
Pure Evil

Alice looked around the school building as she ran. She and Belle got into the gymnasium, where the main character anomaly, and his harem cornered them.

"In anime, this would be considered a summoner or beast-tamer harem. Usually, the two best ways to defeat them are to kill the owner and the beast will go away, or there could be a core somewhere else."

"Where would it even be?"

"If I had to guess... In a classroom. It has to be a desk in the back of the classroom next to the window. That's always where the main character sits."

"Wow... you really do know your stuff... Ew, I can't believe I just complimented you."

"Can it, whore."

The boy kissed the Alraune girl and she let out several large, thick vines from the ground that began whipping and lashing at Belle. The two jumped onto the vines and used them as platforms as they flailed around. Belle rained bullets on the boy anomaly, but the slime girl blocked it with her body. The bullets began to melt inside her like they were doused with acid.

"Belle, fire again!"


"Just do it."

Belle, although annoyed by being ordered around by Alice, followed her orders and fired at the anomaly again. The slime girl continued to block the bullets. Alice then used the whipping vines to jump into the air and land behind the boy. She extended her nails and lunged her hand at the boy, but her hand was grabbed by the dog girl behind him. However, when this happened, the vines stopped moving.


Alice kneed the dog girl in the chest and slammed her into the ground. The harpy girl charged at her, but Alice knocked her out with her scepter.

The boy anomaly then grabbed the butt of the slime girl and the breasts of the alraune girl. The two unleashed a frenzy of plant and slime missiles and tendrils at her, which Belle rushed over to Alice to push her out of the way of.


"Don't mention it... Like seriously, don't."

More vines started to attack them and Alice kicked Belle out the way she wouldn't be hit. She then used her scepter to knock away all of the vines.

"I figured it out!" shouted Alice.

"What do you mean?"

"He can only control 2 of his monster girls at a time. Also, I don't think this boy is the anomalies body. So it must be the desk theory I made."

Alice and Belle looked over at each other and nodded. They ran out of the gym and back to the school. The lamia girl followed Belle and the dog girl followed Alice.

Alice jumped up the the second story of the school and busted through one of the windows of the classroom. She roundhouse kicked the desk into dozens of pieces. However, the dog girl still pursued and attacked her. Alice dodged and ran to another classroom to do the same to that desk as well.

Belle was on the third story, doing what Alice informed her of. She had already broken 3 corner desks, but none of them stopped the lamia from attacking her. The lamia spewed demon spit at her, which dissolved anything it touched in seconds. Belle kicked the wall of the school, making it and the ceiling crumble behind her. This stopped the lamia pursuit as she couldn't break through the debris.

Eventually, Belle met up with Alice again, who had the dog girl chasing her. The two nodded at each other and Alice sped up to run into Belle. The dog girl leaped out to slash Alice, but she ducked under the slash and slid under Belle.

Belle had quickly transformed into her keeper form and delivered a punch so powerful to the dog girl, that she exploded, sending her blood and guts everywhere.

The boy and the four remaining girls came over to them. The alraune continued to attack with her vines, but Alice ducked under them, as Belle grabbed them. Alice slid under Belle's legs and broke down the door of the nearby classroom. She rushed in to destroy the corner desk. As she was running up to it, the harpy girl flew through the window and kicked Alice into the wall of the classroom.

"Seems he can only attack with 2 of you at a time, but he can still position you guys around."

The harpy charged at Alice again. Alice dodged to the right and impaled her scepter through the harpy's stomach. She then grabbed the bottom of her scepter and flung the harpy into the desk, breaking it to pieces.

Outside, the teenage boy started to decay and melt. He had died just like that and Belle was safe to detransform. Both Alice and Belle had tons of bruises on their bodies. Despite being straightforward, they all hit incredibly hard. If they made one wrong move, things could have ended very, very differently.

"What were his memories like?" asked Belle.

"You... don't wanna know."

The two helped each other walk outside. They saw Taiyo in the distance, waving to them, ready to pick them up. They still had to support each other though because it hurt to walk.

"Hey, Alice... what did you think of my cousin?"

"Oh, not this again."

"No, I'm serious... What was she to you?"

"..." Alice thought for a second before speaking. "At first, I thought she was kind of annoying. She would always get in my business and follow me around when I didn't want her to... but now, I do kind of miss her. She was the first person I ever met who extended a hand of friendship to me."


"Without her, I wouldn't have gotten this second chance at life. I wouldn't have met Yoshi. I would have probably died alone honestly... Sorry, I'm not good at these talks."

"So, you're saying my cousin was a catalyst?"

"N-No, not like that!"

Belle began to chuckle. "I'm just messing with you. To be honest, I only took out my anger on you because I really did have no one to redirect it to. I didn't want to blame myself for being there. Hell, I was on the other side of the world when we heard about her suicide. But... I can't ignore the truth forever. It's clear she saw something in you. So, I can at least try to find what she saw."

"Thank you... you're not too good at these speeches either."

"I guess that's something we have in common."

Taiyo looked at the two with a smug uwu expression. "Well, looks like you two are getting along wonderfully now."

Meanwhile, across Japan in the middle of a C.E.O. room in a tall building stood a young man. He had dark brown skin, black hair, and 5 ocean-blue eyes in a semicircle formation. He had four giant spider legs coming out from his back and he wore a kimono with spider webs on it that was cut down the middle, revealing how buff he was. He also has a pendant with a king chess piece at the end of it.

He looked down at the human population nearly 40 stories down below his office. He stared at a building in the distance. It was a hospital. His eyes zoomed in hundreds of meters and he saw a woman inside, holding her newborn son. The mother cried tears of joy as she kissed her baby boy on the head. The spider man smirked and crossed his arms.

He put his hand on his chin. Suddenly, the man clicked a button in his other hand, and the room the mother was in, as well as the whole entire hospital, blew up. Everyone inside was instantly killed while the falling debris came down and crushed many people on the street.

The spider man licked his lips from seeing this. "Man, maybe I should have waited. It would have been more fun to kill the baby in front of that mother than just blowing them both up. Maybe I should have boiled her baby alive and forced her to eat the corpse. Oh, well, whatever. There's always next time."

Someone knocked on his door.

"Come in." he said with a welcoming smile on his face.

Inside walked a woman. She has long, wavy pink hair decorated with white flowers and pink eyes. She wore a black, low-cut, backless dress, long black gloves, and long black boots. She had massive horns and a goats tail. She had a pendant with a rook chess piece at the end of it.

The woman walked over to the spider man and watched as firefighters rushed over to the burning hospital.

"Mr. Star, I thought I asked you not to be so reckless." The pink hair lady said scoldingly.

"Relax. I used my threads to activate the dynamite. There's no way they can trace it back to us."

"56 thief charges, 14 rape charges, 22 reports of pedophilia, bomb threats, 19 cases of tax fraud, 44 cases of blackmail, and 1,000,207 murder victims. These are all the crimes you have committed since... the beginning of this year."

"Really. I thought my charges would be higher than that... you wanna join one of those cases."

Star grabbed her chin and her waist. He slid his hand down to her hips. However, she smacked his arm away and pulled his other hand off her chin.

"Sir, I'm married."

"So? If anything, cheating is the best kind of sex. I love recording videos of me having sex with someone else's wife, then sending to to their husbands for them to watch. Their tears turn me on so much. It is even better when the sex is nonconsensual though. Don't you just love the face of a crying woman?"

"... Do you want to know about Sapphy's condition or not?"

"Oh, yeah. Where is that female?"

The lady, named Rose, took Star to another woman who was laying in a break room on her floor. She had long, messy, spiky white hair and sapphire blue eyes. She had 2 giant horns made of ice sticking out of her head and had a white, scaly tail. Her arms, legs, the side of her waist, and her neck were all covered with white scales. Her feet were inhuman and looked more like three-taloned dinosaur feet with shiny blue talons. Though, her hands were human-like with blue nails. She had giant icicles coming out of her back like spines. She wore a two-piece gown with the top part being more like a swimsuit, exposing her cleavage. Speaking of which, she was very curvy with a slim waist and had a really cute face. She had 2 giant dragon wings sticking out of her back. She had a queen chess piece at the end of it.

Rose let Yoshi in to see her. The woman looked over at him. "Ugh, it's so boring in here."

"Just go out and toy with some humans."

"They're too pitiful to entertain me... Oh, I heard an explosion off in the distance near the hospital. Was that you?"

"Yeah, it was. It was hilarious. You should have seen this one little girl outside. She was balling her eyes out because her older brother got crushed by rubble. It was really hot, actually."

"Well, good for you."

"Hey, I have something that might interest you."


"Apparently, there is this keeper who is always in her beast form that attending the Skyfall Dance Academy. She never gets tired and has the potential to even become zenith class." 

"... Ok, you have my interest."

Next chapter