

Time seemed to be paused, and nothing seemed to be able to play it. surprisingly, it was a shout that played time. A shout from an excited Nico, Krystal Fc's coach.

Full counter!!

With this, everyone scampered forward in the direction of Marbles Goal.

The score was already 2:2, Marbles couldn't bottle their lead against a minnow club like Krystal Fc, it was already annoying enough that Krystal Fc had tied the lead, what vexed them more being the fact that their entire team was being frustrated by only one person.

The defenders that were at the edge of the half turned around to return to their defense lines, but they saw the ball in front of them, when they had taken a few stes forward, Neo suddenly ran past them and caught up with the ball.

Honestly with the Knowledge that Krystal Fc had a player like Neo, the idea of the formation that Marbles used just now was a very foolish idea, it would be effective against any other team, but certainly not the team that had managed to secure The Floater.

Neo was closed in by Zoe, who faced him confidently. Neo was really feeling the buff from his new state, but he was also feeling his small stamina being drained at light speed. Neo moved his legs repeatedly in a weird rhythm, using his peculiar footwork to the best of the situation.

In an instant, he had moved away from Zoe. Zoe didn't even know when Neo moved away, it was a bit amusing to watch how Zoe quickly turned around to go pursue Neo.

Neo's next opponent was Berry, but Neo wasn't going to take him on.

From his position, which was just a few metres after the middle of the pitch, Neo released a shot. The red aura that seemed to surround him was also passed unto the shot. Neo felt like his eye sight had also received a magnificent boost, so the moment he glanced at the ball and thought about Sam's mixed Gyro and floater shot, a part of the ball seemed to glow green in his eyes.

With great precision and care, Neo struck that part of the ball with a calculated energy.

Surprisingly and unexpected of Neo, the ball had a spin to it, although the spin was weird.

The ball had a side-inward spin and it seemed to be turning on itself as it spun. Harry was a bit happy as he stared at the ball that didn't seem to be a floater shot. He couldn't tell anybody how scared he was whenever he was faced with Neo's floater shots. It was really his lucky moment...or so he thought...

It wasn't his lucky moment, it really wasn't Harry's lucky moment. The ball suddenly started wavering, in a floater fashion. Harry was bewildered, instead of mving his body, his mouth moved, it dropped open.

The ball was still spinning as it suddenly started moving left and right at a steady pace. When Harry shrugged off all fears and still decided to make a guess, the ball suddenly dropped, once again, rooting the Gk to a spot.

With this, Neo's voice pierced the silent field. Behold, this is my modified Gyro+Floater shot, this is my very own Gyflo shot!!

It was a very happy thing for the Fans of Krystal Fc as the ball made it's way past the static Goalkeeper and finding the back of the net.

And in the next instant...




It was the end of the first half. Amongst all, the fans and everyone present here today would never forget the name of the shot that took Krystal Fc to the lead, it was called the Gyflo shot.

The first half was a very interesting one. Neo had suddenly ranked up and pushed himself to his limits, it was a very patrotic he did there. Risking himself for his teammates morale.

Neo had scored a hattrick and single handedly took the lead from Marbles high.

Harry was seething with anger, to him, he just conceded four goals in a single half, that was more than what he usually conceded every year which was an average of two.

The two goals he usually conceded every year was always in the finals of Soccer wars tournament, and the two goals were always scored by the captain of the soccer boodline, Adam Cage. This year however, things were threatning to be different. With the sudden appearance of Destiny xavi and the rumour that they were going to face Brookside before they even got to the finals, Marbles wasn't so confident anymore.

Neo took a few steps towards his teammates, and then like a wind, he collapsed.

Next chapter