"Ah…YEAH!!" he grunted, pounding into her as her legs wobbled. Her cowbell wildly bouncing up and down as her breasts swing dangerously beneath her. Tonk-Tonk-Tonk! went the bell, declaring her rough back and forth movements to the rest of the cows. "Let the whole barn hear you! You know how you like it!"

"MOOOOOOO!!!" she roared, her head arching back, her eyes watering as the only thing her lips formed was. "MOOO!!"

Suddenly the murmur of a crowd began to gather, the moos of the other cows dulling as half a dozen milker's watched her get fucked from behind. Her massive udders swaying back and forth painfully as they began to chuckle and laugh.

"Oooh Mighty's ready for another calf!"

"Hooo we better get a turn in before a bull stretches her out!"

"MOOO-MOOOOO!!" she cried out happily, her mouth forming a constant 'O' shape as the undulating moo's echoed out into the barn.

"Ugh! Ugh!! Second Milker railed into her hard from behind. FapFapFap. Rapidly fucking away into her clenching, spasming pussy as he grabbed her hips and slammed her back.

"MOOOOOOO!!" she shuddered erotically, her whole body shaking as he kept his cock balls deep before raising his hands and slamming them on her cow print ass. "MOO!!" she yelped, her knees buckling as he extended the classic 'rock on' hand gesture. Pulling his hips back and slamming rapidly against her handless as her breast wobbled.

"That's my calf boys!" he cheered as they whistled and catcalled. He smacked her ass as he pulled out, her knees buckling under her as her strength left her. Only remaining 'standing' by her wrists bolted to the fence. "Who's next? Breed her while she' tight!"

"Eh I've already bred Power Meat today." Declared one, waving himself off as one climbed over the fence. "And somebody needs to pump a calf into Wonder Udders…"

"Dibs!" declared another pulling away. "I want that mommy milky all to myself!"

"Did anyone happen to feed Mighty Milker today?" cooed one as he stood before her.

"Mooo…" she whimpered as he lifted her head. His cock pressing against her face as she cooed.

"I got her. Ahhhh…" he sighed as his feeding tube slipped between her lips. "Oooh you're such a good girl Mighty. MMMN!"

"Mmn-mmmn! Mmm-ooooo…" she cooed around his cock as he guided her head up and down his shaft.

"It's dick milk. Your favorite." He moaned, "MMmn!" his head rolled back as her lips slid up and down, slurping and drooling on his shaft as he tightened his hand on her head.

"MMMn… Mmmn-mmmooo?" she whimpered as her hips were raised again, she turned her head to see who it was taking a turn in her calf-maker but her head was twisted abruptly back onto her feeder's cock.

"Focus… focus girl you got to eat…" he sighed, "Ahaa-Aahh… her tongue is so good…" he stroked her head, grabbing it now with both hands as she slid back and forth on it, the cock pumping her from behind. "OOooooh."

"MMMGH!! MMMgh!! mMMGH-oooo!" she mooed around his length as her body tensed up, shaking and wobbling in pleasure as the one inside her tightly grabbed her hips.

"Ugh!! Ughh!! Ahahhhgh… here it… cums!

"MMMGH!! mMMMGN-MMOOOOO!!" she whined as cocks buried themselves into her holes, she shivered as she was filled front and back with thick dick milk.

"Aaah-haaaa…" her feeder sighed. "Oooooh…" he slipped from her lips as cum dribbled down the corner of her mouth. Her ass was roughly slapped. Her tail that she didn't realize she had was absently tugged as her Third Milker pulled out of her. Her body trembled as she finally dropped uncomfortably to her knees, her massive breasts sagging to the floor as her arms bent awkwardly. Her feeder's cock slipping from her lips. "…Poor thing. I guess she's not hungry…" he lifted her head, slapping her face limply with his cock. "Not hungry girl?"

"Moooooo…" she whined piteously as he stroked her breasts with his foot.

"Alright. Guess I'll go feed Supercow II. She's always hungry."

"I've already feed Supercow, but Black Cow-nary is always a thirsty heifer."

"Mooo…" she whimpered as the crowd dispersed. With no show and an exhausted Mighty, they went back to work. Except for her first Milker.

"You need some rest girl?"

"Mooo…" she whined as he chuckled.

"Alright." He said as he released her wrists. She sighed in relief as her arms dropped away. she absently rubbed them and slowly pulled herself to her… hooves. Her breasts might have been comically engorged, but they felt no heavier than normal… but she supposed this WAS normal… she was a dairy cow. "Now hold on Girl let's let your legs stretch."

The restraint bar around her ankles clattered to the ground as he freed her, and she was led towards a massive pile of straw behind her. "Now you just lied down. There's a good cowgirl."

Her big majestic udders wobbled as she sat on the floor and lied back. They were so big now she could've used them as a blanket. He kneeled down between his legs, and hefted them up, hooking her arms beneath them as he smiled. "There you go…" he then spread her legs.

"Moo-OOOOH!!" he buried his length into her pussy.

"Ahaa…" he sighed, hooking his arms under her breasts and grabbing her shoulders, using his arms to keep the big wobbly milk makers up as he wrapped his lips around her nipple and sucked. "MMMngh! MMMn!"

Slurp! SLURP!!

Milk oozed from her nipple as he drank it down, railing into her body wild as he tugged. Her tit stretching elastically before he let go, letting it snap back onto her breasts as she gasped delightedly. "MOOOO!"

"Yeah! I know how much you liked getting fucked and sucked!" he cooed. "Your milk is so tasty!" he wrapped his mouth around her other nipple. "MMMGH!" and sucked out another cup full.

He wildly pounded into her as her eyes rolled, her body rocking back and forth as her arms were pinned beneath the heavy weight of her huge engorged breasts. "Aa-hooommoooo! MOooo!! Mooooo~!"

"Don't worry girl! Keep mooing! Moo you beautiful heifer!"

"MOOO! MOOOOO!!" her nipples oozed milk as they flopped about on her chest, bopping her chin faintly as he grunted, his teeth tightening.

"Here it cums! Here it cums!" he declared, slapping his hips rapidly away at her. "Here! Cums! Your! Calf!!"

He buried his face into her cleavage as he buried his cock into her pussy. "MMMgnh!!" thick male milk rushed into her fertile cow womb. "MMMngh…"

"Mooooooooooooooo…" she whined audibly, staring dazedly up at the ceiling as he slowly pulled out of her.

"Whooo… I'll check up on you daily girl… but first." He turned and walked to the fence, unhooking a lock she didn't see before and opening it. "…We better make sure."


A huge, hulking creature walked into her pen. His horns were long like a long-horn steer, he was powerfully built with rippling iron muscles. And his thick, girthy, horse-sized bull cock twitched and ooze pre-cum. "MOO" he said bluntly, his voice echoing like an eldritch horror, his cow face huffing thick bursts of hot air from his snout, his mouth drooling in hungry lust as she tried to crawl away from the monstrous minotaur.

"M-moo…" she whimpered, "M-MOOOOO!!!" she cried out as he reached down and grabbed her ankle, easily dragging her forward before forcefully spreading her legs.

"Don't worry girl I got the tranqs!" her Milker praised happily, ignoring the clear rough intent on the bull's face.

"M-MOO!!" she whined as the big bull dropped onto her, clinging roughly to her massive tits. "MOO!!" her breasts spurting milk like a fountain as he man… bull-handled her.

His hand covered her mouth. "MOO." He huffed before ramming his bull cock into her.

"MMMMGH!!!" her body trembled as he pinned her down, already railing into her loosened hole as her previous milker's cum was forcefully pushed out of her by his thick girth. "MMGH! mMMGN!! mMMN!!!"

There was little to no emotion in the bull. He wasn't even looking at her, just planting his powerful arms and legs and rutting her constantly, back and forth, in and out. No stops, no breaks, no adjustment.

"MMMMMNGH!!" she whined as she orgasmed, his cock stretching her out as her hooved feet thrashed behind her powerful frame. "MMN!! MMMNGH!!" thick droplets of drool from the bull's mouth dribbled down onto her face as he mindlessly drove on. "MMGNh!? MMMGNH!!!"

His cock BULGED a half size larger, his massive bollocks quivering as his mouth slacked… then he WILDLY fucked into her, bucking his hips like somebody tied a rope around his balls in a rodeo. "MOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" less of a moo and more of a primal roar of snarl his voice echoed as he inseminated her.

Her belly bulged but quickly deflated as a literal gallon of bull semen sprayed out of her. The big bull buried inside her froze as it practically pissed its calf-making juice into her body. "MMMMNGH…" she shuddered, and trembled, her eyes rolling dazedly.

"Damn you used Breed-cules?" mumbled somebody as she whimpered, shaking and twitching, her legs spasming. "…You know he breaks Heifers right? We had to slaughter three last month because he couldn't stop.

"M-mooo…" she whimpered as 'Breed-cules' pumped into her once. "Mooo!"

"…Yeah she's broken…"


"Damn shame… she was a really good cow."

"Moo?!" her eyes dazedly open as her Milker aimed a shotgun at her. "MOOO!!" she cried out.

"NOOO!!!" she sat up in her bed, gasping for breath as she slapped her chest. Oh… thank god. Regular-sized massive breasts. She sighed in relief and dropped back onto her bed. Her huge chest wobbling in her comfy and supportive sleeping pajamas. "Uuuuugh…" she got up. Heading to her bathroom. "…What a dream…"

She did some nightly business and flushed. Rubbing her face as she absently washed it in her sink… then walking to her kitchen… did she often dream about being milked and bred like cattle? NOPE… that was some new psychological shit that she'd need to get some discount therapy from Kathy for… but that was for another night. Time to have a nice cold drink, lie back down in bed, and go back to sleep. Thankfully she was off tonight. Or tomorrow… she didn't bother to look at the clock, as she opened her fridge… and paused as she saw a nearly empty carton of milk with a smiling cartoon cow on it. The kind with big inviting blue eyes and a comical smile...

…She stared seriously into its increasingly dead-looking eyes before covering it with her hand, opening the mouth of the carton… and drinking it down. She sighed, then stared at the cartoon cow under her hand, and frowned…

She walked over to the sink poured the rest of the milk down it… suddenly she found herself disgusted and in no mood for milk for the next month or so.

Dream or Nightmare?

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