
Clock view Vs Grid Lock

A high pass was thrown in the direction of Asher. Adrienne had switched Marks with Bice and now, he was the one on Asher.

Adrienne stared at him, his Grid Lock on full throttle. Adrienne's mind was running different analysis as his grid lock worked tirelessly, trying to discern the next play his opponent was going to make and the fastest way to counter it. Adrienne had learned to sleep and wake up while running his grid lock, so as to learn to manage the mental stress. His grid lock was a powerful weapon in its self, he just had to make sure it's invincible.

…from his breathing, he's going to take an elastico and cut into the right…

..in two seconds!

Adrienne suddenly moved to block Asher's right but he was stunned as Asher suddenly aborted his move half way and changed his move to the right into a feint, cutting towards the left instead.

Adrienne was surprised. Was my Grid lock incorrect?

But seeing the mischievous smile on Asher's face, Adrienne knew that wasn't the case.

He must have played a trick…

Asher laughed. He had his clock view, all he needed to do was to move as fast as he perceived Asher's movement.

Asher's grin was aborted by Neo who suddenly blocked him.

I knew it…you have a wide range of view, don't you?

Asher furrowed his brows, without replying Neo.

Asher kept on trying to pass the ball as Neo kept on talking. He found Neo's incessant talks as irritating as ever.

Just now, you were able to evade Adrienne because you saw him from behind you, right? Your vision is so wide that it spreads to your back, right? How can you do that?

Asher didn't answer.

What is it called? Neo asked. Your ability, what is it called?

Asher didn't answer.

Is it natural or did you also use some secret method to cultivate the supernatural?

Asher hissed in annoyance as Neo's marking seemed as tight as hell.

Just then, Neo noticed a sort of silhouette of a clock flash in Asher's eyes and Asher immediately moved the ball away from Adrienne who tried to steal the ball.

Asher was about to dribble towards the left, but as the clock flashed in his eyes, he changed direction and changed the dribble into a feint.

Neo was quick to follow up on that.

Woah! It's the clock view, isn't it?

I never thought a possessor of the clock view would be in Galaxy stars.

Neo had heard about the clock view ability, the 360 degree seeing genius.

Asher was starting to get annoyed. Neo would not just stop talking while Adrienne would not just stop trying to steal the ball away from him.

Adrienne was forced to pass the ball towards Destiny.

But he immediately regretted it as the silhouette of a clock flashed in his eye and Cai's overwhelming speed kicked in.

Cai intercepted the pass instantly. Asher was surprised. My clock view didn't catch him earlier…

Cai was out of the range of the clock view when he released the pass, but because Cai was very fast, he managed to get in and intercept the pass.

Cai used his heels to flick the ball to Aesop who passed it back to Eric and dashed in.

Eric launched a pass towards Aesop, but Raphael was already on Aesop, running towards him at the speed of light.

Raphael jumped towards the ball, but as he was about to make contact, his entire frame suddenly stopped.

Raphael gritted his teeth as he looked below and saw Adrienne standing in front of him, acting as a screen and stopping him from getting any closer to the ball.

Aesop passed the ball to Mark who passed it back to Neo.

Neo's first touch was to pass the ball to Cai who started dribbling along the flanks.

In a second, Cai had used his advantageous speed to make his way into the penalty area of his opponents.

Cai crossed a low ball but it was intercepted by Micah Reines who stretched out his leg to block the ball.

Micah's leg sent the ball flying upwards and it ended up being a sweet setting for Aesop.

Aesop immediately jumped acrobatically, performing an overhead kick.

It was a beautiful touch. the fans waited silently as the ball put them all in suspense, waiting for the final results to be unveiled in a second.

Some prayed for a goal, while some didn't.

But sometimes, one second seemed to be the longest time of your life.

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