
Anger after the tears

"Why is this so important to you? It doesn't matter." Andrew insisted, but no one was buying it. Even the guards who had been at the gym with him didn't buy it. Anyone who saw him collapse the way that he had knew it was a big deal. He'd crumpled like a deck of cards. If they hadn't been watching him like hawks he could have been crushed. No one did that because of something that was 'no big deal'. 

"Andrew, why can't you say it? Are you afraid? Just say it. You know it's true." Michael was a bull in a china shop. He was not going to stop. Michael's gaze bore a hole into Andrew's face and Andrew felt his throat close up on him. Andrew felt an overwhelming feeling filling his body. He was pale, and shaking. Maxwell wasn't letting go of his hand, even though he wanted him to. He didn't want to be touched. It felt like too much. 

"N-No. I don't-"

"Say it, Andrew." Michael wasn't going to let up until he broke. 

"No. I am not-"

"Say it."

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