
Chapter 100: Very sharp observation!

After the class ended, Kylian accompanied Stephan as they headed out together without disrupting Zenith's peaceful nap. While walking outside the door, Kylian kept sneaking glances at Zenith behind, as he somehow felt awkward leaving him asleep alone. 

But strangely he saw all the students around that desk were also cautiously leaving their seats, making sure they wouldn't mistakenly wake him up. Their actions made Kylian unconsciously smirk when he realized the domineering fear Zenith had harbored in all the students' minds about him. 

While he was leaving with Stephan, Aiden saw them with a cold cryptic glance walking out of the door, especially his eyes were fixated on Kylian. 

On the other hand, watching Kylian a little uneasy as he kept glancing behind at Zenith while they left the classroom, grimacing coldly, Stephan urged him, "Kyle, be honest with me, is there something going on between you and Zenith?" 

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