
The Dominators

Wally was seated casually, ignoring HR's antics as he went on about opening STAR Labs to the public. Every now and then, Wally glanced up, his impatience barely concealed as he eagerly awaited the aliens' arrival.

Suddenly, HR was interrupted. "Was that the satellite?" Cisco quickly cut him off, drawing everyone's attention to the monitor, which displayed an object entering the atmosphere.

"Is that a meteor?" Wally asked, feigning curiosity.

"Yes, it is a meteor, and yes, it's heading for downtown," Cisco confirmed, relaying the information to the team. Hearing the calculated destination, Barry immediately took off.

"Yes, it's happening," Wally thought, almost grinning from ear to ear as he moved behind the array of monitors.

"Barry, what do you see?" he asked, noticing the connection starting to fade, likely due to Barry closing in on the ship and its interference field.

"Guys, this isn't a meteor..."

"Barry, what do you see? Barry! Bar—"

The signal was abruptly cut off, leaving Barry to his own devices. Curious, Barry extended his hand toward the ship, but before he could get closer, he noticed an expanding burst of energy. Reacting quickly, he sprinted back a few meters, narrowly avoiding the blast radius.

A door on the ship suddenly opened, revealing monstrous figures towering over two meters in height. Barry tensed, ready to take action as the Dominators stepped out. They roared ferociously at him before sprinting off into the distance at remarkable speeds.



A few hours had passed since the ship crashed, but during that time, ARGUS and several other agencies had arrived at the scene, cordoning it off and restricting public access.

The entire Team Flash was now gathered in the Cortex, waiting for Lyla to brief them on any intelligence she might have on the aliens.

"Aliens? The alien aliens, or little green men aliens?" Cisco asked, his usual humor attempting to lighten the tension.

"A little bit of both, actually," Barry replied with a heavy sigh.

Lyla, having gathered enough information, spoke up, commanding everyone's attention. "Since we learned of them in the '50s, we've been calling them the Dominators."

As the conversation continued, Wally filtered out the irrelevant details, focusing only on the useful information.

"In 1951, they appeared under similar circumstances—a ship crash-landed, there was little to no communication, and we learned they were abducting humans, gathering intel on us. They attacked, and hundreds of soldiers lost their lives. Then, for some inexplicable reason, they left."

"Do you know what they want?" Caitlin asked, her voice tinged with fearful curiosity.

"They've ignored all forms of contact, but we do know, like before, the ship contains reconnaissance teams sent to gather intel on us," Lyla responded, her tone serious as she paced, the tension in the air thickening.

"We need to do something about this," Wally interrupted, earning side glances from Iris.

Lyla, reluctant to involve the team, quickly dismissed the idea. "We are. Nearly every member state of the UN is in talks for a coordinated response. Action is being taken, so wait."

"Wait? You want us to sit this one out?" Iris asked, her voice quiet but filled with frustration.

Barry finally spoke up. "These things are like World War Z zombies. If they decide to attack, no military can stop them."

"Neither can you, not by yourself anyway. So let us handle this for now, okay?" Lyla said before walking out of the room.

Wally seized the opportunity to approach Barry. "I know what she said, but we can't just sit and wait. We have to do something."

"We will," Barry responded.

"Barry, you heard Lyla. You can't do this alone," Iris interjected, but Barry just smiled.

"I don't plan to. We'll get Oliver and his team, the Legends, and everyone who can help. I'm going to Star City first," Barry replied, preparing to dash off when Wally quickly interrupted him.

"Let me come with you," Wally requested, causing the room's atmosphere to immediately drop to sub-zero.

"I know you want to help, Wally, but you need to sit this one out," Barry retorted, though Wally was far from relenting.

"No, I'm not going to sit it out. Barry, this power that I have now... I'm meant to do something with it. Whether you agree or not, I will find my own way to help," Wally asserted, his determination clear, making Barry hesitate. But before Barry could respond, Iris cut in.

"Wally, you are not ready. You staying here is for your own good. Everyone doing this has experience. They don't just wake up one day and start going after bad guys or solving disasters just because they can—even if they have powers."

"Okay, just stop. Look, Sis, I know you're worried about my safety, but I'm more than old enough to make my own decisions. I don't need you to worry about my safety," Wally countered, his tone firm as he looked Iris in the eyes.

"Wally, you are not ready. You don't even have a suit, which would put your identity at risk..."

Before Iris could finish her statement, he suddenly dashed off, making the team think he had relented. But he suddenly reappeared in the Cortex, donned in his suit.

The first person to react was Cisco, who was stunned by the sudden appearance of Wally's suit. "No way, dude. Don't tell me you made that yourself," Cisco said, walking up to Wally with exhilaration in his eyes.

"I actually did," Wally replied with a smile. Iris, on the other hand, sighed, searching for something to say, also glancing around the room in hopes of gaining Barry's judgment on her side.

"Wow, you need to teach me how to make that," Cisco said with a geeky smile while inspecting Wally's suit with glowing eyes. Between the inspection, Cisco occasionally glanced at Barry's suit, which looked lackluster in comparison to Wally's.

"Okay, Wally, if you plan on helping, you have to catch up first," Barry said with a slight smile. Iris was internally joyful with Barry's method of rejecting Wally.

Since his top speed indicated he was approaching Mach 3 and with Barry's speed topped at Mach 7.9, she knew Wally wouldn't stand a chance—at least, that was what she thought.

"Here are some comms," Cisco handed Wally some speed trackers and telemetry, taking a final look at his suit before retreating behind the monitor.

"Ready?" Barry asked, leaving the room in rising tension.

"Ready," Wally replied, his body sparkling with light blue lightning, something that could be achieved by releasing excess Speed Force energy outwardly, similar to what Zoom and Godspeed occasionally did.

In this state, it was harder for a speedster to get caught off guard, which was why speedster villains, especially Zoom, used it excessively.

"Go!" The moment Barry took off, Wally followed, leaving behind a trail of contrasting energy.

Barry dashed around the city, hoping to make it hard for Wally to catch up, but to his surprise, Wally had more control over his speed, showcasing intelligence in when to decelerate and accelerate.

Changing plans, Barry began jumping from skyscraper to skyscraper, from building to building, leaving dust in their wake. However, no matter how hard he tried, Wally was always close by.

In STAR Labs, Team Flash was surprised—surprised at how Wally was catching up to Barry with lesser experience.

Barry, recognizing he couldn't lose Wally with cheeky maneuvers, decided to use his full speed to directly outrun Wally as he began heading toward Star City.

Soon, he began approaching Mach 4, yet Wally still maintained an equal distance. He accelerated further, approaching Mach 5, yet the distance remained the same, leaving him perplexed.

"Barry is approaching Mach 6, yet Wally is still catching up. How is that possible?" Caitlin inquired with a furrowed brow.

Cisco, similarly perplexed and unable to procure an answer, suddenly got an idea of what Wally was doing. "Wait, Wally, he's feeding off the energy Barry's creating to supercharge his own speed, thereby equaling Barry's output and Wally's intake into equal speed. Speed siphon!" Cisco blurted with an ecstatic smile as he realized what Wally was doing.

"At this rate, Barry won't lose him," Cisco muttered, glancing at the monitor.

"Not if Barry begins phasing through buildings," Caitlin responded, which left Cisco unable to reply.

Barry did exactly as Caitlin had said, directly heading toward an arrangement of several buildings, Star City appearing on the horizon.

He proceeded to directly phase through a building, a smirk grew on his face before taking a right turn away from the Queen household.

"So that's it," Wally thought, glancing at the familiar building. Sighting this, he didn't bother chasing Barry, stopping in his tracks just after phasing through the building, but Barry was long gone. However he didn't care since he already arrived at Felicity's place, where he knew Barry would be coming

Ignoring the race he had lost he proceeded into the apartment building searching through each and every floor before finding the right apartment.

Barry, who glanced backward, could not find Wally anywhere. Instinctively, he thought he had lost him, and a smile followed.

Wally, now seated in the Felicity's apartment, was now at gunpoint as Thea took out an emergency bow equipped with an arrow. "Who are you, and what do you want here?" She asked with daggers in her eyes.

Just then, Barry arrived with Oliver and Diggle in tow, still donned in their hero suits, which bore visible dents. Diggle, on the other hand, flung himself toward the balcony, puking out his insides.

"Hey, Barry, what took you so long?" Wally asked with a cheeky smile that made Barry furrow his brow and close his eyes in frustration. The person he thought he had lost had already arrived ahead of him.

"Diggle, I'm so sorry," Barry apologized, ignoring Wally. Thea, noticing Barry's familiarity with Wally, lowered her bow, though she kept her gaze locked on him.

"What is it you want, Barry? And who the hell is this?" Oliver asked, glaring at Wally with blazing eyes akin to Thea's. Wally smiled lightly before taking off his mask.

"Hi, I'm Wally West. It's nice to meet you, Oliver Queen."




"Wait, so you're Iris's brother?" Felicity asked, surprised at how Wally had gained powers. "How did you gain your powers?"

"It's a long story," Wally replied, and just then, his clone finally arrived with six coffees. Barry, noticing the clone, was left gaping, his brows furrowed in confusion.

"Snap!" Wally clicked his fingers, and the clone disappeared, leaving the coffee in his hands. Seeing Barry's surprise, Wally couldn't help but grin with a sense of achievement. He never needed the coffee; he just wanted to show off, to gain some form of recognition.

"Does anyone want coffee?" he asked, but no one replied. "It seems I overdid it," he thought as he received awkward glares.

(A/N): Hey readers, I have been thinking on Wally's superhero name. Some of the options you guys have listed are good but not unique enough. At first I decided to select Velocity but it just had too many Syllables. So I decided to go with.





Vote to decide!!

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