
First Goal

The rebound was obtained by Cai, but it wasn't too helpful, because, before Cai could even balance himself properly, he was already closed down by Alf. If Cai released the ball now, he would surely fall to the floor and his team would be short of a man for the attack that they were about to launch.

Cai gritted his teeth as he feigned a falling step, which slightly startled his marker, then he quickly made a spin, Alf quickly blocked him but he cancelled the spin halfway, and he instead, spun from another angle. This elicited a bout of claps and cheers from Krystal Fc fans as Cai released the pass immediately afterwards. By that time, Alf was tugging meaninglessly at his shirt.

As Bose slid towards Eric to stop him, Eric didn't take a touch on the ball, he instead, jumped over the ball and let it roll towards Neo.

Neo controlled the ball and he found Soma already running towards him. Neo feigned a very heavy run to the left and Soma was shaken. Soma's legs wobbled slightly as he struggled to balance himself. That was the best moment Neo needed to perform his skill, now that Soma was not balanced and he couldn't do much physically, he would put the rest of his concentration on his brain, switching to play a very fast defense. Neo didn't know about other players, but that was how Soma played, he had the most heightened senses anyone could see.

Neo didn't waste any time, his hand quickly moved, while his body followed in the opposite direction in a quick flash, then Neo withdrew. In the nect second, Neo had moved faster than ever, Soma was still in a daze as Neo zoomed past him.

Like, Neo literally zoomed past him, Soma heard the sound the air made as Neo ran past him; Zoom!

Neo gave Aesop a through pass and Aesop caught with the ball quickly. There was also a defeender running towards the ball and Aesop had to lose him, but he didn't find that very hard to do. Aesop used his right heel to knock the ball backwards towards his left leg. Without bothering to control, he knocked the ball forward again, this time the movement was slanty. It was a funny sight as the defender didn't even know that the ball was no longer in front of him.'

Aesop made a run to the outside of the penalty box, then he raised his leg to charge up a very powerful cracker.

Just as Aesop's leg was about to make contact with the ball, he felt a slight impact on his body, as small as the impact was, it was enough to ruin his rhythm.

And that was exactly what Zoe planned when he made that slight contact just now. Aesop stumbled forward a bit, but he had not yet given up on his shot, the goal was clearer than ever in his eyes. In the next moment, it was given up.

Aesop's pupils constricted as he saw Berry sliding towards him, there was no way out. Aesop silently prayed for a miracle, but he knew better than anyone that it would never come.

Aesop had no choice but to jump over the ball and let Berry steal the ball away from him. Berry passed the ball to Zoe and this time, they both joined actively in the counter-counter attack.

Neo was a little glazed, only if he had learnt Flash steps to a mild degree, then his impact in this game would lead to an easy win. But unfortunately for him, his flash steps right now would only make him as fast as the lightning of the mavericks, moreover it wasn't his real speed, so his stamina would be depleted in no time if he used it carelessly.

Right now, Neo could lift up a 10kg weighing object with his legs, and he achieved that by training not less than fifteen hours every day for a week. Even he slept, he was training. At this rate, he would only learn flash steps to a reasonable degree when they were in the main tournaments, but that is if they are able to advance.

Neo gritted his teeth as he watched his team being dismantledby a series of amazing passes made by their opponents. It was very evident that Krystal Fc needed as much players as they could gather right now. And Neo knew this, that was why he decided to use flash steps after all. If he could manage it very properly, then he might collapse at the eightieth minute or so. But that wouldn't be too bad after all, this match was a must-win for them, it was also going to help a lot in boosting their confidence.

Neo immediately burst forth with flash steps, but the worst happened. Neo tripped and fell straight to the floor, face first.

Neo was very sure that blood was oozing out of his nose, he wanted to vent his anger on something so he couldn't help but punch the floor hard in anger and disappointment.

Just as Neo was about to stand up, he heard the disappointed sighs and hisses from a larger part of the crowd, at the same time, there was a little celebration from another part of the crowd.

Neo looked up, only to see Alf celebrating the goal he just scored. It was a painful feeling that Neo felt as he sank back into the floor.

The score was Marbles: 1, Krystal Fc: 0

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