
Superbabes Shorts: Vixen II

I don't own DC


"GO JACOB!!" Cheered Judge Edward 'Blackbeard' Teach and his Superbabe girlfriend Vixen II. Leaping from the park stands to cheer as the younger Teach, Jacob, swung the bat and sent the ball flying out towards center field and took off like a rocket towards first base.

"Go Go GO!!" Vixen cheered excitedly, bouncing, and jiggling, in place as she waved her arms excitedly. She was a sports kinda girl, British sports came first. Cricket, Football (soccer for us yanks) and Rugby. But she was at first fond of Baseball before she found herself cheering for it, more specifically for Jacob, now she was absolutely chuffed for it. "Run!" she cheered as someone grumbled out an angry-

"Shut up…"

She frowned as Jacob made his way to the second base with a slide. "Safe!" declared the umpire as he waved to her and his father. She ignored the upstart wanker and waved back to her boyfriend's son, who she was very fond of when he wasn't dropped in on them out of the blue while she was having hardcore fucking sex with his father…

"YEAH!" cheered Edward proudly, waving back to his son as he sat down. It was VERY rare that he'd get to see his kid's full game in person. Which he could today. "See that? Almost a home run!" he grinned to Vixen as she leaned against him.

"I did. If he doesn't get to home base on t'next, hit I'd eat my jacket." Both of them were dressed modestly in jeans and shirts, but admittedly no matter how tight her bra got her girls were going to jump up and down with her, so she was wearing said jacket. When she was recording Jacob's game for Edward the first time she ended up distracting the umpire… that was a LONG argument over an obvious call... cause he was looking at her tits.

Edward grinned proudly, as the next member of Jacob's team went up to bat. "Oh its Jeremy…" he said nervously. "…You might be eating that jacket." He said under his breath nervously.

"Nah that little guy's going to whack it good." She said confidently, "You weren't wotchin him last time. Just watch, Love." However before he could even swing, Jacob was off and the two were on their feet chanting.

"Go! Go! GO!!!"


"YEAH!!!" They cheered as Vixen whistled sharply. "That's my boy!" Roared Edward. As Jacob stole third. Apparently being watched by his father the whole game drove him harder. Edward would be proud of his son regardless.

"You got this love!" Vixen cheered as Jacob grinned at her and waved, she waved happily back.

"Aaagh…" came the voice again as she frowned, glancing around.

SWING. PANK! Off the ball went right between the surprise pitcher's legs and Jeremy ran off, Jacob TOOK off, and his cheer squad roared their excitement as finally, Vixen spotted the interrupting wanker as he roared out an annoyed.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? Aaaagh!!" Jacob slid home as Edward and Vixen were roaring and clapping.

A large man sat on the bottom of the bleachers viewing the game with a demure woman looking increasingly embarrassed to be there as she hissed, "Randy. Please." He opened a beer can from a cooler under his arm and began to drink. There were half a dozen more at his feet.

"Shut up Sharon our kid's team is being stomped by that brat!"

…If anything could stop the crowd cheering it was that. A majority of the parents turned to look directly at Edward 'Blackbeard' Teach… but, while Vixen was originally concerned. Now she was… kinda excited. Edward was the team 'problem solver'. An ex-marine and a JUDGE, naturally the parents went to him when there was trouble, flat bus tire, missing wallets… obnoxious drunks… but Obnoxious drunks that insult his son? Hooo boy… they're lucky he's an incorruptible judge or they'd be DEAD. Edward Teach was the PAPA of papa wolfs.

"Love… are you going to whack him?" Vixen purred as Edward got to his, very sexy and sturdy feet.

"…Maybe." He noted cooly, descending the bleachers.

"…I love it when he gets tough…" she purred, watching excitedly.

Edward passed the demure woman who watched him with some awe. "Sir. How many have you had?" Edward asked although he could clearly count.

"Can't you count?!" the man replied drunkenly irritated. "Screw you…"

"…It's against Gotham law to drink in public at any children's sport." Edward replied calmly, coolly, sexily… and accurately it WAS in fact a law, he would know. Vixen was going to shag his brains out for that line alone at the first opportunity.

"What are you gonna do about it huh?" he got to his feet and took off his shirt, his hairy, flabby body standing in a 'come at me gesture'. "…Come on!" he replied… before very stupidly, taking a swing.

Ever see a fat man fly? Everyone there did. He SLAMMED against the backstop before anyone really knew what was going on. Even him. "Wha-Aarrgh! OW!!!" he was hauled to his feet by the powerful Edward and SLAMMED against the backstop. Suddenly very sober and very scarred.

"Here's what's going to happen…" Edward said COLDLY… like the icy waters of the depths Atlantic Ocean was swarming around the man. "You're going to put on your shirt. Clean up your cans. Sit the FUCK down… and be quiet for the rest of the game." He said, ominously bone-chilling. "You may cheer for your kid." He added as an afterthought, "But if I have to correct your behavior again, you better hope to God after I send you to a holding cell that you NEVER have me on the bench before you because I will be merciless… far more merciless if you take another swing at me, because I'll have to wait for you to get OUT OF THE EMERGENCY ROOM. Do you understand me?"

"Urp…" whimpered the man nodding. As Edward dropped him.

"Put on your fucking shirt." He then eyed the awed wife. "Don't let him drive, take his keys."

"Yes Sir." She said, waving her hand slightly at her face all aflutter.

"He's taken slag!" declared Vixen proudly as Edward returned to his seat beside her as she smiled, leaning against him and purring, one eye on the game. "I love it when you get tough… get's me in the mood for a good shagging." She purred as he grinned, wrapping his arm fondly around her slender waist.

"I have Jacob today, can you keep it under wraps?"

"I'll keep it under t'sheets…" she cooed, kissing his neck, "Under t'desk…" she kissed him again. "…Under t'bleachers?" he went thoughtfully stiff as the opposing team caught the final out, it was now the other team's turn at-bat. "Jacob's a caaatcher…." She purred, meaning Jacob's back was to them and he won't notice they were gone for a good few minutes at least…"

She felt his hand gently on her ass, "…I'm going to have to cover your mouth."

"Oh…" she shuddered, "…So they don't hear me squeal for more?" she licked her lips as they quickly descended the bleachers.

"And the other parents think you're just a pretty face Brit…" he added in a loving whisper as she scowled at him.

"They wot now?" Britney replied indignantly but she happily forgot ALL about that as he shoved her under the bleachers and reminded her why he was HER pirate… he pillages her booty. And they were back before Jacob noticed they were gone.


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