
Superbabes Shorts: Giganta

I don't own DC

She easily lifted the weights up and down nearly 400 pounds on the barbell as she was pumping iron. Her red hair, normally she let it flow free, was tied back in a ponytail, she wore a tight black sports bra making her girls even more impressive, and matching tight workout pants. Her firm muscles were glistening with sweat as she rested the barbells above her and sat up.

Letting herself take a breath she took her towel from her nearby bag and wiped herself. She was off today and decided to spend some time lifting at Sal's, the Superbabes' unofficial Gym. Did she actually need to lift? Not really, the experimental steroids in her body kept her fit and healthy… she'd need to really slack off and gorge herself to lose muscle definition. But it was relaxing on the mind for her.


She blinked, pulling her towel away to check her bag. Reaching in for her phone to check the text she received.

Ciara- still at the gym?

It was her unofficial roommate, she says unofficial because Ciara sheepishly refuses to just admit she lives with her. She was perfectly fine sharing her house with the two. Her old wrestling merchandise contracts and occasional forays into the independent circuits left her with significant amounts of money for a particularly rainy day. A GOTHAM sized rainy day. Not to mention their Superbabes paydays… She liked having the O'Hullahan siblings living with her, she loved Ciara's little brother Sean who she liked to believe saw her as another big-ESPECIALLY big- sister.

…It was lonely being a big woman in an empty house. But she was getting off track.

She texted her back

RB- Yes. Just working out, what's up?

Ciara- Mind picking up some eggs on your way back?

RB- Sure, no problem

She hesitated for a second, Ciara already went shopping today.

RB- Didn't you go shopping today?

Ciara- I forgot eggs… but I have to go pick up Sean.

She pouted, thinking about it again. The market where they shopped was closer to their house, she was currently closer to Sean's School.

RB- I can get Sean

Ciara- No. It's fine, enjoy your gym day.

She glared at the phone.

RB- I WILL GET SEAN, go get the eggs and I'll go pick him up, I'm closer. On my way right now. You literally can't stop me.


Ciara- Ronnie you don't have to, he's my responsibility.

But Giganta was already packing her things, not even bothering to change out of her gym clothes as she swung her duffle bag over her massive shoulder and hurriedly made her way to her motorcycle plus sidecar outside texting back.

RB- I LIKE Sean, it's not a bother, you relax, grab the eggs, we'll see you when you get back.

The last text she received before she sped off towards Sean's school was-

Ciara- Thx

Giganta sat in the parking lot on her powerful and sexy motorbike, arms crossed and watching the public elementary school entrance as many of the other waiting parents watched HER… some of course were men and many of them were awed, even aroused by her size, she ignored them and was just about to stretch her legs as the bell rang.

Half a minute later and the kids poured out cheering greeted by waiting parents as she finally spotted her favorite red-headed 7-year-old kid bouncing down the steps… only to be bum-rushed by a future little shit behind him, shoving him to the grass.

Sean had bullies?... That right there was a young man about to shit his pants. The bike as if declaring her movement creaked as she stood off it. Marching through the crowd of awed and quickly parting children as the bigger boy stepped on Sean cruelly from behind.

"What-cha gonna do Shawny? What-cha gonna do?" he was a fat little shit, and probably a couple of years older. "Should've given me your lunch money when- URK!" he was lifted abruptly into the air by his backpack, off Sean, as she GLARED into his eyes…

"…You picking on my boy?" she growled angrily into his face as he whimpered like the 9-year-old he was.

"Ronnie!" cheered Sean as Giganta bent down and helped him up. He was wearing long pants and sleeves, so at least he didn't get scraped or anything. Gods help the little shit if he did.

"You. PICKING. On my boy?" she repeated to the little shit dangling easily in one of her powerful hands as the other children and a few terrified parents stared… many of the parents of COURSE saw what was happening, but apart from telling teachers they weren't really going to do anything, the little shit didn't belong to any of them.

"N-NO… we was just playing…" he whimpered tearfully… knowing full well that a seven-foot woman built like an iron-shithouse was NOT someone to lie to.

"Sean, Sugar, were you just playing?" she asked in her naturally sexy southern-bell accent, sounding MUCH nicer as she addressed him. Sean glared at the little shit and for half a second he silently pleaded with Sean for mercy and unlike Giganta, he granted it.

"For now." He said simply, for a 7-year old that was surprisingly forethoughtful. If the bully did it again, he'd tell Giganta he was being bullied… now NOBODY was going to bully her little Sean. Not that she didn't know better.

She lowered the fat little shit and let him go as he quickly scrambled away. Then smiled at Sean as he grinned innocently back. "Ready to go little man?" she asked as if she didn't just threaten a small child

"Yeah!" he cheered happily as the crowd thinned and she walked to her bike, he practically had to skip to keep up with her 'Giganta' stride. "So where's Ciara?" he asked casually as Giganta swung her leg over her bike and lifted him into the sidecar.

"Just kick my duffel down." She said, popping a spare helmet on his little redhead. "She had to go back to the market, so I offered to come get you."

"Cool." He smiled, grinning happily at her before he whispered. "Can we do wheelies?"

Giganta chuckled nervously, "…Are you going to tell Ciara this time?"

"No…" he said giggling, remembering what happened last time he did. There was a LOT of yelling.

"…One wheelie." Ronnie-Bell said, pulling out of the parking lot.

"YEAH!!" he cheered, arms raised as she drove them both home.

Their home.


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