
Before climax

Shit! Cai exclaimed, seeing as Raphael had mounted his position in the penalty area.

Raphael's jump was a sure banker and if Adrienne didn't do the Same thing he did the last time, there was certainly no going to be any stopping of the Angelic defender. Even at that, there were very little chances of the same move working on Raphael twice, Adrienne knew this, that was why he decided to go with another approach.

Cai gritted his teeth. I really shouldn't have released the cross.

But Neo had a smile on his face. You did well, Cai.

Neo had figured out the brain behind Raphael's exotic jump.

It was a simple but far reaching secret that made Raphael to always win every header, with Aesop, it was simply his height and jump power, but with Raphael, it was brains.

And this brains, Neo had successfully deciphered.

Raphael had a good suspense in the air and he equally had a pretty impressive jump power, so all he needed to do was to jump before everyone else. Because of this, he would already take his place in his air before others, and his suspense enabled him to stay longer in the air than normal people, so he ended up always winning the header.

It was some kind of Ronaldo things.

So, to beat Raphael, Neo just had to jump before him.

Knowing this, Neo suddenly jumped, even before Raphael who always jumped earlier.

Raphael frowned as a dark expression suddenly swallowed him up, he too, jumped immediately. But it was futile, even though he had stronger physicality than Neo and he was way better in the air, Neo had already gotten there first and with the physical boost from God mode, Raphael stood no chance against Neo.

Destiny and Asher felt chills go down their spines.

Raphael lost to him in an air contest?

What is that ring around his eye?

What is that form?


Destiny hissed. He's the real superhuman!

Seeing the extremely high form Neo had managed to get to, Riley knew that there was no saving of that header.

Neo either had to miss the shot or he forced Neo to miss it, Riley immediately ran out. Dashing towards Neo, the plan was to slap the ball right out of Neo's head.

Adrienne was surprised. Even my grid didn't pick this up!

But why not? Even the goal keeper didn't know that he was going to make such a move. He acted on impulse.

And that was a way to beat the Grid, but who could do that? To act without thinking?

Only very few could achieve this, even Riley was only desperate and that led him to do such a thing.

Desperation doesn't come easy, but to beat The Grid Lock, you always to be desperate.

Neo! Over here! Mark shouted, rushing forward to help Neo.

Asher suddenly started running again, his clock view had picked Mark running to render help to Neo, so he wanted to stop Mark first.


Adrienne squealed, suddenly realizing that Asher had seen something he hadn't since he was distracted for a bit.

I better follow him! Adrienne ran off, following Asher.

This doesn't look like a match anymore…

It looks like a prediction game…

The fans were very shocked at the sudden turns that things had taken. Everyone was now playing based on impulse and things they could see in which no one could.

Neo's head got to the ball, but Riley's ran was right in his face, stopping and it was definitely going to stop him or at least disturb his form and rhythm.

Neo's eye trailed down and he quickly changed his form in the air, heading the ball downwards and towards Mark.


Riley yelped.


Mark raised his leg to deliver the finishing goal, he would have been alone with the goal post had Asher not chosen this moment to run towards him at his highest speed.

But they didn't need to fret, because Asher had already gotten there.

Asher's clock view picked up every part of Mark's body, and from his the information he gleaned, Mark was certainly going to take the shot.

Asher's leg was stretched to its limit, still moving forward as the shot was about to be released by Mark.


Mark released the shot, everyone's breath had ceased momentarily as they all anticipated the possibility of the outcome of the next play.

Next chapter