
Superbabes Shorts: Huntress and Catwoman II

I don't own DC

Catwoman II bent her sexy milk chocolate body carefully into the oven, presenting her big beautiful backside behind her to nobody in particular. Wrapped in loose pants, as she didn't have to show herself off to anyone today, at least that was the plan. Her oven mitt wrapped hands wrapped around the baking tray in the over and she easily hauled it out. Placing a hot pad on her counter quickly before setting down the hot fresh brownies upon it and wiping her brow with her oven mitt. "Wooo…"

Her apartment was small but it was all hers, some of the girls she used to work with back in porn had their apartments owned by the company, like idiots. Stupid, sexy idiots. It had taken her a while during her first year but she had saved up enough to get a nice little place just out of Upper East. Being Gotham's #4 Sexiest Pornstar (consistently) had a few perks… #2 Gotham's Black Pornstar not so much…

Unless you had a MASSIVE dick like Harry Hammerer but that just meant they were willing to pay him to bang more girls.

Anyway, she slipped off her mitts, dusted her hands, and was just about to have a seat on her couch as the brownies cooled when her guest arrived announcing her presence with-


She smiled tossing her mitts on the counter and passed her wall of pictures. She was a pictures sort of girl. Pictures of her parents, pictures of her favorite former (and a couple of current) co-workers dressed of course, and some departed favorite pets… she reached the front door and popped it open.

"Hey!" she smiled happily as Huntress, dressed in a nice casual blue shirt and loose skirt walked right in. They kissed cheeks. And Huntress suddenly took a deep sniff.

"Haaa!" she gasped happily, "…Did you make brownies?!" she asked excitedly. "You know you didn't have to… but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want you to." Huntress, LOVED Catwoman's brownies, the woman was a wizard at dessert baking. A trick she learned from her mother according to her.

"Ha-ha…" Catwoman laughed nervously, "Sorry but they're for my neighbor." Huntress's face actually fell. "I said I'd give her something for her school's bake sale. But I got some ingredients left if you want to help me make more."

"Brownies all to myself? I'd wash pots for that!" Huntress replied as she and Catwoman made their way to the kitchen to begin.

"Good cause I haven't gotten to that yet."

Huntress stood at the sink and the second the mixing bowl was polished clean she tossed it towards Catwoman, who caught it awkwardly and breathed a sigh of relief before beginning to make homemade brownie mix.

"You know a girl who used to work at Superbabes was a great baker of cupcakes. Megan." Huntress replied, polishing off spoons and bowls. "She quit though when she got pregnant."

"Bouncing Betty got pregnant." Noted Catwoman, Bouncing Betty was known for her large breasts. Not Mighty Endowed magnificent but enough to draw attention

"No! How is she?!" Huntress asked happily surprised.

"Moved once the studio went under, made a couple of preggo movies first. Doing well last I heard. Healthy baby girl."

"…ugh I would never ever do that." Huntress mumbled.

"…Get pregnant?"

"No. I mean yes. Getting pregnant. Have sex. film it. Sell it." she finished off the last dish and turned off the water. "One thing I wouldn't do. I'd never want my kid to know mommy probably had sex with a guy other than 'daddy' while carrying them."

Catwoman smiled, "…I would never do… a golden shower, or scat…" she said as Huntress laughed. "…But no. I get it. Remember Moanin Mona? Got 'caught'." Which was the Gotham porn girl's slang words for a retired pornstar whose kid or kids found out about their videos.

"Ooh poor Mona. How'd she take it?"

"Well her kid was thirteen, so she was pretty pissed he was looking at porn." They laughed a little after that. "…But you know, that's a bomb now for when he gets older and they argue and the phrase 'At least I wasn't in porn!' gets dropped."

Huntress sighed, as she watched Catwoman carefully, slowly mix her brownies… because those were her brownies. "Ever wonder what you'd do when you get 'caught'?" asked Catwoman gently as Huntress jumped, she had been hypnotized by the future deliciousness of the brownies. "I know you want kids, and a family… grab me that pan and spray it." she said pointing to another baking pan as Huntress did so."

"Mmn… Move west? Get out of Gotham and hope for the best?" she said, "Maybe I'd have kids that would never look at porn?"

Catwoman scoffed. "Yeah… know what you mean. Me? I just don't want my parents to ever find out. Thank god they pretty much stay in India…" she stared at the mix in the bowl before nodding with approval and picking it up to pour into the sprayed baking pan. "I kinda just want a guy with a nice personality…" Huntress giggled, "Shut up, I do. He doesn't have to be particularly rich and handsome."

"But it would be a plus." Grabbing the clean scraping spatula.

"Doesn't have to have a big fuckable dick."

"But it would be a plus." Huntress said again as she helped Catwoman pour and scrape the thick chocolate mix into the pan as she held the bowl."

"But you know. He won't freak the fuck out when I tell him I've lost count on how many guys I've fucked, or dicks I've sucked for money… and if I'm still working with you, how many I'm going to…"

"You need a 'Tom'." Huntress smiled sweetly as Catwoman chuckled.

"A what?"

"A Tom… he's Sierra's boyfriend, you know. Power Girl?" she opened the oven as Catwoman slipped the pan right in onto the rack and shut it. "They've been dating pretty hard for months now. And I MEAN hard, She's crazy about him."

"And he knows what she does?" Catwoman asked legitimately surprised.

"Oh yeah. She says 'as long as he gets to do to me for free what I have other guys pay me to do he's fine'…" she shrugged, "But she's not allowed to have sex with other people off the clock, she thinks that's just straight up cheating."

Catwoman smiled, rolling her eyes at the absurd, and a little admirable, logic of it all before reaching into the fridge for a bottle of beer. "I need a Tom." She laughed as she offered one to Huntress.

"Don't we all?" Huntress said a little sadly. Unfortunately, most Gotham pornstars end up dating other pornstars: complicated. Fans: REALLY complicated. Or super perverts: not AS complicated but unwanted. Very VERY rarely do they find someone they can be totally honest with and not ruin a relationship… as Huntress was starting to see it, 'The Tom'. But enough about possibly depressing prospects. "So! Game?"

"Game." Catwoman said as they went to the couch to turn on the TV as the pre-game football show was still going on. They dropped together with a laugh and a sigh. "…I should've used the bathroom first." Catwoman replied sadly, putting her beer bottle on a coaster and getting back up. "You stay away from those done brownies, Laura." She warned playfully with a grin.

"Who do you think I am, Divya?" she replied indignantly, but could not help but SMELL the hot melty chocolate of Divya's brownies. Chocolate ecstasy as far as she was concerned. As Divya walked casually to her bathroom. Laura bemoaned with a groan as she continued to smell the chocolate nirvana of Divya's brownies "…Okay you better hurry back I don't know if I can control myself." Laura replied as Divya chuckled from the bathroom.

"35 to 40 minutes and you can have an entire tray to yourself!" she declared as Laura groaned.

"Oooh you're a fucking tease..." she hissed as Divya purred back sassily.

"It's what I was paid for!"


Got a little serious there, but I said this was a peek into their lives and it's not all about sex... well they're former pornstars so it kinda was but you get a taste of their pasts, hopes for the futures, all the tasty brownies...

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