
Road Trip: Epilouge

I don't own DC.

Orders, the purple-eyed, Mild-mannered boss of Gotham City: Superbabes, stretched in her desk chair. About to close up. She only ever closes Superbabes once every two weeks at most… even she needed sleep. And while she tends to get a few Z's in the morning before Deliveries started to pick up, even she needed a real break.

"Goodnight Orders." Alice said lightly as Orders waved politely to the big titty goth girl aka 'Raven': she was Veronica's best friend and Roommate. Dressed up in an obviously stretched-out shirt with a worn skull in the middle, torn jeans, and black make-up. "I'm going to a concert and NOT waiting for Veronica to finish blowing the bass player… while I still can…" she added under her breath, strutting out. "…At least I'll get free pizza again."

Orders rubbed her purple eyes sleepily, got up from her desk to shut and lock the backdoor, Alice was the last girl in the restaurant. Orders stretched and slowly made her way to her office, her headaches somewhat diminished as she entered to retrieve what few things she brings with her to work… bending down behind the desk to grab her purse… standing up and-"KYAH!!!!"

She SHRIEKED, with surprising girlishness, startled and horrified at the imposing figure that was standing on the other side of the desk.

-Insert Batman animated series theme here-

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" she screamed at him as he remained unmoving. "Don't DO that!" she gasped, rubbing her head. She paused, then looked around. She was IN her office. No windows, one door. "How the FUCK did you get in here?" she asked legitimately confused.

…Think about that for a minute… Orders was CLAIRVOYANT.

He just stared at her silently as she collected herself. She sighed. "…Got another one for me?"

"Yes. But not just that." he said, putting a picture of a young boy on the desk, followed by a small toy car. And a lock of hair. "Tell me where he is first." She brushed the hair and toy aside, picking up the picture… eyes flashing.

"MMngh." She groaned slightly, rubbing her forehead "…Gotham docks, warehouse 15…" she shook her head. Handing him the picture. "Better hurry his kidnappers are getting impatient."

"Good work." He said as she shrugged.

"You only come to me for emergencies… and normally you can figure out everything yourself anyway." But he was still there, staring at her beneath his iconic cowl. "…What?"

"Why did you send your girls to those cities?" he asked as her eyes widened in surprise.

"…Are you spying on me?"

"I spy on everyone… but your girls ran into associates of mine and they asked me questions I needed to avoid answering." Orders coughed slightly, legitimately embarrassed, and not meeting his gaze.

He turned a blind eye to her 'business', which of COURSE he knew about it. She wasn't robbing or hurting anyone, if anything he might be disappointed that she wasn't using her 'gifts' in a 'better' way… but her 'gifts' hurt her. Not that she told him that… but she wouldn't be surprised if he figured that out himself.

For the low low price of leaving her and her girls alone. He came to her for emergencies, usually kidnapped kids that she was more than happy to help find.

"Well?" he asked, his voice even.

"Advertising" she admitted a bit embarrassed.

"…What?" he said, flatly.

"Advertising… I sent them to advertise my place. And my girls." She noted matter-of-factly. "They get a break, a vacation, and maybe a little extra cash… and suddenly people in other cities are talking about my Superbabes… coming from other cities for my Superbabes" she patted the desk, almost proudly

"…That's it?" he asked again, apparently not believing her.

She shrugged, "Believe me or not Batman…" she said, "But it's the truth." She shut the door to her office, crossing her arms. "Anything else?"

"No." he said firmly. "…If you come across anything I should know about call Mr. Pennyworth." He said, "He'll reach me."

She frowned… she was CERTAIN he knew how her powers worked… she didn't know who he was. Not without pressing herself and she was loath to do that.

…No joke… one day he talked to her and then he spent the WHOLE next hour meditating in a dark cave… it was the most boring vision she'd ever witness. She sighed, rolled her purple eyes, "I know… oh, by the way. …Mr. O'Hullahan?" she let the question linger.

He was the Step-'Father' of one of her girls, he was also a drunk, abusive, and technically a rapist.

"Your bouncer did a number on him… but he won't come near your girl or her brother again. I made sure of that." he said ominously as she nodded.

"Good. Thank you for that…" she said, reaching down to retrieve her spilled purse. Pushing her spilled things into it. "…It's good to know you're good for your… word." She glanced around, getting back to her feet and she noticed he was gone… AND the door was still shut. "…How the fuck did you do that?" she mumbled in awe, and with a sigh, shaking her head she began heading home… Once she arrived at her plain but comfy apartment: a quiet apartment near her place of work... She received a text message from the girls on the road…

'Home soon' and a picture.

"…Now that's just cool." She said fondly at the picture of them posing with Wonder Woman as she turned on the news to Vicki Vale reporting on the return of a kidnapped boy by The Batman.


Okay. See you all back again in the Main series.

Next chapter