


As expected, my father summoned me for a meeting first thing in the morning. 

He always had some "discussion" to have with me, and I knew today would be no different. 

With a heavy sigh, I made my way to the throne room, bracing myself for whatever awaited me.

The moment I stepped inside, my father's piercing glare greeted me. His eyes were like daggers, sharp and unrelenting. 

Great. What a perfect way to start the day.

I didn't bother to sit on the throne next to him. Instead, I stood, crossing my arms, and waited for him to speak. 

Asmodeus was nowhere to be found, and I couldn't help but feel relieved. His absence was a small mercy in an otherwise grim situation.

"Lucifer," my father began, his tone already laced with disapproval. "We need to talk about the girl."

I remained silent, my expression unchanging. I knew where this was headed.

"You know our customs, our traditions. This girl, Venneca… She doesn't belong here. You need to reconsider your decision."

"I'm not changing my mind," I replied flatly. My patience was already wearing thin.

My father's expression darkened. "Lucifer, be reasonable. There are plenty of suitable women who would be honored to be with you. Why this one? She's not even of our kind!"

I clenched my jaw, trying to maintain my composure. "She is my choice," I said through gritted teeth.

"Your choice?" My father's voice rose, his frustration evident. "She's weak, unworthy. You're making a mistake, Lucifer."

"Enough," I growled, my anger bubbling to the surface.

But my father wasn't done. "You need someone strong, someone who can stand by your side and uphold our legacy. Not some… some frail creature who can't even handle—"

I didn't let him finish. In an instant, I teleported right in front of him, my hand gripping his throat. 

His eyes widened in shock as he struggled to breathe.

"Say one more word against her, and you will suffer the consequences," I snarled.

"I don't care about traditions or legacy. She is mine, and I will not tolerate any insults towards her."

My father's face turned red, his eyes blazing with a mix of fear and fury. 

I could feel his power surging, but I didn't relent. My grip tightened, and for a moment, the room was filled with a tense silence.

Finally, I released him, shoving him back into his throne. 

He gasped for air, glaring at me with a mixture of hatred and disbelief.

"You will regret this, Lucifer," he spat, his voice hoarse.

"Why is there a human here?!" he bellowed, his voice filled with outrage. Equally shocked, I quickly assessed the situation.

My gaze softened as I took in her disheveled appearance. With a sense of urgency, I reached for my jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. 

The jacket was oversized on her, its fabric enveloping her in a comforting warmth that contrasted sharply with the cold panic evident in her eyes.

I positioned her behind me, creating a protective barrier. "I brought her here—" I began, but my father interrupted with a new wave of fury.

"And why is she naked?!" he demanded, his anger boiling over.

Raising my hand, I let my power radiate out to silence him. Then I turned to him, beginning to explain the situation in hushed tones. 

Venneca stood there like a frightened kitten, clinging to the warmth of my jacket and snuggling closer to me, seeking comfort and safety.

Despite my efforts to calm him, my father's rage did not subside. He snapped at me, his voice echoing with disbelief and contempt. 

"Don't tell me that is the girl you're going to marry?! She is a fucking human?! How did she get into this hell?!"

I hesitated, casting a furtive glance in Venneca's direction before answering. 

"I took her as a sacrifice and…" I trailed off, weighing my next words. Then I looked directly at her and whispered, "Yes…"

Her eyes widened in shock. 

The realization that she was part of a sacrificial arrangement was overwhelming for her. 

My father continued to stare at me in disbelief, his expression a mix of anger and incredulity.

In a swift motion, I took her hand and teleported us back to the bedroom. 

The sudden change in surroundings left her disoriented. She stood there, wrapped in my jacket, with a look of disappointment. 

The escape she had hoped for seemed to slip away as she was pulled back into the confines of the room.

"We need to talk, Venneca," I said, staring at her as I sat down and gestured for her to come closer.

As she did, I grabbed her hand and made her sit on my lap, taking the blanket and the jacket off of her, leaving her naked once again.

She gulped, shifting uncomfortably in my lap. I wrapped my hands around her waist, sending a cold shiver down her spine. 

I could see the mixture of fear and curiosity in her eyes as she waited for me to speak.

Despite the seriousness of the situation, my mind couldn't help but linger on what I had said. 

It felt surreal, admitting the truth to my father and to Venneca. 

But now, I had to explain everything to her, and I needed her to understand why I had done what I did.

I take a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts as I look into Venneca's beautiful, uncertain gaze. 

She's naked and vulnerable in my lap, and I want nothing more than to wrap her in my arms and protect her.

But first, I have to explain the mess I've made, and why I felt compelled to say what I did. 

I reach up and tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear, still trying to find the right words.

"You see, Venneca, my father...he's not just any ordinary being," I begin, my voice low and cautious. 

"He's the King of Hell, and I'm his only real son, the heir to the throne. And with that title comes certain...expectations."

Venneca's eyes widen as she listens to my words. 

She looks so innocent and pure, almost otherworldly amongst the dark, luxurious decor of my room. 

I can tell she's struggling to understand, but I continue

"...one of those expectations is that I take a bride, a queen to rule by my side. And not just any bride, but one with the right...pedigree. Someone who can strengthen our power and secure our legacy." 

I pause, studying her reaction, my grip on her waist tightening ever so slightly.

"And when I said that I had chosen you, it was because...I.. I don't know.. this.. this feeling is something else i.." i sign

"you're inlove?" Vennesa asked, confused but my eyes darkened 

"I will never fall in love. that's for weak creatures!" I growl

She laughs. "No, it's not. It's a really strong and common feeling," she explains.

I roll my eyes. "Well, it's weak for me," I grumble.

she laughs again as i stare at her laugh. I smile enjoying seeing her happy for some reason. 

I stare at her naked as i start to get hard

Feeling the tension and heat rise in the room, I slowly move my hand down her waist to her thigh

As I am tracing the curve of her body, my touch sends a shockwave of electricity between us. 

Venneca looks at me with surprise, but confusion also not knowing what i am about to do to her

She tries to step back, but I pull her closer, my hand slipping under the blanket to grasp her hip, my fingers digging into her skin as I lean in, our faces inches apart.

My lips crash onto hers, possessive and unyielding, my other hand moving to tangle into her silk hair as I claim her mouth in a passionate kiss. 

The taste of her, the warmth and wetness... it only fuels my desire, my hunger for her.

I grind my hardening cock against her thigh as I put her on my lap again, a low growl rumbling in my chest as I break the kiss, panting heavily. 

"I want you," I rasp, my eyes burning with primal need. 

