Ave was about to part her lips and speak again when she heard the loud voices of the crowd coming from below. Looking down, she noticed it was because the witches were being dragged to the execution center. There were many of them tied with chains and being dragged like animals, from adults to kids alike.
"Kill the witches! Kill them all!" The crowds were chanting angrily as they threw things at the witches, who looked resigned and calm; however, the children among them were terrified as they looked around the crowd in horror, and the sight reminded Ave of when she had watched the people of Gina get killed, and her fingers involuntarily balled into fists.
From the other side of the building where there was another balcony where the Emperor and Empress sat, the Emperor stood up and raised his hands to silence the crowd, and immediately, everywhere went quiet with everyone looking up at the balcony.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: