
That's What I Thought (R-18)

After filling his mother up to the brim with his vigorous seeds, the immortal-like young man, as well as his mother, the black-haired motherly beauty lying prone on top of him, just continues to lie there motionlessly, her arms wrapped around her ever dearest son's neck, while his arms are circling around his drop dead gorgeous, treasured mother's willow waist, feeling her body still shivering from the afterglow of the greatest climax she ever had until now.


With her bountiful chest heaving heavily from the intense session they just had, the black-haired motherly beauty just laid there on top of her beloved son's muscular, hot body, her ears on his chest and listening to his heart beat, thinking that his vigorously beating heart must be one of the greatest things she had ever heard in her entire life.


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