
Thankful Thanksgiving Special VI

I don't own Overwatch or Blizzard things

It was the Tuesday before thanksgiving weekend. Our fridge was stuffed with food, our usual invites had been sent out. Mom felt forgiving of Uncle Tychus this week so even he got one. But I was busy trying to invite my sexy Home-ec teacher to come over… but now that we got a bunch of new teachers I don't have as many free classes as I used to… so I've left it until now.

"So doing anything special for Thanksgiving?" I asked Fareeha as I helped her load the dishwasher in the home-ec room as she sighed.

"Introduce my Dad to "Ana"." Fareeha replied rather tiredly.

"Ah… yeah. I suppose he should actually meet your sister-mother-OW!" I laughed as she hit me on the shoulder, "Ow!" I laughed again as her hand came around for another go. "Okay, okay… so I guess no boy-girl time at me place huh?"

"No… but we might be able to meet up later if I'm not too stuffed." She patted her stomach lightly as I patted her butt. "Mmn…"

"Well don't get too stuffed. I'll give you a little something after…" I teased as she rolled her eyes, glanced quickly around and gave my lips a quick peck before pinching my cheek.

"Maybe you'll be too tired for it. I know how much work you do for Sarah." True. Thanksgiving is usually time off for my Mom, but that's the price I pay as a good son. "…and whoever else you're going to be working on between then and now."

"Like what?"

"Oh I don't know…" she said wistfully adorable as she smirked at me. Then sighed. "…I suppose Satya's been a little high strung lately."

"Ah…" I mumbled, It has been a while since I gave her a good dose of dick… I HAVE been meaning to get my dick sucked. "I guess I can go calm her down." I noted as Fareeha shook her head exasperatedly.

"I'd tell you no but she scares me sometimes." Fareeha mumbled, "…between you and me if she doesn't destress I think she will literally blow up the school with some sort of deadly math equation."

"Ooooh Gossip." I smiled, "I guess I'll go visit her before I head home today. Want to join in?"

"I need to go and pick up my dad so NO. I don't feel like helping you turn Satya into a bag of well-fucked jelly." She said lazily.

"But your perfectly okay with talking dirty to me and getting me all wound up." I teased as she chuckled and I checked the clock, I was going to have to get going if I'm going to make my next class. Speaking off. "So have you heard anything about that new teacher that's living with Olivia? What's her name? Kimiko? Kokoro? No, wait… Ki-…" I hesitated, trying to remember the announcement, "Kiriko right?"

"Kiriko Kamori." She then blinked and smirked at me. "That reminds me. YOU…" she poked my chest as I flinched. "…Better avoid Angie." She whispered seductively as I blinked at her in surprise… not what I expected when I was talking about the new Folklore teacher.

"…That's not what I expected you to say." I replied honestly. "I was going for a more, 'don't bang this one' stance."

"You've already had sex with Odessa I'm just not going to be surprised when you get into Kiriko's pants. BUT…" she giggled and gazed at me knowingly. "…BUT, she used to be very… VERY close with the Shimadas. Well, 'used to be' is a relative term." She added cryptically. "She is close with them, but…"

"How many times are you going to say 'but'?" I asked curiously as Fareeha smiled, whispering in a good gossip-girl tone.

"Exactly." She said sensually, getting little Scott all riled up with that sexy purr of hers. "I'll just say this. Angie, wasn't always an anal slut… she became that way thanks to the Shimadas."

I stared at her, frowning slightly at this reveal but all I could think about was- "This sounds like information I should be getting from Olivia."

Fareeha then pulled out her phone showing me a series of texts that were almost a book chapter of information… from Olivia. "Trust me. It's from Olivia. Kiriko Kamori used to be the Shimadas' regular little butt buddy in Japan and they got a taste for it. Addicting Angela to it…"

"This is a weird conversation. Why are we having it right now?" I asked somewhat confused, "And why does it matter how Angie got her particular tastes?"

"Because the Shimadas and Kiriko had a nice little welcome party yesterday at Olivia's place and spent about 90% of that time in her ass." Fareeha groaned irately, "Which was information I didn't want to know. But apparently, if the grapevine-" she wiggled her phone, "is right. Then Angela's a little pent up that her Japanese boy toy (or his brother) didn't give her usual little weekly recharge.

…I'm being told so much right now. And I really hope Olivia got that '90%' anal thing on recording… what am I saying? Of course, she did. But Angie gets a weekly anal recharge?! Why was I not involved in this?... an error I intend to fix.

"HEY." I blinked as she sighed, "If you're going to bang them do it after school. We're really busy now." I stared at her suspiciously.

"…Why are you telling me this?" Fareeha sighed, and rolled her eyes.

"I don't know. Honestly? I've been feeling a little exhausted lately… I haven't been getting a lot of sleep because Ana keeps me up all night." She frowned at me. "Not what you think but close." She said quickly as I raised my hands defensively.

"I said nothing!" I replied with a smile.

"A certain blonde has been coming over regularly and doesn't leave until the morning." she noted sourly as I sighed, "And I'm too tired to just drag you into the bathroom and remind you why am the girlfriend. So… in exchange for this information. No more bunny Fareeha."

"What?! Forever?!"

"No. Not forever. I'm not heartless." She replied, "But I do know you have that bunny suit in your locker." I can neither confirm nor deny. "So lay off it for a little while."

"Fine. for a little while… I'll go dress Angie up or something." I gave my girlfriend a kiss and kept mumbling as I headed out to my next Class with Mr. Winston.

Of course, actually following through with my intentions was a little harder than expected but hey, a little hard work never hurt anybody. Though Math class was particularly vicious… not even Satya's pet instincts saved me from her rather 'bitchy' wrath on the rest of the students. I swear those math problems were college-level. AND she even shouted at me…

"THAT IS WRONG. Mr. Snow." She snapped irately as the class flinched under her domineering persona. Glaring angrily at me as he sumptuous body strutted down the aisles of desks quickly towards me, bending over and glaring at me. "You didn't carry the 6." She declared as I cleared my throat and slunk into my chair. I didn't even really have a retort… all I could do was gaze at her ass and count down the seconds until class ended.

And the class couldn't leave fast enough, Satya furiously wiping the blackboard of the sheer astronomical math problem upon it that nobody could solve as I stood up and approached her. "…Ms. Vaswani are you alright?" I asked hesitantly as the class, seemingly in fear of the very question retreated quickly out of the class and left me to suffer my 'fate'. I suppose they were concerned their four-day weekend would be ruined if Satya blew up at us all…

…Oh I get what Fareeha was saying now.

She slammed the eraser onto the holder and a cloud of white chalk dust wafted from it as she turned to me. "I am FINE Mr. Snow." She declared in a distinctly not fine voice. "I am merely adjusting to my increased workload!" she declared before moving on to her desk and rapidly grade papers.

"Well. You look like you could use a little breather." I said hesitantly, "And Thankfully I have a small idea as to how…" she glared at me. "…After school." I said hesitantly, maybe getting my dick into her mouth can wait. "In the nurse's office." I said as she seemed to deflate a little but maintained that sexy angry look on her features.

"I have things to do before the weekend Mr. Snow…" she replied curtly. That was unexpected.

"Oh come on Ms. Vaswani." I said, stroking her silky black hair as she lightly smacked my hand away. I froze, but she seemed surprised that she did that…

"I…" she hesitated, glancing at her raised hand before throwing it back down onto her desk. My frozen state broke, and I quickly recovered, grabbing her hair tightly and forcing her to look at me. She gasped softly, but the shudder that went through her body was a good sign.

"Listen you horny slut. You'll thank me later." I declared firmly as she gazed into my eyes, wantonly, biting her bottom lip as her beautiful body continued to tremble with tiny orgasms. "Afterschool. Nurse's Office. Cum with an empty stomach." I jerked her hair as she writhed on the seat. "Say 'YES'…" I ordered.

"Yes." She repeated obediently as I let go of her hair. Stroking it gently.

"I'm sorry I had to do that. You're still a Good girl." I said softly as she kept shaking, electing a small moan from her mouth as I walked out of the classroom.

Satya MUST be pretty riled up… definitely going to fix that. Now for part 2 of my master plan.

"COUGH COUGH!!" I sat in the nurse's office as Angela sighed irately from her desk. "le Cough!" what can I say I'm in drama class now.

"Seriously Scott what do you want?"

"I think it's what YOU want that's more important." I said lazily as Angela scowled at me.

"What are you talking about? Aren't you suppose to have a class with Hana right now?" she asked dismissively, checking her datapad for the information.

"Schools almost over." I said tiredly, "Come on Angela we all could use a break! It's almost the four-day weekend."

"Don't remind me." She replied, "Already kids are trying to make it a 5-day weekend." She scowled at me adorably, "So why even bother to pretend to be sick Scott?" she asked as I just relaxed in the side chair by the desk.

"Come on Angela…" I replied again as she rolled her eyes. "So I don't go and play games on a computer for an hour with Hana what's the difference? Let me hang out here for a bit. We can talk!" leaned on the desk, grinning at her. "…I heard you're feeling a little stressed. How about a massage?" she frowned at me, but she didn't tell me to leave so there's that.

"For heaven's sake Scott." She sighed, "Not everything is about sex."

"Olivia says that it literally is about sex." I said, wistfully as she blinked at me surprised.

"What is?"

"Your stress." I said as she flinched. "Olivia says that you get a regular dosage of hard anal sex-" she turned red, "And your boytoys missed the deadline."

"How in the hot sweaty hell did she know that?!" she hissed angrily, but quickly collected herself. Scowling at me. "That is hardly your business." She said.

"Well you see I think all you need is a little de-stressing session and thankfully you have me." I said happily as she rolled her eyes.

"Oh for the love off… NO." she said firmly as I gazed at her. "I don't need to destress."

"You need hard anal sex. Regularly apparently."

"SCOTT-" she began angrily but I merely smiled at her.

"You'll thank me later…" I said as she glared at me, staring at me silently for a very long time and finally it seemed she just decided to ignore me… or accept it. "I'm going to go lie down on the bed alright?" I replied as she didn't answer me again and I went over, lied down. And waited…

The bell that ended the school day rang loud and long thoroughout the campus followed by the shrieks and excited cheers of the students ripe with the knowledge that just one more day, not even a full day at that, and it's a four-day weekend. But I didn't move, I just opened my eyes, and waited… and waited… and waited some more…

"Are you going to stay there for the rest of the day?" asked Angela dismissively as I checked my watch.

"It's only been five minutes it takes at least 7 to walk here from math class." I replied.

"What?" she replied, moments before the door opened and Satya entered rather shyly.

"Well somebody wants this really bad." I said as she fidgeted, licking her lips as I swung my legs off the nurse bed. "Now why don't you-"

But then the door opened again, Hana walking in and shutting the door behind her as she glanced at me. Satya, and Angela. "…Ah. This is a sex thing isn't it?" she declared abruptly as Angela moaned, "Good Angie's been a bitch all day."

"What?!" Angela replied blushing as Hana stared at her.

"What do you mean what?" she replied, "Reggie Lee had to come here because he had an asthma attack and you practically shoved his inhaler in his throat." Angela blushed before sighing reluctantly.

"He doesn't carry his inhaler around because he likes it when I do it." she replied shyly as I then gestured Satya to come closer, absently rubbing her body and implying, subtly, that I wanted her naked. Now. "I just wasn't in the mood to deal with that."

"That's what I mean!" Hana said knowingly, "Geeze Angie you're our head nurse! THe one we like! Can you imagine what would happen-" Satya's naked now and getting on her knees like my good bitch. "-if you turned into Moira?!"

"Well I think you're blowing this a little out of-OH damn it." she grumbled as I leaned back and let Satya's face slide up and down my cock.

"That's a good girl." I declared as she moaned appreciatively, licking my shaft as she unceasingly moved her head. She was already looking happier, and I'm happy if she was happy. And usually she's happy to make me happy it's a vicious cycle. I ignored Angie's stare for the moment and continued moving my slutty pet's face in and out of my legs with my hand on the back of her beautiful head. Caressing her silky black hair as she buried her nose into my crotch. Shuddering as she gazed devotedly up at me.

I pulled her slowly to my tip, slipping from her mouth reluctantly as she panted like a bitch in heat. "See? I told you you'd thank me."

"Thank you…" she cooed longingly, kissing my shaft before taking me back into her mouth. "Mmgh! Mmnh…"

"No. Thank you." I teased, relaxing now and gazing at an unaffected Hana and a mostly exasperated Angie as she gazed at Satya's beautiful brown ass wagging behind her as she devotedly sucked my cock on her hands and knees, drooling liberally down my shaft and smearing her fluids on her face as she slammed it into my crotch again and again. "Hana you want in on this?"

Hana rolled her eyes, "I was only coming to check on you."

"Well you can check on me cumming…" I gripped Satya's head in both hands, moving her faster and faster on my shaft as I bucked into her mouth, feeling her hums of happiness vibrating my length. "Come on. Make it a real thankful occasion."

"How does that make any sense?"

"I don't know." I replied reluctantly, "I'm in the mood for an orgy and just Satya's not enough." I buried her face into my crotch, gazing down at her as she shuddered in excitement. "Though she is a LOT…" I caressed her head affectionately as she wagged her tongue on me in her mouth. "I'll tell Olivia to exempt you from a shenanigan?" I added as Hana seemed to think about it, considering her 'rent money' was 'fuck me when Olivia was in the mood for it' it seemed like a fair trade.

"Yeah okay." She said, already removing her shirt. "I can get in on that. I want it in writing." She said, before kneeling naked behind Satya and smacking her beautiful ass as it wobble.


"Done. Stick your fingers in her."

"MMmngh!" Satya moaned as I began jerking her sloppy head up and down, Hana shoving her fingers into her pussy as she rocked back on Hana's thrusting hand. "Mhg! Mgh! MMN!!"

"This is punishment for yelling at me earlier…" I teased as Hana laughed, feeling Satya tighten around her probing fingers. Satya's hungry pussy drooled excitedly. "If you were in a bad mood you should've just asked to suck my cock!" I stood up, savoring the feel of her throat around me as she sat on her legs, sitting on Hana's hands as she kept fingering her. "You know you love it."

"MMngh-hmmn!!" she agreed lovingly as I ripped my cock from her mouth, "Aah!" she gasped, whimpering pleadingly for me to shove it back in.

"Who are you for?"

"You!" she whined pleadingly as her pussy squelched particularly loud on Hana's fingers.

"Who's pet are you?"

"Yours!" she shouted happily, licking my cock and desperate to get it back in her mouth.

"Thank me for letting you be my PET." I ordered as a pool of arousal formed between her legs as she came.

"Thank you for letting me be your pet!" I rammed my cock into her open mouth, wrapping my arms around her head, and using her mouth rigorously as my cock sleeve until I slammed my hips against her face and deposited my load directly into her stomach as more of her arousal leaked out of her… as if I was cumming right through her shaking orgasming body. Hana ripped her hands out from beneath Satya's naked body and rubbed her hands on the beautiful caramel-colored sex-goddess. Already Satya was sucking and licking me in her mouth, eagerly for another round of being my toy.

Such a good girl.

I caressed her somewhat messy locks, as Hana continued to wipe her hands on Satya, riling up my sex pet and wiping her hands of her fluids as I gazed at a rather… aroused Angie, though she tried to hide it. Leaning against her desk with her legs crossed, biting her bottom lip as I continued to stand before her with my cock in Satya's throat…

"Sure you don't want that hardcore ass fucking?" I asked lazily as Angie twitched, her lower body shimmying as if she was restraining it from accepting my offer. I shrugged my shoulders lazily before glancing down at a dazed but beautiful Satya. "Satya. Want an assfucking?"

"Mmmmnn…" she moaned longingly, moving her head slowly up and down but not releasing my cock, then she just began moving it back and forth, quickly sucking me hard again. "Mmn! Mmn…"

"Yeah she does." I teased, combing her dark hair with my fingers as I let her suck, before wrapping my arms around her and taking a few steps back to allow her to lift her ass up, "Hey Hana warm her ass up for me…" Satya's asshole winked appreciatively as Hana quickly shoved her fingers into her.

"MMmngh!" Satya orgasmed again, watching those eyes cross in pleasure will always get me hard. I grabbed a fistful of hair and yanked her off my cock with a wet pop before letting her flop to the floor on her hands and knees, her ass wobbling up and down as Hana kept finger-banging her, watching her back shudder and arch as she was quickly readied for a hard ass fucking.

"Last chance Angie…" I teased, swatting a panting bitch's ass with my cock, "Gonna get ALL my ass fucking done with Satya…" I added lazily. "Though-" I spread her asshole open with my fingers as she mewled adorably, her soft, tightening rim more than ready to take my cock but already at the very edge of pleasure. "I'm sure she'll thank you for it regardless." I said as Hana reached beneath Satya and began rubbing her dripping pussy. "Lick her ass cheek too." I said as Hana gazed right at me and ran her tongue along the brown curve of Satya's magnificent ass.

"Writing." She repeated as I grinned, planting her lips on Satya's ass. "Mwah."

"Definitely." Fwomp!

I blinked as Angie, furiously red, ripped her labcoat off letting it flop loudly to the floor then quickly she grabbed her blouse and practically ripped it off her body before letting her short skirt hit the floor. Standing in stockings and garters but no underwear she rubbed her dripping pussy, slinking her fingers through her patch of blonde pubic hairs as she bit her bottom lip and hissed out an aroused- "Ffffuck me…" She begged as my cock throbbed and oozed pre-cum.

I grinned and pulled my fingers From Satya's ass and smacked her other cheek. Satya moaned, wiggling her hips and bopping Hana's pretty face as I stood up. Approaching a masturbating Angie with a rock hard erection as it rubbed against her soft thighs, slipping beneath her garter before I pulled it away, grabbed her hand and dragged her over to the rest of the naked flesh. "Bend over the bed, ass out, right in front of my little fuck pet here…" I said, putting my foot on Satya's big brown ass and lightly rubbing it as she wiggled.

Angie flopped onto the bed, pushing that anal slut hole back to me and grabbing her cheeks, spreading them open to reveal the hole she so desperately wanted to be stretched as I grabbed Satya's hair and lifted her like a horse on her reins, and slammed her face abruptly between Angie's cheeks. My slutty pet knew what to do.

"Ahah! Aaah! Aaaah…" Angie howled longingly as Satya's talented tongue was applied to her hole, stretching and lubing it open as it swirled inside her in a sensual French kiss. Her own ass wiggled behind her and leaked thick strings of arousal into the collective pool between her legs. "H-haaah-aaah!" Angie's whorish panting moans made my cock throb as I debated on which hole to fuck first before settling on the warm mouth of Hana… pushing my leaking tip against her cheek as she jumped, somewhat surprised that I picked her.

"Suck the Satya off this dick." I declared as she rubbed her cheek and then her lips against it. Sitting submissively on her knees as the slurps of Satya's tongue and Angie's moans echoed around the nurse's office. I put my hands on my hips and watched Hana's face dive deep on my dick and back up to the tip, swirling her tongue around me before repeating, inhaling my cock before shooting back up to the tip and doing it again. I didn't touch her, just gazed into her big eyes as she gazed back, sliding up and down my cock as I licked my lips in anticipation. Closing my eyes and opening my ears and enjoying the sensual sounds of sloppy oral and squealing swiss nurses…

I opened my eyes abruptly as Hana buried her face to the base of my cock, feeling her lips pulsating lovingly on my shaft as she EARNED that written shenanigans exemption just from oral work alone… I'm still going to fuck her if I have any energy left from Satya and Angie but she totally earned it. I enjoyed that mouth just a little longer before carefully unsheathing my sword from her throat and kneeling behind my devoted licking pet…

I then planted my hand on the back of her head, force her to get as deep as she could in Angie's ass, then began pounding the wet little hole as her screams of pleasure could be heard even as they rushed into Angie's bowels.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!!" I grunted like an animal railing into Satya's slippery hole as it desperately clung to my cock, Satya's mouth wrapped around Angie's asshole like she was trying to suck out poison only it was her tongue sliding up her ass, thrashing and raving about against her inner walls as Angie clawed the wall of the nurse's office the bed was again, her beautiful body twitching and shaking as Satya extracted on orgasm out of her, then another… Angie's shrieks of pleasure rose quickly to a high screech before it abruptly cut out. Her face frozen in orgasmic terror, mouth open and clearly releasing a sound that only dogs could hear.

"Fuck. Fuck. Take it Satya!" I hissed, her whole body violently jerking back and forth as I slammed into her. "Take it!" She trembled wildly as she felt my hot load rush into that beautiful body, her face still buried up Angie's asshole as she gazed with a vacant stare past Angie's cheeks, her back, and head… flying high in the air as I kept filling her up.

I yanked her away from Angie's ass, the beautiful blonde shuddered as Satya's tongue slipped out of her hole like a snake grabbed by the tail, flopping about from her mouth as I held her up, squeezing her breasts from behind before raising my hand and smacking her ass HARD… She came again, shuddering on my cock as I kissed her neck.

I owned her. I claimed her… she was mine.

"Good girl." I pulled my cock from her pussy. "Say thank you."

"Thank you…" she repeated almost mechanically, she would do whatever I wanted. I threw her aside like a used broken doll, all she could do was cum again as I stood up and stroked myself, slapping my cock between Angie's wet ass cheeks as I pinned her to the bed, grinding my cock between her meaty cheeks as she gazed over her shoulders at me… and spread her ass cheeks again.

"I was using those." I declared, swatting her ass cheeks as she shuddered in anticipation. "Anal butt slut." I said simply, then rammed my cock into her loosened hole.

Satya's tongue was amazing but Angie was a dick-loving, hard anal, butt slut and she let everyone in the room know it. "MEIN GOTT YES!!!" I immediately covered her mouth as he blue eyes rolled in her head, her body jerking beneath me as I wasted no time and just railed that ass…

I didn't care if she wanted it. I didn't care if she was reluctant. I didn't care if I was hurting her… I didn't, because I KNEW she loved it. Rapidly pounding strokes: as deep as I could go. As hard as I could pound. My hips bounced back off her beautiful ass so quickly it was like they were repelled by magnets only to return just as quickly to jam my meat up her warm ass.

Her boy jerked and jumped as I fucked her as hard and as fast as I could. I don't think I fucked Satya this hard and I could do whatever the hell I wanted to Satya… but I only fucked her more because Angie wanted more. I could see it in her eyes as she reached around, hooking her arm behind my neck, pulling me closer, deeper… pleading for her anal ravaging to just never stop. To walk out of school with her on my cock like a dick puppet, fucking her against her car because she was too slow in getting her keys.

…How many orgasm has she had now? 5? 6?... I just kept fucking it could've all been one big orgasm but judging from the muffled shrieks and her spasming holes I think it's 6… I yanked her off the bed and just kept railing into her as her breasts bounced and her flesh rippled, my hand hooked over her mouth as her back arched and her eyes rolled up into her head… then I rushed her forward slamming her up against the wall at the end of the bed and finishing. Pinning her to it as I deposited my biggest load today.

It was THICK and heavy… she loved it. She squirmed and milked my load into her ass as pressed my teeth to her skin but didn't bite. Growling like an animal as I marked her as my anal mate. "Fucking whore milk that DICK…" I hissed eagerly as she obliged… I slowly extracted my cock from her ass, and sent a final rope onto her right ass cheek before slapping her left.

"Oooh…" she cooed softly before I threw her onto the nurse bed as she bounced, shaking helplessly as her ass oozed my cum. "Haaah… ah…" she shuddered as I smacked her sticky ass cheek with my dick. "Mmmn."

"THANK. ME." I said tiredly as she didn't acknowledge me right away.

"…Thank you Scott." She cooed quietly, so quiet I didn't register it at first.

"What?" I said, then realizing what she said I cleared my throat. "Never mind." Leaving two well fucked teachers where I left them I turned my attention on Hana who was standing up and stretching…

"Welp. That was a grand old time. I think I'm just going to-" WHAP! She stared at me as I slapped my hand on the wall behind her. My arm blocked her from the door as she looked at it, then me. "…Did you just kabedon me?" she asked curiously as I grabbed my phone… and with a few quick strokes, I showed her a text message. To Olivia.

Hana gets out of one Shenanigans free. Explain later.

"In writing." I said, sending it to Olivia then tossing my phone away, grabbing Hana's chin and forcing her gently to look at me. "Say thank you."

"…Thank you?" she replied before I pressed up against her. "Ah… AH!" I pulled her from the wall, my cock balls deep into her body before I yanked her abruptly to the ground, "Ah-SHIT…" she hissed softly as I rolled her legs up, mounting her and ready to give her a good pressing. She gazed up at me as I held her head, looking into her eyes as she blushed. "…Geeze you horn dog." I pressed my forehead to hers, our breathing intermingling as I began to slowly pump into her. "haah… ah… ah…" not looking away from me as I kept my hips moving up and down, her toes curling beside my ears.

"I want to enjoy this." I declared as Hana writhed beneath me, putting my weight on her, in her. "I want to thank you for being such a helpful fuck-buddy."

"Ahh… ahah… by… mating pressing me?" she gasped, her hands clawing at my back, then my ass, pulling me deeper. "Haah… ah-that's… not much of a-" she came, shaking obviously beneath me as she managed a "-Thank you! AH… ah!" speeding up my thrusts but keeping a steady pace, enjoying that snug little pussy as she kept my cock warm and snug into her. "Ah-Ah! THANK YOU!!" she squealed again, shaking in orgasm as I sped up. Faster and Faster.

"Aah! Ah-aaah-aah-way-why are you-aah! Speeding up-AAAH with-THANK YOU!!?" squeezing me tighter again as I pounded her faster, the wet slaps of our bodies as she writhed beneath my trying to escape the relentless assault of the 'thank you' press.

"I'm cumming!" I grunted quietly. "I'm cumming Hana take it all!" I squeezed her tightly and then slammed down on her tense body. "THANK YOU!" I snarled before shoving my tongue into her mouth, silencing her scream as I stuffed her womb.

Balls deep. No retreat. I lay on top of my warm little fuckbuddy, pumping her with my thick load as she occasionally twitched. I kissed her cheek, and hissed a teasing, "Thank you…" before rolling my hips and enjoying the moment. I'm not going anywhere… "mmn?"

I blinked as I felt a warm tongue slide along my balls, jerking my head around to find Satya's tongue running up between Hana's ass cheeks, making her shudder and moan before sliding over my balls as cum oozed out of Hana's pussy around my dick… which was twitching harder and harder with each caress of Satya's tongue.

"…Thanks Satya…" I said quietly, ripping my cock out of a trembling Hana as her pussy exploded out with my cum. She moaned erotically beneath me as I turned to face Satya, swaying her ass and ready for more and smiling prettily up at me as my hard on loomed over her, her face pressing against it and licking it lovingly. "Now I need to fuck you some more…" I teased as she cooed appreciatively. "Thankfully." I smiled, reaching over and locking the nurses off. "There are plenty too-"

…I stared at the blue fox on the desk… it was looking at me… sultrily. I rubbed my eyes quickly. Then blinked around again… no fox. Good thing I'm in the nurse's office I can have Angie look me over when I'm done with her…

"Scott?" Satya cooed concernedly. "…Are you alright?" I blinked down at her, stroking my shaft against her face.

"Fine… I'm just tired." I said, trying to brush it off. "De-stressing bitches is hard work."

"…But I'm thankful for it." she breathed, opening her mouth. And making me feel a LOT better.


Next chapter