
2 for 1 Combo: Fire and Ice

I don't own DC comics

A few weeks ago.

"Orders. You think you could hire a girl for me? She needs steady work." (B) Vixen declared popping into Orders' office as she was just about to put down her bag beneath the desk. Orders blinked at Vixen thoughtfully, suspiciously.


"She caught her boyfriend cheating on her, and they called the cops on her when she got a little angry... so now she needs work and a new place." Vixen replied rather airily, "She's a friend from my 'old job'. So she knows what she's doing… but she got out of the business around the time you hired me." Vixen used to turn tricks, but after Orders did a number on her pimp that involved calling the cops while catching him in the act, Orders ended up hiring her.

"Hmmmn." Orders mumbled thoughtfully, closing her eyes. On one hand, they could always use more girls who knew what they were doing… on the other hand, she didn't quite trust Vixen's 'recommendations'. She was just a couple steps down from Veronica, so her judgment is just a little suspect… so…

"She's Braaaazillian…" Vixen purred enchantingly, Orders stared blankly at the far wall for a moment… she COULD use a Brazilian.

"Fine. Tell her to come and-"

"Orders." Huntress, not wearing her mask stuck her head in the door. "I got a girl that needs a job, here."

"Yes. Vixen told-" but Orders hesitated as Vixen shrugged. "…You have a completely different girl out there don't you?" she said as Huntress blinked between them.

"Uh… yeah. She's a friend from my old job. I told her it's much better here and she's looking to get hired… is that a problem?"

Unlike (B) Vixen. Orders certainly approved Huntress's judgment. Also unlike Vixen, Huntress as you know was a former pornstar. "Not really. Who is it?" Orders asked.

As she asked however Catwoman gasped and began to fangirl out in the employee lounge. "Ohh!! You're Sally Snowball! I LOVE your work!"

"…How much porn does she watch?" Orders asked nobody in particular as she rolled her eyes. "Alright since she's here send her-"

"Uh… actually Orders my girl is here too." Vixen declared sheepishly.

Orders sighed, "…So you both are AMBUSHING me with your friends?" they fidgeted sheepishly. "I'm not surprised… but I should've seen it coming." She rubbed her head, took a deep breath and sat down. "Fine. Send them BOTH in I'll do them at the same time."

"That's what she said. Oof!" Vixen grunted as Orders flung the Veronica paddle at her tight stomach.

"You know my rules. No 'That's what she said' jokes…" she scowled as Vixen grumbled, rubbing her stomach. "Send them in…"

Simultaneously… two very attractive women entered Orders' office. One was very wholesome looking, like a girl-next-door. With a bob cut of white hair, big round breasts stretching out a tight one-piece dress that went down to her mid-thighs, but her large round bubble booty stretched it out behind her. She smiled sweetly at Orders, her big blue eyes twinkling behind a pair of librarian glasses.

The other girl had long, wavy, dyed green hair with black roots, she had sharp cheekbones and dark green eyes, light brown sugar skin, and large bulging breasts stretching out her green half-shirt, her dark leather jacket hung open giving them a prominent view… her waist was slim, giving her ass an appearance of being bigger than it actually was, especially being compared to the 'girl-next-door' standing next to her, but it was still quite big and shapely.

Orders' purple eyes flickered, staring at the two gifts from the perverted gods… they were PERFECT. Immediately her mind and visions whirled and she smiled at them. "You're hired. When can you both start?"

A few weeks later.

Time: 10:21 PM. Place. Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes. We Deliver."

"I would like to order the… mmmn. The 2 for 1 Fire and Ice special. Please."

"One Baked Alaska, would you like anything else?"

"No. But I would like it delivered but Fire and Ice."

"Very well. Your delivery will arrive within the hour, we expect them back within a reasonable timeframe or you will be charged extra for every hour you occupy our delivery girls' time to a maximum of five. Do you understand?"

"I certainly do."

"Name and address please."

Meanwhile at the hall of Superbabes…

"Fire. Ice. You got one…" Orders noted, waving the receipt as Ice got up from the couch, and Fire came in from the floor.

They were such accurate matches it was unnerving… Fire had dyed her roots so she had a full head of green and applied dark green lipstick and eyeliner, her body was wrapped in a tight green leotard, slightly open at her generous cleavage to give people a good view, thigh-length green boots, and elbow-length green gloves both with black bands on the end… Her toned round ass fit the suit perfectly, and the form-flattering figure drew all sorts of eyes onto her Brazilian body.

Ice was just as pretty, her blue one-piece ended in a short skirt, with a triangular boob window in the middle of her big round breasts. Her white bob cut, (apparently, she had natural white hair) was perfectly combed and styled and her bright blue eyes twinkled with her contacts. Her big shapely ass stretched out the lower part of her suit, but the skirt half didn't give anyone a peak when she moved about… she also wore blue boots with white fur trim, and white gloves… her lips were rosy red, and they stretched in a friendly smile with pearly white straight teeth.

Ice had the bottom and a good helping of top. Fire had the top with a good helping of bottom… Orders wondered if there really were perverted gods to answer her prayers. These two were perfect.

Fire took the receipt and glanced at it, showing it to a cheery Ice as she glanced over her shoulder. "Anything we should know?" she asked, her strong, exotic Brazilian accent obvious in her voice, which was a bonus for her… Ice had a bonus too, but it wasn't as obvious.

"Nothing important… and certainly nothing you can't handle together." Fire and Ice grinned as the thermos slid out, "Just be yourselves… dressed up as superheroines." She added as Ice saluted playfully.

"Got it." Ice smiled, she had a small hint of a Gotham accent, but that wasn't her bonus… together the two beauties strutted out of the employee lounge and about to get into the car.

"TWEEET!!" a sharp whistle carried out and Ice jumped.

"Oops!" she quickly got out of the car, big bubble butt bouncing as she went back into the building and returned with the thermos, smiling cheerily at a grinning Fire.

"…I don't think he'd care either way…" she purred. "Vamos." She put the car into gear and off they went towards upper-east Gotham.

They arrived at the rich section of Upper-east with the fancy properties and the elaborate modern-looking homes. "Where does that receipt say to go?" Fire asked, glancing slowly at the address on the homes as Ice frowned thoughtfully at the receipt.

"Ummmn. 555 Patterson Lane.-Oh right here!" she said, pointing to a turn that Fire immediately took, driving up a curving street until arriving at 555. A large mansion-like modern home.

"So tacky…" groaned Fire as Ice grinned cheerfully at her, she was almost always smiling and always cheery… it was a little unnerving for Gotham, she would've felt right at home in Metropolis… but their porn scene was almost non-existent… something about Big Blue flying around with X-ray vision threw people off… getting off track.

"I think it's nice."

"You think everything is nice." Fire replied with a smile, to be honest, she had come to like the cheery ex-pornstar. She seemed to light up the room with her smile, Fire theorized that if Ice didn't get into porn once arriving in Gotham, she might have made a pretty good fit for a more acceptable stage.

"Well… you have to look on the bright side." Ice replied, "I left my old bad job and now I'm working with my friend in my new job!" she said happily as together they approached the elaborate front door, with the even more elaborate door knocker shaped like an upside-down baseball bat.

"We're both pretty much doing the same thing, Querida." Fire replied soothingly before sighing, "Droga. Didn't think I'd be turning tricks again…"

"We're not turning tricks we're 'Delivery girls!'. Ice added cheerily as Fire rolled her green eyes, smiling at the white-haired beauty.

"We're going to be on our knees in a couple of minutes, either way, Querida." She replied with a charmingly playful smile before reaching for the baseball bat knocker.

"Remember! We have to say the thing at the same time!" Ice giggled excitedly, standing closely beside Fire wrapping an arm around her shapely waist, their big shapely rears pressing firmly together, bulging tantalizingly behind them for the viewing pleasure of nobody behind them.

"Ninguém liga…" replied Fire wearily with a roll of her green eyes.

"I don't know that one." smiled Ice as Fire sighed reluctantly.

"Never mind, Querida." Fire replied fondly as she let the knocker drop, it banged loudly once on the door, then again after a bounce, soft of course.

"Superbabes." They said together, Fire sporting a seductive smile to blend with Ice's cheery one.

Time: 10:47 PM. Place. Upper East Gotham (Baseball Knocker House.)

The door opened as they added, "Special Delivery Service." Ice waving cheerily with the thermos in her hand

"Hi!" she smiled.

The man, older than them both and athletically fit, with dark hair and wearing a velvet bathrobe. Grinned at both girls before his gaze was immediately drawn to Fire's exposed cleavage. "Hello ladies." Fire smiled knowingly, pushing her chest out more prominently as he stepped out of his house. He inserted himself between them as they giggled playfully, his arms around their shapely waists as he led them inside, they fawned over him coyly as Ice giggled.

They entered a massive living room and kitchen adjacent… with elaborate spiral stairs leading to a second-floor loft. The living room continued a sole, massive couch, with more electronics than a Better Buy, gigantic plasma screen, surround sound, even a few gaming consoles. His hands found their big round asses, giving them both a playful squeezing, putting a bit more effort into Ice's mass.

"MMmmn!" Ice gave him a catlike smile, chuckling lightly as she wiggled her rear into his hand as he kept walking past the entertainment center and right to a sliding glass door that led out into a large above-ground hot tub and polished wood deck. Steam rising into the cool Gotham night. "Oooh!" Ice cooled, immediately pulling away to inspect the water, she removed a glove, then another tossing them both onto the concrete. Before letting her fingers slip into the water. "MMmn… that's really warm…"

He gazed at her big bubble ass from behind as she bent forward to inspect the water. "I bet it is..." He squeezed Fire's ass firmly as the Brazilian beauty cooed, pressing her big tits to his bathrobe chest as she reached down to get a good fistful of his cock.

"MMmn… you're all ready to play huh, bebê?" she cooed as his cock throbbed in her gentle but firm grip. "Want to get us all wet?" she licked his neck with a grin. "We didn't bring our swimsuits…" she cooed as Ice giggled playfully, standing upright and turning around, slipping out of her boots as Fire tugged the waistband of his bathrobe.

It opened, revealing he was wearing tight black speedos, he was a fit man, but not too muscular. He slipped out of his coat as she continued to play with his cock, his tip just peaking out through the top of his briefs as Ice approached.

"Why don't you get comfortable, bebê?" Fire soothed as he clapped a hand firmly on her ass, "Ooh…" she grinned as he walked away, she pulled her cock grabbing hand from him as he watched her slowly lick her fingers, holding them playfully to Ice as he climbed the steps to get into the hot-tub…

His cock throbbed as Ice's mouth opened and a nearly four-inch tongue slid out and dangled over her chin. "Ahh…" And this is Ice's bonus, a freakishly long porn tongue.

"Holy shit." He breathed as Ice's tongue slathered erotically like a fleshy serpent, licking Fire's fingers as Fire gazed into Ice's eyes. Her other hand wrapping onto Ice's big bubble booty, squeezing and lifting the skirt half of her outfit so he could begin to see Ice's smooth rear. He almost slipped into the tub watching the erotic display of Ice's tongue. Fire lifting Ice's skit up to expose her big white ass wrapped with a tiny T-back thong...

Fire's hand clapped onto Ice's right ass cheek as he settled into the tub, watching in awe as Ice moaned… Fire pulled her hand away from Ice's mouth as her tongue curled invitingly to Fire… who leaned forward and opened her mouth, her hands on Ice's ass, squeezing as her lips slid over Ice's tongue and they began to make out. His hand slipped beneath the water to his crotch as Fire and Ice slobbered and moaned erotically together, squeezing and groping each other as Fire practically gave Ice's tongue an open-mouthed blowjob. He was so in awe of their erotic petting that he failed to hear Ice slowly unzip Fire's suit…

They had of course practiced this duel strip-tease many times. While Fire was distracting them with Ice's ass, Ice would loosen Fire's suit… Ice's suit was easy to get on and off.

They pulled slightly from each other, Ice taking Fire's suit with her, pulling it off Fire's body as she slipped her arms out, her big wobbling breasts jiggling as she swayed her chest side to side, briefly dancing for their client as Ice pushed the suit down over her supple thighs and yes. The Brazilian had a Brazilian… a tiny patch of pubic hair on her otherwise completely smooth body.

Ice. Bent over and pushing her big bubbly ass to him, slowly rose up, her long tongue dancing out to give Fire a playful pussy lick. "Oooh…" Fire shivered, taking off her gloves slowly as Ice stood up, glancing over her shoulder with a smile and a wink as Fire let her gloves join the growing pile of clothes.

Ice raised her hands straight up as Fire gripped her skirt, slowly pulling it off her body. Her round breasts wobbling free as she bounced slightly, letting her big ass wiggle before she dropped to her knees, Fire tugged off the suit, feeling Ice's tongue dance on her smooth thighs, closer and closer to her pussy as she tossed the blue and white one-piece to the pile.

His hand had slipped beneath the water, absently rubbing and groping his hard cock as he watched the girls slowly dance naked in the moonlight, turning slowly so he could see every inch of their naked bodies. Fire's big light brown tits swaying on her chest, and Ice's round bubble ass springing lightly in place.

"Reeeady?" giggled Ice as he groaned.

"YES." He hissed, "Come ON girls quit teasing me!" he laughed as together, they strutted to the steps, Ice first, Fire just behind. Ice skipped up the steps and one foot after the other slipped into the tub. Fire tossing her long green hair smiled as she ran her hands over her tits and sunk into the water… both girls wading to sit on either side of him… their hands slipping between his legs to find his cock as she giggled sweetly.

"He's so HARD, you must really like us!" he wrapped an arm around her, grabbing her bubble ass beneath the bubbles as she giggled, he pulled her closer, she slid onto his leg as she continued to rub his cock.

"Do you like us bebê?" teased Fire sensually, breathing huskily in his ear as she caressed his sack. "MMMN!" he pulled her closer, and upright, burying his face between her tits as she pushed them together with her upper arms. Her head rolled back as she pushed him between her tits with her other hand, "That's a yes…"

"Hee-hee-hee!" giggled Ice sweetly, her long tongue curling out to flick his ear. "Heeeey… play with us both… don't play favorites…" he squeezed her ass, rubbing her briskly back and forth on his thigh as he rubbed her pussy on it. "NNgh… that's good…" she cooed.

"NNNgh…" he groaned in Fire's tits, before pulling away for air. And gently pushing Ice aside and diving beneath the water… they blinked at the empty space but he soon returned, his speedo's around his finger as he tossed them wetly away and buried himself back into Fire's tits as she laughed.

"Ha-ha! Ay!" she was pushed against the tub, her head lying back to stare at the sky as he rubbed his face between her cleavage. "Os amantes de chapim são todos iguais…" she purred as she felt his cock throb against her leg. "Oooh… tudo o mesmo!" she cooed erotically as Ice pouted... and slipped into the water as he distracted himself with big Brazilian tits.

"MMMn-HMmmn-HMMM!!" he groaned eagerly, pulling away. "You're sexy little dirty talker aren't you? MMmn..." he wrapped his lips around her right nipple, sucking and tugging as she moaned, smiling coyly as he popped abruptly from her jiggling tit to switch nipples. "I'm going to-Ooooh..." he trembled, "Oooh... she's a surprise!" he praised as Fire smiled.

Ice had wrapped her tongue around his balls underwater and pulled them into her mouth. Wildly sucking as she quickly ran out of air, but she could hold her breath for a long while. Her long tongue coiling and curling around his sack beneath the water as she sensually rubbed his thighs, fingers clawing gently over his skin.

"Ha-aaaahhh oooh-hoo... MMMN!!" his eyes rolled as he pulled away from Fire standing upright as his sack slipped from Ice's underwater mouth. She breached the surface, wiping her eyes and grinning as his cock throbbed. "MMMn... did you like that as much as I did?" he asked, as Fire relaxed, her big tits floating in the churning water, jiggling pleasantly as Ice smiled and opened her mouth her tongue coiling out to dance on the churning water's surface.

"You got a real dick sucking mouth don't you?" he cooed, his cock approaching her face as she let her tongue dance on his cock, tapping beneath it as it jumped up and down aimed at her open mouth. "You want to suck some dick?"

"Uh-huh..." she cooed sensually, tongue still tapping away as he gripped her head. The only thing breaching the surface. He slipped his cock over her smooth, curling tongue as it wrapped like a hotdog bun on his cock.

"Oooh..." he held her head steady, wiggled his hips and began to slid back and forth on her tongue. "Oooh-oooh-oooh.." he moaned, her mouth stayed open, the only thing working his cock was her tongue and it coiled and wiggled around his thrusting shaft. Fire watched placidly as Ice devoted licked his cock, gazing up at him as she hummed and moan, that ever-present smile stretched on her face even as he fucked her tongue.

"Hey..." he said, hips still rocking back and forth as he glanced at the beautifully reclined Fire. "Don't let your friend do all the work..."

"Nem sonharia com isso." Fire replied seductively getting up and letting the water drip from her sensual curves, wadding towards him as he let go of Ice's head with one hand to wrap it around Fire's waist, slapping it onto her wet ass and squeezing as he held her close to his body. The chilled Gotham air clinging to the hot water still on their bodies.

"Warm me up." He grinned, squeezing her ass cheek as he held her close. "And why don't you get warmed up?" he said, curling his hand around her thigh to brush his fingers through her Brazilian.

Fire smiled placatingly, before slowly running her hand down her body, her fingers curling inside her pussy as she moaned, fingering herself slowly as he watched her.

"MMMn-mmn..mmn..." he grunted, watching her finger herself and still bucking his hips, "MMPGH! MMN!!" his head rolled back, "Haa-aahhh..." Ice opened wide as rope after rope sprayed into her open mouth, she giggled as his hot seed splashed the insides of her cheeks.

"Ahhh..." Fire's hand gripped his length, slowly stroking as it softened on Ice's extended tongue. "Ahhhh..." Ice sighed as she closed her lips, his cock dripping into the churning water as he fell back onto the tub seat. Ice rose from the water, it rolled down her body as she tilted her head back, fingers on her neck as it twitched.

"GULP." The sound echoed over the jets in the water as she slid her fingers down her throat, between her cleavage and letting her hand rest on her stomach. She grinned at him, patted her stomach, and wiggled her hips side to side. "Hee-hee."

Fire and Ice smiled at each other as he groaned. "Oooh... you girls are fucking hot..." he praised as Ice giggled, sticking out her tongue. "Oooh let's do you next sexy..." he said, squeezing Fire's tits again as her hand wrapped around his limp cock.

"Get this hard for me, bebê." She purred, moaning erotically. "Oooh… get it hard for me…" his cock twitched in her hand as he sighed, enjoying her handjob as Ice slid back into the water, like a descending submarine… beneath the surface her white hair blended with the churning water, floating like a sea creature as she glided towards his cock…

"OOooh… FUCK…" he hissed, lying back as he clung to the edge of the hot-tub, and Fire's ass. "OOooh… this GIRL!" Ice's head bobbed slowly beneath the surface, over his crotch. Her hands firmly on his thighs as her white-haired head briefly broke the churning waters before diving back down, over, and over… she was giving him a blowjob underwater and he was LOVING it. "OOooh this girl isn't ice she's Aqua-whore!"

Fire rolled her eyes as his hand rested on Ice's head, pushing her down and up rapidly, "Hey! let her breathe bebê!" she said concerned as Ice remained beneath the surface far too long to her liking. He suddenly let go, Ice stayed on for a for moments longer then.

"HA-!!" she gasped, sucking in air as she smiled playfully. "Nice and hard!" she cheered as she swam briefly away.

Fire brushed her wet green hair over her shoulder before she swung one leg over his lap, feeling his hard cock rubbing against her crotch and Brazilian as she pressed her breasts to his face, smothering him as she grinned… she wiggled her seductive hips, slipping up his cock to feel his tip against her pussy. "MMMmn…" she hummed seductively, before dropping onto his lap.

"Ooh! Shit…" he hissed, shaking as he lied back. She tossed her head back, moaning erotically as she pushed her tits back to his face.

"AHHHHH yes…" she cooed, licking her lips and clenching her teeth, "NNgh… NNGH… MMN!!" she began to bounce, the water sloshing and churning with her writhing body as she lifted herself up and down. "MMN! MMMn! MMN!! AHhh…." He clung to her breasts, squeezing them before sliding to her waist. "That's it. Ooh! OOH!" he pulled her down roughly onto his cock, it jammed deep inside her body as she leaned back, "AH. Ahh Yeah… Yes!" she hissed, eyes closing as she bared her teeth to the heavens. His hands sinking into her waist and slamming her down again, and again.

"OOoh… that looks so good." Ice cooed, wrapping her arms around Fire's tits and squeezing her tightly as she bounced on his lap. "OOoh… is it good? Does it feel so good?" she cooed, her tongue licking and coiling on Fire's face as Fire moaned loudly to the night.

"AH-AH-HA OOoooh cock always feels GOOD." She hissed erotically as he throbbed inside her, his cock bulging against her walls. "Fuck me bebê… OOoh…" she moaned, rolling her hips on his lap as he groaned happily, she pushed her breasts out as Ice pulled them back. He reached out to Ice's hands, pulling them down to Fire's stomach so her big tits could bounce free of Ice's grip as he pumped up into her. "Ay!" she gasped erotically, wrapping one arm around Ice and the other on her head, her tits flopping wildly up and down. "OOH bebê!" she whined sensually.

"AHhh!!" he cried out, pulling her down as she went still, her tits jiggling into place as she gasped, shaking tantalizingly on his lap as his cock bulged inside her.

"Haa…haa…." Ice licked Fire slowly as he shot his load into the beautiful Brazilian. "MMMmn…" Fire rubbed his chest, grinning. "Good job, bebê" she soothed, rolling her hips on his softened cock as he slapped about inside her. "MMmmn…" he squeezed her ass, smiling up at her big tits as Ice cooed.

"My turn?"

"Oooh…" Fire wiggled. "…Feels like it Querida…" she purred as Ice kissed her cheek.

"I want that ass." He grinned, grabbing at Ice as she giggled, Fire slipping off his cock as Ice was turned around. She shimmied her hips as he stood up, his cock throbbing as he placed it between her big wet ass cheeks. He smacked her left cheek, then her right playfully as she cooed, wiggling her rear again and giggling as he pushed her forward, grabbing her wrists and pulling them back.

"Ahh-ahhh-oooh… put it-put it in." she moaned, sliding her ass cheeks up and down his cock as he adjusted it without his hands to press against her pussy. "MMMn!!" dribbles of arousal dripped into the tub unnoticed as Fire watched him push into Ice. "OOoooh!!" she moaned, grinning prettily as her eyes crossed. "Ah! AH! AH!!" her tongue lolled from her mouth as he bucked back and forth inside her. "AH-HA-AH-AH!!" rapidly he pounded, staring at her big bubble ass as it rippled from the blows from his hips.

"UUgh! Ugh! UUGH!! This! Is.. Ooh! This is good! Pussy!!" he praised as she bucked back and forth, tits swaying beneath her as she gasped and squeaked adorably.

"Ah-AH! Thank! You~!" she cooed as Fire rolled her eyes. He stopped, leaning forward and chuckling into her ear as she gasped for breath.

"Did you just thank me for complementing your pussy?" he asked teasingly as she grinned, wiggled her ass against him and flicked her tongue encouragingly.

"Yes!" she cooed sweetly. His arms lashed around her body, pinning her arms to her side as he bucked wildly, her eyes crossed as she screamed erotically, her tongue wagging out of her mouth. "Ah! AH!! UGH! UGH!! OOH! YES! OOH!!! I'm gonna cum!!" she squealed delightedly, her shriek of pleasure encouraging him on as he slammed away at her ass. "AAAAAHHH-HA!" she gasped suddenly as she was pulled upright. Standing straight as he pushed up into her again, and again… his cock pulsating inside her as he sighed… his hot load rushing into her tight body. "MMMMMn…" she cooed, biting her lower lip seductively and leaning back against him, her hips wiggling gently. "That's a lot of hot cum…" she sighed, feeling his load rush in.

"MMMMn… plenty left girl." She giggled as he turned her around and leaned her on the tiny deck. Her ass swayed impatiently behind her as he curled a finger at Fire who got up and strutted towards him, finding herself lying beside a cheery Ice as he squeezed their asses together.

"MMMn…" the girls moaned sensually as his hands caressed their asses, his fingers finding their pussies and spreading them open.

"Ahh-oooh…" Ice moaned, ass bouncing invitingly as he pushed inside her. "MMMmmn!"

Fire's ass swayed slowly, his fingers slipping into her as she shuddered. "OOOooh…"

"MMMN! You girls are still tight and ready!" they whimpered and moaned as more fingers found their way inside them. "Oooooh I can't pick…"

"MMMN! Me… pick me… I'll take more…" cooed Ice enticingly. Wiggling her rear. "Please…" she purred, hands clapping on her ass cheeks, sinking into her flesh as she pulled her cheeks open wide.

"MMMn!" he grunted excitedly. "You want some more dick?" he asked clapping her ass and standing behind her.

"Yeees." She cooed, wagging away.

"I'll give you some dick." he replied standing on the tub seat as he bent over her and jammed his cock into her pussy.

"Ahh! AAH! AHHH!!" her body rocked back and forth on the hardwood deck as she stared ahead, "Ha-Ha! AHhh! It feels so good!!"

"OOoh you're telling me!!" he groaned, moving much like a horny monkey, his hips wildly slapping behind her ass the cooled air child his skin. "You were just MADE for fucking weren't you?! OOoh! OOH! YES!! NNGH!!!" he leaned over her, gripping her hair possessively. "OOoh let me just fuck you forever… stay right here and let me fuck you…"

"Nooooo~!" she whined, shaking erotically as he railed away at her. "AH-AH-I-Need to go back to woooork!" she cooed as he groaned.

"Oh that's so HOT…" his hands gripped her hair tightly, "OOoooh…" he groaned, his balls pressed against her ass as a hot load rushed into her. "MMMNN!! Aaah…"

She hissed through her teeth, but her eyes were rolling and she still had her grin. "NNNngh!!"

"Haa..haaa…" he sighed, calming down and slipping back into the tub, letting Ice breathe happily on the deck as she swayed her ass. "MMMn." He clapped a hand playfully on both cheeks before rubbing Fire's smooth brown sugar rear. He spread her, she cooed softly as she felt his hands grope her ass cheeks…

Feeling his thumbs pry at her asshole as she smacked his arm lightly. "Uh-huh I don't do that…" she declared as his cock throbbed, and he licked his lips.

"…I got a thousand bucks that says you do." He said smugly as Fire hesitated… Ice blinking out of her well-fucked daze as she stared between them.

"…You'd pay a thousand bucks to fuck my ass?" she said disbelievingly as he drummed on her ass cheeks like bongos.

"…I want to fuck it HARD." He declared as she clenched her teeth. Seemingly thinking about it. "Since you haven't done it before… it's going to be REAL TIGHT." He praised, too focused on her ass to see the brief flicker of a smile on her face…

She didn't say she hadn't done it before. She said she didn't do that.

"Fine. A thousand bucks…" she said firmly as he grinned nastily, getting to his feet as she curled her hands into fists.

"W-wait…" Ice said, suddenly she was hanging onto Fire's ass and-

"OOOoh…" Fire shuddered as Ice's tongue slipped in and curled inside her. "NNNGh-FUCK! Querida…" she hissed, shaking.

"There… now it won't hurt as-"


"…Much…" she breathed as Fire clenched her teeth and gasped as he bucked his hips HARD against her ass cheeks. Ice slid away, watching as Fire yelped and cried out. His cock rampaging in her ass.

"Oh você é tão grande! Oh está esticando minha bunda sacanagem!!" she screamed almost incoherentily in portuguese as he railed into her ass. Her mouth wide and shrieking in undulating 'Oh!s' as her eyes widened. "Ay-i-ay-i-ay-ieaa!!!!"

Her shrieks of 'painal' driving him on, his hips wetly slapping against her rippling ass as he plunged in and out of her wet hole. "Ahh-AHH FUCK YEAH! Nothing better-" he pulled back, "Then!" SLAM. "An!" SLAM. "Anal!" SLAM. "WHORE!!" SLAM! "FUUUUUCK!!" he fell forward, gripping her green hair and tugging it back as she shrieked, shaking wildly as her ass spasmed around his cock. "NNNGH-WOOOOO!!" he cheered, standing upright and wiggling his body in some sort of weird mating dance before drumming her ass cheeks. She lied face down on the deck, breathing heavily and shaking... "How was your first anal girl was it good for you?" he said, slipping out of her ass with a pop as Ice, her smile fading lied next to Fire...

"...Hey?" she asked as Fire tilted her face towards Ice...

And winked...

...Ice's smile returned.

"You know what? Those TITS. Need to be fucked." He declared... "Come on... let's get a good finish." Fire collected herself, managed to contain her laughter, and stood up, a frown on her face as she cupped her breasts and knelt into the pool. "MMMMn..." he sighed, feeling her soft warm flesh wrap around his cock beneath the water. "That's it... come help her beautiful." He said as Ice slid into the water as well, leaning next to Fire as he slowly bucked his hips. "Uh... uh... oooh yeah those are good."

Her big heavy breasts wrapped around his cock as she wetly slapped them on his hips, gazing up at him sourly as he held her shoulders, "Ugh. UUGH yeah baby..."

Pac-pac-pac. The water churned around her bouncing, squeezing tits as his cock protruded in an out between her cleavage, Ice's long tongue coiling between Fire's tits, licking his cock swirling on his tip, sloshing in the water as he sped up. "Ahh... AHH..." he grabbed her breasts himself, pushing them together as his head rolled back, "Haa-AHHH..." he pushed between her heavy tits, shaking, "Ahh-Haaaa..." she closed her eyes and turned her head as Ice held firm, closing her eyes as well but keeping her long signature tongue out. "Ahhhh..." ropes of come shot alternately over their faces, cheeks, lips, noses... the rest dribbled down onto Fire's tits but disappeared into the churning water.

"Hooooo." He sighed contentedly. "Oooh... lick it a little..." he said, as they leaned close to his limp cock, giving it a few playful and firm licks. "Nngh... oooh... nope... guess I'm done girls..." he said, petting their heads as his cock remained unresponsive...

And if you can't get it up for a busty Brazilian and a big booty white girl you know you're done...

Fire and Ice stood up, Fire still looking sour and Ice seemingly cheery. "Don't wash off in the tub there's a shower over there..." he said, gesturing to the outside shower just off to the side of the glass door. Ignoring the fact that he must have blown his load half a dozen times in this tub with them alone, they got out, jiggling and wiggling as he watched, absently stroking his cock and hoping for a response even as Ice and Fire showered in the cold water together...

"Eeeh!!" Ice shrieked as Fire stayed firm, it wouldn't be her first cold shower.

"Of come on Querida it's not that bad..." Fire said, her nipples hardening as she turned to let the water 'soothe' her sore ass. "Hey." She declared, stepping out of the water as Ice shivered. "Towels..." she said as he nodded.

"Right right..." he opened a nearby hidden cabinet in the hot tube, retrieving a pair of towels and tossing it to them as they dried off. Fire holding her hand out palm up and tapping it.

"Come on... for the delivery and my 1000." She said as he smirked, and walked into the house, wrapping his towel around his waist as Fire and Ice began to redress.

They entered the house tugging on their gloves as Ice took the Thermos and dumped it's contents into a convenient bowl on the kitchen counter as he returned with a crisp stack of Hundred dollar bills. Smirking he handed it to Fire, walking with them to the door.

"How about you come back and we stretch that ass out a little more?" he asked as Fire smirked.

"Sure...I'll charge you my regular price for anal." She grinned, watched his face fall as his mind whirled and promptly slammed the door in his stunned face as the two quickly skipped down to the car as the door popped open revealing his fury.

"Wait?! How much do you usually charge?!" he shrieked furiously as it echoed around the neighborhood. The girls laughing wildly as Fire sped out of his driveway...

Time: 12:12 AM. Place. Gotham (Superbabes)

"Olá!" Cheered Fire confidently as she strutted in, slapping the stack of over a thousand dollars on the table. "...He was DUMB." Fire declared as most of the other girls present giggled. Ice skipped in behind her, handing Orders the thermos.

"How dumb was he Maria?" purred Tasha as Maria sashayed over to her.

"Get this Tash. I did the whole 'I don't do anal' thing? And he just bought and PAID for it! A Crisp 1000 to pretend to be an anal virgin for twenty minutes!" the two former streetwalkers laughed as Orders counted the stack.

"...Maria. Are you splitting your con money with Zoey?"

Maria stopped laughing and blinked at the white-haired sweetheart. Sure... she kind of tongued her ass to help, not that she needed it... but... Her hooker with a heart of gold-winning out, Maria sighed. "Yeah fine, it's only fair." She said as Zoey's ever-present smile broadened, she was not expecting Maria to share, nor would she have asked her too... so it was a pleasant surprise.

Orders lips twitched in a restrained smile as she divided up the tip. "Well girls an excellent 2 for 1, but try not to con our customers..."

"Ha. Who's he going to tell? The cops?" Maria chuckled with the girls. "Hey, officers my hookers cheated me out of a 1000 dollars."

"Delivery Girls." Orders said, glaring at the busty Brazilian warningly as Maria's good humor faded a bit. "...You forget. That this is a RESTAURANT..." she said firmly as the girls seemed to take the hint and move on as Orders shuffled a few papers and pushed Zoey's cut towards her. "...Besides anyone dumb enough to pay a 1000 bucks for anal sex is an idiot..."

"...Maybe he just REALLY liked anal?" Zoey replied smiling, stuffing the money into her boot.

Laura who just arrived for the late-night shift, ruffled Zoey's hair fondly, "...No Zoey. He's an idiot..." Zoey smiled and followed her friend into the locker rooms.

"...Bright side!" she said cheerily as Orders sighed.

"...She's just so... CHEERY..." she grumbled.


I hate myself...

These two girls are "one" of my favorites, and they always cum and go together 

Now for the butchering of the Portuguese language. Because they speak Portuguese in Brazil, some of it's easy to figure out but-

Querida is sweetie. Maria is calling Zoey, Sweetie.

Ninguém liga is her basically saying 'whatever' but in Portuguese

Os amantes de chapim são todos iguais = Big tit lovers are all the same...

tudo o mesmo! = all the same

nem sonharia com isso = wouldn't dream of it

Oh você é tão grande! Oh está esticando minha bunda sacanagem !! = Oh you're so big! Oh it's stretching my slutty ass!!

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