

Kick off

Eric passed the ball backwards, towards Adrienne. Immediately the pass was made, Neo ran over to Adrienne.

Pass me the ball. Neo said slowly, while looking ahead.

Adrienne was a bit surprised by this, he raised his brows in astonishment. Neo had never asked for the bal before. No matter what happed, Neo would always be quiet and observant, so now that he asked for the ball, and even did so in this manner, who could blame Adrienne for his surprise?

Nevertheless, Adrienne still passd the ball to Neo. No matter what anyone had to say, Neo had contributed immensely to this team, it wasn't quite clear if his skills were good enough to take Krystal Fc to the finals of this tournament, meanwhile, winning the tournament was another matter.

Neo signalled to Eric and Cai: Follow me.

It was weird the way Neo said it. Cai had grown to trust Neo, while Eric had always been a fan of Neo's, so it wasn't really a difficult task for them to do what he said.

The three of them started making their way towards Marbles Goal, they didn't look threatening enough, so everyone waited to see what they could achieve together. Neo dribbled past the first marbles player that blocked them and that officially started their conquest.

When faced with the second opponent, Neo passed the ball to Eric. Eric's control let the ball run along towards the side, leaving the marbles behind. Sure there was no threat for now, Eric returned the ball to Neo.

After that, the three Krystal Fc players were faced with a wave of players that were threatning to steal the ball.

Neo passed the ball to Eric who returned it after they mad it past the first player, without even letting the ball rest, Neo flicked it towards Cai.

Cai faked a wide run to the left, then he passed the ball back to Neo. Neo gave Cai a sign and Cai tore loose, making a speedy run towards the opponent's penalty area.

A lot of defenders followed Cai, making the burden smaller for Neo and Eric. But Neo had bigger plans in mind.

The sudden run from Cai made the defense scatter for a moment, leaving Mark open. Neo ignored the run from Cai, and hurled a backspin pass towards Mark.

The sudden pass to Mark took them all by surprise, they painfully realized that instant that Cai was only a decoy to lure them away from the main menace. the defenders immediately made their way to back to their goal, while some ran towards Mark to stop him from executing whatever he had in mind.

In their frayed mind, they all left Cai open again and ran towards Mark.

When the defenders reached Mark, the second year suddenly released another long pass. The pass had a backspin and it was like the previous play was being replayed.

Marbles defenders turned around to look at the high ball in panic, so Mark wasn't actually the main man, he was only the bait?

Cai had already steadied himself to take another shot when he was suddenly covered by a familiar darkness. Save for the fact that the darkness was not as huge and piercing as it was when Kelechi took his massive figure into the sky.

Soma's face was straight as he jumped up, looking to intercept the pass. From the getgo, it was obvious that Cai was the final man, You're so see-through, old friend. funny the others fell for it though...

Soma's thoughts were instantly cut off the moment he saw what happened next. Another shadow hit him, it was the shadow of the new recruit of Krystal Fc, It was the shadow of Neo Austin.


Neo headed the ball towards the left goal of the post, and the ball didn't have a hard time getting past the goalkeeper who was taken by surprise. It was a mystery how Harry even managed to react in the first place.

Neo landed on his feet, Soma landed on his butt. Neo stared straight into Soma's eyes and the message was clear. Everyone understood it too.

Mark or Cai was never the bait, instead, they were both the bait that was to clear the stage for the final man.

And...One second later...


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