
Superbabes Shorts: Bumblebee

I don't own DC

Dressed in a Unitard that might be just a smidge too small for her, Bumblebee raised her arms in the air, took a breath, and dashed forward with lightning speed before hurling herself forward, landing on her hands and doing several flips, twists, and landing gracefully on her feet, popped out her rear and arched her back majestically, raising her arms triumphantly in the air as the girls watching her clapped and whistled. Bumblebee smiled and ran a hand through her hair and breathed a sigh.

"That was great." Declared Katie as her tail swished behind her as she did squats barbell squats.

"10 out of 10." Mel smiled as she sat on the bench with Jae-Hwa.

"9.8" the punk girl with the great booty replied playfully as Bumblebee scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Hmph. You're to much, that was at least a 8.2" she replied, "I could've gotten more speed, more air…" she cupped her tits with a grin, "If I had tied these down like I normally would have I could've at least gotten it to 8.6."

"Looked fine to me." Sal, replied lecherously with a toothy grin while passing by as Bumblebee winked at the aged gym owner playfully. "I would've given you an eleven…"

"Sal, Honey I'm already going to let you rub my muscles down, you don't need to be any sweeter." She replied playfully sensual as he chuckled and walked off, yelling at his son and his coworkers to stop staring.

"Orders doesn't want us to spoil him." Katie replied simply, as she got to her furry feet and dropped the barbells on their holders and stretched her furry body as Bumblebee admired her shapely cat frame.

"Have you ever considered Gymnastics?"

"Not once." Katie replied quickly, "I wasn't super flexible before I became a cat and I'm fairly certain mutates aren't allowed in competitions."

"You got me there." Bumblebee replied as Jae-Hwa sighed, relaxing now on the floor as she listened to music on her headphones and Mel flexed her arm muscles inquisitively. "I wouldn't want to compete against you that's for sure."

"Give it time you might be on the 2 for 1 together. That sometimes ends up as a competition." Mel added as Bumblebee smiled wistfully, stretching her arms and legs tentatively as she seemed to think about it.

"…Well I'd have fun trying that's for sure…"

"So you weren't always a nympho?" Jae-Hwa asked suspiciously. "You just… snapped?"

"I come from something of a conservative family." Bumblebee replied simply, "What I considered 'fun' was doing gymnastics until I pulled a muscle, or I passed out and my grandparents encouraged it." she replied with no malice in her voice. "I'm lucky I got 'the talk' at all. So when I had my first experience at the Village… well, I did indeed just 'snap'." She smiled at Jae-Hwa with a shrug. "Then I lost, my grandparents cut me off when I told them I didn't want to do it anymore, and now I'm here…" she licked her lips hungrily, "Catching up."

"Wow… they cut you off?" Mel asked shocked, she had supportive parents it was hard for her to contemplate it.

"They're Chinese tiger parents what do you think? My mother ran off to god knows where a few months after I was born and my father passed when I was 6…" she frowned sadly. "They took me in, bless them, but they're insane…" she said simply, "I think they took me loosing harder than I did."

The girls stared at her, Katie and Mel with looks of concern on their faces as Bumblebee blinked at them. "…What?"

"…I think they're concerned that you went from potential Olympic gold to glorified 'Delivery Girl' a little too well." Jae-Hwa replied simply, she too was shocked but better at hiding it.

Bumblebee however, just winked at them and wiggled her backside behind her 'bumblebee-like' as she chuckled and strutted towards the hand weights to do some curls. She bent over to pick them up, showing off her ass before she paused then stood upright, leaving them on the floor as she adjusted her pink leotard. Tugging out the material from between her ass cheeks and letting them snap into place as she winked at the girls.

"I'm going to take a little break." She said, walking off as Katie cleared her throat.

"Be back before Ronnie-Bell gets here or she'll work you over… literally." Bumblebee waved her hand lazily and headed towards Sal's office as Jae-Hwa snorted and put her headphones back over her ears before going back to her workout.

"Girls got a lot of buzzing going on between her ears that's for sure…" she mumbled as Katie and Mel nodded in silent agreement.

Bumblebee opened Sal's office door and smiled at him. "Sal Honey can I ask you something?" she said casually, shutting the door behind her, and subtly locking it as he took a seat in his chair.

"Sure thing, what is it?"

She approached him with a look of sexual determination on her beautiful face before suddenly shoving his surprise face between her sweaty breasts as she hummed in his ear. "MMmmmmn." She licked it, "Can I put your cock between my tits? I need the practice…" she didn't wait for an answer and he was too busy grinning to give it as she slid her body down his and knelt between his legs.

She slipped off the strap of her right arm, then her left, before letting her leotard hang beneath her tits. She unzipped the old Gym owner and quickly lubricated his cock with her mouth and tongue, salivating eagerly on it before slowly pulling away, moaning lovingly as if she was reluctant to do so before cupping her modest bust with her hands and wrapping them around his cock, letting drool dribble down from her lips onto his tip as she smiled up at him and began to squeeze, lift and drop slowly as the old man relaxed in his chair.

Ola licked her lips longingly as she continued to stroke his throbbing dick with her smooth round breasts, before opening her mouth wide and flexibly stretching down to take his tip into her mouth as she continued to titfuck him…


"MMH!" cum shot into her mouth, and she quickly swallowed it down into her stomach… she waited a moment, and began again as he sighed contentedly, not stopping or encouraging her.

Ola wanted practice and she got in quite a bit of it in before Ronnie-Bell finally retrieved her.


Future Nympho in training...

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