

Neo wanted to speak, but he wasn't sure this spanish-looking boy in fron tof him understood english.

After about five minutes of staring at each other, Neo finally decided to say something.

Who are...

Neo started but he was met with a rude and unruly interruption.

Shush...Failures don't speak to me, unless I speak to them first. Destiny said this as he put his finger across his lips to add to the drama of his statement.

Neo was first surprised, then anger followed up immediately.

Excuse me?

That was all Neo managed to say. And he had received the confirmation that the spanish-looking teenager in front of him understood and even spoke english.

Destiny shook his head and took a bite out of the apple he had been throwing up and catching while he was walking towards Neo.

No, I won't. Destiny spoke. Failures don't get any excuses from me.

Neo wasn't a dullard, but now, he was finding it very hard to believe that it was him that was being referred to as the failure.

Neo had heard about Destiny Xavi and his senior brother before, but he had never seen Destiny, so he couldn't recognize the teenager in front of him right now.

Neo furrowed his brows in a brewing anger. Stop with the failure talk.

Destiny feigned a confused expression as he scratched his head a bit.

I just don't get it. Why were you chosen? I mean, why would dad teach someone like you?

The surprise on Neo's face was as clear as day. The only person that had ever taught him anything that wasn't bookwise was Sam parker.

For the record, it wasn't Sam Xavi.

Destiny nodded his head. Yeah, a failure like you must be confused, but he changed his last name. The name we inherited from him, he changed it after he and Mum divorced and Mum was still bent on retaining the Xavi name, He changed his last name to Grandma's last name which was Parker.

Neo suddenly saw the striking resemblance between Sam and Destiny. But Neo didn't still know who this spanish boy was or what his name was, and because of the teenager's unruly attitude, Neo wasn't going to ask his name.

But something struck Neo again, This short kid in front of him had called him a failure again, and it was starting to piss him off.

I said...stop with the failure talk...Neo's voice was low and unsteady, no one could deny that he was starting to get very angry.

I challenge you...Destiny suddenly said.

Neo was taken aback, did Destiny mean to fight? Neo stared at his small size and he couldn't help but control the laugh that was threatning to find it's way out of his mouth. How could Destiny ever want to fight Neo? Neo would beat the living daylight out of him.

What do you mean? Neo asked.

Destiny rolled his eyes. Of course I don't exepct a failure to understand...


Destiny had barely finished his statement when Neo hurled a ball at his head.

I said stop with the failure talk!

Destiny rubbed his head slightly. Ouch...I guess people now hate it when they are addressed by a title that they achieved, well I don't blame you, cause y'know, you're a...

Neo was annoyed. But he still decided to ignore Destiny, because that was the boy's own way of giving up. But Neo still wasn't going to relent on breaking Destiny's legs if the spanish looking boy called him a failure again.

Destiny spoke again. I challenge you to a little scrimmage.

Destiny went ahead to state the rules of the scrimmage and he also made it very clear that Neo was not allowed to use flash steps.

Neo nodded his head and soon, the scrimmage which worked with monkey posts had begun.

To win, one had to score five goals.

Destiny passed the ball to Neo. I think it's only fair if I let the least skilled one here begin. Right? Destiny had a mocking smirk on his face as he stared at Neo beratingly.

Neo was seething with fury as he dribbled the ball slowly a bit. He wasn't a dribble-based player, but that didn't mean he didn't have a few tricks up his sleeves.

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